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Why are they like this?
Because fun and epic. You wouldn't understand.
it really do be like this
It's a societal thing.
they are not like this, the game that picture is from opens up with a planned kidnapping of a political VIP and Necron isn't god
It gives the player the feeling of growing stronger throughtout the events of the game
Escalation of stakes is fundamental to any story. You can’t beat a god at the start and expect a group of normal bandits to be enough of a threat for a satisfying finale
That kitty turns out to be GOD
Not a single final fantasy game starts with such low stakes
What games do you play where there's no escalation of stakes & enemies you face?
12 has you running errands and finding ingredients for supper.
Actually, before the big Princess kidnapping happens, you play as Vivi walking around town to play a TCG, do a bit of jump rope, and help a kid find a lost cat.
8 starts with you going to class to read walls of text as final prep for an exam.
Which JRPGs actually have you kill God at the end? Not "a god" like Lunar 2 or a godlike being like FF7, but their worlds actual, capital G God. The only ones that comes to mind are Lightning Returns and maybe Xenoblade 1.
15 starts with you pushing a broken down car to a garage for repairs
The exam itself being defeating & taming a Fire deity
In FF9's case it's
>steal a god damn princess of a foreign nation in a middle of the performance and fly away while the entire Alexandrian navy is trying to shoot you down
Defeating an embodiment of Death is a logical part of the course
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it represents an outsider or low status person breaking the status quoue, which sells to japanese people. Also, the objective of kill "God" or at least trying to speaks to our desire to test and overcome fate, which is an inherently masculine and based theme.

actual God would be able to nuke all of existence if he needed to. we're pretty much just fighting the equivalent of lesser demons in most games

also uhhhhh check out /an/. lol
>Chapter 1: Kill God
>Final chapter: lost kitty
Why don't they ever get this simple formula right?
FFX I think but I couldn't tell what that little ghost thing was exactly
Gravity Rush 1 & 2 kind of does this
It is never THE God that the JRPG heroes kill.

Its always someone evil who wants to obtain power to do evil stuff.
And when it is the creator, the game shows How and Why they became evil.

The party in JRPG games never just goes around telling people faith by itself is wrong.
9 was the one with the "literally out of nowhere" final boss.
Pokemon has you catch and control their god
Most FF games don't start off like that, they usually start off with something big so get fucked poser. The only one that starts off relatively mundane is FFXV where you're pushing your broken car and have to get it fixed, and that's 1 out of 16 games.
YHVH in SMT I guess
Breath of Fire 3
I guess Kefka is, or is about to become a god in FF6 before you bonk him
15 has you pushing a car while your dad is being assassinated.
This sounds like one of those "i retired from adventuring with a big titty girl and we live in the frontier village now" stories
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FNAF World, in a sense
it's kino
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>Chapter 1: kill a lost kitty
>Final chapter: find god
>they are not like this, the game that picture is from opens up with a planned kidnapping of a political VIP and Necron isn't god
Garnet is a lost kitten, metaphorically.
zoomers watch shit like this >>683804567 and then post shit like this >>683804451 >>683805019 expecting (You)'d
Pretty sure it was just a really powerful wizard that got turned into that
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>I'm an scrawny high school student but my number says I'm level 50 so I can kill all these random bullshit collages with names from the Old Testament! Sloppina-chan let's for a date afterwards!!

Stop playing eastslop.
FFIV with the kino change of heart narrative
12 starts off with you playing as Reks in a big ass battle

with said exam being fighting a fire demon
YHVH is evil and states to be evil
holy kino
12 starts with the suicide mission where you die in the end
Likewise with the BoF3 deity, but she basically shapes the world around her
Fair enough, I forgot about that.
hourly christcuck butthurt thread
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Arceus is not required to beat the game.
Just stopping galactic from using one of the several gods for their evil goals and in canon both palkia and dialga shit on syrus.
>"i retired from adventuring with a big titty girl and we live in the frontier village now" stories
unironically kino
For some reason, Chrono Cross is the first thing that comes to mind.
irony that fat fuck looks like tim cain
I would genuinely play something like this as a JRPG
Maybe give it some sim elements
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YIIK a post modern RPG
14 has you do errands for an innkeeper
The difference is you start killing gods at level 20 or something
holy shit that would be kino
Eastsloppers can't meme.
an exam to be an international mercenary
while acquiring some hot GFs
>Level 1, kill rats or slimes
>Level 10 fight bandits
>Level 30, fight trained soldiers and monsters
>Level 60, fight colossal monsters
>Level 99, fight gods
It's just the logical progression of "ok, now we have to find something even stronger for the players to fight"
Xiv has the player learning to use public transport, checking out his new school and being taught not to be scammed at the markets.
>Chapter 1: kill slime
>Final Chapter: kill slightly bigger blue slime
I will now play your game
6: Finally face Kefka
7: Stop Sephiroth
8:Fight Ultemecia who had been controlling Edea
10: Stop Braska's final aeon and yu yevon inside Sin

9: Necron "hey how it's going? I know you've probably never heard of me before and you're all probably wondering who the fuck I am, but uh, I'm your final boss, so lets fight"
This is what we need more of. This is realistic progress.
expecting you'd what, nigger?

