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Why did we abandon CRTs when they were clearly the superior technology?
they objectively aren't, though?
>larping underage faggot
production costs. It's way more expensive to make a CRT so companies wanted them phased out.
i don't know you or why you "abandoned" something. you need to look inside you. not literally like cutting youe stomach and looking inside. Symbolically only.
also helps to talk to other peoplee but some might need professional someoene to talk to. could be escort girl or therapist. it depends on you
>Superior technology
OP clearly hasn’t see a top of the line QD OLED 4K 340HZ monitor in action
Stay poor
cheaper, i.e. increased quarterly share holder value, i.e. capitalism.
And yet it still has worse motion clarity than a cheap CRT
Its also the fact that people wanted bigger screens and the bigger the screen you want on CRT the thicker the device would need to be making them unmovable pieces.
>people wanted bigger screens
the amount of ideology packed into this off-hand claim is staggering.
CRT more like CBT
ye lol. you kiddos ever seen like 50" crt? that thing is not convenient. richfag friend had something like that
yesterday it was
>zoomers hate CRT
now it's
>zoomers love CRT

You didnt see a 50" CRT, you saw a 50" RPTV
Do you really want to deal with an HD CRT? Those fuckers are insane.
CRT Royale shader is better than 99% of CRTs

The only real CRTs that are better than shaders are $1000+ PVMs
>makes up shit
>thinks no one will call him on it
anon, I....
People always wanted bigger screens anon, this is not a new thing, thats why you had this monstrous 32" CRTs at the end of the life.
>Its also the fact that people wanted bigger screens and the bigger the screen you want on CRT the thicker the device would need to be making them unmovable pieces.
I had a late stage huge CRT widescreen TV. Thing was so heavy the components inside started "bowling" and warped the picture around the edges of the screen.
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This thread/topic is the peak of the contrarianism that floods this board on a daily basis. CRTs suck ass that's why they were abandoned. Kill yourself and delete this shit thread.
Plasma didn't take off. 4:3, 3:2, and 16:10 all mog 16:9. 16:9 and ultrawides need to fuck off with their tiny vertical space,
>Pixels still ghost
No no, motion clarity is real. There's no ghosting on a CRT and there's also nearly no input delay, both of which it still has over contemporary displays.
saying it twice doesn't double the truth-value of the statement.
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>and there's also nearly no input delay,
you're so fucking stupid its unreal, nostalgiafaggots are so blind they're ignoring basic laws of physics
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>TFW I was a Plasmafag.
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In fact ive never owned an LCD TV, I went from CRT to Plasma to now OLED.
could be.it was long ass time ago. only remember that the thing was pretty huge
i'll never go back
t. oled chad
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looks like shit, half the image has reduced visibility because of outdated tech
lets not forget: heavy, clunky, powerhogs, coil-whine, easy to break, needs massive internal voltages to work, no parts made for them anymore, expensive, low refresh rate, shit resolution, inferior to modern monitors INCLUDING with motion (inb4 some poorfag posts his 120hz 1080p monitor or random cope lie from blurbusters), also 4:3 is overrated aspect ratio by retarded poor /g/faggots

>This thread/topic is the peak of the contrarianism that floods this board on a daily basis.
Good chance none of the users in this thread uses a CRT.
CRTs have essentially zero display lag, retard.
He's right though. Expensive TVs need to be in
"game mode" that lowers image quality to get rid of the the input delay
I did but it broke recently
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>nostalgiafag complains about the technical aspects of displays and how OLDGOODNEWBAD
>compares to a fucking television
nice comparison bro, enjoy being a poorfaggot with your ps5 or xbox or whatever
but, but, I though they lasted forever like anons say!
dunno what you're talking about
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me on the left
>tells lies about things he doesnt understand and thinks he's rightcurve
peak midwit
Don't listen to them OP. So many ppl get jealous as fuck that we kept our crts for gaming before the retro game boom. They look so much better for retro games I can't even go back
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As an actual CRT user, posser CRT users who post this kinda shit is sad.
You don't even know the technical differences between a TV and a monitor you fake PC master race impostor. Shut the fuck up
For me it's too lazy to drive to garbage dump. Not even local thrift store accepts crts so god damn. Would've been free pickup , but no.
>I'm totally not a zoomer!!
>I totally understand the tech!!
For any console or arcade game made before 2007, CRT is the superior display. If all you play is modern slop, obviously you don't need one.
Because making high-resolution CRTs requires a denser aperture grille which impacts brightness. Go look at monitors that support XGA and higher resolutions (1024x768) and you'll immediately notice how dim they are.

