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Does anyone still play this game?
And it's still one of the best openworld games
No. The boycott worked
I'm not chinese, so no.
Yes, and I'm looking forward to the new Natlan region that is about to drop.
I am eagerly waiting for Natlan.
It's the only game I've played in years
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I've yet to finish the event.
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Yes, waiting for my latino wives
cope and seethe gachafag, genshin still king
Yeah, me
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I only play a little bit because of the new daily mechanics making it too comfy to log out. Gacha evs dare so fucking weird man, they want you playing daily but only a little bit.
Maybe they saw a trend where people were just getting tired of dailies and decided it's more important to keep us hooked instead of pushing too hard.
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>clitty is second most popular in china
>meanwhile twitter is throwing tantrums over her being too white
Really makes you think
>my wife is last place
I knew I had a soul!!!!!!!
All of the ones with a tan or brown tones have low popularity in China but somehow HYV is wrong for making white characters
I got this character and then dropped the game
She's still level 1
I may come back to it one day
I'm surprised Mavuika is so popular in CN but I guess it's being assumed she's the archon even though leaks seem to indicate otherwise. I figured Citlali would be the most popular.
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>lolis that low
Good, hopefully hoyo stop pandering to lolifags
No because it's dogshit
One of the worst "games" ever made.
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Is this the rarest name card?
Absolutely not, old BP namecards are much more rare
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>signature weapon
>SS R5
Which one for navia?
That's quite based sir
Are those leaks saying she's not the archon in the room with us?
Only third world SEAs who've devoted too much time and money and actual children.

Mature gamers have gotten over the genre entirely or switched to a better version like Wuthering Waves.
The very first BP namecard that you had to buy is the rarest one since those are never getting a rerun.
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Crowded reminder
Do any of the BP namecards get a rerun?
Just saying I don't think it's been confirmed that she's THE archon and most of her popularity is based on the assumption that she is. If she turns out to not be that popularity is gonna plummet hard.
Every single time you people claim the obvious archon is not real. I'm sure next year there will be people claiming the Tsaritsa is not the real archon
Not even major lore events are getting reruns. New players missed out on basically everything related to Albedo.
>Raiden was the replacement archon for her sister
>Nahida is reincarnated from the previous archon
>Furina was doppleganger made by the real archon
I doubt they are gonna stop the two archons thing now, and it's likely whoever she's talking to in the trailer is the archon while she's just a figurehead.
I just play one gacha in between real games and its Genshin
I havent even touched ZZZ or Star Rail, one gacha is already enough for 15' gaming sessions
Its already confirmed that only Zhongli and Venti are original archons. It doesn't make the others impostors if they replaced the first ones.
Kirara is too sexual. How can I concentrate on helping the 3 clans uncover their lore when a hyper sexual kot is running around everywhere in her lewd new outfit?
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I'll never play chinkshit neither gookshit
That being said i really like both raiden and eula's design, i kneel chinks.
She’s fucking Himeko. She was guaranteed to be popular just like Raiden was popular and Tsaritsa Bronya will be popular.
But it does mean that Mavuika may not even be an archon at all.

She's not Himeko. You can tell cause she has no boob mole.
Meanwhile Venti and Zhongli quit their jobs and chill in retirement
It's the only game I still play since it doesn't take up much time
When I eventually grow bored I'll probably drop the entire medium for good
>not the hot moustache bimbo or the footslut
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>Nahida showing up in the extra quest about the book