form a complete sentence, ESL tard
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What's wrong with plot and threat scalation?
If this is some kind of ploy to make me take Yahtzee's commentary even less seriously, you're doing a good job.
>Maybe give it some sim elements
How about a reccetear-like with JRPG/dungeon crawler combat
Be the equivalent of Boltac from Wizardry, running the town with your big titty wife getting idiots to delve the dungeons for you bringing you up loot
I'd play the shit out of that
The west fears progress.
The scene of you planning to kidnapping comes before the vivi section
What would you preffer? For the Final Boss of your 50+ hour quest to be a Bandit Leader or Orc Commander?
motorball was a mistake.
>Bandit Leader
Idk, i think it can be kino.
If you build him as a rival character you want to defeat, it could be done. Would be refreshing to have a final boss that its just a very powerful dude.
Although in saying that I've no idea how the original 1.0 version of XIV opened.
It was a kino arc
Why do people who don't play JRPGs love discussing the made up version of JRPGs in their mind so much?
it works for the yakuza games, why couldn't it work in a jrpg
>Final boss is protecting the man who guided you along the way from getting himself killed by a bad guys lackys.
they aren't, this almost never happens actually, go play some games
Because progression of a character's strength is cool unlike.
>1st Boss: Human Bad Guy
>Final Boss: Human Bad Guy
Astlibra has the most extreme version of this I'm aware of and I loved every second.
Because they are devoted to s*tan.
No joke.
Maybe because yakuza is based on reality and doesn't have time/reality bending powers? Are Yakuza fans really this braindead?
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>MC kills several gods, fights futuristic mechas on foot with such ferocity the military shits itself, fucks several girls, goes back in time, does it all over again with a happier ending and ends the game with a ridiculous TTGL esque fight
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I think it's a crutch of japanese storytelling, raising the stakes and scale higher and higher

Sometimes it feels planned, like Evangelion and Shin Megami Tensei

Other times it feels straight out of the ass of the hacks japanese writers, some modern examples would be Darling in the franx, brand new animal. I think is less common in videogames now

Pic unrelated (or is it)
Reminder that if you think after 20+ years necron was an asspull you are STILL filtered from understanding this game's story
Shin Megami Tensei?
Look, I believe in God, capital G, but have to say: SMT gets really close, if not there, at the "kill god or God" thing.
But, aside SMT I and of the spin-offs, Devil Survivor 1 and 2, few start at low stakes.
Sure DeSu throws you at a survival quest quite fast, but at first the idea is not to kill whatever is forcing that situation upon you, but to just survive or GTFO.
you kind of missed my point
you could have a jrpg in a low-fantasy setting and it would be totally reasonable for all the villains to be regular dudes who just keep getting stronger and stronger without having to have the final boss be some sort of god or godlike entity.
You literally kill Yaweh several times throughout SMT, that's killing the Abrahamic god
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>Chapter 1: Attend Birthday Party
>Final Chapter: Destroy Ultimate Evil
Halo almost has the opposite problem where you start out fighting enemies that you basically fight for the entire game. It never really ramps up tension.

Even Halo 3 has the main villain get killed in a cutscene by another guy entirely.
Not really. Hades was supposed to be the final boss but Kuja should still be the final boss instead of Necron/Hades.
like pkmn?
yukiko sex arse
>Other times it feels straight out of the ass of the hacks japanese writers
FFXVI jumps to mind. It was a decent not-Game of thrones, then god yeets out of nowhere halfway through the game.
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every entity in jrpgs is highschool teenager
What's satanic about portraying mortal men who attempt to raise themselves to godhood and usurp control of the world as villains?
Do you think that Sephiroth is the real God?
only secondaries think this is a thing and they're usually niggers
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EBF5 kinda
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they're animists, so gods exist on a continuum with pets and flowers and views and shit.
But they point out that's just a deformation of the Great Will or Axion, which is the True God.
You killing "Yaweh" is akin to killing an imposter or a pretender.
The argument is more like "weaponized faith creates an oppressor", and "for weaponized faith to exist, we need to force the humans down a certain path". The Chaos are old gods, that if they could, would be at the same position as "Yaweh", as much as they say otherwise (see SMT IV and DeSu 1 endings, where they still need a leader, a king).

SMT, like many, many JRPGs, is profoundly gnostic. So you're never really fighting the True God, but just the demiurge (even though the demiurge itself appears in SMT).
You'd have to be a retard to not understand this.

Necron is clearly meant to represent death, you know the thing the entire fucking game is about?
Right before you fight him, Kuja hits everyone with Ultima presumably almost killing them all.

The fight with Necron is a metaphor for the cast fighting to stay alive long enough for Kuja to have an epiphany, seeing people fighting just like him to desperately stay alive. Exactly what he just did when he learned he wasn't immortal after all.

That's why Necron says you'll meet again, you're gonna die eventually and nobody will be able to stop it one day.

The crystal being destroyed yet life continuing also ties into the theme of it not mattering where you actually come from, all that matters is what you do.

