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It's literally demon's souls 2
It's literally Dark Souls III
How so? The only Souls game i've ever played is Demon's Souls and i loved it
it's literally a pile of dogshit
>It's literally demon's souls 2
if that were true, it'd be the best in its series. which it's not. it's the worst in its series.
sekiro > ds3 > bb > ds1 > des > er > ds2
>sekiro > ds3 > bb > ds1 > des > er > ds2
this but in reverse
des > ds1 > ds2 > sekiro > BB > ER > ds3
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And that's a good thing!
>No passive poise
>Weapon hyperarmor
>Faster movement
>3 pure thresholds for equip load
Looking back at Demon's Souls instead of going the Dark Souls 2 direction was a great change
>>No passive poise
>>Weapon hyperarmor
>>Faster movement
Those are the negatives.
FP is shit without an old spice.
Dark souls 3 has nothing to do with DeS.
It has a lot of mechanics that are similar, and the moveset, the speed of the character and the distance/time between dodges, how initiative for attacks works are more reminiscent of Demon's Souls.
Several story beats and designs are also homages with differences/a twist (a quest is very similar to garl vinland and astrea, a boss in game is literally Allant but not the main baddy,...), but clear references to Demon's Souls.

Many argue that it's wrong because muh le gimmick bosses.
Dark Souls 3 has gimmick bosses, but also marled a design philosophy towards pure ARPG combat for 80% of its encounters, without removing the elemental weaknesses and similar, so on the boss department, it's more like an upgraded version of Framelurker, Penetrator (that actually has a counterpart in game),.. with some gimmicks.

Besides that, it's very Demon's Soulsy both in mechanics/combat and designs/art direction.
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>Those are the negatives.
Spotted the shitter
>FP is shit without an old spice.
>t. Retard that isn't good at playing and can't get refills
>Dark souls 3 has nothing to do with DeS.
It does, it's the official remake
for me it's this and surprise bandit's knife in pvp
LVCK chads we won
>inadequate headcanon babble
Ok schizo.
I believe that's actually "Dark Souls 3" anon. Demon's Souls is the precursor to the Dark Souls Franchise, it's spiritual successor, so I can understand the confusion from someone who is ESL.
God this makes me love Dark Souls 3 a lot more and makes me hate the Demon Souls remake even more.
>No argument
I accept your concession
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It just solidifies the fact that DS3 is soulless shell that fits all pre-existing "souls" games for a purpose of being more marketable to faggots like you.
There is no point in arguing with mentally ill brownoids who begin conversation by claiming that re-used assets = the remake.
Elden Ring is Demon souls 3 then. And every game that has MLGS is king's field. Fucking retard.
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The true premise that starts the events of Dark Souls 3 is very similar to Demon's Souls too. With Oceiros = Allant and the dungeon being Tower of Latria
>Descriptions don't match
>Scalings don't match
Nice argument mindbroken 2roon
and Elden Ring is Dark Souls 2 2
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It's Dark Souls 3 2 actually, Great Archives included
No Elden Ring is Dark Souls 3 but kewping specifically the unique plot beats of Dark Souls 3 and ignoring the Demon's Souls part
I confess. I used a summon against the Demon Prince boss.
I didn't feel like wasting time since I really wanted to get the Ringed Knight sword and set as I got bored of my current weapon.
Cheated yourself out of good boss, can't possobly understand people who do.
It's a fairly easy boss too
No, it's just a ungodly almagamation of DeS, DS1, and BB. With none of the good aspects.

>Remember how every level in DeS felt like one big dungeon? That's gone now with permanent bonfires everywhere.
>Remember how open and interconnected the world was in DS1? That's gone now. Enjoy hallways and railroading.
>Remember how good the combat felt in BB? That's gone now. Enjoy infinte stamina regen and iframes as a band aid.
Ironic considering how hard it tries to play at member berries with its story and setting.
For me personally, new boss encounters are fun until like my 10th death in a row. After that I just want to explore more of the world. Super ultra giga difficult bosses are not my idea of fun. That's why I mostly enjoyed DS3 so far. Every boss has their own gimmick and after several deaths you have them down. 500 separate moves and pattern recognition aren't to my liking. That's why I didn't really enjoy the boss fights in Elden Ring's DLC.
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It's nice to see someone else share my sentiment with this game. It's probably why I love Dark Souls 3 so much, the movement feels smooth and the entire game feels like a celebration of the series, particularly Demon's Souls. I don't mind the callbacks, I think it's cool and it was clearly done with the intention of pleasing fans.