Has not shown up in fucking forever.
Signature is, as one generally would expect, the best but serpent spine at r5 is so close to being its equal that I honestly wouldn't recommend going for Verdict if you don't already have it
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Should've stayed that way
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kirara love
She doesn't even look that mad, she looks concerned
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>Slayer of Zelda
>Annihilator of Tendies
>Bane of /v/tards
>Harbinger of waifu gacha
How can one game win so much?
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I LOVE my furina
>wound up choosing to swipe Nilou instead
Forgive me Emile...
Her original outfit is way better.
You made the right choice, burning is a mega meme.
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I also managed to get jean from it too so I'm giga happy
Really you should be saving up for the shark girl onahole though but hey you do you as long as you're having fun.
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This is a chinese lawyer.
No, stopped years ago when I realized they don't give shit for content update after update, and that the community is absolute cancer.
Emilie doesn't deal dmg with burning though she just needs burning to deal dendro dmg. You can deal fucking 1 hp dmg per tick with burn it doesn't fucking matter to her.
>she needs burning
And that's why she is cringe.
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Eh, none of the natlan characters they showed off appeal to me apart from the archon and the chick that has a mask.
I quit the game after I got Euler. In my mind the story ends with Traveler saying fuck it and deciding to settle down in Mondstadt creampieing Eula all day.
What killed the hype?
>shitty flop can't make the PS5 or PS4 sell
It's been dead on arrival since day 1.
>a useless mechanic is made not useless
>that's a bad thing somehow
ok faggot
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I am at 192 rolls right now. Not rolling unitl the pyro archon.
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Rigged polls
>a useless mechanic relies on people investing in one single character to make it useful
>"how is this bad?!"

Doesn't make the character bad, retard.
>actual sex appeal
>recent QoL updates
>daily commissions straight up dead

Genshin is unrionically healing.
Nah, we just haven't had an actually cute and funny loli since Nahida.
cringe post
Little girls own me...
Yes but the /vg/ general is unusable, filled with 3rd world brownoids flinging poop at the wall all day and hoping someone laughs at the shit piling up. Shame because everywhere else you can talk about it is reddit or reddit adjacent pozholes.
You should never use /vg/ for talking about any game.
True, funny that /v/ is a much better platform for discussion. Some things just aren't meant to be discussed 24/7 and need a little downtime.
Still one of the best open world games, so nothing.
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gotta use the other board
Every long term player has aloy except the few autists that dodged her for a year

like me
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>pyro traveler isn't in the beta
>natlan statue of the seven doesnt give any cons for pyro traveler
bros... i just want another option besides dendroloom.
>Don't add pyro Traveller in 5.0
>Save it for an epic story moment in 5.2
>Gameplay/Balancing department makes it shit anyway
can't wait
There is no way in hell they will make him/her an on field dps there is just too many broken options available.
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I can't wait for pyro Loom to be
>Skill: weak fireball that hits a single enemy for low damage and has to be manually aimed
>Burst: summons tiny fire on the ground that deals some damage over time and instantly vanishes if it triggers an elemental reaction or hits a shield
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dont do this to me
I never understand the appeal of genshin. The combat sucks. Open world? I had enough ubisoft open world collecting games.
Ubisoft games aren't free with regular updates every 6 weeks though.
I can't think of any other game that matches Genshin's update cadence.
I'm pulling Navia right now
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Ubishit has the ugliest characters possible
Don't forget the 28 second cooldown on the skill
Genshin = looks good, fantasy, everything is appealing
Ubisoft = looks bad, realistic, everyone is ugly
>The combat sucks
I don't know how much time you spent on it but the appeal of the combat is similar to building a deck for a card game. The mechanical interaction between the party members can become fairly complex.
I'm fairly sure that nowadays Genshin is the biggest hand crafted (meaning non-auto generated) open world in the whole genre. The game is so big nowadays, you could pretty much explore it for months non-stop still finding new stuff to do every day.
So many of those outraged genshin posts seem like they are just farming likes
Most of xwitter has forgotten about the "boycott"
They are, social media encourages absolutely psychotic behavior.
Really? I heard that they gathered "100k signatures" whatever that means
I'll replay if they add an option to skip dialogue.
The funniest thing about the shitskin rage and "boycott" is that Mihoyo takes in so much feedback from the players that you just know they are aware of these tards and probably had to form a committee internally about how to handle it.
Not that many when you compare it to the current player count (according to google)
Hoyo don't need a committee to learn that ignoring xwitterfags is the easiest way to deal with them
Then yeah that's a really small number. But with that new poll that shows chinese players prefer white characters makes this whole discussion pointless since now they have a legitimate reason to not budge
The boycott is the most pointless boycott ever because the people who support it are people who have never played Genshin in the first place and are just activists who move from one topic to another every month or people who do not spend any money at all anyway on Genshin.
Its pointless because only a small percentage of the players are joining it apparently, but I don't think they necessarily don't play/spend. A lot of those people are easily scammed so I bet they can spend quite a bit
>Sample size: 3931
Furina was never the archon and didn't replace Focalors
Your big mistake is assuming that the people on twitter are players and that any of them are whales. Why is no one buying any of those diverse games made specifically for that crowd if they always cry so much for exactly those? Because those people don't play games. It's the same as people who cried about comic books needing to be changed. None of them read any comics or had any intention of doing so.
How busted is the pyro archon looking?
Nothing is really known besides her being pyro claymore. Everthing you do see is just fake clickbait leaks.
Real answer: We have no idea
Patternfag answer: She's an archon so she'll likely be both an off-fielder and not be totally shit
Leakfag answer: Leakers claim that a part of her kit involves coordinated attacks (pyro) similar to Raiden's E, but seeing as how she won't release until 5.2 we don't really know the details and things may or may not change
I would, if they didnt force me to sit through endless ingame cutscenes without the option to skip the endless dialogue slop, quit the game somewhere in sumeru, I jist want to exploooooore
What's Furina so scared of?
I just hope the pyro archon isn't just another Hu Tao or Arle type infusion DPS character.
Furina is quick to recognize lewdness.
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Which way, /v/?
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Just noticed in the trailer Clit is seen both wearing her cloth and also having it around her waist. Wonder if that's just for the art or if that's a hint to what her kit could be. We know that all Natlan chars will have some kind of alt movement mode because of Nightsoul at least but not sure what hers would be since all we know so far is that she does divination and she's Cryo.
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Slug for fug
Aranananana for friend
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I miss these little niggas like you wouldn't believe
I think she's just holding a piece of fabric in that one cut
>Bitches about "colorism"
>Favorite character is Nilou

