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Whenever you stop being poor and buy a ps4 or ps5
I have a ps4 and bloodborne, I want it on PC.
Never. Sony knows that the only people asking for a PC port are console war / anti-Sony shitposters for shit and giggles but no one is genuinely interested on it.
They don't have the source code, so never, unless it is remade from scratch.
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nobody gives a fuck about this game in 2024.
shit would flop so hard on steam
It wasn't developed by fat and retarded women from California so Sony doesn't give a shit about it and never will again
But I want more than 20 FPS
This. Fuck Sony for porting Horizon 2 and Dad of War 2 first
No evidence of this.
Those franchises are extremely popular; meanwhile rollslop fatigue is at its highest.
I know this is a shitpost but imagine actually believing this. Game would sell gangbusters on steam. Literally free money.
They'll probably have a working PS4 emulator withing a few years.
It's true; no one would buy BB because people are sick and tired of Soulslikes.
That's why pic related, another Sony Studios project, is getting a PC port instead.
>people are sick and tired of Soulslikes
[citation needed]
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Sweaty, we already have Bloodborne at home.
Only matter of time, I know it isn't playable yet but this is pretty big progress.
What fatigue? ER sold +20 million and the DLC sold +5 million in 3 days, meanwhile no one even remembers GoW Ragnarok came out
I don't want bloodborne at home, I want Bloodborne.
SOTE only sold well due to people wanting to recapture the Souls magic, but the fatigue is so hard at this point it failed spectacularly, becoming the most hated From product since Dark Souls 2.
Not true. The Elden Ring normies would buy it because it has FromSoftware written on the tin and the actual fans would buy it because they finally get to play Bloodborne at a human framerate.
Fake souls fan detected
Switch 2 port first.
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For the past nine years Bloodborne has been memed so hard and so constantly it transcended beyond being a game and now it symbolizes Playstation itself. Snoy knows that if they release Bloodborne on PC it would mean they kneel to the shitposters and conceded that there is no reason to buy a Playstation console, you just have to wait for the obligatory PC port of the game you want to play.

Any money they can make by selling the game isn't worth destroying the Playstation brand so they will rather keep it exclusive forever.
This so much.
I tried replaying Bloodborne last year, but the frame rate, and insane loading times, made me quit.
I really want a PC port. But my fear, is that we instead get a bluepoint demake.
How's the weather over in Bizarro World?
>But my fear, is that we instead get a bluepoint demake.
Yup, I'm like 90% sure this is happening and I'd rather it be dead and buried forever than this dogshit.
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if the devs statements are any indication it's a legal issue.
>90 dollars
get the fuck out of here. it should be 20 bucks at this point.
>But my fear,
You have fears about video juegos?
>The Elden Ring normies would buy it because it has FromSoftware written on the tin
Not after Sekiro and Armored Core 6, especially after the later. With those two games From pretty much burned off all the goodwill they had with normalfags and from now on they will only buy a From game if it exactly looks like a Dark Souls game.

>and the actual fans would buy it because they finally get to play Bloodborne at a human framerate.
The actual fans played it back in 2015 on their PS4. "Framerate" is literally a PC / anti console shitposter buzzword.
Bloodborne is overrated as fuck and the only reason it's overrated like that is because it's an exclusive. Had it been a multiplat like DS3 people would be shitting all over it and nobody would care about this trashpile.
No. Obviously not. Language should not always be taken literal.
shazam lost
>SOTE was so shit not even /v/ defends it and it dethroned DD2 as the worst and most disappointing game of 2024
Shazam won this time.
Soulsfags mistakenly believe they are in good company because they are loud. Nobody cares about your rollslop, snoys just taunt you with never ever because you keep responding.
It's less that there's some "legal issue" preventing it happening and more that they were implying it's 100% sony's decision that they aren't revealing to the public, regardless of what it is. FROM isn't at liberty to say why they aren't releasing. I'm more leaning on they have plans for the IP but it's going to be a horrible monkeys paw.
>SOTE only sold well due to *psychotic delusions*
shazam lost so hard the meme died, tranny

Lol delusional beyond belief

Elden ring has over 122k ppl playing right now and is in the top 10 most played games. This is like an entire month after dlc release

Soi of war is meanwhile at 2.4k and horizon at 4k
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imagine the mods
>I have a ps4 and bloodborne
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Probably it's some kind of legal issue involving Japan Studios and / or the people who worked with them, similar to how Ninja Gaiden Black will never be ported to other systems due to legal issues with Itagaki. Note how no game that involves Japan Studios has been ported while everything else has.

>But Gravity Rush 2 is getting a PC port
That's literally a shitpost made by a """"""""""leaker"""""""""""""""
>Bloodborne thread
>it's just more port begging
she is overrated
I doubt anyone is interested to generate more than 1 million sales and Sony doesn't care at all.
Demons Souls had a remake and that was Japan Studios too. Also what possible legal issue could there be when the studio is shut down?
no. everyone that wanted to play bloodborne already has.
>t. pc only gamer that bought a ps4 for death stranding
How long are you going to keep making this thread, snoy?

With Elden Ring and Dark Souls III I have zero desire to play Bloodborne ever again.
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Exactly: remade, not ported. Just like Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a remake of Black using a new engine made for that purpose and Sigma 2 is a completely different game from the original Ninja Gaiden 2. Remakes probably take advantage of a loophole.

