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>Release the multiplayer-only game with just 4 maps and 2 gamemodes
>Meaningful updates mostly release with the next seasons
>Every other update is just FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out) cosmetics nobody will ever wear
>New gamemodes but they are so repetitive they become boring after a few days
>Game still seriously lacks content almost a year after lauch

How could they waste this much potential so easily, when all they had to do was keeping it in the oven for a little longer?
Is that Yasuke?
And worst of all they kept appealing to light fags by nerfing all the fun stuff medium and heavy had.
What killed it for me is that every single weekly update has been a nerf fest, they keep killing off literally everything until only the cod guns are left. It feels nothing like it used to be in open beta and release.
sweet a finals thread

these retards preformed a double tap kill on cashout in S3. first they changed ranked to terminal attack and now no team wipe penalties. it's almost like active sabotage it takes a special kind of effort to fuck up so bad
They should've realized by now that constantly changing core features is bad.
i suspect they don't even play the game they've made. except oscar but he's a noob. they probably only care about arc raiders. i think nexon kinda cut down the finals to the point it lacks resources to ever recover

also this guy is spot on >>683807403
Right cause waddling around holding w+m1 was soooooo fun
Heavy is in the most fun spot it's ever been with the winch, it was retarded for its MGs to get nerfed though
flamethrower wasn't nerfed at all, or are you referring to throwing knives which are still overpowered?

winch is cancer and heavy was ruined with the lmg nerf so he's right
>Release the multiplayer-only game with just 4 maps and 2 gamemodes
Normal for modern mp games
>Meaningful updates mostly release with the next seasons
Same, older games used to be much less
>Every other update is just FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out) cosmetics nobody will ever wear
Their store doesn't actually rotate things out, you can always get them
>New gamemodes but they are so repetitive they become boring after a few days
not really
>Game still seriously lacks content almost a year after lauch
What game launched with a lot of """"content""""
What does that even mean?
The cashout changes were legitimately criminal, and it’s really just the team wipe change. Lets amp the amount of uncontested cash people can get with no way to reduce it. All trying to reduce third partying? How about people position and try to use their eyes before diving head first in to a point. It’s actually insane.

I liked terminal attack until it became the the main form of interaction for the game. Similar to power shift it was a fun novelty to switch it up.
>winch is cancer
Seethe, with a side of cope. Shame they nerfed the slug shotgun combo so I can't make lights ragequit anymore.
>they keep killing off literally everything until only the cod guns
Go the fuck back to /vm/ you fucking loser
>muh cod guns
automatic weapons have never been weaker than they are now, there has never been more viable weapons than right now.
You are just upset they nerfed heavy.
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mouse sensitivity is super low for me in that game
>download game at launch
>unplayable with low sensitivity
>try again two times a few weeks apart
>bug isn't fixed
>forget about the game

really weird bug for a fps, mouse sensitivity is one of the most important things
What did they need with the slug? It’s still my favorite heavy weapon
I don't know how you can watch that twitch rivals and think that cashout with its original ruleset isn't fundamentally fucked. They NEED to experiment with it. I only hope that they keep doing it.
Is there a way to fix the regular disconnects I get in the game? TGFE0003 I think it’s the error code.
>Every other update is just FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out) cosmetics nobody will ever wear
>Their store doesn't actually rotate things out, you can always get them

he was referring to occasional events that give u shit, not store updates.

s2 terminal attack was very fun, now it's full blown cancer because it's ranked and boxing in the attacking time in a timeout corner before round starts is awful. i also miss throwing the decryption key like the cashbox

the problem with the concept of winch is that no player should be able to change the location of another player like that. also getting winched with hammer is guaranteed death unless your entire team magdumps into the heavy fast. but GG wrecking lights they deserve it

AKM and xp54 and still kings but the rest got obliterated (i'm not him)

they should experiment with playtesters instead of the little community they still haven't pushed away with their garbage decisions, they spent so much money on S3 marketing at the start of the season only to force new players to 5 games of terminal cancer. no one stayed
the amount of times I die but the other guy has literally 1 hit left is really fucking annoying

wish they would make a seperate damage multiplier for chest that does just a little bit more damage or something.

also playing agaist aim assist controller is gayt
I didn’t watch the twitch rivals, so I’m not sure what happened with that. I just know that the team wipe mechanic change was bad. I like the 30/70 and more money for kills even if that might need to be toned down a bit.

