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Stardew best wife. Also post farms and more waifus


if you actually hate her, and are gay
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Literally Annette Fire Emblem's daughter
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There's only one for me.
Bought my sister this game
Hope she likes it
Plume cross over art when?
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Ape is taking a while with the next update. At least we know he's fine and things are ongoing.
Who's Plume?
That's a child you sick fuck
Plu me nuts
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And that's a good thing.
>I did it, I did the joke, I'm so funny
Minors aren't allowed here. Also that was pathetic but understanable from an undeveloped brain.
>next update
Why are indie devs like this? 1.6 was a bad and worthless update, yet he keeps making Stardew content instead of working on his 2 upcoming games.
I don't get it
It's just one future game and he's free to do whatever he want.
What do you mean it was enjoyable enough, even with the two untrained monkeys i call friends i played it with.
>best wife
Bitch gets fucked by another dude in a tree. You're whore wife is trailer trash and used goods.
Literally yes. Great with kids, definitely wants to become a breeding machine. Also hella cute. Shame about the mother-in-law though...
This isn't a porn game
stardew is for troons, next.
>Stardew best wife
That’s not Haley
although Penny is a close 2nd
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>continue to work in the game that made you never have work for anyone else again
Sounds kinda based desu, I wouldn't treat my game like a boomer treats a child.
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Why would they sex in a tree?
Ape confirm this is fake
Everyone knows.
You're all coping and Ape is lying. I know the truth. We know.
Okay, but again. >>683813980
>Worthless update
What a shit opinion
Abi is the best wife because she has the biggest tits, which determine 100% of a woman's value.
you seek out every stardew thread for the express purpose of spamming this. you already know this was deboonked by CA himself; you simply love getting cucked so much that you fantasize about it 24/7 in all areas of your life, even innocuous vidya. this is a level of brainrot that can only be fixed with buckshot tearing through the roof of your mouth (ask me how I know this is another daily fantasy of yours)
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This but the opposite. DFC>Fat Sows
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Off model, check her swim suit sprite.
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They'll arrive to the valley soon
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I need them so bad.
Caroline best girl
I love the mod to marry her
Why do you post this inferior games character?
For me, it's Haley
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>Stardew thread
>ummm why are you posting a character in the game?
Gee, I wonder.
My hotwife Penny disappeared again!
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Saw her enter the backrooms of the saloon a while ago followed by Demetrius. Haven't seen either come back out yet.
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You wife is an ableist whore.
How soon?
Tall, waist up portraits are really nice. I wish there was a complete pack of them.
They remind me of Ape's original portraits for some of the villagers.
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>how much longer until they arrive?
>"hopefully not that long "
Confirmation from a previous thread. It's almost certainly extremely close.
>Nature itself is my waifu!
Nah fuck you. Only troons believe this shit
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is there ANY good comfy games like this with romance? Dragon Quest Builders was so fun, so comfy, yet no romance
Krobus is the only romance option i need, if i wanted some roastie i could open pornhub.
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I'm about to hit perfection so I don't need profit anymore and can focus solely on aesthetics, any recommendations on how to decorate my farm?
Bunny Morgan in a bunnysuit giving the (human) farmer naizuri. https://files.catbox.moe/ap8orr.png
Rustic mode
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Very nice, thank you as always. And by the way, I've started working on some more stuff.
Nice! That new dress looks really great on her.
Which mastery did you get first?
I got fishing to 10 like a months earlier than anything else so I feel I ought to pick it first.
110% the best girl.
Farming is the only right answer, iridium scythe is too good
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Ohh this is amazing
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Abigail and Maru are so fucking ugly in their last sprites it's unreal.
that post was not from a moddev, but instead just someone's hopes.
>t. moddev
mod's still a while away, sorry.
development hell is real
Out of 10!
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I should've figured, my bad. Still, wish nothing but good luck to you guys.
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How do people even find what villagers like what gifts? If you go by trial and error, at two gifts per week it takes so long.
Trial & error + cheating.
It kinda made sense depending on the item and what personality they had, and also some of their dialogue. Other clues was NPCs telling you about the others likes and dislikes. Then it was universal likes, like prismatic gems and rabbit feet (Fuck you Penny) because of their rarity
Most people went to wiki though
The game is balanced around trial and error. It's supposed to take a long time. That, and characters will tell you what other characters like. You can make educated guesses if you're not retarded.
>secret notes
>festival dialogue
>color coordination
>the characters personality or appearance
It's extremely easy without having to look it up. At least I've never had to.
