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Why are there NO magical girl games? I only ever see shitty VNs.

It would be so cool.
Literally "Blue Reflection"
There's a ton. Sakura has a bunch of games, Pretty Cure has platformers and beat em ups. But you just wanted to post your shitty image didn't you
>Sakura has a bunch of games, Pretty Cure has platformers and beat em ups.
I don't see these on steam
>sharty tourist
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Magical girls should be willing to have more daring outfits to fight the forces of evil.
I see them
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how do I plap a cute cosplaying weebette holy shit
if she's into this show, shes into rape so just rape her
Without love, it cannot be seen.
I'm a sharty tourist and I love anime tho
Madoka deconstructed the genre so thoroughly it can't be taken seriously (or even non-seriously) again.
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Season 2 when?
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It's a dungeon crawler
I don't see you saying "NO games on steam" in OP post
Only one of those is good and it's not the gay one
Is Mary Skelter really magical girl-coded? Compile Heart did make Omega Quintet at least.
Magical girls are a cultural relic.
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Nah, he's full of shit. The player characters are empowered shonen characters like you find on any JRPG or action game.
t. Played Nightmares and 2 (haven't played Finale yet).
Precure and Symphogear pretty much did the same in the meanwhile. Madoka just plays the 2deep4you card ala evangelion.
As generic of a magical girl franchise as it gets; they even get rid of the physical fights (the only notable thing about the franchise)

Not a magical girl franchise, being basically super sentai. It's also Evangelion-levels of overrated.
Go back and stay there.
OP is a fag as usual
you literally just got a gacha that cloned another gacha about meguca
>being basically super sentai
Super Sentai are just male magical girls.
If we made a cast of nothing but the girls it would just be a magical girl team.
Gacha aren't real games
Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!
>Super Sentai are just male magical girls.
No they aren't. They've very different on execution, being basically superheroes with a physical fighting gimmick and being focused on fights and violence.
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it's all you're going to get with your niche interests
So like 90% of Precure is exactly like that, and its the longest running magical girl anime out there.
i both love and hate her derpy face
>So like 90% of Precure is exactly like that
No it isn't. Precure are magical girls, not superheroes. Very different distinction.
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There are no men in this anime therefore you consciously or subconsciously insert yourself into one of the girls fueling your AGP fetish
I want to
So what would you call that distiction?
Sentai and Precure fight the monster of the week saving the town.
Its the same thing.
Can't speak for everyone here but I swear to god I can't lewd mahoako characters due to all of them being endearing autists and the ecchi scenes being hilarious.
I need a cosplay gf like this. Imagine seeing a hot anime girl you wanna fuck and then you just make your gf cosplay and fuck her.
No they aren't.
Magical girls like Precure, on top of having feminine aesthetics and being aimed towards a female audience, are all about interpersonal relationships and the magical girls spend as much time saving the town as they are building friendships with everyone while going through their own personal growing.
Super sentai is aimed at a male audience and it's all about action and punching enemies, on top of having military or pseudo-military undertones.
The main character is male-coded but they just made her female so they don't get cancelled for having a male rapist mc
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>tertiary tourist is unaware of the evil slut's manager (male)
>Character: Venalita
>Voice Actror: Fukuen Misato
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Vena is not male or female it is something else.
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Look harder. Also might want to check out the Valis series. Good luck navigating that shit.
>None of those is a good game
If you're not willing to settle for middling JRPGs or action titles, you're swimming up a creek with this shit. Bayonetta's a good action game, I guess.
>Any whore with superpowers is a magical girl
By that logic then every single gacha game out there is a magical girl game.

Why is /v/ so dishonest when it comes to games?
Why is there no anime exactly like this, but it's an ugly bastard molesting the girls instead?
I self as the fat ugly bastard that fucks the entire cast
Especially Utena, because I'm the opposite of a magical girl in every way.
The only questionable one there is Gravity Rush, and even that has aspects. Senrans are magical girls masquerading as ninjas, and BR and Crystar are basically Madoka lite.
Gorgeous BBFs.
>Any whore with superpowers is a magical girl because I say so
Why is /v/ so dishonest when it comes to discussing things?
is this the thread?
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Compile Heart loves their transformation super modes, and Mary Skelter is no different. Its girls are more like fairy tale-themed vampires, in that they power up by getting splashed with monster blood, turning their hair white and their eyes pink.

But if they're too stressed when the transformation happens (teammates dying, inflicted with status ailment, fighting a boss) they go apeshit and turn into a corrupted monstergirl instead. After that, they'll used their buffed stats to attack friend and foe indiscriminately, and the only way to turn them back is when the male MC's blood.