>Also what possible legal issue could there be when the studio is shut down?
Plenty of intellectual properties can't be reused even when the studio / original creator is gone due to legal gangfucks involving the people who worked on the studio or when more than one company are involved. Here's an example of such a thing related to a toy brand.
We don't know the issues regarding Japan Studios' projects due to Japanese companies being hermetical about it but probably it's something similar.
Bloodborne is owned outright by Sony, they have full control and can do what they like. There is no legal issue.
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Probably until they hire Nixxes to port it over to pc.
A company owning an intellectual property's name means jack shit if they can't use the rest.
If they had no legal issues regarding games that involved Japan Studios they would have ported them years ago.
This can only be speculation though ultimately, Sony could simply be choosing not to port any of those games. They only recently started ported first party games and even then they are much bigger IP's than anything Japan Studios has developed.
>This can only be speculation though ultimately
True, but it's the most likely reason. Everything points out to it.

>Sony could simply be choosing not to port any of those games. They only recently started ported first party games and even then they are much bigger IP's than anything Japan Studios has developed.
I doubt Returnal is bigger than Demon's Souls or Bloodborne.
>if they can't use the rest.
The rest what? Sony own the entirety of Bloodborne.
Sony even owned Japan Studio, btw. And not sure why you'd think a support studio would be given any ownership of an IP in the first place.
>I doubt Returnal is bigger than Demon's Souls or Bloodborne.
It isn't, but FROM as a studio has 10 times more credibility and prestige compared to when they first started working with them. I think they are leveraging these IP's because they know they have way more value than than something like Returnal. FROM has established themselves as one of the top studios in gaming period at this point. I think they are just holding Bloodborne hostage until they find a way to maximize profits and buzz with it.
Fromsoft could go crashing and burning and they would still hold those IPs hostage for some reason.
>The rest what?
The engine, the monsters, the combat, the levels, everything.
They may own the name but if legal stipulations keep them from using parts of the game itself they can't use it.
>The engine, the monsters, the combat, the levels, everything.
Yep, Sony owns all of those things.
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get ready cucks
Do you have a source on that?
And even if they did if the legal documents post Japan Studios dissolution have a single clause that says
>Sony Entertainment can't use Bloodborne's monsters without paying the former Japan Studios artist X and Y a gorillon yens
That makes them unable (or unwilling) to bother with the intellectual property.

The entertainment world is full of those nonsensical red tape labyrinths; there is no other reason behind Bloodborne not getting anything when Sony decided to go balls deep into PC.
Yeah, that's not how this industry works at all.
>there is no other reason behind Bloodborne not getting anything when Sony decided to go balls deep into PC.
They're simply focusing on bigger, and cheaper to port games.
>A 2015 game isn't cheap to port
I think you're afraid of me being right (and I'm sure I am) because it means that they literally can't port the game so you delude yourself into believing they simply don't want to.
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soulslikes that are better than bloodborne:
the surge 1 and 2
nioh 1 and 2
steelrising and lies of p
>the surge 1 and 2
Absolutely none of those are better and the only one on par (maybe) is lies of P.
>>A 2015 game isn't cheap to port
Compared to some of the UE4 games they've ported, correct.
Given how they've ported plenty of games from that time, you're indeed delusional.
I'm happy with Dark Souls 3. BB is overrated and is not any better. It's on par with Dark Souls 2 anyways.
>Given how they've ported plenty of games from that time
Much bigger games, yes.
same, bought it on release day. i even spent $7 on a digital copy when it went on sale so i didn't have to worry about putting the disk in. that shit needs a PC port so damn badly, i've got a white destiny 2 edition ps4 pro and it sounds like a Saturn V rocket taking off compared to my SSD PC and SeX
It's just fucking painful pulling out my archaic launch PS4 to boot up bloodborne and then have to play it in sub-30 FPS. I love the game, I played the absolute shit out of it but it's way past time people should be able to play the game on modern systems with not dogshit performance.
if it is on par with Dark Souls 2, it is better than Dark Souls 3 by default.
It's better than both.
How long? I don't have much time left.
Your eyes will adjust to it if you can stomach it for awhile played it recently
Not him but yeah I know I can adjust to it but everyone has already played it on console, people want the new experience of playing it with good performance and high resolution. Simply playing it isn't what people care about because it's readily available. People want it playable up to modern standards.
Death to America.
Flintlock is garbage and basically a woke ripoff of greedfall
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Officially never, it's been ten years. The best you're going to get is a Bloodborne demaster by Blue Point or some other dogshit company.
PS4 emulation is coming along with some 3D games booting, within two years it'll be semi-playable, and within three years we'll have unlocked framerates and mods
The same day Nintendo ports games to Steam too
Sony wants to promote its big AAA games and live services first and foremost. Old games are neither. Niggerman 2 will get a port to pc first because that's what sony cares about
there is only 1 explanation

bloodborne 2 is a thing and 1 will only be ported when 2 releases as advertisement for 2
>rpcs3 craps out on anything that isn't demon souls
>were expected to be able to run fucking bloodborne on a ps4 emu
Try in 20 years maybe
>>rpcs3 craps out on anything that isn't demon souls
maybe back in 2018
>If the game doesn't sell 20 million copies it's a flop.
Post your AC:VD gameplay on RPCS3

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