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/v/ - Video Games

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tf Takeshi gon do??
Whoa, he truly was the greatest and most realest samurai to ever truly exist, xisters!
White male fantasy
This looks kino if you can't enjoy the absurdity of it then you must be a pussy
>waaaah he's not real
who cares
lol, and japs were throwing a fit about tourists in japan being "rude" lmao, they get what they deserve
Die japanese
>if you can't enjoy the absurdity of it then you must be a pussy
true of most things irl
life is supremely absurd, so if you get mad at absurdity then you better learn to enjoy being mad
Who's Takeshi?
Take-a-shit in my mouth lmao
He's the guy who would literally die if he had sex.
I accept your concession
Here's the new racially accurate battle theme for Yasuke
It's from Uganda not Mozambique, but it's way more contextually accurate than using black american hip hop
This place is just fucking twitter now holy shit
why did you post a selfie from yourself in 2 weeks?
The only non-/pol/ person here.
They're saying this because they're fucking other dudes too.
not for long when daddy trump is back in office liberal rat
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You missed.
Weak japanese men can't stop the apex giganigga going on a country wide rampage
Never forget Nanking never forget Pearl Harbor! Yasuke get them!!!
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Das rite.
He looks like he's playing the knockout game and just looking for a target.
Don't forget vietnam, those filthy japs had it coming
What kind of person buys ubishit in 2024
>if it was for his boss
Do you have the webm with the nigga stomp?
Millions of normalfags, apparently
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Damn Assassins Creed: LA looks pretty fire
Modern ones yh actual feudal ones would fuck him up in no time
Holy based
>runs up to you with no weapon
Its bamham all over
It was near the ides of march.
Many a years ago in 2009
A black girl and a white man teamed up to mow down many africans.
An asian girl and an african man team up to mow down asians endlessly.
Was 2009 revenge for this?
How did they time travel?
How involved is umbrella in this dilemma?
based knower
asian humiliation ritual
That is fucked, holy shit.
japs are cucks
what else is new?
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>unrealistic games like dynasty warriors exist, no one says anything
>assassin's creed game with unusual characters in japan? unacceptable!!
You ain't kneelin for da great Yasuke why that is
no one cares shitlib
why are other samurai letting this nigga impregnate their wifes and kill thier farmers?
Japan is truly a cuck nation
Japs are into NTR, they will be rubbing their tiny noodle to this game.
imagine being japanese and seeing this

its like a german guy playing some WW2 game and some nigga is going around Berlin killing all thee SS boys
This AC looks oddly violent, are they trying to emulate le heckin' Kurosawa's flicks?
What Dynasty Warriors game had a playable nigger?
There has to be some CoD where you do exactly that.
Shouldn't have said nigeru near a powerful Black Kang
i fucking hate feminism brain rot so much,
these cunts would've just been used as comfort women. they have no other worth than that if this is what they believe.
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Why's this shit so gorey and brutal?
I don't recall previous AC games being like this.
I cannot fucking believe anyone at ubisoft thought this was acceptable.
Yasuke-sama...U were a real SamRay...
*dies to sudoku*
>"an assassin has to stay out of sight at all times"
>"secrecy is our strength"
This isn't feminism you retard, Japan is an amoral void because they are essentially an atheist nation. The difference here is purely the lack of a historical Christian morality.
Imagine watching his bbc dangling from side to side while he walks in medieval japanese streets
Buddhism and Shintoism isn't Atheism......
keep coping christcuck, japan is much more advanced and civilized than any christian turdie shithole
Samurai Warriors 5 you shitskin retard
extremely based take
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>You missed.
it's an ongoing theme for them now
Bhuddism is not really concerned with the theist concept of gods which is why it's the default religion of atheists in the west. Shinto isn't a serious religion, it's a collection of folk tales on the level of Santa clause. Japanese "morality" has a completely different origin.
>What Dynasty Warriors game had a playable nigger?
>Samurai Warriors 5!
When Christian Jesuits came to Japan, they began destroying cultural artefacts related to their local religions and would purchase "low quality" people from there are slaves, specifically women to use as consorts and whores. Christians came in acting like the most immoral of all animals to the point the Japanese considered them barbarians and then finally threw them all out.
Those Christian Turdie shitholes were the blueprint for Japanese imitation and admiration untill they began to engage with mass immigration and cultural suicide. The success and power of those nations was so powerful the Koreans converted themselves.
lmao based retard. This isn't feminism, this is a patriarchal rule that the man may cheat but the woman may not. You should be applauding this.
promiscuity is disgusting both ways
Yes, and the Japanese chopped of people's arms and sewed them on backwards, I know which is close to true evil and which is monkey brained morons unable to control themselves. The British as a Christian nation eventually abolished slavery.
How is it that crowds and NPC behaviour have not improved whatsoever in the past 20 years?
Graphics fags.
too heavy on the CPU to do anything more complex
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Goddamb, I can't wait to bully a bunch of small ass Asian people on their stupid home island.