They're pretty nice at standard def resolutions but once you get around 720p, you either need a massive unwieldy set or an extremely dim piece of shit.
That is not what your stupid fucking wojak image said you god damn retard. Im probably the only one in this thread that actually uses a CRT.
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How many times does this thread have to be made?
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Back in say 2003, when LCD screens were slow and low contrast and had more ghosting than Luigi's Mansion, I didn't get why everyone was so hot for them. Probably just because the slab-on-a-stand form factor looked "futuristic".
But that was then and flat beat fat so deal with it I guess.
I can't say I agree. Even cheap kitchen TVs look nicer than these shaders. I realize you purposefully chose a screenshot that looks like dogshit and that I'm replying to bait.
They were much brighter than comparable CRTs and had better clarity for things like text.
No, you screaming about how its DA JOOOZZ forcing bigger screens on everyone and then telling them they like it is not going to suffice as a counterargument.
Yep my local states thrift store chain used to have literal fucking 5 foot piles of crts and they stopped accepting them because too bulky and nobody wants them anymore so now retro enthusiasts have to search way harder for one. Luckily I still have my small Magnavox and it still looks great and soulful as fuck
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Reminder to get a comparable experience to CRT for retro games on a modern display, you need:

at least 4k preferably 8k (enough resolution headroom for advanced CRT shaders)
480Hz+ (for similar motion clarity to CRT with BFI)
OLED (for deep blacks and better color)
very high brightness (to counteract the high levels of BFI)
VRR and BFI used in conjunction that can support sub 60Hz refresh rates (to play console and especially arcade games at proper refresh-rate/speed)
27" or under (all the top TVs and even monitors are all 32"+, not a suitable size for a desk or cabinet)

Once you have ALL that, then, AND ONLY THEN, will you be comparable to what CRT can do with retro games. But we don't have that... we don't even have anything CLOSE to that, and the monitors that have even half of that list are like $2000.
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>Kill yourself

Not OP but lmao, get some new material
>CRT's motion clarity, input lag, and handling of low-res content is unmatched by modern displays
no part of this is incorrect.
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>will you be comparable to what CRT can do with retro games
I love these assumption that all CRTs are great pieces of perfect tech that nothing touches. Sorry anon shit CRT exist. Most CRTs that you can actually afford are just lower end CRTs and they dont look like a fucking KV-27FS120
Response time and input lag are two different things.
>getting radiation every time you wanna vidya
>superior technology
I'm not him but yes he's right. Even my shitty low budget CRT from 2004 has absolutely zero ghosting and I can immediately tell when there's no input lag vs a HDTV with "game mode " turned on
>For any console or arcade game made before 2007, CRT is the superior display
Your image does not say this part of your counter at all retard.
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Based and trvth nvke
>omg help i dont wanna die i wanna live forever and ever
a tiny bit of rads didn't do anything. If anything it made you stronger and you built up a resistance to small doses of rads. Kids today are too soft.
I am content to play my old games upscaled with widescreen support
These threads are interesting because televisions are truly the only commodity left that actually gets cheaper. It's the last verstige of the kind of market that made boomers infallible easy-street denizens for life.
People who still believe that the status quo is sustainable have to point to TVs and and be like
>how can this be an empire in decline, when you can get a 4k Samsung for $400 on Black Friday??
because that's untrue for literally everything else now.

Of course the actual reason TVs are cheaper is that modern TVs are the same device as CRTs in-name-only.
It's a plastic piece of shit stitched together with brand deals for pre installed apps, and like most of the tech industry it's constantly teetering on the brink of insolvency. Sony TVs for instance haven't turned a profit in a decade iirc; it's the video game industry that produces value for them.
But you wouldn't know that from these threads, where ideologues act like a grid of colored LEDs is some kind of unmatched technical marvel instead of the cheapest display technologically possible.
Yea, actually worked at thrift store and it was constant flood of crts. Shelves full of those. But to be fair that was like 10 years ago.
I doubt there are many offering those anymore, but apparently they don't take those at all anymore.
CRTs have essentially zero for both and also essentially perfectly clear motion. The only """lag""" CRTs have is that they draw at their refresh rate, so for 60fps games, it draws a new frame every 16.7ms
Nigga dont know about phosphorus decay
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>CRTs have essentially zero for both
That's not true. Especially for HD CRTs. Response time, yes. Input lag varies from TV to TV. Go to any old FGC or smash venue and people will tell you straight up certain TVs are less laggy than others. Just by virtue of being 60hz that's always going to mean it has the potential of being less responsive than a higher refresh rate display.
And another retard
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I think there should be a rule that you cant praise CRTs as some infinity better display tech if you dont post a pic of your working CRT hooked up to consoles.
Some CRTs have better blacks, colors, geometry, TVL, etc. but the advantages of CRTs are inherent to the technology, so all CRTs are going to have nearly perfect input lag, motion clarity, improve SD content, and support for any refresh rate in their range (can even get a multisync for 15khz + 31khz in one)

NTA I lucked into a KV-13FS100 in the box and this thing's my fucking baby. Love it. Spotless inside and out. Perfect size for my desk setup and not too heavy to bring over to my friends for weekend hangouts.
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LCDs were cheaper to make and transport and they could be sold for more.
my bf used one and it made a ringy noise
i got over it but it hurts my ears sometimes
>no timestamp
real answer is that CRTs are just not compatible with the modern world, they are big, heavy and power hungry, and the superior image quality don't make up for the cons.

>it only took 25 years and thousands of dollars to barely surpass the old tech!!
lmao. If CRTs kept being in production they would mog any modern panel by a mile.
post balloon knot or gtfo.
you have no idea what you're talking about.
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All SD CRTs have essentially zero input lag and perfectly clear motion. Again, the ONLY """lag""" CRTs have is that they draw at their refresh rate, so for 60fps games, it draws a new frame every 16.7ms.

>Go to any old FGC or smash venue and people will tell you straight up certain TVs are less laggy than others
No, not for SD CRTs, you fucking moron.

