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>no Miquella ending
Did From drop the ball hard?
last minute cut because From are incompetent shitheads
Why would there be a Miquella ending when he's a direct competitor?
>Miquella ending
Why the fuck would Zaki put that in 'kill the tranny that ruined everything' the game?
That's the Ranni ending thoughbeit
>objective is to become Elden Lord
>you can become Miquella's Elden Lord
i wanted an age of dragon's ending
>become elden lord
may chaos take the world
>le edgelord ending
2004 is that way
it should've gone like this

>kill Radahn
>Miqu falls off and is laying on the floor
>tarnished goes up to them and yells
>I HAVE HAD ENOUGH (Very animated gesture of tarnished throwing his arms to his side. bust shot transition to upper body and waistline shot)
>walks slowly and more intently toward Miqu as miqu tries to slide/crawl backwards with his hands while still looking at the tarnished
>Miqu gasps and tarnished locks lips with them
>Miqu is blushed and super flustered
>Tarnsihed stands back up and says warmly

>I was always meant to be your consort. Me

>game ends

Imagine thinking Ranni (my wife) ruined anything.
The hardest of choices require the strongest of wills. - Albert Einstein
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The only good ending
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You fell into his trap anon.
so is Ranni and yet you can simp for her, ya retard.
Ranni is not a direct competitor since she abandoned her great rune, Gideon literally tells you so.
>Messmer is literally Melina's sister
>you'd think From would do something with this and have Melina maybe be summonable for the Messmer fight or at least have a lot of conversations about him when you sit at sites of grace
>maybe even a unique questline to further flesh out Melina
>but nope
>literally nothing

I think someone at From might hate Melina. There is no other explanation for why she gets so shafted.
Man a lot of gay pedophiles on /v/ since Shadow of the Erdtree released.
There is a miquella ending. Let radahn grab you twice in phase 2 to unlock it.
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that's a lazy cop out and you know it
I want a fully voiced 30 second cinematic with at least 10 seconds of implied mating press
He's 3000 years old silly billy
The only balls that didn't drop were miquellas
To be clear, Miquella is doing the mating press to me
But that's wrong, I had them dropping on my chin many times last night.
>>Messmer is literally Melina's sister
Did he transition?

Fromshit attracts them.
what would that ending look like?
Miquella abandoning his rune is literally the turning point in the DLC, did you even play it?
Why does Japan love LGBT so much?
But Ranni chooses you as her consort? FAGquella does not Retard backed the wrong horse
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yes that is literally the whole point of OPs complaint, to which the other anon said "but he's a competitor." my point was so was Ranni, but the devs allowed you to simp for her, let her become elden lord, and take you as a consort. OP wanted the same for miquella. keep up, retard.
did you even play the game? play it and come back, or shut the fuck up and exit the thread.
>tranny gate 3
post disregarded
tranny gate 3. yikes...
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What is it, /v/?
Why Miquella wanted to have his guts filled by Rahdan babybatter?
Can we filter images?
>come on tarnished, lets make an age of dragons by copulating and eating dragon hearts. im ovulating right now
>>no way fag
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you are now gay lol
Why are japanese games so fucking gay?
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Retarded faggot posters.
Miquella is evil
The Demigods are all terribly flawed