The OG final boss was originally going to be Hades too.
yes, great example
even when the stakes escalate to saving the world you're still just catching mon and battling trainers just like you did at the beginning of the game
Because it's an asspull. Scripted Loss Fantasy IX screwed up and made Trance Kujo a fucking scripted loss, so by the plot he won. The main cast lost in an unrecoverable way. How do we fix this... UUUUUHHHHHH... NECRON OUTTA NOWHERE
>Chapter 1: kill god
>Final Chapter: Find lost kitty
Name 1 (ONE) game
that "yaweh" is evil
>chapter 1: kill lost kitty
>FINAL CHAPTER: find god
surely there's one game out there like this
Kefka is literally a successful Luciferan figure, becoming lord of the material world and it's forces, yet still only seeking vengeance against it. Sephiroth and Kuja both follow a similar pattern of transforming into proverbial fallen angels
>CHAPTER 1: find lost kitty
>FINAL CHAPTER: that kitty was an elder god you have doomed us all
that sounds like a setup for a RPG Maker NTR game
Basically OoT
>Go find these stones
>You fool, those stones allowed the big bad to take over, now go and fix the mess you made.
>from /an/
>a picture of a dog
>have a cookie
I wonder if the guy who spammed those threads a decade ago is still here
>Humans assign an answer to a phenomena
>Said answer becomes bound by the laws of fallibility due to existing
When something is conceived, an idea, a notion, it becomes a fallible one. Assigning form allows something to exist, but at the same time places it within certain parameters that cannot exceed them due to the observers in question, so by manipulating observation, you can exist beyond those parameters. Hence why YHVH formed the covenant he did, a form of self-preservation gone mad. Regardless of what deity does it, they would have fallen down the same road as ol Record Scratch.
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To be anti-JRPG is to be anti-Christian. The so-called "gods" you kill are always imposters and usurpers trying to steal the glory of the one true God.
I don't understand this obsession with "x obvious villain must be the last boss" like >>683806219 like you people can't understand anything outside of "evil guy assumes the super form and fights the party" Necron is the personification of the world-death triggered by Kuja's destruction of the Crystal. The Crystal is the source of all collective human conscious and experience, it is the first memory from which all human history expands on. The game makes this abundantly clear. Kuja who becomes mad when he realizes his mortality. He refuses to let the world go on without him. Trance Kuja himself isn't powerful enough to destroy the world - He invokes Necron through the Crystal which heralds humanity's destruction. There are many different abstract interpretations of what the instant simultaneous deletion of the entire human consciousness would be like. The battle against Necron (who's name literally means The Death) begins in a purgatory, the crystal has been destroyed and the implication is the party too has been killed by Kuja's ultima. The benched party offers their souls to the active party as they levitate to meet Necron. - the party here gives the final stand against a personification of the total world death triggered by Kuja. - Why do people feel the need to have a large exposition dump about this. Necron is basically a theological entity that no one would ever know about or have met. The final battle is a near death experience where you would once and only meet such an entity. This is just a far far more complex story than "Kefka gains the superpower and destroys the world" "sephiroth gains the superpower and destroys the world" - there's nothing to it to unpack about Kefka or Sephiroth that you haven't learned 20 hours before this
Make a game where the inverse happens, you kill a god of evil at the start and turn the world into a utopia, only to grow mad with boredom because all that's left to fix is minor, petty shit like finding a lost cat
>First Chapter: Call to Adventure
>Final Chapter: Return having changed
do they do the supper dance from star ocean 4?
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>Play SMTVen
>This doesnt apply

Once again there are more JRPGs out there then Persona fag. just because newage Persona fans are insufferable doesnt mean every jrpg series is the same.
>First chapter: call to adventure
>Final chapter: sacrifice yourself to save your family, don't return at all
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>lost kitty is actually the sealed final boss
>first chapter: someone humming
>final chapter: someone humming (now you know what that song means)
kino. Is this from something or just some proverb or something?
if you’re doing an actual God God that’s impossible since classical theism defines God as the living force of existence itself. it’s like saying you can kill reality, or kill the mind you are a figment of. God just means whatever dramatic infantile bullshit the mentally stunted modern population thinks it’s self actualising by overcoming. god is always a stand in for their parents or boss or whatever
the fake gods are a metaphor for the various faux-Christian cults that have plagued Japan since post-WW2 reconstruction
eh it just seems like typical enlightenment cuckery to me. most of them are literal slaves to their jobs and expected to sleep in the office during crunch etc, no time for families or kids, but they believe the state telling them to sublimate that anger against some western deity they don’t believe in instead of the actual conditions oppressing them. it’s the same shit going on here. tell people they’re becoming their “true selves” by consuming the sensory, hedonistic slop you sell them while they waste their life away, and get them to blame a declining religion for their increasing problems. atheists are goycattle anywhere they are
The lost kitty should be the god you have to kill at the end.
The Japanese aren't atheist, they just don't worship your Jewish god, Israelite.
>Chapter 1: Find God.
>Final Chapter: Slay pussy.
I am anti-christian for the globohomo religion that has been screwing with humanity since the days of Rome.
But not anti-christian for the people to do whatever they want.
I am not a leftist faggot btw. I want humanity to be free and reclaim the legacy that awaits them in the stars.
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not final Fantasy but I distinctly remember Kingdom hearts 2 starts with you and your buddies on a quest to scrounge up enough money from doing chores to buy some ice cream. by the end of the game you are diving off sky scrapers and slicing through entire buildings trying to stop the super illuminati with lightsabers.
Hell your initial title in 14 before any of the 'Warrior of Light' stuff kicks in is 'Eikon Slayer' aka god-killer. Your whole claim to fame is being the guy going around and putting down the furry races' gods.
>Calls you a pussy faggot for not playing hard mode
Have a soft spot for that game. Kinda neat all the 4th wall meta elements.
That's final fantasy 9 in OP's pic

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>capital G god
I always hate that idea because if it TRULY WAS an all powerful entity then no amount of blunt force trauma or induced local chemical reactions should be able to stop it.
"fighting" god should always be more about "bargaining" with god or convincing him to do something else. Most likely appealing to his ego then explaining the fault in his methods right before he decides to revoke your existence for getting uppity with him