That's funny.
Do not fug slug.
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I'm aware this is going to sound like a shitpost but Genshin combat feels like such dogshit after enjoying Zenless Zone Zero and Wuthering Waves

Them having actual dodges and parries makes the combat flow so much better and I can actually either get out of the way or block an attack without interrupting my attack chain while feeling rewarded for it

Meanwhile Genshin doesn't have either so my options either are to use a shielder/healer and simply not care about what the enemy is doing or stop attacking and get out of the way before I can continue hitting it again which feels infinitely worse

Wish hoyo would do a genshin 2 or a new and refreshed genshin with all their new fancy things
File deleted.
Aranara, they look very huggable
>Genshin combat sucks, you have to respect that enemies are attacking you and plan accordingly
What watching YouTube videos on double speed does to a mfer
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Wrong image, opps
>you have to respect enemies
No you REALLY don't have to which is the problem. I could go in depth into it but you seem like a kid more interested in flinging insults and buzzwords for a rush of dopamine so it'd be a waste of time to do so.
the dodge has i-frames and you can use bursts i-frames, besides just side stepping
I haven't played Wuwa, but ZZZ feels way too telegraphed, plays more like a rhythm game where you just react to the color popping up, I don't think that's particularly an upgrade
I understand you're talking about the flow of combat, but I really fail to see the comparisons, maybe we just play Genshin in a different way (which could easily be the case given how many teams have different playstyles)
5.2 is too far away for reliable leaks, we'll start to see better info dribble in in a month or so
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No idea but save for her C2
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Big deal is made about slugs being treated as regular people in Fontaine so it is actually encouraged to marry and fug a slug. Hydro Sovereign himself will bless the human/slug relationship.
My issue is that the Genshin combat feels too simple in 2024. In ZZZ/WW you are encouraged to parry since parrying deals big poise damage so getting the timing right is great but you also have the chance to dodge if you can't afford to parry the attack then you continue attacking immediately after responding to the attack.