Yeah I got a big smile on my face when I saw Anor Londo again. I don't care, it was cool. It's a fun video game.
It does kinda have the same "hubworld with a level select" thing going on, now that you point that out. The bosses and encounter design don't really have all that much in common with DeS, though.
>Spell charges reverted to FP like in DeS
>Firelink is modeled after the Nexus and general progression is teleport based like in DeS, except you can't choose the order in which you complete the game
>The fire keeper is a clear reference to the Maiden in Black down to directly quoting the Maiden in Black's "touch the darkness within me" phrase
>Karla the Witch in DS3 is just a Yuria clone, there's also another woman named Yuria but she's actually something of a Yurt expy
>Eigon and Irina are Garl Vinland and Astraea gone (even more) horribly wrong
>Gundyr was visually styled after Old King
>Storm Ruler comes back
>Lothric high Wall/Castle is just Boletaria down to the dragons and various soldier barricades
>Irythill Dungeon is just Latria again except the Mindflayers are now masked women
>There's some design similarities and parallels between the Valley of Defilement and Ariandel
>The Deacons of the Deep are clearly inspired by Phalanx in terms of design
>Fat Officers were genderswapped with the fat inquisitor ladies
>The End of Fire ending is an almost full 1:1 copy of the evil ending in DeS, with the same exact shot of the PC stomping the Fire Keeper's head just like the DeS PC does with the Maiden in Black
There's probably more but it's been a while since I played either of those so I'm probably missing something outside of the usual DeS>DaS carryovers like Asylum Demons being recycled Vanguards and whatnot
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Awwww he's smiling
Dark Souls 2 is Demon's Souls 2
Dark Souls 3 is Bloodborne 2
the fuck is hyper armor?
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>the speed of the character
> how initiative for attacks works
hahahahahhahaha now I know your just taking the piss nice graph though faggot.
feed fat faggot Dominik Leys into a woodchipper feet first
Out fucking skilled
Certain attacks have the ability to resist hits
When your poise bar is depleted that ability is lost
Demon's Souls had a similar system.
Dark Souls 1 removed it and added passive poise, so instead of resisting to attacks while attacking you always had the ability to tank hits as long as your poise bar wasn't depleted
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I think the hyper armor is a really fun mechanic that encourages trading with big weapons. I know it's not everybody's favorite game mechanic, but stuff like this is fun as hell to play with.
Finally someone who understands. Dark Souls 3 is DeS2, ER is DeS3.
All of them have mana bars instead of set spell uses, end of story.
Exactly, the relationship between the games could not be any clearer
Incorrect, see above
Incorrect, see above. You could say BB is a DeS-like, throughbeit
Wtf brehs… I thought DS3 was just a BB clone rollspam no poise blah blah game… why is the player going blow-for-blow with the boss?
I don't understand, what gimmick bosses does dark souls 3 even have besides the giant, the tree and maybe the deacons?
Every other boss is just employ the same dodge and r1 strategy with altered timings, that's my main complaint of this game and ER
It's necessary in a Souls game. If all weapons on all attacks could just have passive poise the game would break easily. It also makes heavier weapon more usable with medium armor because armor is a modifier.
Ultimately, Dark Souls 3 solved the issue of armor.
All the way from Demon's Souls to Dark Souls 2 it was done poorly, lacked scaling, was OP when it provided passive poise, but the flat damage resistance made it useless for damage reduction over simply leveling, especially with NG+ scaling. With 20 vitality and a good armor set you would be extremely tanky in a way that scaled consistently in multiple NG+.
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The story behind Dark Souls III's development is actually insane.
>Dark Souls II drops
>the game gets mixed feelings among long time fans of demon souls and dark souls
>bloodborne drops a year later which feels like a much better sequel to das in terms of quality and gameplay mechanics
>miyazaki and a-team immediately begin development on dark souls 3
>dark souls 3 drops exactly one year after bloodborne in the same month and day
>even though its heavily unfinished it still has that dark souls, bloodborne feeling that a team are known for
>shortly after they drop the best dlc in the series for it

seriously how did they do it?
Crystal Sages, Wolnir, Twin Princes, and Ancient Wyvern too.
>maybe deacons
There is no maybe, it’s a gimmick fight.

