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>Alien Hominid HD/Invasion announced for PS4/PS5
>Battleblock Theater quality of life update coming to Steam (higher res/framerate, bug fixes, and more). Game also coming to modern consoles, teased something else for the game
>Castle Crashers Painter Boss Paradise DLC, steam workshop, Paint Junior character
>Pit People quality of life update planned
>The Behemoth's next game currently being prototyped
SOUL vs soulless
these guys still exist? pretty based tho
they censored/changed a bunch of shit in the new alien hominid lmao
they released the alien homined battle Royale or whatever like a couple months ago
no one gives afuck wears nightmare cops
I literally bought that game and liked it but I still forgot it existed
>gets rid of the dumb armor nose and replaces it with even dumber armor ears
why tho
it better have an option to switch between the old style and new, i hate when video game companies dont let you do this shit
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Holy shit! Imagine all the anime characters people will add to Castle Crashers!
CCII when?
didn't they try to make something like a universe for their games with Battleblock/pit people?
how many years has it been since pit people?
>Yuuko in Castle Crashers
Thats nice.
I wonder if it will come with more than just an art update. Castle Crashers is pretty buggy and janky a lot of the time. I do still like it though.
Elaborate, because the rerelease fixed a ton of the bugs.
a bit sovless but I do like they are adding workshop and shit
>Castle Crashers is pretty buggy and janky a lot of the time.
Anything specific? I never came across any glitches or bugs that really stood out.
Dan Paladin's art is slowly getting worse and worse over the years, I can't be the only one that thinks that, I mean look at it.
I don't really feel strongly on the skins but I really wish they would at least take this opportunity to give players some map making tools. I know there's been some effort by the modding community but since CC2 never seems to be happening this would be a nice consolation prize. I so badly want new content or ways for players to customize move sets.
Mainly stuff like layering issues and getting stuck out of bounds and whatnot.
Though I mainly played the old version back on its original release, so maybe its less of a problem now.
I wouldn't say "worse", it's higher quality, but I can see how aesthetically you may prefer the older designs, I sort of do too.
Original release on 360? Yeah, it was fair bit buggier, and patching games on 360 was more expensive.
Do we know if they are keeping Stamper as the narrator in Battleblock? My guess here is no.
Bros do I pull the trigger? It can't be that bad right? It's the only Behemoth game I haven't played. I remember people also shit on BBT and Pit People when those came out and they were great
My only issue with the knight is that the angry squint isn't as angry anymore
I agree
So they're just doing updates to old shit in perpetuity? My son and I have been playing a lot of Castle Crashers recently. It's fun, but insane mode feels like it'd take 15 minutes to clear each level with how bloated the hp is. I wanted to unlock all the characters, but I'm not spending hours and hours to do it and my son is 5 so he's no help.
Conpare Pit People to Battleblock Theatre. Castle Crashers was the *peak* of his style. And as the games go on it's just gotten worse and worse to the point of self flanderization.
Would you play a Behemoth fightan (no gay Smash clone shit)?
I don't think you could really 1 to 1 compare art for a tactical rpg with a 2D platformer, the expectations are different.
armor nose was never a thing and the "ears" are actually the thingy to partially lift the helmet, plus it looks closer to the select screen art
Nobody cares about Castle Crashers anymore. If it was back in the 2010's when they were the number 1 indie game on Xbox maybe but because of their retarded no sequel rule they pissed all the momwntum they had away.
Iunno that new one has its own appeal with the more defined musclebrow
That's the hinge you retarded nigger.
I respect these guys a lot, but I just have no interest in Alien Hominid. Only time I've played it was the demo and it just wasn't for me. And it's a shame it took a billion years to make. On one hand I like that these guys and Klei Entertainment make new stuff each time, but it sucks when they make a game in a genre you don't like so you have to wait an eternity for them to get to a type of game you're into
Not really, it looks worse than the previous two games, it sucked ass compared to the previous two games too like who the FUCK is excited to play a tactical rpg borefest listening to Stamper yammer into the mic, that gimmick outlived it's purpose in Battleblock when it was new and tolerable, this newgrounds artstyle is meant for games with gameplay.