What made you think this particular character was going to be any different? him being a tyrannical manipulative piece of shit was actually a very good twist and added more depth to mohg, malenia and radahn.
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Miquella fags still broken and inconsolable.
The DLC reinforced the one true ending, and shit on the rest. It was perfect.
AI slop thread
Why do you keep posting this? How many ways can I say I'd impregnate Miquella's boypussy before it gets redundant?
miquella if he real...
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The logic behind Miquella rejecting you as his consort is that you're destined to be Marika's consort already. But that ignores that you can choose to be Ranni's consort or host the FF so you clearly have some agency over what path you follow. It just makes no sense.
The logic behind it is that he's already chosen Radhan as his consort and went to insane lengths to make that so.
you're not Radhan so miquella doesn't care.
But his reasoning is specifically that you're bound to be Marika's consort and have no say in the matter. Which isn't the case.
>Miquella was wrong you say?
>And he's been wrong multiple times before?
Its almost like Miquellafags were blinded by the bussy and ignored the lore
Stop huffing balls for one day please
why does this woman have a ball sack?
Based chaoschad.
I'd be one of you if Ranni wasn't this pretty.
Finally some new images.
There is a Miquella ending, it's when you get defeated by the HEART STOLEN technique. It's a game over
Allow me to remind you that this DLC cost as much as a full AAA game.
where the fuck do you live where it costs $70?
Yes but I absolutely obliterated Radahn TWICE. Godwyn is dead. I killed all the other demigods except for Ranni, who is the direct and only remaining competitor to Miquella for godhood.
Please explain why he wouldn't want me as his consort/Elden Lord.
Gay lmao
the best kind of gay
$50 is close enough.
I WILL impregnate his butt pussy until a baby comes out or ill die trying
My dick says miq is a girl
costs $40 here, pretty standard price for a DLC expansion
Radahn is Miquellas lord.
>Please explain why he wouldn't want me as his consort/Elden Lord.
Miquella is a turbofag and my char was female. My presence quite literally disgusts him. Sorry man, I don't write the rules.
the source is me, using a $5 curtain
looking breedable bro
moar pics of you wearing the curtain. please, I beat radahn.
>him being a tyrannical manipulative piece of shit was actually a very good twist
Nigga that was the most predictable twist I've ever seen. There were people calling him a Griffith analog before the DLC was even announced. It was so predictable for me it wrapped around to being unpredictable. I thought there was no way Miyazaki is that much of an uncreative hack to do something so bland and lame.
And what depth? Everyone just looks like a retard or a brainwashed slave. 1/2 the plot is a gay joke now.
>search er porn
>see pic of Miquella asking Malenia to roleplay as Radahn
>second image is him asking her to wear Radahn's armor next time
Kek, I love this DLC for destroying what little reputation Malenia and her fans had left.
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It's free albeithoughever.
>DLC reinforced the one true ending
If you mean frenzied flame then yeah.
Can someone explain to me why Miquella has four fucking arms in the final battle of the DLC?
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Pretty much. Griffith and picrel were what immediately came to mind.
And it's the best expansion ever
kys faggot
Nah, you'd be besties.
>world is empty
>loot is shit
>core gameplay outdated compared to boss design
>lore is underwhelming
It looks pretty, Marika's story was good and the NPCs were great. Everything else is dogshit. There's only 3 bosses that are actually good and it's not even close.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy

Because it makes me rock hard.
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>no ending where you ate so many dragon hearts, you become a gigantic magma wyrm and eat the Erdtree
Nah, you'd be besties.
Historically japan was very very gay until meiji restoration when they started to ape what westerners were doing and integrated "western values" that were pretty boy buggery positive.
Can i rail you?
This doesn't really make sense though because it's not like people will be more accepting of their disgusting shit just because they want to fuck 2D traps or feminine male characters.
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I want to play with Miquella's feminine penis!
sure it is
Whose artstyle is mostly being aped by AI here?
>Oh, good hunter.
The weird thing is Miquella's plan would not have worked without you. It entirely hinges on a Tarnished powerful enough to kill Radahn, Mohg, and Messmer coming to the Shadow Lands and doing all the work for him.
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kindly Miquella
wish the guy posting the AI images would make new ones instead of just using the same ones over and over every thread
Boys don't wear panties.
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the entire dlc killed my love for these games, insult to an injury is that i dropped GRRM as a favorite author
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this is the Miquella ending
He's a pajeet
>gayfags are AIpajeets
Traps are 100% straight.
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I'm surprised (and disappointed) there's not more art of this brat being corrected after being considered such a frustrating fight.
very disappointing innit
/pol/ thread
>didn't use miquella's discarded great rune to break the enchantment
>reddit ring dlc drops
>frombucks collectively decide to troon out
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Radahn didn't deserve this. His story was perfect as it was. They didn't need to drag him into this fanfic tier bullshit
The great runes amplifies what a demigod already has.
>miquella is evil
Stupid, shallow reading of the material, even worse if that's actually what the game is trying to convey and this is the way they did it, but then the actual meat of this games' story is mostly several different people's autistic fever dreams so who cares
File deleted.
it's not one guy
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Don't forget to dilate.
just waiting for next comiket when all the miquella doujins come out
I haven't make an IA image in my life.
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>world is in a constant, unceasing state of horrendous suffering
>it's somehow supposed to be unacceptably evil to charm people into not fighting in order to create a peaceful, more happy world
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sex with boys
The user score is just 1 point above what I gave it. How many of that is just from drones who ignore criticism? I really hope you're not using the critic score as a gotcha
Cute bulge, I want to squeeze it.
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All user scores are spammed beyond and back with negative "0" reviews, the fact it's 8.0 is a miracle.
On the other hand, the fact you scuff the 9.5/10 professional score because it buckbreaks your whole narrative tells me how much you're seething.
Concession accepted btw.
>all this art of just making him look like a girl
he's still clearly masculine, just boyish, st trina is the feminine one
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>i want an ending where my enemy wins because BUSSY CUM FEMBOY BUTTHOLE
gay people are not serious
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Miquella making Hews draw trap/femboy art is genuinely one of the funniest fucking things to happen in the art scene for a long time
How is he so powerful............
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Every man has a price
I don't think any DLC has ever affected the base game's endings
Intificial Artelligence?
Didn't expect to like Thiollier or Ansbash the way I did in this game. I thought I could simp for Leda since she was in the cover. I was wrong.
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They never did but suddenly """""veteran souls fans""""" have standards and need MGS2 tier interactions.
DS2 SotfS if we consider that a dlc.
Leda like her lord is a schizo women.
Ansbach is based.
I dunno I think it works. Miquella is a manipulator, got his sister to fight Radahn under the assumption she'd be able to kill him. Miquella was already looking into messing around with soul stuff with Godwyn, applying whatever he learned into transplanting Radahn's soul into Mohg's body for the perfect consort makes sense.
It's not even that he's evil. His story just sucks ass. It's retarded and underwhelming. I rather he just not be in the DLC. Everything related to him but the NPCs is garbage.
Eh I dunno I considered it a re-release of the game. I wouldn't say Dark souls remastered is DLC, and that has less gameplay changes than SotfS.
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He's hot so all is forgiven.
Are souls-fags actual faggots? Why is there a cross dressing fag in this game?

