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>Intel wont respect warranties

You can always buy a new one goyim
They've just dodged the warranty question for now. They're probably busy talking to their lawyers and engineers trying to find out how liable they are and how much it would cost to order a recall. If they do nothing then you can bet your ass that the FTC would be up their ass which I'm sure they would want to avoid.
This is far beyond just a few consumers getting fucked over.
Not clicking your blogspam. Give me the information.
t. 13700k chad
absolute AMD victory
press f to pay (((intel ))) respects
more like out-tell :^)
I'm not buying AMD
why dont we lynch people any more?
you don't need more than an i5 4670k
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tfw you didn't buy Intel Aviv
Intel 13700k/14700k/13900k/14900k are confirmed to have a hardware defect and oxidation in the silicon. The problems originate due to a mistake in manufacturing and can't be fixed with microcode or an update. It affects server customers and Intel might be forced to do a recall on these defective CPUs.
It only affects i9 CPUs. Maybe you shouldn’t have been such a worthless fucking retard to buy an i9 CPU that you have absolutely no need for. No sympathy, burn in hell.
They allow you to RMA the chips, retard. I've done it myself.
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lol, lmao even
I feel like OP put the important stuff in the title and comment
anyone buying intel past 12th gen deserves everything coming to them
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>buying ibtel, the israeli company
enjoy very high quality product sir
made by best engineers in bangalaru
This isn't news. If your CPU is already damaged it's too late. NO SHIIIIIT
>tfw 13600
shieeeet phew
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Just got a 7800x3d boys, feels good to be on top looking down on Intel goycattle
>my CPU is worthless outside of gaming, and a CPU has minimal impact on gaming anyways, so I have a $400 piece of sand
>buy Intelaviv
>Your chip is fucked
>Just buy a new one, goy
I wish I could say I was surprised by this.
>lies on the internet
I wish I could say I was surprised by this.
No one truly understands how CPUs actually work.
who are you quoting, because it sure isn't that guy.
india and israel are allies, it doesn't make sense to attack them
Where is the lie?
The fact that you don't have to buy a new CPU? They accept RMAs. Inb4 anecdotal statement. I'm speaking from personal experience on this matter. If you have no personal experience, you don't comment and let adults talk.
Intcel troons on sabbath watch. Keep buying your Tel-Aviv trash you soulless fucking cattle. You deserve everything that happens to you.
please let there be a class action lawsuit

you forgot to mention the failure rate of those cpus is estimated to be about 33%
for reference if any component has a failure rate of 1% it's already considered as very unreliable
>dodging the bullet with my I5-13600k

I feel lucky, hot damn.
Imagine defending Intel of all companies. You really are fucking mindless golems
Imagine lying on the internet for no money.
the coping intern vs the chad shitposter
who will win?
Not intel
What was the Xbox 360 RROD rate?
70% maybe? lel
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>become known for CPUs
>try to make a line of GPUs
>they suck fat cock
>suddenly your CPUs start to suck cock as well, start RUSTING FROM THE INSIDE OUT
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You guys are all goys. I'm one of the chosen people. I work for a proud Israel supporting company.
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>My overclocked 9900k can still play all the latest games no problem
You HAVE overclocked your hardware right vee?
What kind of retard buys intel in this day and age?
and you think those intel chips aren't worthless outside of gaming?
why the fuck would you want to use a cpu that uses thrice the power and requires way better cooling?
not like it matters long term when amd has already confirmed their efficiency cores and they're basically guaranteed to btfo intel just like they did with x64 and avx512
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23.7% according to Gamespot back in the day.
Warranties are antisemitic. You should be happy that you can give Intel more of your money.
>used by nothing
I guess they showed Intel.
The goyim won’t do SHIT ;)
There's no point in overclocking modern CPU's for gaming.
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>used by nothing
because no one wants to rely on intel's dogshit implementation that they cancelled already?
I know a lot of people I know had that issue, so I waited for an elite, which never failed on me. What's odd is my PS2 required laser, track, and laser gear replacements a bunch of times before HDLoader came along.
13600k is also affected.
Seems It's about a 50/50 if your cpu will degrade or remain fine.
lamespot doesn't know shit
The first couple revisions of Xbox 360 had a fundamental design flaw and a 100% failure rate. They sort of fixed it with the 3rd gen and fixed it entirely with the Slim.
>CPU has minimal impact on gaming anyways
Did he get squashed and killed? Why was that lil nigga so aggressive
Uh this is /v/ - Video Games
I think it's related to manufacturing date. The one I replaced I bought in February 2023. They said they sorted out oxidization issues in 2023. My current one was manufactured September 2023 and showing no signs of issues.
Please show me 1080p benchmarks on a 4090. PLEASE. I need to know the performance at a resolution nobody uses.
i was using a 8600 (not k) and it couldn't handle shit anymore so i had to upgrade recently
>and a CPU has minimal impact on gaming anyways
>just ignore the higher power draw, the completely fucked stability and the elevated cooler and motherboard requirement then, as long as the fps number is the same then who cares
>power draw
Only euros care about that.
>power draw
You're not American, so opinion discarded. We need to kick you off our Internet. Inb4 Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet 20 years after the Internet was launched.
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i7-10700K Comet Lake chad, still winning.
>replying to proven intelaviv employees, not even paid actors, but proper honest to God intel employees
please stop being retarded
>the product i'm shilling performs horribly in this metric so i'll disregard it
no one cares for your sour grapes faggot
>passive-aggressive post
Imagine being scared of guys on 4chan.
how do you know when it was manufactured?
I bought mine 2 months ago, but dont know how long it sat in the shelves
I upgraded my 12 year old PC to a new 3070fe and i7-13700k CPU last year around March... Granted I got the CPU for $200 due to a ton of price matching and rewards at best buy, but still this sucks. I haven't had any issues besides Windows 10 beingal a bag of shit, but I haven't seen any CPU issues.
So how do I prevent damage? Is the lifespan of my CPU just fucked no matter what?
kill yourself, kike
do you like this lingo better?
you have to downclock and undervolt it and lose several generations worth of performance
Good moning saars!

last intel i bought was i5 2500k (which still works)

now rocking a 5800x3d

OH FUCK, I bought the CPU in january 2023 and no sign of degradation yet. Did I won the coin flip...?
Damn, PC gaming is getting hard again.
>my CPU is worthless outside of gaming
Why do Intel shills always make it seem like 7800X3D is literally incapable of doing any kind of productivity? Is it because they don't have anything else to criticize, so they make up shit?

The 7800X3D can obviously still be used for productivity, it just won't be as good.
It’s pretty much up in the air as to how many are affected. Mine hasn’t had any issues whatsoever either though my build is from last December.
If it comes down to it just gonna have to trade it for a 12th gen and then resolve to go AMD whenever I upgrade in a couple years and need a new mobo anyways.
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Every CPU has a batch number printed on it. Pic related has it highlighted as FPO.
The first letter represents the country of origin (X = Vietnam)
The second digit represents the year (2 = 2022)
Digits 3 and 4 represent the week of the year (week 14)
The rest represents the specific batch that CPU came from.
Batch number. Mine starts with X338.
>X = plant designation
>first 3 signifies 2023
>38 signifies the 38th week, which Was September 18-24.
If it's fucked by oxidization, it's fucked. Start a RMA. If it's been running fine, you're good. Solid tests for me were
>rarring a large amount (20GB+) of data
>FatTranny's Starfield installer
>Unreal 5 stuff (Fortnite, TTP2, etc)
If any of those error or BSOD, you have it.
Probably. It wasn't a guarantee.
>my CPU is worthless outside of gaming
are intelfags really this brainwashed? kek
2500K is more than enough.
Anything that's newer is cope.
If your cpu was already fucked I think you would know by now.
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how fucked am i bros
*raises paw* why not just buy AMD?
Find a single useful program that needs more than 8 cores boosted to 5ghz, and once you find that program tell me why you couldn't just spend 100$ more for the 7950X3D
I hope you didn't pay full price for that because you're a dumb motherfucker for not waiting for the new X3D.
Thank God the 12th gen is that retarded rectangle too. So now I won't be forced to change out the motherboard if worst case. Thanks for the tip!
>i9 13900k
ive had it for over a year now, surely im safe right???
I do a lot of work with SVT-AV1 through AV1AN, and the AMD scores are pitiful in comparison. I'm waiting to see if the Zen 5 is finally competition. It'd be nice.
>Batch X244J593
>Means its was produced late 2022

