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Talk DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, MGR, God Hand and ARPGs like Nioh
I like this game, it plays nothing like a musou.
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I'm already done with Shadow of the Erdtree. The final boss was so obnoxious I just summoned two people to kill it for me while I tanked; the only boss on both the base game and the DLC I summoned other players for.
It was fun and if you liked Elden Ring you will like SOTE, but still I feel that From could do more with it.
Now I'm deciding between Remnant 2 or Stranger of Paradise. Kind of tempted to let it to a coin flip.
I liked Nero even when he debuted, sure he's not as hardcore as Dante but he's fun to play as
fuck you, they're the reason cuhrayzee games are not made anymore
Anyone got a good primer for how to build a fire priest in elden ring? Stats? Spells? Weapons?
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>Character Action
>mogs dmc
Nero was always fun and he got a bad first showing especially with fans thinking he was there to replace Dante.
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Curazee games have always been a niche genre; even at the peak of its popularity the only notable franchises were Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden while every other attempt fell into obscurity or was a commercial failure.
By the time rollslop became a phenomenon (2011), Devil May Cry was already dead thanks to 4 and the westernized reboot was under development, Bayonetta sold so poorly Nintendo bought exclusivity and the crime against gaming that is Ninja Gaiden 3 was under development.
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sorry guys, forgot the pic
>have always been a niche genre
No they weren't, it was a go to shovelware genre during the PS2 era
No they weren't. What you saw were ARPGs (The Bouncer) or games looked similar but played fundamentally differently (Mark of Kri)
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I cannot imagine grinding out a Pure Platinum run for chapters in Bayonetta. There is just so much bullshit unrelated to combat you have to deal with in between each attempt at trying to gun for a Pure Platinum that getting that rank would be just as much a test of patience as it would be a test of player skill.
You have:
>cutscenes you manually have to skip every single time you retry a mission
>lots of long stretches where you do nothing but panther run forward
>backtracking to enter secret verses
>gimmicky sections in a fair chunk of the levels (shmup sections, motorcycle sections and shit like running from something chasing you, or running through laser obstacle courses) that don't involve the main combat system at all
>mashing buttons for torture attacks to squeeze out as many point as possible (something that just tires my fingers out even after only doing one chapter casually, let alone seriously grinding and reattempting chapters over and over and over again until I perfect them and get the PP rank)

I suppose I can PP the boss-exclusive chapters. But the regular chapters? No way. It's too much for me, especially since some of these missions are insanely long.
Tru, I'm glad he's more accepted now
It's not hard at all, but it is certainly tedious and frustrating at times
I've PP'd it on NSIC multiple times by now
Do PP requirements on NSIC difficulty become stricter? Like, if you get hit even once, do you lose out on a PP for a verse?
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Knowing that Bayonetta and TW101 are chock full of non-action related segments is the reason I never played either of them.
Of Platinum's output I enjoyed MGR and recently Transformers Devastation immensely so they can definitively make games without gimmicky shit.
Transformers Devastation is unironically Platinum's best game.
>if you get hit even once, do you lose out on a PP for a verse?
Yeah. You can, however, quit to the title screen after you get hit, hit continue, and then restart the verse from a checkpoint. This is why I don't find it really challenging. You can just restart the verse. It's just frustrating as fuck.
Still, there are times where you finish a verse, and you failed to meet the requirements for a Platinum combo score, so you gotta restart the whole chapter from the beginning. You can't just go back to the title screen if that happens.
>You can, however, quit to the title screen after you get hit, hit continue, and then restart the verse from a checkpoint. This is why I don't find it really challenging. You can just restart the verse.
That sounds absolutely terrible. I know it's too late since the game is 15 years old now, but they should have patched that exploit out. Allowing players to segment these runs in each mission kills the purpose of rank running.
Should I stick with Astral Chain? I finished the 4th file a day or so ago but haven't felt like continuing it. I tried a bit yesterday but quit out after I got shackled with some stupid mascot quest.
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MGR is full of gameplay interruptions, from walking sections to qtes to phase shifts in boss fights that take longer than the bossfights themselves, you will probably feel right at home with Bayo honestly.
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Based TFD enjoyer.
I loved it but I understand not enjoying the non-combat stuff. If you're not feeling it because of the investigations and minigames then you should probably drop it. I might be misremembering but I believe you can chapter select to avoid them later on.
>MGR is full of gameplay interruptions
Nah. There was an (optional) stealth section where a puzzled Dok ask you why you decided to go guns blazing given how Raiden is supposedly a stealth specialist and a brief building / dodge obstacles climb. No Space Harrier After Burner Rad Racer bullshit.

