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/v/ - Video Games

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*saves vidya*
Cant wait for his audience to inevitably cancel him for some benign shit
He doesn't seem like a bad dude he just is favored by the algorithm and is annoying that every third youtube short I get is from this guy
>Recommends cancer causing dust as an insecticide in your house
No thank you
This guy sounds like the American version of that tranny F1nnst5r.
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>le heckin wholesome coding man
Dunning kruger, with classic sociopathic traits.
>his audience
you mean trannyjews?
He's a nepobaby whose dad worked for Blizzard.
Isn't that the blizzard nepobaby?
>people actually listen to what an admitted "social engineer" says
Obvious voice-lowering filter and paid promotion aside the man literally introduces himself as a professional liar
looks like a tranny so safe to assume he's attempting to fuck kids in a discord channel
He reminds me of veritasium in that they both present themselves as someone really knowledgeable about what they're talking about until they actually put it into practice. Like how his anti piracy measure for his game that made it "unpiratable" was that they tracked progress with steam achievements.
Not sure how or why this guy has haters.
He's a nice guy that seems to want to help people.
He makes me want to make games and I bet he'd be happy to know that.
This, he has virtually no credentials to his name, other than being a nepobaby. His sources?
>Dude trust me, I worked for Blizzard
he knows how to game the algorithm and push his content to randos instead of subscribers.
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>daddy got him a job at blizzard
>larps as a pagan
>bass boosted voice
>pretends to be le epic coder hacker
>says the most obvious shit in the world
>while making nonsensical drawings in paint
>audience of room temperature IQ retards fucking claps and thinks it's the deepest, most philosophical shit ever
The absolute fucking state of this world.
Wait so it has to be always online? fucking lmao. Also please tell me you can just hack it with Steam Achivement Manager
He's a plant. He's in his "gain your trust" phase. Eventually he will be tactically deployed when needed to voice a milquetoast political opinion like pewdiepie coming out of left field condemning the NZ shooter.
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>another grifting piece of shit that paid someone to boost his content
They don't even try to hide it anymore. Fucking amazing. Poking holes in his puddle deep logic and arguments gets you perma-banned, by the way.
How did that help him become one of the top streamers in the world?
>calls himself Thor like a Capeslop character
this guys mic settings are fucking atrocious
>Condemning a shooter is political
your brain on /pol/
That's because he has to alter his voice because he's an insecure fraud.
Most rich people are insanely insecure about something they can't control.
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Jealous much?
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Doesn't Blizzard pay like shit and overwork the hell out of you? He took a shit job just to make his old man happy, that's based.
he might finally say your name on stream if you send him the last 50$ from your dad's credit card
do it bro fr fr
Prove him wrong.
>Condemning mass shooting is... le bad!!!
Post nasolabial folds
Streamer who apparently has a large group of people who watch him who hate him.
I'll be ready to call him a kike when I see it, until then he seems okay
he's a worthless grifter that pretends to be more of a dev than he actually was
His game is never coming out.
Screencap this.
he was recently on a podcast:
>only claim to fame is working at blizzard
>... as per his dad influence
>youtube shorts
>faggot ferret furry
i know he´s a scammer acerola, i heard you the first time
>pewdiepie coming out of left field condemning the NZ shooter
You're a retard. Pewdiepie is lowkey far-right.
>diacametous earth causes cancer
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/v/ is such a contrarian shithole full of pajeet mongoloids nowaydays lol, this place wasn't this stupidly toxic and brown 10 years ago
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Saves vidya how? His own 2d-Undertale/Omorit-shit style game has been in early access for 6 years. All he's got is a soothing voice and 'normal, common sense' takes on subjects.
internet is the only thing the 'jeets are penetrating lmao

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