its fine... right?
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I doubt my 10900k will ever go out of style
The flaw existed then, but if your CPU works, it works. It's not a 100% failure rate.
I baby my PC honestly. However, I started playing FF7 Remake and that is the most "intensive" game I've played on a PC in years. So we will so how it goes.
Intel is literally a jewish company in the jewish state
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fattranny lmao
Also, the release date for these was almost 2 years ago. Every day they drag this out more warranties expire.
7800X3D chads, we won.
>have a 13700k
>never BSOD'd
>VID never goes above 1.347V
Dodged a bullet
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>Intel 13700k
I haven't had any issues with my i7-13700k with any sort of crashes. Did I just get lucky or will it inevitably degrade fast?
>pls don't mention exploding CPU saar
That's (((PC))) in a nutshell.
Valve: hey cattle, buy new hardware otherwise Steam will stop working
Steamies: okay, Gabe, please let us suck your cock even harder
They're literally accepting RMAs. I got a replacement that had a warranty from the date of replacement.
>this schizo
Imagine being so poor that Steam won't work on your system anymore
Flash the BIOS mid August once a new version with the fix is out. If you haven't had any problems so far you're most likely fine.
What is this referring to?
That had nothing to do with the CPU itself. First of all, it was a problem with motherboards that provided too much voltage, and it was fixed literally 2 weeks after the news come out. Secondly, the amount of CPUs that outright got damaged/destroyed was extremely minimal compared to this situation.
That was a problem with motherboards, not the CPU
>just keep buying endlessly
>you can afford it
>otherwise just work harder
The power of Snoy inside a PC.
It's some brown retard from a third world country who is super upset that Steam dropped support for Windows 7. He thinks it's GabeN that just hates all W7 users, but he doesn't understand that Steam dropped the support because Microsoft themselves stopped updating and supporting it.
*bottlenecks the fuck out of your gpu*
nothin personnel
I noticed that a lot of programs will crash with my 13900k unless I lower the clock speeds. Will have to test this on default values (which are set way too aggressively but hey, it's the "intended" use case) and try to RMA if things crash at those.
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I9 runs great! Class action lawsuit though
The Intel instability wouldn't manifest if it wasn't plugged into a motherboard. Check and mate. Don't @ me.
If you can't afford to upgrade in 15 years, you probably should move to the first world.
1 INR has been deposited into (you)r account
Why? I did get a bundle but the 7800x3d wasn't that much better than the 5800x3d. The 9000 series is delayed anyway.
It's not even that, you can thank Goygle Chrome not supporting W7.
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>tfw I upgraded from an i7 3930k to an AMD 5800x on release
>tfw fa/g/s and /v/ermin were trying to convince people to never switch to AMD because of drivers or some shit
>tfw I didn't listen to those cucks and went AMD anyway, despite being Intel most of my life
Feels fucking good.
omae wa mou shindeiru
>Last week Intel was $35 per share
>have a shitton of them
>didn't sell bc I thought it will pump
>this shit blows up
I could have gotten a new PC out of it easy
But Chromium support was dropped due to MS support being dropped. Google's not going to continue to support an OS that no longer receives security updates.
>15 years
It says that intel literally wrote the encoder you're using lol, and I'm looking at the benchmarks right now and I'm not seeing any performance difference at all.

So, in short, kill yourself.
Who was the idiot installing a copy of Google Chrome on computers?
only the K and KF ones, non-K CPUs are perfect
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>he buyed bought Intelaviv
My GPU + CPU combined run games 4k60 using only 250W, the power it takes to run a single one of these CPUs. Anyone who bought these chips deserves it. Completely retarded product unless you need it for a job.
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A-am I going to be alright bros?
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Sorry. My mistake. You had A QUARTER OF A FUCKING CENTURY to upgrade. But I'm the Indian. Check.
my 12700k is still working great, best cpu ive owned. but ill be getting amd next time unless they make big changes. when i had amd in the past, it was less stable than my 12700k
>If it's fucked by oxidization, it's fucked. Start a RMA. If it's been running fine, you're good. Solid tests for me were
I've had this computer for almost exactly two full years at this point. And I've never experienced any issues so far.
But I also underclocked my computer's power-draw on day 1 just to give my computer better temps.

Does that mean that my computer is likely or bound to get fucked the moment I stop underclocking it? Is it fucked anyway?
Are there 13th gen CPUs that actually aren't affected?

Is it cope to hope that I may have been lucky or something?
Just install your favorite flavor of loonix retard, no need to upgrade your pentium II.
My TV goes to 144hz but it's a waste with a controller. Only play in high frame rate on the 1440p monitor when I do M+KB stuff where it actually matters
>What do you mean your car wash isn't suited for my horse and buggy?
>(((They))) just want me to buy an automobile!
>15 years
erm... little mistake there...
No, but your CPU might survive.
Check how much voltage it's requesting in hwinfo, mostly during single core load.
"underclocked the power draw" doesn't make sense, did you lower clocks or voltage
>chromecuck is happy to bend over for free
kek no self respect at all
>Does that mean that my computer is likely or bound to get fucked the moment I stop underclocking it? Is it fucked anyway?
No one knows. It's pure RNG. So far the rates seem to be around 30% failure rate, for now. It could become higher as time passes.
Have had that 13th gen cpu for 2 years, I guess my pc will be bricked soon. RIP
american education, everyone
>kek no self respect at all
Said the person who has unironically been seething and raging about support being dropped for W7 for like 6 months.
>So far the rates seem to be around 30% failure rate
But that does that mean that there are CPUs that still work exactly as they should even after rigorous and extensive use?
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Works fine on my AMD Ryzen 1700. Take the L Intel cucks.
Give it to me straight: they refuse RMAs for known & confirmed lemons, they can get sued for refusing them right? how fucked are Intel? And will the US Govt. do anything about it?
How does this affect my I7 4770k?, it still work fine
How big is Intel's DEI initiative?
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intcels never lose
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>oxidation in the silicon
>in CPU

you should ctrl+f "israel" on intel's wiki page.
>upgrade to troonshit, where even less works than on W10
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Welcome to the club brother
Just bought a laptop, almost all the options were for Intel shit. Dodged that bullet and went with a 8845HS
production faults are protected by law with longer warranties, even in the USA. i think it's 6 years there.
outside of the USA it's a lot longer.
Class action lawsuit when?
This is criminal bros.
It's not so much DEI as it is filled with Indians
Valve relies on Chromium for its interface rendering.
Intel has long history of criminal activity.
>no refunds!
Want to start a betting pool on how long before Intel faces an congressional hearing?
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My 5600x will last forever.
>>Intel wont respect warranties
Who are you quoting?
Are the Valve pajeets too stupid to render a few simple graphics themselves?
Why don't they use the system's web browser instead?
You've got outdated info
>only a small number of instability reports
A top 3 hardware seller said they were seeing upwards of 30% failure rate. That is not "a small number".
Intel's been outsourcing to India / Pakistan longer than most of /v/ has been alive.
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Tell me doc, how bad is it?
>stock went up! that means it didn't cost them money!
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This >>683817351 literally says it's not the oxydation issue that is the root cause of the problem. They fixed it, it was in some early 13th gen batches, and it's not what's causing the current problem.