>I want to destroy all of humanity because they do not worship me and destroy the haven I have made
>In its place I will make a NEW PERFECT species that will not have "free will"
>uh.... why dont you just go across the universe and do your little science project over there? that way you dont have to go through all this drama and resistance?
>....I SHALL

the idea that a spiky haired twink who swings metal real good and a girl who tosses fire could usurp the divine being of creation and cosmogenesis is fucking retarded.
wtf the japs are attacking me personally
>Would be refreshing to have a final boss that its just a very powerful dude

well boy do I have a game series for you
Yu Yevon is an ancient Summoner from Zanarkand who couldn't cope with it being destroyed by Bevelle in the machina war, so the other survivors do a mass-suicide to create the giant Fayth on top of Mount Gagazet. The plan was for this Fayth to summon an eternal dream Zanarkand far from land, and a super-powered Aeon to protect it (Sin,) with Yu Yevon being the Summoner and pilot for it. However, the power of it is too much for him to handle, and he goes insane, turning Sin into a killing machine that flies around Spira and nukes anyone and anything using machina to take out Yevon's deep-seeted grudge. His daughter (Yunalesca) resorts to the Final Aeon ritual with her husband to try and put Yu Yevon down, but after killing him, he manages to hijack her husband's aeon (becoming a sort of spiritual parasite) and kills her, then forms him slowly over time into the new Sin. Yunalesca becomes a Fiend, and her own unresolved grudges and loathing for the living drive her insane too, and she marches on Bevelle where she forces their leadership to found a suicide cult dedicated to worshiping her father, infinitely repeating the events of her own failure against her father (including the Final Aeon,) and the suppression of machina to reduce her father's rampages. They're also inspired by her condition to embrace fiend-hood as a form of immortality, which is why large parts of their leadership end up being Fiends.

Anyway nobody involved in this situation is a god, it's all the spirits/regrets (the game never makes it clear if humans actually have souls or if Pyreflies just ape imprinted memories and nothing more) of dead humans being driven insane and turning into monsters.
It's this simple. If you were able to kill it, then it wasn't a real god, and therefore it's good that you destroyed the false idol.
>western RPG from like 30 years ago
>modern WRPG is about the most ugly characters you've ever seen in your fucking life having disgusting sex and talking about gross shit
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>The kitten is you
>The person who you thought you were is the final boss, who was your owner
>Your entire journey was to travel to the edge of existence to end their eternal sufferring, as a final act of loyalty
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I mean it wouldnt even be a fight. whatever "it" is would just roll its eyes and break you apart down to the tiniest molecules or atoms the minute you stood up to him. he MAKES things which means he can damn well UNMAKE things just as easily. you wouldnt stand a chance. there would be utterly no recourse than to humble yourself.
necron was supposed to be the personification of death, originally it was going to be hades as the final boss which would also fit.

the whole theme of ff9 is death,mourning and acceptance.
One that is actually fun to play.
if you search up the text of the post in the pic you'll learn that the OP is a troon btw
>why does the climax of the story have higher stakes than the introduction?
You might just be retarded, anon.
Humor is when you take something unexpected and then it DOESN'T happen the way it should!
What does you coming to 4chan after 2016 have to do with video games?
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maybe a Pokemon game here or there then I guess
>Mitsuda and Kato
Alright, you've done your job, shill-kun, i'll play it.
fucking kek
yeah nah most "kill god" settings follow a more traditional method of god destruction in line with the greek pantheon and the repeated implication even in judeo-christian mythologies that god is not almighty but he's well-protected enough and still a higher being so that to humans he may as well be, and his greatest fear is usurpation by his creations
How could you even "fight" god. If this god created everything, it could erase your existence at a whim.
gods don't bleed, simple as
Human spirit bitch

Without us to see the universe, the universe has no meaning
jrpgs are tranime and therefore pedophilecore
>we're pretty much just fighting the equivalent of lesser demons in most games
Hey bro your god doesn't exist in 99% of JRPG settings.
If it's a 90 hour game on 4 disks it better be having a god fight in the end. Otherwise it's a waste of time.
He exists, the characters just don't know it yet.
This is a new level of retarded fundie.
Because they are fighting myth-esque deities. Or well, Shintl considering its japan. Most of the times, these gods are able to be killed like Zeus killed the Titans, Izanami died and went to Yomi, nordic gods dying in ragnarok, etc.
They don't take from abrahamic tradition and theology where God is beyond human understanding.
The concept of the christian God, omnipotent and omnipresent, does not apply for every religion or culture in the world, it was also a concept introduced much later to lots of them, especially in japan a Kami isn't really a god, it's more like it's own thing, I think the only time a fight against that kind of god happens is in the true end DLC for Asura's wrath and in some chinese Wuxia novels. The christian God is also a fucking mary-sue with horrible writing anyway

also this >>683816198
nonwhites hate god because they werent born white
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don't know why the thread still going when fpbp.
It's interesting that Christianity's idea with an omnipotent and omnipresent god also arrives at about the same time the Catholic church and organized Christianity did.
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Owned >>683805442
Owned >>683804972
Owned >>683805227
Owned >>683813867
L ff slanderers kys
japanese gods aren't really the same conceptually as the christians think of god
for all we know, the Big Bang, itself, was God

meanwhile Japanese gods will wear one god over his cock like a condom and then fuck two rocks with it and now I have to hear about orihime and hikoboshi IN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING VISUAL NOVEL EVER FUCKING MADE AAAAAAA
It never actually happens because the ideas behind a capital G-God is incomprehensible to the Japanese who gods can actually be killed and actually do needed faith in their own mythology.
Whatcha seething about, broski? All these posts (especially the one with the "(You)") are fucking hilarious


>Classic WRPGs
Chapter 1: create your character and embark on a grand journey
Final Chapter: kill this eldrich horror/dragon/evil villain and save the country