t. hetero who never played a souls game
Dark Souls 2.
i hope all fucking gay people die of natural causes surrounded by loved ones
I want to flick his ballsack with the full might of my middlefinger.
You know you want it.
It doesn't work at all. It's poorly executed. The plot they gave us is retarded and convoluted. There's so many better ways to go. Radahn doesn't add anything to Miquella's story besides making it weird. Malenia is somehow more irrelevant than ever. And Mohg had any agency stripped away from him. They couldn't even be bothered better incorporating him into the final fight. Everyone got degraded for this bullshit with no satisfying ending. Miquella doesn't appear until the very end and it's just Radahn, Radahn, Radahn. He seems like less of a master manipulator and just some retard who failed upwards.
Absolutely devilish
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i'm a spic, IA is how you write it in Spanish
>ai face
There is a hidden Miquella dialogue in the game files that is very similar to Ranni´s ending dialogue, so I am guess there was a Miquella ending but they cut it.
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Finally beat Radahn, now time to claim my prize.
1st time i sexed a lad was a interesting evening. frankly I think I will not bang a "sissy" after him because while I only would bang girly lads and he was very purrdy lil' thing with tight hole I had to finger to open up I just couldnt deal with how intense his fetish was... And I'm a rope rigger man tying him up in poses and buggering him.
very kickable...
What was the intense fetish?
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Someone redpill me on why Miquella randomly dies as you kill Radahn. It's not like you were hitting him.
That's how you know the whole Radahn/Mohg consort bit is a total last minute ass pull to think up a final boss.
I bet you they considered a final boss that was either just Miquella, or was some entity we'd never seen before.
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Miquella a cute! CUTE!
sissy shit. Like I just wanted a tie up a pretty lad but and presumed he was just a pretty cd but I realized that he was seeking something way more humiliation and "use me like a slut" that I was frankly not prepared for. Like he told me that guy had paid like 50€ to ambush him on a foresty jogging track and bush burgle his bum. I'm way too chill and can't match the /gif/ schizo energy he was radiating
He's a retarded who shed all of his flesh when he didn't really need to. So now he needs a vessel even though other spirits don't but the God somehow can't survive without one...
Actually yeah, someone redpill me on why Miquella randomly dies as you kill Radahn.
Anyone who's played Dragon's Dogma knows how good that moment could've been. Imagine getting the Heart Stolen message and then seeing the ramifications of it play out in its own unique ending.
So he's a nympho, that's not too bad. Figured it would be way worse.
Kissable lips.
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There's a continuation to this now btw
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Yeah, I'd sex him.
Miquella the conquered
Source if this is a man. Delete this if this is a woman
yeah, hardcore rape fetishists are SUPER creepy.

