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Video: https://gofile.io/d/YCleva

Sabbac (gambling mini-game) footage: https://x.com/doodleltg_imgs/status/1816192585804964069?s=46

Image of side mission/contract with rewards and reputation: https://imgur.com/a/SQGYDk0

Short video of aerial combat mission: https://x.com/404leak/status/1816409274785923212?s=46
Not interested in Ubislop.
Hello UbiSHIT marketers!
You're gonna have to pay me to look at these clips first before I pay any attention to your latest garbage release.

Forever yours.
oh cool, more boring fucking star wars shit
what was the last ubishart game that didn't ''leak''?
looks awful
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wow this would be really fucking cool if I was playing as literally ANYBODY but "girl Han Solo"
wake me up when we finally get a star wars game that isn't fucking garbage
>Nappy-headed girl boss MC
Ubisoft is really going hard injecting niggers into everything.
Enjoy the fallout I guess.
I'm not buying this game.
>aesthetics focused on the "gritty, lived-in future" of the OT
>disgusting overbearimg UI with the Star Wars logo font
if you could make your perfect star wars game what would it be, anon?
Enjoy your eternal rest
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NTA but I want KOTOR3 with fun hacking minigames, comfy companions, Jedi Knight style combat, and deep space dogfighting mechanics.
nta, but it would be something like force unleashed but with better combat (and no open world), or what >>683811708 said
Since story isn't the strong point of Star Wars at the moment. A fighting game like Hellish Quart.
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No thanks, marketing person.
I will not watch the video
Empire at War 2 with better land battles
not him, but one of the following
1. literally Star Wars Outlaws BUT YOU PLAY AS SOMETHING COOL LIKE A STORMTROOPER OR BOUNTY HUNTER OR EVEN A REBEL not some shitty female Han Solo in a bootleg Millennium Falcon
2. War Thunder but Star Wars (the starfighter part, not tanks)
3. a (probably singleplayer) space battle game about commanding a capital ship of some sort and leveling up and moving up the ranks of the Republic/CIS/Empire/Rebellion like you start out as a lil Blockade Runner, move up to a Nebulon-B, then assault frigate, than Mon Calamari cruiser, then fuckhhuge Starhawk battleship to wreck super star destroyers
4. Battlefront with actual character customization and not shitty class-locked weapons that don't even match the fucking movies
why haven't they made a parry based starwars game, ala sekiro.. where you one shot everything if you hit it. Duels would be against rogue jedis or sith, each with their own fighting styles/outlooks on the force. You could even throw in monsters, political battles, mystery solving, adventure, starships, whatever. Starwars is perfect for it
what marketing?
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the land battles were so shit because in star wars land battles don't mean anything other than landing special forces to destroy shield generators. Everything of substance in star wars is in space. Nothing matters if a fleet is surrounding your planet destroying any trade coming in or out
Star Wars Galaxies 2
Literally Cyberpunk2077 with Star Wars theme, spaceships, multiple planets, and third-person view.
And also a much better story but I'm not holding my breath on that considering it's Disneyslop
>Uploader hidden on imgur
I thought they didn't let you do that anymore
If I can't play as a Jedi no buy, plus it's ubislop so no buy
Suuure, ubigay
Kyle Katarn's winemaking adventures
I have one #3 with no nogs please
Action Adventure/RPG, you play as a Jedi that is fully customizable with a character creator. You go through his/her life as 10 year old youngling all the way to a wizened Jedi Master in his 40s. A Dark Side choice route halfway through the game is included as well.
And most importantly no DEI shit, it has the same amount of diversity that the prequels had. The comfy vibes are very important for this title.
A sequel to this with the autism ramped up to 100 and with physics simulations