Modern WRPGs
Chapter 1: Watch the 'black bad ass girlboss' character save your ass from the big bad and have to watch her always constantly one up you
Final chapter: have gay butt sex with your same sex party member (you can't say no)

What happened to WRPGs?
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You said it brother

Fuck the gods
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JRPGs where the brown and piss shooters of the 5th gen. shitty glorified Excel sheets that hardly qualify as games.
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>while your dad is being assassinated.
in a CGI movie that is a separate purchase from the game
Its easier to attack a strawman to exalt your favorite genre (in this case, WRPG [probably]) than to actually point flaws. We've had this song and dance, anf we'll have it until the end of time.
I will gladly fuck saori.
oh no they worship an indian called buddha, my bad
you’re anti christian because you’re a low IQ retard desperately trying to be unique by attacking the thing everyone tells you to.
>dude i’d heckin debate an infinite intellect and totally win
middle aged millennial detected, go to bed gramps
X starts with having you playing a sports game with your gay early 2000s bros
atheists are the most passive emaciated people in existence. it’s fucking hilarious how ugly and shit the secular world is and now you’re trying to pilfer the works and spirit of religious ages on history. romans built to glorify the gods, so did the medievals with all their beautiful cathedrals.
The god its always a demiurge at best, the absolute was never fought
Bow down to your superiors while we stand strong with the human spirit
I haven't beaten FFXVI but Ultima feels kidna tacked on
IV is actually in top 3 FF's. Keep that under your hat.
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>infinite Intellect
the very Abrahamic infinite power/intellect god most people in the west worship is shown to be fickle and of fluctuating opinions.
as in, he will decide one thing in one moment then change his mind in another or regret it even at multiple points in the story. he will request people do one thing and then when he see's that they not do it will cause other things to happen to... "coerce" them into following his instructions showing that he adapts his strategies on the fly. he also at times seemed to ask very obvious "no duh" questions he should or would already know the answers to.
>uhh...why are you both wearing clothes?"
>goddammit Kain why is your brother not moving? "
>my intel tells me that this city is full of neer-do-wells and possibly even Makarov. I want you to accompany two of my best men to this city and check it out?"
>"fuck that whole drown the world women and babies included shit was pretty hardcore huh? gotta make a note to self not to do that again yeesh"
>"yeah I guess those rules are TOO specific. here I'll come up with something a bit easier to follow we'll call it...the NEW testament"

so if he is capable of having his mind opinion changed I'd say theres a fair chance that a incredibly savvy and charismatic fellow could give him "a pitch for the angels". a truly infinitely intelligent entity would probably be unfathomable to us in how he acted with alien morals. our Biblical "God" who has the whole infinity power thing is basically just another guy who makes mistakes, is powered by his ego and underneath all his might is just another guy (because you write what you know) .
I love how in SMT5 Lucifer goes "God? Yeah, I dethroned his ass and the throne sits empty"
Western games do this too, albeit rarely. As an example, BG3
>act 1: get rid of brain worm
>act 3: kill god
ok jew/muzzie
>ok what number does his hp bar show
>ok I do a
999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 damage crit
being infinite means you have to actually count a big number and not just say 'its infinite' because everything is thusly infinite.
>getting rid of it

lol. you can fully embrace it. the brain worm doesnt actually die UNTIL you "kill god"(the netherbrain).

the Netherbrain explains the entire reason it didnt turn you was because it was all part of its plan and only the Artefact was helping to hold it off due to Orpheus power.
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>Also, the objective of kill "God" or at least trying to speaks to our desire to test and overcome fate, which is an inherently masculine and based theme
Bothng Greco Romans and Christians believed that was hubris and doomed to failure. It's not a classically Western theme.
those worship the Christian God too
what fourth world meme religion do you belong to where you can kill your god with a knife
Chapter 1 was kidnap princess with a play airship though.
Isn't the God in BG3 just a big floating brain?
??? He died from a spear jackass
It's called a Demiurge.
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Atheists (Asia) build shit like this. The current Western problem is more specific.
>christian 'god' is a jew
thats retarded
>but hes infinite you wouldnt understand him
then whyd he in his infinite wisdom choose jews if they were who they were? And not Romans
Meanwhile Japan with 0 Jewish relations is morally economically socially and culturally superior
sorry but I don't give a fuck about any of that. The point of an rpg, to me, is the interpersonal relationship between the party and the antagonists. Some existential world threatening crisis can suck my dick, that's not really what the party signed up for. It's the same shit that made tales of vesperia's ending retarded: the game and the story ends 2/3 of the way through, and then SUDDENLY A NEW CRISIS EMERGES LOL.

Kitties need finding and gods need killing.
>>people only talk about TW3 and BG3 because of waifus
Japan won.
Pretty sure Alita is an example of that going wrong.
>>Final Chapter: Destroy Ultimate Evil
Thay actually happens at the beginning of the sixth book.
Sin is insanely powerful, but neither Sin nor Yu Yevon created humanity or the planet. so I wouldn't call either of them God.
From what I remember, MGQ gets pretty close.
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it also doesn't make sense because God KNOWS what will fail and what will succeed with unerring accuracy. He emotionally punishes his creations for something that he foresaw an infinite amount of time ago. Imagine if you knew a guy who knew his son loved cookies... and then the guy put the cookie in front of the kid, with 100% certainty that the kid would fall to the temptation.. and then flying into a rage when said kid fails, beating the shit out of him for ""erring.."" Except the son analogy doesn't work because humans are NOTHING like god with regard to our ability to comprehend everything. It's more like a programmer writing software, knowing 100% how the electricity will flow, what switches will fire, etc.. and then when the outcome he KNOWS will happen, happens, he emotionally destroys the planet.

