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/v/ - Video Games

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Zoomer here. I feel bad for millenials. You guys grew up with fucking ugly video games and in an era where games were considered jokes. PS one games aged like milk. SNES is kind of okay but most are short and GameBoy games aren't even worth talking about. Any phone game is deeper than your average GameBoy game. You will never know what it's like growing up with the best graphics and games ever.
Not only that we Millenials are onions chugging globohomo fucking trannies lol we're big gay fags
Well I feel bad for zoomers because they are full of estrogen and I feel bad for white zoomers that get bullied by black zoomers. I thought that was just a meme but I guess it's real.

Also magine being the generation with the worst music, movies, and games in all of history so far.
weak bait boomer
bussin fr fr no cap on god
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>cucked zoomer will never know the joy of battling your pals on Pokemon with a link cable
>worst music, movies, and games in all of history so far.
everything recent keeps breaking records time and time again. most sold game is minecraft, biggest free game is Fortnite, biggest movie was some Marvel movie, there are songs on youtube with 3 billion plays. And all of that released post 2010.
/v/ will deepthroat this thread
Minecraft isn't a zoomer game, first of all.
Secondly just because something sells doesn't mean it's good. Lastly, lmao you dumb retard you know you can force YouTube plays through a chink click farm, right?
>You will never know what it's like growing up with the best graphics and games ever.
Really weak bait
Anon, there are a billion videogames everywhere, if you can think it, it can be found and played.
doesn't mean it's bad, either, nitwit.
cope and seethe.
i play a Pokemon-type game on my Phone that looks 1000x better and is 1000x deeper than Pokemon (Nexomon).
Millennial here. I feel bad for zoomers. The modern video game blueprint is like 15 years old now and everything has always played more or less the same for your whole life. You never got to experience an era where everything keeps getting better every year.
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Biggest movie is still Avatar MCUck (but if you wanna get technical, it's Gone with the Wind *adjusted for inflation). Keep coping though ya broccoli headed faggot
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You right now.
decent bait
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Defend this.
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>This is the most obvious bait in recorded history but people on this board will still take it just to have a chance to shit on zoomers again
nigger faggot thread
Zoomettes prefer millennial men
honestly sad when you consider how autistic millenial men are
>people will still take this bait
You mean like you just did? #GETCAUGHT
PS1 was what all the poornigs had. The good videogames were on n64.
>only cherrypicks consoles
PC gaming was where all the real innovation was at.
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>PS1 was what all the poornigs had
>PS1 price: $299
>N64 price: $199
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>it's another totally organic generational spat thread.
>Zoomer here. I feel bad for millenials.
likewise. you will never know how it feels like to be free. oh, and btw, you didn't miss out on teenage love, did you ;)
retard here. I am going to take your bait and reply, thus giving a (you) to this undeserved dogslop, rather than ignore it and move on with my day, because I don't value actual discussion on this website and want to reward other retards who want to do nothing but stir shit ad nauseam.
why did Bjork stay hot for SO long? She looks like a Granny now but damn.
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Fifth gen games walked so sixth gen games could run. Many PS1/Saturn/N64 games look and play like shit by today's standards, but 3D was an entirely different playground after decades of 2D and nobody back then knew what good 3D game design even was.
If not for that period of experimentation, sixth gen and beyond would've been much worse than what we got.
best games are ps2 era games which are all zoomer games retard, nobody gives a fuck about anything before then
>Zoomer cope thread
Ooooft, delightful Bjork. I'd give her the hard-core and the gentle.
>Minecraft isn't a zoomer game
I keep seeing this manchild cope, but Minecraft has been considered zoomercore since forever
Bloomer here. I feel bad for Zoomers. You guys grew up with fucking ugly video games and in an era where games were considered jokes. PS4 games aged like milk. Mobile is kind of okay but most are short and VR games aren't even worth talking about. Any Neuralink game is deeper than your average VR game. You will never know what it's like growing up with the best graphics and games ever.
n64 was cheap shit and sold like trash
the controllers commit slow suicide from normal use
ps1 pads still fucking work to this date and it's been 20 fucking years plus

And I beat the shit out of the pads beating up people with khan on fightcade jojos
You just can't make this shit up.
N64 was a very cheap console at the time.