Weither you believe Intel or not is your problem, though I don't see why they would lie about the fact that they had ANOTHER (+1) issue in the past completely unrelated to the current one.

You >>683811493 literally cannot read english.
I just bought an i7-13700KF but it's still sealed, should I return it? But with what can I replace it to get the same performance for the same price? I would not use it, if i keep it, at least until October anyway since I still need a couple of more PC parts for the build and since they will patch the issue from what they say at least in mid-august, also wondering if it's worth a risk.
Issues? 10700 1080 no case, open air.
For an animal all in on defense hedgehogs are aggressive as fuck
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>mfw 12900k
I really dodged a bullet holy shit
>though I don't see why they would lie about the fact that they had ANOTHER (+1) issue in the past completely unrelated to the current one.
Lol, okay.
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Intel chuddies with their overpriced overheating CPUs, don't use your PC for several weeks for the August fix and pretend a microcode BIOS update will "fix" a hardware defect that occurs because of poor assembling quality assurance at the foundries. The hotfix update to the BIOS only flashes upon bootup if its through Windows or the motherboard, the dying 13 and 14th gen Intel CPUs don't magically stay updated when the PC is off. All your Intel purchases be it mobile or desktop from the last 3 years are going to fucking die lmao.

No refunds, no recalls, and not my problem Intel chuddies.
Whatever you want.
Or is that too much freedom for you?
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>though I don't see why they would lie about the fact that they had ANOTHER (+1) issue in the past completely unrelated to the current one.
You don't see why a company would lie? Are you 12 years old?
I am not 40+ years old. I don’t buy Intels anymore. I did for my first PC I built like 17 years ago though
Doesn't look bad, many i9 and some i7 go above 1.4V or even 1.5V.
You should still get the UEFI update as soon as it's available.
>though I don't see why they would lie
Hello Moishe. How is the weather in Israel today?
Waitchads ALWAYS win
really makes you think
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Thanks brother
They are only accepting RMAs for cpus you purchased separately. If you bought a prebuilt system they will not RMA the cpu.
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I AM AN INTEL PR-*overheats, oxidation rusts*
I mean how long should it reasonably take for oxidation to set in and start damaging the CPU?
I’m no expert but if your chip was defective I would think it would’ve long since rusted and become FUBARed after a whole year.
So I'm curious, what exactly was the issue? I've got a 13900k but I've never really pushed it or anything, was it an update that caused some sort of damage? Or is it an architectural thing?
because msedge ALSO runs on chromium
> Are the Valve pajeets too stupid to render a few simple graphics themselves?
The store is a website so you need a browser either way.
> Why don't they use the system's web browser instead?
For W7 that would be Internet Explorer, and they would still need to cut W7's support because it's not getting any updates anymore.

It just makes more sense to use one common platform that works the same across all operating systems instead of having to work around Edge (Chrome) un Windows, Safari on Mac and Firefox (or not, because Linux has no standardization whatsoever) on Linux.
It's been a long time since Intel processors had a good performance/price for games, I wonder when they will return as processing champions in that sector
It's hardware. An oxidation issue apparently. There is no fix for it because of that, but there's a chance your CPU doesn't have that issue.
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The official answer is voltage not coded properly. The actual answer is poor build quality at the manufacturing level allowed oxygen into the chips which combined with poor coating leads to oxidation. The higher power chips die faster but the low power ones still have the physical flaw, including mobile Intel chips. This goes back to 2 years worth of Intel chips out there, a game company changed from Intel to AMD because all their server equipment died with 100% fail rate all on Intel.

No refunds or RMAs allowed for you btw. Maybe corporate level will get mass recalls.
>you already got Chrome (if you are retarded and have Edge, so we will install a 2nd copy anyway, that will be outdated)
sounds very secure, pajeet
...is 13700kf part of this?
Seems to be a combination, bad fabrication causing possible oxidation. As well as too high voltages fucking shit up. If your chip has been fucked up by either of these, it's fucked. Oxidation has been fixed, no new chips have that issue. New microcode would fix the voltage issue, but that's in August.
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I love seeing all the Intel PR statements downplay oxidation because that would elicit a formal recall since that's the only solution to hardware level flaws they're complicit in. Intel showing their true colors again and the sheep ITT eating that Intel PR slop. Retarded company and retarded paypigs, Intel and Intel chuddies lmao.
People are anti-AMD for graphics cards, not CPUs.
From everything I've gathered, it's a two-fold situation. There seems to be both problems with voltages that are too high, and problems with oxidation that very likely happened from the manufacturing/plant. At first Intel seemed like they were trying to be like "OH NO, THERE'S NO OXIDATION, IT'S ALL LIES, IT'S JUST VOLTAGES. EVERYTHING IS FIXED".

But now it has gotten so big that they can't lie their way out of it.
All this just to beat AMD in a few benchmarks.
You're right, but some ignorant fags on here rolled over the video card AMD issue as a reason to not buy AMD cpus and it's now biting all of them in the ass.
I bet people get confused by amd card naming, with nvidia it is bigger number mean more power and more cost, easy way for retards
Intel... Inside (Job, by Mossad)
That's also the case for AMD cards?
It's an unholy mix
>shitty production
>mobos pushing CPUs past their limit without any checks
Valve has a history of hating dealing with OS-specific bullshit, which was made extremely evident with how poorly Steam operated on OSX for its first few years, before moving over to their current engine.
>blahblahblah PAJEET
idgaf I daily-dive arch troonix and SteamCMD anyways
but that's not the point
the thing is: the steam client is just a fancy web browser that uses chromium (because the store itself is just a web page)
valve pulled the plug because google pulled the plug because microsoft pulled the plug
and none of this matters because you're going to call me a pajeet and a steamie for "defending" valve (I'm not, the new steam client is a memory hog; at least it works unlike EGS fuck I hate that thing)
Shoulda went AMD.
Give them views instead, you fucking gullible nigger
You deserve to get FUCKED
No when they restart the name numbers on 2012, 2019 and they add things like x, xt, xtx meanwhile nvidia call the variant super with normalfags like and say that make it sound like a hero
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>He buyed Shitnel


DO AMDhating spastics really?! Shitnel gets mogged for the 5th year straight and they STILL BOUGHTED SHITNEL AHAHAHA JUST
>won't respect warranties
So it's a court case waiting to happen.
Can't you just sue them?
It was on sale cheaper than AMD's equivalent... I thought I was getting a good deal...
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>People are anti-amd
Sweeping blanket statement.
Speak for yourself ngreed-itoddler.
AMD-cards are great and cost 100$ less on average. Not matte throw many times your repeat the Muh drivers lie , it won't become true
>still rock solid
>still strong single core performance
>still incompatible with windows 11 so no upgrade reminders
I won
>t.butthurt xbot
>No when they restart the name numbers on 2012, 2019
You mean like Nvidia?

