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>one of the greatest games of all time, according to pretty much everyone on the internet
>less than 20% of players actually finished it
20% is a large clear percentage
Game is pretty shit
It's over 100 hours long.
I beat it twice
I know someone who beat it like 10 times so it all balances out in the end
>nooo stop sexxing up games you weirdo weebs!
>just watch pr0n!
>western game becomes the most successful crpg of all time for being nothing but a degenerate sex circus
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act 3 is kinda shite
except for her
I love her
Normies trust the hive mind more than their own perceptions, if everyone else is saying it's good then it must be even if they aren't actually enjoying it.
Finished twice on my own and once with friends. >>683809637 is right, Act 3 just sucks. I can see why it drains enthusiasm and makes people not want to finish it.
Still haven’t left act 1. So much to discover. Did you know that Astarion has unique dialogue with the mirror?
22% actually. It's not that hard to check.
>20% of players beat a 100 hour single player RPG
That's actually impressive, anon
How come games with largely Chinese investors don't NEED to use Sweet Baby Incorporated, IGN/Kotaku/PC Gamer never attacks them, Resetera don't touch them, what gives?
Orin is boring, ugly and an incest baby. Very annoying and underused too. Seriously? Baldur's gate is full of doppelgangers (as always) and no true seeing spells to counter them? And I'm railroaded to talk to this schizo then kill her within the day? That's not how you do a changeling and I'm not going to forgive her because she lacks chromosomes. She also literally ruined the BBEG's plot before the game began.
You need to understand that the game itself is around 10% of what the devs promised
It's fundementally still in alpha but was sold as 'finished'
It was great by the standards of what it was, an alpha demo
But people stop playing it once they realized the 'finished' version is just the same alpha demo
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she's made for correction
Bhaal won't have anything to correct once I'm done with her guts.
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damn son
>once I'm done with her guts
that youre rearranging with your dick am i right lmaooooooo
I haven't finished a game longer than 6 hours since maybe Mass Effect 3.
I'm on my 8th playthru. Not even close to bored yet.
I enjoyed what I played but burned out once I got to Act 3. Everyone saying Act 3 is awful also kinda killed a lot of my interest in returning.
I don't understand people who can endlessly replay single player RPGs. Baldur's Gate 2 is my favorite RPG of all time and I only ever did 3 full playthroughs of the game over the last 24 years.
I have over 300 hours in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and over 200 hours in Pathfinder: Kingmaker and I haven't finished either of them.
Did Larian ever fix act 3 with patches or is it still as unfinished as it was on release?
Not finishing it is a requirement for thinking it's any good.
>I don't understand people who can endlessly replay single player RPGs
Same. I got two playthroughs from BG3 back to back, which is already extremely rare, but I could never do more than that. I like to let a few years pass before replaying a game. Then it's almost like playing for the first time again.
Well they wouldn't think that if they finished it, because it completely falls apart in Act 3 and it sours the whole game retroactively
How do you retarded mouthbreathers still try and use achievement percentages as a metric for anything? You can literally look at 99.99% of games, especially long RPGs, and see that the ending rate at best is 30% and it's usually much lower. I wish your fucking empty skulls would get stomped into a paste for being so monumentally dumb.
Any kind of numbers are good for shitposting and to get replies to replenish dem dopamine tanks
>get "dopamine" from trying to be the most elite helmet-wearer on the shortbus on an anonymous sri lankan sheep shearing imageboard
Build variety. There’s over 30 subclasses that each warrant their own playthrough
As a die-hard Jagged Alliance oldfag I couldn't bear it for more than even an hour. This is what trooned out zoomers consider entertaining?
Go read steam reviews for it, yes zoomers actually thank this game for existing because it kept them from killing themselves
Opinion discarded. GTFO of my board
Muh elden ringerino with all its popularity is at 40% completion tops going by hoarah lux.
Ranni and regular ending are 28/22 respectively, so I guess that potentially tracks. The real fucked up shit is that only 34% of the people who played the game can even go to the DLC.
It's the standard
>oh so popular game let's play
And then you can see people dropping it by the boss.
>more people beat malenia the cunt than mohg
Lots of people enjoy games without finishing them. I know this upsets the autistics on /v/ who love to create imaginary criteria for holding opinions, but in this case you are vastly outnumbered.
The completion rate is 22%
Comparatively, the Witcher 3 has 23%
Elden Ring has around 28%
Kotor 2 has 14%
FF7 has 10%
OS2 has 11%
Pathfinder has around 10%

