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What do you wanna see in persona 6
more sexualized teenagers
Makoto riding my dick with her hairy pussy
ntr route where the girls have black boyfriends and they dont tell you
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Cute girls mostly. Hopefully some teacher sex to top it off.
big titty goth girls
Incest with mom
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facefart scene
I'd particularly enjoy it if the teacher is hotter than Kawakami and also you can explicitly fuck her
More sexy teens
No fags or trannies
No blacks
No female protagonist (waste of resources)
Dateable teachers
No minigames shit like Yakuza
Social links with shitty people like P3
Edginess x1000
Menhera alt yandere blood related imouto heroine with choker, pierced ears, and underlights.
Good writing. But since 5 was successful we'll almost certainly see even worse from now on. Franchise is dead to me. At least the porn will be great.
Nothing, let it die.
golden penis chariots, naturally
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Kawakami is perfection, don't talk like that.
I wanna beat the shit out of God
full penetration
If you want me to jerk off to her then show her with oversized tits.
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more teacher romance
I want to see not highschoolers.
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More girls like Tae
Maybe you should play something else besides Persona.
How much would you be willing to pay for a DLC to a persona game of your choice that adds graphic sex scenes and more scenes where you spend time with your girl?
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Play Persona 2 EP
Less false flagging threads like these and more threads that actually talk about the game instead of Mainline/P3fags sperging out that their favorite games aren't popular.
Persona 5 was a masterpiece btw and no amount of rent-free schizo seething will ever change that. Glad that this game will be burned into your memories forever, couldn't happen to nicer people.
also, actual game difficulty, much more ludo, much, MUCH less kino (Like mainline SMT games), and hopefully NO CURRENT YEAR IDIOCY
I’d prefer if they just dropped the RPG elements altogether and made it a full on dating game.
Who the fuck actually cares about anything else in persona? I just want to do the sexy girl social links.
Predatory hags
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>less falseflagging threads like these
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this kid is crashing out over a goth makoto picture
more girls with short hair, p5 had so many, but i want more
makoto is the anal whore you smash while in school, sumire is the bird you bride
Old characters from 3-5 coming back and being romanceable
this but only 4, since narukami and the other "males" from 4 are all canon cuckolds
that's a boy
>What do you wanna see in persona 6
anal pregnancy
Mainline smt is shit
The same game except at a different high school.
That's all we really need.
Anon doesn't know what that is because a Vtuber didn't tell him about it
Second worst game in the main series after P1
Yeah but it took them til 4 to make something decent gameplay wise so that's not a surprise.
unironically the best take here, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
the fuck are you talking about? the modern persona games have always outshone the PS1 entries
IS is almost objectively worse than EP in both story and gameplay. So if you rate P1 the lowest then EP can only be 3rd worst.

Personally I love both P2's in every single way except the gameplay. Which I think P2 nerds try to get you to ignore for the story, and EP nerds in particular try to pretend was all fixed from IS. But it's still like
>spam fusion spells every battle
>also you will only discover the good fusion spells by looking them up or randomly trying different permutation of skills)
>do a fuck ton of negotiation to get skill cards to get personas
>straight downgrade from even PERSONA 1's persona system how did they make it worse
>also, negotiation is effectively trial and error. either look up the correct talk to use on each demon or randomly try things until you figure out which one
>every single battle is trivialized if you do the "set everyone to guard" trick
>the devs must have known this trick exists because it wasn't removed in the remake and there's literally an "all guard" button in the menu
>but it means you need to do a bunch of menuing every turn. so now the hard part of battles is just weighing how much you feel like spending time in the menu
>DEX is obviously objectively the best stat in the game and you can pump it straight to 99
>but of course none of your party members naturally lean toward DEX. Ulala even pumps shitty AGI which just fucks up your turn order all the time

Nitpicks off the top of my head. I still love the idea of a lot of Persona 2. But so much of the gameplay though it felt like the devs were expecting people to aimlessly wander around dungeons using every skill talking to every demon trying out every demon or something
full on hag penetration
I said anon didn't know because no Vtuber told him
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>anne image dump
>NONE with huge tits
You're right anon, this thread is a travesty.
EP fixes some of the shitty gameplay mechanics from IS but I don't think the plot is very interesting and most of the dungeons are recycled.
Pegging goddess.
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good combat
good story
good replayability

