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>Estus takes 3 years to activate
>instead, you just have infinite consumable healing again
Why did they regress from DaS1?
Because they wanted to try something different, but then fags complained so they went back to just making DS1 again with memberberries out the ass for DS3.
>just making DS1 again with memberberries out the ass for DS3
based, no wonder it was so much better
B team.
>B-but it was different!
Yeah, and 90% of the "differences" sucked dicks.
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Troon dialectics.
What's the 10% that doesn't suck.
Ascetics, 4 rings, and streamlined weapon upgrade system.
That's fair, you pass the mindless sheep check.
Are we going back to pretending 2 wasn't packed with memberberries again?
>Ornstein for no reason
>Bell Gargoyles for no reason
>Praise the sun XDDDD for no reason
>Havel for no reason
>Dickwraith for no reason
>lingering hitboxes on every attack for no reason
>>Praise the sun XDDDD for no reason
Because games set in one universe obviously cannot have shared gestures.
>>Havel for no reason
It's well known since DS1 that there were multiple Havel knights as well as Dragonslayers. Ornstein was not a unique dragonslayer, he was their captain but I agree seeing him was kinda retarded.
>>Dickwraith for no reason
There are no darkwraiths in DS2 with exception of an armor set.
The point is to take a distance from enemy before you heal.
Instant heal is for DMC, not RPGs. A
Oh right, you people don't even consider Dark Souls to be a RPG genre.
Powerstancing was cool too, and the new covenants were good and was sad that three and Elden Ring had nothing similar to the PVP ones from it
>Infinite healing
>When 99% of enemy OHKO you or stunlock combo you to death
Big fucking wow
based, fuck pvpniggers
play a real fighting game that has a real netcode
It's primarily a RPG(You can increase estus flask speed by leveling stats), people just think of it as an action game because of lack of better options since the 2010s.
How the fuck you manage to get one shotted in DS2?
Fuck PVE co-op niggers, play a real cooperative party game.
>Estus takes 3 years to activate
Level your AGP
>2tranny is so obsessed with xir transition xhe forgot the actual stat name
I think the reason they made bosses such jokes in this game was to make them actually beatable without good leveling allocation and the "curse" thing. Anyway the whole reason for the curse of max HP decreasing is because that's what curses do in the Dark Souls universe and undeath is a curse according to the lore. They are actually RPG fans primarily at FromSoft the whole action gameplay was a side consequence.
What are your top 5 favorite curses in the Dark Souls lore that canonically lowered the cursed person's HP?
They featurecreeped themselves to death, so when push came to shove they were stuck with unfinished and heavily experimental gameplay.
DaS3 was just them pivoting to a new development style of constantly reusing and recycling assets and carrying over development from one title to the next where possible. Everything from DaS2 onward heavily emphasized the ability to cut development on something short without being stuck with loose ends and wasted effort, since all of those loose ends can be completely reshuffled with minimal effort.
Bosses weren't just "Guy with two phases who lives in a fogwalled square and never leaves". Each unfinished boss had a stupid gimmick.
All of those things sucked.
Bonfire ascetics were pointless and contributed to making build resetting mainstream.
4 rings just made each individual ring weaker by necessity and got rid of the jank associated with losing one ring slot to some kind of gimmicky protection, like the abyss, swamp or lava rings.
The streamlined upgrade system just got more and more streamlined with every game until it completely cut out the jank dungeoncrawler elements of the game.
>basilisk curse
>seaths curse
>curse from cursepots
>nashandras curse
>undead curse
>Bonfire ascetics were pointless and contributed to making build resetting mainstream.
shit opinion aesthetics were great for anyone wanting to repeat bosses or take on NG+ early for fat rewards.
>and contributed to making build resetting mainstream
And that's a good thing. Anyone who genuinely believes that for each new build you need to make a new character should hang themself and stop wasting an oxygen.
Yeah every RPG should have some kinda respec option
>Fatrolling plebs
Have fun "tanking" retard.
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if you ignore life gems as in never use them, dark souls 2 is the best one in the trilogy
In reality the troon coffin in ds2 was prophetic and redpilled because it doesn't let you re-customize your character when you change gender, so if you're changing from a man to a woman you're always going to come out as some burly ugly tranny, just like real life.
what if I use divine blessings
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lol because the team developing this game didn't have a single idea of how dark souls worked on a fundamental level. Its literally a souls rip off tier.