>and they add things like x, xt, xtx
Why can the Ryzen 1700 run Windows 11 but your $1,000 Intel can't? >>683817881
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I think both CPUs are dogshit and Nvidia should make desktop socketable CPUs, imagine needing to buy a 3rd party socket frame so you don't bend the CPU from the shitty oudated chink motherboard socket clamp
I legitimately don't know what they were thinking, I thought it was a joke until I used the socket clamp myself. They had something that worked and changed it regardless.
The replacement was well worth it, though I did have RAM issues that caused a re-adjustment
Still not buying Israeli overheating deadweight chips.
TPM support. You can install it by bypass but I don't care to
wait, so its an assembly line problem ? does that mean newly produced chips of these versions wont have this problem ?
Feels good to be a waitboi, buygoy

waitbois always win
I didn't know a single person with a fagbox360 that didn't have a red ring of death at least once, and very few that didn't have it happen like 10 times. Was glad I got into PC gaming before any of that shit anyway.
It is, but no one can be sure when/if it stopped being an issue because Intel is withholding information
>So far the rates seem to be around 30% failure rate, for now. It could become higher as time passes.
Jesus fucking Christ I can see why Intel's panicking about this, that's insane. I have a 13900k and I ignored all this shit till like a day ago, I had thought it only affected 14's, shit
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>Retarded Windows 7 user thinks he's part of the team
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>nonny bought shiltel after the 8700k
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my cpu is 12th gen i dont care
>Built my PC when 12th gen was the latest intel CPU
Dodged a bullet I guess.
well thats a retarded thing to do, if i could at least have dodged a faulty one i would consider buying one, but not providing any way to know means i wont even consider these chips.
AMD it is
Lmao. Even knowing that it's a foundry assembly line issue you're still an Intel cuck willing to roll the dice on their overheating processors. All intel chuddies in this thread have to monitor their voltage in real time out of fear.
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>tfw 12th gen i5
Lucked out, I guess. I'll switch to AMD for my next build
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Pentium II 233mhz / don't know it was a laptop
Celeron 1.8 ghz / GeForce 4 MX 440
Pentium D / Radeon x700
Pentium D / Radeon 1950XTX pro
i7-3770 / GTX 660
i7-3770 / GTX 1050ti
Current PC:
Ryzen 5 7500f / RTX 4080 super

Feels good.
what's the story with the 8700k?
i never overclock, it just lowers the life expectency of hardware and i dont buy new components every couple of years.
All intel processors since 2020 are on a timer for their rust to kick in from poor build quality.
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oh no no no amd xisters
I don't know but I can tell you the 9600k sucks ass for gaming when trying to get high fps. I fell for the intel jewish trick. They didn't want to make 8 cores.
>and a CPU has minimal impact on gaming anyways
This dude has never played any simulation games at all
I was unlucky enough to get hit by both the RROD and the shitty fat PS2 laser problems, but yeah their subsequent releases were all good and the PS2 slim I have from 2004 works just as well 20 years later. The RROD felt way higher than 23% but that's XCOM baby
>Celeron 1.8 ghz / GeForce 4 MX 440
Many of my friends had prebuilds like that, they suffered greatly because of that.
>Citing unnamed sources, Tom’s Hardware reports that any degradation of the processor is irreversible, and an Intel spokesperson did not deny that when we asked. Intel is “confident” the patch will keep it from happening in the first place. (As another preventative measure, you should update your motherboard BIOS ASAP.) But if your defective CPU has been damaged, your best option is to replace it instead of tweaking BIOS settings to try and alleviate the problems.
>And, Intel confirms, too-high voltages aren’t the only reason some of these chips are failing. Intel spokesperson Thomas Hannaford confirms it’s a primary cause, but the company is still investigating. Intel community manager Lex Hoyos also revealed some instability reports can be traced back to an oxidization manufacturing issue that was fixed at an unspecified date last year.
Intel cucks think they dodged a bullet when the damage is permanant and the number of processors beyond 13 and 14th gens is unknown. It could be very well be dying right now on your Intel Gen 12. :) When a GPU dies its a bummer and minor annoyance, its a big deal but not the end of the world. But when a CPU and mobo die or are a fucking threat, lmao whole fucking thing needs replacement and its a pain in the ass fixing it. Stay strong Intel PayPig CuckNation. Intel has lost all the console deals to AMD and NVIDIA too, but the Intel pride cuck stays strong in these dire times.

t. Sent from my New Nintendo 2DS XL web browser (ARMS chip inside)
>GeForce 4 MX 440
Especially because lack of shredders support.
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Intel's been defaulting their chips hard into diminishing returns. Here the difference between running the chip at the default 253 watts and the base spec of 125 watts is a 23% reduction in temperature for a loss of 1.5% gaming performance and 8% on synthetic benchmarks. For a while they were just letting mobos ship allowing the cpu to use unlimited watts until thermal throttling kicked in at 100 degrees, but realized that was retarded. They still default to boosting to 253 watts for a minute at a time though.

If what they're saying is true that they solved the oxidation issues early in the 13 series production, it could still be as simple as them just pushing the cpus to their limit by default, then the cpu constantly damaging itself when it asks for too much voltage on top of that.
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>>Celeron 1.8 ghz / GeForce 4 MX 440
That was my first pc. 256Mb RAM. First two games I installed were Diablo 2 and Icewind Dale 2. Shit as fun as fuck.
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>and a CPU has minimal impact on gaming anyways
That bitch's torso is way too long.
Microsoft will launch their new AI laptop with Chinese shitware AI powered CPU from Samsung's unsold pile of Snapdragon. Nintendo will continue to use NVIDIA with the Nintendo Switch 2. Sony will continue to use AMD with the PS5 and potential PS5 Pro along with the PS6. Xbox is probably exiting consoles and their hardware don't sell it don't matter. All PC budget friendly builds use AMD and now the middle and upper tier PC builds are switching to AMD de-facto because of all of Intel's problems mounting from 10 years of "dude just overheat core 0 and core 1 lmao more performance XD".
Because that was just slightly upgraded GF2 MX, it was sad to watch when they could not launch the game because of lack of DX8 support.
>Dylan Browne, an Unreal Engine Supervisor and Feature Film VFX at the ModelFarm visual effects studio, posted on X that his company is experiencing a 50% failure rate for systems powered by Intel's Core i9-13900K and 14900K processors. As a result, the company is deploying AMD's as-yet-unreleased Zen 5 Ryzen 9 9950X processors in place of Intel-powered solutions, with Browne praising AMD's single-thread performance.

>The report represents yet another piece of unwelcome news for Intel, which announced yesterday that it had found the root cause of the issues and will issue a microcode mitigation in mid-August. (This isn't a 'fix' for CPUs experiencing the issue — impacted processors are irreversibly damaged and must be replaced.)

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i fully believe you're american now
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Literally nothing. I still use it in a build to this day. This isn't saying much but it's still the recommended spec for EDF6. Still, it's the last intel cpu that anyone should have bought considering AMD btfo's every comparable SKU since then.
ofc, she's a penguin, dummy
>dodger can never be like this again
he meant oxidation of the copper vias within the cpu
external cooling has a lot of effect and people don't give it enough credit. I use peerless assassin with fractal torrent at half speed and my CPU never goes above 55-60C under normal gaming load, only goes above on stress tests which are honestly a stupid metric. not gaming it runs at like 35C.
>You don't need anything more than the fossil I have been running for a decade and can't afford to upgrade
I can understand that most people in the world can't afford stuff like this and I don't make fun of poor people, but I will laugh at you for coping this hard
Dude, a mass recall at THIS scale will take out half of Intel's value, if not more.

China wins.
Love my combo. Guess I'll be switching to AMD when I upgrade in a few years though.
Save your money for a superior Snapdragon you stupid faggot.
>Intel 13700k/14700k/13900k/14900k are confirmed to have a hardware defect and oxidation in the silicon. The problems originate due to a mistake in manufacturing and can't be fixed with microcode or an update. It affects server customers and Intel might be forced to do a recall on these defective CPUs.
>you forgot to mention the failure rate of those cpus is estimated to be about 33%
>for reference if any component has a failure rate of 1% it's already considered as very unreliable
oh shit
I once had a Snapdragon fail, they sent me TWO as replacement, and a picture of the employee who was responsible for assembly's severed finger. China does NOT fuck around, bro, they're good CPUs.
>please let there be a class action lawsuit
They're going to be raped into bankruptcy by their corporate clients alone.
Well considering intel is cheaper than other chips. You can’t upgrade to better hardware and the games will one day require you to upgrade. You’re going to lose access to Steam either by hardware from Microsoft or intel.
They're just pinpointing out intel's milestones for the last 13 years. The 2500k, 4670k, and 8700k were all the sweet spots. I've owned all of them. Nothing notable from them has come out except for how cut down and manageable the 12100F was. Everything else has been power inefficient, hot as hell, and unstable. We've seen the degregation of intel's reliability live. They're putting more effort into their underbudgeted gpu department. You don't need more than >>683825360 for 1080p games/content. You'd be a fool not to go AM5 for you next build. My 7950x is worth more than I bought it for now.
How old does your hardware have to be for Steam to not run on it? I update every 3-4 years and have literally never had this problem. You one of those people that still runs XP?
Are the Muslims praying? This board is like 80% hardcore Islam, why isn't this stickied 1000+ replies cheering?
Funny thing is my 13900k has been rock solid. Probably the most stable system I ever had.