I’m not saying it’s perfect. There’s things I would want changed too, but anyone could have seen that was a bad change. You need a way to substantially shift cash totals. They’re trying to dice onions using hand grenades.
>AKM and xp54
Those guns are just viable, they're not even the best options for their classes (1887 and LH1 are)
And way more stuff is usable.
>I didn’t watch the twitch rivals, so I’m not sure what happened with that.
It was entirely determined by 3rd party ratting.
It was cancerous to watch and you could tell none of the players were having fun.
Heavy can be easily overcome unless he's covered by the others, it's the teamwork that makes Heavy op, since it's mostly a support type of class.
You are right on that, but they should've experimented with it BEFORE LAUNCH.
They are just annoying people this way.
akm is generally better than 1887. but 1887 is good. as for xp54 it's the best weapon in the game and always was excluding temporary crazy buffs to some weapons that were reverted
Did they revert the change to the barricade shield yet? I want to look over it without relying on a setup
>On demand head glitch
fuck no. I hope they never do.
When S3 came out, you used to be able to winch a light (which did a little bit of damage), then slug+melee combo them for an instant kill (they couldn't do shit about it, lmao). IIRC they nerfed winch damage ever so slightly to stop this.

>the problem with the concept of winch is that no player should be able to change the location of another player like that. also getting winched with hammer is guaranteed death unless your entire team magdumps into the heavy fast. but GG wrecking lights they deserve it
I just think it's fun, simple as. Winching someone next to you and dumping a few shells into them feels great and all, but I love using it as an interrupt even more (especially when my team is around and swarms the guy I winched while he can't do shit), or leveraging its oddball utilities like being able to winch a teammate's trophy from a distance.
A good 1887 is genuinely unbeatable by any other weapon.
And the LH1 still crushes, just because it's not completely game destroying doesn't mean it's not still good.
Also despite all the nerfs, HHM still dominated (the most boring meta possible)
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>How could they waste this much potential so easily, when all they had to do was keeping it in the oven for a little longer?
Embark Studios is made up of ex-DICE employees. The CEO is Patrick Soderlund, the guy who said "we are on the right side of history" and "if you don't like it, don't buy it" about Battlefield V when everyone complained that it had black disabled female soldiers.

Every issue this game has is because they are ex-DICE employees who never changed and still have a "fuck the players, we know best" attitude, so they don't ever listen to feedback.

Simple as.
>I just think it's fun, simple as
it's the same shit as a sniper rifle, only fun for one side. hence cancer

winch can work not only horizontally but also vertically. a heavy in 3rd floor can grab a player from 1st floor through a hole in the ceilings, or in some maps just force them into a pit for instant death. such an ability shouldn't exist in any game

>A good 1887 is genuinely unbeatable by any other weapon

not true and no such thing, also with the new light meta in many cases you won't be in ideal range to win a fight. and generally 1887 works best with demat but mediums are mostly a supportive class. or at least was until the latest healing beam nerf RIP

HHM is fun imo, heavies and medium have great synergy with each other, it's lights that are always an outsider
good post and true, also pushed woke crap to the game with "player bodies" instead of male/female
>HHM is fun imo
Not really heavy mindlessly dumps abilities and m1s on things while the medium has to be a pure support bitch that's probably getting focused and battered in every other fight.
Essentially it's a meta where only heavy is viable and medium is only used to force multiply the heavy.
One of thd biggest complaints people have had with the game is them actually listening to player balance opinions too much.
i play HHM or HMM with my friends almost everyday and this isn't the kind of experience we've had

they listen when they shouldn't and don't listen when they should. peak retards
I've never seen a playerbase for any multiplayer game that doesn't think the devs for their game are retards.
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sorry for the late FPBP
this game is and will forever be an UGLY UNFUN ASS of a multiplayer FPS
They weren't thinking, corporate jews cannot think they can only suck blood
that's true but embark really are fucking up time after time. they just fuck up all the time, no player that has more than 100 hours into the game would make the decisions they've made

the "corporate jews" are nexon and they gave embark half a year to not fuck shit up before S3 dropped. embark objectively failed
It's basically the Halo Infinite problem. People want the live service money without the fact that you need a shitload of people to support the live service part between active development of meaningful stuff like gameplay balancing and new content, and cosmetic shit.
The Finals team was way too small to sustain that kind of workload.
It's crazy how i played shooters on like 2 maps over and over for years, with no xp system or rank treadmill.
And now I keep seeing this complaint about "content"
I don't know if people even know what they mean by content.
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>I don't know how you can watch that twitch rivals and think that cashout with its original ruleset isn't fundamentally fucked.