>The creators aimed to create a game that would be both appealing and nonviolent.
>The game's plot involves the player saving the galaxy by manufacturing droids with specific abilities, such as the ability to see in the dark or jump, to complete missions. The educational portions of these missions teach players about concepts such as energy, force, motion, simple machines, light, and magnetism.
I will not watch the video, or play the game, and I will be happy.
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Sabacc bros? We are so back! I'll play 48 straight hours of Sabacc alone to pump up my credits then buy all the OP items in the game and finish on the hardest difficulty in a breeze. Or, I'll take out a few loans, go into debt gambling, then get my legs broken, my wife will leave with the kids, and the ship gets repossessed, and I become a spice addict. We'll see.
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Why does every modern Star Wars game now need a stupid fucking side kick mascot? It's always some bullshit cutsey cartoon furry alien or droid. Kotor didn't have this, Republic Commando didn't have it, and none of the Jedi Knight games either. It's like Yidsney's arbitrary rule that a cartoon furry mascot for the kids MUST be included.
Ubisoft games are so mid.
>soi wars
Jango Fett game set before Episode 1
Obi Wan and Qui Gon Jinn coop game set before Episode 1
>see how flat the hoverbike riding is
>immediately close out
AAA production kek
This looks like what I expected - a barely competent open world game lathered with generic Ubislop features. Same as the recent Avatar game they put out. Probably something I'll pay ten bucks and mildly enjoy. But fuck paying full - let alone some special edition - price for that.
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>Kotor didn't have this
Kotor had Gizka, and T3-M4. It's just an archetype, and plenty of games have the "cute but useless pet of the protagonist" and movies and shows too. There's the mabari war hound in Dragon Age. There's Hedwig in Harry Potter. There's Momo in Avatar The Last Airbender. And so on.
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hahahaha what a trip
Battalion Wars but Star Wars.
>remove the main character and just have the robot. Now release the game.
Looks fine
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in my games he opens the Sith Base then he's forever stuck on the ship giving me medpacs or grenades or whatever the fuck it is he gives.
It's called damage control
lol their games have had gameplay footage ''leaked'' since far cry 4 and ac unity and its always right before the game's marketing campaign starts
Galaxies sized imsim, ie shartfield without procgen dogshit and an actual interesting take on the universe for once in a decade
Who gives a fuck about the "logistics" Empire at War is an arcadey RTS. They frequently throw giant armies at each other in Star Wars because it's cool.
yooo, criminal scaundrel, the quintessential female fantasy, great character choice, who cares about money? ubisoft is so selfless you gotta love it
What's it supposed to do? It hovers slightly above the ground
Normal people aren't gonna base their decision to purchase it or not based on whether the protagonist is male or female
fucking based as all hell
Yes they will, maybe not like here where people do it consciously, but the data is there that the people playing these games (in this case:90% straight dudes) simply buy less games with female protagonists. Double whammy if it's a bland bitch made NOT to appeal to le male gaze
you have no idea what you are talking about. I guarantee you it would have sold more with a male protag. this sort of escapism is seeked out more by males and would be more effective with a male character. not that I would buy ubislop either way, it's good they chose a female character, means less money for them
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>devs ask if they can make a han solo game
>publisher says sure
>but you have to make him female
>yeah, we can call her hannah solo
You make a good point. If Star Wars wants to appeal to a female audience, why not make a female game? Women do not want to play the lawbreaking charming scoundrel type. Men want to play that, and they want to be men. Women want to play Star Wars Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing. Make a Star Wars game where you manage different kinds of farms on different planets and there's customization for your ship and your houses and your character. Women would eat that shit up.
>trooner deciding what normal people think
always a good laugh
triple if she constantly yaps out millenial monologues
you get it. these people are lost though, man and woman are the same after all
This. Even the current best current SW IP Fallen Order is boring as shit compared to Lucas Arts titles. Ironically the last SW game I really enjoyed was Battlefront 2, but I started after they fixed the lootbox shit that killed its reputation.
looks fire ngl. very tempted to preorder
Jej, reminds me of the garden in jedi survivor, it got used so little that planting shit more than two times unlocked an ultra rare achievement
That's right fellow gamer, I've already preordered my premium edition (only $119.99 + tip)
Kill yourself.
>Jango Fett game.
This or Boba Fett. Hell they could have made a Mandalorian game during the shows peaks but nooooo let's if it's the one good new IP and make woke shit!
Why buy just one game when you can experience Ubisoft On Demand and play this on release day? I just purchased a year of Ubisoft+ for a very reasonable $215.88, Gaming has never been cheaper
If you hate RPGs and like Star Wars then you are a blithering retard and there's no hope for you
make it look less like some static object being attached slightly above ground? it looks bugged lmfao
>Kill yourself
Force progression is more suited to RPG mechanics. Why train hard just to have abilities you won't use?
RPG = reading, zoomie would be at a disadvantage from the start
he's just a forced companion that AKAIK can't abandon you. The only forced companions that don't leave in an evil run are Bastilla, Canderous and T3. If they gave T3 a personality he would probably be light side since there's already an evil murder bot companion, so he would betray you in dark side ending potentially leaving you with only 2 other companions
he has a personality
do you guys never take him anywhere or talk to him in kotor 2
they're already shilling this shit. some retard on some pc gamer news site said that this "leak" made him EVEN MORE EXCITED.