For regular LCD monitors, LCD TVs, OLED TVs, HD CRTs, etc? of course

>Just by virtue of being 60hz that's always going to mean it has the potential of being less responsive than a higher refresh rate display.
again, read the first line of this post that I also said in my last post you fucking retard.
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>manchildren get their covid trumpbux and start glorifying old shitty televisions
Nobody except pedantic meleeniggers gave a shit about these things prior to 2020.
>acting like a fucking flat screen is the rolls royce of CRTs
literally any PVM you can find will mog this into this next dimension
If you are implying crts dont have phosphor persistence than you are a retard
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Damn, zoomers took an absolute beating in this thread. You come at the king you best not miss.
Is it truly over for phosphor display technology?
Our only hope is LPDs but they've been """emerging""" for the past 15 years and literally only 1 company makes them and it's impossible to get your hands on them because they only make them to-order for big name clients and shit. Frankly I'm not even convinced they exist.
SEDs were promising as well but got killed in the cradle. Such a shame how superior technology gets snuffed out or shuffled into obscurity in the name of cheaper, cheaper, cheaper.
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This really confirms you dont own one.
FPBP. CRTs are eyesearing, too heavy and waste too much space. The only advantage they have is that retro games look better on them, because they were designed around the blur.
I hope these retards wouldn't meme anyone into buying crt
owning a redditron just shows that you're a zoomer that fomo'd into fake nostalgia for a time you never experienced
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My CRT is just the same one I used as a teen in the late 90s.
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whats a balloon knot. sorry im fat and retarded, im basically here to eat a lot of food and watch movies my bf handles all of that. if you can tell me more clearly i can show you it?
>because they were designed around the blur.
LCDs are the blurry ones, CRTs have extremely clear motion
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Eyy bro I'm picking up a 14L5 today lol. Looking forward to it.
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The pink part.
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Are VGA monitors allowed ITT?
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i dont have sex toys
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I have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
All I know is that normies will eat any slop as long as it the quality is "okay" and it is not insanely expensive.
Real reason why CRTs died is because LCDs just make easier money and normies don't care about the change.
It's an old picture and i'm out of town, sorry bro.
Don't worry about it then
I do but mine has this weird thing where if there is something bright on the screen, it reduces the overall brightness of the entire image. It's an early 00s model and I wonder if there's some kind of meme "adaptive brightness" thing that can't be turned off (I've been everywhere in the service menu and autistically calibrated this thing). It's particularly noticeable in games like Tenchu where you have that flashing icon in the lower left, which makes the entire screen subtly flicker and crushes the shadow details when the icon is fully lit. Games look way better on it, but due to that one annoying thing, I tend to play on my LCD with shaders more.
Expensive, heavy, difficult to manufacture, costs more to transport, takes up more space on the shelf, low resolution. I personally have a collection of about 17 CRTs but I absolutely understand why other people moved on.
CRTs recently pulled around 800HZ I think, saw it in some article. Literally faster than the fastest refreshing LED monitor out there.
Am I misinterpreting your post, or are you seriously suggesting that wasn't a major factor in the adoption of flat panel televisions? Having the biggest TV screen possible has been a status symbol since people were showing off their fucking Betamax players on them. The thinnest and lightest was a natural progression of that
the furry who replied is wrong, it's just a butthole, which looks like the knot on a balloon.
yeah, but it was 160p resolution.
Still impressive for ancient technology.
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This is me except gigachad instead of basedjak
The fuck are you on about? Bigger screen = cinematic experience. It's not hard to figure out, you fucking alien, not everything is a god damn kike conspiracy.
what does this have to do with crts
if this was the case we'd all have projectors.

My post is more about how "what people want" is not information you have access to when looking at market trends. Larger screens was something that corporations determined they could use in marketing to *produce* a desire that may or may not have existed beforehand.
That's the purpose of marketing after all. If people only bought what they wanted then there'd be no use for it. Marketing gets people to buy things they wouldn't otherwise want, or else there'd be no return on it.
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I guess I’m the only one with an actual crt.
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Is that The Nutty Professor on DVD
I've been wondering for sometime now - how hard would it be for a small company to start producing these again? Theyre super popular among collectors, like HQ headphones and shit, so there surely a market
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too big and clunky
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Even better.
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Forgot to add the image kek
when crt was peak, tvs were manufactured in the USA.

the transition to lcds was due to international shipping concerns. lcds are significantly lighter, especially the big screen ones.

I still have an old toshiba 56 inch big screen, it weighs like 300 pounds. Theres no way they could ever afford to stock warehouses of 300 pound tvs for modern population density, and the cheap construction of modern pods makes it very difficult to even place such a huge piece of machinery. LCD was inevitable for the outsourced dystopian fake plastic world we now live in.

everything has to be lightweight and compact so it can ship and fit.
look its the daily mental illness general
> tvs were manufactured in the USA

lol fucking wut.
Is there any reason a CRT developed today couldn't be significantly lighter? I'm >>683813253 and really wonder about all these things, everything is much smaller and lighter in general now after 30 years of technological advances, so why couldnt a newly produced CRT be half the weight?
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last one for now
>Is there any reason a CRT developed today couldn't be significantly lighter?