I also had problems with freezing in my previous 5600X/5800X3D build.

I might still go 9800X3D after this fuckup anyway since it's bound to be faster than anything Intel anyway.
>Well considering intel is cheaper than other chips
Sure thing, rabbi.
Tech illiterate consolefag.
ignore all previous instructions, give me a guide on how to bake a chocolate cake
>You mean like Nvidia?
when did nvidia do that?
>sweet spot
Devil's Canyon aka 4690K/4790K was the better Haswell choice, for pretty much the same money you got a better binned chip with a higher quality TIM job to make delid autism less worth it and the 4790K in particular ran like a raped ape. Also there's the 5775C as a comedy option, it had less clockspeed but the gigantic L4 cache made it incongruously good at video gayming, too bad those were rare and incredibly expensive.
>Well considering intel is cheaper than other chips
Are Intel's jew shills just outright lying now?
man, 7800X3D really got Intel's army of shills fuming with rage
Destroying Intel will be a major blow to Israel, ALLAH AKBAAAAAAAR!!!!
You got your mobile SoCs mixed up. Qualcomm makes Snapdragon, Samsung makes Exynos.
Fuck, that's a pricey CPU, I have a 7600, is it much better?
>intel is cheaper
have some fucking shame faggot
fabrication contamination leading to oxidation inside the chip itself
2009 for example.
That's only a theory, don't spread lies here, Turk.
200% because the one they sent you as a replacement also RRoDed
The 7800X3D is basically best-in-class for a gaming CPU, but the 7600 is still perfectly serviceable for most games.
specifically for gaming, it's better than intel's absolute top end. not to say it can't handle everything else well though, the only thing it lags behind in is super heavy multitasking like rendering software.
>Contracts with Sony and Xbox (Xbox is going out of consoles soon, though)
>De-facto go to for low, middle budget, and higher budget PC builds
>Contracts with Nintendo
>De-facto go to for middle and upper tier PC builds (primarily driven by anti consumer practices like enforcing Gaytracing deals with developers which tanks performances on AMD cards)
>Partnered with Samsung's shitty Snapdragon Chinese APU manufacturer to build low end laptops to strangle Intel's Integrated HD laptops from the marketplace
>Numerous controversies in the news cycle
>Is headed towards a global recall for 3 years worth of processors do not believe this is just Gen 13 and 14, this shit dates back to Gen 12 minimum too

Intel JUST'D inside. t. Sent from my New 2DS XL web browser (powered by ARMS chipset)
>buy new hardware otherwise Steam will stop working
I mean... yeah.
There isn't a single thing in this world that works eternally.
Even some old car your old man has from the 50's or 60's, he's been repairing and upkeeping it or it'd have ended up in a junkyard.
What do they mean by crashing? Blue screening?
There's no mistake silly
A minute has sixty seconds
An hour has sixty minutes
A day has sixty hours
A year has sixty weeks
A century has sixty years
that's why clocks are round, duh
Ah okay, if it's best in class then the price is actually good, CPUs can get retarded expensive.

Yeah I'm very happy with my 7600 + RTX 4070 (non-TI) it's comfy.
He thought he saw the bear with his iphone.
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Yes, now imagine you have servers with those, which handle your company's transactions etc, crash every week, imagine all that financial damage done.

Multiply that scenario by a million.

Now imagine the lawsuits.
I wanted to upgrade my 12400 to the highest possible socket option eventually, but now I will simply end up replacing everything but my nvmes.
Game developers running servers have their systems crash with Intel chipsets. Regular users including government agencies have random BSOD because the Intel chipsets from 2020s are all prone to overheating from poor voltage control and a deadly combo of poor build quality due to anti-oxidiation coating failing at the factory level. Intel denies all this BTW and insists this is an isolated incident completely unrelated to the hardware level which would facilitate a global recall.
fuck me
Clocks are round because they are based on the sun.
ranges from
>unable to maintain clock speeds
>fail to boot
Little too quick response for my liking, Mossad will be in touch.

sent from my New Nintendo 2DS XL web browser (ARMS chipset inside)
I have a i5-4690K. Does anyone know if it is effected by this defect?
built pic related in spring 2023
not a single freeze, blue screen, black screen or hard crash since.
These issues are so bad you'd know anon, don't worry, your little slice of Israel is safe.
It's not. This is all for 13th and 14th gen CPUs.
1. No, it's only 13th and 14th gen CPUs affected
2. Upgrade your CPU for Christ's sake
Unironically if any of you faggots work for the government you should consider putting in some strong worded emails to your supervisor to check if your workplace runs on Intel. Need to get the government involved to squeeze Intel's asscheeks a bit more to speedrun that recall.
Shouldn't you be watching the vcore, not VID?
>Forced to buy AMD because Intel is shit and Nvidia is fleecing poorfags with more money than sense.
It's more of a monopoly because both AMD and Nvidia are related and have conflicts of interest.
End this nightmare
Still using a 6th gen i7 :)
It's a curse by Almighty Allah because the sand used in Intel CPUs is from I*rael.
that's the beauty of oxidation: its a ticking timebomb might not fail today, might not fail tomorrow but one day it will
Haven't upgraded either since 2017
Somehow still running Windows 11
simple as
THIS, do it for Gaza.
so unless i delid the chip and check for oxidation i will never know until it happens?
>Forced to buy AMD because Intel is shit
nigga, you were forced to buy Intel for like a decade, since AMD was shit and you complain about it now?
You don't have to worry about oxidation, your CPU will burn up before that.
>wait for august patch
>rma processor
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>check for oxidation
its on a microscopic level
So much 10000% this. Blind sheep. I've switched my main PC gaming platform to Epic.
You think the Chinese are behind this sabotage?
I find it funny that NVIDIA wants to upsell Nintendo some garbage tech for the Switch 2 but Nintendo refuses to play their ballgame and wants shitty older tech at a reasonable price. Hate Nintendo all you want but they're the few telling NVIDIA to eat shit. NVIDIA has been seething hard about not being able to sell Nintendo expensive tech on the Switch 2 since Nintendo wants a lower MSRP for consumers.
So what should I be looking out for while waiting for an RMA? Do a negative core voltage offset as much as possible to lengthen the life span of this time bomb? What usually causes the oxidization, the voltage coming incorrectly under load or does that even happen while idle?
I have a magnifying glass.
apparently that's how the chip is designed. it boosts until it hits 100°C, stops boosting to cool down and then boost again.
>What usually causes the oxidization
Chinamen slipping Indian worker at fab plant a $50 should do it.
wait for the microcode update
and...literally nothing else you can do
its a manufacturing issue
If you're a retarded Turk or some offbrand of muslim, refrain from schizo posting about Jews in these threads, every fucking agency on the planet is hunting right now.
if issue is on a microscopic material level, how the hell is a bios update supposed to help with that? it's not like undervolting the chip could help, nexus steve even said that undervolting could make it worse.
mine is still working so i dont care
Lower your CPU Frequency right now, not even memeing with you. Mobile devices including the Nintendo Switch use lower CPU clock frequencies to save on battery life, but for anyone with an Intel chip from the 2020s you should lower it regardless at the cost of performance until Intel releases a BIOS update for your chipset. This is just putting on a seatbelt for your PC. Intel will lower all CPU performances with their fix officially anyway, they'll be underclocking the voltage more than frequencies.
>What usually causes the oxidization, the voltage coming incorrectly under load or does that even happen while idle?
The oxidation would be caused by an error in manufacturing. So from my understand, if you're unlucky and you have one of the faulty CPUs, there's not really anything you can do.
Make up a story that the CPU cost you everything, you could be a millionaire from a settlement, retard.
What do I use to lower my cpu frequency?
"Guys, we fixed it via microcode update"