dark souls 2 was so bad that Miyazaki and A team had to immediately move over to Dark Souls 3's development right after bloodborne to do their work, with less than a year they managed to actually put together a pretty good game albeit very unfinished in some aspects.
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The biggest black pill is that DS2 aged better than DS1 and DS3. Especially that turd DS3, no reason to play it anymore
Estus is really quick to drink once you level the relevant stat and is like that because DS2 prioritises being a game where builds actually affect stuff other than damage, and you're just shitposting about the other healing items so I won't even bother commenting on them.
Yet you cant explain why it's bad other than "because /v/ says so"
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This is correct, DS3 is just a worse version of elden ring while DS2 has it's own unique feel.
Not even the same file. Good morning sir!
Well for one Dark Souls 2 has terrible bosses, awful soundtracks, they even reused sentinel ruins ost in smelter demon, every area in the game sucks absolute dog shit.
adp is genuinely the most autistically bad design ever in one of these games
Youre wrong the wharf is really cool for example
ds2 derangement syndrome
I kind of agree. Even though Dark Souls III was thrown together in quick time along with quite a few unused Bloodborne assets the game some how managed to be infinitely better than Dark Souls II
There's just a certain type of design and feel Miyazaki and his team bring to these games that I feel DaS2 was missing in every aspect.
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You're so butt hurt right now, you chump!
>Calmly explain why the game's bad
This is why no one takes you DaSII sympathizers seriously, you're the most intrusive posters to every Soulsborne discussion. And for some reason you guys have been wanting every souls game to be a TORtanic out of spite.
You don't play video games
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meds honey
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Actually, you're an idiot. All the things you've listed here were spearheaded by tanimura who assumed the position of director after the previous guy got told to fuck off for being incompetent retard.
And these are genuinely good ideas he passed along to Miyazaki, everything else that was dog shit was stuff he couldn't fix since it was already set in stone.

Honestly this just reinforces the idea that dark souls 2 was an experimental abortion that paved the way for every game afterwards, so thanks I guess?
You didn't explain why any of that was bad though. Those are at best reasons why DS2 overall is bad in your eyes, but you didn't explain why those reasons are bad themselves.
It was a downgrade from Dark Souls
played worse
felt worse
less fun
sounded less memorable
>these are genuinely good ideas he passed along to Miyazaki
>Honestly this just reinforces the idea that dark souls 2 was an experimental abortion
Don't think I've ever seen this flavor of cope before.
DS2 detractors are miyazaki fans not game fans
I don't think you understand how this works, anon. Here, I'll do what you just did.
>it was an objective upgrade from Dark Souls
>played better
>felt better
>more fun
>sounded more memorable
Now we would just be at an impasse, because neither of us has said anything at all to agree or disagree with beyond vague emotional reactions.
at least DS2 was a Dark Souls game
DS3 was just Bloodborne with swords
Shulva was based
>B-Team frauds admit they didn't know "what it meant to be a souls game"
>Development restarts like halfway through