It's arguable that he didn't, but without his chosen consort there's nothing to anchor him to the mortal world. He gave up too much in hopes of purifying himself of the sins of the Golden Order, and there just isn't enough left to keep him here once Radahn dies.
He's a God. Lesser spirits have no problem remaining. All he did was wrap his arms around Radahn.
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why are fromsoft enjoyers lgbtq now?
always were.
fromsoft are the gayest players group.
>Twin princes
Anyone who says this is a newfag
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>actually kill bayle and eat his heart
>she apparently cant take it and simply vanishes

cinema. bravo.
What part of "stripped himself down to little more that a purpose" did you not understand?
I honestly just want a Miquella ending so that I can turn it down and give my character some agency. It makes no sense for other characters to get mad at me for going against Miquella before I've even done anything to him.
It was Leda. The charm broke and she immediately revealed herself to be a paranoid zealot. She convinces the others to kill you by saying you're a Tarnished whose only purpose is to save Marika and become her Elden Lord.
The others who want Miquella to succeed think they have to stop you.
It is bullshit that the game doesn't give you an opportunity to win Leda's trust, or kill her, and join Miquella.
The whole purpose of the Tarnished is to become Elden Lord, and Miquella picking Radahn means they're in your way.
Brood War, TFT and LoD exist though
Surprised no one's posted anna anon's new animation.
heavenly soft balls
Even with that limitation, there's still plenty of ways From could have written in choices for the player to make.
Like in the base game you're supposed to go become Marika's consort, but that doesn't stop you from joining Ranni or the Frenzy Flame instead.
Miquella has the equivalent of buyer's remorse for Radahn. He sacrificed pretty much everything, and everyone to achieve what he did. Tarnished becoming his elden lord is simply not an option at this point for him. Little bitch is obsessed with his bro.
The part where he's still a God and stronger than any spirit. Miquella's entire story reeks of plot contrivance. Doesn't feel organic at all.
like >>683835082 said, you want your Miquella ending, there it is.
>miqy doing the smashing
no thanks bro
kill yourself tranny, traps have been around longer than your retarded drug cult trend
Retarded groomer eunuch cult.
She looks like she does anal
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>he doesn't want to get dominated by a cute boy
What the fuck?
It is dumb that you don't get a rune for another possible ending. A hornsent one for example
>druggy face
That's gay, Miquella should exclusively be a receiving bottom.
looks like that photo of hunter schafer
The only ending the hornsent deserve is an Age of Massacre where their entire race is wiped out.
Yeah, like sure Marika went on a genocidal rampage, but the Hornsent did the same thing just with extra Mengele.
Mental illness always leads to parasites which causes gay
God I love being extremely gay for cute femboys.
Can I beat off for you on camera?
>slut eye shadow/mascara
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>ugly tranny opinion
thanks bro, could you braid my hair?
just for you, champion >>683834656
you cannot mate boys
Arching your back and bending over doesnt hide the fact that you got big flat man ass
>Arching your back and bending over
But that's what actual women do all the time, plus high heels
I would make you my girl for the night if that’s really you
this juicy boi caked up
Mirin' dat hair.
Frenzied Faggots aren't even edgelord, just nihilist losers. REAL villains do the Blessing of Despair
Miquella was never wrong
I just hate women. So does Miquella. We're a perfect match!
Why do you have long hair bro
giv insta
ugly ass faggot thinks he looks like an angelic being faggots are so fucked in the head
Did GRRM specify that he should be a nubile twink that is ready for the cock?
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>heterosexuality in a fag thread
Good one. Femboy on girl is great though.
Show sole
my bf does, sometimes his balls slip out and apparently thats really annoying
damn, i was looking for it when someone mentioned he was topping, artist should have had him top a male tarnished
>men of wö
It's not a true game over. Just like when you die to Ocelot's torture in Metal Gear Solid. The game makes it seem like a permament game over, but it doesn't delete your save file or send you to NG+, so it is just a normal death like all the others.
It's not even a death. The game makes it explicitly clear that you don't die but just refuses to let you keep playing for some reason.
if bussy was good enough for roman emperors
Nice ass but where's the bulge?
This was all set up in the original story, The Haligtree and Caelid are literally the farthest two points away from each other, Melania going all the way over there to kill Radahn for a reason. Even in the trailer she whispers in his ear, later revealed to be "Miquella awaits thee, O promised consort."
more please you are absolutely tasty
got socials?
You're all fucking stupid. The game explicitly says Radahn didn't refuse Miquella and Malenia going to fight him worked explicitly against Miquella's interests, she had merely convinced herself otherwise. The same is true of Mohg, who fucked up Miquella's most promising and straightforward plan out of a misguided and egotistical belief that he was the key to Miquella's apotheosis, in this way he's exactly the same. That's the point of Miquella, that he was invincible to direct harm but could still be brought to ruin by those who meant him well.
where the fuck is penis
how can i save this shit if theres no dick??
Are you retarded? I guess this is what you get from retards like you who never listen to any dialogue and just run into bosses until they get a lucky run because RNG.