So 7 gimmick bosses out of 19.
It is, anon is cooling9 hard
>Twin Princes
>Crystal sage
holy fuck are you retarded?
>Every other boss is just employ the same dodge and r1 strategy with altered timings, that's my main complaint of this game and ER
That's not true at all
Each boss moves differently, reacts differently to being hit, has different openings and different reactions to where players are
its literally elden ring alpha version
Twin Princes is the only debatable pick on that list. The gimmick lies in the fact that Lothric will continue to revive Lorian throughout the second phase.
>Crystal Sage
Is literally Fools Idol (gimmick boss) using one of her two gimmicks.

Just curious, what’s a gimmick boss to (You)?
Every Souls game is the alpha of the next one.
The difference is that certain iterations are more successful than others
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>Dark Souls 1
unfinished asset flip of DeS
>Dark Souls 2
The only souls game to refine what came before it without going in a completely different direction and excessive streamlining.
>Dark Souls 3
almost completely abandons the RPG and adventure part of souls

Dark Souls 2 is the only modern from game worthy of having a higher number than its predecessor, because it's the only true mechanical sequel.
I'm also trans, btw
This is true except for DaS2, that one just sucked LOL
keyed and lockpicked
crystal sage is just one boss spawning fake apparitions, he has a normal health as any boss. A gimmick boss would be wolnir or yhorm
DaS was DeS2, that's just gay and soulless
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>Dark Souls 2
The only souls game to refine what came before it without going in a completely different direction and excessive streamlining.
reeks of das2 apologist/sympathizer
the game's shit bro
>how did they do it?
by being a considerably less ambitious game than everything that came before it, with most of its positive innovations being lifted from Dark Souls 2.
The genius part is by speeding up the game, they attracted new fans that were filtered by the old games, and thus saved the game from any unflattering comparisons to its predecessors. Since most of its fans never played them.
So, would Fools Idol not be a gimmick boss to you?
>he has normal health as any boss
Wolnir and Yhorm also have “normal health.” Unlike Dragon God or Bed of Chaos, you can kill both without having to engage with their gimmicks. That’s not to say Wolnir and Yhorm aren’t gimmick bosses, because they are.
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>no rebuttal
>finger point
>no context webm
reeks of discord tranny
ds2 > bb > ds > ds3 > ds2 > elden ring

sekiro at the top, ds2 above elden but below bb
A gimmick boss would be a boss that requires you to partake in a specific mechanics to deal damage, like having to use the serpant slayer against rykard, or stormruler against that one demon in demon souls

You're just being autistic and trying to inflate your shitty list.
This picture literally doesnt matter because dark souls 2 is shit.
Quality > Quantity
90% of Dark Souls 2 was shit, bosses, combat, movement, areas, many mechanics, life gems, etc, very few things made it into 3 which were heavily modified and refined. the game sucks bro, no one's going to let that fly here.
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If anything, Dark Souls 3 was overly ambitious for the time and challenges it faced.
You can clearly see Fromsoftware's idea of creating a massive open world by hpw the Kingdom of Lothric is laid out, where unlike Dark Souls 2 which lies with fake scenery, and diorama backgrounds of assets that do not exist, Dark Souls 3 is all part of a large unique landmass
But it's a downgraded Bloodborne if anything, just Dark Souls but faster which arguably doesn't work as well.
>a boss that requires you to partake in a specific mechanic to deal damage
This hyper specific criteria makes a gimmick boss, and I’m the autistic one…?
You don’t need to use the gimmick to damage and kill him, you can just hit him with regular attacks and spells.
>Storm King
You don’t need to use Storm Ruler to kill him, you can just use arrows and spells.
That was the point I was making with Yhorm. All three can be killed without being required to use specific mechanics.

According to your autistic hyper specific definition, the only gimmick bosses would essentially be Dragon God and Bed of Chaos.
Fools idol is not a gimmick boss.
A gimmick boss would be like you said Bed of Chaos, bed of chaos was a gimmick because it literally does not matter what your build, you just run it, break both sides and then go to the middle to hit it
That's not the same as crystal sage spawning in fake bosses and you just find him and attack him as any other enemy.
good post
i have literally never understood the screaming and crying about callbacks in a direct sequel
in any other series, revisiting an important area from the first game but it's corrupted/changed is ludo of the highest order
but here? suddenly it's the worst thing ever and people's go-to insult for 3
are you retarded? the gimmick is that you pick up those specific weapons to deal appropriate damage. If you did it any other way it would take forever, that's fucking autistic. If you're going into Yhorm and spending 15 minutes hitting him then you missed the whole point of the gimmick mechanic.
So, are you saying the only gimmick boss in DeS is Dragon God?
>But it's a downgraded Bloodborne if anything
No, it's Dark Souls
>just Dark Souls but faster which arguably doesn't work as well.
It works better because you are actually pushed into a lot more playstyles by having aggressive bosses that can pressure the player.
I will let it fly. I like DS2 a lot.
>DS2 at the bottom
The rest could've said anything and I still would've agreed
>>requires you to use the mechanics
Why are you getting so angry btw