I won't play Bayonetta or TW101 because I don't want to suffer an aneurysm being forced to play minigames that I don't like and have no relation with the game I'm supposedly playing.
Nero feels like Ichigo without the bankai, basically permanent Shikai Ichi.
NTA but MGR is filled with bullshit
From the first fight against Sam where you're forced to lose, all the walk 'n talk codec sequences, and the other walking section right before Monsoon. It's fucking annoying.
>walking sections, qtes, phase shifts in boss fights that take longer than the bossfights themselves, gecko segment, shitty turret segment while waiting for the lift, etc etc arent interruptions
insane mental gymnastics
>From the first fight against Sam where you're forced to lose,
But it's still an actual fight regardless of the results. Just like those DMC3 fights against Vergil where the plot dictates that you lose
>all the walk 'n talk codec sequences, and the other walking section right before Monsoon. It's fucking annoying
Not at all. They interrupt the game but simply to do exposition, not to force you to play Mahjong or musical chairs or Dig Dug or whatever arcade game the developer played on his childhood and if I wanted to play it I would be playing it rather than playing Action Game X.

Compared to forced After Burner / Space Harrier / Punch Out / F-Zero sections, they aren't.
>If you're not feeling it because of the investigations and minigames
Yeah I can't say I've enjoyed having to do the detective stuff every level so far. I'll drop it then.
>Just like those DMC3 fights against Vergil where the plot dictates that you lose
not in gameplay.
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>No Space Harrier After Burner Rad Racer bullshit.
I'd tell you to stick it out due to its unique gameplay but the gimmick stuff can harm a game. Just wish I could emulate it instead of having to use my Switch.
no mini-games silly
Musou chads won
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>Character Action
kys, fgt. They're just action games.
>when you're not skilled enough to play fighting games but you still want to feel hardcore
>Character Action
Kill yourself.
>Character Action
Fake name.
I beat NGS and NGS2 too recently on the Master Collection but couldn't even finish 3's first chapter
It's been more than a month and I don't think I'm going back
I play and like both
>Character Action
no, it's j-action
>another filtered shitter
>makes a game so bad it filters people
You got me?
its good though, have you tried not being bad at games?
>its good though
It demonstrably isn't
>have you tried not being bad at games?
Post trophies
Post your gameplay.
I accept your concession
Post your gameplay.
>expecting ngfags to post their gameplay
these subhumans only repost the same few webms made by other players
I replayed DMC5 the other day on son of sparda and blasted through it with decent ratings and it got me thinking these games were never hard or ive still got it I guess.
I already accepted your concession
5 is not only the easiest DMCs but one of the easiest games in general.
I'm trying to choose a PS2 action heavy game to play. I'm leaning towards Beatdown: Fists of Vengeance
NGchads are the only posters who post their own gameplay
I will always recommend Urban Reign.
These "NGChads"... Are they in this room with you?
I'm one of them :)
>no gameplay in sight
I wonder if we'll ever get another rhythm based one like Hifi Rush.
It probably won't be as good, but the idea clearly had merit considering the reception it got, even if Microsoft had to release it to see it.
it was a shitty simon says game that killed the studio
There was an indie game that was literally just that, and I'm pretty sure that the dev said that Hi-Fi Rush ripped them off or something like that
I don't remember the name of the game anymore, though
Do you think people just have clips of their gameplay stored somewhere, to be posted at any moment?
I hope not. Being a rhythm game is why I didn't bother with that game and the last thing we need is the scarce future action games to become something else.
When did the term "character action" actually come about?
thats how the clips get made in the first place, yes. people get a cool moment in their game and save it. otherwise there would be no clips at all
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Here's everything you need to know about the many names this genre has

>coined by Hideki Kamiya himself, creator of the first DMC and first Bayonetta
>Capcom officially uses it as a genre classification for DMC4 and DMC5
>stylish right there first and foremost in the name making it simple for everyone to get what's the genre all about
>doesn't sound cringy and is on point

>Kamiya is bit of a sperg
>depending on who you ask it might exclude other hardcore action games such as Ninja Gaiden because they're not focused on being stylish and carefree

>popular enough for people to know that it means hardcore action games such as DMC/MGR/NG/Bayo/GH etc.

