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>Japanese game
>there's an NTR development between the protagonist and heroine
Unless the next Event is "The Protagonist then dumps the Heroine for the Heroine's Mom", I'm not interested.
what happened in muttland that the anti-japan threads went from a few a day to a few per hour?
The comic industry died at the hands of progressives and nobody is buying AAA goyslop games.
Apart from Bahamut Lagoon and Live a Live name 10
Anime is for pedophiles
Ok Dr pizza
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I wonder why?
Truly a mystery.
No seriously, when was the last time you bought a western product?
And mind you that's the trannylated butchered versions normalfags buy and ignores the bump on sales japanese publishers of all mediums started to get after the late 2010s when a lot of otaku overseas started to straight up learn japanese and import the originals.
>when was the last time you bought a western product
You mean like in general or in regards to comics and animation? I never buy media but the last piece of related media I consoomed was superman: man of tomorrow, I think. It was alright. I liked the artstyle. Distinctly western instead of trying to be anime.
i have seen plenty of poorfag weebs that actively feel bad about pirating shit and most end up getting jobs to support their hobbies and creators they like even if the jobs are shit
i have literally never seen this behavior from western fans, in fact they pride themselves in undercutting the creators they like through used copies and cheap game keys from sketchy websites
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>i have literally never seen this behavior from western fans, in fact they pride themselves in undercutting the creators they like
This divide is most apparent in gacha shit. Asians will proudly show how much they've spent on their favorite gachaslop while westerners will proudly proclaim how they're full f2p and haven't given a single cent to their favorite gachaslop.

And before anyone kneejerks over gacha, the point is asian are proud to show their support for media they enjoy while westerners are proud to show much much they can get out of media they enjoy without paying anything.
>the point is asian are proud to show their support for media
They're supporting anti-consumer practices. There's nothing admirable about willingly taking one up the ass.
So what was this dude's plan if he succeeded?
luckily women get cucked more so it's okay
I'm not talking about price gouging or making a game p2w.
Your example was gacha.
So? There's a lot of gacha with varying levels of monetization. Some are greedy, some are okay.
No I think anti-consumer is when you make a skin cost 500 dollars.
>muh gacha
You should've finished reading my post before kneejerking.
name 5
hard mode: no Bahamut Lagoon, Live a Live or H-games
Kill yourself NTRanny
There are okay gacha sure, but unfortunately you won't find a single okay one in the F2P space.
Gacha and price gouging can both be anti-consumer. Actually it's not uncommon to see both in the same product.
If you sanctioning anti-consumer practices will always be more important than supporting media no matter how enjoyable the media is.
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>Japanese game
>you can NTR important NPCs and fuck the entire plot into a different route
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Everyone is oppressed under capitalism. Even the cream of the crop is oppressed by the impulse to keep serving the system, lest they drop to the lower rungs once more.
>I-Is somebody s-saying something even remotely negative about a g-game that was made by poor brown chinese hands? I-I must d-do something about this!
Watching weebs rush to defend their gay little chinese boyfriends draws some striking parallels to watching troons rush to defend blacks.
Is this in NYC? Also, Domanganation.
You must be 18 or above to post here.
Wanting an NTR situation to play out is a shit tier fetish as it is envisioned by and for the morally perverse.
What happens here is as such, a twist of the moral values. The person who is at fault for cheating is not and should not be the non-cheating side but the cheating side.
Also, by fapping to NTR you are willing to associate sexual pleasure with emotional masochism, which in turn makes you less likely to enjoy a healthy relationship IRL.
>inb4: seethe, cope, etc
Just face it. You're literally killing your own brain, with those shitty tier fetiches that will only do you harm in the long run.
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when I'm outside I'm a very different person to most around me. The only reason only a few people know about my true beliefs is that I live in a country sick with the poison of authoritarianism and reactionary thought.
>And before anyone kneejerks over gacha
The more time passes the more I realize the hatred of gacha is also kike propaganda once you look at how "real games" treat you.
>Fork over 80 fucking bucks.
>Upwards of 120 if you want all the content day 1.
>Draconian DRM that will fuck with game performance.
>There's microtransactions and day 1 DLC anyway, so pay up more goy.
>Oh and 90% of the content is mindless grind, don't like it? Fork over more money for XP boosters goy.
>Don't forget there's no free updates anymore, fork over for the season pass AND battle pass.