Also all three bosses have weakpoints that take extra damage, so you can deal good damage to them without using the Storm gimmick weapons. Yhorm for example takes way more damage on his arms and head.
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Old hunters is the beat dlc ever
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I dont care
I just came in here to say that Dark Souls II is shit.
Its the worst game in the series by a mile.
Lol, no
It just copied a bunch of old ideas, some from DeS but also plenty from Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne

Also it kinda sucks and did nothing original.
Ds2 was the beat
orphan, ludwig and maria are the only good aspects of old hunters. The first half is just boring and very linear, and then it picks up with you get to the ward with weird giant blob heads and then you fight living failures who suck balls. Even the last area is kind of meh, its a cool fishing village aesthetic but outside of that if it weren't kos no one would care
>Dark souls 2 is the only game to refine
It doesn't refine anything, dark souls 2 did everything dark souls did but worse, the only thing I can give dark souls 2 credit for is power standing (even though eden ring did it better) and bonfire ascetics
>12k all time peak
Brutal mogging by DSIII, I didn’t even realize it was that much of a difference.
Looking back at old gameplay the damage enemies and bosses do in elden ring really is absurd
This happens in every thread. Dark Souls II apologists shit up the place with their crap opinion, anons call them out on it and then the whole thread devolves into people shitting on the retarded das2 contrarians
I wish mods would ban these faggots because they're singlehandedly the reason why souls discussion sucks ass on /v/
Just learn to ignore them. Treat them like Niohfags or Lies of Pfags and don’t reply to their shitposts and bait threads.
>We should ban DS2 contrarians
I don't care, Dark Souls combat is pretty good but not really Amazing as so many people claim. Games with amazing combat to me was God Hand and Blade of Darkness, Bloodborne was at least somewhat of an improvement.
Dark Souls should be primarily an RPG because i'm not autistically obsessed with dodge rolling and pressing r1
bb > sekiro > ds3 > des > ds1 > er > your moms feces > ds2
Ok TBF though lies of P was pretty good, I wouldn't call it the souls killer but it was good, I personally think out of all souls likes it's probably the one to capture the feel of the souls games pacing best (both in the story and gameplay), or at least a lot better than nioh who instead feels much different
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That's a jpeg you idiot.
the non-scholar version peaked around 90k, still mogged by ds3 but not nearly to that extent
Oh I agree I thought it was a great Gamepass game
wow a lot of people must have been disappointed 10 years ago
What the fuck am I even supposed to do in that zone? I went inside what appears to be a dungeon full of giant flies and it led me straight back to the bitch in the Castle with the bridge.
>So, would Fools Idol not be a gimmick boss to you?
It is a gimmick boss, but the gimmick is the guy above reviving the idol (and that it lets you leave the arena mid-fight to go back and shank him), not the fact that there are fake decoys in the fight.
Crystal Sage doesn't have that.
find the lever in the fly pit
pull it
So would you be able to list all of the gimmick bosses across the games? By that criteria there’s only a handful.
Are there such a thing as “half-gimmick” bosses, like Wolnir?
>not amazing
>Games with amazing combat to me was God Hand and Blade of Darkness
Based on what those 2 games have amazing combat?
>Bloodborne was at least somewhat of an improvement.
Based on what?
>Dark Souls should be primarily an RPG because i'm not autistically obsessed with dodge rolling and pressing r1
Dark Souls 3 is an ARPG. It's very important that ARPGs have an enemy design that actually forces players to play to abide to the strength of their builds and weapons. This is why Ashes of Ariandel and Ringed City are the best parts of the game as they enforced it further and Elden Ring followed through this.
You can't have build variety worth engaging with if the enemy demand respect.
Not sure what Blade of Darkness has to do or how the fuck would you think it has good combat, but what makes Souls combat interesting is how it ties attack and movement together and how enemies have such different reaction to both player movement and input to make sure you are constantly engaging with him, which leads to opening a lot of combat options and several playstyles, much more than most if any games based ob presceibed combat and reaction tests
Aldrich is a great example of that design focus
Thanks fren!
Aldrich is one of the worst bosses in the game that was clearly rushed out, it's a lord of cinder that feels less like one than the boss before it. You only engage with one attack in this fight and it's one that basically instakills you if you don't run away, his hitboxes all go over you if you stay close and the rest are basic projectiles that you don't even have to roll.
The entire franchise is literally just dodge roll + r1 lol
Maybe sometimes you can press R2 to get done a second faster.
I was trying to get Ledo's hammer the other day, but he wasn't spawning not matter what I tried. Not sure if it's a bug or not, but it pissed me off enough to the point I stopped playing and was going to uninstall.
>combustion straight to his face
>critical strike
No, Aldrich is a good boss that will pressure the player throhgh a mix of direct, homing, melee and aoe strikes
Nope, again you can't have build variety without an enemy design enforcing it. The biggest example is Cathedral Knight compared to Berenike Knights. Using an heavy weapons with the latter gives no reason to trade or use the strength and impact. Instead, you simply completely trivialize them due to their poor aggressiveness and tracking
>still mogs every Shart Souls 2 boss including the DLCs
how did they do it?
>It is a gimmick boss, but the gimmick is the guy above reviving the idol
Crystal Sage 2 in the Grand Archive constantly throws ranged spells at the player while he is busy fighting enemies. By the same logic, Crystal Sage 2 is a gimmick boss
>Mindflayers are now masked women
Aren't they just nobles from irithyll ? I don't recall anything stating it's just women. Hot
It's the immortality part that's noteworthy here IMO. You're not gonna deplete the Sage's health bar to find him revived moments later.
I am at least less inclined to call something a "gimmick boss" if you can beat it without engaging with its mechanics.
How telegraphed the supposed gimmick is also factory into it somewhat.
But I won't pretend this isn't subjective and up for debate, even if I might have come off too strongly.
Is this on NG0 ?
I remember them hitting harder but that's because I played a lot on NG+7 on one specific character. I think you also get a small defense bonus with hyperarmor, could be wrong
The only absorbtion bonus is on using Perseverance.
The character has 20 Vitality and Millwood armor, so it's extremely tanky, goes to show how powerful armor is in Dark Souls 3 even without Steel Ring.
I do want to compare it to NG+ when I'm done setting up characters for SOTE next patch, and also because I want to make the Twin Princes Sword, but considering how damage absorbtion worls I expect it to be still good unlike damage mitigation in older games/Bloodborne where it falls off completely
>pushed into a lot more playstyles by having aggressive bosses
No, that pushes you into two playstyles of either having to be aggressive back or cheesing bosses.
>Millwood knight arrows
Take me back /v/ros
as someone who has demons souls as their favorite game, you insult me. die.
Nope, it actually forces to play through the relative strengths of player's chosen build, because you are not incentivized anymore to fuck up your dps windows and lock yourself into passivity by engaging with dodges every threat always and every time
The notion that the game is less of an RPG for that is nonsense pushed by retards that didn't understand the series.
>start up DS3
>remember how incredibly linear it is and lacking in content it is to 2
>get sad
>play 2 instead
Every time.
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dark souls has so many hidden allegories