Interesting story and lore, okay gameplay with the usual CH jank.
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Skill issue.
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>tfw going into Nobeta threads
Crystar is a big Madoka ripoff.
self-insert fags ruin everything
For me it's Alice
>Why is a videogame aimed at pedophiles full of pedophiles?
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The game itself really isn't. The Twitter account, on the other hand...
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Baiser-sama is for domming other girls only
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In Alice's eyes YOU are the loli.
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If you don't like it then cut your penis.
Do it right now.
Yes it is; it's literally its selling point.
So of course any discussion of it on the internet about it will be full of pedophiles.
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wish she was just the tiniest bit flatter but this scene was still a season highlight
look at her go
Yes I will drink her milk directly from the source
Never met a dyke I couldn't fuck the lesbo out of. Challenge accepted.
You haven't even touched another human being that isn't your mother
Go back to SNES and Genesis Era games, there are PLENTY of Sailor Moon games if you want to get your fix.
This is what I'm talking about. The game itself has nothing to do with pedophilia, like actually playing the game and going through the story. You're conflating the marketing and internet discussion with the game proper.
>subconsciously insert yourself into one of the girls
yeah i'm gonna be inserting something alright
>fully visible underwear
>not pedo
Had no idea there were 7-11 milk carton lovers go figure.
I really believe Maji yaBaiser's anime is the result of Precure doing some crazy shit.
Just how many fetishes do you think they created over the years?
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Anon, you either like cute girls, or big black cocks deep inside your asshole.
There is no middle ground.
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cute girls.
Is Precure the Totally Spies of Japan or something?
There are a million games not named Little Witch Nobeta that do that. Fucking Melee showed Peach's undergarments back in 2001.
shit taste
And is Peach a loli?
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Google “Ero Witches”
Don't worry babe, I can fix you too.
>mudslime poster
>gay with shit taste
Checks out
So what you're saying is, you're in love with your cosplay girlfriend?
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I want to make one but I'm working two jobs, most likely have undiagnosed ADHD and need Adderall but my insurance is shit and wake up tired to to do much...
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Yeah, pretty much.
They even brought on some dude who always drew fanart upskirts of the precures to design monsters for one of their seasons. One of the monsters was some mushroom that sprouted tentacles that wriggled around near one of the girls' mouths while she had her mouth taped.
Cant find the vid on youtube wonder if it was deleted.
I just grabbed ones that showcase the weird shit. My favorite is GoPri
I want a game where you kill magical girls
If admitting being from sharty isn't a bannable offense, it should be.
Post the one where a tentacle monster kind of molests her.

It's because magical girl shows are aimed towards little girls and artfags, people who normally don't consume vidja, and would rather read and draw shitty crackship doujins, and sew pretty dresses. Same with Super Sentai fags, who are spiritually women, and would rather draw shitty art, and spend days upon days sewing their dream costume, like the girls they are.
Domming a dom is called "justice"
>author is still dead
It's not fair
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>The game itself has nothing to do with pedophilia
>You're conflating the MARKETING and internet discussion with the game proper.
He's recovering and will come back even stronger.
the problem with the marketing is that it makes the game seem like something it's not
Isn't nobeta a child prostitute?
Is this the anime with official porn for 14yo girls?
not porn, echi
Blue Reflection exists. It's shit though.
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>Blue Reflection exists
Not anymore, whoops.
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For older women, yes
Venalita is a she.
I wanna kill her so badly it hurts
I wish I was a cute mahou shoujo so utena would rape me...
I want to make sweet love to Utena and cure her gayness.
High test
Low test I might even rape you myself
There's a lot of H games
Alice's big forehead
so it really is a pedo game.
I hate kiggers
wow it's almost like kikes constantly stop japanese games from being published on westoid sites or something
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kill yourself.
Still waiting on the update translation
Modern cosplay thots are basically never "into" the characters/series they cosplay, and usually haven't even seen/played/read them. They just keep track of what characters are trending among ironic weebs, and cosplay as those characters for maximum simpbux.
Cosplay has not been an expression of love for a long time. It's just a grift now.
need giant magic girl to rape me
yeah but older woman on younger girl is the good kind of pedo stuff
no stinky men anywhere
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>no stinky men anywhere
Unironically the best anime I've seen this year.
>no vagina bones
You're thinking of Evangelion.
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based but it needs more content
Is this an actual scene of the show?
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why are there so many big plans featuring magical girls
You get to see the detailed outline of blue's vagina being spread by the MC's fingers with light coming out of it.
Nobeta is a magical girl but she's not a Magical Girl.
Is this the game where you will literally get a bad end if you see a boss and then go back to save point?
No, that's the first Death end re;Quest also from Compile Heart.
>It's also Evangelion-levels of overrated.
I'd say a fair description of it would be "cult classic". while not being the best or most well written, it is unique enough and has enough good parts to justify the small but very dedicated fanbase it has
Is it worth a try to see how the game will try to fuck you up?
So there's an uncensored version of the episodes? Or was this done by some charitable soul?
It's fun if you can deal with some jank. Most bad ends are properly telegraphed but a few can be real troll moves.
In what way? The games are very easy as DRPGs go, almost mindless. It's been aptly described as a DRPG for people that don't like DRPGs.
That's poetry, anon. Proud of you for writing something so powerful.
Most rips you can find online are as visually uncensored as the show was made i.e. visible nipples (even on the 9 year old once), the scene I mentioned and various others that get very lewd. Blu Ray rips also uncensor a few instances where the audio was muted e.g. when a magical girl gets molested particularly hard or when two characters have sex.
>I'd say a fair description of it would be "cult classic".
Doubt. Most of it's popularity stems from crossbreeding with Precure fans due to broadcast rotations with kids watching it frequently. I don't want to shit on it since I like the osts but come on the writing is atrocious. Just how many time can you get baited into believing the cast is in any danger?
Its specifically the transformation that makes a magical girl. Which is why Samus is one and Kat is not.
>magical girl
if samus is an magical girl then so is iron man
Kat does have transformation sequences, they just aren't common and are less "new frilly costume" and more "manifestation of power".
(You)'re a magical girl!
I'm playing DERQ on and off and it has yet to do anything that interesting. Either that or I missed it. Hopefully the back half will surprise me.
It's the most arbitrary death end in the game and extremely easy to miss. You need to manually run away from the spider queen in the water temple and attempt to leave the boss room. No other boss does this.
>. visible nipples (even on the 9 year old once)
Jesus Christ
Well, I know what I'll be watching tonite at dinner. Thanks for the info, anon.
>video thumbnail