>Did you think paying up will free you from the grind? LMAO go grind MORE to actually get the pass content you paid for goy.
>And don't forget the story will be DEI goyslop actively insulting you every step of the way!.
Like holy shit it's actually fucking disgusting, being able to enjoy the entire game with f2poor characters is literal charity in comparison.
Even on something as trite and generic like genshin, the fact it's a rather cliche coming of age adventure story with a bunch of cute/sexy girls is like them rolling the red carpet for you compared to what western media has been for a literal decade and counting.
And this is BEFORE getting into how anything with lootboxes like CSGO(2) has been a literal casino with people gambling their items on sketchy websites that corpos refuse to do anything about.
don't forget how actual gacha have hard pities that straight up give you a character after x rolls, while lootboxes have no such mechanic
also don't forget gacha largely dropped off using PvP and P2W mechanics, instead making everything clearable with a welfare no-rolls account, with the exceptions that still have p2w PvP being gook and you guessed it, westoid games
Your gacha is payed for by gambling addicts. They cast the widest net possible banking on some poor sod with poorer impulse control to come in and single-handedly fund the servers. They abuse every dirty mental trick in the book and then have the gall to act as if vulnerable people spending exorbitant amounts of money was unintended. It's bottom of the barrel as far as scummy practices. And your defense is that it okay because look at all these other scummy practices.
Oh my gosh so generous. You mean if you spend 100+ you're guaranteed to get atleast one character on a banner. Such a low price point. Such good value for a purely digital object that will get obsoleted in a month maybe 2.
>Your gacha is payed for by gambling addicts.
This propaganda really doesn't work when westoid "real games" have everything bad gacha has except worse, and on a 80 buck package instead of being free to play.
Why do kikes love projecting their predatory practices?
Rune Factory 2

Best part is you steal the girl right on their wedding day DURING their wedding, meaning the victim had to pay for a wedding that would end in NTR.
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That and the characters are fucking ugly as all hell. If you're going to exploit me, you could at least make the slop you market look appealing to my eyes.
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I'm pretty sure you're very different from others because you're a man moving around in female clothing and stinking like death itself.
Damn, Gordon is a fucking asshole lmao
>That Anon: we should improve society somewhat
>You: Lmao tranny neck urself XD
Cool dialogue, you must make a lot of people feel fulfilled when talking with you.
It's not even a projection.It is predatory. Gacha make use of predatory practices. That's reality.
DEI imploding on multiple fronts. See: Star Wars, Concord, Harris.
I am playing RDR2 and I hate it even though it's a very pretty game.
That's a really good walking cycle.
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Don't forget ubisoft fucking up sob ad that they had japan waking up to kike bullshit within a week flat, which took the west 3 decades and even then most westoids are still kike puppets.
It must be terrible to live in Canada.
Westerner games suck the blood out of their customers in a cynical fashion while Gacha games exploit people's love for gambling and cute girls. The problem is that gambling is always a rip-off and getting digital girls is too expensive.
yeah it is called two nukes weren't enough
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>anything having to do with relationships in any form of Japanese media
>and getting digital girls is too expensive.
they are free if you aren't retarded with your rolls
Funny how kikes have gone full mask off with their anti-japan propaganda these past few months.
What happened?
Manga mogs western comics hard. They're literally on another level. I started reading Tower Dungeon recently and was absolutely floored with the style, creativity, and visuals. You never see shit like this in western comics anymore, modern western comics are preoccupied with identity politics and stupid bullshit no one cares about but don't give a shit about telling an interesting story through cool visuals
>Muh Juice
Holy fucking shit /pol/tards are tiring to deal with.
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You don't need to be a /pol/fag to notice at this point you massive retard.
western shit flopping hard
there's also the fact that gooks and chinks are getting uppity
what's even crazier is tower dungeon started serialization in 2023, which has all the kikes spamming "old japan was better they are shit and globalized now" demoralizers in shambles
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>two more weeks to flatten the woke curve!
Again with this nonsense.
Wake me up when all wokeslop is done away with, all the faggot companies, organizations, agencies and individuals who pushed it are jailed or at the very least publicly humiliated and grovelling on the ground begging for forgiveness, and all the media that was raped by censorship and faggification gets fixed.