I wish he was more pissed, but the new art is good. I am interested in how some of the other unlockable characters look.
Also curious to see the Necromancer, considering he is playable so he will get a full new sprite sheet too.
Didn't they used to charge money to patch games? I recall that being the excuse Valve gave for leaving console TF2 alone.
>dumb armor nose
That's the glabella you doofus. It's an important facial feature for emphasizing the angry eyes in the original and they kept it in the redesign, it just looks more stern and serious.
I mean yeah I'm not exactly a fan of a TRPG either the only one I ever liked was Shining Force, but I'm not going to pretend NOBODY would like it
>New player and weapon artwork for all official playable characters (with an option to toggle on or off).
Taken from the youtube description
Is it crazy to hope that there will be more than the art style refresh and custom characters? Like new moves or levels?
Yeah, applying patches on 360 required you to go through Microsoft's certification process, which was at minimum somewhere like 10 to 30k per patch, at least on XBLA titles. No idea about releases that came on discs.
The console manufacturers have since then gotten more lax on the paywalls for applying patches.
soul saved
My main concern with it only being player characters and weapons is that it might clash style wise with the NPC characters and backgrounds.
>Didn't they used to charge money to patch games?
Microsoft still does, actually it's pretty funny! But it's on a whenever basis, if they like you they might just decide not to charge you to update your game the enforcement of that is totally arbitrary.
oh it probably will
I used to play their flash games on my shitty laptop during the 2010s. These guys are a relic lmao
It's pretty fun in an arcade kind of way. You probably won't put in a ton of time in one go without friends, but it's a fun time waster when you don't know what you wanna do. I enjoyed it, but I also haven't played it in a few months.
>Dan confirmed in an interview that the Necromancer is still alive
Castle Crashers 2 confirmed
Incidentally hilarious, I'm pretty sure this is why Undertale took basically forever to come out on Xbox, and seemingly there aren't plans to put out Deltarune.
Ah yes my favorite castle crashers meme
That's pretty retarded for a company that was trying so hard to put indies on its console at the time.
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What genre are you hoping for with the new game? For me it's some sort of stealth game, although I think it's unlikely. Something more in their wheelhouse that I would be happy with would be a roguelike with a focus on making weird builds
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I hate that Adventure Time came and pretty much stole a whole lot from Castle Crashers.
My guess at the time was that they wanted to discourage smaller developers from putting buggy games on xbla.
They abandoned the practice in 2013 or something.
Can't wait for the NG characters mod, finally we can play as Hank Madness in Castle Crashers.
They were both based on the same nordic myth iirc
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>We can play as Hank in castle crashers
The best part is the old arcade was filled with the most bottom of the barrel shovelware anyways.
>Salad fingers with a rusty spoon weapon
What are the chances you can customize the abilities for new characters in Castle Crashers? If they're all the generic arrow rain magic, I'll be assmad.
>Salad fingers with a rusty spoon weapon
sex if true
I’m the only Beekeeper main on earth
>higher framerate
Please god no the 60fps bullshit on the new alien hominid is vomit inducing and hurts to watch. 2D animation is not meant to go above 28fps every animator knows this. I swear if they start updating their older games with 60fps with filler AI slop frames. They will literally ruin them completely GO WATCH ALIEN HOMINID INVASION, try and last 5mins without vomiting. Not only is the colour god awful but the way all the sprites move super fast and blurry is ust so repulsive what the fuck was Tom thinking, as an animator he should know this. Its the most basic fucking rule of animation 60fps is just fucking gross ungodly eyesore that only the mentally retarded spout about.
The game is so literal ADHD crige forced zoomercore its unreal its unfuckingplayable it is a literal fucking eyesore to play the game it physically hurts to watch the screen. As everything just zooms around with no fluid or motion what so ever. Everything moves so fast and it looks like complete shit then throw in the god awful colours and it just causes headaches to look at the screen for longer than 5mins.