In Elden Ring, to ascend to Godhood you need a powerful consort. Even as tarnished, when you become Elden Lord, you become Marika's consort. Miquella needed a consort, and he decided on Radahn. Radahn rejected him, he was too powerful to fall under the influence of Miquella's bewitching. Miquella had Melania go and try to kill Radahn, so that his soul would arrive in the land of shadows, where Miquella would be waiting. She failed to kill him but she greatly wounded him, the tarnished finishes the job.

As for Miquella, he's cursed with nascency, so he can never see anything through to the end. That's why be never develops in an adult but remains a child, that's why his haligtree never matures, that's why he couldn't complete his gold needle, etc...

He is a master manipulator, but his plans will always fail because of his curse. As for fighting him, how fucking stupid are you, he's in a body of a 10 year old boy. He's going to use his only real power, manipulation to have someone fight for him.
You're actually retarded, show me where it says Radahn didn't refuse Miquella or where Malenia going to fight him so his soul goes to the realm of shadow is contradicted.
Poor man's gwyndolin
I'm fine with no new ending, but what the hell was with the trailer with Mickey lifting the veil on the land of shadows that simply isn't present in-game? I'd love to beat/progress in the DLC and the whole isle reappears in the main game's world.
>show me where it says Radahn didn't refuse Miquella
>or where Malenia going to fight him so his soul goes to the realm of shadow
The only reason that Radahn needed to be killed and reincarnated was because he was physically and mentally ruined by the rot. Obviously this wouldn't be necessary if he had never been attacked in the first place.

Also not a single bit of dialogue or item description in the whole game or DLC implies any unwillingness on his part.
How many times can this faggot thread be repeated?

We get it, you're all fucking gay and want to spread your AIDS around. Yeah yeah, you're 4chan oldfags and being a literal faggot is so dark and edgy.

Talk about the fucking game.
So anyways, about Miquella's wiener...
>Miquella sought to accept all that was and would be, but found one that refused to be embraced. No wonder, as one god, and one king consort, is all the world needs.

Lmao, dude are you actually not able to read? Not only does that not support your point, but it supports mine.

Radahn refused Miquella when he was still alive, even Miquella bewitching didn't work on him. But Miquella wanted him and only him to be his consort. So he sent Malenia to kill him and send his soul to the realm of shadows, where it could be manipulated.

>Obviously this wouldn't be necessary if he had never been attacked in the first place.


He doesn't need to be willing, his soul is in Miquella's hands, so he doesn't matter at that point. Still, when he's going to his second phase transition, when he starts glowing red, he's actually breaking free from Miquella's control. But Miquella shows up, already an ascended god, so Radahn is unable to break free.
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Never played the game and I don't know this character, BUT if this really is a boy, will anon get banned for posting "him" topless with "his" exposed "male" nipples? In theory, it should be ok for advertisers, right?
You're the one who can't read. The one who refused to be embraced is you, the tarnished. This continues on from the game's earlier insistence that the reason we showed up was because Miquella and Radahn were competition for the throne. Why would Radahn refuse on the grounds that "one god, and one king consort, is all the world needs"?
>Radahn refused Miquella when he was still alive, even Miquella bewitching didn't work on him.
Completely baseless headcanon.
>So he sent Malenia to kill him and send his soul to the realm of shadows, where it could be manipulated
Why would Radahn be any more susceptible in the land of shadows? Especially after Miquella gave up the bulk of his psychic powers when he destroyed his great rune. Also, if Miquella was behind the invasion of Caelid, why were NONE of his forces there, only Malenia and her personal cleanrot knights?
Because Malenia knew that Miquella was in the land of shadows and decided to send Radahn there. We don't even know if she asked for his cooperation before attacking him, and considering her behavior in the haligtree, she probably didn't.
>Still, when he's going to his second phase transition, when he starts glowing red, he's actually breaking free from Miquella's control.
Total headcanon, and out of line with the presentation. He was getting extremely mad at YOU the guy, trying to kill him, until Miquella showed up and calmed him down.
Stop looking at my wife's(male) nipples.
male nipples should be fine
I don't even understand what you're trying to argue, your shit is just logically incoherent.