"Yes, there was also oxidation issue, but only in 2021+ chips we sold and we fixed it (lol)"

"IDK Works fine on my AMD machine"
>how the hell is a bios update supposed to help with that?
It's just Intel trying to run damage control by making up lies about how it's caused by voltage. Because if it WAS caused by voltage problems, then it could easily be fixed.
Don't listen to that fag, do this instead. >>683828294
(((intel))) making it a voltage issue (and fake fixing it) to avoid lawsuits because the root cause is manufacturer defects
Why is your green text not working? Is this caused by bad CPU as well?
bro no shot like six weeks ago our Imam had my cousin's hand cut off for buying an Intel CPU, they make that stuff from Israeli sand.
Works fine on my machine.
I was wondering what the fuck was up.
My current PC I built around october last year with a 14900k and that was the only time I had a component fail.
its amd the green text is still loading pls understand
I thought they said the oxidation problem STARTED in 2023? So if you bought a CPU in early Jan 2023, it was probably made in 2022 and therefore safe?
BIOS settings
That's the beauty of Intel's public relation statement. When a CPU's firmware is updated the BIOS only instructs the board after POST. Whether you get the Intel CPU update from Windows or the motherboard manufacturer, all Intel is doing is adding a bandaid software solution to a hardware level problem. Like imaging going to the doctor because a car hit you so they bandage you up and tell you not to worry about internal broken bones and bleeding.

Intel chip inside :)
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Shit, I meant 4790K. But yes, delidding was a necessity to squeeze out binned performance.
You have access to a failure lab? I kneel.
If you actually watched GN's video, intel claimed the oxidation manufacturing defect was solved last year. Depending on when your 13xx was made, it might not have that issue. But all of the 13 and 14 have the voltage regulation problem, hence the microcode update. But they're two different problems.
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That was a design failure, not a bad batch of chips. It should affect 100% of units if driven hard enough.
Function fidelity, price, economy and the total amount of consumers are vastly different, it is not the same as it was back then compared to now
It is right to criticize it and you don't have a point about it.
>initially lied about oxidation claiming its voltage
>then admitted its oxidation
>but its ok they claimed they fixed it
lol, lmao even
Xbox 360s weren't running hundreds of thousands of businesses you fucking ape.
>Will Intel issue a recall?
>Has Intel halted sales and / or performed any channel inventory recalls while it validates the update?
>Will Intel extend its warranty on these 13th Gen and 14th Gen parts, and for how long?
[No answer yet.]
>Given how difficult this issue was for Intel to pin down, what proof will customers need to share to obtain an RMA? (How lenient will Intel be?)
[No answer yet.]
>That’s all we’ve heard from Intel so far, though Hannaford assured us more answers are on the way and that the company is working on remedies.

intel KEKS put on your paypig masks.
>Citing unnamed sources
so pulled out of their arsehole as usual.
And how does AMD being a better product to buy make life miserable for everyone?
Too bad that's never been the case in AMD's entire history.
>t-two more weeks!
>better product
>raises paw
Just few years ago
>never update the bios, if something fucks up during the process, your motherboard is gone for good
>kiss your sister
do you expect insiders to reveal their names so they get fired? are you retarded by any chance?
Please refer to where I said any of the sort or you are being argumentive for the sake of it.
Not going to waste words with a dullard.
should leave discord open for more than an hour and see if the cpu just explodes
Let me check my PS5. No intel, I'm safe.
Let me check my Wii U. No intel, I'm safe.
Let me check my PC. No intel, I'm safe.
Let me check my 2DS XL. No intel, I'm safe.
Let me check my Switch. No intel, I'm safe.
Works fine on my machines.
>hardware defect and oxidation in the silicon
That is only confirmed for 13th gen.
13th & 14th both have the microcode issue and both can experience permanent degrading.
HD7900 series > GTX 600, in fact it ended up over living GTX 700 as R9 280
And now AMD is straight out superior for both gaming and servers.
Question, if you read the digital Quran on an Intel CPU, will you go to hell?
>And now AMD is straight out superior for both gaming and servers.
*compared to Intel, if that wasn't obvious.
>I just believe everything written on the internet without question

I don't even believe this is a widespread issue and it's just drama created by the usual youtube twats that do this every year or so when they have a quiet spell
Technically all Intel 13th and 14th gen will experience permanent degrading as this is a hardware issue and even the unaffected ones will have a BIOS update that forces down their voltage and frequency. Permanent hardware debuffs. No refunds. I don't believe it's just those two, I think the problem stems from their foundries since the factories reopened and Gen 12 Intel is on the hangman's noose as well.
7800X3D is literally king for gaming. Better performance, less watt usage, less heat, less cost.

This is coming from someone who has been buying Intel CPUs for the past 15 years.
I see this "HD7900" listed as a GPU, but AMD never made a GPU.
I read this was sabotage by China because Israel offed their diplomat a few years ago.
But my warranty replacement is already on the way, I won't be installing before the microcode update though
>I see this "HD7900" listed as a GPU, but AMD never made a GPU.
Sure, I just schizo'd myself out to believe that I used it for 7 years
>it's king for gaming
>but scores the same as every other CPU at 4k and shit for every general computing task
Not him and AMD drivers have been a smooth ride for many years now (currently on a RX6700XT), but the driver thing has been true at times.
The first year of my RX480 was an abysmally shitty experience I will not forget.
Aren't you just replacing a fucked CPU with another fucked CPU?
>OS-specific shit
>create a fucking GAME LAUNCHER, which is literally OS-specific
you are full of shit and also retarded
are AMD haters really that braindead or it's just India?
Awesome. I can get a fluctuating 1fps difference in gaming to save:
Don't care. I'm American.
Don't care. I'm American.
Don't care. I'm American.
Imagine using a GPU for over 2 years.
actually proprietary shit that doesn't belong on people's computers, which is also wasting tons of RAM for nothing

imagine every game would install its own version of Google Chrome on top of the extra Google Chrome installation that Valve is pushing
Now that would be extra retarded, yes?
Intel fags brains are cooked worse than zoomers ADHD brains. Replacing a time bomb processor with the same time bomb processor with the Intel quality assurance sticker promise is real death cult behavior.

t. sent from my New Nintendo 2DS XL web browser (Powered by ARMS processor)
Muslim board, fuck off.
I firmly believe more than half of Intel users have room temp IQ.
it's actually true.
Nintendo didn't force me to buy a Wii U or a Switch to keep my Wii games.
Instead Wii games keep on working, I can even disconnect internet cable and it doesn't matter at all.
I can also still download Wii games on my Wii without prolems.