Imperial Commando
Ma'am Solo
Explain the WNBA then
cool, still not buying this since I am forced to play as an annoying han solo wannabe woman
holy shit this gameplay is actually atrocious
how the fuck did this happen
and as a movie game the line delivery is just bad, terrible

what the fuck is happening at ubisoft
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>furry mascot for the kids MUST be included.
you're god damn right
Male players play at a higher skill level
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>Normal people aren't gonna base their decision to purchase it or not based on whether the protagonist is male or female
Normal people want to larp as alpha males that slaughter entire armies not pretend to be a woman
Whats wrong with the game besides having to play as a woman?
This is correct. I hate women but I like the Bayonetta games.
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how ca anyone model something so repulsive and get a fucking ok for it
Is this on consoles? The framerate is abysmal. Even worse than a Fromsoft game.
Looking at the gameplay video makes me sad. game looks fine but did the character have to be ugly and weird looking?
>ubishit game leaks
No such thing. Marketer begone.
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eve but star wars
+ planet combat expansion
ubisoft should go bankrupt and their employees should live in the garbage
Action Adventure set in the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, where you fight the most sadistic enemies known to the galaxy. There is no mercy given from this enemy, and failing to stop any planetary invasion could result in them slamming a moon on your world; killing everyone who doesn't evacuate. Disney doesn't have the fucking balls to canonize the Yuuzhan Vong.
I want to play as the fucking commando droid in a goddamn trenchcoat and not strong diverse woman Number 4543221578
The Vong are a retarded concept that should never be raised again
There are some cool parts like yorik coral but the scale and idiocy of the entire race and galactic war should be forgotten forever
Something that exists in the Star Wars universe, but gets away as far as possible from OT tropes (i.e. no han solo-type smugglers, no jedi protagonists, no mandalorian bounty hunters etc).
Maybe something like a private eye noir story set on a couple of planets in SW galaxy, with a retired republican/imperial trooper as the MC.
Only if you are a retard who finds disney slop to be masterclass in writing. There is a lot you can flesh out in gaming over the invasion, the shocking amount of death, and the various ways they changed the galaxy through their relentless aggression; to the point that they took over Coruscant and terraformed it into a forest as an insult.
>the shocking amount of death
>listed as a good thing
ok edgelord
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Why do so many anons dislike her as a protagonist? I think she's okay, not great, but okay. She's not nearly as bad as the Forspoken girl or the Fable girl. If you were on the decision making team at Ubisoft and you had to hire a female actress for the job, who would you have rather chosen?
Very organic.
Shill issue, to be honest
Samefag. I want a fun game. Not gear and damage number autism. Go play one of the million games that already exist.
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>last gameplay video is confirmed to be a disaster
>let's """"""""""""leak"""""""""""" some new footage
sorry paranoid fren, I see only 1 (You)
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Wait, this is just bunch of marketing clips given to youtubers?

Why are you trying to pass this off as a "leak"?
Nobody dislikes the actress, everybody hates how they went out of their way to make the character as androgynous as possible.
Is anyone else bothered that there’s no animation for when she gets hit by blasters?
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It was called Star Wars Galaxies
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Bought this and assassins creed shadows to piss off /v/, stay mad while I enjoy my games.
1. Knights of the Old Republic 3 where Revan and the Exile team up to take down the True Sith Empire. Completely ignores everything from TOR and the shitty Revan book.

