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>4-5 hours long
>incredibly linear even by walking simulator standards
>barely any gameplay
>full of padded 'gameplay' like shimmying, squeezing through gaps, crawling through vents, turning valves, slowly climbing ledges
>yellow paint everywhere
>protagonist never shuts up
>high gross factor, but weirdly tame and lacking tension otherwise
>woke elements
>unsatisfying ending
>no explanations, not even a glimmer of insight

Did anybody like this? It feels like they took an interesting game and went out of their way to make it as mediocre, tedious and unchallenging as possible

I find it somewhat offensive, to be honest
I pirated it and enjoyed it for what it was. A small indie horror game. Definitely not worth its current asking price though.

>woke elements
lmao kys chud
>can't disable ai upscaling
>still runs like shit
used to like scottish accents, but this game and it's main character drove me fucking insane
Black dudes with full Scottish accents, maintenance women, and crews that loved communists but hated nationalists were commonplace on Scottish oil rigs in 1975 I guess
>used to like scottish accents, but this game and it's main character drove me fucking insane
It's good for a while, but his incessant talking (while never actually saying anything) constantly ruins the tension
It's like they took the bad stuff from Amnesia: Rebirth and decided to condense it into an even shitter game
Yes that existed back then and it's not like lovecraftian sea monsters would be accurate to that era either would they? Some of you fags get triggered over the stupidest shit.
I'm too lazy to even search for it, someone post the lotr screencap with the car
Do you retards just say that whenever someone doesn't like a shit game now?
It doesn't mean anything anymore
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>it's not like lovecraftian sea monsters would be accurate to that era
>Yes that existed back then
Extremely uncommon, that shit was definitely included for DEI reasons
>and it's not like lovecraftian sea monsters would be accurate to that era either would they
kek, retard

The scariest part of this were the Scottish/Highlander accents.
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like clockwork
Kek, thanks
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The banter between the dudes was great. The rig itself was good. The monster design was really cool.

All the other writing was shit. The flashback sequences were a total waste of time and totally pointless, remove all of them and nothing changes (no, actually, it changes for the better). Full of dumb shit like characters calling you up in random hallways to go "URGUHRHGUGRBUHUH I'M DEAD *beeeeeeep*", really surreal stuff that took me out of the game with how low-effort it was. The plot at its core was serviceable in the sense of being as basic as possible, but they still managed to fuck it up with more dumb shit, like... it's really obvious what the conclusion is going to be, and they lampshade it several times. But then instead of having your character decide for himself to go out like a man, you have this old fat chick tell you to go do it first. Was unironically reflexively groaning and rolling my eyes during that scene, completely fucking undermining it, turning what could've been a pretty manly way to go out into a cringe joke.

And the "gameplay" (just walkin' in a line, occasionally watching a CTE) was garbage.

I rate it a 4 out of 10.
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Don't buy it then.
>t. numpty
As annoyed as I was with the protagonist yammering all the time, I agree the dialogue between the guys was pretty great. The moments of levity were good, they just needed to be part of something better. I can't really agree about the rig, I think it could have been good if it wasn't one long twisting, paint spattered hallway, The monsters were pretty cool but they talked too much too.
But you make a good point. Having the protagonist be directed by the more heroic woman and black man really undercut the development he could have had. The woke elements are only one small part of why the game is bad, but having the story written around the two diversity hires really contributed to making the ending unsatisfying.
And that Roy dude dying didn't have the impact it was supposed to, because what the fuck was he doing the whole time he was supposed to be getting his insulin? He spent the whole game a few rooms away from it and kept talking about getting it, but he just didn't for some reason. Cheap drama.
Like I said, it's like they went out of their way to make it as mediocre as possible, in every way.
>Don't buy it then.
Oh I definitely won't, don't worry.
chinese room is the only "horror" studio somehow even worse than blobber lol
look at how they've managed VTMB2; complete shitshow and it isn't even released yet
It's an interactive movie, that's it. Just look up the cast for the game and you'll see.
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Fuck movies!
>It's an interactive movie
Barely interactive even by interactive movie standards
It’s in goypass
If I want to watch a dumb fucking movie I will watch a dumb fucking movie.
This is not a game.

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