Like srsly what the fuck were Tom&Co thinking
Yeah but Castle Crashers created the Ice King that steals princessess first. It was such a egreigous copy and touch up I've ever seen before they just changed him from a fae looking lizard to a sad old man voiced by Tom Kenny and his iceskimo's to penguins.
He's getting better at details and realism in exchange for style.
The knight on the right isn't nearly as immediately recognizable as the original.
100% chance they are customizable
The game has been out for over a decade they’re not that stupid
It's not like they're too crazy to customize either.
No Dan your art has gotten worse the shading is terrible your colour theory is fucking god awful stop with all the shitty bright colours. The added details and killing off the linework and minimalism for zoomerbullshit is bordering on fucking globohomo modern animation/art.

Look at what Krinkles has done with madness the artstyle has slowly changed its more detailed and bolder yet he's hardly done anything AND DUDE IS A FUCKING SHIT ARTISTS TO TOP IT OFF LIKE HES STILL BEG TIER AFTER ALL THESE YEARS YET GIVE THE MAN FUCKING SPRITES AND HE CAN CHOREOGRAPH SCENES THAT RIVAL GOLDEN AGE HOLLYWOOD BLOCKBUSTERS.
>Castle Crashers was 16 years ago
This. The added realistic details are unecessary and works against the cartoon artstyle. Castle Crashers style is timeless and iconic, everything in it has the perfect amount of detail and color pallette that works with the style.
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>No Dan your
>madness is 22 years old as of yesterday
Actually I completely forgot that Remaster gave a lot more unique spells and shit, but a lot of them tend to follow the usual scheme
>Shit errupting from the ground in a wave in front of you
>Bunch a shit falling on enemies
>Projectile that goes straight or at an angle depending on whether or not you're jumping
The only exception that the Desertman and the Bear got the Tornado attacks.
>finally we can play as Hank Madness
To OP the only way to have Hank in the game should be a shit clone that Tricky randomly&accidentally throws in a portal after nearly beating said clone to death. And even then the fight should take place as soon as said clone is throw out of this portal for him not to be OP as fuck.

Otherwise hed be able to pull helmets off and cave skulls in with one hit rip out said skulls still connected to most its vertebra. Beating people to death with it before the skull shatters getting bits of bone all in the persons eyes and face blinding them causing them massive pain. As a bro goes to attack Hank he grabs fucked up dudes arm/leg and it gets chopped off using it as a weapon along with wtv weapon was in the hand of said removed arm. To beat even more people to death with in just a few hits with.

Its fucking Hank man even a shitty clone as a master of madness caving fucking skulls in like no tomorrow turning anything into a weapon especially against clowns and especially using clown bodies(still living) or corpses as a weapon making sure the clowns head can take as many hits as possible before its skull turns into a gorefilled confetti bomb.
I hate being old
>Turns out Alien Hominid is only 20 bucks by default
>I thought it was like 30 due to hiked up price in my region
Inflation hasn't been kind to my gayming habits.
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>Anon thinks a castle crasher would be a poder prohibito with fixed stats rolling the entire game
Were you looking at the bundle?
Also should I add Sue as a Castle Crasher? Or do you think Tyrone Rodriguez will sperg out about it?
No, it's 415 of my Ukrainian monopoly money, which is over 10 bucks, when before this most recent economical nosedive we would at least get less than half the default price
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>Battleblock Theater quality of life update coming to Steam (higher res/framerate, bug fixes, and more). Game also coming to modern consoles, teased something else for the game
If they fucking DARE to remove Stamper from the game I'm gonna do terrible things in minecraft.
His voice was in the preview with what I think were new lines
I'm glad they were able to wrangle that crackhead back into the studio
Of all the shit Adventure Time did poorly, especially in the late seasons, ripping off the idea of an ice king who steals princesses is pretty mild.
>New lines
>Tom is still giving Stamper meth money even afte getting his youtube nuked all his social media repeatedly nuked and arrested like a dozen times since 2020 for all sorts of shit including some jail stints