If God was a human he would be the BIGGEST FAGGOT KNOW TO MAN. with all his power this is what he does??? I mean I'm grateful for massive knockers on asian women but cmon God...
>kill God
actually its not really God because hes an evil usurper who is evil unlike real religious God (the God of the Jews being the only relevant monotheistic entity (he is not evil (somehow (there are Good Jews trust me bro they're the real Jews the other ones are just satanists from before Satan was even a concept))))
Granted, gally likes to go up and down in terms of powerscaling but the plot is always pushing her to move forward.
Gunnm starts with her fighting a psychotic murderer in the sewers, and Last Order ends with her fighting the strongest warriors in the galaxy and taking down demigods for the sake her home in the biggest event of the solar system. A natural progression of her character as it goes from simple girl to seasoned warrior and lastly agent of humanity.
thank you for having the correct number of closing parenthesis. so many people fuck that up
Greek/Platos God > Jewish (Christian) God
dont @ me
>bandit leader
worked for FotNS and yugioh
>orc commander
I mean a medieval fantasy setting with a geopolitical spin could easily do this effectively, you can do a lot with the big bad just being the king or general of the enemy army
Because judeo-freemasons treat JRPG's as a chance to groom players towards their kabbalistic gnostic jewish-mishmash of beliefs. /v/eddit is illiterate and clueless
The Old Testament god is the Demiurge. The Christian God is the Monad. The Talmudic "god" is an Archon who demands human sacrifices.
>Gnosticism (Greek (white (civilization))) is wrong
>Christianity (Jewish) is somehow not Jewish even though nothing in the story of the Old or New testament was for anyone other than Jews
fuckin glorious overall plot flow. biggest curve ball is luca blight in suikoden 2. shouldve been the end boss honestly.
Everyone says Last Order is dumb.
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Last Order is BASED and KINO purely based of GODbadi and Zekka
Jesus is a bigger failure than old testament Yehova so thats not really singing praises considering everything he said was pretty fucking retarded if you're not a Jew and has nothing to actually do with the Greek values it sincretized with.
The New Testsment was a rejection of ancient Judaism.
BG3 is shit, larian games are ass
Okay rabbi.
They are full of shit.
Stating gnostic ancient heresy with some faux authority on IB's only solidifies Gnostics' position as the new arrogant and aggressive athiests of the internet. It's even funnier when you all still pretend it's secretive esoteric nature is it's organic pull while gnostic concepts have been pushed in western pop culture for years especially on 4chan. You guys do basically do a sort of outreach just like JW's or mormons or anyone other sect you pretend to be above
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>GOD IS... LE DEAD!!!!!!1
here's a couple examples that aren't "capital G god" but that I think are interesting

>FF Tactics
final boss isn't the actual creator, but the popular religion of the planet worships her (kind of like Yu Yevon in FFX). she was born/whatever hundreds of years ago, and her followers wrote scriptures saying she did miracles and shit.
>Chrono Trigger
people familiar with the game all know Lavos is an ultra powerful alien. however, Lavos did help humans evolve and learn magic. and the people of Zeal more or less worshiped it.
>have been pushed in western pop culture for years especially on 4chan.
>You guys
ahh yes the secret gnostic organization which values personal knowledge and insight instead of believing jews is...
>le bad
...because anons on 4chan shill it.
Polslop has rotted your brain
how does that make sense
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>middle chapter: kill God (fake)
>final chapter: kill God
Wow, deflections even. And you still pretend you faggots aren't kikes to the core? Your glownigger tripfags on /x/ that only stop posting on weekends they have off from their job do the same underganded shit to any dissenters
The Catholic Church hid many technologies and secrets away from mankind, which the public still don't know about.
It's only natural to hate all Abrahamic religion, none of them are good.
That doesn't I don't believe in God, I do it in my own way, as all men should.
Fuck up Freemason pedophile
>learn the truth for yourself
Judeo Christians
>believe that a Jewish guy is the incarnation of perfection and omnipotence and theres a conspiracy going on to subvert christianity but the christian powers cant do anything but you gotta believe or the jews who dont want christianity will get you even though every centralized christian power shills for jews
somehow the Gnostic is in the wrong?
i know /v/ is retarded but this is another level
That's not what gnosticism is.
Final fantasy final bosses
>Chaos the concept. Not a god
>King of hell that is a human soul. Not a god
>Evil entity controlling antagonist. Not a god
>Evil alien entity controlling antagonist. Not a god
>Evil tree. Not a god
>Schizo that stole gods powers. Not a god
>Evil alien entity controlling antagonist. Not a god
>Time traveling witch. Not a god
etc you get the idea
You are just being pedantic. You are killing god.
>gnosticism isnt about gnosis
Ashkenazis are khazarians. There's a good reason they're only allowed to take specific government-allowed DNA tests and nothing else... Literally the synagogue of satan which I'm sure you try to avoid the subject as best as possible
Of the percenteage of these alledged modern "jews" that are religious, less than 1% use the torah alone. The talmud, kabbalah, that's not historically or truly "jewish". And those are the things these same frauda that have puppeted modern evangelical dispensationalist zionists with government backing since Billy Graham are doing.
I know you shills HATE the actually important details :)
All the high-ranking masons especially in the order of jesters and order of q are almost allll jewish, and they're all into a mix of gnosticism and kabbalism, which you shill.
Confusing strong boss with a god or more specifically the christian god is your own problem
and somehow
with this whole conspiracy going on in the world
the solution to dealing with the Syngagogue of Satan
is some other Jews writings
who was also a perfect God and saviour
but for some reason is completely hands off when this conspiracy is at play
even though in his jew books he was always talking to his fellow jews and telling them how jewish values are le good and superior and must rule the world
>the real Jews were actually white and pro european values thats why they tore them all down
get real nigga where do you even come up with this shit
>Confusing strong boss with a god or more specifically the christian god is your own problem
Nobody is saying they are the "Christian god" with a capital G, but they are gods.
I don't know yet you found a way
Now seems like a good time to talk to my fellow anons about the wonders and miracles found within the word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
of what
from what
why was Hitler (invented being an anti Jew) also anti Christian
And your cope for pretty much every anti-christian group and organization being headed by these alledged modern "jews" or trying to get the NT banned is....?
Chrono Trigger ends with a quest to find a kitty after you kill the 'god'
In Japanese (Shinto) religion, they refer to many "Gods" who are like local nature spirits who watch over shrines or locations. So they have a different reverence for gods in their fantasy media. It's the monotheist evangelical types who get bent out of shape because they think their one God is very special and sacred and they get mad when they are reminded that people who are different from them exist.
>(invented being an anti-jew)
>self-proclaimed catholic with symapthies to luther which states he had zero tolerance to non-christians and occultists in the rank
Yeah if you're going down the whole
I already know talking with you is a waste kike
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Here's your glory bro
>trying to get the NT banned
everything I see in the west that is pro jew is either Abrahamic slop or Atheist slop
the only people that are anti both "nearby" are muzzies
no one else cares this much
actually what the fuck on no level is being some 'christian' some correlation with being anti jew anywhere besides 4chan, and here its just because people make shit up
you think the japs give a shit about jews or are they jewish puppets because theyre not christcucks?
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Not a single final fantasy player is straight
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>this thread
Why are gnostics so insufferable
>when they are reminded that people who are different from them exist.
>only monotheists