>if you dont fix literally everything overnight then you still already lost goy
man the demoralization spam is getting desperate
does intel spending more money defending israel than making sure their chips dont literally fry themselves hit you that hard?
oh yeah you also forgot two of their biggest companies (one being intel, the other being ubisoft) pretty much starting to collapse overnight
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>and was absolutely floored with the style, creativity, and visuals
this but with made in abyss
Manga is a functional market full of talented people, dozens of publishers and millions of customers. Westoid comics collapsed in the 90s because of the bubble and never recovered from it. They still do all the shitty practices they did in the 90s and the customer base just gets smaller and smaller as the comics are increasingly just mountains of shit.
Forced corporate wokeness is the stupidest shit ever, that shit was always gonna collapse ok its own. But that doesn't mean the USA will go back to being a 90% white country either.
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It's not demoralization, you retarded faggots have been saying that wokeslop is in its death throes for like 3 years straight now and there has been not a single-fucking-shred of evidence to support your claims.
>inb4 "hurrr le flops le closed down" *ignores rebranding and woke cancer still being made to this day*
Not one retarded faggot or entity has apologized for drinking the koolaid, nor have they tried to rectify their mistakes. Not a single fucking one.
>some faggot babble about intel
I couldn't care less if that company ate shit and crashed and burned. Really any tech company can die off for all I care, since they're all rotten to the core for perpetuating the divisive cancer that is wokeslop.
Is this another Assassin's Creed thread?
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thats cool.
Anyway, I'm excited for the new Mana game. The girls look super cute! Will buy day one.
This is largely due to the different approaches in publishing media.

In Japan media of all mediums is done through different publishers looking for individual creators that can write interesting stories, and this is measured through popularity polls creating an extremely cutthroat industry where you either write good stuff or get fucking axed.
Publishers are also numerous even if only a few rise to mainstream notoriety, and smaller publishers capitalize on different niches, this means no matter how schizo or bizarre someone writes, they always have a publishing option or even have the option of saying fuck it and selling it themselves on a doujin event or rando storefront.

Westoids are controlled by kikes and are very top-down, with a single megacorp (steam, hollywood, etc) controlling 90%+ of whatever gets published and 100% of whatever becomes mainstream.
This paired with kike sabotage means there's no room for creativity and no room for interesting stories, you either push THE AGENDA or get fucked and cancelled by a twitter mob.
>>inb4 "hurrr le flops le closed down" *ignores rebranding and woke cancer still being made to this day*
>Not one retarded faggot or entity has apologized for drinking the koolaid, nor have they tried to rectify their mistakes. Not a single fucking one.
You're ignoring now even normalfags are starting to notice kikes are the problem.
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Well obviously that's what happens when leftoids supported importing tons of third worlders for decades, but that's besides the point.
And the self fulfilling prophecy of retardation continues. You do realize money is not the endgame here and that it's social engineering instead, right dipshit? Why the fuck would the people at the root of this, that know the entire system is built on literal Monopoly money, give a single fuck about profits with no real tangibility?
I'm not, considering squeenix is a censorious POS, so there's no telling what the game would be like without going through its western filters and revisions. They're also already raping Toriyama's work in DQ with censorship not even a year after his passing. Utterly vile company.
Who gives a fuck, they'll just continue consooming and maintaining the status quo so long as football/whatever sports on TV and whatever faggot celebrity they worship isn't affected. Fucking COD is a total homo joke now and they STILL didn't say or do anything about it.
>Who gives a fuck, they'll just continue consooming and maintaining the status quo
and so the kike continues to quiver in fear as he continues reading the text in the wall >>683834839
How are you gonna do social engineering if no one buys or watches the shit they are pushing?
I think the presence of vtubers themselves defeats all arguments you may have.
Reagan was the one who opened the border bruh.
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The one thing the kike fears the most is the samurai noticing his subversive faggotry.
And you reek of fear.
Your terrified stench makes me happy.
Bruh i love MiA setting and art but the blatant pedoshit got to be too much for me and im not even soft to violence and sex in media.
I just feel dirty when i read it
>company: I consent!
>whale: I consent!
>person who doesn't play gacha: I don't!
If a whale buys what the company is selling, whose business is it aside from him and them? The action benefits the average player. The relationship is symbiotic. The whale gets a dopamine boost from indulging his desire to gamble. The company gets money to pay for the servers. The player enjoys the benefit of playing a free game.

