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Another popular Japanese youtube channel has spoken up about AC Shadows and Lockley's historical revisionism

>talks about how there's little historical evidence about Yasuke before and after Honnoji in the first place, not enough to make any sort of conclusion about his status or importance in history
>points out all the other historical inaccuracies and anachronisms present in AC Shadows despite being presented as a well-researched game based on history that Japanese people are upset about
>goes on to underline the danger historical revisionism in popular media by foreigners like Ubisoft and Lockley poses to Japanese culture when they misrepresent things like the prevalence of blacks and black slavery in Japanese history, since it can eventually be repurposed as "the truth" and allow blacks to demand reparations from Japan

He also talks about the theory that Yasuke was actually a Jesuit spy, and was involved in Nobunaga's death after relations soured between him and the Jesuits, who themselves wanted to take over Japan and needed a Christian puppet - which in itself is a more interesting premise than anything Ubisoft could have shat out.
it's a video game not a documentary or biography
Yeah but the ninja girl is made up too. It's a fictional story.
>it's okay when Japan chops off King Arthur's dick and force him be molested by a Japanese lesbian and have sex with a Japanese autist
>since it can eventually be repurposed as "the truth" and allow blacks to demand reparations from Japan
jesus christ this is so true its scary, look at how white men are, they're literally on their knees kissing black asses
atleast shes japanese
It is.
The problem the video maker has is Ubisoft previously saying that they did their research and were historically accurate, which is also why their clarification where they argued the same got community noted.

If they were clear from the beginning that it was pure fiction this wouldnt have become what it did.
You think anyone is ever gonna believe hitler got machine gunned to death in a theather while his top officials burned in the seats below because of Inglorious Basterds? What if people think Nikola Tesla helped magicians do teleportation cuz of The Prestige? These people making art for entertainment sure are dangerous
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Not according to the kikes at ubisoft themselves.
You don't get to weasel out of this.
>work of fiction that doesn't depict the real world in any way beyond being set in an ambiguously contemporary people, and never claims to be doing so
Also that king arthur is a blonde blue eyed girl, not a 300 lb gorilla
This is such a hilarious backpedal after ubisoft touted the "historical research" that went in to the game, to ensure a "historically accurate" experience.
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You say that but did you know Viking helmets never had horns? Or that the Iron Maiden was never a real medieval torture device
at some point people forget it's fiction and start believe it to be history
"Just a game! It doesn't matter!" Cries the disingenuous kike desperately trying to ban or at least censor anything Japanese for increasingly asinine reasons, including but not limited to "think of the children!", for the 429389247824th time this month alone.
>He also talks about the theory that Yasuke was actually a Jesuit spy, and was involved in Nobunaga's death after relations soured between him and the Jesuits, who themselves wanted to take over Japan and needed a Christian puppet - which in itself is a more interesting premise than anything Ubisoft could have shat out.
A former Ubisoft employee leaked the original concept for Japanese AC game, in which you would play as a Japanese shinto monk turned ninja-assassin uncovering Jesuit conspiracy. It sounded much better than whatever this is.
But then again guess that hit too close home to the kikes running this fucking circles, and we can't let the goyim know.
All that is fine if you say that its fiction from the start. Ubisoft tried to get out in front of critics by saying "it's historically accurate so you cant whine about having a black protagonist in a game set in Japan" and it bit them in the ass.
I've never done any of that. You're ad homineming hard bruh
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Another one is Gladiator's thumbs down gesture which might not even be real
China won, enjoy the beautifully crafted Western made humiliation you fucking evil Japs.

Like the video points out the historical and cultural inaccuracies in the setting aren't limited to just the debate about Yasuke's samurai status or not. It's a plain incorrect representation of 1500s Japan by a company that puts in educational modes in their games to allow for it to be used in educational institutions. They did it with Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla, and most likely will for Shadows.
There really was a real black guy in Japan during that period with that name who served the emporer in some capacity. Did they say they were depicting his real life at any point?
make yasuke a cute black girl and you play as ryan gosling in a kimono trying to win her love.
Then stop defending it like your life depends on it, faggot.
Nobody cares
altair isn't real
ezio isn't real
connor isn't real
kenway isn't real
alexios isn't real
bayek isn't real
eivor isn't real
samurai yasuke isn't real
Yeah because thats more pathetic that calling for a government investigation on it
>artistic license is the same as literally rewriting historical events
Makes me so happy that you are wasting your life defending this shitty video game simply because it has a chimp in it KEK
Yasuke wasn't a samurai in real life but he's a samurai in this game, and that isnt going to change
Didn't this franchise used to boast about how historically accurate they were to a point they made an educational documentary mode called "discovery tour"
Exactly, it's a tool used by the CCP to humiliate Japanese genociders, and it's working perfectly. Don't concern yourselves with correcting injustices, especially the muslims here, you will be erased as well.
We now know why Oda's Samurai didn't ride bicycles. Yasuke stole them.
poor multibillion dollar goyslop company that is infamous for treating their employees like shit
China has facilities the size of small countries dedicated to eradicating Islam, they're our bros.
>stopping people from rewriting history is the same as defending a video game
You are hilariously retarded.