>coined by Liam from Super Best Friends Play Youtube channel
>mostly used by reddit and other cringy cucks
>doesn't make any fucking sense
>why in the fuck is "character" there? when most of these game have multiple characters?
>fuck every single game has characters
>just a retarded and unclear title all around

>it has "spectacle" in the name which is nice and even more inclusive than "stylish" since Ninja Gaiden and MGR are not focused on style but still feature a focus on different spectacles

>coined by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw from Zero Punctuation
>then popularized by Total Biscuit in his DmC video where he shits on original DMC fans
>these games aren't fighters for fuck's sake

>sounds kinda cool

>coined by couple of sweaty D&D neckbeards to mock the filthy casuals
>now used to describe Diablo clones
>also starting to be used by retarded gaming journalists
>isn't inclusive enough because you don't hack and slash people in things like God Hand and lots of these games feature maces or fist weapons that can neither hack nor slash

>coined by /v/

>coined by /v/
What about "3D Beat em Up"
MGR is fucking trash
Not really very accurate
Something like Sifu and Godhand are beat em up, but something like Ninja Gaiden or DmC really aren't
How about "Spectacle Action" Game?
/v/ also coined "j-action" which is what I use personally. character and spectacle are exclusively used by faggots.
How about "kill yourself retard?"
Lmao loser, I beat him with the Blasphemous Blade the skill restores your HP and it can be abused on him
Better than "Spectacle Fighters" and "Character Action", but "spectacle" doesn't really describe some of these games really well
No, J-Action was also coined by Kamiya, and I think it just sounds retarded
J-action was used before Kamiya.
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The problem is that my build is a pure strength build so I can't use fancy things like ashes of war or spells.
Which is kind of an issue because Elden Ring is clearly designed for hybrid builds (which isn't a bad thing in the slightest; the game wanted to experiment with the concept).
How about 3rd Person Action, then? It doesn't properly describe anything but it fits all, has a nice acronym and matches FPS
I just call them action games.
Because that would technically mean that Uncharted and Devil May Cry belong to the same genre, and I don't think that's the case
To be fair my level was like 180 and it was a STR/INT, I don't think pure STR builds are viable anymore due to the bosses ridiculous HP bars and how some of them can generate back health, you should try adding some INT/ARC to your build it'll make the game more fun
Also I can't imagine playing the game without any elemental buffs (blood loss, frost bite etc) they make a the game a lot more fun and rewarding
Make sure to stack up your scatree fragments as well mine was level 19 before I could finally beat him
FPS games also have an issue with subgenre faggotry.
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My character is RN270 and my scadutree fragments level was 15 when I fought the DLC's final boss. Still I couldn't do shit.