Cringefully based, hope dude is doing well been a hot minuet since I heard anything about him. I pray they forced him into rehab and like watched over&helped the dude unfry his brain for a few months. Getting him motivated to do shit again OTHER THAN METH AND 5$ HANDJOBS IN A CHILDRENS PARK WHEN ITS NOT EVEN DARK OUT OR THE FUCKING PARK IS EMPTY
I really do think its less of a rip off and more of a funny coincidence if anything.
AT pilot aired in January 11 2007 featuring the ice king as we know him and the full CC came out in August 27 2008 with the frost king.
Again im pretty sure both characters are based off the same thing.
>AT pilot
I... have no memory of the AT pilot. God damn, 30's a little young for dementia isn't it? I still remember Brave Warriors so at least I'm not totally gone.
AT's pilot looks pretty wonky and Finn isn't even drawn the same in it. They probably don't air it very often because of the noticeable distinct differences.
I wanna play with the lads... one last time...
Castle crash if you will
i can host but expect the ping to be above 300
I'm afraid you're not "the lads"
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That's the gap between the brow ridge, dum-dum. Look at its position relative to the eyes. Of course it isn't a nose.
Castle Crashers is already endlessly replayable. And unlocklords have their task laid out for them. Having to complete the game like 20 times just to unlock every character.
Like what?
was insane mode ever good?
Not really.
What a weird thing to do?
I mean it's kinda nice but just... odd?
Like adding higher resolution or updated looks om the knights will not make me reinstall the game(s) after 15 years on the bench.
It's kind of weird. Most casual players will never stand a chance. There's only really 2 ways to play insane mode. You can arrow spam with max agility where you shoot arrows as fast as you can mash. Or you can learn to juggle. And arrow spamming won't really work on some of the harder waves so really you need to learn to juggle. The vast majority of casuals never learn how to do the right combo to juggle things though and the game doesn't really explain it so you would need to look it up and practice it a little. And that's obviously not worth the effort for most people.

I've always been a little confused at what they intended honestly. The official behemoth forums used to have massive debates about whether or not juggling is really intended. And I know Dan Paladin has chimed in saying they didn't know juggling could get as crazy as the players took it, like juggling things infinitely (only works on light enemies but still). So I don't understand how they thought Insane Mode Necromancer was possible when they released it.
I watched the interview last night and while they never expected infinite juggling, they did expect some. I beat Insane mode without any idea of how to infinite since just going airborne for a little is plenty to deal damage and stay alive.
Shut up, just know they did you fucking maggots.
>So I don't understand how they thought Insane Mode Necromancer was possible when they released it.
Screams to me like they didnt play test shit and just wanted to drop something to keep people busy after unlocking all characters.
Wouldnt have a problem with how bad it is if it wasnt required to unlock certain characters later on but here we are.
I'm gonna cum
...........inside pink knight
I don't think so. The moon level is just pure tedium, IMMENSE fucking HP sponge enemies.
Yeah. Insane Mode wasn't required in the Xbox 360 version for anything. But in newer releases they threw the older DLC characters in as unlockables and I guess that's the best unlock method they could think of
>castle crashers
does ANYONE care about this company besides castle crashers and the neat little flash games you could play at school in the early 2000s? how is this company not bankrupt? who is buying their shit?
Shocking how much money they'd make if they released Castle Crashers 2 with skins n so forth. Obviously I wouldn't want that, but they're losing out on tens of millions of dollars.
BBT is actually fun if you have friends
or so I heard
>does ANYONE care about this company besides castle crashers and the neat little flash games you could play at school in the early 2000s?
are you one of those people who thinks the flash version and console versions of alien hominid are the same thing because you never played the console version?
battleblock is ludo, shut up
classic looks better
i don't think it's very fun with friends
you're either trying to play the game no bullshit or you're just fucking up the same platforming section because you/your friend is a retard. doesn't lend itself too great to being a fun party game
>Random shartytroon spam
>Thinking people are this retarded even if you dont spam the thread with basedjacks

I mean they said for ages they didnt want to go down this path. AH was created cause 20th adversary and all, it didnt sell well at all(I wonder why hmmmm). I bet they are hurting for money now cosider they spent like 5 years on this.....