Shit like
>Because Malenia knew that Miquella was in the land of shadows and decided to send Radahn there.

Like clearly you must see how stupid and illogical that is, right? Or are you just begin retaded out of habit or whatever?
>Like clearly you must see how stupid and illogical that is, right?
If you could explain how it was, you would.
>No, Malenia didn't try to kill Radahn to send him to the land of shadows for Miquella, she tried to kill Radahn to send him to the realm of shadows for Miquella...

That's essentially what you said
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Autism fight going on, place your bets folks!
I never said she didn't claim or even think it was for Miquella, I said that he obviously didn't order it, because he had no fucking reason to do so at the time. Radahn was fine. He didn't need reincarnating. There's also nothing in the game supporting the idea that he gave her the order or supported her in any way during her endeavor.
you've got it the other way around, only the mentally ill can enjoy fromsoft games
>Another Miquella coomer thread
>Everyday with this thread, if not multiple times a day.

Holy shit, just take it to discord at this point, make a server and you can talk about it 24/7.
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>three fucking cutscenes of Miquella asking Radahn to be his consort
but its ok when nintendo games do it right?
I want a Miquella ending where I get to impregnate him over and over for all eternity
>three fucking cutscenes of Miquella
If only.
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>Miquella awaits thee O' Promised Consort
>My Loyal Blade, Champion of the Festival... both of your deeds will be praised in song
The Battle of Caelid is all the proof you need to know the twins are psychotic assholes and either Radahn agreed and backed out or he never agreed in the first place
The lore is ass now so both of you are just arguing over what flavor of shit you prefer
Nothing in the lore implies Radahn backed out
Nothing in the lore implies Miquella had anything to do with Malenia's march on Caelid
I think you misunderstood, this schizo has been arguing that Miquella dindu nuffin and that he had a wholesome gay romance with Radahn that Malenia fucked up by going to war with him against his orders because rot lady bad. It is very obvious why this is retarded to anyone with two working brain cells but he is entrenched in his position and won't budge an inch. If you want to see him sperg mention Mohg or Ansbach in any context that may portray Miquella in a negative light
The miquella ending is you let your heart get stolen and then delete your save.
Malenia is so fanatically loyal to Miquella that it's doubtful she would go anywhere with his army without his word, especially not to the exact farthest side of the country.
Oh boy here we go, I'll tell you in advance but his view of Malenia is that the "blade of Miquella" thing is just a farce and that she's evil and bloodthirsty and ruined Miquella's romance with Radahn because of her femcel moment. He will deny ANYTHING that might portray Miquella in a negative light because he's that much of a homo
just tell me good femboy porn to jack off to at this point
>it's doubtful she would go anywhere with his army without his word,
And she didn't. None of Miquella's soldiers went to Caelid. She took her clean rot knights, who are loyal to her specifically, and only them. None of Miquella's enormous following even followed up with her. Because she went without his blessing. If it was Miquella's plan to have Radahn killed, he wouldn't have sent her without a great host, nor would he not instruct his followers to follow up and finish Radahn if Malenia failed to get the job done. None of his followers even attend the Festival of Radahn!
god i wish human femboys were real...
Femboys and troons of /v/ your balls are now mine. By the time I'm done they'll be tougher than diamonds
>my Hilda thread is deleted but this stays
go into irc and ask
Everything aside, I'm really disappointed that Miquella doesn't at least drop a mending rune, or something.
You have to open the image to see it's pornographic
Depends on the janny, maybe the current one is being a little bitch or something
Why would Miquella call Malenia his loyal blade and champion if the war on caelid was not his machination? It's very clearly Miquella supported, he even heals Freyja in the aftermath, implying he is also there and not in the shadow realm yet.
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Caution. This is from a blacked set from a blacked AI genner .
This is therefore a secret blacked thread.
>It's very clearly Miquella supported,
Except none of Miquella's dudes are there. He doesn't even send more to finish the job
>It's very clearly Miquella supported, he even heals Freyja in the aftermath, implying he is also there and not in the shadow realm yet.
Malenia explicitly told Radahn otherwise. His appearance to Freyja therefore must have been some sort of dream manifestation. And also, despite interacting with her, which he knew would lead to her beguilement, he did not tell her to kill Radahn! If it was his plan for Radahn to die, why wouldn't he have done that? We can only conclude that he did not know that Radahn had been infected beyond repair yet.
>This is therefore a secret blacked thread.
no fuck off you fucking cuck
Miquella is all about domination and control. He is a top, and you can't argue that.
Pretty sure that's a woman cosplaying him.
I wonder if she even knows he's a dude.
>yeah just kill the strongest demigod bro I'm sure you got this
lol, you even type like a fag
He's a power bottom.
Miquella literally never controlled anyone in the whole story. His power manipulates emotions and he can't even turn it off.
After being rotted, he's not that tough. Loretta could probably take him.
>Blackedfag mad he got caught
I'd bring up Mohg but you'd go on one of your spergy rants again about how the game is lying to you
Those who like doming also like doming the doms. So this changes nothing.
Sorry chuddies, but I want miquella to destroy my fat bear ass.
Sex is sex, dick is dick and ass is ass. Source me up.
Gross, the only people who want to bang a fatass is another fatass.
all white femboys should serve black kings tho
This God and Lord shit is a McGuffin to fit Radahn into the plot. Shit is ass. Miquella's story would've been just fine without this consort shit. The Battle of Caelid is lame and too stupid for me to take seriously anymore. An entire fucking war because Miquella wanted to marry his brother. It was more interesting left ambiguous and now it's a fucking joke.