>Also I can't imagine playing the game without any elemental buffs (blood loss, frost bite etc) they make a the game a lot more fun and rewarding
That's how I played it: not a single buff or the like, didn't level any of the "magic" stats. But I did abuse the summons; the mimic tear is a must for every boss battle but I only summon it during the second phase so it can survive to the end.
All of them, in release order NOW (play orochi 3 ultimate and then branch out from there depending on what characters you like)
Torture attacks are completely optional for platinum combo rank, sometimes they can even harm your time rank
Also electric durga makes you immune to joy lasers
No, in fact many pure plat verses are less strict on NSIC than on Hard. The platinum combo requirements are significantly lower on NSIC because you don't have access to Witch Time to raise your combo multiplier. Sometimes this reduction is disproportionate, resulting in a much easier platinum combo requirement. For some verses getting platinum combo on Hard can be much trickier especially with Jeanne who kills things faster than Bayo (less leeway to rack up combo points).
Getting hit once results in losing pure plat on every difficulty.
Thanks, you NIGGER
I hope you have a nice day FAGGOT
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>still hasn't posted the same 3 credo fight webms that have been posted in every thread for 15 years
Pretty funny hats the only example ever given for how dmc4 is "good"
>Pretty funny hats the only example ever given for how dmc4 is "good"
yeah except like thousand of combo mads and freestyle videos on youtube
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what do musou experts think
It just looks like every other musou ever made
Genuinely no idea why people like these games
Was yesterday's shitposting not enough? Also, we call them hack and slash, not "character action". That's reddit nonsense.
These games play nothing like diablo.
ARPGs refer to games like Dragon's Dogma or Dark Souls
Hack and Slash is for games like DMC and NG
Diablo is dogshit and the only term you need for it is "looter cancer". We've always called DMC a hack and slash on /v/. If you weren't here waiting for the release of 4, then nothing you say about the nomenclature matters. If you've ever used reddit, then nothing you say matters and you should kill yourself.
it's always a Toss Up between Urban Reign and Breakdown. After careful consideration I chose Breakdown because it seems more casual and I'm a noob at anything related to combos in a fighting game.
Good music + dash canceling
>these games aren't fighters for fuck's sake
dmc1 and god hand are confirmed by the kamiya/mikami respectively to be their attempts to make a modern take on all the 2D beat-em ups of the 90s, which were themselves the direct ancestor of actual fighting games (street fighter 1 and fatal fury 1 were both essentially single player games where instead of fighting hordes of mooks you just fought the bosses that happened to have a two player vs mode, which was already a thing from beat em ups like golden axe/double dragon - and it took a little while for japanese devs to stop considering them as single player games first)

pretty much all of the things that made devil may cry stand out compared to other 3D games where you hit people with a sword are things from fighting games, the stylish/combo counter, the ability to animation cancel attacks into other attacks smoothly, the wide movelist attached to a single character, the super meter that you build by landing attacks, the taunting - there's a reason dante does a shoryuken when he does real impact
>there's a reason dante does a shoryuken when he does real impact
you do realize cuckmiya has nothing to do with proper DMC games that actually do take after fighters?
fuck off, namefag.
They still aren't fighters though, even if Itsuno did work on Capcom vs SNK and other fighting games
DMC1 is the best DMC game
ARPGs are not real action games you retard
Razor's Edge is trash
It's not
It really is
It's shit. Only liked by contrarians and people who don't understand NG
What do you mean by "don't understand Ninja Gaiden"?
They literally are, you're just a retarded westoid that can't find something hiding under his long nose.
>.t doesnt understand ninja gaiden
wow I guess ninja gaiden isnt an action game now because theres no focus on juggle autism...
Braindead game that's as deep as a puddle
just like dmc then lmfao
also cute goalpost moving
>combo mad
Man, I fucking hate what DMC4 combo mads did to this genre and its identity. No, juggling a sandbag for 30 seconds or more isn't impressive, it's not good combat or anything. It's lame, gay, and boring, and I wish you cunts would fuck off.
Takes more skill than whatever slop you like.
Juggle autism does not take more skill than Ninja Gaiden, sorry to tell you that.
I eagerly await the next point you move the goalpost to.
>Ninja Gaiden
you mean cutscene attack: the game? can you post your skillful NG gameplay?
Case in point >>683819549
>cutscene attack: the game?
That's only 2
1 had none of that nonsense
So you're saying 1 had no UTs?
>Ninja Gaiden
I swear I hear way more of Bayonetta and KH than NG. NG really only became a thing getting heavily shilled as of late (at least to me, that is).
"Cutscene combat" describes the delimbing system much more than the UTs, which left you vulnerable when doing, were very quick to interrupt and took skill to execute
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>m-muh cutscenes attacks!
Get OUT.
>which left you vulnerable when doing
you are invulnerable during UTs and they last like 3 to 5 seconds and can wipe entire rooms, there is no skill in hopping between heads and pressing y as you land.
>Literally cutscenes
>It's okay when NG does it
funny how there's constant insults and slander towards the only cuhrazee action series that isn't polluted by kike goyslop
what a coincidence
You do know people were doing combo videos since DMC3 right? this isn't something that DMC4 invented
>you are invulnerable during UTs
Only in execution, not when charging
Any hit and it's getting interrupted, which wasn't the case in 1
that just shows how much of a newnigger you are, repetitive air juggling faggotry started to get popularized as kool with dmc2
charges are instant though
>I swear I hear way more of Bayonetta and KH than NG
Because you're a moronic shitposter who only comes to these threads to shitpost and has no idea about the genre.
fuckin tales of symphonia, a 2004 gamecube game, has cancels, air juggling, and otg pickups while also being an actual rpg where your build and gear matters
>character action
go fuck yourself, newfag.
>otg pickups
what does that mean?
>charges are instant though
Pls play the game
i will NEVER take a guy who started with DMCV seriously, start with DMC1 or fuck off
I started with 3
>Talk DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, MGR, God Hand and ARPGs like Nioh
>Its just shitflinging between fanbases
you don't know about essence charging?
Choosing the meta pick is not skillful at all
You need to kill things for them to leave essence, so you can't just insta charge into every battle, no
That doesn't proove the game ia good, retard.
>kill the weakest enemy with flying swallow/izuna drop
>UT chain the rest

