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I like the new maps
>Playing the map
>Notice nobody is doing any exploits for the most part
>One guy finds a neat exploit or just a cool spot and people actually go "oh wow how didja do that" instead of squawking "DELFY? DELFY? DID DELFY TEACH YOU THAT? DID YOU WATCH DELFY? DELFY DELFY DELFY?" like a buncha retarded seagulls
>Check Delfy's channel
>He's barely making exploit stuff anymore, just weird clickbait thumbnail ERMARGARD GAIS SAVE TF2 crap

Very nice, press to spit
I hate that guy I hate how every time a fun new map comes out he ruins the fun of exploring and breaking it by just going "here are the exploits I'll be taking that ad revenue, ok now Valve HURRY FIX IT SO NOBODY HAS ANY FUN FIX IT FIX IT NAAAAAOW"
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>LGBT Transgender 2 Trans LGBT Transgender Trans Trans Transgender
>I like my new axewound
defly is a faggot and so are you
>new map exploits get fixed in 1-2 days
It's not fun anymore.
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Fun map, cool concept, I like the announcers, good track for the most part but first point could be improved
Very basic but well structured pl map, can't go wrong with that, looks beautiful
Decent KOTH map and Israel simulator
The better KOTH map
The somewhat shittier KOTH map
Great map, solid sightlines but with enough cover, just wish so much of it wasn't sunk down into the ground but it's not awful to play on despite that
Like Steel but worse, literally nothing stopping blu from swarming main point, not even a somewhat elongated capture time, where Steel presents a dilemma this map just says "go for it you'll get it done with 2 scouts"
>Atom Smash
The one I'd leave out, it's just a reskin of other better maps only made different by an okay-ish aesthetic choice
Also some of the announcer lines straight up sound like a 14 year old girl wrote them
Good building spot, mostly flat but has some minor decent verticality, I enjoy it, just kinda lame that the map finale is in the center where nobody except total losers who go back to look at it will ever see it
Be cool if you could see it from blu and red's last points
I love that we finally got the SECOND EVER vanilla medieval mode map, and it's a good map too, I'm happy with it

Overall not bad map rotation, best one in a while
I hope Burghausen, Embargo and Overgrown stay in
Hadal too if it gets tweaked a little

Oh and uh
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I like the new trangineer subclass.
Completely agree. I remember when the first summer update hit and I spent weeks hiding from Hale and angering everyone else in the server. Funny stuff. Now Delfy has become a narc and it's no longer entertaining. I think I played like one map and left. The exact same gameplay for 16 or so years no longer thrills me.
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or i can just not use that (frankly mediocre) cosmetic

seriously even the gayshit aside, idk why you'd expect most workshop creators to have any decency and not demand constant undying attention in everything they do... it just doesn't look good, the badge catches way too much attention with too much detail in a small space
Applejack is a CTF map.
Oh yeah

I guess I forgot on account of how little I care about it
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Dude you joke but this is /v/ they are actually so brain blasted they might drop a whole thing they love because a tranny sniffed at it once therefor now it belongs to them, these people are mental
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>Atom Smash
>Just a shittier paint-over of one of the most kino maps in the game
>Announcer constantly makes references to better games, jokes about shite youtubers, and says things like "if you saw X, no you didn't" like he's blogging to da girlies on da tiktoks
>Every piece of interactable geometry that isn't directly taken from the original map it's built over is fucked and most of them can't have buildings put on them probably because they couldn't be asked to test anything
Was this baby's first map?
wasnt there an ERROR hat again this year? i briefly caught a glimpse of it on a heavy but didn't have the time to check what hat it was before he fucked off
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i like the voice actors for Embargo
whoever does the Cuban dude for red is pretty good I like the fun way he says things, and the yank girl for blu sounds cute i'd squeeze her tits no homo
Why did the Special Delivery gamemode never got any other maps besides a single halloween reskin?
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>Cart reaches the end of the track
>It randomly becomes a capture point
Huh? Why is it done this way? I get that they wanted the last capture to drag out and be able to be stopped or reversed mid way, but that's already possible to do on a payload track, isn't it? Could they just not figure out how to do it so they forced it by switching the style of capture, or is there actually a good reason to do it this way?