gee I wonder why it's the worst one
>adp is genuinely the most autistically bad design ever in one of these games
Autistically bad design is putting binoculars in consumable instead of in equipment slot. "Thank you", Dark Rolls 3.
and it was still infinitely better
Playing through it now after DS1, the one part that is truly awful is the story elements; right out the gate the intro cutscene is truly atrocious, "UR GONNA LOOOOSE UR SOUULS", I'm expecting the old lady to say "Truly you were, a Dark Soul." at the end of the game.
It's not aesthetically amazing as the other games, but the levels are fun to explore and the RPG elements are stronger than DS1 in my opinion, also not having i-frames kind of makes sense for an RPG
none of this matters because the game looks worse than demons souls and dark souls
why should i have to look at this disgusting pile of vomit with no lighting, terrible animations and ugly characters? and the fucking call of duty blood during boss cutscenes? are you fucking serious dude? LMAO
anyone playing ds1 and ds2 back to back would sweat ds2 was the earlier game. way uglier, worse animations, and early 3d model shortfalls like characters spinning on the spot
In DS1, the adventure/story aspect was the best of any Dark Souls game. Only giving you warp after Anor Londo, it's actually explained what you are and where you are going. In any other title of this game I have zero idea what is going on where you should go or why.
you know when I first played this game I distinctly remember raging out how shit sipping estus was
I cannot understand why they thought it was a good idea to make estus take a year to drink and to add a stat for iframes
soulsfags be like "yooo this difficulty be fire" until an actually difficult game comes along then its all cope and seethe
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artificial difficulty
plus, people didnt play dark souls 1 because it was difficult atleast the people who were already long time from fans. Dark Souls 2 heavily embraced le hard meme and it almost klilled the series.
>>instead, you just have infinite consumable healing again
consumable healing takes longer. you dont have infinit of the best ones unless you hack your game. if you hack your game your opinion is invalid.
see, cope and seethe
A lot of the people just don't like i-frames.
>holding enough life gems to heal your entire healthbar 50 times over
>but it's not the best one so it doesn't count!
Dont tell them Dark souls 1 had infinite full heals
*stacks infinite lifegem heals over time that keeps healing you even as you're taking punishment from the enemies*
you were saying?
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doesn't count.
still not as plentiful and not as op and quick to use as lifegems (also force you to stand still for a bit, unlike lifegems)
You faggots aren't fooling anybody everybody either muled or farm them for hours.
>Sold by Undead Merchant (Female) for 5,000 souls (one time only).
>Sold by Patches the Hyena for 10,000 souls (only sells 3).
>Sold by Marvelous Chester for 10,000 souls (only sells 13) (AotA)

>Sold by Merchant Hag Melentia for 300 souls.

Something isn't adding up here...
>defending DS2 by shitting on DS3
like clockwork
nah bro it's infinite because uuuh you can farm them in the late game dlc area and uuh you can spend hours farming rats in the sewers and get like 10?
>still not as plentiful
You can farm both infinitely, they are literally equally plentiful
>not as op
>quick to use
And instead they heal a lot more in one use and much, much, MUCH faster health per second
DS1tards are by far the most disingenuous of all
Dark souls 1 shitters btfoed like always. git gud learn to roll properly.
>can farm rats and darkwraiths
also, lifegems were slow and didnt give full health. Humanity was instant, full health, and couldnt be interrupted. remember why every pvper had 99 humanity?
Both lifegems and humanity are a problem
lol you can stack a bunch of lifegems and they will keep healing you while you're fighting even as you take damage, allowing you to tank way more and requiring less commitment. you're a fucking noob
im playing ds2 right now after finishing ds1 and i don't understand the problem people have with the game, some of the areas have peak aesthetics (drangleic castle, majula, copse) and enemies are fun
>get hits. heals for full
why is there this strange war against ds2 and ds3 fans that I see everywhere? Has american politics instilled the mindset of false dichotomies so thoroughly that all discussion of anything has to be a battle between two opposing sides?
No clue the entire series has a shit ton of issues, but for some reason ds1 "players" defend it like it doesn't reek of shit as well.
most got their opinions from /v/ and youtubers, both who have lied through their teeth
not to say there arent problems with the game, but its way overblown. For some odd reason, its lying to bring ds2 down, but then lying to lift the others up. Especially ds1
Why do Dark Souls fags compete so hard for 3rd to last place in the pantheon of From games? This is just their shitty C team series they use to fund their actually good games
>why is there this strange war against ds2 and ds3 fans
because dark souls 2 tourists were very upset that dark souls 3 didn't turn out to be a stinking pile of poo poo like their game. please understand, everyone, from the day of release, thought (and still thinks) that dark souls 2 is the worst one and they've been enduring this humiliation for such a long time, ds3 was the tipping point
>3rd to last place
What do you mean? It goes:
DS2 > Elden Ring > Sekiro > Bloodborne > DeS > AC6 > DS3 > DS1
Dark souls 1 is mid, because i stop playing mid way through the game Anor Londo
>Boot up game
>Rush Late Moon or New Moon Grass
>Do the dupe
>Play the fucking video game
DeS did nothing wrong.
...You were saying?
I love how the easier souls games had the hardest bosses despite the newer ones having harder bosses overall