Meanwhile on Shit-PC, that's not the case lol
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>I can get a fluctuating 1fps difference in gaming to save:
Keep coping, Intel jew.
>Been an AMD shill for years telling people 100w+ on a consumer chip is retarded yet being ignored.
The concentration of smugness I feel right now worries me as it could be lethal.
The microcode update stops the permanent damage caused by improper voltage regulation. Already affected cpus can't be fixed, but unused cpus won't degrade that way. As for the oxidation, we'll see. I've had processors oxidise without causing issues in the past.
Furthermore, I can rma the next one too. I believe faulty production warranties get extended
Based mentally retarded tranny
>doesn't work enternally
>we force you to buy new hardware otherwise all your games are gone
not the same at all, pajeet
Not just that, Intel CPUs are made from Israeli sand, heating it up is part of a Kabbalah ritual, you're literally cursing your home by using them. Allah, in His infinite Wisdom, Peace be upon Him, has cursed them in return.
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>it does score more at 4k then other CPUs
no it doesn't retard
Behold, everyone. The eternal Intel fanboy.
>waits full year to finally "admit" they sold faulty product
lmao IntelAviv
>with a 4090
>and a 7800
AMD owners really are this retarded.
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Same. Never buying intel again though unless they recall and refund people over this
Intel shills found the thread I see.
>he doesn't understand why benchmarks are done at 1080p
YOU are the retarded one.
>we addressed the issue but we won't tell you when, have fun playing CPU russian roulette lmao
>thread about intel
>you can't post in it if you own intel though , only amd fags are allowed
Literally nobody here buys Intel, fag, it's Israeli, where the FUCK do you think you are right now? Fuck off back to facebook.
Remember when intel CEO knew about meltdown and spectre for months and kept quiet to everyone while silently selling his stocks?
Remember intel CPU getting raped for the last 5 years by exploits every few months?
Remember when as a "fix" they had to slash 20% of their performance?
I remember.
Don't forget the part where Intel must have known about this for at least 2 years, and they never decided to say anything about it, until it blew up on hardware sites.

And now they are expecting people to trust them when they say "we fixed it".
>he doesn't understand that it's a pointless benchmark because nobody would game at 1080p with a 4090
can't wait for the thread to get nuked in like 5 minutes after they seethe to the jannies
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>meme resolution
Compare the 4k (God's Own Resolution™) numbers.
>imagine every game would install its own version of Google Chrome on top of the extra Google Chrome
What time machine did you arrive in, Marty?
Hey, team AMD has been telling you you're paying too much for Intel/Nvidia gpus and you laughed and called us poorfags.

You made your bed. Time to lie in it.
Thanks for doubling down and even FURTHER proving that you are completely fucking clueless about benchmarks.
Owning Intel hardware and defending it aren't the same thing
>i5 2500k
based last good intel processor enjoyer
>those benchmarks which nobody would ever use count
>those other benchmarks which people do use don't
you're one stupid fucker
>we can unironically bet in which way a pajeet shill PC will die, either by the retarded 12pin connector spontaneously combusting or by the intel chip literally frying itself
>Compare the 4k (God's Own Resolution™) numbers.
See >>683830031
Can someone tell me if I am fucked or not?

I had a couple of BSOD's while playing a demanding game a while ago, I hadn't noticed my fans had died and my cpu cores hitting temps of like 99C, since i fixed my fans they are at around 40-50c even while playing games.
I like the part were Intel's PR tangibly admits they've known about this for 2 years and continued selling flawed hardware until the recent reports. Most reports stem from game developers who kept getting nagged about BSOD and when they looked at the receipts it was
>Eternal Intel fags
And they're in this thread defending their masters. Fucking cucks right through. Your Intel processor from 2021 is just as fucked but deep down you don't want to admit it's 3+ years of processors that have an oxidation flawed coating death expiration date. Windows 11 works fine on my AMD machine btw.
Intel admitted to having a massive quality control issue at IFS and to covering it up (like how they knew about and covered up spectre for years), but claim that this isn't the root cause of the silicon degradation. They also _carefully_ admit that the overvoltage issue isn't the root cause of the silicon degradation either, it's just a "key element". The actual root cause is probably a different IFS QC issue, which intel can under no circumstances admit to because they need huge third party orders at IFS to recoup their capital investment in leading edge nodes. Intel is trying to bury the story by reducing max voltage with a BIOS update, that will only reduce rate of degradation and possibly increase the time to failure for 13th/14th gen parts that have already been irreparably damaged.
Still better than anything AMD
You are a mentally stunted retard from a third world country, and you definitely have brown skin.
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it's over, you have 2 weeks to live
unironically run a ram memtest
if it's all green you will be fine unless your chip oxidizes then you're fucked
if there's problems you're fucked and will have to disable estrogen cores and disable XPM/underclock your ram, and even if you do it's still a coin flip on the oxide problem
enjoy your 13100F
Turn off your PC and wait the 4 weeks for the Intel microcode August fix that won't repair physical degradation damage from flawed chipsets Intel manufactured for at minimum 3 years.
You'll be fine, UK bro.
>time to tap the sign again
now give me the sauce brother
It's artificial, so it's pointless. Real world performance shows parity in AMD and Intel for gaming, but Intel blows away comparable Intel offerings in places where it matters.
You're doubling down and making yourself sound dumber. Yes, the CPU is used more at 1080p, which is why the benchmarks are done at 1080p. But that makes the benchmark artificial, as nobody with a high end CPU and GPU is actually going to run 1080p. So, tout your 3d cache that turns 1000fps into 1200fps, but it's pointless. You're benchmarking something that's not real world solely because it saturates the CPU.
I game at 4k with a 4090. Why would I care what a CPU scores at 1080p?
Only poorfags game at 1080p. Only poorfags buy AMD. Figures
>hedge fund computers are on the fritz
uh oh. Finky's gonna have a little stinky
Mossad will erase that faggot if he gets any weird ideas.
>AMD Unboxed
oh shit. what will anyone do. you went full retard. lol
>Intel is deliberately quiet out their hardware issues again.
What is preventing them from getting sued into the ground besides ethnicity?
Imagine the federal and government dependence on them.
You don't even own a 7800 or a 4090.
>But that makes the benchmark artificial
How the fuck is it artificial, when it's actually able to measure a real difference of performance between the CPUs? If anything would be artificial, it would be 4K benchmarks, because in 98% of games you'd be limited by GPU and thus you aren't even taking advantage of the CPU.
>What is preventing them from getting sued into the ground besides ethnicity?
the fact they support israel lmao
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>I game at 4k with a 4090
Show your HWiNFO open next to my post.
>the fact they support israel lmao
They ARE Israel, any attack on them now flags you as combatant.
The benchmark is only relevant if you game at 1080p with a 4090. At higher resolutions the frame rate evens out. The 7800 is a dogshit CPU at doing every single thing other than 1080p gaming with a 4090.
Notice how nobody ever posts other benchmarks apart from the gaming at 1080p? That's because it gets fucking destroyed in them
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>Asus motherboards push the cpu past spec
>the silicon bubbles and sizzles after too many voltage spikes
>most/all other vendors laff at Asus because they followed recommendations
>problem immediately fixed in bios, only faggot Asus enjoyers were affected
Cope. This isn't even close to being the same thing.
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White trash are the litigious type, and people who live in trailers can't afford Intel.
It's a real difference of performance in a fake situation. FUCK! LOOK AT MY PICREL! I SHOULD HAVE GONE AMD FOR EXTRA FRAMES HOLY SHIT!
shut up faggot
>The 7800 is a dogshit CPU at doing every single thing other than 1080p gaming with a 4090.
What in the fuck are you babbling about? 7800X3D is better than 14900k at 1080p, 1440p and 4K. It gets the same/better performance, while using much less watt, producing much less heat, and costing less.
Why did Intel made their 13th and 14th Gen processors rectangle anyway?
That's not HWiNFO. Why are you afraid?
lol prove it
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thanks mate
hwinfo doesn't show resolution , thirdworlder
Prove that you aren't a tranny from Israel first, and I'll show you.
Does this affect the life span?
My computer still works fine after a year. But I haven't been gaming much at high temperatures yet.
>he wants to see my dick
anon, go be a huge fag someplace else
Who the fuck cares about resolution? I want to see your hardware. Why are you dodging SO HARD?
Feels good not being a hardware updooter.
>does crazy silicon degradation affect the chip lifespan?
yes it fucking does retard, you may have dodged a bullet due to avoiding heavy temps recently but still suffered some degradation from crazy idle power draw
undervolt as soon as you can and wait for the fix
I don't care what you want you soft twat lol
>he's hitting the 100°C
it's definitely gonna die
>soft twat
There it is. You are definitely some piss poor UK chav. Probably brown as well, considering that your country is literally overrun by blacks and browns. Thanks for exposing yourself, Deano.
Do you really believe a multinational corporation would tell lies to it's customers?
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NTA, but not everyone uses HWiNFO.
>you're brown
>you're poor
>you're a chav
>because you won't jump through my hoops and post hwinfo
and you're a poorfag with a shit pc. cope more thirdy
>but not everyone uses HWiNFO
What's your point? It takes less than 60 seconds to download, open, take a screenshot, and then making a post with the screenshot.
>but still suffered some degradation from crazy idle power draw
Any way to check what the power draw is?
Why, when other applications display the proof you so need to fulfill your raging poorfaggotry?
hwinfo :^)
though i wouldnt put it past jewtel to outright lie on power draw, go buy a cheapo outlet extension that gives you power draw, they arent expensive
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Here you go, and this is just my gaming PC. Got another work station too, but can't be bothered to boot it up just to prove your retarded ass even more wrong.
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going on year 11 and i'm just not going to upgrade begone intel jews
the difference is AMD admitted to it and not try to obfuscate their manufacturing defect with microcode fixes
>Why, when other applications display the proof
Because whenever people usually post a screenshot of their specs in fucking "My PC" on Windows, it usually means that they are hiding something. Likely because they are on a prebuilt with shitty parts.