I'm two months in and exactly one NPC told me another's like (elliot saying willy hates white algae).
Only two months and you're already complaining? Just relax. Stop trying to play optimally, and just accept that you're going to make slower progress with some characters than others.
she's so cute and pretty much my main choice
I first played Stardrew with the NTR mod on (it sucks btw) and was shocked to find that this part was in the base game.
It was so stupid even concerned ape realized he fucked up and made a post that there is no NTR going on.
gas all pedophiles
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>jas all pedophiles
kek stfu liar.
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Holy shit what is this?
An event from Morgan's mod, it was one of those events that played when the NPC adventure mod wasn't broken and you had Morgan following you into the saloon.
Very original joke.
No wonder why I never saw it before
who is this, alf? do i really have to deal with seeing your viciously ugly artstyle here too?
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Anthro doesn't make for a good advertisement for it if you ask me.
Morgan's fairly cute, still prefer Jas though.
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>first post is not jas poster
Is the bot down?
Is this actually a good autismo addiction sim to play on my phone? I've tried runescape but didn't like how it needed an online connection since I'd have to refresh it constantly if I minimized it
Going to post some adult woman in this pedo thread.
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>Haleyfag begging to be relevant in a Penny thread
You love to see it.
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There are like 4 penny pictures in the entire thread, all the rest is pedo stuff.
I have nothing against penny, she is my second choice all the time, i'm just trying to save the thread with best girl.
hippie booba
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Ah, the actual best girl.
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>trying to save the thread
by posting ugly ass art? at least post better shit than that
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>all the rest is pedo stuff.
Yes, pedochads are the ones creating content for the game. No need to confirm it further.
I know anything with hair below the neckline is ugly to you, pedo.
I had a dream about Stardew Valley 2 once. It had adult Jas as best girl. Don't remember if she was marriable. Apparently I was co-developing the game with Ape only for graphics and animation. Which was hand drawn now. Dreams are weird.
No its ugly because of the generic Korean League of Legends pseudo realistic artstyle you stupid virgin. Might as well post AI sloppa since it would look better
she canonically farts with that ass
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Beehive shaked again by some sick masochist reason. Maybe they can't live without do it. The need to mention the buzzwords everytime they can.
Hey dumbass, Haley is my favorite.
Now either post better art or fuck off.
That's not my farmer.. IMMERSION RUINED.
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I dont see you posting anyting, just bitching.

Trial and error til you hit winter and you gain access to the secret notes that have like 75% of the villages favorite things written in them
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>work in progress
she's the complete package to me
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Not my fault you like what essentially looks like sloppa.
Listen here bitch, you say what i post is shit, but i dont see you posting anything better.
If you have anything, show it, if not fuck off like the little pedocuck you are.
Your estrogen level is off the charts, Haleyfag.
>having standards makes you a pedo
of course Haleyfags are blithering retards
Still no show of this "superior" art...
I play as a fat ugly bastard and marry Haley.
used goods + hag + Kent will fuck you up
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But the town already has a fat ugly bastard?
These two are pretty good.
I know Haley doesn't have a lot of good art, and I've been there with plenty of characters I like.
You don't got to be a pussy about it after you start shit though.
Image dumps aren't really the way to save a thread anyway.
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Sounds like backpedeling because you dont have shit to show.
Or cope like you smoothbrains like to spam.
I'm a different guy, but okay.
Okay, sure, but look at this thread.
It's full of pedo shit, i at least try to pull it away from that before mods delete it too like every stardew thread that's overrun by pedo's.
And instead we have trolls whining about how it's not "good" or whatever, meanwhile they dont contribute anything to the thread.
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>good skills
>used in do literal shit to insult others
>nooooo how could someone possibly find my borderline AI slop abhorrent???
The state of Haleyfags.
congrats on saving the thread anon, you really are the hero 4chan deserves
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Still contributing nothing to the thread.
Love how you faggots are always so oblivous to how obvious you are.
The implication is that that pig is Marnie, right?
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That's what the artist is claiming at least.
my beloved
the hell is this? bestiality TF?
cabins exist
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Don't you have to upgrade the cabins just like the farmhouse to get the full advantage of extra basements for aging kegs?
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Ape would feel sick from reading this thread.
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the more I look the more problems I see, holy shit
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This thread needs more Jas
>give emily a coffee
>she tells me what her sister likes
>he doesn't even know the basics
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saloon looks too small here
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This is pretty good art
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Haleybro got real quiet..
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I'm not gone.