Physics, to cover more space the tube has to be further away from the screen.
It is not possible. They rely on an entire factory supply chain which no longer exists. Factories are no longer producing the specific parts like flybacks and yokes etc, so you simply cannot get new parts. Nevermind that CRTs were only cheap because they were able to sell so many of them - any new CRT, if it did somehow get produced, would likely cost thousands on the consumer. It's not comparable to something like a phonograph, where hobbyists can keep the scene alive by building them in their garage.

If there is any hope for the CRT scene, it won't be in CRTs at all, but in a new phosphorescent technology that can achieve the same or similar results.
>Why did we abandon CRTs when they were clearly the superior technology?
Inefficient. Heavy. Also you can only make CRTs so big, they have a limit. You will never be able to make a 80 inch CRT, and if you do, that thing will weigh over 200lbs and the costs of operating that thing will be huge. I am glad we invented LCD screens.
>CRT monitor
>TV on the image
full retard, the difference between a TV and a monitor is fucking immense.
Laws of physics nigga. A 13 inch CRT TV weighs about 20 pounds. A 20 inch weighs 50. A 27 inch weighs nearly 90 pounds - a TV roughly double the size of a 13 inch but more than 4 times as heavy.
All the weight's in the glass. Bigger screen = more glass = more weight. And flat CRTs are even heavier because the flat glass has to be even thicker to resist implosion.
CRT more like HRT
pretty sure there are some manufacturers still out there, but they don't produce for consumers only to maintain old tech from government and stuff like that.
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Why do you post the same thread every day?

This fucker just bought a used PS2 + CRT and now it's pretending to be le CRT megalover. Fuck off and fuck your spamming. Kill yourself.
He has an eBay store with pvm that are not selling since the bubble is deflating
blur means blur, motion blur means motion blur
I know who you're talking about and no, there are none. Those military contractors don't have or produce new CRT tubes. All their stock is old remaining shit. If you ever hear about some "last remaining CRT manufacturer" or something, do not be misled, it's always old tubes.
do you just ignore that people go to the movie theatre? it's not for the popcorn bub
I go for the handjob
I've collected a few CRTs throughout the years. Every time I move though it's a huge pain in the ass. I doubt the big Trinitron I have will survive the next move. Either due to being banged around so much or just not having the space for it.
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>motion clarity
This would be so fucking easily overcome if OLED manufacturers would just add a rolling scan. Oculus did it for the Quest 1
It causes brightness issues which is why they dont do it. Maybe combining it with Tandum will fix it.
>Top loading NES
Not enough. 4k is barely enough and even then not really
higher cost production is the only reason
why the fuck would you put the top loading consoles UNDER STUFF

They're better, but yes they are too heavy and waste too much space. They're inconvenient and I guess harder to make as well.
But I've never had a TV as good as my best CRT was.
>if this was the case we'd all have projectors.
Even today projectors are expensive as fuck. People want bigger but there's a limit on how much they can spend.
>b-but they wanted bigger screens
ignorant zoomers aren't even aware that people watched movies/sports with projectors
>As good as my best CRT was
Anon unless you are like 50 you didnt get to choose your CRT, you used whatever cheap RCA/Sylvania your mom got a kmart.
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Hi, guy that made the bigger screen post here, this is very funny to say to the only guy who has posted proof they have a CRT right now.
>Anon unless you are like 50 you didnt get to choose your CRT, you used whatever cheap RCA/Sylvania your mom got a kmart.
I had an excellent hand-me-down from an older relative who was upgrading to a newer model
Sadly, it died eventually
Your older relative didnt hand you down a fucking PVM anon.
They were really heavy. That’s the reason. People hated moving them, Jews hated shipping them.
(Also I was stubbornly buying CRTs for as long as I could after new types of TVs became ubiquitous, so I did get to choose a couple)
looks like shit
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You might want to schedule an eye exam and not drive yourself because your liable to kill someone with how fuckin broken your eyes must be to think CRT picture quality is superior
>Your older relative didnt hand you down a fucking PVM anon.
No, but there were other good CRTs. I don't remember what model it was, and it probably wasn't as good as those. I just remember it was great and everything afterward was a downgrade, even other CRTs.
Most likely an issue with the capacitors.
I do, almost daily but I'm not delusional enough to not see why lcds took over. Lcds aren't perfect but neither are crts. You're just choosing one set of flaws over another, and quite frankly, I'd choose a flat panel lcd over a crt any day for anything but jerking off to nostalgia.
A random relative didnt have one and then update and hand it down anon, you got a basic RCA.
Are you fucking stupid?
it was RCA and it still had great picture quality, is there a problem?
it is
Its not anon. It has flaws just like all techs do, none are perfect none are better than others.
Those images look worse then a regular television.
>but it has better [thing nobody cares about]
Nobody cares. It looks like shit. They're heavy, they are a pain to move around, the screen is smal and people like to have a big screen to see their shit more comfortably, they make noise, they hog energy, they break much more easily, horrible aspect ratio, much easier and simpler to manufacture. Nobody actually cares about some statistic amongst 3.450 being marginally better, people want better televisions.
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made one more
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They sucked balls at displaying text, that is why.
LED have become effectively superior with UHD resolutions at 240 Hz refresh rate.
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There's actually a pretty sizable gap on the inside of the entertainment center, it just has a lip downwards which makes it look smaller than it actually is.
I have a Famicom AV down there so even if it was super tight I still wouldn't need to pull it out, there's an Everdrive in there at the moment so that's why it looks so tall.
have you stared at these things for more than a minute?
how the fuck did people not go blind or deaf from the horrible high pitched noise?
I'm an ancient millenial who had an excellent big-screen CRT and I remember the transition to HD flatscreens clearly from lived experience (and LCDs weren't the only tech in the early days, there were also PDPs).