what the fuck is this non official garbage?
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Kill yourself twitterfag.
None of these are magical girls.
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>One of 2 games I know with playable Princess Silver
because men are 99% of the market, and men do not want to play as a magical girl
all this faggotry pushed by leftists and jews is pointless and destructive
Never forget, they are evil, they are demonic

No act against evil is immoral
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Magical girls are made to be corrupted
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but they do
This is ExS-Tia isnt it?
I played the first one ages ago, never had time to get to the sequels.
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This ain't even the lewdest thing. In episode 10, the MC traps two girls in a room until they have sex with each other, while she watches. I'd post a webm of it but you know, it's just straight up two girls having sex, and it might not be a straight up hentai but there's visible nipples on both of them, and I'm not trying to catch a three day, so you're going to have to settle for some underboob
>and it might not be a straight up hentai but there's visible nipples on both of them
And the bottom has fluid between her legs post-orgasm.
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Still waiting on translation for the games
What is the second game?
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The funniest part in all of this is the anime is lewder than the manga.
Nobeta is also CUTE and has a CUTE BUTT.
Crystar. Really, really, really basic ARPG entirely carried by the story and atmosphere as long as you can put up with ultra-repetitive exploration and combat. It's about girls who make contracts with a pair of shady individuals to become magical girls and explore purgatory to recover soul fragments of people they lost in the hopes of bringing them back to life before they reincarnate. A lot of crying is involved.
Because you're blind.
The soundtrack by Sakuzyo is the best thing about it
Why is anime so LGBT?
I can put up with basic if the game offers a decent amount of resistance. That's rarely the case with these story heavy JRPGS though.

How is this one?
How do I cope with this? There is a certain appeal to being a girl dom.
>+150 replies of people complaining about trannies

nu-/v/ is so fucking dogshit

Geeze this review really hurts if it's true.

>japanese "men"
Resistance as in difficulty? No, the enemy AI is completely braindead and bosses are lucky to have more than two attacks. The follow-up Crymachina is much more polished (though still jank) and can offer some challenge, but it's sci-fi and not magical girls.
>LGBT yurishit
I hate japan
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I see ignored posts, which is an excellent thing.
that game, Super Heroine Chronicles, got ruined by adding garbage /a/ loves, like Infinite Stratos, instead of good stuff like a PreCure or Nanoha
Blame licensors
Which one? They all look the same.
unlikely to ever happen. The whole reason the dev wants a new translation is that the previous publisher said translating the update wouldn't make them any money, so a newer translation would end up as a separate product and make even less
Basically the only hope is some benevolent fan translator making a quality translation and then gifting it to the dev for free
>The whole reason the dev wants a new translation is that the previous publisher said translating the update wouldn't make them any money,
kind of insane that this type of thing wouldn't have been covered in an initial contract
any PreCure would be better than the pile of shit that is Infinite Stratos
As someone who had the patience to enjoy Crystar for its good points, every word of that review is true.
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I always wanted to watch Cardcaptor Sakura when I was a kid and they’d play it on TV but it was too embarrassing with my parents around…
>the audible plap sound when Kiwi sits her fat ass on Utena
This show is a miracle.
Still waiting on the benevolent fan translator
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Be the difference.
I know that it has happened to at least 2 other games, one like a week ago for a game that like 3 other people tried to translated and then dropped, so there's always a chance
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Here's your magical girl game bro
kekd, thanks anon
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how about the one literally named "mahou shoujo"
JOP only tho
Good thing that art is almost certainly reversible.
why the hell would you prefer anime over 80s video game art?
I prefer the villians.
it's the second most used word on /v/ and almost first
i'd assume most people filtered it out already
My filter list continues to grow as people continue ti come up with more and more garbage terms. I can't be bothered keeping up with this arms race anymore.
I wanted to give this VN a try because the art looks awesome, female netorare is a legendary rare fetish, and the main villainess is sexy as fuck, but I'd feel too bad about our heroine GF getting cucked and shafted with bad ends.
This got a translation?
I want a new sailor moon game
The character design in this show is so trash
It's okay to be gay, anon, but you don't gotta be a faggot about it.
>mc alternates from an awkward nerd to a sadist
>all the girls are secretly into it
>they're all canonically 14 years old
>we see actual flat loli chest in an episode (fliters out normies)