Ubi has no idea how badly they fucked up on this one.

Wish prostitutes were legal here
Prostitution is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture and has been for centuries.
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> Why's this shit so gorey and brutal?
Goldberg brought Asian Hate back on the menu nigga
Didn't /v/ claim not to give a shit about AC before all of this? Now you're bitching and moaning about muh pwoor POCs.
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tf Takeshi gon do??

Import HIM for another buck breaking
Please learn, how to greentext before making le ebin posts about how you're going to hypothecally own da black man, for being mean to your chinese boyfriend.
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I'm glad ass creed is going to be kino again
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It often rapes CPUs when they try to innovate that
They had to make the fucking town NPCs borderline invisible to curb that problem and it still doesn't do much
I really hope we get to see an aztec assassin, even if it's a DLC
Fuck yous guys I’m gonna play it and enjoy it for what it is.
Based scatbro
Game looks awesome. Personally I don’t care about “historical accuracy” which Ubisoft and assassins creed wasn’t about. It’s a VIDEO GAME. They can make whatever they want and if it’s good I’ll play it.
Apparently I'm the only person who is curious about the "present day" gameplay in this one. Since odyssey, they introduced so much and emphasized more on the "nephelim" characters who are basically God's living as men
Yasuke drama aside, I can't believe anyone still buys Ubislop. You just have shit taste in general.
Japanese salarymen are slaves to their bosses. They're forced to drink until they pass out and can be subjected to humiliation rituals
because ghost of tsushima was gorey and brutal.
Just know that I look down on slop eaters like you
Same attitude as the people who preordered Starfield played it for 200 hrs and then declared it to be a dogshit game.
I'm tired of niggers getting all the lime light. There are *other* minorities they can spotlight from time to time
But that doesnt get whities BBC fetish going, and Ive come to accept that.
Ubisoft has made good games. You’re in denial if you say otherwise. You’re just caught up on the recency hate train bias.
The storyline in watch dogs 2 was dogshit but the gameplay was fun. I did have to limit myself like how I did with mgs5 and it became a nigga doing cyber bne's and calling the cops on gay people
Ubisoft hasn't made a decent game in well over a decade, retard.
Same here. All these seethe threads have rekindled my interest in the AC universe.
Watch dogs 2 is more of an actual video game than anything you have probably “played” in years.
Looking forward to the day 1 seethe when people swap him out for my boy Nobunaga.
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tf you on?

In this house we stan for Black on Asian violence.
hmm curious
It is though. The story and characters are garbage but the actual gameplay shits on 99% of open world games. It’s an open world deus ex.
>GTA clone with MUH HACKING
>better than any of the open-world games I've played that were released in the 8 years since
>Prey, Outer Wilds, Breath of the Wild, Cruelty Squad, Rain World, Nu-Hitman trilogy, Noita
I love this quote, because the retarded nigger who originally wrote it died to timmy lmao
Just admit you never played it. It’s fine bro.
lmao I want to see her reaction to an influx of pajeets now
Yasuke was a Muslim, this has absolutely nothing to do with white people.
goddamn this looks so fucking terrible, ubishit could a learn a lot by stealing from capcom
>its fine if he can use it to get further in his job or hes lonely
what the fuck your his wife why arent you fixing his loneliness?????
>people dont realize the jap women tolerate prostituion because they put out once every 5 years
>Black man in Japan
>Has Kanabo
Will always be funny to me
no one is ready for the arrival of INDIAN GODS
It is genuinely astounding they did this and didn't think hey maybe this is incredibly fucking stupid
A whitoid literally wrote fantasy novels about him and passed it off as history.

Yasuke was literally a white man's fantasy kek
I honestly sometimes wonder how much life would be between the sexes if we just returned to having brothels and prostitution again, especially with safe sex measures. I feel like everybody would be so much happier.
>Retarded and act against their own best interests
Why are women like this?
Wasn't he Jewish?
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He's both
what the fuck
I hope I am not the only one appreciating how surreal this is.
Come on. Someone put some rap music in there to maximise the comedic value. I would do it but I don't know shit about rap music.
Your stocks are down, ubisoft, you have better things to worry about than that post.
No such thing, one drop rule.
>He doesn't know
Anon I...
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The BNWO Movement is taking over Japan. Soon the entire world will be beneath the foot of the Black Man. It's only right for white and Asian bois to worship the Apex Predators that are Black Men
easily influenced plus hypergamic by default. you either marry them young to someone giving you a dowry or it's over
What the hell Ubi?
Ever notice how jannies pay special attention to these obvious shill thread? Really makes you think.

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