It doesn’t seem to be that bad
Act 3 sucks and you are so railroaded theres very little replayability outside of doing an "evil" playthrough which has no fucking content other than a single companion with no content.
and you think the best decision for a game you love is to burn yourself out on all the content as soon as possible and then cry about the next game not coming soon enough?
That's not possible, if you don't finish a game it can't be over 5/10
this lmao
>Act 1 is perfect, fairly nonlinear, lots of choices, a lot of stuff to do, optimized and well-designed
>Act 2 becomes significantly more linear in comparison, all choices are "do bad thing or do good thing", and was pretty badly optimized at first
>Act 3 shits the bed and makes the release date rush and crunch very obvious, incomplete, unoptimized, and pretty confusing
>players actually finished it
Not do defend BG3 but this seems to be a trend. Some players only continue as long as they can. The drop-off may be due to boredom or lack of skill (possibly both). Completion is quite rare.
Wasn’t Malenia a meme for a while? People probably went back to the game and beat her just so they could prove they were gud
No it isn't.
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I have only been crying for 2 months. I will stop once I get the new evil endings
It’s one of my favorite games of all time and I haven’t finished it. I was waiting for the definitive edition, but at least they’re releasing new evil endings which is good for me
>I was waiting for the definitive edition
Lame excuse.
I completed it on a pirated version then i bought it during the sale because I'm a retarded faggot. Got to Baldur's Gate the second time and got bored.
I know the game fucking sucks but unfortunately my autism fixated on it so I am going to start my fifth playthrough now
>the general didnt even make it a year
I finished it 3 times.
True and funny that it actually is. Saying otherwise is to be legitimately clueless on the expected finish rates on games remotely similar to this (e.g. something that isn't cleared in a couple of hours or so).
any point in 2 pips in two handed weapons during the first game, -2 speed factor doesn't seem amazing
/bgg/ is still there. Same can’t be said for /rtg/
Yes, erased and forgotton, as all mistakes are. She was annoying at best. Gee I wonder who coudl be behind this clever ruse of "OH TEE HEE IM A WOUDNED TRAVELLER BETTER KILL ME RIGHT AMIRITE KILL MEEEEE" this time.
I did a leisure run in like 19h.
Second playthrough albeit.
A full playthrough takes a long time so I thought it would be a waste to do a full one with less content/polish
How is that possible? What are you doing?
Some people don’t really give a shit about the story. I have made over a dozen characters on FO4 but I have only finished the game once
This is true for basically every single game in existence.
Not surprising. People rarely finish most games these days. It also doesn’t help that act 2 feels like an ending, while act 3 is like the devs remembered the game is called Baldur's Gate and just tossed in a bunch of stuff to tie it to the originals.
For Wrath at least, it's doing every possible side objective + getting bored of my current character and trying a new one since Pathfinder has a retarded amount of build options + getting annoyed with act 4 and burning out once I get there + the game simply being too long and act 5 not being exciting enough to make up for how much of a slog act 4 is even if I make it through it + the late game mythic paths being a letdown which adds to the burnout (I was really excited for gold dragon and it's really disappointing). For Kingmaker, it's primarily that the last part of the game just fucking sucks.
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>20% of players finished 100h+ game
damn thats pretty impressive
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Restartaritis, huh?
I did everything AFAIK. Like 80h first playthrough or so.
This image is so embarrassing I think I'm reinstalling bg3
Forgot to add that you are right
Quality if games usually drops significantly second half.
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I have two playthroughs, one normal and one tactician and am only at 120 hours.
Between the two I have done essentially everything in the game except some alternate quest finishes like letting the hag eat the kid I guess.