This is also good. Tell me there's more
More limited but you can enjoy the game there too. I play in PC so no idea about the details
From what i have heard it's not a perfect port to smartphone, the controls suck.
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I am still completely baffled how SDV became /pedo/ general.
This is good stuffs. SDV sure is a loved game
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That, and how the entire SDV mod scene was taken over in less then a year by the biggest woke purple haird faggots ever.
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He changed the whole valley
There is actually a reason for that.
Stardew valley was selected as a entire course game to mod for in a lot of uni's that teach game development.
A shitload of woke little faggots all over the world who want to be "vidoe game developers" get class assignments to make mods for stardew valley.
And these faggots post them on nexus and other sites.
What is the dot on Emily's face supposed to be? Like, what do you think Eric Barone was thinking when he put it there. What does it represent to him?
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It makes complete sense when you realize the vanilla bachelorettes have zero presence on the board. Nobody really posts them in the general image dump threads, there's nearly zero OC being made out of them and they all have pitiful numbers in the Queen of /v/ tournaments (for what it's worth). This is a bizarrely unique phenomenon for such a popular game.
are you talking about her fucking nose?
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And that's about it unless you wanna see some community center rooms.
Yep. That art reminds me of a lot of octopath.
If true that'd explain a lot. Probably can't get a passing grade if you don't poz everything you do.
So the thing is the mod tools are so mature and the game is build in the coding language they teach in pretty much every first year programing&vidya&etc... degree it's very easy to jump in too.
And beyond that, the game is always on sale, and even then it's easy as fuck to pirate too.
It's perfect for first year little shits to get in to vidya development.
You think it's her nose? What makes you say that? None of the other character have a dot to represent their nose.
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Is this the thread?
It's a stylistic choice. Her face looks too empty and long without it.
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No other character has a smile on their sprite either but Marnie does. You don't have to look this hard into Ape's questionable art.
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Jas is welcome in any SDV thread
Clint seriously what the fuck is your problem. Gifting me the furnace blueprint wasn't hard, and you barely knew me at the time. Literally just do that kind of thing more and you'll stop being a bitter forever alone egocentric.
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There were some mods that updated overworld sprites.
are you autistic by any chance?
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He sits with Willy.
The game is nearly 10 years old, everyone just looks it up on the wiki
>n-n-no I don't
lol, you do
>n-n-no really
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I've been playing since march 2016 and I never once did.
Wish there was a mod or something to disable trash can digging. I like roleplaying, but the compulsive urge to click trash cans is too strong.
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My cockhead of a son keeps going into the skeleton viewing room just to stare at the wall all day. Is he autistic?
There're mods what do the opposite. More valuable stuffs from trash. Or more custom trash.
You should put his skeleton into time-out along with the others. That'll teach him.
why does nobody like Leah
Shes better than maru
discount robin
>Shitty sculptor
>Art hoe
>Used goods
Hey you aren't me
Meant for >>683849810
What? Why would you say that, when all the other characters don't have a dot on their faces. She would fit the style without one.

Well Marnie's smile looks like a smile. Emily's dot doesn't look like a nose.
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I wonder if this is the same dude who like Marnie
reminder that jasposters are pedophiles
pedophiles deserve the rope
jasposters deserve the rope
I enjoy knowing this phrase triggers the pedophiles and tranny jannies
probably melts to rimjobs
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I wish Stardew Valley was real so I could rape Jas
did not ask did not care, you are not a human being
put this in your general filters
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Same but it's consensual lovemaking with explicit permission from Marnie and blessed by Yoba.
I would marry her just so I can legally own her and then tie her up to breed with my horse
he is just like me unfortunately
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>making Jas watch as you have way with your mare
Based /mlp/chad.
I always ignored that quest because I liked Emily, but finally doing it I couldn't help but laugh at Emily's reaction to it.
NTRing Jas is also an option you're right
What if the witch cursed Jas transforming her into a pony, would you try to get her fixed or take her out on a 'ride' first?
I'd give her my carrot and then I'd give her my carrot.
Do you guys think once Jas gets a bit older, she'll grow up to be the town bicycle? Only so much you can do in small rural towns like these
She's not taking away Abigail's spot anytime soon, sorry.
Abigail is way too autistic to do that on purpose at the very least. I'd believe it if everyone in town took advantage of her autism to fuck her
>rebels against parents for no reason
>shirks work and chores
>refuses to cook
>dyed hair
>fake gamer
I thought this game was for catladies
I don't know how many autistic women you've met irl anon, but those are all absolutely definite signs of one
And skanks.