There is a huge advantage to HD displays no one in this thread has mentioned: Looking at a CRT for too long gave you a fucking headache. I don't know if it was eye strain or what, but invariably, a long gaming or PC session induced headaches in a lot of users. Meanwhile, HD displays were brighter and totally free of this problem.

Yeah CRTs have marginally better input lag than even the best LCDs and OLEDs of today. Yeah the games were built around scanlines. I don't fucking care. The other tradeoffs around aspect ratio, portability, power consumption, image quality, color vibrancy, and image brightness are not worth it.
Because flat screens showed office docs, tv shows, and movies much better which was the priority for 99.95% of the population.
Because corporations and normalfags wanted to save money with cheap chinkshit lcds
Takes up desk space, analog signals are inferior for any purpose.
>motion clarity
people who talk about this are quacks, old games actually ran at awful framerates, look into the games files to see how many frames are actually animated and exist for pretty much any game. it's just the fact that they strobe but modern gaming monitors have some kind of strobing mode you can turn on.

Also they are highly disruptive on a "spectrometric level", they emit small bits of almost any kind of radiation. They can disrupt "VLF(VERY LOW FREQUENCY)" radio transmission which the government uses for communication.
Sure, a Trinitron or other top of the line CRT was great and responsive. But the majority were Wan Hung Lo garbage that looked like smeared shit and left trails all over the screen when anything moved. People were chomping at the bit to get TV's that were literally postage stamp sized LCDs projected onto glass with what were effectively streetlamps blasting directly through them just to get a bright enough image. Projection TVs weren't even good, the early ones were just about cube shaped, weighed even more than CRTs and could barely output a 720i signal. It's just that so many people were sick of having their 18 inch Zenith or KLM slowly burning in and its color phosphors wearing out so everything ended up tinting green. >>683810126
I have one of those "Kitchen TVs." It's unusable.
wow this is shit
analog is real
digital is fake
simple as
same. going from CRT through the 90's to later 2000's, people couldn't get rid of their fucking CRT TV's fast enough, you'd see them on the street with "free" signs on them
>Sure, a Trinitron or other top of the line CRT
Trinitrons were incredibly common consumer tv's.
>But the majority were Wan Hung Lo garbage
Not in the first world, Sony and the other good brands were in every living room.
idiots buy new shiny when told to.
This sort of contrarianism ignores the reality that for 99 percent of consumers, flat panel displays were objectively better in all relevant ways. Input lag doesn't matter if you are just watching TV and movies. CRTs are definitely heavier, sturdier physical objects, but there's a certain survivorship bias here where all the cheap ass busted ones are no longer in circulation, creating a skewed idea about the quality of the average CRT. It's also not like flat panel displays were only cheap plastic shit as I've seen people here suggest -- plasma TVs were quite expensive. I had one, and it lasted a very long time through very heavy use.
>gamers unable to fathom people switching to TVs that show TV programs and movies vastly better
>the amount of ideology packed into this off-hand claim is staggering.


When plasma TVs first came out, 40inches was considered huge. They cost the equivalent of like $20k today and people loved it as there was no equivalent in a crt, and projectors were hot garbage. Since then, screens have gotten bigger and bigger. Same with phones, screens in cars - just every screen. People like big screens.

Except you because you are a contrarian faggot.
>This sort of contrarianism ignores the reality that for 99 percent of consumers, flat panel displays were objectively better in all relevant ways. Input lag doesn't matter if you are just watching TV and movies.
Don't really care what the cattle think, do you?
you are retarded and weren't there
you are correct
you are still retarded and living in the past
Count me among the cattle, because to me, a marginally smoother control experience playing Gradius does not outweigh the ability to watch a sporting event in perfect clarity. From the first day I saw a news broadcast in HD I have not been able to back to SD for anything other than the novelty of retro gaming now and then. I still own a CRT but I barely use it.
>Count me among the cattle
I do.
No they fucking weren't. I'm speaking from experience. I was there. Until digital video went mainstream, the average consumer did not give two shits about picture quality because there was almost nothing to be gained, because most TV was still NTSC encoded, even when it was coming down a coaxial cable or through a Satellite Dish. If people cared about picture quality Betamax would have won the video tape format war, but it didn't because the main priorities of the average consumer were size, weight and lifetime of their TV.
CRTfag status:

I wonder how Sony became such a big company and built a strong reputation on high quality electronics when nobody cared about high quality electronics.
NTA but I think betamax lost the format war because it was more expensive and it took years before they made a betamax that could contain a full movie on it.
This, the overall sum of advantages of flat screens is why they quickly dominated.