This anime is so based it shouldn't exist in >current year
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Maiden and Spell, Rabbit and Steel.
I hate MMO raid mechanics
Maiden and Spell has none of those.
None of the players too
>like 7 flashing lights and things going off
>answer is just stand in middle
They have to spread out into the danger zone, then converge in the center, then spread out quickly again. Which they fail to do and get KO'd.
they have to spread out, then group in the middle, then spread out again
Games with corruption mechanics?
So they decided to kill the dude already in his safe spot then fucked around and died from something as simple as that?
Looks like they were given well enough time to move away, I can already imagine the shitflinging.
Only thing I know of this thing is the fanfiction crossover with Banjo-Kazooie.
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>successfully corrupt some girls.
>Pulling strings on both sides so it don't get immediately fucked.
>Everything keikaku doori.

Why QB can't be this competent?
homura and madoka wernt horny enough
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Kiwi is just perfect. Thick in the right places along with huge ass and tits.
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Currently waiting on
>Quarta 3
BASED kisaragi honey poster
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Well /pol/?
Cutie Honey is a Magical Girl show.
They all submit to BUC (Big Utena Cock)
Usagi and Madoka legit become gods leaving Sakura out of the battle quickly. Between Usagi and Madoka, Usagi can wipe out an entire planet.
I've collected lewd pictures of this girl, what show is she from so I can do the watching?
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Which one ruined the magical girl genre the most?
>no Precure
This is literally western terrorism
Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete
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Precure. This plastic, retarded, formulaic, and unimaginative piece of crap needed to die ages ago.
Madoka. It took Magia Baiser to steer magical girls away from edge back into what they should be
FUCK i thought there was a new chapter
Fuck you, its kino and you know it.
It's like that one piece webm. it doesn't look pleasant.
I would argue madoka's guilt is paving the path to "magical girls with a twist" like the garbage you like to watch.
Thoughts on Sugar Sugar Rune?
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>That one scene where Utena removes clothes from loco and then forces her to sing while being completely naked.
This show is a fucking masterpiece.
For me, its giant footslut Nun
I hope next season we will have Magia Baiser forcing both tres magia and rest of enormeeta to lick Magia Baiser's bare soles.
I read the manga.
It has less and less fun sexual abuse and more and more power level bull shit.
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Magenta best girl
This is not a thing you fucking faggot.
>so they don't get cancelled for having a male rapist mc
But Rance is a beloved MC in a 3 decade long series to the point IGN Japan said Rance X was the GOTY the year it came out
I want to eat out Kiwi and Utena's asses so much bros
changing Magenta's piss soaked diapers!
Bluray version drops the music and adds more moaning. You can hear Magenta’s pissing better in her episode too.
Haha what if she ate them haha
Same and I'm watching Cowboy Bebop for the first time right now
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wtf she got a game?
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>Well /pol/?
Is that swim swim?
>next season
LOL, this is it for that FOTM, I'm afraid. Get ready to consume the next product.
>Is that swim swim?
She did nothing wrong
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Hat World
Now that I can't quite get on board with but I'm glad to find another /gusher/ here
I want my Z.O.E magical girl game
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Try games from shiboo if you have not allready
>Why are there NO magical girl games?
What is Bayonetta
Ixy's art is the only thing carrying this game
Utena's saggy tits
Play persona 5, it has literally a magical girl premise.
Swim2 was a woman you're thinking of the other one.

She did everything wrong. Fuck swimswim. Justice for Hardgore.
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Cute asian girls!
I didnt know anything about the show when I started watching it. I thought it would be like a magical girl subversion type of thing
Sakura is nothing without her cards. Madoka wins this
I don't want to be on a watchlist

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