Opposition to gambling stems from the same puritanical strain which produced Prohibition in America. Personalities prone to addiction who succumb to it and end up harming others. But Prohibition is more justifiable, because alcohol has negative externalities which affect far more people than gambling. Gacha affects only the gambling addict, and possibly his family. But no-fault, even divorce-with-fault removes that negative externality. Whereas the person run over by a drunk driver is never coming back.
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>more non-argument schizo autism
>Why the fuck would the people at the root of this, that know the entire system is built on literal Monopoly money, give a single fuck about profits with no real tangibility?
or shut up retard. You do this literally every thread.
Until some REAL results start happening, stop spamming your "WOKESLOP IS TOTALLY DYING GUISE" faggotry, it just reeks of wolf in sheep's clothing tier shit, trying to get people to let down their guards.
If anything you should be advocating for people to be 10x more hostile to wokeslop if "it's almost dead". Why not? Really makes one think.
These games are literally "costing" them hundreds of millions if not into billions now with complete shit sales and it's been happening for several years at this point and you think it's not sustainable? That's what happens with Monopoly money, retard.
Point out bad sales and bad reviews, when shit like Rings of Power is getting more new seasons despite "flopping" your words ring hollow.
>muh economics says that's impossible!
Does not apply. The people who make the rules, AKA control the money, don't even play their own game if it's inconvenient for them and their agenda.
How, exactly? Especially western ones who basically all parrot the mind virus cancer, every western jpeg e-whore was celebrating the political violence a few weeks ago because it was against "the chudcel nazi rightoids and who they support".
Mental illness.
need the demo
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Anon... I'm sorry to say, but you're now a pedo for even reading this series in the first place.
You'll be lucky to be parole after the courts are done with you.
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Anon, I get it now. You have youtube channel that gets paid to grift about this stuff. Oh don't be shy, post your channel, I'll give you a like and updote.
Should have known.
I accept your concession, thirdie.
>he's retarded
Oh no.
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I find it bizarre that demon slayer outsold the entire western comic industry for a year
There's also a large amount of choice. I ain't gonna read femoid manga but others can. It seems like all that's left of western comics is essentially just superhero slop

So is NTR where the guy knows his grillfriend/waifu is fucking other men but does nothing to stop it?

Is it different from having a hotwife or being a swinger?
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>Talmudic kvetching
NTR is masochistic it's pretty similar to cuckolding.
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Its actually worse than that.
It's crazy how there was very few NTR shit a decade ago, and then 2008-2015 happened and 2015-onward as the second nuke of it
Rings of Power was a massive flop and the second season was already in production before they knew how bad the audience was.
>no argument
Damn this
>If anything you should be advocating for people to be 10x more hostile to wokeslop if "it's almost dead". Why not? Really makes one think.
really got you to freeze up, since you know it's true.
I'm sure I'll be seeing you around in another 3-4 years saying this same ol' "WOKESLOP IS ALMOST DEAD GUYS, WE WON!" bullshit as more censored, gay and lame dogshit gets produced.
I bought a board game, ticket to ride. Its fun.
>I-It was already in production before it """""massively flopped""""", that's why they're continuing its production with a bleak outlook on profits, because they want to make money! It's all about money and not about an underlying agenda!
You realize how retarded this sounds, yes?
If it was really about money they would have canned it all instantly and moved on to other projects.
>company: I consent!
>whale: I consent!
All of those companies piss and shit themselves the second a regulatory body compels them to do basic shit like publish win percentages.
The slightest bit of transparency about their predatory practices and they blow a gasket.
So to connect this back, the whale unfortunately doesn't consent. Or doesn't give informed consent. Because companies always hide the true price behind numerous small transactions, a lot of foot-in-the-door, sunk cost fallacy, fomo related manipulation tactics. Most whales don't even realize they've spent tons of money. Because the process is made to be almost automatic and as natural as breathing.
If every gacha or any MTX infested piece a shit priced their premium currency at 1$ per unit of premium currency. Didn't do stupid bullshit where the currency packs are all odd numbers so you always have some leftover. And other manipulative crap. Then gacha would be maybe okay. But then they wouldn't have as many people blowing their life saving without realizing it. And that's what it's really about, targeting the vulnerable and taking advantage before anyone realizes how much they fucked themselves.