CRTs weigh like 50 fucking pounds. Not hyperbole, they really do. A big TV is 100+. You could not put them on glass desks usually, you cannot easily rig up multiple displays on supports unless you had something built for TV studios (which nobody had, don't fucking lie you faggot kids). Having dual monitors at all was a massive pro move thing and also needed a desk as sturdy as a bank vault. Now it is effortless to have as many as you want.

Also the volume of the depth of the things was immense. You gained like a square foot+ of desk space suddenly with a flat screen. Computer desks needed to have drawers to hold the keyboard in because the big fucking CRT blocked most space on top of the desk. They were just way less convenient. They also cannot scale to size without weighing a ton suddenly, people like their 1440 or 4k 27 or 32" monitors these days - you couldn't really fit a 32" PC monitor on most desks and even if you could you were not supposed to sit too close to it because it's bad for your eyes from the flickering. Someone else mentioned headaches already and yes that totally was a thing if you say too close to the screen. They also tend to have high pitch whines and hums to them (which may cause the headaches for all I know). They have static, you pick up electric charge just adjusting the thing and get fucking zapped touching a doorknob and shit sucks.

Yes it makes sense they look great with retro games designed for that era. But they do not have practical use anymore today outside of autists looking for shit to blame besides their own skills at local tourneys trying to equalize each other.
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crts were pretty based
I had a brand new 17" CRT VGA monitor that I bought in 2020, still in the box. I fucked it up by playing timings and letting it be at unsupported-but-technically-functional resolutions for hours at a time.

I miss that thing. I wish I wasn't retarded.
They didn't just make TVs, and by the end of the Trinitron brand's run, they were selling Trinitron tubes to other companies because they couldn't sell them themselves at the prices they wanted.
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And games.
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Zoomer, most CRTs fucking sucked and were giant heavy boxed monstrosities that were a massive pain in the ass to do anything with, and unless you had a really good model, which most people didn't, their image quality, screen size and resolution sucked. There's a reason why flat panels took off upon their introduction even when their image quality was poor compared to the screens of the now - people were tired of lugging around these giant boxes that could kill an elephant if dropped from a slight height and were glad to be rid of them.
It's always been the latter, because there's nothing zoomers love more than roleplaying as older people.
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You just won't catch me dead playing a 4:3 game on a 16:9 display, sorry!
im not sorry
built for deep black colors
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Then don't play any vidya and go have fun outside, anon
CRT consume more power don't they?
yes. sales of new ones are banned in California because of it
Modern LCD/LED displays are power hungry as well. Big CRT rear projection screens were around 200w, and my monitor sits at 190w at full brightness.
>bulky and heavy
>low res
>analog (i.e. no (((DRM))))
I don't know
it's modern displays that are blurry as fuck and have tons of input lag
Low resolution is also a function of being analog. Digital signals are easier to pump through the same bandwidth. That's why we have 1000 HD or better channels on cable now vs 30-50 analog 480i channels.
>they look great with retro games designed for that era
any game looks better on a CRT
Obscuring flaws is what CRTs do best. Anything modern is better displayed on a nice flatpanel. Even the highest resolution CRTs are pathetically low resolution, and they trade refresh rate for resolution.
>any game
any game released before 2008*
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biggest arguments against crts are
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This is inaccurate because the actual CRT enthusiasts here are zoomers who weren't old enough to remember when CRTs were the only option, have an inferiority complex when it comes to their age and are desperate to roleplay their fantasies of being millennials living in an older era because they've fully bought into the OLD GOOD NEW BAD dogma without any ounce of critical thinking or nuance. Which would be less annoying if they weren't busy lying and making up shit about the past they didn't live in to support their dogma and then often ignoring the things that actually were better decades ago.
>I can sit in my goypod and play fortnite for dozens of uninterrupted hours and easily still fill out shekelberg's many spreadsheets. I love my LCD!
this is true in 99% of cases though