Reminds me of how the creators of Camber couldn't figure out how to evict red team out of their spawn and into the next one as blu was supposed to move into it, so they just made it a forced kill zone while it's switching
What a duct tape way of doing things
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this is like a kid trying desperately to get you to stop liking a thing you like by associating it with something lame
>o-oh yeah? sonic is better than mario? w-well uhhh... t-that nerdy kid josh who eats his boogers like sonic, so naaah! there!
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every upd8 we get just makes me appreciate how fun it is to just play new maps and also how much i love halloween
i kinda wish summer updates and chrismiss updates also has missions like the halloween contracts they're fun too, inb4 someone gets nuclear upset at that idea
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TF2 is fun when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you it's not
The point is that you’re supposed to let the giant chainsaw activate the bomb.
Why? I don’t know.
Yeah no I get that part
I'm asking why it needs to be done by changing the capture style
Some maps already have a delayed last capture it can't be hard to do
I guess to make it more unique
Not playing CTF.
>Atom Smash
Boring without spells. Also >>>>pd
It's just a less chokey last point degroot. I would rather have had a koth map.
Pretty good. I love the flank route under the point.
5CP slop.
The highlight of this update. I love the announcers and there's a lot of care put into the map. Looks great. The indoor segment could use more cover because everybody's going for the flank routes.
Haven't played it.
koth_Harvest - Mario Sunshine Edition. I love how it looks. Good flanker map.
Starts off pretty good but suffers from the payload shoebox effect. Some nasty sightlines all around.
Ugly map design. You can tell it was made for compfags.
>Great map
Hi crash
They just wanted to have the giant saw blowing everything up. If they had done it regularly it'd have looked particularly awkward timing the cart and the saw, I'm sure.
It's memorable in a good way and not too complicated to figure out and adapt to.
>Atom smasher isn't cool
It uses map logic to run the Saw.
Really the only problem with it is that it breaks overtime and if it turns into a control point it'll immediately cause Blu to lose.
I have no idea what "Hi Crash" means but I'm gonna assume it's some personal hangup of yours and leave you to mull over it yourself
it's the map creator dumbass
Oh ok
reminder, they just want to be left alone
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>Replying to day old bait
>couldn't detect the obvious sarcasm
inb4 you were only pretending to be retarded
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yeah I appreciate having another Steel-esque map but Hadal blows ass by giving blu absolutely no reason not to immediately bumrush main, there's instant access to it and a normal cap timer
>Pulling out all the "just in case" retorts to a post that literally just told you not to respond to old dumbshit comments
No bro
Steel also has instant access to Last, the fuck are you on about?
You have to go around the whole map to get to it and have ample opportunity to bump into a red
In Hadal it's basically one and a half hallways
dont forget 1st red spawn in hadal takes longer to reach main than 2nd spawn
in fact the whole map gets EASIER for red to defend as blu caps more, they have no incentive to cap
>all the "just in case" retorts
>post that literally told me
Bro seriously
It's not that deep
>"you're replying to old bait"
>oh so you didn't get me huh idiot moron
>and if you say you did youre lying
>and if you say youre not then you were just pretending
>and if you do a shimmy and a squeeze i do a loop de loop
>and if you attack i defend with my magic shield
>and if it misses i pull out the super lazers and and and-
you were most definitely the kid nobody plays with on the playground
I say backcapping Steel is easier but because Hadal is new, people don't know how quick you can get to the Shell Point so for now it's easier.
Hadal's timer is an order of magnitude easier. It's timer is basically a normal timer unlike Steel

Also, Blu only has a handful of entrances to cap steel last. On hadal you have limited autonomy to make/protect a sentry as red and blu immediately has a dozen angles to take it down

Not to mention Hadal's last is almost literally wheelchair-accessible. Steel's requires a scout or someone who can blast jump
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no anon it has nothing to do with it being knew
it is objectively faster to get to main without capping 1st in hadal than it is in steel, and it's quicker to cap too

i cant find a map of hadal yet but getting to main from B is super easy, just literally go to B which is available from first spawn for blu, and turn left
that's it
the point is right there, you can get onto it as any class and it caps quickly
and red doesn't have immediate access to it the way it has immediate access to E from first spawn

in steel if you wanted to get to E before capping A youd have to go past B which is a much larger path around, IN FRONT OF RED'S SPAWN WHERE THEY CAN COME OUT OF AND BUTTFUCK YOU AT ANY MOMENT, and then attempt to jump onto a point that has a huge crevice around it meaning that's already a challenge for most of the classes, and hold it for much longer

steel's E takes 70 seconds to cap, that's over a minute
hadal's main takes 30 seconds

this is actually not a matter of personal experience, it is ACTUALLY much much easier to insta cap main on hadal than it is to do on steel
and join any lobby and youll see what i mean, almost nobody rushes E on steel, everyone rushes main on hadal
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>i cant find a map of hadal

Have you tried looking in the spawn room?
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im not even mad bro
i wish hydro had longer caps, every round of the game basically lasts half a minute because one scout on one team rushes to the point and instantly caps it and maybe thats why nobody wants to play it
and because nobody wants to play it nobody knows the layout, and because nobody knows the layout nobody knows where to go which gives that one scout the ability to rush the point
its a circle of fuck
just extend cap timer and it'll be more fun to actually play around the map

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