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Why didn't you wait for me?
I did, I got the achievement for it
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You see that fricking timer above the screen, we gotta move
I didnt know bro. I got you on my next three playthroughs tho
Because timer
Because Shadow is pretty bad and letting him die makes Relm much better.
Relm is buggy tho
>Using Relm unironically
Yeah I sure love usiXXXXXXXXXXVVVV3478434274773299ERROR
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>Because Shadow is pretty bad
Shadow throwing shuriken is one of the best physical attacks for most of the game--which at all points is still worse than just using magic, so yeah, you're not really wrong.
>letting him die makes Relm much better.
How so?
She gets Interceptor
Are there any other JRPG characters that aren't optional to recruit but you can end up having die/leave your party if you fuck up?
How buggy is she ?
strategy guide bullshit
Depends on the version. The original SNES version is held together with hopes and fucking dreams, the number of ways Sketch can fuck up your game are insanely varied. Personally I've encountered shit as bizarre but harmless as every character in the party slowly being being infected by Celes' colour palette being applied to their sprite, to straight up having my save file rendered unloadable.
You know, I've never actually let Shadow die so I never knew that. Neat.

Sketch sucks even in versions where it's not completely bugged to hell. Relm should be used for her great stats and equipment, not her command.
Don't care, I have my mevade stacked so fucking high I'm nigh invincible. Daily reminder that the evade stat in VI literally does nothing.
She's only bugged in the JP Super Famicom version, and the 1.0 carts of the SNES game.
In those versions, whenever she misses with Sketch it pulls in junk data from somewhere that can do anything from nothing or jumbling graphics to crashing the game and corrupting your save data.
>falls to paint
>destroy the world

Kinda remind of a grand austrian figure
>Stats that do nothing
>Vanish makes any magic have a 100% hit rate on any target
>Various ridiculous sequence breaks
Was it rushed to release?
>minmaxing in ff
subhuman behavior
You literally said you’d be fine and to just go.
Why? You're just gonna kill yourself in the world of ruin. Just die here, it makes your death mean something, protecting the party.
Cannot even fathom not waiting for Shadow. He and Setzer are the best characters in the game.
I got the trophy for it
Remember to max out Sabin's Magick Attack via espers if you want him to be good
>pay 3000 GIL for Shadow to accompany you for the 30 minutes it takes to look for Terra in Zozo
Hmm yes, I think I unironically WILL do that, thanks.
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>Not minmaxing in FF
Sorry bro can't hear you over dual wield/x-fight/magic sword
Basically every FF game ever has been a rushed mess held together by magic on release, maybe besides X
The opposite, actually, which makes it funnier. The game was originally going to end with the floating continent but they had a ton of extra time left, so they added the entire World of Ruin.
Makes the buginess more hilarious in hindsight.
I didn't realize that was the condition or that you could die. I think its more thematically appropriate for the sacrifice to be there instead of arbitrarily after kefka anyways.
>Has cute loli daughter.
>Still choose to remain in Kefka's falling tower because "I won't run away anymore".
This pisses me off to no end.
his loli daughter has already seduced and secured a king. he literally could not have done better
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.
I have been, and always shall be, your friend.
Bro he didn't want to hold his daughter with bloodstained hands...
You only get to make that speech when you're the one making the sacrifice, not as you watch a man burning to death as you do a sick airship wheelie into freedom.
Poor Relm.
>dad is a deadbeat murderous sociopath who'll kill anything for a hotdog and a handshake
>completely abandons his wife and infant daughter
>her grandfather, upon believing relm to be dead, IMMEDIATELY throws in his lot with the cult that worships the guy who killed his grandaughter
What a family.
>Large list of character
>90% of them suck
No one uses anyone but Terra/Celes/Sabin/Edgar and MAYBE Cyrus.
No one fucking uses Relm or the old man or Gogo or fucking Umaro
By then her daughter has already nuked shitloads of things with Ultima.
>not using the blue mage
>not using the feral child who makes a mockery of every fucking boss fight for half the game
For me, it's Gau/Mog/Gogo/Umaro
Misfits with no actual connection to the plot
Didn't the mom die before Shadow left? Also Strago is not Relm's blood related grandfather.
>no relation to the plot
But that's Setzer's girlfriend (forma de brain damage)
Relm's magic attack can hit as hard as Trance Terra's.
Terra, Celes, Locke, Gau, Relm
A-Tier: Edgar, Sabin (M-ATK), Strago, Mog
B-Tier: Shadow, Setzer
C-Tier: Umaro, Cyan, Sabin
G-Tier: Gogo
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>put the funny dice on the gambling man
>shit on entire game from this point forward
Let me guess, you need "more"?
>Mog above Setzer
Explain yourself.
Send umaro to the coliseum.
I can't believe that someone still believes this retarded theory.
Yeah, we all know Gogo is an amnesiac Banon.
Relm is a mesugaki with shitloads of blood in her hands and doesn't give a fuck. Also Shadow specifically left her so the law won't hurt her while coming for his ass but with everything getting fucked in world pf ruin, I am sure the "law" is not there anymore.
Let me guess: Koyori?
works on my machine
Why they didn't include the GBA versions extras in the pixel remasters? They would have been the ultimate versions if they had the extras.
Now that's a take I can get behind
Yeah that was a really strange decision
Mog has way better stats and Dragoon Boots + Dragon Horn.
Setzer's only strength is the meme dice that fall off completely and require taking the Master's Scroll away from a better auto-attacker.
Oooh rad. I never knew that, either.
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>GBA version of 2 adds an entire fucking extra campaign and several huge improvements
>Not in PR
Absolute fucking insanity IMO
Mog is also one of the characters that can get perfect physical and magical evasion, but it's probably not worth it since if he does Relm can't, and also you can't do Dragoon Boots + Dragon Horn, and also he can get 255 pyhsical defense anyway. Honestly, I'm not sure why I even brought it up.
>physical evasion
How did they miss that one? And how did such an oversight make the game so much better?

Man I love FF6. Especially mid game when they start chucking magic evade shields at you left and right. It's very easy to have a full party with at least 75% MBlock across the board.

And I love Force Armors. I never see the worlds collide speed runners use them though and it makes me sad. As soon as I get one I stop to equip it asap.
In the GBA version and forward, you silly-billy.
Tales of Symphonia - either Kratos or Zelos depending on your choices
Star Ocean 2 - has a few, mostly of the flavor of "this character needs to join you for a dungeon, but at the end of it you can refuse to let them join" (Celine, Noel, Dias, and Leon).
there is also a situation where a character joins you "permanently" but she can leave depending on your actions: Opera. After she joins you can do some optional content that will make her boyfriend Ernest show up during a story moment. if Ernest appears and you don't let him join your party, then Opera will permanently leave so she can go with Ernest.
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Post cannon appearance
because i didnt know exactly where the end was, or how long exactly i had to wait, so i accidentally triggered the sequence.

it should have been more clear, or offered a prompt "escape now? y/n"
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What did he mean by this?
Out of 10!
How tf was I supposed to know
Genuinely one of the biggest NO FUCKING WAY moments in games I've ever experienced, alongside the notion that you can save Cid from dying.

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