I legitimately have no idea what the fuck people are doing to have 100+ hour playthroughs.
i couldnt finish it, i was bored out of my mind. Quite possibly the worst DND game ever made. Out of 60 minutes out of every hour played, 55 minutes was just staring at the computer screen while dumbass enemy AI runs around doing its turn. It was just too much. Just way too much.
Motherfucking Neverwinter Nights feels like it has less combat than this.
0/10 tranny game wont pirate it again.
What are the busted classes in this game? Heard Sword bard is fucking ridiculous
Paladin, Fighter, Sorc, Cleric, and Bard are all retarded.
Honestly the games piss easy in general.

People do solo honor runs without difficulty.
You get 5 million scrolls and batshit elixirs
Yknow I never got how Paladin was retarded, always did seem very mediocre to me
My mom beat this game four times, somehow
Larian forgot to add items and loot to their game. What the fuck were they thinking.
Pretty much every class is really good except for maybe druid and rogue. I'd say all of the CHA classes are probably a step ahead of most everyone else, but it's really hard to have a bad build in BG3. If we're factoring in multiclassing, then paladin, sorcerer and bard are probably the strongest classes, though fighter wouldn't be too far behind.
What's so good about Sorc? Isn't it just a less versatile Wizard with the sorcery point shit? Is that really worth it
Revel in beige's gate.
You've never done a paladin of devotion 2H great weapon master build then. Your oath ability can counteract most of the -5 to hit that GWM has, and then you just absolutely annihilate anything with your sky high damage + smites added on top of it. Paladins are one of the heaviest hitting classes in the game AND they're simple to build and play. A multiclass warlock might be able to put out more single target damage, but only maybe.
Try playing it coop. You can play for a thousand hours and will never leave act 1 because your buddy picked barbarian and is constantly trying to throw/push you off every cliff in the game
Sorcerer multiclasses well with the other CHA classes, which is really good on its own. On top of that, yes, sorcery points are genuinely just that good. Quickened spell is insane.
meh, there was nothing to explore, so i just dropped it.
Has anyone beaten tactician with only one helper?
Double casting haste
Can also quicken to get more casts out in general
Wizard gets better spells at the end of the game if you copy them from the vault scrolls but its kind of overkill.

Sorcs less spell slots are irrelevant when the game made long resting trivial.
Its an issue with tons of stuff, turns out balancing things around resting then making resting irrelevant means long rest spamming every 2-3 fights kills the balance
What do you mean one helper? Do you mean party member? If that's what you're asking, then people have soloed honor mode, so yes.
Charisma is much easier to max out than INT, and the fusion spells let you do some insane stuff like raising disintegrate to 90% and firing twin shots of chain lightning that then crisscross
Aside from what the others pointed out, the game have a pretty big modding community(171 Millions mods downloaded, more than Fallout 3 in only a year) so the clear rate will be impacted by that as well.
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half of you are missing the point. if the whole internet wanks over a game for half a year and it goes on to win GOTY, I'd fucking hope more than 1 in 5 of these dedicated cocksuckers actually beats the game. what absolute insanity for the general public to laud a game so highly when they're MOSTLY IGNORANT of that game's content. it's like saying breaking bad is your favorite show but you've only seen the first season and don't really intend on watching further.
what's causing this retardation? attention deficits? people just wanting to like things when everything new is shit? all I know is I hate these faggots so goddamn much.
Pallock easily wrecks paladin on tactician, not in patched honor though.
>Playing a 4 man now
>Two people who havent played it before are chill, just running around doing retarded shit and having fun
>The fourth is being a massive faggot and getting mad at people pickpocketing and stealing. Constantly wants people to stop so he can do the companion quests and romance when everyone else just wanted to murder them

Like its less painful then BG2 coop memories but still
One party member.
Sure, soloing is possible, but feels more like a puzzle. Just wanted two regular builds, nothing broken. Iirc there are also no hit runs.
Neither those nor solo are comfy though.
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Meh, doesn't have loli, not worth at all.
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400hrs between 2 playthroughs

been holding myself back for months on a durge playthrough for last 2 achievements when the update comes out
Act 1 is the only good thing about the game. The rest felt rushed. It should've played more like the original baldurs gate or dragon age origins instead of DOS3.
these bg3 threads are super bizzarre to read, discussing builds and stat points like some bots programmes to do that, almost never people talk about actual gameplay, items, etc.
super weird.

