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Thoughts on Korean games?
Garbage as games
I'd never purchase a corean game due to the cults running their nation in the post japanese slavery era.
kmmo and mobile shit together, the absolute worst of the asian market combined.
Korean games are fucking awful, but I can't help but watch the horny bastards from a distance and cheer for them.
buy an ad
When waifubots become real the koreans will be enslaved (again) to model the bots. Besides that there isnt much to discuss they arent a human species.
Lmao they added automatic match making and I still can't get a group for basic content, game's dead as fuck
Just like western games but without the gay niggers.
tryhard horny
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legs too long
head too small
What is this game name and how do I play it?
Brainless coomer grindfest that appropriately reflects their bugman drone society.
No gameplay
Good for coom, bad for gaymen. You are better playing any non-KR game or cooming to koikatsu/ricca
sexy women, all they need to do is figure out how to make their games not the most boring grindy shit imaginable.
Hit2, JP server is Hit Global, tunnelbear to login on the website and launch the game, turn off tunnel once in-game . Do not play this game.
Great tits but she needs more meat on her everything else.
Struck a nerve, it seems.
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Tits are so small that I went from caveman mode to erudite mode.
My bad. Enjoy your ubislop.
Trash "games" for trash "humans"
Combine the aesthetic with western games of 15 years ago and you have kino
As it is it's just pretty kusoge.
so what exactly do you do in this "game"
force horny, this is just cringe
Coom is usually godtier
Gameplay is usually mediocre
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Usually has huge fuckin titties.
But also suck dick as a game. Sometimes they are a good game that is also a barely playable skinnerbox. I am surprised Stellar Blade is supposedly decent.
You collect items that increase your damage by 0.1%, and sell rare drops to whales. I got real lucky the other day, sold a skillbook for ~20$(of in-game currency)
Been meaning to try Library of Ruina and Arcturus.
Isn't she cold?
The winter coomer wear should be be tight sweater and big boots.
This looks like a bad ffxiv mod
Ff14 wishes it looked half as good as that
they suck
looks awful, that kind of body doesnt work with an asian face
The only korean game I've played is Maplestory. You can probably guess what my thoughts are.
I like first descendant asses more than this
soulfull models
soulless gameplay
Alright assholes get to the point, are there any new lewd animations made with hit2 models?
No wonder your game is full of trannies, you have to have mental illness to think this looks good
Brother this is the first time I've even heard of this skinnerbox.
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>zero niggers and brownoids
>every woman is gorgeous, every man is handsome
>great art design
>pure gameplay focused, no ubislop-tier padding
Korean games are the future. Come home white man.
There is a black man npc on The First Descendant that is part of the story
Sure, as long as it's not some crappy MMORPG or other live service always online shit. They can make decent games if they try.
>generic plastic bug with retarded proportions
Korean devs don't have a single creative bone in their body.
What gaem
This is exactly the kind of game that I like playing haha.
Those western pieces of garbage can go to the trash.
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My theory is that if South Korea developed a porn industry like the west has, then its vidya sector would suffer just like in the west
Trash. I can jackoff without having to submit myself to gachashit
That's not an outfit appropriate for the weather
Cope koreanoid you lost the culture war in 1910
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I miss blade and soul
Did that one die, or is it just shit now?
It was always kind of shit to be honest but it did get waaay worse. P2W trash.
But damn, girls were hot in that game.
Now THAT is a delicious piece of ass
Same artist who did Stellar Blade btw
All gooks can do is gacha games with cheap coomer bait. Their "games" are phone trash at best.
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i only recently played dungeon fighter. pretty good, more of a solo game now with the focus on beating bosses with bigger damage numbers.
There are none. Those guys only post what is popular do they can advertise their paywalls.
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>get a (you)
>no catbox link
is it because koreans have never actually seen a curvy girl that they design these malformed things
Pretty much just coombait, p2w grind fest garbage games.
>Do not play this game.
I could tell at a glance the first time I saw that game's penchant for skintight outfits. Good to see they are still going at it, although I think B&S had better designs.
It's just not worth it. You get no coom returns on your time investments, the little promo clips have more coom then the game itself.
korean games are the definition of slop
they're all made to look pretty but have absolutely no substance to them whatsoever
they're almost always the absolute worst pay to win grindy dogshit imaginable.
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For the ass lovers. There's a demo.
What's the game
Hit2. Read nigga, read
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Korea peaked with DFO.
For some reason they like it when you one shot every mob with no difficulty for 80 hours and I simply do not.

They also butchered Kingdom Under Fire 2 and the first is goated.

They also ruined Tree of Saviour.