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When the responses to your posts are short quippy posts which chiefly consist of ad hominem and slurs without content, they're likely bots who were trained that way. Tell an AI to draw a simple black smiley face on a white background, and you get something indistinguishable from what a human might make. Tell an AI to draw the Mona Lisa in the style of Picasso and the flaws become apparent. And that's not even going into repetition problems.

The simpler the task, the lower the fuckups. And with zoomers being borderline illiterate, brevity is a plus.

Saying "woke is going away" presumes a belief that woke is there because it's popular, or companies think it's popular. But when in reality wokeslop is being pushed from above. So long as the conditions responsible for the creation of wokeslop persist, wokeslop will not go away. Its failures will be bailed out by the same entities funding the universities which created it. Those unaware it is the system itself which pushes and promotes it will therefore be trapped in a permanent "two more weeks until woke goes away" cycle which will never end.
Ubisoft psyop trying to shit on the japanese so you buy Yasuke game it all started with kotaku writting about how the japanese are shit for not accepting historic revisionism
seeing things like this is really revealing as to why kikes cling to vidya this hard, they get fucking BTFO anywhere else by japan without even trying, vidya is the last thing they have
Its over
Anon you'll never convince a gacha player lost in the sauce of the issues with gacha games. They believe the sovless gambling company making their game is some pure angel with their interests at heart
>Vanilla does nothing anymore
I want off this ride.
Do you know how much money Bezos wasted on The Rings of Power? Cutting your losses doesn't work if you spend hundreds of million of dollars per season. That's also why Disney isn't cancelling their most spectacular flops. It's pure sunken cost.
gooks did the same for solo leveling with kike money anon
meanwhile it sold 91 fucking BDs
Why are there no real tangible results, dipshit? Answer.
This shit has been """""dying""""" according to you faggots for nearly 4 years now.
Amazon pissed away 1 billion on Rings of Power and it's getting another season next month. Seems like the beast alive and well to me.
I know, that's why I called out the wolf in sheep's clothing faggotry earlier.
Like I said earlier, if this faggot actually cared about ending this he would be advocating to stay vigilant and keep pushing for its removal entirely. Instead, it's the same old song and dance from 11-12 years ago with journofaggots during you-know-what where bad actors came in and said "just don't do anything just ignore them it'll fix itself lmfaooo"
And yes, money is literally not the point, and certainly not an obstacle when bailing out exists and happens every single time.
Yes, and it's getting another season next month. Next point, faggot?
>muh sunken cost
Except any sane investor without an agenda would not even fucking TOUCH this shit. Do you really think they wouldn't just all pull out of you cost them over a billion dollars on a trash product? Give me a fucking break, you can only be so naive.
/v/ is literally a /co/lony now so basically "tranime" and "tranga" are heresy here.
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The Western comics industry was completely decimated and Hollywood might be next. The problem with video games is that it has always been dominated by Japan and now China is catching up.
A few manga have a billion chapters so of course they will take more shelf space than comics; it doesn't mean that people prefer them.
>japanese game
>all the characters are generic anime tropes with color-coded hair
>Why are there no real tangible results
The results can be seen in the sinking ships in the Red Sea.
The person you're arguing with genuinely doesn't know how streaming services work.
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>The problem with video games is that it has always been dominated by Japan
>investor without an agenda
Blackrock controls most investment portfolios you fucking retard. They don't even have a choice anymore but to see the whole system slowly implode.
The two most influential video game companies are Sony and Nintendo. The biggest one is Tencent.
>dodging the question again
As expected.
If you really cared about seeing this shit die you would be calling to tie up any loose ends, instead you sit here RPing as a /pol/ poster whining about Jews instead, contributing NOTHING.
>Blackrock controls most investment portfolios
Yes, aspie ESL-kun, why the fuck do you think I even wrote that? Dogshit reading comprehension.
>They don't even have a choice anymore but to see the whole system slowly implode.
It's funny how naive you are, thinking they're forced into that route, instead of knowingly causing the implosion since they know they'll be bailed out in the end if it ever does "collapse". This has happened for all major entities for-fucking-ever and yet you retards act like the hydra is dead after one beheading.
>the whole system slowly implode
What a naive retard
Literally look at Olympics, they had troons do satanic ritual live and nobody amongst normgroids cares
Same for games
Overtone window already shifted in westoid society and it's never "bouncing back"
Yeah it's not like the Jews were ever expelled from any country.