Eat shit, loser. No one is going to vote for Camelhead.
Yes and the Bible is a book, and the declaration of Independence is a piece of paper, to think that "well this is just a game" it still has significant cultural impact and weight certainly not as much nearly as the prior mentioned subjects but it DOES posses weight and that "weight" becomes heavier as time goes on and if the inaccuracies aren't addressed to simply throw your hands up and pretend this isn't how culture works is just a disingenuous argument from the start. It doesn't even matter if this was ubisofts intention anymore, it's now inflamed beyond that.
>last month: yasuke's a legendary samurai there's tons of documentation and historical fact backing it up read a book retard
>this week: it's like just a game dude it doesn't have to be like accurate and stuff
Absolutely fucking hilarious.
Groids are still seething at from the rightful obliteration of Affirmative Action. Now more Asians are attending colleges and groids numbers are dropping. Groids thought they could retaliate by claiming they were Samurai and sheeet.

And the groids still lost lol
Why do Ubislop defenders come in waves
Can't they just hire them in 24-hour shifts
Chinese nationalists are cumming buckets while Yasuke cuts up Japs, they probably hope little Japs see the game.

Cherry on the cake will be if it's banned in Japan, humiliation will be complete.
that would be expensive and they would rather not pay the pajeets much
fun fact did you know it's 11:30pm in india right now?
totally a coincidence goy
>arab in middle east
>italian in italy
>native indian in america
>brit in colonial carribean
>greek in greece
>egyptian in egypt
>nigger in japan
> a Japanese shinto monk turned ninja-assassin uncovering Jesuit conspiracy
This could have been a thrilling story, thrilling because we could indulge in the illusion of it being authentic. But a negro in flamboyant Samurai armor supposedly fighting the eternal enemy of today's wokeness in medieval Japan?
Yes dickhead because the CCP paid Ubisoft to do this so they could humiliate Japan.

They're big into humiliation, like shoving qurans up muslim girls pussies in those giant camps.
it would be a fast investigation though
>"Okay let's consult the historical mentions of Yasuke"
>0 results
>"It can't be helped www"
It's funny how people just assume it's woke shit when it's actually the first legit representation in like 10 years. There's so much woke bullshit out there, Yasuke isn't one of them. There's a lot of shit written about Yasuke, the japanese were well documented back then, that's what they were famous for. Nobunaga basically treated him like an exotic pet, he was facinated by things that wasn't the norm. He liked Yasuke because he was different, from a different world essentially. The only thing wrong is that he wasn't known for using a katana, it's just what people like to believe. Nobunaga thought a great axe was more useful for him since he was extremely large compared to Japanese men and a brutish weapon would suit a brutish person alongside a heavy greatbow.
Yasuke is actually the perfect lore character for interesting concept/games to be based on if they wanna represent black people and im amazed they done a ton of woke bullshit before touching this one.
>Yasuke was actually a Jesuit spy
Yasuke was slave for the Jesuit Italians visiting and Nobunaga took him because he found Yasuke facinating, based on where Yasuke was actually from it's more logical to say that Yasuke was a muslim.
yeah okay but... how does "muh history" affect the game at all?
it's a fictional story about magical artifacts and jumping down from 200 feet high into a haystack
Reddit or bait, you've just made shit up.
He was a muslim, Japs are muslim lovers.
>Calling reddit the second it goes against the narrative
Get out of your basement and read a book
Its just a $100 game. why aren't you preordering now?
>Get out of your basement and read a book
Not reading your fanfic, Lockley
>based on where Yasuke was actually from it's more logical to say that Yasuke was a muslim.
He talks about it in the video and says Yasuke was most likely from Mozambique which is mostly Christian, which makes it likely for him to have been a Christian himself.
>no true Japanese hates this game
>they must by white men using google translate
>Yasuke was a muslim
Chinese would have executed that cunt on sight.
Exactly. And it would have been a strong selling point (in my eyes) if they stuck with this aspiration.
Bro, your source literally lost his job and was chased out of the country because he made up all of that shit you wrote.
>If they were clear from the beginning that it was pure fiction this wouldnt have become what it did
Somehow I doubt that'd be the case. People would still complain and it'd be even more pathetic since there wouldn't be the "historical accuracy" card to play
Mozambique has massive muslim population you fucking retard, they literally have violent muslim insurgents there right now, fucking liar.
Republic of Mozambique República de Moçambique (Portuguese)
Religion (2020) 55.8% Christianity 26.1% traditional faiths 17.5% Islam 0.5% no religion 0.3% other
There are scenes in the game where Yasuke also references Islam, prays etc. He was muslim. How embarrassing.
Fun fact: No one wants to see black people. Not even black people want to see black people which is why they spend so much time watching media made by other ethnic groups.
The investigation aims to clarify who intended to achieve what by humiliating the Japanese Nation this way.
I'll help you out, it's the CCP, what now, faggot?
> scenes in the game where Yasuke also references Islam
Wtf! Seriously?
>despite being presented as a well-researched game based on history that Japanese people are upset about

