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/v/ - Video Games

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We need more plus-sized female representation in games!
Do you agree, /v/?
needs more child
fuck off back to your AIslop thread, faggot
No, fat "people" need to be shamed and shunned.
i want some representation all over my dick
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Bigger the Berry the sweeter the juice but they just look like pigs so fuck em
Change the background to Numbani and the implication becomes hotter
Who is we?
You can always tell who is posting from an adult daycare center with these threads
Speaking of, what do we think of the plus size elf show so far?
Isn't she normal sized and its her winter clothes making her look fatter than she is?
Change your heart rate to zero.
need to breed mei
Can we please make it normal to just call them fat again?
agreed, but also furry
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That was retconned ages ago, try to keep up.
Also thinn'n'tall, amazonians, giant gfs and shortstacks.
All sorts of sexy women. More representation.
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So much this.
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thats right, but the truth hurts tumblrs feelings
>AI has mindbroken people to the point that they don't recognize Fugtrup anymore
darkest timeline
Do you really want the modern game industry to try this? Just use mods or wait for one indie game per decade to maybe throw you a bone.
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Animation looks like ass which sucks since I liked the manga. Anime studios don't try anymore.
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>thats right
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thats right!
Her body is built for...
genuinely the ideal female body shape
fat chink fuck
Kermit taps THAT?
too fat
>this is a what Acti-Blizz thinks climatologists look like
There is no such thing as an attractive scientist. Video games fucking love to spread lies.
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animation is mostly shit
it's uncensored
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Yes, and I am glad that Blizzard continues to deliver.
Nearly all my characters are unironically a female Kul Tiran, Pandaren, or Dark Iron Dwarf. I hope Harronir become an allied race soon.
Better be a female tauren in your lineup.
Kermit barely gets his dick in before he pops
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Yes, we need more big girls who then get bigger and hotter and bigger until they explode (non lethally)
I hate their camel hump of a hunchback and their animations look stiff so no.
why is there suddenly so many architect threads on /v/?
You like fat women more and more as you get older.
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I refuse to pay.
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>ai slop
It's ironic because she was retconned into being big.
Mouth breathers that didn't understand she wears Arctic cold weather gear threw fit when they finally showed her without it and she had the same hourglass figure as all the other girls.
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Oh also they have zero curves despite being literal cowgirls. Just a giant walking plank.
why would you wanna generate this guy's ugly ass artstyle anyway
i find this image funny because it implies that most fat fetishists wouldnt start with a thin girl and fatten her up.
its the whole point of using the word "architect", dumbass woahjack poster.
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he's autistic, dont ask
you assume she was fat at the start
post architect regret
Why are you so new?
Plapjack is not a real architect, just a desperate coomer.
this hits me more as a
>i was desperate for pussy but now i regret it
rather than
>i want to fuck a fat girl but not this fat

It's obviously low budget but they made everyone way fatter. I was not expecting a double down and commend the studio for their efforts.
at first I though the rightmost one was supposed to be anya taylor-joy
All I know is that from the moment I first saw Mei in OW1, I wanted a chubby Chinese gf

7 years later i finally got one don't let your dreams be memes anon
The older I get (in my 30s now) the more the chubby mom bod drives me fucking crazy
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I will never not be mad.
Dunno cause I'm still waiting for a torrent or mega link.
>architect thread
what are you supposed to do after you get them fat? I kind of wish I had stopped a few years ago and now it's a bit much.
it's easy to convince women to eat but not so much the other way around
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Twist: she was regular size when you started plapping her, but she's been irregularly swelling and distending as you've gone on, her insides feeling hotter and tighter, bubbling and rumbling noises coming from deep within her, and as you both get closer to orgasm she's beginning to creak and groan ominously, and it almost looks like she's glowing internally.
By volume, especially thanks to America's recent contributions, there are too many fatties.
blessed horsefuckers
>what are you supposed to do after you get them fat?
Kiss and love them
Appreciate your waterbed.
Why are there barely any games focusing on fat women?

You’d think that between the body positivity movement and fat being a decently popular fetish, that we’d have a noteworthy fat female protagonist by now.
Isn't Mexico statistically the fattest country in the world?
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>Erm video games?
She's from chunithm luminous. You know that arcade game where you play it like a piano and raise your hands in the air?
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mod for league where your champs get chubbier the more fed you are when?
Part of the reason America is so fat is because all the Mexicans who immigrated desu. Authentic white Americans are not as fat on average.
You're not fooling anyone.
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yes but it´s difficult :(
they would immediately throw a fit about being fetishized. they've been waiting to be victims for years, they wouldn't pass up this opportunity
fella really fell off, only draws gay pedo shit and those hideously designed demons
Women are a meme. They get upset when men dont find them attractive and they also get upset when men DO find them attractive.
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god this picture makes me want to pull out my onahole and breed it so bad
I just want to hump it until I can't take it anymore and start spurting inside fantasizing about pumping her fertile womb full of my babies
I want to get her pregnant so BAD
Imagine the smell
girls that fat can't even wipe their ass correctly and not even a bidet is good enough
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based thread
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are there any figures like this?
I lost interest in the series overall when they stopped the serialization the first time to switch publishers.
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here is the BBW edit
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much appreciated, anon
Mei is the best slampig.
I like big round bellies
but I don't like big round faces
Agreed, fat people are disgusting but 2D and 3DCG fatties are nice
You like stuffing, pregnancy and chub rather than outright obesity.