I guess what I mean to say is they always get 95% of the way to making a great game then ruin it in some stupid way.
Is this all because porn is illegal there?
Thanks. I will check it later.
>steam now allows adding demo to library without having to download it immediately.
If you think Tree of Saviour is bad, look at Ragnarok Origins
It is an overcompensation from being culturally soul killed by the roving feminists cults running their "nation"
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Thanks m8
janky ass, shit animations like most korean games
I don't want to lmao. The two I mentioned have me sad enough already.
Honestly I buy that idea 100%. Same reason they go fucking cumming in their pants over Kpop dancers. Coom must find a way, it will not be denied.

I like her little furry goat ears, but yeah you're right.
I think it peaked when the action games like gunz or S4 league or exteel.
Dfo should be better but endgame and the grind will always be a problem.
better watched than played
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Not enough loli in their games.
True and real.
They are all bad and low quality. They are basically the same low quality as Chink games. I cant think of a single Korean game that's genuinely good like Jap games.
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I forgot those poor fuckers are not even allowed to have porn. LMAO.
looks like rapidly declining birth rates
yeah but its not enforced unless you cause trouble
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Actually soulless. Everything is grindy and designed to extract your money.
When Xi Jinping was talking about video games being spiritual opium, he must've thought about Korean games.
I genuinely can't think of a single Korean game that is any good at all.
Why did you (presumed to be male) plays MMO as a female character?
Well for games like OP, its to jack off.
and most of them are circumcised
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wow his skill sure regressed since then
>unless you cause trouble
what game?
Horizon Walker
>Porn is "illegal"
>Meanwhile all kinds of protitution, literaly the country with the highest whores per 100k
>K-pop sluts
No wonder
they wont snitch on you unless your uploading disguising illegal content (ex real gore, beast) and even then the site admins will remove it if it goes too far
>"Thoughts on Korean games?"
Sloppiest slop made by low humans for the lowest humans possible
>sexy women
>no dei token in view
Already better than 90% of western AAA at this point
Meh, that easy to fix lowering marriage age for females to 11. Simple as.
Some singleplayer games are ok but all multiplayer are garbage.
At this point just go play a porn game. For the gooks it's understandable as porn is banned in their country, so they use this as a substitute, but you don't have that excuse
her head/face look way too small for that body. plus she has a skinny girl face which would be odd for that body type.
they already released gameplay?
Created by red-blooded hetero men.
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but porn games don have emo witch lolis whipping her demon summons to kill her enemies
they have better gameplay than korean games however
some do. i played that nun action game and the animations and gameplay were pretty solid
fact: all do. korean gameplay is the absolute bottom
but their women are fine!
A long ass time ago I played a Korean MMO called "Rising Force Online" and the grind was absolutely insane. I only played it for a week, but the sheer number mobs needed to kill to get even 1 level of experience was absurd. For each mob, you had to go wander over to and spam a little special attack every 30 seconds or so, and it took maybe 3 minutes PER MOB to slowly nibble away at their HP and then pick up each of their tiny little EXP cubes. But the funniest part is that while your special attacks took a good long time to power up, the way you spammed healing "potions" (some kind of red energy crystal) was really rapid, I think it was on a 3-second cooldown and boy you really needed to keep slugging back the red energy crystals on that cooldown to survive any little mob damage. Each time a slow red light would flash on your character, so essentially had your own little police light constantly blinking every 3 seconds.
Most games are that though. I mean look at plapworld and helldiver 2, just grinding repetitive shit
>but those games are fu-
To people who like those types of grinds, and that's what it comes down to, if the game caters to your preference of grind slop.
3d 11yos can't compete with 2d 11yos, accept the truth
drip marketing
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They're either garbage ecchi games with horrendous monetization, "Free" to play MMORPG or live service slop where you pay to have some semblance of fun, or they combine the two.
you've never played a korean game
I want to like them but the design of the games core systems themselves are always lazy and nonsensical. Like their lead game designers just spend five minutes google translating 'american dungeons and dragons nerd stuff' to korean and hodgepodge the top ten results together with no reason or logic behind it. Absolutely fucking nothing in Black Desert makes any sense, the abilities are just buttons to press to make laser lightshows happen and this is just everyone korean game.

Except Kingdom Under Fire, which was good, probably because of a lot of oversight from xbox to give them some context for how all this fantasy stuff should work.
Why? This ass remains shapely while not being grotesquely big.
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Grown ass man. Kill yourself.
It's not covered with misc sci fi baubles
They have made one singular decent game
When will they fix this? It looks so bad.
That they all look the same
I've only played three that I know of
>lies of p
>chrono ark
I thought they were all bretty good
So when are we getting HIT2?

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