2. Co-op make-your-own-Mandalorian TPS.

3. Star Wars Battlefront 3 with simultaneous ground-air-space theaters.

4. Imperial Commando
They really brought back the "mark enemy to instakill them" mechanic from fucking Splinter Cell Conviction
>massive chin
>pancake ass
Prove it.
Her voice acting sounds pretty bad
>Nobody dislikes the actress
I do.
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>>pancake ass
Wouldn't really matter that much, if the game itself would be good. Nobody hates the voice actors of the old RE games. UBI is just trying to use her as a shield against criticism. Business as usual.
Cool. Now show us a screencap of the characters ass from the game.
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>Cool. Now show us a screencap of the characters ass from the game.
Just wait for the slave leia bikini downloadable outfit to drop.
So is this gonna be good or slop? There's some issue or some shit? Some drama? Idk, not paying attention desu. But I always forget about it and then end up pretty excited after every trailer at game awards or w/e. Looks good and I hate star wars and jedi shit
Star Wars team makeup is always the same in the modern era. A bunch of humans, one Actual Alien, a droid and a cute creature.
I like the atmosphere and universe and idea of star wars on the non jedi scale though
Darth Vader game where you navigate intrigues of imperial palace plus hunting Jedi and crushing rebels.
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Let me help you there, champ. Does this character look like the girl from the pictures you posted?
Darth Vader game where you unsuit yourself naked in your evil Sith pod and goon to deepfake ai porn of Padme all day long while dodging calls from your boss the Emperor
Five Nights At the Death Star
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>they deleted her ass
for what purpose?
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>that chin
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An ideology based on envy goes out of its way to tear down and uglify everything that's beutiful or compelling. Easy as
Well that ass is definitely beautiful and compelling. Bastards!
A male character would make more sense for a game set in the criminal underworld of Star Wars. Especially when you're advertising it as the ultimate Han Solo simulator.
>"Your ship is broken! But don't worry, I just so happen to be a mechanic capable of fixing it single-handedly!"
>"And don't worry, it won't be too much. I'll just charge you for parts!"
>"Just take you motorcycle to the nearby town to do a few side quests to get the parts you need"
>Traveling across an open field when aggressive NPCs immediately start shooting at you
>"UGH! MOOORE bandits? Come on!"

I'm struggling to communicate just how shitty this writing is. It's not just the xD millenial vermacular either. It's this weird process of introducing a problem while immediately introducing a solution. There's no tension, no conflict.

"You've been hurt badly. But don't worry, I'm a double Ph.D field medic with 15 years of experience. But I don't have my medkit on me, you'll have to wait ten seconds while I retrieve it. And don't worry, no charge!"
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She's more like a Starlord simulator
They could have just used a young Lando Calrissian. They could have their high DEI score and cash in from the sales too... At this point this is just sheer malice against SW fandom.
She does have a bad ass for sure..
Showtime uses this exact same tactic for all of their shows. I remember back when I was watching weeds and dexter that every single premier episode always leaked in torrents a week before the actual premiere.
it was obnoxious because you had to watch to avoid spoilers but then you had to wait two weeks for the second episode to come out.
all forms of “viral” marketing need to be outlawed.
Her facial animation is so fucking wooden and shit.
i’m only interested in that quantic dream star wars game because it will at least have the potential to be a good audio and visual experience even with the minimal “gameplay” that quantic dream uses.

i think literally nobody ever asked for an ubislop open world nu wars game tho
>Impossible mode sabbacc match to not lose the Falcon to Han (this game) near the end
Too much fun for "le modern audience"
Reminder that Ubisoft has been legitimately paying people to shill their games on 4chan for almost 10 years now. Possibly longer.
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Look what Ubi took from us.
Yes they will, everyone does.
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That's not a pancake, it's more like a tortilla.
I like how the only thing in that picture that looks like Star Wars is the fucking stormtroopers in the bottom right. That's what I hate about Disney the most, NONE of it looks aesthetically anything like Star Wars.
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>model female vidya character after attractive woman
>do everything on your hands to make her look as disgusting as possible
Why waste money on real models then?
Not having character customization in this kind of game is a death sentence. Playing as Cal in Fallen Order was fine because people just want to swing a lightsaber and have force powers
>You're gonna have to pay me to look at these clips
Check you DMs.
>protagonist is male or female
nobody really cares
>protagonist is a badly written, arrogant and ugly androgynous creature who weighs 45 kg but somehow beats everybody in combat
people keep their money
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just admit you hate women
don't kikes have infinite money? why does their cash cow look worse than gamejam projects some fags can do solo in a day?
new vegas but star war universe
lmao, sure
im not gonna buy your trash ubisoft
like the one with """leaks""" on a basket weaving forum
I know storm troopers are supposed to be bad at fighting but this is a new level.
>pats one on the head
>lifts the chin of the other
>this is somehow disorientates them both
I know the people who make this don't give a fuck but this shit is lazy on a new level.
I can almost see the script in front of me:

>She grabs the troopers helmet, trooper immediately throws his gun away, she goes for the dudes second, identical gun, that just hangs on a string without any holster on his side. She grabs the guns stock, but her hand teleports on the handle between two cuts.
>The second trooper politely waits in the background until its his turn to walk into a shot.
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This, ubishit marketers still thinking they're incognito
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>slaps your girlfriend on the ass
>calls you a scruffy looking nerf herder
how do you respond without sounding angry
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Star Wars musou.
I grab my blaster and I start blastin while I have a blast!
>how do you respond without sounding angry
I don't respond at all, just stomp the shit out of her pet.
star wars interworlds 1.0
>land battles don't mean anything except when they're really important
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>me, you, dance off
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if the rabbit dies i'm in
how else will they sell toys, anon?
They made Squadrons for 2 sort of, the hardcore chase for 5v5 killed it in the crib.
The fuck is this from so I can avoid it like the plague.
>take decent model to scan
>delete attractive features
it's so predictable it's hilarious
Why not just make a man at that point
That'd be great, lightsabers always feel pissweak in most star wars games.
They can have normal and battIe damaged version idk. I just want to see these cookie-cutter characters pushed to their limit for once that's all
>if you could make your perfect star wars game what would it be, anon?
that's a hard thing to answer, but I nailed down to:
>Rogue Squadron
story driven campaign from Ep 1 to 6
>Empire at War 2
campaigns from Clone Wars era to the Yuuzhan Vong conflict
>KOTOR style game
set in New Jedi Order / Thrawn Trilogy era with a bit of Dark Empire
>squad based shooter set on the main trilogy timeline
aka Imperial/Rebellion Commando
Holy shit is that exactly the same game I've played at least three times this year alone? I'm so excited!
>Ubisoft open world
So, another copy paste sjw woke simulator where the end boss has the "evil skin color" based on how the sjw political play book dictates the woke story

Literally every sjw woke "game" is the same. If you go woke, literally everything is about race and gender and of course "evil skin color" are always the political target, while "good skin color" are always the good guys.

It's literally insane how shit every sjw story is because of this. I already know the whole fucking story of Woke Wars: Wokelaws, without having to see anything at all.

I'm just surprised how Ubisoft can finance this slop. Wokeness is made for radical Twitter political activist who don't buy games. It's insane how their woke slop can still sell enough copies to justify a team with 90+ % of woke activists who do nothing other than injecting political skin color and gender, while letting the other 10 % of the team actually work on the stuff the woke activists will censor based on their play book
Kotor 3
>Empire at War 2
Id love it. Imagine galactic conquest but with even more depth on economics.
in the new star wars movie Darth Sidious has a dance battle with skywalker to determine the fate of the galaxy
>poopysoft leaking
Like pottery it rhymes!
>Ecelebs (including Vtubers)
>Ads on sites like YouTube, Reddit, X, etc
>TV commercials
So mostly shit you'll never see unless you're a Boomer and/or don't use adblock.
Damn it, in these shots she looks like a man. Not even a troon, just a "normal" man.
that's not War Thunder, that's Overwatch
this gameplay is worse than my wildest expectations
>protagonist and npcs that never shut the fuck up
This shit makes duke nukem seem fucking subtle.
You made this thread just yesterday marketer-kun, I hope you are being paid well for your time.
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Star Wars: Revengeance
I guarantee you that a male did most of the motion capture, so its not that far off from that.
why does it keep happening
Force Unleashed 3
Warriors! Come out to playyyyyyyy!
Lmfao! Fuck you anon I couldn't breathe.
Not going to click it. Ubisoft interface will always be shit maybe you should learn to design your game around gameplay instead of slapping next objective in everyone's face. That shit doesn't even disappear so why bother designing levels if you fuck up immersion.
Why is thr Ubisoft lighting engine so fucking bad yet a modder is able to fix it everytime.
At this point I just hate Ubisoft and wouldn't buy it even if it turns out to be GOTY.
I hope sabacc is as broken as blackjack was in New Vegas
Star Wars Dark Souls/Sekiro but not lame and gay like JFO
She's gotta have alternative outfits or?
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Yes. I heard you can only change pants, belt, shirt though. No more in-depth customization than that.
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Yeah sure, the latest Chinese slop just "leaked"
I don't expect much of anything from this game but I got it for free with my new PC.