Safe to say if castle crashers 2.0 aint being worked on..... the company could go under unless they make another OC hit somehow.
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I̶̺͐̂ ̶̬͇̓̃Ẅ̴̫̜I̴̩̩͗L̵̻̓̈́L̵̦͝ ̴̡̙͌̆P̶̧͗̀A̴̼͍͐̎İ̸̤̍N̷̉͜T̴̪͆͆ ̷̨̎Y̸̋͊Ơ̶̪̞͑Ṵ̸̹͂ ̸̤̏̾I̸̮͓͠N̴̈͜T̴̤̺̋̒Ǫ̷̌ ̷͕̌͗A̶̡͎̚ ̶͓̯̓C̴̙̿͋Ỏ̷͚̻Ŕ̸̦̯̀N̷̪̆͑E̸͉͌R̵̤̈́
they used his voice in the trailer so it's most likely they're just gonna use the old voicelines or maybe stamper was able to stay sane for 30 days
Srsly what the fuck has he been up to. Every account has been ban on site for like every site for a few months now no?

Like last I heard he was busted for B&E and was legit fucked
>Srsly what the fuck has he been up to.
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guys they literally confirmed that you can still use the old assets and you can toggle off the new ones ok who cares about this soul vs soulless debate if you’re not being forced to look at the soulless new stuff anyway
pretty fun with friends, but way too repetitive
>>Pit People quality of life update
Any deets
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I didn't buy Alien Hominid and I assume a lot of people didn't also
Anon Stamper is too poor for crack, he's middleclass he does meth Crack is a rich persons or niggos drug.
I still think alien hominid is bad name
they should have called it yellow alien
Damn, I totally forgot Alien Hominid existed.
I had a lot of fun playing it on Gamecube too.
The minigame with the stickfigures was great
Alien Hominid HD still has downgrades from the XBLA version they haven't fixed yet. Retards.
Right is positively repulsive with how generic and sterile it looks. Left had style.
Literally no one likes invasion. As soon as they showed off the first trailer, people just bert stared at Tom giving the what the fuck is this face? Its by far the worst thing they have all made thats including they god awful shitpost flashes from before 04 made in less than an hour.
omg scratchpaw hi
NOOOOO, theyre ruining my heckin childhood!!!
look it used to look like shitty vector clip art and now it looks like shitty vector clip art!!!!
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Anyone else remember the Behemoth cutscenes from Whacked (2002)
Why is the art so clean and soulless now?
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Pit People was really disappointing, it perpetually felt like it was missing something, appreciate the Snake/Spider ladies though
>The Behemoth
Dan Paladin.
He's a person Anon.
>modding support for CC
Today Tom Fulp was not a faggot.
I notice a lot of animation and art these days being perfect clean in a formula way. There's none of that human charm error you see in animation or art.
>Why is HD art so clean compared to something designed for a 480p display
i liked the style of dan paladin as a kid but god damn none of behemoths games were ever good. i hope they at least put food on the table.
Pit people is like a half no quarter baked idea, slapped together because they thought it would come together differently. But the ideas didn't come so they just wing'd it half assed praying for the best. Like the design doc was less than 5 pages and they went eh fuck it we got nothing else. We can totally pump out another banger from this. Ehhh wait fuck what did we just spend 3 years on, why the fuck did we make this, wait whos idea was X Y & Z, wait wait shit why did we shit we spent how much money on dev time.... fuck...... we need to sell how many copies to break even fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. We are so fucked why did we do this....