In Genshin I'm either playing some character that really doesn't give a fuck about what the enemy is doing such as Arlecchino or Neuvilette where the enemy could be jacking itself off for all I care and I can simply just wail on it mindlessly. Or I'm playing some squishy character that actually cares about getting hit and I have to interrupt my flow of combat and rotation to get out of the way of a hit that could easily kill me.
waiting for xilonen
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DON'T fug the slugs
You can dodge, it's just not as flashy. Though the biggest issue with Genshin's always been that dodge has is a significant DPS loss so the go-to strategy is to either use a shielder (the weak option) or to just ramp up damage sky high to kill things as fast as possible. Genshin isn't really like Wuthering Waves or ZZZ because it's built around rotations, skills and bursts. Or, if you're a Neuvillette player, just holding the attack button and spinning. Making dodges more snappy isn't going to help you much because the only thing that really matters in high end play is to ramp up damage as high as possible. Snappier dodges isn't going to change the way Bennett, Nahida or Furina play. It's not gonna change how Neuvillette plays. It's not even gonna change how Diluc plays.
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Snappier dodges and more threatening enemies would definitely make the game feel a lot better though. If the game had more big attacks that you actually have to respect and the ability to actually get out of the way of said attacks without feeling like a massive DPS loss then it would feel a lot better than worms that burrow half the fight or enemies that are invulnerable for most of the time.
>Or I'm playing some squishy character that actually cares about getting hit and I have to interrupt my flow of combat and rotation to get out of the way of a hit that could easily kill me.
that's the thing I rarely feel, because you can dodge most stuff with your dodge or just abuse bursts i-frames
my take is that the issue doesn't lie with the core combat itself, but rather the enemies and how they deal little damage or aren't aggressive the vast majority of the time, like even Neuv and Arlecchino will have to respect and play properly against a double consecrated beast or a strong combination of heralds
I don't think adding a button where you parry would change much (and technically there are characters who do that like Beidou
>like even Neuv and Arlecchino will have to respect and play properly against a double consecrated beast or a strong combination of heralds
Do you really have to? Those two characters have a fair deal of poise so you can really just not care about what they're doing and just blast.
Like Neuv vs the double pyro herald is just do your usual rotation and not care about what they're doing because I am healing myself while dealing damage.

Something like snappier dodges and actually threatening attacks would give the satisfaction of correctly dodging them all while making dodges feel less of a massive DPS loss
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>finally cleaned up my artifacts
>gave every single character a set to wear
>locked everything that could actually be useful
>can use up anything that isn't locked now

I need to do that, I bet I have a lot of shit locked that I'll never use
I had stuff locked at lvl 20 with a single crit stat that had 1-2 rolls into it. Some of it was cope stuff from the earliest days of farming for specific artifact sets.
The damage has kinda been done already. Since Bennett in fact. Even if you add a dodge now, the only way you could make it like what you're saying is by massively bloating enemy HP and defense values.
>Like Neuv vs the double pyro herald is just do your usual rotation and not care about what they're doing because I am healing myself while dealing damage.
that's not a strong combination of heralds, the pyro heralds sure deal some damage, but they're way too slow, try double cryo + hydro like the one in 3.7 where you could be frozen cc'd to death and a double consecrated beast can also easily kill you, that's why I think 3.7 abyss was harder than 4.7

>Something like snappier dodges and actually threatening attacks would give the satisfaction of correctly dodging them all while making dodges feel less of a massive DPS loss
this is pretty much why I love consecrated beasts, a shame the game is aimed to casual players and after the 3.7 abyss big filter we never had anything cool again
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don't reply to trannies, just ignore them.
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There's gonna be a hundred little siegs running around by the time I'm done with merusea village
Also, literally no existing character actually benefits from that, because Genshin is heavily reliant on timed buffs and effects. To use Bennett as an example, every second you're not in his circle is a second wasted, which is rough because his burst only lasts 12 seconds. And if you're in his circle but not doing damage, that's still more seconds wasted. The critical issue of Genshin really lies on how intensely reliant its gameplay is on buffs and passives that only last like 9-to-15 seconds. Any gameplay shift that changes things so you're forced to play more defensively would ruin like 90% of the existing roster.