do you want to know the true meaning behind the stories?

theyre symbolic of something very real...its not just a story
Notice how people saying that ds3 having callbacks to ds1 is shitty fanservice are always people saying that DS2 is better despite it doing the same thing but a million times worse (old dragonslayer)
Bot or retard?
big if true
DS3's constant callbacks to Ds1 make the world seem shallow and small.
>overly ambitious
Nearly every area is just a big hallway. There's no exploration.
Ds2 has occasional callbacks. Ds3 is nothing nut callbacks. It doesn't have an original bone in its body.
Thats a based take but i think you have a grudge against open worlds
I hate ds2 and I'm not gonna let that shit fly
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I should play the souls games again
whenever I think about 3 I remember all the cool co-op and pvp I did even though I wasn't good at it, I felt like I was giving back what I took whenever I needed to summon
when I played the trilogy the only one that had active online was 3, I wish I was there to see 1 and 2's online at their peak
>conclusion to series continues certain story beats from previous entries
>this makes the shazamtranny seethe for some reason
FPBP, op is a big huge faggot
>criticize shitty Ds2 mechanics
>"just get good"

flaws are still flaws, everyone has beaten the fucking game by now but that doesn't mean it isn't filled with stupid shit
if that were true, it'd be the worst in the series. which it's not. it's one of the best in the series.

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