>Japan is extremely xenophobic and I am also xenophobic after the leaf government opened our doors to polytheistic indians who throw shit and shit in holes and shit in holes on beaches in the bottom of their trucks

Why did any god allow india to happen. Why did their gods not make them be literal shit why god why
lmao the fuck is this nigga even saying
I'm playing now Octopath Traveller 2. I'm done with the first chapters of 2 characters, Agnea and Partitio, started with Agnea and shit she's boring, Partitio was cool. Game is pretty charming and cute, although the story seems aimed at younger audiences.

Who should I go for next?
I will never understand why people bitch about this.
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>actually what the fuck on no level is being some 'christian' some correlation with being anti jew anywhere besides 4chan, and here its just because people make shit up
You really love pushing this narrative that american protestant zionists represent all of christianity historically
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satanists are angry that their false idols are rejected and slain
Lord of your immortal soul, savior from sin and damnation
t. Roman paganist
Doesn't XII literally start with Vaan's brother fucking dying
Hitler was a jew with one ball thoughbeit
nekron booba
FF XIII: Lightning Returns. You kill god and everyone reincarnates as a Luis Vuitton fashion model.
The Gnostics were right.
Okay but in Final Fantasy VII Remake one of the first side quests is literally finding Betty's lost cats. Cloud says "this sucks"
so why isnt jesus fighting in the war on jewry
why didnt he mention that in the future there will be a massive war between jews and christians
why are pro-jew christians not real christians and the modern jews not real jews and only a few peoples words against judiasm are considered real even though the institutions are supposedly corrupt and fighting each other
what is the real bastion of christianity? Point at it
because god is just a power level if you live outside of the westbrain
>Lord of your immortal soul
I didnt vote for him. Im seceding and becoming a soul ancap
>savior from sin and damnation
I can do that myself
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>Try to kill god
>Your party sacrifice themselves one by one, with final lines, just to buy time
>MC still fights to the end when party dies, knowing they will lose.

This dumb deckbuilder game had no right to be this kino
>God is a random encounter
>Try to kill god
W God L bozos eat shit
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Every single one of you is a shit eating nigger faggot bitch and I hope you all explode.
Why is this a problem? Should stories avoid escalating stakes because it's unrealistic?
Necron is none of that grandiose shit about muh themes or whatever. Kuja couldnt cope over his eventual death and he accidentally summoned a super demon when he blew up the crystal.
Ultima was there since the very first scene where Clive awakens to Ifrit. Hell, the party knows that Ultima exists around the time you get your THIRD out of seven Eikons. The fucker exists for a very long time.
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Press the sauce key retard
leotard sex
Only midwits think escalation of stakes is inherently a bad thing.
What gemu sempai?
*sigh* no, anon, you can't.
It was more like banish a god of death. It was quite the journey for Zidane.
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Chrono Ark
Wonder why these games have tons of Kabbalah as well
Because traditionally gods are personifications of the forces of the world, such as gods of war, gods of fortune, gods of death, et cetera.