They're fictional games based on history, AC games have never claimed to be real. I hate woke but I hate idiots who talk stupid shit too.
??? what's wrong with being Muslim you fag?
Don't ask me, ask the Japanese government.
I think they were
until nips found out that their source of info (Thomas Lockley) was a fraud
You don't know what you're talking about, holy shit
CCP don't have to ask dick, they're the most powerful country on Earth, if they want you to humiliate yourself, do it and thank them. Maybe ask for more.
you dont get to weasel out of this
retarded kike >>683816257
If you haven't pre-ordered AC Shadows, you're a bigot.
>I hate woke but
Hey! Your pants are on fire!
It's a disgrace for humanity. And having a muslim negro slaughter Japanese in a game is beyond words.
If you're a Muslim and don't pre-order AC Shadows, you'll literally be abandoned by Allah.
Stop assuming shit
You know he wasn't the first person to write about Yasuke right. Look up Jean Crasset, Midori Fuijita. Mchael Cooper.
The only thing Lockley did was romanticizing Yasuke's story and im sure there's a lot of stuff that he wrote that he's incorrect, but most of the shit he says is just parroting other scholars who's peer reviewed already.
What source, i never told my source
>It's a disgrace for humanity
Nanking was a disgrace for humanity, this is just playful humiliation, I'm sure Japan's time will come to make up for WW2 and the CCP will make sure of it a thousand times over.
do you think everyone who makes the objectively correct statement of "AC has not ever been historically accurate" work at ubisoft? I've been saying this shit the entire time you lads have been soiling yourself over this nonsense.
this but not shilling
i stopped buying ubishit ages ago and playing as a nigger with stolen valor is not a compelling argument for changing that.
That said, they aren't just going to scrap an entire game that has undoubtedly already been printed to its gold disc. They people who think games are worked on up to the last month or sometimes even year are woefully misonformed about how fast tracked the modern industry is, especially conveyor belts of shit like ubisoft.
Shut up cunt
This doesn't contradict anything. Just because a real life figure is used in fiction does not stop making it fiction.
oh, they're still working on it; without the day 1 patch, ACS likely won't run well at all.
Why are some people here adamant about defending Ubisoft here?
What is their appeal?
buy an ad
nobody cares about the manufactured outrage anymore
it's pointless arguing with them, they're just using this nontroversy to push their rhetoric on here. they didn't shit themselves nearly as much when Nioh did the same exact thing
this is so dishonest that I actually hope you fucking die today
Yasuke was a Muslim, if you don't defend him, you abandon Islam.
nioh is made by a japanese studio, nioh is full of magic and demons and not even trying to be realistic at all, and on top of that william actually was a real historical figure.
its not the same at all and you're a deceitful lying piece of shit for trying to make them seem that way.
After BLM Black people in Europe were rioting and so mad about slavery they began tearing down statues despite none of them being descendants of slaves but economic migrants. This is because they consumed so much American media they absorbed their resentment and began to larp as African Americans, I wouldn't be surprised if half of them were retarded enough to think that they actually were the descendants of slaves.
they are called shills, and they are paid for it. not very much, mind you, but a few extra rupees a day goes a long way in india.
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These people have gotten so comfortable crowbarring blacks into every aspect of European history they thought there would be no issue with doing it to other peoples history as well.
Sorry i tagged you wrong, but to reply to your Christian comment, Mzambique during the 1500s was very different, slave trade was very big in the northern area and Islam was supposedly a large growing concern for the Christians, especially among slaves. That's why it's assumed he was Muslim.
They take great pride and put a lot of attention to detail in researching their settings and creating an accurate representation of the time period. That's a fact. They're known for it. Literal museums use their Discovery Mode because of how accurate it is. They claimed the same amount of historical research to make the world and setting historically accurate went into Shadows.
The complaints Japanese people have is that the setting, NOT YASUKE, is inaccurate. It's a vaguely Oriental system that represents racist stereotypes and uneducated western ideas of what the exotic Far East looked like. It's basically them going "Chinese, Korean, Japanese, whatever they're all the same"
and Ubisoft's flop-streak isn't going to change either

more shit this stirs the bigger the flop so just let it happen unless you are paid by Ubisoft
>nioh is full of magic and demons and not even trying to be realistic at all,
so is assassin's creed. and I'm not even talking about William you stupid reactionary faggot, I'm talking Yasuke, the guy who is depicted as a Samurai in those games too. so far the only correct thing you've said was that "it's not made by westerners"
AC is full of aliens and sci-fi tech recontextualized as mythological items and recreated monsters for the past three games + DLCS.
He was a larger man too, typical of Northern Mozambique, aka - Muslim.
>>goes on to underline the danger historical revisionism in popular media by foreigners like Ubisoft and Lockley poses to Japanese culture when they misrepresent things like the prevalence of blacks and black slavery in Japanese history, since it can eventually be repurposed as "the truth" and allow blacks to demand reparations from Japan
Seeing right through to the real motive of the jews and their golems, as they should.
you are already abandoning Islam by sucking dick of a Jewish company
Weren't the Japanese on 2chan surprised they were getting support from the Chinese and Koreans? Feels like the game triggered something more primal that united the east Asians against it.
>i'm talking about the part where Yasuke was such a forgettable side character everybody even forgot he existed

wow, so your point (or lack thereof) is even more retarded than i thought.
Please, show me the direct quotes from Team Ninja that said Yasuke was a samurai in real history.
No, Yasuke is depicted as someone who 'might' have become a samurai if Nobunaga had not perished at Honnoji.
This is true, the Jews did this to garner hatred for Muslims in Asia.
When you print fiction enough it becomes the truth. See the Bible.
The ENTIRE selling point of Assassin's Creed was how well researched it was when it came to portraying a historical setting. People would post about how they'd study for tests by reading through the game's glossary. Ubisoft even offered all its research on the Notre Dame cathedral to France after the fire that destroyed it because of how well-documented it was. The developers even included a mode that let you just walk around the game and solely interact with historical setpieces like you were on a guided tour.