Reminder this changes nothing in the game, characters still address you as either male or female, which caused troons to trow a tantrum.
Not like you would know you fucking disingenuous kike.
US publishers are way pickier when it comes to picking up IPs compared to japan
I just find it funny how /pol/shitters (or more like you paid shills/damage control RPing as /pol/shitters) constantly bitch about Jews/banks, but then you all act like this whole wokeslop system will just up and disappear one day, despite said financial institutions that are funding it being put on life support every single time shit hits the fan. And I mean every single time.
Anyone arguing this "wokeslop is almost dead!" stance is dishonest and wants you to let your guard down. Simple as.
>t-this c-changes nothing!
This dishonest non-argument again. ANY pandering to the "gender" mental illness is cancer and absolute none of it should be tolerated, no matter how little.
No amount of it is harmless. The fucking gall too, to act like biological sex erasure is "harmless". Kill yourself you projecting subhuman.
>not like you would know
You unironically do not play games, damage controlling shill wolf.
Why is he nervous? If he was a true NTR god he would slap her ass and throw his arm over her shoulder
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>watching the Jewlympics
>even MORE goalpost moving
dying beasts sure make a lot of noise
You have an insane level of confidence in paper money and financial instruments Chaim.
simply because they prefer men capable of cucking them to begin with
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>Unironically trying to pretend kikes spending literal gorillions to change 2 lines of text and literally nothing else about the game is the same as pic related.
Least disingenuous long nose.
Gotta love kikes throwing a tantrum knowing they fucking lost LMAO.
US comics are in color on nice paper, manga is printed in black and white on cheap paper. The cost of committing to something are a lot lower
Printing only on expensive full color paper was a practice the picked on during the comics bubble. It was to increase the value of the print as a collective item.
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>d-doesn't count!
KEK yep, he fucking owned your ass.
>*spams buzzword and uses it incorrectly*
You don't even know what that phrase means.
Considering every time it was """""over""""" for said paper money and financial instrument they resuscitated every single time, yeah? Do we need to have the 9856984567th bailout for you to realize this shit isn't going anywhere?
Any amount of cancer is still cancer and should thusly be culled ASAP.
You pretending like that isn't the case and throwing out any and all nuance + critical thinking makes you the only disingenuous one here. KYS
Anyway here's more new proof that Japan is still slurping up the pozzed koolaid.
Man I thought we could have some NTR coom thread instead of this east west internet culture warrior bullshit
>even more goalpost moving.
the kike fear reeks
ok man your silver coins will be worth something someday. you totally won't just sell them on ebay at a loss
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>even more incorrect buzzword spam
Concession accepted, Pedro.
>cucks get NTRed out of their NTR thread
a tale as old as time
Cancer can get chemo'd, Zach.
Jews can get gassed, kike.
Yes, and any healthcare system doing its due diligence gets the cancer chemo'd while it's still small, to prevent further growth and hopefully prevent it from ever showing up again.
That's why the world should remove any and ALL of this "gender"/troon mental illness in media because none of it, now matter how little, is harmless. It should be treated just like lead or microplastics in the body. Trace amounts are still bad.
Your fear is delicious.
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>keeps disagreeing with the sentiment that any and all pozzed wokeslop, no matter how little, should be culled
Nice projection, damage control shill.
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Japan has their own terminology for this shit you guys are the ones trying to impose Western shit on them.
t. oven dodger
I'm not doing that though? And here you are implying what you're supposedly bitching about. Get some awareness retard.
>NOOO you shouldn't care about biological sex erasure because... BECAUSE YOU JUST CAN'T, OKAY?!?! JUST LET IT HAPPEN!
You're bugging out and repeating yourself now, damage controlling bot.
Any amount of the "gender"/troon shit is harmful, simple as.
>Hollywood might be next
Hollywood was already going downhill for decades, but it's been completely fucked after weinstein, the pandemic and streaming services that slosh money around. It's already done.
You are focusing on a symptom rather than the root cause of the disease.
No? I already said this shit isn't going to end anytime soon because of the investors and bailouts which will always save their asses in the end. That's why I said there's been no tangible results yet and the "symptoms" are still present to this day.
I've already highlighted the issue.
Also, who says you can't treat both symptoms and the underlying cause? If you're a fat fuck who lost weight and left the loose skin to hang around that's just negligent, complete what you started.
name 1 game

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