Monotheistic gods, when looking though this lens are the incarnation of the world it's self and thus makes the perfect antagonist when you face your characters against the order of the world.
there's "existing" and "having a presence"

Ultima existed since the "13 years before" scene but the problem is that he really doesn't feel like he has a presence until after you shatter the first Mothercrystal. Then he does fuck all for the 5 year timeskip and even Joshua goes "I have Ultima sealed inside me but hasn't stirred at all until this moment (unknown to Josh but this was when Clive broke the 2nd Mothercrysta)"
They're always evil Gods trying to destroy the world, so I don't know why this triggers some people here.
Not in good series like Front Mission.
Safe horny
Because they worship the demiurge and the archons without even knowing
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Come on, anon.
Comparing a Gritty Real Robot story to a fantasy dominant genre seems unfair.
Looks tacky as fuck
Like out of a shit mmo
Just goes to show money can't buy taste if you are a souless bugman
A lot of the stuff post Ramuh is very obviously Ultima's handiwork either directly or him ordering Barnabas to do it. He's a pretty active villain in 16 especially on replay when you know its him.
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Chapter 1: kill god
Chapter 2: find lost pet
>Chapter 1: kill god
>Chapter 2: find lost pet
trying to recall who Barnabas is.

Like I said, I haven't beaten 16. The last big plot thing I have done was shatter the 2nd Crystal and about to clash against Hugo in Roasaria
kinda begun to get a taste for well-delivered anti-climactic endings
they can really be the best ones
Gods are the literal embodiment of the status quo.
Especially in Eastern thinking.

Thus, to change the world, one must over come the forces that are keeping it shit.
>Chapter 1: get raped by monsters
>Chapter 2: get raped by god (and her angels)
what happened in muttland recently that there's far more kike anti-japan propaganda than usual?
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>Chapter 1: stop this marauding band of orcs,beastfolk,zombies and goblins from ransacking our countryside and shiny capitals

>Chapter 2: team up with this marauding band of orcs,beastfolk,zombies and goblins to take down a near all-powerful soul hoarding demigod in the afterlife
1) Japanese idea of gods are not infallible omnipresent omniscient all-powerful beings.
Look at Japan, a land with myriad gods. Each has their domain, each is fallible and has limits. To kill a god is a monumental task, but not impossible. It's like the Greek Pantheon, but more diluted and numerous.

2) It's fun and makes for a fun story. If you don't like fun, go play a modern wRPG and enjoy your gay buttsex and trannies.
Digital Devil Saga 2. don't even beat them and fight it in the afterlife just to prove life in earth deserves a second change.
Based and /threadpilled. I've yet to find a compelling argument that shows why JRPG bad. The problems that those games have don't even come close to the problems that ubislops have.
Asura's Wrath but it's not a JRPG
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>Chapter 1: find lost vinyl record
>Chapter 2: face yourself but god and watch all your friends get erased from reality by (you)
>Chapter 3: team up with other multiversal versions of you and try to learn how to be a better less selfish person so you can stop the evil force of nature of (you)

any games like this?
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MGSV but it's audiotapes
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Goddamn FFX was great. What an original story that typed out like that almost sounds batshit crazy but actually plays out like fine wine. If I hadn't already replayed it like 5 times I'd almost do it again right now.
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>noooo you can't fight God because it controls everything
>God gets offscreened by best girl
>true final boss is just a random
This sounds so fucking bad on paper I can't imagine it working in anything else but vidya.
wait, is this a gacha? is free and it is for phone. not saying it is bad but now I am curious.
I mean the words he used make it sound outlandish but its a understandable story.

guy tries to use magic to make a replica of his home city but turns into godzilla and terrorizes the rest of the world
only way to stop godzilla is to do another ritual which summons another kaiju to kick its ass at the cost of a loved one
but godzilla always comes back creating a nonstop loop and keeping everyone on edge waiting for the next rampage. in order to make sure theres always someone around to do the ritual and keep godzilla in check the entire ordeal is disguised as a religion.

you could easily make a movie out of this because everything about this is explainable within a final 10 minute twist or so just like how it is in the game.
You made it sound even worse than he did desu the jargon and names help mask the absurdity in a veil of mystery.
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>Chapter 1: kill lost kitty
>Final chapter: save lost kitty
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CHAPTER 1: meet your best friends and the love of your life
CHAPTER 2, 3 AND 4: political drama, war soap opera, power struggle manipulation game
CHAPTER 5: kill god because politics destroyed your relationship with your friends

is this fire emble- structure better for jrpgs?
for me it's Super Mystery Dungeon where you start the game by going to kindergarten for a whole arc and end up with the final boss being the incarnation of hatred and chaos
jarpigs bad is a meme spread by resentful WRPG fans
>YHVH, also known as Deus, is a central antagonist in the 1998 role-playing game Xenogears. Deus is a hybrid entity, combining biological and computerized components. Its physical form is a manifestation of the game’s exploration of themes related to God and humanity.
So basically you literally kill the Christian God in Xenogears
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its a big monster. a city is terrorized by a big monster and only by turning one of their own citizens into a equally big monster is the "only" way to beat it. this causes a religion to form around people who think its an honor to take the pilgrimage to be turned into a big monster.

one day some teenagers say "this is stupid, there has to be another way" to which the leader of I-like-turning-people-into-giant-monster-religion says "wtf blud yappin abt?". then using the power of friendship and love the Big Monster gets his wig split once and for all.

the end.
I swear I remember this being a boss in dragon warrior VII which caused some controversy but I can't seem to find anything about it online now
SMD was so good
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I prefer this.
>its a big monster. a city is terrorized by a big monster and only by turning one of their own citizens into a equally big monster is the "only" way to beat it. this causes a religion to form around people who think its an honor to take the pilgrimage to be turned into a big monster.
say less queen I feel you
>one day some teenagers say "this is stupid, there has to be another way" to which the leader of I-like-turning-people-into-giant-monster-religion says "wtf blud yappin abt?". then using the power of friendship and love the Big Monster gets his wig split once and for all.
that shit sound gay as hell boi

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