>burnt ivory king
>fume knight
>aava and the two other pets
I think it's because the appeal of these games for some is an action game about autistically dodgerolling on bosses and for other it's an RPG primarily.
insecure faggots that need their opinions to be approved by the masses. they always resort to consolewars
Y'all never been in a fallout thread?
The difference is DaS2 had callbacks with vague relations to the present world while DaS3 was like ''remember that'' "remember this" from DaS1 constantly.
what, like the hardest bosses in the early games stood out?
actually the difference is dark souls 3 used the concepts and callbacks from ds1 in new imaginative ways and new visual designs, dark souls 2 just had the gargoyles and ornstein ripped from ds1 1:1 and used as bosses
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fucking ds3 fags, i swear
Because you were too retarded to see how areas were not properly connected together with the usual coherent map design.
It was my number one gripe with DS2!
Was well worth playing when it released and is the most flawed game in the Soulsborne series imo.
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dude are you high
I suppose just lazily copy pasting an entire area can count as innovative.
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insecure dark souls 2 faggots that have been wanting every from game to be the next TORtanic since it'll make them feel better about ds2 being shit and generally disliked among the community.
>not properly connected together
They are from a gameplay perspective, which is the only thing that really matters. I'll take it over a linear world that goes through areas like it's half-life
yes definitely, and they were harder (for me at least) than the bosses of the newer games
At launch it was dope. Insane PVP and coop. Overall world design was also god tier back then.
>NOOOO i need to heal in 1s
fucking casuals
3fags are literally incapable of making a SINGLE ds3 thread last over 150 replies, so they ragebait in ds2 threads which have been getting 400+ replies since release over 10 years ago.
>don't invest into the stat that speeds up consumable usage
>complain because using the slow but efficient consumable is slow
Most self-sufficient guidefag.

>have life regen shield in DS1
For a given amount of healing, you spend far more time animation locked when using basic lifegems than when using estus.
150 posts would be more than enough to write a full guide for that game, it's incredible how linear and straightforward it is.
Someone with 99 humanity either hacked them in or spent 10 hours grinding it off rats or sprites. Someone with 99 lifegems is in early game for DS2. I agree PvPers with 99 humanity is cancer, but it's an oversight by From, not an intended feature. The point still stands, one can't farm humanity as easily as life gems, they are far different systems.
WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THE PURGATORY's PHANTOM. He just 360 tracking one shot me
Everyone blindly dicksucks estus like it was the greatest solution to healing ever but never acknowledges the negative effects it had on future games.
>Fundamentally changed level design philosophy and turned every area into 5-10 minute segments separated by bonfires
>Tension of traversing a long level gone because levels are not 20-30 minute gauntlets that end with bosses anymore
>Incentivizes you to brute force levels because the consequences are minimal and you'll only be penalized a few minutes of progress for every death
>Direct access to the most powerful functions in the game like leveling up, item storage, equipment repair, equipment upgrading, and teleportation with no drawbacks
Just like when fighting Havel, lol.
Same strategies apply, either cheese (any weapon with long reach + stone ring tends to work well) or level up until you stop getting one tapped.
Also remember to upgrade your armor.
what are you talking about nigga, estus is so much superior to grass its not even up for discussion
>hacked them in or spent 10 hours grinding it off rats or sprites
nta - but its hard to respond to this because im not sure if youre lying, ignorant, or exaggerating
>99 lifegems is in early game for DS2
they would have to farm just as much as tehy would for DS1s humanity, and then would have to forego leveling up and upgrading weapons/armor, which would also stop the enemies from spawning and would have to go further and further into the levels. I get what youre saying, but its just wrong. Humanity is vastly superior in every way, except it takes a bit more time to farm for. most players wont even have to because getting 20 estus flasks is a natural part of the game and that is also way too much with how fast you drink and heal in ds1
you realize most of anor londo in ds3 is structured differently than in DaS 1? on top of that it takes 30 minutes max to get through
the attempts to make dark souls 1 look bad are getting more and more desperate as its status as a legendary game is still upheld a decade later
>didn't address a single point I made that is a direct consequence of estus healing
I accept your concession.
your schizorants have nothing to do with estus, sorry. take your medication
never ever b-team fuck-up the first sequel of a good game, or the franchise either dies or becomes carbon copy spam
Ackchually this initially played 1000 years before dark souls 1.
Forlorn can also instant block with their sword on roll. Game loves to cheat.
past the early game the story elements are one of the stronger elements, especially once you rope in the DLCs.

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