That you, or anyone for that matter, are resorting to using the fact its a video game as a reason for why its suddenly okay for AC to portray a false history and still call it "factual" tells me how little you actually know about or care about the subject.
>First post is making everyone seethe

Godspeed, anon.
If it's fiction and for fun, why does the game make a point that he's Muslim? Sounds like there are some bad motives here.
wow it's almost as if it's historical fiction. boy I sure wonder what genre of fiction assassin's creed belongs too.
Reminder that mods have been removing all threads related to the nigger samurai ever since the kike was exposed, and ((((((they)))))) have been moving goalposts in this threads at light speed rate. Don't be fooled.
Authenticity; that's the word.
>Obsidian samurai
>I got caught not knowing shit about what I'm talking about better make up some nonsense then try to pivot back to ubisoft being wrong about historical accuracy
Because it's not video games. Talk about the muslim shit on X, not here.
'Virtual history tourism and murder simulator'
put that in your pipe and smoke it, shitcunt
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Motherfucker is so contrarian he's actually defending Ubisoft.
>I literally have no point whatsoever so i'm quoting some shit that didn't happen
I accept your concession, faggot shill.
>video game subject is not video games
not fooling anyone kike
Thomas lockley isn't history, it's fiction so even the claim that it's fiction based on history is wrong. Yasuke is fiction based on fiction.
Stating a fact does not equal defending.
Who cares? It's ubislop. This is like caring what some homeless dope fiend outside of a 7/11 thinks about your shoes.
So why the fuck is it a problem now but not when Koei was shoving Yasuke in games?
I want the metaphorical homeless dope fiend to be somewhere else; preferably in a grave.
Maybe create your own board so you can seethe about your fake "religion" there, faggot, know your place.
they weren't terminally online obsessed culture warriors when that happened
we've already been over this you retard.

please, point out the time Koei said Yasuke was a real samurai in real history.
Don't buy it. Don't play it. Thanks for the free AD.
>quoting some shit that didn't happen
>>i'm talking about the part where Yasuke was such a forgettable side character everybody even forgot he existed
imagine trying to gaslight on a webzone in which anyone can just scroll up and see exactly what I'm talking about
You can't point it out because they never said it and you know it, and you are being intentionally deceptive by comparing two different situations.

Whats it like being living garbage?
Apparently there's rumors they're going to patch out the Muslim reference / prayer rug scenes and shit prior to release.
I didn't gaslight anyone you fucking retard. Can you even fucking read? Holy shit, you're actually too stupid to have a conversation. Imagine trying to fucking use 4chan when you don't even have basic reading comprehension.
There's a lot of internal drama right now about the Islam thing, a lot of the devs are Muslims and were happy about things, that's all I know.
Now imagine you live in a country full of homeless dope fiends who act like a family and someone is spreading a rumour that you stole your shoes off one of them. All of a sudden you're forced to care.

When someone revises history it's your problem no matter how stupid the source media, stupid people will consume it and believe it
and now he can't argue against what I'm saying at all so he's just going to throw insults like a baby. I am content with our interactions anon, I give your permission to go back to crying about ubislop like the good little culture warrior sheep that you are.
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>Stating a fact does not equal defending
>inventing new genres to avoid the reality that asscreed has been historical fiction since day 1
Video Games, faggots, talk about VIDEO GAMES.

Move this shit to /pol/ where it belongs.
You literally aren't saying anything. You're actually so fucking retarded none of the shit you say makes any sense. It's not surprising you're retarded enough feel like some hot shit because you think you won some internet argument. Fucking pathetic.
I'm supposed to feel sympathy for a country that turned Leonardo da vinci into a woman lmao no thanks
Maybe they should quit the historical revisionism around WW2 too.
Your mother's a video game: Easy as fuck.
nooo the fact that i devolved into spewing unintelligible gibberish totally means i won! get owned, chuddie.
They literally call him a samurai in Nioh
Never argue in good faith with shills or leftists.
>you aren't saying anything
I did say something then you came back by making up nonsense anon, do you not remember? Are you ok? I think we're going in circles here.
Okay, now please point out the part where they Nioh was real, retard.
Ubisoft literally directly said, outside of the context of the game, that yasuke was a real samurai, in real fucking life. They aren't the same. Kill yourself you fucking deceptive piece of shit.
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Who cares, the samurai in nioh is based on Thomas lockleys work which is the point of contention here.
It's not about the Samurai thing or the race thing, it's all about his faith.