I want a good game worthy of $70 (formerly $60 (formerly $50)).
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>MC has an unspecified illness, transfers schools to be nearer a hospital where he can get treatment
>main theme of the game is the ability to change, and not letting the circumstances of your birth decide your future
>the otherworld is accessed by sleeping after taking medication
>Personas are summoned by injecting yourself with a syringe gun
>someone is fucking with people's Shadows, kicking their existing issues into overdrive which spills over into the real world and causes the real person to begin acting out and spiraling out of control
>MC and idiot best friend notice a female delinquent classmate becoming increasingly violent and stumble onto the otherworld
>a teacher at the school is aware of the otherworld and helps them out
>boss Shadows are themed around what each subject feels they'll become if they don't change
>aside from MC, idiot best bro, and the delinquent girl, the other party members are: an awkward loser who is a pariah because his family was caught in a big scandal, an overachiever whose family is pressuring him to be a doctor, a yakuza daughter who everyone is scared of but all she wants is friends, a popular alpha bitch cheerleader, and a mysterious girl from the otherworld who is the teacher's surrogate daughter
>the loser boy's boss fight is special because his Shadow becomes suicidal, instead of fighting it you have to keep it alive while it tries to kill itself
>the cheerleader is last to join, and bullies your group for most of the game before she gets targeted and all her friends turn on her
rate my P6
you misspelled "hot"
Choices that really matter
Your choice of romance being mentioned in the main story, even if it's just something as simple as the MC and their chosen gf sitting next to each other in a scene when normally they wouldn't be. Not sure how you'd make that work with cheating though
Anal sex with Makoto.
>Persona 3 and 4 took place 3 years after the game was originally released
>Persona 6 will probably come out 2026 at the absolute earliest
>if they do what 3/4 did that means the game could be set in 2029 or later
>which means Nanako will be 25 years old or later
Imagine, adult Nanako romance
Infinite prescriptions, hot goth chick, smart. She's perfect.
sounds pretty soulful
>wears Leoapard print bikini
Is she stupid
I agree.
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Less gameplay, more cutscenes, dialogue and dating.
for them to stop pussy footing around same sex relationships and just do it already
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In canon, is all the Persona stuff localized to Japan? Like, there have been multiple near-apocalyptic happenings in the span of just a few years that all took place in Japan. Is it just there, or are there Persona users in other countries dealing with this same kind of shit all the time?
the ONLY way they would ever consider doing that is if FEMC was also a thing and lol good luck wit that
Yes! It's part of her appeal.
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I hope not, because it would supersede bromance.
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a) Move on to the university or fresh graduates
b) Fem MC
Anything to spice up the stale formula.
Not particularly interesting honestly. The hospital thing is fine but the themes aren't very original.
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what if instead of persona six it was persona sex?
>original themes
No such thing.
leopards are literally panthers
Another "persona 2 already did this" post
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No this is a panther
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These girls don't like you. They like the MCs. You will never be the MC.

IRL you are a weird background character. The most you can hope for is committing some heinous act so you can become the Monster of The Week in the 24 hour news cycle.
that is a leopard with black fur
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Something cuter than futaba
So far the main themes of persona have always being pretty fresh for their times and come in different layers.
Persona 1 and 2 are fucking GARBAGE.
Shortstack romance route.
The Get Smoked hat as a cosmetic item.
The Monkey's Paw has curled another finger.
You shall now play as Middle Schoolers.
You shall also still be able to romance older women.
I know people don't like the idea of Persona outside of Japan but I wouldn't mind if it took place in another East Asian country like South Korea or Taiwan.
Every hag rejects your advances, because you're a lousy teenager.
Would be nice to have a persona thread without someone projecting their insecurity
I'd be fine with a Persona game set in a western country if it still took the perspective of a Japanese transfer student or new immigrant, and didn't pull any punches when it came to the culture clash.
Sounds like an improvement.
Can't hear you over the plap sounds of me fucking futaba hard.
More cun cun
Now this is what I call projecting.
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Combat takes in place in the real world against demons and humans, not in some alternate dimension
Lucifer, YHVH, and Stephen
whens that chink game coming out for global
This. I won't buy it if doesn't have this.
Just play SMT, bro.
if they go for an extreme story like the start of P5 actually stick to it instead of diluting it
the start was so heavy and then it just became so comical/cheery kinda annoying
hope it's at least as long as P5, companies shouldn't be afraid of doing long games
Fun fact is Stephen does absolutely canonically exist in the Persona universe. We see him in If... which Tamaki makes clear in P1/P2 takes place right before Persona. The Devil Summoner games also canonically take place in Persona too, as we see in P2. It's not really clear if Stephen still made the devil summoner program that we see in the Devil Summoner games. But probably he did.