You would see the worst in LITERALLY ANY game if you did this. Comp players that already hated that there was a chance for them to lose even if they overperformed early used it as a scapegoat to say "see, cashout is fucked, fix it" and now you regularly get rounds where there's literally no point to playing for at least two teams with minutes left in the round and those same comp players are saying that it's vastly improved- or at least they were until they started playing scrims and realized that the combination of the increased kill credit, increased plug credit and lack of wipes means that refusing to defend your vault and just plugging and killing as much as you can is legitimately a winning strategy. Cashout was fun, just messy. This is fucked.
I've got 500 hours and before s3, basically every patch was them addressing issues that I wanted addressed.
Only in s3 have they broken with that, and honestly I don't blame them because listening to me didn't work out for them.
20 years ago i used to play runescape and enjoyed the grindfest that it was chopping wood and mining metals for hours. and then you experience better games, grow as a person and value your time more and now i wouldn't touch this shit with a pole. grow up people have higher standards today

S3 is definitely the worst but weapons and class balance was always bad in the game
Ubisoft is in deep with Chinese CCP money, they were advised to humiliate Japan and dehumanize Japanese and carried out the request perfectly.

Executives will be reimbursed fully for any offsets.

It's business, nigggggguuuuuuuh
Playing s2 diamonds was basically the exact same experience as the rivals.
Almost all the teams had experienced players and they fairly quickly adapted. When the most cringy and unfun tactic is also the strongest you have a huge problem.
Hello bot.
>I'm grown up because I need a skinner box to enjoy fun gameplay.
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I just want to blow shit up. Why is their no gamemode built around that or at least let us run around the maps in the practice mode solo. Such a waste when the destruction was a touted feature.
> i will portray your argument in a ridiculous way that does not reflect to original idea of your comment and then defeat you by saying lamo

you go play the same 2 maps for all eternity the rest of us enjoy more variety
I don't really think their problems were with the gameplay, although it was probably part of it. I think their problem was with branding. I was kind of into the idea of the vague future dystopia, but most people I introduced the game to went "these characters are ugly," "this is just another free to play shooter," etc. There were people with influence in more niche shooter communities that I'd imagine would've given them a chance if they didn't use AI voice acting, either.

Ultimately most people who didn't try the game didn't even know what it was or why they should care- and the people who did try it fell off due to some combination of not understanding the gamemode, getting cheesed by prominent strategies, or getting drawn back to their mainstay live service games- I actually think that's an understated problem with the industry. All of the main success stories aren't just built to succeed, they're built to addict, to capture your attention indefinitely. To not leave room for competition is part of their design, even down to refusing to optimize the amount of storage space they take up.
>Release the multiplayer-only game with just 4 maps and 2 gamemodes
Wait, this isn't a Halo Infinite thread?
Yea, but
>AI voice acting
I don't believe a significant amount of people care about this.
Is it really so difficult to play defense from offsite and avoid engaging as much as possible? People complain about third partying like it's some kind of horrible problem that ruins honest shooting but if the game weren't about managing that chaos it wouldn't have four teams in it. I watch comp players play and the second anyone appears they commit to the fight, get jumped, and go "ahh wtf bro third party unlucky" like there's no control they have over the situation. I always try to play points from an adjacent room and make myself hard to get to, why don't they?
That VA Gianni mentioned it. He's kind of annoying, but it's the kind of game that I think he might've tried and organized community stuff for if it hadn't offended him in that way. He'd done similar things for lower-key shooters in the past.
Because people want to actually play the game and have fun battles, not sit in a corner having a mexican standoff, waiting for someone to make the mistake of actually committing to a fight.
People only want their fun to be viable. So when you want to play a control style like that it ruins the fun for the ones that want to blitz the point. The truth is that the game is actually pretty well balanced for a multitude of play styles, it just needs a little help to bring the outliers in range.
Your comment is ridiculous and deserves to be laughed at.
It's an objective based strategy game. They sold the game on the premise that there would be more to fighting with all the gadget/demo/fortification interplay. It's not like people won't inevitably fight over the point, there should just be strategy and caution leading to that point, not "light spotted time to run forward and burn all my cooldowns leaving me exposed and in the open." If you can't handle the thought of being a little opportunistic on defense you have terminal adhd