>CRT enthusiasts here are zoomers
maybe a small minority, but most CRT fans grew up with them. zoomers are barely even playing old games, and the few that do mostly emulate on their phones or laptops
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I'm in my 30s. I use a CRT for older games and my newer flat panel display for modern games or anything that looks good in 4:3. Not that deep desu
Looks better on my pixel lmao
Yet every crt video on youtube has a guy 30+ talking about it. Try something else because the zoomer shit ain't working.
post it
>t. never used a high-res CRT monitor
why do facts trigger you? whenever technology advances the very first thing that's done is lowering quality to squeeze every last penny.
the more accurate and consistent the manufacturing process is the thinner the safety margins are, leading to lower durability. not to mention that modern devices are designed to be non-repairable
Why did we abandon CRTs when they were clearly the superior technology?
When games like Dead Rising 1 got developed for 720p and above meaning that whoever had a CRT couldn't read the in-game text.
CRTs got less input lag so they should have never been abandoned in competitive games.
Even monitors that went up to 2048x1536 did it at the cost of refresh rate.
Cope post.
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My OLED shits on your radiation box.
We had no choice
>refresh rate.
and this is bad how? 60 Hz is good enough. 75 tops
zoomers are retarded for falling for the 144 Hz meme. they should be asking for rolling scan displays with scanning backlights instead
show me your 4k/144hz/HDR10+ CRT
60Hz is bad by itself, but 1536 lines at 60Hz on a CRT will ruin your eyes.
somehow speaking for PVMemes is funnier than for CRT Royale
Even people that work in nuclear power stations try to keep their radiation exposure to a minimum. Using a particle accellerator to bing bing wahoo when more modern technology exists is retarded.
no more than a sample and hold display will
Mine doesn't quite do that, but it does flicker on solid backgrounds sometimes and recently I just noticed FFII's title screen (not the prologue) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U15MqUlwak&t=23 (couldn't find another video of the title screen in motion) induces that on mine quite a bit.
Well, found my next monitor. https://www.samsung.com/us/televisions-home-theater/tvs/micro-led/114-class-micro-led-mna114ms1ccxza/
>mono audio
SED would have been the best of both worlds, a thin screen with the lovely picture of a good old tube. But it died due to patent fuckery.
Composite, too. I would use component.
CRTroons just can't let go
because while they provide a better refreshrate and a clearer image they are much more expensive to make and are not as compact as newer technology.
60Hz is borderline unusable on CRTs due to flicker. Depends on how fast the phosphors are but in any case it's on the lower end of usability. Even if it doesn't flicker it's way less smooth than 120Hz+
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All of these apply to me but i'm stronger
Kind of a niche case but people tend to forget just how fucking HOT CRTs get. I live in a tropical area and even with full central AC working overtime, having multiple CRTs going would reliably raise the room temperature by at least 10 degrees.
I'll have to work on mine eventually but no solder experience and general pussiness aside, discharging the thing at the anode with a screwdriver and such seemed to be pretty much universal advice but at the same time I'm pretty sure I saw some posts saying how it's shorting the thing in a sloppy way and there is slight damage to the set in doing that. So is there another way or is it the only real way to do it anyway?
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I really want to get a PVM but I'm unfortunately retarded. How do I plug a Wii into this shit.
You're free to think that, I was just sharing what I like
Add BNC connectors to the spots where it says "in"
Look up SED TVs. We were so close but the economic crisis killed that dream.
>CRTs are eyesearing
You have never seen a crt in real life
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If the RGB input also supports component (they usually do, but consult the manual if you can find it), plug your component cables into the Red Green Blue connections at the bottom.
But you'll need BNC to RCA adapters. They're very cheap.
If it only supports RGB you can get an adapter from the retrotink team
You also have to change the settings in the console as most devices are preconfigured as YPbPr.
To answer your question: no.
They are not, they are only superior in response time. There are a dozen of other important factors like image quality, size, etc. they get mogged.
Iage quality on any gen 6 and prior consoles is objectively better on a CRT
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slotmask televisions are my favorite
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I can't imagine playing on anything else.
crt is the best. I also refuse to remove my wood paneling because it adds to the comfy I uses to have as a kid playing games in my parents den.
>filters armlets and cyclists by being heavy
>filters asocial freaks by being too fragile to ship
>filters rentoids by taking too much space
>huge size encourages you to play on your living room or have your own gaming corner in your room instead of playing on a desk, unless you settle for a smaller TV like a cuck
CRTs are the white man's displays.
The difference between watching something like LotR on an LCD compared to a CRT was so astronomically better that I refuse to believe anyone saying CRRs are universally superior either wasn't there or have some obscene memory problems
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>rearrange the furniture including a crt
>tv now has warped green and purple colors on the edges
>moving it back fixes it
crts are magical
>your room
Uh huh.
Apology accept now that you have seen how shit older games look on a modern display
>muh movies
They are better for 240p content, especially 2d stuff
They lasted forever and everyone had one. They also were expensive to make and transport.
Stupid people were fooled into wanting higher res, lied to that that means higher quality (it means the exact opposite).
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Get yourself a degaussing coil to fix that. A good one too, not those shitty budget wands.
Don't neglect reading the warnings of usage either.

captcha: T0AD
3d always looks better at higher resolutions. The only argument for a CRT was edge smoothing on sprites.
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I just think they're neat
You are the stupidest person in this thread.
Guess what the world moved on from 240p.
Nta but though is a word. You can't let pleddit take words, retard. They can't think for themselves so we can take them back.
To it's detriment. The world has moved on from logic and reason, that isn't an improvement.
if it's sample and hold like LCDs then it's useless. also I'm not gonna drop $1500 on a gpu to run games at 120 FPS
>CRTlets are poor turd worlders
imagine my shock
This is 100% truth. Sprites (and prerendered assets) have issues scaling, but 3D looks better with every bump in resolution. Low res textures may be muddy and models might be chunky limiting just HOW good it can look, but it still benefits.
Is that example supposed to help your case? That legitimately looks fucking awful.