The actual poorfags were the ones who didn't have all those plus a pc to run shit on
>Minecraft isn't a zoomer game
Me and all the kids I knew growing up played Minecraft.

t.1999 zoomer
>Minecraft isn't a zoomer game
Minecraft is like the quintessential zoomer game, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm a zoomer and everyone I know my age has played Minecraft on and off since the age of 5.
You're like 25, and trying to fit yourself in where you don't belong, dude. Zoomers are the 9 year olds who scream and beg their mom to buy them fortnite vbucks gift cards. Whole different generation.
plenty of upset xoomers and millennials ITT
Kino. One of the greatest horror games of all time. Go back to watching your favorite YouTuber screaming his head off and onionsfacing over five nights at frankies or whatever that one faggy game is called.
youngest zoomer is 12, oldest zoomer is 27
>Well, we lowered our standards and buy shit
We know.
>Zoomer here
stopped reading here, please just go back
>You guys grew up with fucking ugly video games and in an era where games were considered jokes.
Liking video games (as in console gaming and PC) regressed to being a thing that only losers like among the youngest generations. Under 15 or so.
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many many such cases
>The modern video game blueprint is like 15 years old now and everything has always played more or less the same for your whole life.
This. Those old games that zoomers call "clunky" or say have "shit controls", simply have different controls. If something doesn't control exactly like the generic AAAslop cookie-cutter standardized controls of today, it's "unplayable" to them. Zoomers are retarded.
You never actually played this trash game back in 1999 on a CRT TV.

Nice cope Zoomer.
It's not even like "modern" controls didn't exist. They just don't look in the options menus.
Not for PSX games. Controlling 3D games with a D-Pad is objectively terrible and I'm with zoomers on that, as a milennial that grew up with an N64 it's pretty hard to get used to how sluggish it is controlling 3D games without an analog stick.
Yeah. Millenial here. Tried the Tomb Raider remaster. Couldn't stand the controls. Uninstalled and refunded after 2 hours. Can't believe we sat through this as teens and enjoyed it even. The controls are literally retarded.
They're functional and I'm sure they're fine after the initial learning curve, but I really can't blame zoomies for not wanting to put up with it. It's a shame the DualShock came so late and only a handful of games actually had analog control (most just used it for the rumble).
>They're functional

Not really. Press A to jump, wait 2 seconds, Lara jumps. Literally retarded. And since Tomb Raider relies heavily on platforming, it's no fun. The real struggle in Tomb Raider aren't the puzzles or enemies, it's the controls.
Ah yes, Minecraft and Fortnite. Those two games truly take technology and graphical fidelity to the limit of what's possible
1999 is elder zoomer
>the best graphics and games ever.
So many great modern games! Like uhh....
Uh... mmmm...
Well... uhhhhh w- no....
Oh, there's- nah... mmmmmmmmmm......
Crash and Spyro control better with the d-pad, at least in my opinion. Moreso the case for Crash
I did. I can't prove it to you though since my old nokia phone is busted.

t. 37
> PS one games aged like milk
Has better graphics than most modern games
It does kinda suck that I grew up where they made fun of us for playin vidya and talking on a mic and then 10-20 years later they are on skype and zoom. It also sucks they told me making a videogame is like going to the moon you will never do it and now theres tons of solo devs.
Growing up with minecraft, fortnite, and retarded ass roblox larps would be sweet though I hope you guys have fun because I have a feeling there could be some stagnation and even more vaporware/early access slop especially with AI.
Not taking your bait about phone games though
>Zoomers are the 9 year olds who scream and beg their mom to buy them fortnite vbucks gift cards.
Those are Gen Alpha, aka everyone born in 2009 or after. The youngest zoomers are around 16 now.
>t. millennial baiting his peers
zoomie you grew up with social media lmao
you will never be mentally healthy or competent at anything
Wait, there is more people on Earth than there was 20 years ago?
i am the most competent gooner and shut-in on 4chan.

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