Watch Israel strong arm Japan to accept this game, they want them to associate Islam with violent savages and death.
You didn't play the games. They 'literally' don't.
>you fucking mother fucking you are fucking bloody you benchod bastard bitch bloody fuck you bitch
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stfu goofy ahh fagboy this is video games
I thought you were content with our interactions. What happened? Oh right, you're such a weasel that you literally cannot write a single sentence without being an intentionally deceptive piece of shit. That's what happened.
All I see is Islam being mocked, how is that video games or acceptable?
ok and they're wrong obviously, but that doesn't mean they can't make a game about Yasuke being a real samurai within the setting of AC considering all the other ahistorical anachronisms present in the series since day 1.
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I just don't get why they would make the female playable character Asian. It's election year and it's more important than ever to fight back against the bigotry spreading within our culture. Personally I'd like to see Aiko Takara as a playable character instead, it would make for more interesting gameplay and makes overall a lot more sense.
sorry I hurt your feelings anon, I didn't realize how sensitive you were. I'll be more delicate next time
She converts to Islam a third into the game.
I doubt it, he surrendered and got spared because he didn't do jack shit in the battle
whereas the other retainer (Mori Ranmaru), fought for Nobunaga and died with Nobunaga
There's honestly zero question in my mind that people were gonna be mad about it no matter how they spun it because GRRRR BLACK PEOPLE AND WOMENZ IN MUH VIDEO GAMES but realistically, the only actual problem with the Yasuke debacle is how confident in their narrative they were with the advertising. It's fucking Assassin's Creed. A series where the whole point is that it's a mix of actual history with "the truth" mixed in, meaning it's history where the assassins guild and other shadowy groups were pulling strings and influencing events and we are playing through the "actual" events to see what was covered up. Yasuke being a samurai makes sense enough in that context because it's still ultimately fiction. The problem was Ubisoft advertising it not as a historical element they could could bend to fit that plot, but as actual fact. They didn't say it was just an interesting little wrinkle they decided to leverage because there IS so little proven info about him and several conflicting reports. They stated that it was real and definitively proven history that he was a samurai and one of Nobunaga's trusted advisors or whatever and upon receiving pushback for any of it, they just said "no, you're wrong and also racist". They could have just said "yeah, we know, and that's why he works in the plot of an AC game because that kind of shit is the entire fucking point." Historical gray areas and conspiracies fit perfectly into AC plots and the game itself even plays it out like that without trying to tell you it really was really real. The mouthpieces at Ubisoft however, did not and tried to claim it was all truth instead of what it was, a historical gray area with no definitive evidence one way or another and something debated to this day because of it.
Half right.

Check the Japanese response to the Yasuke netflix series. Japan wouldn't give a fuck about that part. Stealing art though?. Ubi STOLE A SWORD DESIGN FROM ONE PIECE AND SOLD IT. It would still get clowned on.
I don’t believe that either. You can’t tell me no Viking ever put horns on their own that’s just retarded.
>Yes. Repeatedly. See the articles referenced int the community notes in japanese.
Disappointed by the reactions to Yasuke being Muslim, half of the devs on these AC titles are Muslim too, this shouldn't be controversial.

In fact some of the usual fuckers in the media are STILL doing it. And STILL haven't covered the japanese protests.
I can agree with what you're saying, but the normal response to something like this is to be like "oh yeah they're wrong" and move on, not make circlejerks on 4chan 24/7 about it. I don't think I've ever seen a piece of historical fiction get this response, which leads me to believe it's just racists doing their thing.
>so incapable of coming up with a response that you resort to "lol u mad" but with more words
They had an extra shift on the day that Ubi issued that shitty excuse of an "apology". 15 fucking threads that day. And the Japanese version is different from the english, at the MOST important part. The part where it says that it's up to debate.

There is no debate in Japanese.
I hope we end up going full scale McCarthyism on the SJWs that have infiltrated all of these industries. Fuck it would be glorious to see.
The game is globalhomo propaganda, we reached that conclusion months ago.
See ya next thread.
i saw some nordic country protested for george floyed, but when some 12 year old got raped the streets were empty, absolute insanity
why would I engage in debate with someone who when presented a fact about another a videogame wrote fanfiction about how EVERYONE (when you really just mean yourself) didn't remember him? you've proven yourself to be a target worth mockery, so that is what you get.
You've never seen ubi hate market before? Also, GCJ, which still holds that the only people complaining are white racists, and related journaliost.
>actually doubling down on the side character in a game made by a japanese studio is the same as the main character in a game made by a western studio that claims he's a real historical samurai

i thought you were content with our interactions, anon. Why are you coming back to get proven wrong again? Fucking retard.
imagine boasting about how inclusive and non-racist they are while they pay pajeets to racially attack nips
They're being VERY fucking careful not to bring up the Islam thing because that'll escalate incredibly quickly if it goes wrong.
anon, i was using hyperbole. i didn't actually mean everyone forgot about him, i was exaggerrating the fact that he's a side character.

You're genuinely autistic. Stop talking to me.
Chinese history has an active proxy war between the CCP, Taiwan, Tibetan supportrs, woke leftists, and the Muslim Brotherhood. But that's more pol's department on the specifics. The Chinese are VERY sensitive to race fuckery.

