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Oh yeah, that happened.
A real masterpiece that somehow filtered normies, niggers, trannies and tards, but not me.
but anon, starfield is developed by a normalfag developer, filled with niggers and trannies, and is only played by tards
Kino and comfy, I had a dream of playing it the other day, I should get back to it.
Not sure if this is bait, but it's quite the opposite. It's an extremely boring fast travel simulator filled with nigs and other tranny-looking NPCs. Seriously it looks like every character model had the "randomize" button hit on them. It's a fuckin clown show. I didn't even finish this garbage because it was so painfully bland and boring, truly a game meant for the masses (normies). All hype, no substance, many such cases.
i completely forgot this happened.
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Whatcha gonna do fag?
Spam StarfieldBAD threads for TWO years after release?
Still gets threads everyday a year later, signs that a game is designed with a lot of love and passion behind it.
>no DEI
>shunned SBI so journalists keep attacking it

Starfield is a massive success and proof that DEI is worthless.
How is it compared to when it was first released? I may have to pick it back up again
Nigga did you even play the game? it felt space was colonized by indians and africans
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Cars are coming in an upcoming patch. I'd suggest waiting till shattered space is out in a fwe months and pirating the DLC and playing it once that comes out, they'll probably add a lot more QOL in it.
could have been saved if the creation kit was released within the month.
>spam threads
i haven't seen a starfield thread in at least a week
it came out like a pathetic wet fart that massively humiliated bethesda and showed that they can't write for shit and that they have no idea what the appeal what their games was
We have Starfield threads every hour for the past year since it came out.
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>no DEI

the main story is about the human spirit and explores religions to do it and ends with how it's central to being human. No DEI would potray christianity in a good light and it makes trannies seethe about the game nonstop.
Todd’s dream game
one of the first characters you meet is a literal gaynigger from outer space
the main story is about nihilistically and selfishly making le dragonborn shout stats go up and discarding universes
it's one giant radiant quest
>you want content?
>here's a free quest introducing you to the DLC vendor
>more content will cost you $6/quest
Honestly Todd impresses you by showing how low he can go.
The hunter literally represent nihilism and how it's the wrong way to see things.
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>potray christianity in a good light
there's zero mention of christianity in the entire game i'm pretty sure. you have humanist space buddhists and not-muslims
To be fair, the JeetAI algorithm on display here is frighteningly accurate.
ameritranny moment
So what happened to the "save the game" update the xboners were lauding would "save gamepass" a while back?
>how it's the wrong way to see things.
bethesda themselves came out and said you should rush the main quest for le epic shouts
it's pseudointellectual gibberish
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Somehow an even bigger disappointment than dd2
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>starfield players
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No they didnt
he won
Jeet sniffing a white woman's neck and hair while she's distracted. Did you install a realism mod for this, or did Bethesda code this in?
holy kek
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>25 years and cant seamlessly travel from planet to planet
fucking hacks
did they even release the creation kit yet?
I played the game a few hundred hours at release and i was perfectly satisfied with bethesdas end of the deal.
We just need a complete overhaul now that replaces all the dumb bethesda guns and stupid factions with something a bit less bland and it will be kino.
The most enjoyable thing about this game was discussing it before release and arguing against toddsisters who defended every new leak that made it seem worse, there was a lot of activity and hype.

But the game turned out even worse than anyone expected, there's not even a point in making fun of it now, and the only toddsisters left are so desperate it's not worth engaging.
i just want skyrim in space with sexlab
thats it
i could have this, it could work. we have gamebryo with space assets.
please port the same sims hair pack every other bethesda game has, give me bodyslide.

why is this too much to ask? I know its retarded todslop bethesda has never made a good game. They make games perverts mod and i fap to
It came out a few weeks ago, people are still figuring things out
They did but none of the big modders keeping your skyrim coomshit alive care. Its dead jim.
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Play a good game
i just want to be able to capture people on planets and imprison them on my ship where i can fly into interstellar space where no laws apply
is that too much to ask?
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>no DEI
can you post one
Just terrorise zoomers on spacestation whatever.

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