Now, granted, I wouldn't mind Circle Impact being taken down a peg, but Bennett isn't really the only character who would be negatively affected by this. But ultimate, Genshin is a game that is defined by 9-to-15 second buffs. Even braindead DPS characters like Bennett and Raiden are defined by this, since their bursts only last a few seconds.
>Genshin implements a shit ton of QOLs over the past year with even more insane QOLs coming for 5.0 that are actually even better than HSR's
>Genshin will still be known as the game that never listens to players thanks to Tectone and all his dick slorping influencer friends

Is there really no coming back from such a soured reputation?
Circle impact has always sucked ass anyway, I'd love for the combat in the game to feel more dynamic instead of just mindlessly doing your rotas and eradicating whatever is on the other side through sheer damage.
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>Hmmmm our playerbase wants better endgame and better things to do
>I know! Let's add a mode where you need twenty-four (24) built characters to get your primogem income! That'll keep them entertained!

Idk about your "Insane QOLs" because they've been shitting the bed hard with everything that comes out about Natlan.
The game is 4 years old if you don't have enough characters that's a you problem. IT is great.
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>he still hasn't taken the overload pill
we suffer from no downtime around here
Natlan feels like they're absolutely desperate to get people to roll between the IT changes and all the nightsoul garbage
Yes, but again, this affects more than just Bennett. Raiden's burst lasts 7 seconds. If you're using her as a DPS, you cannot afford to be not attacking for any duration of the burst, because every second you're not attacking you're wasting it. It literally does nothing if it's not hitting something, and you literally only have 7 seconds to make it count. Diluc is much more lenient, but his burst still lasts just 15 seconds. Night Vigil lasts 7.5 seconds.
>IT is great.
Obviously you're in the extreme minority considering how Mihoyo actually came out and apologized for how garbage it is.
>Let's add a mode where you need twenty-four (24) built characters to get your primogem income! That'll keep them entertained!
you probably need 4 at most, you still need all those 24 characters to enter for some unknown reason though

not really, that's just the usual gimmick stuff that will wear off soon, people were also thinking and crying that pnemousia would be a must
I don't think he cares, he very clearly just wants to fling shit.
>You probably only need 4
>You still need all those 24 tho
So which one is it
>where you need twenty-four (24) built characters
>twenty-four (24) built characters
IT is so fucking garbage, they should apologize more and reduce the amount of characters we need for it instead of increasing it.
Or just make it a proper roguelike thing where we have to do stages using trial characters and the stages are tuned towards those trial characters instead of making a mode where it takes longer to gear all those characters over the time it takes me to actually clear those stages.
Will Kachina be the character you get for free in the new region so that you always have at least one character who can even trigger this weird nightburst mechanic?
Will Kachina even be usable?

I'm so desperate for a main DPS loli because all of them are supports with the closest one being Nahida the queen of tag E and swap out
They say she won't be free. Unlike Collie and Lynette, which you needed for some puzzles in their respective regions, the new girl won't be necessary for puzzle mechanics.
I doubt it. She's Geo and even 5-star Geo DPSs have a hard time without the full range of supports. Gorou is permanently attached to Itto's hip at all times.
Isn't she supposedly in the second half? If so, maybe you'll be able to get her as part of the anniversary event
I don't think I've ever hated anything in genshin more than IT, not even the mountains of dialog without a skip button. IT still pissed me off more.
Doesn't Klee demand a fair amount of field time?
She's technically a DPS but she's clunky and not very strong.
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Klee is kinda garbage in modern day though being an almost release patch unit.