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There's a reason so many retards comer here to complain about how frustrating the game is. It's either the most autistically infuriating tryhard game you've ever played or the most comfy heckin wholesomerino casual game you've ever played with no inbetween.
You guys ever see the music video the developer animated? It's pretty neat.
kek, that guy is the total opposite of what loli enjoyers look like irl
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>biased and gaslight by other people out there
>no an opinion of his own
Sad and Pathetic
True. They actually look a bit more like this.
Based and redpilled
how do you sick fuck someone?
bwutaw wape
Anyone think about how the valley singles lives would go if farmer never arrived? There is a lot of references to their possible relationships.
Penny + skater boy
Haley + jock dude
Abigail + emo dude
Nerd girl + doctor
Hippy girl + blacksmith (or desert shop girl)
Artist girl + writer dude

Seems about how it would go, along with the convenience store being a guarantee.
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While mouthbreathing.
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fishing sisters
ape should make an update where everyone ages over the years in-game. which means you can make your children go to school and kick me em out of the house when they grow up
That would be ridiculously more complicated. Might just be worth it though because children are currently horrible.
>mastery locked behind combat level 10
How the fuck do I get combat xp without wanting to seppuku?
i personally just wait till i get the galaxy sword
I like the goth with big tits and a choker.
If you've got the cash the Lava Katana is really good. Got speed and defense bonuses.
No fat chicks.
Probably hunting slimes as you go down Skull Cavern, every big slime separating into small slimes makes them good value and they might drop some iridium
Grind the floors with the dust sprites for coffee beans, coal and eventually the burglar's ring.
are these fanart or are the chicks in the game officially this hot?
Officially, everyone is hotdog.
>plays the flute
Yeah she's gonna suck my dick until I fucking die, she's the best.
Abigail fucking sucks, and definitely not you
She is the least desirable out of the bunch
I see, it did seem a little too based for a PG10 game
She just asked to get impregnated by me some minutes ago, shit was so cash.
Gonna have two children with her.
Kent can sit down next to clint on the cuckchair while i knock up jodi and emily at the same time.
>there are people that want to cuck Kent
There's a special place in hell for people like you
What're the best combined rings?
Iridium Band + Lucky Ring
Burglar's Ring + Slime Charmer's Ring
Are my usual go to.
Burglar goes with the Hot Java Ring for me
Slime Charmer would only come out for Qi challenges
Can you decay a maxed friendship with disliked gifts? Can you get perfection then forcefeed pierre corn back to 0?
Jodi isn't called that without reason.
When NPCs say pierre sold them stuff he grew in his backyard he's full of shit right?
Yes, that's stuff you sold him. If it's low quality or universally disliked stuff you sold him, they'll say Pierre got it from you instead.
Yes he's talking about the crops you sold him, he only tells people he got them from you when they hate it.
Yeah it's the big thing that makes most players hate him, when they find out he takes credit for any gold-level items you sell him.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't do the other half of the equation and blame you for bad produce, though, that's all just the villagers complaining about bad produce he got from "somewhere".
Firstly, what backyard?
Secondly, logically, where would he get all the produce sold to the people?
Not quite the whole truth.
Caroline mentions their garden too.
Based. Haven't seen that one in a while, feels kind of like the image that started it all.
I went with Penny when I played this game because I have a teacher fetish but then I realized she's really boring and Haley is the one with the actual best personality
For me, it's Caroline
I do not understand what anyone sees in caroline or jodi.
Either cucking Pierre or a hag gooner. I prefer not to think they're into cucking Kent.
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Caroline is fine as hell and Pierre deserves to have everything taken away from him.
I'm not really into Jodi, besides I respect Kent too much to cuck him.
meant for
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Pierre is such a piece of shit he makes me wish morris was a character.
More on these girls?
There's another pic but that's all. The girls are faceless npc so there isn't much sadly
You can already see literally everything there is to them in that one pic.
she is the only bacharelote with an ex bf
lucky + napalm
Where do you get the napalm?
I think so yes, but the loss from bad gifts is a lot smaller than the gain from good gifts, so it'll take a while.
Better use a mod for that, tho don't use it if you feel tempted to cheat
What's the explosion damage like? I can't find anything specific.
What is Ape's problem. There's no way he does all this by accident.
I don't get it
"Jodies" refers to people who try to cheat with soldiers' wives while their husbands are deployed
kill serpents until the elimination goal
holy shit I just realized it lmao
Drawfag here, I’d love to draw some OC of Haley but nobody ever requests her in the drawthreads
Then do it here. No need to ask for ideas.
requesting Haley sucking off a horse

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