ez game. if you're gonna sit here and say "you don't HAVE to do that" you've automatically lost the plot because you also don't HAVE to juggle enemies to death in dmc
So are you going to post your no UT gameplay? We're waiting
hello esl
>ez game
Post trophies
I mean I can, but me choosing not to use UT doesn't prove my point in any way
>Ad hominem
Hello amerimutt
>I mean I can, but I wont, but at the same time I will continue to pretend I am a god at ninja gaiden god
>>I mean I can, but I wont
Yeah, because it has nothing to do with my point.
Me purposefully not using UTs don't lend credence to my argument that you can't just spam UTs instantly and win every conflict
>but at the same time I will continue to pretend I am a god at ninja gaiden god
I have never played Ninja Gaiden God, sounds like a shitty spinoff
Name a better combo
your mom and my cock loser
my mom is dead though
even better
>Me purposefully not using UTs don't lend credence to my argument
This is not your argument. You're backpedaling now.
>can't just spam UTs instantly and win every conflict
exception that makes for less than 0.1% of total kills in the game.
Your point is braindead either way because in 2 every enemy needs to be set up for OT by delimbing them first.
I know, she died from exhaustion
>NGfags are necrophiliacs
>This is not your argument
Yeah, it is. Read back
>exception that makes for less than 0.1% of total kills in the game.
No, you can't just perfectly UT 99.9% all enemies in the game
>Your point is braindead either way because in 2 every enemy needs to be set up for OT by delimbing them first.
Yeah, and? You can still delimb easier than perfectly syncing UTs in 1
Your argument was that watching cutscene attacks in Ninja Gaiden takes more skill than juggling enemies in DMC 4.
>No, you can't just perfectly UT 99.9% all enemies in the game
watch karma runs.
>You can still delimb easier than perfectly
not every enemy can be delimbed. not every enemy delimbs easily.
>Your argument was that watching cutscene attacks in Ninja Gaiden takes more skill than juggling enemies in DMC 4.
No it wasn't. My argument was that 2 was more accurately described as cutscene combat, when 1 didn't have that
>watch karma runs.
I can watch no hit runs too, doesn't mean the game can be normally beaten without getting hit
>not every enemy can be delimbed
Not every enemy can be perfectly UT'd
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It's not instant. First you need to be in On-Landing state - this is done by either holding down Y (slowest and takes easily over 60ms) or by jumping and holding Y (the jump itself with on-landing takes nearly as much as holding Y neutral). Then you need to actually absorb the orbs, which again, does not happen instantly, and takes about 25-50ms depending on the distance away from you.
If you think 2-4 frames is "instant" and isn't enough for IS wall bang to hit you, then you need to stop watching youtube videos of a guy with 6k playtime and instead stream how you can chain no-damage everything mindlessly, because I seriously doubt you would manage to get a consistent streak even on the first level.
>My argument was that 2 was more accurately described as cutscene combat
any standard playthrough of 2 features more UT spam than OTs.
> doesn't mean the game can be normally beaten without getting hit
many people karmarun just fine and it's even encouraged to spam uts by the scoring system.
>First you need to be in On-Landing state - this is done by either holding down Y
you dont know what you are talking about, kill yourself.
>hen you need to stop watching youtube videos of a guy with 6k playtime and instead stream
ngfags arent in position to demand gameplay from normal people.refer to >>683819549
>any standard playthrough of 2 features more UT spam than OTs.
I disagree, but regardless this has nothing to to do with what I said
>many people karmarun just fine and it's even encouraged to spam uts by the scoring system.
Yeah, but getting it isn't a one and done deal and you need to have skill to pull it
Many people have high rankings in DmC games, it's what it's there for
>you dont know what you are talking about, kill yourself.
Damn, not even a counter-argument of any sort. It's actually quite embarrassing on your side to not even know what an On-Landing state is in NGB, it's like the bread and butter of it, and at this point I highly doubt you've ever booted up the game.
I assume you're the same idiot that doesn't know what wall banging IS is, and don't what what game it is from.
> but regardless this has nothing to to do with what I said
It does, because you spend more time watching UTs than OTs and essence chaining was introduced in 1. That makes them both have cutscene combat
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This fight is as retarded as the fight against "rogue like" in the 90s. If you know enough to tell someone to kill themself for using the term, you know what it meand, which means the word works like it or not.
>coined by Liam from Super Best Friends Play Youtube channel
Also this is a lie.
>First you need to be in On-Landing state
> this is done by holding down Y
factually wrong, on-landing state is self-explanatory and the only way to enter it is to LAND on the surface. that's why it's impossible to do an on-land X in any other way. holding Y for "60 ms" doesnt suddenly make Ryu enter an on-land state. you never played any ninja gaiden, subhuman.
>Also this is a lie.
>spend more time watching UTs than OTs
Nah, OTs are more far more frequent
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The term was in use on forums before youtube was a website. Dumbass.
No one knows what you're talking about schizo.
Everyone is this thread is a poser until they post gameplay.
Can I post trophies instead
Why do retarded actionfags think pressing more buttons per minute means better gameplay? Do they also think more APM = better RTS?
>post gameplay
>posts gameplay
>wow anon nicely done, you're pretty good at this game
never happens