This is pit people summed up.
some more details will come out later but what said details are is anybodies guess, I will assume its more minor stuff
I honestly hope the dlc at least nerfs the health of some of the enemies in insane mode, especially the fucking corn boss who just needs a health nerf in general
they did confirm that for magic you can choose whatever magic is currently in (you can't make your own new custom magic as far as we know at the moment)
weird because there's like 3 or 4 good magics and 28 mediocre ones
>industrial / fencer for bosses
>red knight / blue knight for waves

Everything else is worse
CC2 next?
I would even be up for BBT2.
Just for the love of god, dont make them rougeshit
>tier queering your fucking castle crashers custom character
Absolutely fucking SOULLESS
but it so much easier than actual game design
Agreed. Maybe it's because it's such a long game but has so little to build towards. I don't like checklists just for the sake of placing a new checkmark. And if you're playing Perma-death? I can't imagine it's fulfilling to have to capture a new follower every goddamn time you make a minor goof.
I think it's pretty neat they decided to do at least something new with Castle Crashers
>Castle crashers is Behemoth’s Skyrim now
Stop acting like Alien Hominid makes you special nigger.
it's cool that the game is getting new content, buuuut it's still the same game the content is purely visual so who cares? i guess you can draw a penis and play as one...
It must be somethinf I ate.
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Paint Jr a cute!
Damn I feel retarded because I just now only realized all the characters have the same arms and legs.
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You didn't beat the game.
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>They exist next to eachother and one is visibly uncomfortable
>But they're gay
Where's Nightmare Cops?
It feels like you see you everything the game has to offer fairly quick and like you said it's not exactly a short game
Oh, and I should add the TF2 characters.
That could be fun.
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So if the Painter isn’t our enemy anymore, do we still fight him at the end?
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When will he be playable?
I played it for 50 hours before getting bored
Probably a few seconds after it releases
Are they going to change the xp system from the OG Castle Crashers? Being based on how many times you hit things was really stupid, even if it was fun to game the system.
they fuck
Yup. It could have used an extra layer of gameplay or two as well, to keep things fresh... or at least a little more stimulating.
There was a sneaking mission. I think a lot of the missions were varied and kept you on your toes.
Painter Junior is the one who joins us. Can't he just fight his own dad?
cant you fight the necromancer with the necromancer?
I played a great deal of the side missions. Some have some OK gimmicks but man I was not entertained enough to slog through all of them. I'm with the other anon who said it needed a little something more.
From the presentation it seems you only SET what spells they use. I really hope you can draw your own spell effects though.
I could probably make Arthas and just use the necromancer one I guess.
i wonder how the whole "draw one frame and have the game animate everything else" is gonna work...
Not sure. It will likely be limited. Hopefully you are allowed to put other mods on their workshop too.
The spritesheet for castle crashers is actually super simple.
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who was your fave, /v/? eternal edgelord so i gravitated immediately to pic rel as a kid
I hope the mods are gonna be genuinely funny and not just anime or furry shit like some workshops are
Beekeeper because bees was his magic
im a bbtGAWD doeverbeit
He looks more fed up than angry
bbt looks like a lame boring platformer, why do people like it
people play these games for Dan's artstyle
I exclusively used grey knight
I didn't even touch the consumable bombs and was the designated demolitions expert of my friend group
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Real men play the pink knight.
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My steam profile pic has been the green knight for about a decade. I haven't played Castle Crashers in years but it's too nostalgic for me to bother changing it.
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I wonder if CC came out more recently its characters would have been memed like the Among Us imposters.
Nah, Castle crashers are pretty simple, but they're still hard to draw.
An Amogus is basically two Us and a 0
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>source: the rats squeeked it to me
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I wonder if Paint Jr will be able to summon monsters like his dad.
He did an interview with some rando on Youtube not that long ago and pretended that he dindu nothing and everyone just started hating him for no reason.
Is Pit People worth a playthrough? It's the only game from these guys that I haven't played
>Is Pit People worth a playthrough
Yes. Now answer me this, is AH:Invasion worth a playthrough?
No, rougelikes are inherently unfun, if you want an exception you should play risk of rain 1
If you like strategy games it's fine but feels a bit half-baked. Probably the weakest behemoth game overall when compared to what came before it.
Invasion is fun but pretty repetitive, definitely was designed to be played with friends so... /v/ will naturally dislike it.

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