I'm more interested in Sun Wukong game that also came as a pre order bonus with my computer
my niece plays games and she only plays games where she can be a girl. thats the case for most female gamers
bethesda style game but with better writing, if starfield had been a star wars game it would have been GOTY
Kill yourself pajeet.
i find the weird way her hair is constantly moving extremely annoying
Poo poo wars shills should go, and stay go.
>space poker
Why should I give a shit when I can play poker with hot girls in Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Beach Volleyball 3?

That's a rhetorical question, by the way poo poo wars shill.
It's not poker, it's got unique and different rules.
Tranny game. Don’t care.
Hank Hill ass
how bad is it?
Her facial animations are so uncanny and creepy. Its crazy how bad it looks
Prove it.
>Mandalorian game
It practically writes itself. Just use the Fallen Order build. Make a solid 8-12 hour single player game.
>3rd Person Over-the-Shoulder
>Arcade-style shooter
>Radiant-Bounties for longevity
>Side-Bounties for extra challenges
>Several planets for location variety
>No RPG, but possibly crafting for things like bombs, ammo, traps etc.
>Upgradeable guns, but only the 3 or so main weapons Mando uses
>Unlockable/craftable armour-gadgets.
Looks like Go Fish. My bad, I thougjt it was more complex than that. I don't know why I gave any benefit of the doubt.
"leaks" are just a part of marketing now
I like to think its a cry for help.
Jedi survivor is literally that though
Try out Starfield with Star Wars coversion mods. Its practically the perfect star wars game
How about I just try fucking dying and going to hell?
Open world bounty hunter game set on Coruscant with the entire city explorable
not any of those anons but you're a raging faggot, kys
best suggestion out of all that post's replies t b h
Sorry, Im not french. Or gay.
No, XCOM 2 with the Star Wars conversion mods is practically the perfect Star Wars game
>Woman main character
Not playing.
This game should be ignored.
Tell them to stop making games for an audience that doesn’t exist.
Women don’t give a fuck about Star Wars and women don’t give a fuck about open world action adventure games.
leave your basement sometime bruh, women love both these days. you stopped being a some social outcast for enjoying these things when we entered the 2010s lmfao
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average Go Fish enjoyer versus average Poker fan
Based LucasLearning aficionado. The franchise proved it could be transferred into nearly any game genre and sell back in the day. All they had to do was make Star Wars not suck, but they seem to have gone out of their way to do that.
oh man a game that played like helldivers 2 with its objective clearing, spacial sounds, terraforming bombardments with a squad like republic commando would be so good
even the esteogen-laden series can't hit a quarter female viewerbase, what are you talking about
Idk if I'm in the minority, but as a 26 y.o guy (turning 27 in Nov), I actually always pick female characters when given the option, I really don't know why. I remember picking Kassandra in AC Odyssey / female V in CP2077, etc. Funny thing is that I used to make Male characters before. I think I just prefer the way the female characters look without feeling the need to self-insert into male chars
>Pick female v in cyberpunk
>"I like the way the female looks"
>In a FPS
Just say you're transitioning soon
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>Super Star Wars
>Shadows of the Empire
>Dark Forces
>Jedi Academy
>Jedi Outcast
>episode 1 Racer
>Battlefront (2005)
>Republic Commando
>Bounty Hunter
>Rogue Squadron
>Empire at War
>Galactic Battlegrounds

This franchise printed money left and right with great video games across multiple mediums and consoles and genres. How did Disney throw all of that away?
Not that I give a shit about an Ancel-less Beyond Good and Evil 2, but considering all Disney had to do was wave money at them for Ubi to siphon resources/the dev team from it, it pretty much confirms the obvious that there is zero passion behind BG&E2
The last thing I want is yet another Mary Sue female protagonist, even worse if she needs to fit a diversity quota, I had more than enough with Ms. Space Jesus Rei Palpatine Skywalker singlehandledy ruining the entire franchise.
fucking kek
That shit is all dumb edginess that doesn't belong in the Star Wars universe.
Looks fun. Too bad I’ll never play it since UBI sucks.
Reminder that is has Denuvo, so there will be no discussion of this on /v/
>How did Disney throw all of that away?
By hiring the most retarded feminist they could get their hands on and putting her on charge of the entire franchise.
I also much prefer female V's voice acting to male V's. His acting sucks ass. So that's another reason
>Just say you're transitioning soon
Nah I'm good
Jesus Christ the pleb status of these fucks ignoring the best tank and computer hacker in the game. Droid weapons, droid armor, droid immunities, and some of the highest hit points of your companions when you give him toughness and max out his CON stat.
Shit I still gotta finish Jedi fallen order. Then start survivor.
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>Disney Star Wars