Requires a lot of setup, peak meta supports and has really clunky controls to be usable which means she's definitely in the realm of "coping" unless Natlan buffs the pyro reactions like burning or burgeon.
Seems about as useful as Ning which means that she is just completely outclassed as a DPS in her element.
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Same because addiction is a hell of a drug except that I play WuWa too now so that I can have a little more Genshin between patches
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Homos and women still do
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>Surely hoyoverse will release a good loli character so I can build a full loli team!!!
>Been waiting for 4 years
>Iansan is highly likely to get the sige treatment of Electro character with barely any hydro application with her already getting changed from pyro cata to electro polearm

Genuinely feel like quitting for Natlan. I have like zero motivation to do the story and unless 5.0 wows me, I think I definitely will.
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>the darker the character, the lower it goes in CN
A little everyday, im on sumeru right now.
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This is what I am waiting for.
I just got Navia. I don't care that I lack a good weapon for her, I will use her in my main teams. I love her so much.
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Did Scara win? I keep hearing this is the best summer event ever and how great he is
He got to do major character things and instantly got set up by Albedo for a future event but he forever has to deal with being called Hat Guy by everyone in voiced scenes.
he comes across as a pansy boy
>Even more scara shilling after he ruined the entirety of sumeru
I'm so tired of this homo pandering game
Based china dabbing on twitteroids
Is this Chinese spyware worth playing?
If you love cute boys and homo pandering then yes
Yes, just dont burn yourself playing 8 hours daily or trying to reach endgame fast, is a chill game, enjoy the music too

The chasm was cool af
Nah, keep playing american and japanese spyware instead
I stayed the fuck away from it back in 2020(?) due to concerns about muh kernel access and all that jazz, sort of just forgot about it until earlier this year where I came to realize I had never really heard of any debacles related to my fears from back then
Decided to give it a try just to see what it was about and got caught by surprise by how much the open world exploration felt like what I'd expect from a 'real' game since I was under the impression it just was a .png collector like what little I knew of other gachas

It's a cool game for when you just want to unwind but if you think you might get turned off by open world exploration and/or a story without a skip button then you probably won't enjoy it for long
>has a big cast
>most characters only show up once in a year or so if at all
Ngl, this is one of the biggest reasons why I might end up dropping this game. Instead we get random ass NPCs spilling their life stories in every other event or quest all the time. HSR does a way better job at including old characters into the world and events. It's truly a shame, you have this beautiful open world, but they don't do shit with it. It's so horribly static.
nah fuck HSR that game has it's own issues with how it has the WORST droughts i've ever seen in a gacha game, how the community of the game is keyboard warriors and burned out genshin players or how the honkai community is so fucking bitter towards everything that isn't them.

Also honkai designs are either the gayest fag or some boring bland hag with no inbetween. ZZZ feels like the only hoyoverse game playing at the moment but only god knows if it'll fall to the usual mihomo pitfalls.
Sounds like the exact opposite of a static world when you constantly meet new people while still sometimes running into the old cast instead of having a world populated by 20 characters who show up in every region and every quest and every event.
You forgot that if they show up then they get like five lines a year then never show up again unless you're part of the shill group like Itto then you're in every fucking event ever made
I'm kinda conflicted on this because I agree it's such a waste of characters to barely have them interact with both each other and the player, but on the other hand many of them are also so one dimensional it's not like you could have any interesting interactions by throwing several of them together
When I think about my favourite storylines in the game I don't really think about the archon quest but instead about the optional side quests where the playable characters are completely absent and replaced by literal NPCs such as Jeht, Zhiqiong, Ruu (the Tsurumi island quest) and so on
People want to see more of their favorites though but genshin has the big issue that a character comes out, they get a little bit of time on the spotlight then you never see them again because they have to sell you the new characters.
Sumeru is like the worst offender of this because Sumeru barely gets any events if at all while every other event is set on Inazuma or Liyue with those characters being shilled nonstop.

HSR is WAY worse about this because not only the characters get shelved after their banner/region, the character also gets powercreeped and it becomes harder to bring them to content so you're forced to shelve your favorites as a player too.
yeah this is the worst
they could easily fix this character issue by replacing all the NPCs by known characters so everyone feels like their favorites are getting screentime but instead its always just NPCs to the point that some character quests are more about a NPC than the character the quest is meant to be about
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Dynamic world is something like ZZZ where you can randomly find characters on the map going about their lives and you can actually talk to them instead of Genshin's revolving door

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