There's nothing about Miquella and Radahn in base game and they dropped everything that was interesting about Miquella for something that was never mentioned. He's a failure but the one thing he can stick to is the most contrived and bullshit plan possible? Out of all his interesting plans and motivations the one he sticks to is the one that gets him his brother's dick. Nobody called Miquella a failure until the DLC dropped and all the demigods failed. That was the point of the shattering.
>As for fighting him, how fucking stupid are you, he's in a body of a 10 year old boy. He's going to use his only real power, manipulation to have someone fight for him.
What an unimaginative fuck you are. He's 20ft tall when we meet him and that fight is so bullshit because of him. He can do just fine on his own. Have him turn into some cosmic horror, use his shadow as the final boss, have Leda be the consort if we absolutely have to stick to this dumbass plotline. Anything but a nigga I already beat.
Keep licking the boot and stop replying to me. You're not gonna change my mind. I didn't even get into how this shit is fundamentally lore breaking
Blacks are disgusting, anytime they have their dick up someone's ass, it looks like they're taking a massive shit.
>I think someone at From might hate Melina
and that man is Micheal Zackary
Nothing in the game says Miquella even communicated with Mohg, ever.
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SHITni is the worst ending
This, we can agree on.
Source on this?
This. Mohg was just a simp who built an entire palace of blood for him only to end up being ghosted from trying to get a crumb of the boypussy.
Been waiting for this edit!
My baseless conviction is they're saving my wife for a heavily death themed Elden Ring 2 featuring Godwyn and another chunk of the lands between that was nuked because Marika didn't like its shape. We'll get our Gloam Eyed Kino one day.
Do the demigods shit? Or do they just not need to eat. Or maybe they're like golden gooses and shit gold.
Miquella used the crafting kit and made some Anal Bleach Resin.
How do i get a cute Miquella gf
What do you think he dropped at those crosses?
Show him your +25 Greatsword that's in your trousers.
Miquella threw away the part of him that was f*male. You can't have him without abandoning your devotion to their holes.
How much cum do I need to pump into Miquella's bussy to get her pregnant?
Fujoshis are the worst. They defy all logic even when you spell it out for them. Only women and tumblr faggots like this shit. A war where everyone is fighting to the death(and even beyond) is some complicated love story? GTFO of here bro...
More like Dagger lmao
O-ho, gottem!
Nobody said it was a love story, retard samefag
They shit Scadutree Fragments?
Only the truest lorefags know why Miquella only has 3 arms. If you don't know why, you don't deserve to speak about the lore. With that said the Radahn/Miquella plot is fucking garbage
what does her bussy taste like?
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>Kek, I love this DLC for destroying what little reputation Malenia and her fans had left.
You mean how when you kill Malenia, she drops 95% of the amount of runes as Miquella and full strength Radahn? A literal god and his star-conquering king consort barely exceed the power of a blind and rotten one-armed swordswoman? You mean that reputation?
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sad indeed we didnt get the kind bussy
speaking of balls...
Damn this was an awesome thread. I'm upset I missed out on talking to the cosplayer... ;_;
/v/ros are so cute it's unreal.
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Which artist was that LORA trained on?
It's this Nip guy on twitter who's obsessed with office ladies. I wish I could remember his name, but alas I do not. Maybe I could find it if I dug deep.
oh this guy?
fromsoft isn't a group of homosexual faggots. they laugh at you gay faggot chasers. Miquella's creation was them cucking you faggots and i love it
>a virgin typed this
Yeah, pretty sure that's the one. Do you think OP's sloppa looks like him? Look at the blush and eyes on both of them.
hello virgin
>another shit thread by fromdrone
>incel is loving being alone
>ESL faggot
don't you have a cow to worship pajeet
no wonder you're a deadend
tender bussy...
>Never any miquellaXmalenia oneeshota content
>think the dlc will fix it
>now it's only gay miquellaXradahn shit forever
True suffering. at least someone might feel it in them to do miquellaXleda sometime
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It isn't a lora
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stop being gay.
stop spamming ai slop
Let's end it here /v/, is wanting to fuck miquella, like in the pictures posted, gay? It oozes so much femininity, my brain is confused and so is my dick.
If this is AI slop, I'm all for it. Makes my dick hard as fuck.
Who cares? Why do you give a shit?
why do you answer like you're another person? nigger
Prone bone it is then.
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Stop worrying about if shit is gay or not. If it gets you hard, it gets you hard. Fuck it if it's cute. That's all that matters.
Well in the picture it looks like he's nutting unalloyed gold.
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Even that's cope. Stop defining yourself based on other people. Be transcendentally ultra-straight. People keep saying that if I find someone attractive and they're male, that makes me gay. Wrong. When I find someone attractive, that makes them female.
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so when are you tranny-loving fromfags gonna start your transition?
I mean only actual faggots don't find Miquella attractive.
it's fucking gay. it's one step from chasing trannies. "males" like this need to be curbstomped for their inferior genes. simple as. if it has a dick and you want to fuck it you are a faggot.
You are a prison gay and a pedophile.
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What the hell IS chaos?
You're both fucking stupid. The vow was that Radahn would join Miquella if his own strength failed to make him Elden Lord. This is why the Redmane army stood alone during the Shattering War and Radahn didn't ally with any other side, because he wanted to rely only on himself and his gravity magic. And this is why Malenia trained to be the greatest warrior in the world since childhood, so she could defeat Radahn when the time finally came. Even then, she was forced to use the Scarlet Rot, setting up events later that lead (you) to killing his zombie form.