Nothing wrong with that.

He's so caught up in spiting high commission price artists that he doesn't understand the bimbo fetishists demand to pay high prices. Being free is just another negative about AI to them.
People liked this weird public hair and anteater fetish so he kept doubling down on it and here we are.
>we want the Amerifat audience
excuse me what are those prices?
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Dollars, 750 for a plain drawing, 1500 for a detailed drawing. To the right, AI models trained on his artstyle and ready to be downloaded for free.

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Nice! Thanks anon!
you're better off just waiting for some doujin of it instead of teasing yourself watching the thing
you could be playing games instead
>This image sent architect posters into a schizo meltdown
You can't make this shit up, they seethe every time they see it
Why don't we get more fat piggirl art
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Fat girls are the best in bed.
>It's ironic because she was retconned into being big.
anon that's a fan edited 3d model made for porn you dumbfuck
Bloggerman posted new Mei kino.
anal pregnancy rabbit
yes, that does appear to summarize the image.
meant for
bimbofags only commission you if you charge too much. it's findim.
Hit it raw, call it back the next day, pay every cent of child support, move in together, keep hitting it raw, live our best lives. Not even a question.
>not a single webm of Mei getting plapped
come on
real women dont look like
We need more chubby, pale, dark haired girls with glasses in real life
doubt it
>Have curvy gf
>Was always very self conscious about her figure despite being hourglass shaped (big ass n' titties) and an active athlete. Has gained a bit of weight over the last few years after quitting dance.
>Be architect-pilled
>Start rubbing and jiggling the pudge of her stomach when we cuddle, gradually move to kissing and holding it over time
>At first is apprehensive and asked why I was doing that, but I explain how I find soft bellies very feminine and beautiful, and that I love her at any size.
>Genuinely becomes emotional and admitted her body image issues, but is grateful for being so accepting.
>Now goes absolutely wild when I play with her stomach, and gets turned on at the prospects of becoming more shapely/milfy as we have children.

All according to plan
I'm glad this was reconnected so we have a beautiful Mei now
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Slampigs owe me sex!
Imagine crafting a goon figurine and people 10.000 later think it was a ''fertility goddess''.
bruh this is me with my wife.

> rowsed /fit/ early last decade for several years
> get into solid routine, DL 4plaet nothing special, natty but aesthetic
> meet tiny 5'1 qt 3.14 nerdy /cgl/ weeb with straight bangs at a nerd con, hit it off immediately, but dont want to date her in depression state of mind
> talk for 4 months, get better through lifting and therapy, ask her out one day
> she says yes and been together since
> fucked on the first date
> moved to suburbs of big city for my new job & co-signed on apt lease 5 months later
> emotionally fulfilled, excited to be doing stuff with her
> both gradually stop exercising and just enjoy walks
> gain weight, but we both eat healthy and continue walking
> Propose to her and we get married in late 2019
> COVID happens, both keep our jobs
> going on less walks
> realize she's gaining weight
> realize I like it because her already hucow level titties are getting bigger
> post-covid, resume walks, I'm still trim, she loses some weight, but still a dummy thicc shortstack
> broken free of the /fit/ programming, realize I love this woman with all my heart no matter what she looks like
> become happy and start lifting again with software bro buddy in his home gym
> realize that I just wanna be healthy enough to fuck around with my nephews and not worry about aesthetics
> wife feels the same and starts swimming at the gym
> loses a little weight but still dummy thicc
> make a joke about how I liked her thickness and I'll love her at any size even if she got bigger
> tells me I better start cooking more meals

She sat on my face while cosplaying as Velma. I've made it. Go the architect route
fucking hell, living the dream
Commission one. I commissioned one based on an old Johnny Swell picture.
CyanCapsule. Amelie. MyPigPrincess.

you're welcome
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Post wife body

no cap, she built like this >>683828064
What channels do i need to go through?
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I'm extremely fortunate.

it's okay, anon, you can make it, I believe in you.

I built her a PC and she's now obsessed with Vermintide II. We duo. Speaking of which, are the dlc classes worth it?
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Sucks, but I like how big they made everyone by default
Waiting for biggu piggu and my one-eyed wife
none of you retards even know what aislop is unless its obviously missing fingers or using the same style thousands of other artists use cause "muh insta trends"
chat gpt wrote this
>Speaking of which, are the dlc classes worth it?
Yes. Saltzpyre's and Kruber's are melee only, but Kruber's is fun and Saltzpyre's I don't really care for. So that would be the only one of the five I'd say ehhhh to. But the 2h hammer it comes with is neat.
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Enlarge the belly.
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Go to Etsy any find a good sculptor that makes weird stuff, then make them a commission pitch.

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