They aren't anti black in the way the leftists describe it, but for example, the black panther movie was quite successful...but it didn't show his face. It showed a masked superhero in an afro futuristic fantasy world with huge special effects.
how are you going to call anyone else retarded when you don't understand how comparing things work
>popular Jap youtuber
>speaks in English
lmao sure chud, the Japs just hate this game
>they want them to associate Islam with violent savages and death.
They already do after a professor who translated Rusdie's works got murdered by a muslim
>no argument, just insults
>the very thing you were mocking others for doing a few posts ago

how do you live with yourself? either you're an intentionally deceitful piece of shit or you're actually retarded. I'm sorry your life turned out this way.
>we've already been over this you retard.
Their strategy is to simply repeat it constatnly and hope it drowns out all other conversations. It's been posted in over 100 different threads this week, and over 30 times this thread alone. No matter how badly you blow him out, he will simply pretend it didn't happen and say it again next thread.
You are very brave writing that.
Black Panther was literally the least fucking racist movie in years. Leftists can't comprehend that conservative people would actually like a movie like that.
All I want to know is why every time asian erasure happens it's always a literal Jewish person behind it
>Japan shouldn't be able to record their own history
>that should be done by leftist faggots from another country
You are so fucking stupid LMAO

You know who reported the "massacre at Nanjing"? Nazi Germany and the Chinese. These are your two "reliable sources". Eat shit, chimp.
It's incredibly important to vilify Islam in Asian cultures, especially military advanced ones, the risk too great. The man is a hero.
Every Muslim who worked on this game is a fucking traitor.
at least nip-nogs point out how dumb Ubisoft is when it comes to basic hostirical research
Gayreeks couldn't be bothered with Odyssey
I already outright admitted I wasn't going to debate you, saying I would mock you. And somehow you're surprised by the contents of my post? Are you stupid?
There's a few thousand years difference between the two settings, Yasuke's is only a few hundred years ago.
>another Japanese grifter
Yawn. This game will sell millions, despite your seething.
Westoids are beyond hopeless
So basically what's happening here is the race and Samurai thing is used as an outrage screen, but the real objective is to show a foreign Muslim brutally killing Japanese and get that idea planted into young Japanese, this is evil genius stuff.
>He also talks about the theory that Yasuke was actually a Jesuit spy, and was involved in Nobunaga's death after relations soured between him and the Jesuits

Oda was the Jesuits biggest ally and Yosuke (likely Yusuf) could barely speak Japanese, this "historian" sounds like a schizo.
Right, which is part of why I said they were gonna bitch and go on this tirade regardless of how Ubisoft advertised it. It's not worth blowing out of proportion like this but it's still fair to call them out on because there is something inherently disrespectful about having a platform where you incorrectly spout someone else's history with that kind of confidence. Problem is, most people had nefarious motivation for it and it's one of those things where you should really be letting the ones whose history is in question here (the Japanese) be doing the arguing, not a bunt of American white boys playing armchair historian. The most anyone besides the Japanese could say here is "hey Ubisoft, maybe don't advertise this as historical fact when it's not your culture and it's something with virtually no evidence to prove or disprove" but the counter narrative is is simply screaming the opposite as if that was also fact.
Yep, he was a Sunni, it's being hidden right now but there's a lot of stuff in the game about it, and apparently the chick converts as well later in the game.
>not a bunt of american white boys
ubisoft is french anon
I asked in the last thread and nobody answered me. Why is the focus on the black character exclusively? There are primary sources that prove the existence of a black retainer. There are no primary sources that prove the existence of a female Shinobi yet nobody is talking about this. Its just racism, right?
He had an arab name because the arab slave traders gave the slaves new names, then he somehow got into the service of the Jesuits, but speculating he was a muslim is nonsense, there's nothing pointing to that, the name alone is not enough.
>its just racism right
yeah probably. people here will argue muh historical accuracy but that shit lost all meaning once they tried to deploy that same defense to the depictions of mythological characters in both GoW Ragnarok and Hades 2. it's just the excuse they use to cry about brown people in media.
Why is a simple man from Africa being a Muslim such a problem to you? Think before you speak.
Same reason why they excuse Fate and all its historical distortions. It’s plain racism, pure and simple.
Because, moron, the 15th century Jesuits would never take an actual practicing muslim as their servant.
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Why the fuck didn't Ubisoft just put a disclaimer saying the game's story was made up?

fucktards actually said the game was historically accurate and now they've been torn apart by media coverage and even had to issue an apology to Japan and the gaming community
What a completely retarded ass controversy,
Islam is much stronger than you think, stop your blasphemy.
Because they spent months campaigning that it's historically laser accurate, like they do with every fucking AC game.
it's extra funny because they basically do exactly that for every game in the series as far as I am aware, and I'm sure this game will have the same disclaimer. so all this hullabaloo is basically over nothing, but retards here will never not take a chance to use an event in the hobby to cry about those darn browns, jews and SJWs ruining muh vidya
Alright slowpoke. I'll catch you up. Because naoe is normally how AC characters work. It's actually a plot point that historical records are being fucked with by the templars.

Also, the focus on the japanese side is NOT on yasuke being a samurai. The shit about race is more leftypol trying to blame racists for this debacle, and they'll repeat the same, irreleavant shit again and agan, no matter how many times it gets discredited.

If you're serious at all, go read the actual japanese language complaints. Many of the petitioners explicitly say they're OK with yasuke being depicted as a samurai, .but the historical presentation is really THAT fucking bad.
Case in point.
>work of fiction that doesn't depict the real world
So explain Fate: Grand Order, which has you going through historical events and real world locations?
Ubisoft has now started trying to gaslight people that they never said it was historic.
Expect you know, for the times they said it was hahaha
Typical leftist move. Say shit, get caught, say you didnt say shit.
>and allow blacks to demand reparations from Japan
Since when has Japan given a fuck about people making demands when they won't even apologize for forcing Korean women to be sex slaves?
Where did they say that this game was historically accurate?
>trans a well-known character
>trans a well-known character, Japan
The problem is they insisted on Yasuke as a lead character, and they're tied to his historicality, and their depiction is tied to Locksley.