Your literacy is fucking low retards.
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>it's fucking gay
Even when miquella is so feminine and cute? Or perhaps I'm getting confused because of the "draw a girl, call it a boy" thing
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>Be transcendentally ultra-straight
So that was a fucking lie.
How his bussy smell like bros?
>tfw no Douki gf
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his balls certainly didn't drop
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Cute asian girl!
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didn't expect do get a (You) from a fat-assed trap while i was sleeping on my AI sloppa image
I would suck Miquella off and let him cum in my mouth then shallow like a bitch in heat if it meant i could spend a single night with his giantess rotten ginger sister
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how is AI getting this good?
im not joking. an AI made that image.
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yeah /v/. I know femboys and traps and trans 2D is great. but actually go onto a dating app or outside for like 5 minutes and you'll see the reality. illusion will be utterly shattered.
I guess the 2D is good but its not realistic at all.
inb4 you link me some porn star 9/10 to disprove me.
about 1% of them are actually bangable (basically female looks with a penis) but you would have to be an absolute retard to persue this in the real world
Why is his areola misplaced like that bro
>no Miquella ending
based fromsoft cucking retards
Why are there so many breedble guys on /v/
I don't know what to tell you anon, but the world's changed. It's much more common for feminine males that have nice hair, skin care routine etc, dress cute. Not to mention trans, hormones do amazing things. Maybe it depends where you live but I'm always shocked by the amount of honest to god femboy pornstar looking boys out there nowadays.
Wait, girls actually exist? Surely my eyes deceive me.
absolute state of this god forsaken board
shhh she's sleeping

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