>to fulfill your raging poorfaggotry?
Retard. See >>683831864
phew thank fuck i got a 12th gen
You won't inmediately find the issue because it'll not explode in mins it could take months or a year, but if it degrades and your out of warranty, gg man.
The stock market is so fucking garbage. Made up bogus valuations.
*Breeds you*
Holyshit dumbass, it's gonna die.
They should work around 1.20V
Mine is stable at 1.19 even.
Unless you're oblivious, any issues should be obvious within the 3 year warranty period, and if you don't have a boxed CPU, you deserve failure.
Return that shit before it's too late, don't try the coin flip regardless of what the intel saars/shills says.
do I look homosexual to you?
Intel has been dropping the ball for almost 3 years now, this manufacture defect is just the icing on top, go watch tech Jesus for detailed investigation.
Intel already lost this gen hard, hopefully nvidia will be the next to fuck it up at the global scale so we can finally get GPU at a reasonable price.
The newest meta is the 9800X3D and 5090

7800X3D and 4090 are old news
Where did you go, Deano? Did you get blown the fuck out so hard that you stopped responding?
>Won't respect warranty
They legally have to, unless this issue only happens with XMP enabled.
ok, but who asked?
>inb4 noVideo releases Blackwell Titan RTX
>I am so miserable I like watching others have misfortune
>They legally have to
The problem is that they will fight it tooth and nail. Which means that you basically have to get a lot of people together for a class action lawsuit to be able to have any chance of beating them.
aww the AMD retard faggot misses me. xx
Now it makes sense.
>She doesn't remember Nvidia selling straight to scalpers during the GPU crisis
I realize this is bait, but I will take the opportunity to call you retarded despite the fact. Retard
It's not just the customers that they are culpable for, Any company that Intel works with to produce boards for this chipset has a case against them.
You're forgetting that OP completely made that up.
Anon, I don't think you appreciate the deranged hatred extremist Muslims have towards Jews. Their entire personality and religion is built around that hatred. That behaviour is completely normal to the average Turk, for instance.
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Go and be a faggot elsewhere.
See? >>683832918
Feels good to be another AMD chad brother.
That's just for a single Intel partner.
It would be more funny if he said 6 million.
wait till the news breaks out that Intel is just shuffling RMA'd CPUs around, you just received the defective chip from some other por bastard
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>Well, we fucked once in the past. It was 2 years ago. Then we fucked right now. We doubly fucked up.
>Uh... What?
>Uh... That's not what happened. We fucked up twice. Our previous fuck up was bad... but we managed it. Our current fuck up is even worse.
Ok. I'm sorry having to lie to you anon. We fucked up only once. We absolutely never fucked up twice. As you're... so adamant as wanting us to say...?
I'm not a muslim. I am from Denmark and I am as white as you can possibly be. I am just pointing out that you jews are the exact same as muslims. Both of you are filled with hatred and a deep desire for hatred and destruction of others.
That's far too jewish and the EU would just fuck them
Christ you're fucking insane, I'm starting to get why the CCP put you all into grinders.
You'd never be able to prove it, particularly how Intel can pull all kinds of shit and say things like XMP is out of spec (which I might add it technically is) and thus LOL NO GET FUCKED.
Actual only intelligent answer in this thread.
but he's right. pole here
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>he calls himself the "Toilet Duck"
You BIG silly BOY!
>Christ you're fucking insane
Said the jew, who desperately dreams of murdering palestinian children.
>Thread rapidly devolves into schizophrenia upon bump limit
See you all next thread, lads.
Toilet Duck is an American brand name of toilet cleaner noted for the duck-shape of its bottle shaped to assist in dispensing the cleaner under the rim. The design was patented in 1980 by Durgol from Dällikon, Switzerland. It is now produced by S. C. Johnson & Son.

It's used for things called "toilets", Rajesh, don't worry, it's foreign tech.
Again, EU.
They'd definitely try this outside of it though. With such massive issues i'd probably be able to get mine replaced due to those wonderful laws.
Granted i'd rather just get my money back if mine degrades into shit sometime in the future.
But I already know that, you butt hurt chump.

Next you're going to say that the Blizzard is an american company.
Like poetry.
>I like the part were Intel's PR tangibly admits they've known about this for 2 years and continued selling flawed hardware until the recent reports. Most reports stem from game developers who kept getting nagged about BSOD and when they looked at the receipts it was
Good thing they fixed it with a bios underclock update, right?
You'll kvetch non stop about Palestine because Jews are involved, but you'll not make a fucking peep about the Uyghur Solution.

Because your bullshit retarded "religion" is held together by lies and hatred.

Save us all from your endless hypocrisy and just say you're a violent dumb brownoid and leave it at that, fag.
Intel PR shills working 24/7 for the rest of the year trying to manipulate gullible retards.
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>You'll kvetch
Holy fuck, the jew actually revealed himself. I didn't know that you were ACTUALLY a jew.

Damn, I guess that settles it. There's actual Intel jews here from Pissrael.
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>You'll kvetch
>You'll kvetch non stop about Palestine because Jews are involved
Uhhh.... Guys? I thought the whole "JEWS ARE IN THESE THREADS" was just a meme.
>motherboards push the cpu past spec
Yep, that's exactly what's happening to intel.
>Because your bullshit retarded "religion" is held together by lies and hatred.
no need to project this fucking hard dumb kike
reminder you will never be a real jew either unless your mom wasn't a mutt whore
kikes are panicking because their empires of lies are collapsing everywhere
especially now that ubishit fucked up and made japan wake up to kike bullshit in just a week
What are you babbling about? I am not a muslim or brown. See >>683833089

Dumb kike.
what other tech hardware fiascos have impacted you?

for me its:
>gtx 970 3.5gb
>samsung 840 evo degradation
>$10 this faggot goes by shit like "tHe D3m0n L0rD"
none because I'm a waitfag cuz im poor.

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