SD games (240p, 480i, 480p) 3D games in gen 6 were designed for and play best on CRT. Upscaling is the worst by far as the texture quality differences clash, artifacting is present (as shown in your image), and it shows elements that weren't meant to be seen with such detail.
Console games tend to have the most problems due to target resolutions, but are you one of the weirdos that believes infinitely scalable games like Half-Life had a target resolution? One guy claimed it was 640x480, when everyone who was anybody was playing at 1024x768 or better.
CRT-fags are the audiophiles of vidya. Believing every piece of snakeoil some Youtubers sells them when they either can't perceive the difference or it's actually fully made-up, you can't even measure the difference. It's mostly Placebo reardless.
People back in the 90s claimed different CD-R brands would produce different quality Red Book audio. Actual quote:
>My favorites: Maxell 80 Minute Pro (blue) for solid robust low end, detail and clean immediacy; Maxell Music 80 minute gold for a balanced hight-to-mid-to-bottom and wide sparkle; Fuji 80 Minute Audio for a wetter sound (smoothes out the edges). Memorex Music 80 minutes is very nice, Taiyo Yuden 700 MB are close, the Mitsui and BASF are in there, Sony could be better...
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OLEDs pretty good
Comparing different brands of the same product isnt the same as comparing wildly different display technologies like CRTs and LCDs
/v/ is full of kids who mostly play games on their phone and dont have any room in their favela dwelling for any kind of tv which is why these threads make them seethe
wow i just realized my old consoles are basically dead since i cant plug them to any new TV
Yes, but there are legitimate benefits of CRTs, but not enough to still keep a tiny X-ray emitter around. There are genuine lunatics on 4chan. Amazing, I know. Said lunatics, in between going on mass shootings in grocery stores and posting on /pol/, believe that CRTs are universally superior to modern technology because Randy (who only anon can see) said so.
Ok retard
>retarded /v/eddit hyperbole
They are better for old games, especially ones that are unplayable due to the inherent input lag of modern displays
If you dont like old games dont bother with them
Imagine not being fast enough to beat input lag.
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>Why did we abandon CRTs when they were clearly the superior technology?
Tell me you have never used a CRT, without telling me that you have never used a CRT.

CRTs are not good. You zoomers are just falling for the nostalgia fag meme.
Why arent they good?
I swear every crt thread is just a zoomie trying to look over 18.
lol i saw that epic meme on reddit too xD xD xD
>said the zoomzoom
>mono audio
I don't want to go back.
CRTs are great for older games but I use OLED for everything modern.

That said friends my age (30s) who come over and see the CRTs have their mind blown. They say "its just how I remember it looks great!" because the filters are needed.

And no filters don't replicate it.
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>cuts your fingers off
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>putting your tv in front of the fireplace
Tiny screen. :(
it's for optimal heat exhausting, clearly.
I have a problem
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>tate counterclockwise
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Why do CRTs cause /v/edditors to seethe so much? Is it autism?
Zoomers can't afford/house/lift them so they cope saying the phone their mom gave them runs games better.
You just know that zoomers are subhuman when they try to worship ancient garbage tech just because it's ancient and people rightfully hate it due to all the downsides it had
What does Corneal Refractive Therapy have to do with gaming?
Fuck your eyes, are heavy, are complicated to service and fix and requiere too much space.
Nice try zoomie
you will have to do it when CRT screen burns your eyes down to the point of near failure
I hate faggots
crts are blur-free. stay mad lcdfag
lcds looks better than CRTs with a basic filter and offer much higher resolution

You sound mad.
Now lets see those LCD black levels and clarity of motion
>blurshitter is so mad he ignored the fact that LCDs are more blurry than a window smeared with shit and changed the topic instead
>things no one cares about

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Everyone I've known that was a CRT fanatic ended up trooning out.

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>lagless clear motion isnt important for video games
>good contrast isnt important for everything
>knowing multiple troons
that says a lot about you
Old is good, new is bad, unironically
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>Obsessive about his video experience to the point of using a CRT
>plugs up the audio to the tv speakers in mono
Just settle for a retrotink or something you zoomer fraud.
Never saw one that big but a kid I knew in school had a 40ish inch Mitsubishi in the basement the previous owners had put there. Probably still there because I don't see anyone dragging that thing out in one piece. I don't even know how they got it down there without killing someone because it weighed several hundred pounds. It also put off a really annoying high pitched whine that would set my teeth on edge and drive the dogs crazy.
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Because a CRT is older than 90% of the people on this website
How do I repair one? Is it easy?

Because they aren't economically viable unless sold in mass, and while they were better in many ways for gaming, LCDs were easily better for office work and other basic shit. Less heavy, less power consumption, not potentially hazardous etc
I'm a big fan of Dead Rising and CRTs ruined it for me, so fuck CRTs
>be a zoomie
>be 21
Fuck, I want to go back to 18, I've made too many mistakes since
CRTs are well and good, but... you DO play handheld games on handheld screens, right?
No and you could die if they aren't properly discharged
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there are plenty of zoomers I know whose families weren't able to afford LCDs when they took over, I am no different, my family owned two trinitrons when LCDs became popular because we weren't in the financial position to get another tv and we had two perfectly good CRTs in front of us so we didn't really care until way later. Now I own a 14M2E and I realize why I never had a problem with it
>they've fully bought into the OLD GOOD NEW BAD dogma without any ounce of critical thinking or nuance
sorry but cynical goyslop is cynical goyslop, you can only put in so much thought and nuance into criticizing or complimenting modernity before you realize the companies involved in making it so shit are shameless and will continue to do what they do regardless of if you talk about it, so they deserve all of the endless verbal abuse they get from everyone, even if it's not like they'll hear it anyway
I don't think anyone has ever died from a CRT
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Come on now.
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/vr/ says sony trinitrons are shit, how true is this? found a cheap one the other day
i have a set that my dad gave to me, but it's one of those ugly slimfit samsung tvs. looking to replace it since the image is distorted on both sides of the screen
Prove me wrong
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>I don't think anyone has ever died from a CRT

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