>act 2 is mostly trash
>act 3 is complete dogshit
>tropes recycled from the first (superior) game such as doppelgangers being everywhere (boring)

I'm surprised that many people finished this garbage
>always spams how people never discuss the game
>people discuss the builds
>now moves the goalposts because that's not gameplay for some reason
What are the odds they'll add Durge as a companion in Patch 7?
Sort of, it's kind the standard for normalfag trash like BG3, but not at all true in the bigger picture, where the average for game completion hovers at around 40%.
If you go look at the D:OS games for instance they have more or less the same clear percentage with maybe 2% more or less, but 20% average is only average in that sort of shit, the less normalfag shit were most of the customer base is actually invested in what they buy and aren't just normalfags buying into the hype and then forgetting about it has much higher completion rates.
>ok fine we programmed some bots to talk about stat points, will that shut you up that nobody talks about the gameplay?
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such is the curse of popular games, that in reality are just kinda fucking trash.
holy tranny
game released a fucking year ago get real
i bought this 3 years ago and i still didnt finish it. its so fucking boring.
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China bots and shills. Tencent owns 1/3 of Larian.

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Here is.

Let's all laugh at him
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>Here is
And the T*rk schizo STILL hasn't learned English.
Swen is STILL Changcucked
Some things never change
Has outstanding storytelling, but OK.
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what the fuck is this lmao
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samefag schizo tranny
cope harder
but thats the thing that i hated the most about rdr2 - the story. i hate everybody in this game, especially arthur, what a fucking moron. every single person in this game pushes me away from playing it.
I'm drunk but you will always be a punk ass bitch m8
He is the shitposter that has been doing this for years in every single Bg3 thread and for many other games.
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act 3 was fucking awful. i really enjoyed act 1 and 2 but couldn't bother finishing act 3.
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You're missing the important part. Only 2.5% of players rescued Sazza three times, blessing them with a lifetime of rank greasy goblin pussy
you can tell how much of an insufferable fag whoever took this is
>one of the greatest games of all time, according to pretty much everyone on the internet
You mean "according to everyone who grades games according to how gay they are"
I beat my meat twice a day
I love the game but still haven't finished it because the campaign is long as fuck and I'm doing all the side stuff that I can
Larian made it so you miss content and xp by being evil. Makes sense that most players wouldn’t bother with those characters.
this, dunno why but something about the gameplay loop and progression and all the various ways to go about character builds is too appealing to my 'tism
You pet the owlbear and Scratch at the same time? Fucking degenerate
I love this image because you out yourself as a samefag without realizing it
Wasn't there a survey that showed most gamers don't finish most of thier games?
can't be worse than any BG3 fan tranny
That is actually how it works in most RPGs. You miss so many quests by being evil and killing people that you lose out on content and xp.
>infernal robes
>Slayer cloak
>Slayer form
>power word: Kill
>dark justiciar set
>Shar’s spear
>ascended Astarion
You gain alot of cool shit by being evil and killing innocents. Only time you really lose out on being evil is by siding with the goblins. But that’s only one quest
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Siding with the goblins means all the tieflings die and you miss a ton of shit.
Issue is most of the evil rewards you can get on the "good" route.

The game desperately needed you to get more shit on the evil side. Like not being able to enter the tower before the invasion if you didnt side with the goblins or some more companions like the fucking goblins or Nere who disappears from the game
>tieflings die and you miss a ton of shit.
It's so disgusting. Hiding that much content behind rapefugees.
>But that’s only one quest
1/5 of the game and arguably the best part
what do you think?
China has the most money and power in the world even above the woke gods
china pays the homophobia tax
you mean like the Pathfinder games that have an even lower completion rate than BG3
they have a large mostly unrefined consoomer base and companies want to make easy money
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>mfw I played on Explorer so I could feel OP on my Durge evil playthrough
Feels good.
The tieflings aren’t really that important in an evil playthough. You can get most of their rewards by doing quests for them before raiding the grove anyway. You only lose out on Dammon as a vendor and his flawed helldusk set
Kek, no.
Mod tools beg to differ
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>i want a RPG with choices that matter!
>*choices matter*
>waaah not like this!
Issue is that choices DONT matter.
Other than Minthara who afaik you can recruit now anyway theres literally no benefit towards siding with the goblins.