The attempted pivot to terminal attack actually makes sense with that in mind because the objective is much less important than fragging in terminal attack
>devs finally added fucking incentive to be the team to take the cashbox to the deposit
Holy fuck it took them long enough. The better play prior was to always just head near but camp outside of the objective, and then ambush them around the 25% claimed mark.
They never sold the game on the idea that you'd have to avoid fighting.
They sold it on destruction, fun gadgets, and clutch moments.
Your list didn’t include fighting either sooo
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Multiple mentions here that brazen gunplay isn't the end-all be-all of winning in the finals and that how you win is entirely up to you. It's not even like I don't enjoy aggression but fights being defined by more than 1v1 headclicking is like half of the appeal of the game, IMO. Stuff like beating out one of the old triple medium teams that didn't bring demolition by abusing goo was extremely funny.
Everything there is talking about how you can use destruction.
No one came to the game for the promise of winning a hard fought battle only to get 1 shot by a 3rd party who came over while you were fighting.
i don't get u faggots complaining about 3rd parties so much. i see it as part of the fast paced action packed nature of the game. sometimes it happens to you sometimes you do it to others, cashout was fun
Learn when to move as a team. If a second team is approaching a point you're defending, back the fuck up and let them two fight it out while you try to take pot shots at whoever is actively trying to claim the point from a safer distance.
of course. Al samurais are black. It's time the truth started coming out
>Going in guns blazing is just the start of what you can do
>do anything you can in the name of victory!
>it's just talking about destruction and otherwise you're supposed to run forward and shoot whatever you see

I don't know even know what you want. You can't avoid opportunistic third party play in a free for all between four teams without making some seriously hamfisted gameplay changes. Their changes that were intended to address it made the entire game constant 3rd and 4th partying to an absurd degree.

Like, is it a problem to play the site and refuse to engage in Counter-Strike or R6? You know you're going to have to fight eventually, you don't run out to fight when you see a single guy. I don't see the problem.
I reached diamond solo easily.
It's simply not fun to play that way and it's easy to see why no one wanted to stick around for a game where that kind of dickless gameplay is rewarded.
That's a retarded comparison because in those games the enemy comes to you, you're not sitting there waiting for them to get tangled up with someone else so you can swoop in and get free kills.
>I reached diamond solo easily.
Do you find people never use the fucking mic on ranked by any chance? Even after they patched the game awhile back to force everyone into the voice channel initially (rather than having to manually opt-in) it's quiet for the majority of my matches.

Always getting that one dumbass light who thinks they can lone-wolf it and play sniper, and racking up kills that aren't relevant to the current objective.
I did it in asia so no one speaks the same language anyway. You only get chinks with tons of background noise playing through their mics.
No, they use all asians in their asian themed battlepass. Its an asian man.
>That's a retarded comparison because in those games the enemy comes to you
they do if you're holding the objective, too. If you're the one who starts the cap one way or another someone's going to have to fight you for the vault. people act like you have absolutely no reason to take the vault first like owning the vault is a weak position when third party is explicitly waiting for you to be weak because it's a strong position
Well, at least the game's ping system is overly generous with selecting an enemy target around the vicinity of where you're looking....
>all of heavy weapons besides spear boil down to moving towards the enemy and spraying fire
>light has the M11 and XP-54 that are the same as the heavy spray weapons and you claim throwing knives are that way

I see you're just bad.

Heavy does really well in chaos. Their abilities can cause a lot of collateral damage which feels bad to play against, but it just means you have to leave if you're fighting indoors and take a better fight. I don't think heavy is OP or anything, honestly they're just very linear and boring. But I'm a fast is fun fag and will always have more fun being able to move quick cause I was born before you were given Adderall to microwave your brain.
But Heavy's demo options are a kind of shmovement. Light can "go fast" but Heavy can walk through walls
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Anyone else not able to hear footsteps in this game? This game has a plethora of issues but not being able to hear someone directly behind me until they land a shot has to be the worst part by far
I don't. Be sure you're using the correct sound profile in the game if you're on headphones.
Exactly. I never understood why people think Lights are so far and away the best for mobility when heavy's just go through terrain.

Mediums can't do jack but Heavy and Light can do anything they want.

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