THe ususual disclaimer isn't going to cut it.

There's also the full spectrum failure where they did shit like use chinese text instead of Japanese, mispelled yasuke's name, and made numerous errors any japanese middle schooler wouldn't have made. Like stealing Zoro's sword from one piece.
Even if purchased from zanzibar the slave would categorically NOT be muslim as Muslims are forbidden from enslaving each other
>The shit about race is more leftypol trying to blame racists for this debacle
and they'd be right. though saying
>behavior on /v/ is more often than not motivated by bigotry
is like saying dogs are motivated by food. anyone who has been on this website for more than one minute can figure that shit out
>this "historian" sounds like a schizo.
The video isn't by a historian, if you watched it which I assume you didn't because you can't speak Japanese, it's by a right-wing leaning youtube channel that discusses conspiracy theories and urban legends. He never says this actually happened, he only introduces the theory because it's topical; essentially "Hey, this is in the news recently, here's a theory related to it, oh and foreigners might be dangerous to Japan"/

The first part of the video is "Foreigners are trying to rewrite Japanese history", the middle is talking about a urban legend about Yasuke and Oda Nobunaga, the last part again is linking it back to foreigners trying to rewrite history and the danger of Japanese people being so reliant of foreign media and social media services like X or whatever since they can be used to influence Japanese viewpoints about their own history.
>not a documentary
have you forgotten why living beings play games to begin with?
video games are tools too, and when they touch historical shit instead of being simulated escapism...
>>native indian in america
This is white genocide
This wouldn't be such a big problem if the character we were playing was an original character, but for the first time in Assassin's Creed history we're playing an actual person that existed. So Ubishit can't use the excuse of "based on historical events".
Right. For the eigo dake speakers here, the belief that Yasuke was reporting on the internal workings of Nobunaga's court to the Jesuits is absolutely a thing. Nobunaga trying to figure out what was going on with the Jesuits, and vice versa is well documented.

The suspicion that yauske was involved somehow in the assasination was also absolutely a thing, regardless of how historically true it was. The motivation for the betrayal was never known. Yasuke survived.

This is something that was speculated at the time. Much like Yasuke being named kosho and getting railed in the ass by nobunaga.

Not to be confused with Nobunaga railing one of his other koshos, Mori Ranmau, which has significant historical support.
>So Ubishit can't use the excuse of "based on historical events".
what? yes they can. this has never stopped them from including real historical figures in the older games as side characters. How does being a playable character instead of a side character make them unable to use the historical fiction argument?
Because if Yasuke does shit that doesn't happen in historical events then it isn't historical accurate like Ubisoft always claims to be when it comes to Assassin's Creed.
oh ok you're retarded and don't even have a secondary understanding of the series. got it.
WW2 is the most historically revised event in western history
I was referring to the ones raising the fuss about it. Read that whole sentence again a bit more carefully.
>He also talks about the theory that Yasuke was actually a Jesuit spy, and was involved in Nobunaga's death after relations soured between him and the Jesuits, who themselves wanted to take over Japan and needed a Christian puppet - which in itself is a more interesting premise than anything Ubisoft could have shat out.
>Yasuke route has him caught between the Jesuits and Nobunaga and whatever Templar/Assassin shenanigans exist as his loyalties shift from one to the other based on player decision
I saved your game Ubisoft. Give me money.
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>the game is actually just alternate fictional history
>nobody claimed this guy was actually a samurai or important to japanese history
Kill yourself, you don't get to do this
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How come all the other countries were fine with every other asscreed game that took place in their country but not Japan?
Those other games were batshit retarded with their historical figure too.
so you think Pope Alexander VI got into a fist fight with an Italian assassin over a magical orb in real life? Historical figures can't do things that wasn't in history according to you.
Did you miss the entire thing where some faggot was pushing him as a real samurai for years and everyone started to take that as a fact and defend AC?
Most of this is an own goal from them touting their history, and emphasizing how diverse smart and culturally aware their team is... and how terrible a job they did at it.. Even their half assed apology has them touting those fuckers.

Also, they hitched their wagon to Locksley, which turned out to have said...unfortunate things about Japan. Like making pornongraphy of horse girls bad.
You dont understand, its different when its done to my squat little chinese boyfriend.
Yea, thats the borgia family. They are responsible for alot of shit. Main one is depicting the messiah as a basedlet edomite
>some rando on line thought he was real and thats what has me seething
I supoose brittania editors and wikipedia editors count as online randos. Unfortunately THAT is likely to cause more damage to Ubi's rep, as they're going to get blamed for promoting that shit.
>, which turned out to have said...unfortunate things about Japan
>according to some grifter on twitter

Lets be honest you have no idea what Lockley has written or said about anything, youll never verify chud narrative with real evidence.