A game with actual choices would have locked all the stuff from the goblins and the tower behind actually siding with them.
But instead the good path locks you out of nothing since you can enter both areas regardless just by saying "im good lol"

Same thing as being a goodie two shoes the entire game then being able to pick completely evil choices for your ending.
The devs were too incompetant to actually give consequences or were initially going to have actual differences but got lazy and cut everything in the final stretch.
Same reason why act 3 has next to no companion reactivity.
Cuckold that you are, you are doing it wrong.
Helping rapefugees and getting something in return is somewhat ok.
Killing them should open new content.
Larian didn't go that route because they wasted like 50% of the dev time on the first part o act 1.
>be normie
>get new game
>think it's the best thing since asian pussy
>jerk it off on xitter and plebbit
>one week later
>honeymoon period over
>game not done
>fully intend on playing more but you're tired from your wagie job, put it off until tomorrow and just watch netflix
>fully intend on playing more but you're tired from your wagie job, put it off until tomorrow and just watch netflix
>several weeks later
>forget everything
>can't decide wether to start over or continue confused
>quietly drop game without even realizing it
>get new game
>think it's the best thing since asian pussy
>Same thing as being a goodie two shoes the entire game then being able to pick completely evil choices for your ending.
Appease everyone
>larian, probably
>"p-pay us and add nogs, or we'll write bad articles saying u raycis"
>Chink looks at average US news about china
>Chink proceeds to laugh at the funny painted clown
the last guy I argued with who said that BG3 was short had never heard of the Grymforge so I'm automatically skeptical of anyone saying that
I killed the Golem, Raphael, and the dragon.
Only thing I missed apparently missed is siding with Gortash and some of his coronation stuff if you go there early apparently. Had no idea that was even an option since "facing" him seemed retarded until after I dealt with the steel legion.

Also that you can make money playing music, which I only found out via achievements lists (though since its achievement is rarer than beating tactician Im going to assume everyone missed it.)
and? i bet most people havent watched citizen kane either.
Is the completion rate on citizen kane also 20%?
Start over
probably way less than that
Lol, just read that ketheric was she's chosen initially
you think most people who started watching it gave up? why?
theyre plebs
Shar created the shadow cursed lands with the help of the Nightsong.
Yes, if you generously cut them into your shares they'll exempt your products from their psyops. Like 15-30%, nothing crazy.
>one of the greatest games of all time, according to pretty much everyone on the internet
>literally nobody actually played it
sounds familiar
>the general public
bg3 is the grimace shake of videogames
At this point it's extremely clear this was a chink and kike sponsored attack on the industry.
USA is so much richer than China.
Richer? Maybe, smarter? Not a fucking chance. China invented death by humiliation.

If you don't pay the toll, every motherfucker from Resetera to Kotaku will skullfuck your company with pressure, then comes SBI, a Canadian CCP affiliated "consultant" company to lay on the humiliation, you close your studio surrounded by laughter and ridicule.

Just cut in like 15% to Tencent and carry on, it's literally that easy.
You really shouldn't use that word when referring to the Chinese, Muhamad, not sure if you're aware how they handle Islam, don't think you want to find out.
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Meanwhile UnderGODS dominate everyone with a 2.6% completion rate. Seems like 97.4% of the pipeworking player base couldn't handle getting repeatedly zoned out for 150 hours.
ive literally never made it past core city with 100h+
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This isn't unusual. There's generally three kinds of Underrail players. People who bounce off the difficulty immediately and never come back. People who keep playing new builds and sink 100-300 hours despite never beating the game. And then if you beat the game once chances are you're going to beat it another 10 times and become a guru who memorises the entire game and starts theorycrafting retarded builds for fun. If you want an example of the latter and don't care about spoilers, look up Alter Mann on youtube.

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