>this game sucks
>lmao that looks like shit btfo ahahaha
Why are you quiet all of a sudden, subhuman?
>>lmao that looks like shit btfo ahahaha
yup, that's me
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>anons complain no good action games
>shit on the last good one to come out
gee i wonder why they don't make these types of games anymore? maybe because most of you are bigger fans of nostalgia than of the games themselves?
What does the J stand for? If it's "Japanese" then that's just as stupid of a name as Hack & Slash since 99% of Japanese action games play nothing like these games, and there's dozens of western, Korean, Chinese, etc cuhrayzee games.
the game is dogshit though
You forgot your name mork
it isn't.
Go to bed Mork
>character action
Who the fuck is the retard who make this shitty thread?
You're so fucking retarder. Fuck you, fuck your character action, fuck stylish, spectable whatever, it always have been beat up or hack n slash. Fuck you and diablo too, nobody use hack n slash to refer to diablo except retards like you
it's a good game.
it really isn't it
Someone on a sifu thread told me it was worth to try, maybe I'll someday
i thought it was very fun, and much better than anything we've gotten in a while.
But that game is garbage.
I'm gonna say it;
wallsplats against invisible walls look fucking stupid and any faggot who defends them should fuck themselves.
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>you're pretty good at this game
We're on /v/, that would just be a lie every time.
>third person hack and slash games are also sometimes known as character action and spectacle fighters
stop editing the fucking wiki page you faggots. these names suck ass and aren't better than just using hack and slash.
I sure love slashing enemies with my basic combo in God Hand
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>Hack and Slay
>Slash 'em up
What the fuck are these names?
>Hack and Slay
that's just bayonetta, no other.
I sure do love walking, running, jumping, flipping through the air, lunging - y'know, all the various acrobatic ACTIONS I can perform with the CHARACTER Mario in Mario 64.
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Bayonetta is such a shit character. It's no surprise no one gives a fuck about this series.
She unironically feels more tryhard than Dante, and it's just fucking awful
Doesn't help that she also looks like a 40 year old woman trying to look hip
Dante and Ryu rape this whore
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Loved the customization systems in this game and all the mechanics related to party members and quests. Kino atmosphere, soundtrack, and designs too. Shame about the low-budget feel tho. All Cavia games like Nier and Drakengard suffered from "great concept realized with shoestring budget" syndrome. Would love to see a remake of it desu
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here you go
Every fiend in NG2 fucking sucks aside from gajas and you spend 70% of the game fighting them. How does anybody like this shit
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>The problem is that my build is a pure strength build so I can't use fancy things like ashes of war or spells
I had 80 STR and enough faith to use some buffs. i don't know why you wouldn't have enough levels to use some buffs since the DLC throws a shitload of runes at you
Subhuman, did you kill yourself or something?
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Hifi Rush restored my faith in the games industry and then the studio's closure killed that faith.