Devil Summoner games being canon to Persona also means canonically Persona 5's Tokyo was almost destroyed by a time-traveling giant demon mech robot in 1930. But we glance over that.
But I also want social sim elements and persona awakenings.
adult protagonists dealing with problems like professionals.
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why does everyone wanna have anal sex with makoto
because she's built for anal
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>A proper fucking difficulty curve, hard mode is piss easy after 10 hours in every Persona game and im sick of it.
>A Hag to surpass Kawakami
>Less "anime" feeling. The cast in 5 fits too perfectly into the usual highschool anime 1-dimensional archetypes for my tast. 4 is also very much "anime styled" but sturck a good balance with the characters have alot more complexity in comparisson and fell more like real people compared to the character writing of 5
>More negative aspects for the social links, think broken links in 3. I wanna relive the pain of Yukiko confronting me and crying after I spent valentines day with Chie. Overall the MC wank went way too far after 3 with them barley letting you make "bad" choices and it just makes the whole thing way less engaging desu ne
>Green, cozy countryside setting
I don't mind East Asia, but I wouldn't play a Persona game set in America or Europe.
>Less "anime" feeling. The cast in 5 fits too perfectly into the usual highschool anime 1-dimensional archetypes for my tast. 4 is also very much "anime styled" but sturck a good balance with the characters have alot more complexity in comparisson and fell more like real people compared to the character writing of 5
100% agreed
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>Less "anime" feeling.
That's a pretty shitty statement, fellow yukaribro.
I just want more girls and characters at the level of Yukari.
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constipation mechanic in dungeons
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In addition to major arcana social links, there are now 56 minor arcana social links, as well as demons corresponding to each suit. They're shorter to rank up to max and represent more minor life problems, but emphasize that the player can have even a small impact on more people, instead of just focusing on the big impact with the major arcana links.
Kill yourself.
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more glasses girls
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i want your auron to join in chapter 2, come back to save the day in 6. get corrupted as a main or side story in 7. and leave for at least 2 chapters to sell it. they return with at least 3 chaptters left to go. They also have a deep animosity/rivalry with an opposing non party side character the whole time. If social link not high enough they will not return for the third chunk. the side character can sub in as a replacement for this third part. only if auron is not coming back and this side characters social link is at some very achievable decent level. You cant get both. You can get neither. >>683831573
yes, also please do some unicorn overlord stuff
who's that girl?
Joker did explicitly fuck her. Royal unfortunately retconned it.
>no doujins of her getting trained snd sold by Yakuza
localizer fanfiction or was it retconned in JP too?
Datable femboys
most fertile asshole in the series.
I'm assuming he means the new Valentines dates in Royal, which everyone got because the third semester is different. All of the dates from vanilla 5 are still in Royal if you don't do the new content, so it's not "retconned" so much as "new content."
qos bbc porn what else
shota mc and harem
I already told you. No sex until marriage.
Sexy ass
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Lovers arcana best arcana.
i will be disappointed if they do a college persona game. not because they wont actively sexualize kids but because they capitulated to twitterfags who perpetuate this suggestions because they are afraid of being attracted to kids or even playing a game where you have a romantic encounter as a kid. i feel like it would do more damage to kids going forward because they wont grow up thinking that they can have romance as a kid or teen and would lead to another generation of late bloomers like we’re seeing now.
how are we supposed to get cool battle music if there are no battles?
>I’d prefer
Play another game then
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>>aside from MC, idiot best bro, and the delinquent girl, the other party members are: an awkward loser who is a pariah because his family was caught in a big scandal, an overachiever whose family is pressuring him to be a doctor, a yakuza daughter who everyone is scared of but all she wants is friends, a popular alpha bitch cheerleader, and a mysterious girl from the otherworld who is the teacher's surrogate daughter
>>the loser boy's boss fight is special because his Shadow becomes suicidal, instead of fighting it you have to keep it alive while it tries to kill itself
>>the cheerleader is last to join, and bullies your group for most of the game before she gets targeted and all her friends turn on her
This sounds fucking KINO

I'm older than her now and she not attractive anymore
Just one. Like Alice!Teddie, but all the time.
sounds awesome but not even japan is based enough to do that at least anymore

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