Or do you have an actual quote you can show us?
>chud, japan
I just wonder why Ubisoft thought making Yasuke a main character was a good idea.
Granted, I have not bought or played AC since II and I have been told Desmond's story was abandoned cuz he's just a white male and that's a big no-no in current year, but really, how fucking retarded must you be to to create a feudal Japan AC and have a black guy be a main character? I don't think as many people would have minded if he showed up or some shit like Galileo.

I hope they make AC: Dawn or something, about the first African assassin, that just so happens to be blonde with blue eyes despite it being early into human history
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Anyone who genuinely thinks that ANYONE learns history from Assassin's Creed is a fucking idiot grifter
Assassin's Creed 2 came out 15 fucking years ago and no one shat themselves in fear over the Pope fight "revising history" and being "repurposed" as the truth.
>since it can eventually be repurposed as "the truth" and allow blacks to demand reparations from Japan
as if that matters
there are niggers in finland saying they built the country and that's why they deserve gibsmedats and are allowed to rape and kill kids
>"In Kyushu, owning black slaves came to be seen as a status symbol."

See also David Atkinson's response when questioned by Japanese historians on the veracity of this claim.
>demands historical accuracy
>portrays important historical figures as degenerate femboys
y'know, they should've just made the broad the protag. niggsuke could be an npc questgiver
>Yasuke was actually a Jesuit spy, and was involved in Nobunaga's death after relations soured between him and the Jesuits, who themselves wanted to take over Japan and needed a Christian puppet
That would be actually really interesting. A somewhat balanced take of Christian morals vs native Japanese tradition, goes in line with the templar shit of other games, allows for some black flag feels as you get to befriend demonized Nobunaga and kill some monks but end up splitting over politics.
I'd read that period fiction
Objection! ranmau geting railed up the ass by Nobunaga is CRITICALLY important to the proper functioning of society.
>goes on to underline the danger historical revisionism in popular media by foreigners like Ubisoft and Lockley poses to Japanese culture when they misrepresent things like the prevalence of blacks and black slavery in Japanese history, since it can eventually be repurposed as "the truth" and allow blacks to demand reparations from Japan
The professor who was caught using circular quotations to try to make his work more credible says in a video that he is of Jewish descent. It's amazing how Jews can't go 2 seconds without trying to subvert the country they're in... although to be honest here, I believe the guy is lying, it seems convenient for a "historian" to call himself a Jew because that way he gains access to a super profitable market on the holocaust.
>The only thing wrong is that he wasn't known for using a katana, it's just what people like to believe. Nobunaga thought a great axe was more useful for him since he was extremely large compared to Japanese men and a brutish weapon would suit a brutish person alongside a heavy greatbow.
source: your prolapsed anus
King Arthur is fictional. There probably was some real person called "Arthur" but we know nothing about him.
If Ubisoft really wants to piss people off they should just change Naoe to Ranmaru and have a forced mission that involves Yasuke watching Oda mating press Ranmaru
They also turned Nero into a degenerate "woman", Leonardo Da Vinci is a tranny that looks like the Mona Lisa, Jack the Ripper is a little girl dressed like a whore.
>He also talks about the theory that Yasuke was actually a Jesuit spy, and was involved in Nobunaga's death after relations soured between him and the Jesuits, who themselves wanted to take over Japan and needed a Christian puppet - which in itself is a more interesting premise than anything Ubisoft could have shat out.

Game's not out yet, maybe that IS the plot.
Am I the only one who thinks he looks a bit like George Floyd? When did they start development?
oh fuck i just realized this fucking game is not even out yet
theres still SO MUCH room for outrage in japan when all we have is the fucking trailers
Dude I think a 6'4 black Muslim graphically murdering Japanese people for 100 hours straight should suffice in this humiliation ritual.
>The only thing Lockley did was romanticizing Yasuke's story and im sure there's a lot of stuff that he wrote that he's incorrect, but most of the shit he says is just parroting other scholars who's peer reviewed already.
More like 99.99999% was made up since he made an entire book out of only a dozen short records mentioning that Yasuke existed at all. There is almost nothing that can be peer reviewed about Yasuke because he was a footnote who vanished from history the moment the Japanese sent him back.
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Wait this thread is confusing me, was Yasuke found out to be a Muslim instead or black?
I've been half expecting them to make Lockley and that other guy Atkinson into autoban words.
I think something like that has happened before but I don't remember who it was about.
Like it matters now, the guy is probably 100 feet under the ocean now.
There seems to be no news of this guys whereabouts for days so I assume someone got him.
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>AC shadows director's interview with xbox magazine said that this was real depictions of the characters and that yasuke was a actually samurai of the period and the game is historically accurate.


I find it funny when these companies backpedal and act like they never said anything when everything that is said on the internet stays on the internet.
Can't wait for when the game actually includes that nonsense about the black slave trade happening in Japan.
>fake quotes

none of what you wrote actually was said. Ubisoft did not say those were real depictions and they didnt say he is not samurai or that they didnt say it. They did say it, because he was a samurai.

Why cant you fags ever come up with real citations. Oh that's right, because that would expose you as bad faith actor and a propagandist
Let me post another Youtuber to counter this

>Source: Youtuber lol

Oh no, I was foiled before starting.
Contrarianism/troll bait.
75% of the posts on /v/ at this point are bad faith attempts to get a reaction, if you want actual discussions you need to go to altchans

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