I honestly don't ever expect to see another good non-indie game in my lifetime. It's dead.
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You know how DMC1 was suppose to be RE4. Let's actually turn RE into an action game, but still be Resident Evil. Be Wesker and just annihilate the fuck out of already with a bit of CUHRAYZEE.
Nigga, the Gaja are most annoying fiend enemies
Do you seriously enjoy getting insta-killed by those cunts? I know I don't
not him but id fight gajas over any non-humanoid enemy other than van gelfs
Been trying to beat NG2 MNM in the past week and this shit is retardedly hard. Its outright broken in fact. Constant slowdowns thanks to stupid incendiary shuriken throwing ninjas throwing way too many explosives at you that the game itself cannot handle due to hardware limitations. I would say Mentor difficulty is appropriate though. Somehow they go from a 1 all the way to a 10 though when you go from Mentor to MNM its that absurd of a jump in difficulty. The game is extremely luck based in most encounters to. Don't even bother trying to play this shit fairly on a fresh save its cheap/broken and Itagaki and his team clearly weren't able to balance it properly due to the game being rushed. Having to rely on iframes and pray you don't get grabbed since grabs often = instant death is very bad game design.

I still love the game though. If only they made a proper 3rd game that learned from the mistakes of NG2 rather than whatever the hell they wanted 3 to be after firing Itagaki.

8/10 game before MNM
6/10 game if playing MNM

Finally NGB is a better game all around. That game is a 9.5 imo
'Character Action' has always been the best one because the genre is best defined by unique character mechanics. Bayo's dodge offset, Dante's style switching, Raiden's zaidatsu, etc.
Doing a fresh hard KMS run and starting stage 5
Gold and Silver and the second Three Stooges fight both took a little more than 2 hours each, but other than that nothing's taken me more than maybe 15 minutes tops
I am not looking forward to the later stages and am very worried about fighting the band
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How would you feel if Hayate essentially became Ninja Gaiden's own version of Nero in a potential Ninja Gaiden 4? Would you like it or not?
>Mario's spin jump, Kirby's inhale, Sonic's spin dash, etc
>second Three Stooges
damn did you have any strategy in particular?
>If only they made a proper 3rd game that learned from the mistakes of NG2
Thats literally what 3re is
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Is Wesker's son good enough?
No it fucking is not stop with this bullshit. NG3 is bad and RE is still bad because all what that game is was a bandage and paint job on an already shitty game.
No shame in being filtered by a real ninja gaiden game anon, you still have your musou.
i don't remember this part, but i did also only play co op. looks kind of kino. should i redownload and play?
TPS peaked here so it's worth the replay.
How old will Dante be in DMC6?
For the next main installment no but give him a spin off game that plays similar to NG. Maybe TN can use that as training before making 4.
>still trying to force the "character action" meme
>spin off game that plays similar to NG
What would it be called?
Razors Edge is the best one, most people who say 2 is have never played any of them

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