That's a hard pass

A definite no

Not in a million years

Not if you were the last game on Earth

I wouldn't fuck this game with YOUR dick
take the hostess club gameplay of yakuza 0, and just replace it with star wars shit
At least they can't blame the failure on piracy.
Elden ring arpg boss rush type game but stat system more similar to kotor. karma system similar to kotor. you can spec into jedi or not. spec into hybid with force powers that uses blasters if you want.

or just bring back
>deleted in links
>16395 downloads in the re-upload
If given the choice between quitting gaming and playing Star Wars Outlaws, I'd rather just quit gaming.
EAW:FC Space combat with DoW1's ground combat.
Jedi Outcast 3
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This man knows his stuff.
Bad but I can't help but feel like modders could fix it, but Ubisoft games don't usually get mods.

>replace MC with either some Mandalorian helmet/suit or just make her attractive
>use AI to re-voice her and many of the NPCs, removing shit dialogue and giving them alien voices
That alone would make it much more interesting to me.

Fri, Jul 25, 7:20AM (1 hour ago)
to me

Hi Rajeesh Kutherpali! the following is the latest post for the online forum! Please do not hit "copy all" when posting! LOL we've had a few mistakes with that! Anyway - the following is the message we'd like you to post in multiple sites that feature our clips!

"WOW! I am blown away by the next gen graphics and stunning visual fx. The combat is also top of the line! As expected of the next gen power of modern technology! I can't wait for the official release!"
I would be more interested in this game if you didn't play as a woman.
um excuze me sars i would like to know how to one would delete a post on the 4chan?
>How did Disney throw all of that away?
jews want to ruin everything
worst idea I've ever read
setting is old republic

the only thing i would add is light saber dismemberment and gore

the player is forced to go down the sith path no matter what
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This game would be infinitely better if I could play as that sick looking droid instead of whatever that thing is in the middle
Obi-Wan shitshow, you're doing yourself a favor.
Star Wars Empire at War mixed with Battlestations Pacific, but ground battles are like Battlefront, and fighter combat is like Rogue Squadron.
Modern studios and publishers don't have the talent or drive to do it.
It'll probably be an "okay" game purely because Massive are still somehow a decent studio who knows what they're doing.
But being Ubislop it'll be packed to the gills with garbage that'll strip away any semblance of a good game that existed.
Thanks for the dolphin porn, anon
The joke is sex! Haha! Epic culture that nobody else could hope to replicate!
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Her face is fucked up.
looks like a chucky doll with a combover
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I could make dozens of screenshots of fucked up face moments, every angles.
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Give me a KOTOR 3 with a hybrid between Jedi Survivor and Force unleashed combat and we have a 10/10 game
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It's not for the children, it's there for the female audience, the force is female chud.
I don't mind "diversity" for the sake of variety, not because inclusion or whatever the fuck, but why do they always have to uglify them all? It's not even cool ugly, just ugly ugly. I believe the original actress/model doesn't look like that at all, how do they even manage to pull this retarded shit off every fucking time? I'd be super pissed if it happened to me.
There is no net positive to be gained by going out of your way to make a female protagonist as ugly as possible.
i think most people would have preferred diversity in their media before it came to mean ugliness for the sake of it
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fuuuck droids wearing trench coats are so cool
Pandemic BFII scratches that hitch for me.
A similar game with a "build your own OC jedi/sith/bh" sounds cool
>Galaxy spanning space adventure
>All your crewmembers are mistery meat humans
I can't wait for this shit to end
GTA San Andreas but star wars
I'm not even going to check it out lmao
Whoa, what a crazy "leak". It's crazy how there are always "leaks" of Ubisoft games.
I will probably get it because I like open world slop with a smattering of ship combat
That's too much of a good bargain. Based ubisoft should raise their prices to keep poorfags out.
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Game takes place in the far past in relation to the Star Wars movies.

You play as a Sith acolyte

Game starts out with you doing some horrible shit, but you can choose to do a "light side" choice if you want. And that's where the game kicks off. Multiple pathway RPG with 3 endings (Sith, Jedi, Neutral, with other choices impacting more minor elements of the story).

R rated game with sex scenes and with girls in slave outfits (like Leia when she was Jabba's prisoner).

Lots of adult themes, this ain't a Star Wars game for children, but you'll be dealing with murderers, chem addicts, and the real slimey bastards of the Star Wars underworld.

Open world, but with hub areas similar to Mass Effect 1 where you talk with NPCs.

Dedda Delos

Not possible, every black character must look like a Wyatt Mann caricature nowadays.
A battlefront type game but you can get on your ship at anytime time and leave the battlefield to go into space or across the planets and it'll seamless put you into another battle in that area.
Like an ongoing war between the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance to take control of an entire planet.
a troon in the making
they're pretty good, but I'm wondering how they'll rework the ship system with how fucking retarded vanilla starfield's ship implementation is
Star Wars still triggering the chuds I see. Good.
She looks like the bad guy from The Warriors.
these would be good, but only if lucas is involved
GOOOOOD MORNING Babel Media saars
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Cute asian girls
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>protect the heavy artillery SPHA-T walkers as they walk towards the enemy base and destroy it
>2-3 lanes with respawning artillery and waves of infantry and tanks
>player is a foot soldier or tank commander
>constant push towards the enemy base
>destructible buildings
>no ADS whatsoever
>mount and blade firing lines, just hoping you don't get killed in the crossfire
>first person ragdolls with explosions that can knock you over
>custom factions with unique skeletons and animations for each infantry base (fuck you dice!)
>vehicle hoards against AI hordes
>capturing points can give you new types of vehicles or other bonuses
>galactic conquest with tech bonuses and research (you can choose when to upgrade the clone armor, new vehicles, weapons, units, etc.)
>audio ducking so the loud explosions will cut out communication
>make the map a droid remote that has to be physically out on the field for your team to be able to use maps
>speeder bikes and recon airspeeders map out the area and provide intel on enemy positions
>all spawns are handled through dropships and cutscenes
>commander class can use the AI artillery that's on the map with the press of a button
>you can choose to be a trooper, sgt, LT, or commander all with different numbers of AI to follow and the player can accept or deny promotions for themselves after the mission

just give me like 200 million dollars and ill make the best video game of all time
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This isn't even goyslop.
It's zogslop.
bounty hunter comes out on the 1st. its set around TPM
its ironic considering the entire prequel VFX team worked on bounty hunter, without lucas's involvement and its much better written.
Buy an ad, nigger.
>first thing you do in the game is a shooting gallery from a knee high cover
videogames suck
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>jedi class is complete moral support
>has a 60 degree cone in front of him that activates block when the button is held
>force energy/stamina measured based on how many friendly units are nearby the jedi
>activating the buff ability while on a high elevation and in the sight of many allied troops will increase the potency of the effects to allied units
So you'd want it to retell the entire Solo movie for some reason?
I love star wars (not Disney star wars) and I am not touching this filth because of it.
I won't share my Star Wars name but it's the name of a fucking NPC. It's over for me.
Leaked? Only storyfags care about this game. Nobody looks at a 3rd person story shooter and thinks, "wow, this is some sick gameplay"
I would pirate it but I will never EVER buy a Ubisoft game. I wouldn't buy it even if it were good which it's not.
Solo but not shit.
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Grievous Jedi hunting game that plays like MGR.
>She's not nearly as bad as the Forspoken girl or the Fable girl.
This is a low bar and if you have any backbone you still aren't going to settle for crap.

It ruins the integrity of the entire game when they do this shit. Don't fool yourself into thinking it doesn't. It does. Disney is fucking racist for doing this shit.
male V is fine if you picked streetkid. it's the only lifepath that's fitting anyway
I'd rather just wait for people to mod some of that shit into Starfield instead of having to deal with Disney's sterilized version of this franchise, at least I can be a male bounty hunter jedi with a harem in that game.
Ah yes, Ubisoft "leaks", totally not done on purpose to gauge interest, no sir

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