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what do we think
Literally soul vs soulless
The colors in the original aren't washed like that
soulless dead eyes
its ok but not feeling how overly chibifyed they look now.
Looks good enough.
it's an objective improvement and you can even choose the older, worse version if you want. the developer didn't make any of them trans and there's no conservative bashing bullshit.
we like it. based
Does he just stand like that, with no pose now?
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he doesn't look ready to fight anyone, the OG is squared up 24/7 ready to to rock some niggas
dunno what this is but the new animation looks like a parody of that mario thing
clearly a lot of effort put into a new idle animation that nobody will see because you're running for 99.9% of the game
maybe the sprite looks better running?
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open helmet gray knight with a mouth?
It's perfectly fine. I've seen the original art style for 15 years so I'll happily play with the new one
Looks fucking horrible, looks like some baby shit. I miss the angular art from the classic, new is too fucking smooth
Could be better, could be worse.
Okay, this is definitely worse.
>I miss the angular art
It hasn't gone anywhere retard
Literal soul vs soulless but it doesn't matter that much since the game literally just lets you make your own knight. Of there's no toggle for the classic knight which there probably is one then thats just going be the first steam workshop thing people do.
Out of the loop. Are they remastering Castle Crashers? Is it a Risk of Rain Returns (i.e. good) kind of remaster or is it Dead Space (i.e. bad)kind of remaster?
but risk of rain returns wasn't good
mod support when
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yes but its a DLC instead of a seperate game, new look is optional
Returns could've been good if they actually fixed what was wrong with it instead of abandoning the game the second it released. God I fucking hate Hoppo.
This is soulful as fuck
the description in the annoucement video says you can toggle on or off
all fun and dandy but now they look like shit in the select screen
is it still Dan doing the drawings? something looks different about it
I had no idea this was happening
Mild hype, I might be able to convince people to play it again
fresh nigga got the gnome idle animation from wow
You wouldn't know sovl if it raped your mother in front of you, for 16 hours.
NYPA you dumb little nigger brain
>zoomies taking the bait
I think it was announced like an hour or two ago
will they overhaul the xp system?
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>cool as fuck long curved katana
>stick sword
Nigga looking fresh, nigga looking zesty, nigga plays for the other team... If you know what I mean
see, no idea.
There's noting in my steam feed about it either.
God Bless 4chan.
Hope this means we'll get more porn down the line lol lmao
also that shield is pathetic, it's miniscule and you can barely see it, there's little sense of bulk
dude isn't even using it, that idle animation is terrible, he doesn't look like a knight in battle like the one on the left
It's called soulverload
The in-game sprites are fine but these look pretty off to me. Weirdly detailed for one.
Thanks OP for reminding me of the good time I had, played this with my friends, a long time ago. Clutched the shit out of so many situation with Sub Zero. You don't need health, if your enemys are ice cubes.
Yeah this board is the best source of vidya news for mainstream, obscure and industry-related news, I legit can't think of an alternative
Definitely looks worse, and the unnecessary details are going to hurt the mounts.
Also the steam version is still perfectly playable online and co-op.
So is custom characters only on steam? And not console?
the original castle crashers is pretty much mobile games level of soulless design
seems like it, since its using steam workshop
it was shit from the beginning.

the original is soulless shit fart haha funny bullshit
the original game had soulless artwork, literally commiefornian art style of its day. faggot newgrounds all became trannies and libtards. proof me wrong. oh wait, you can't.
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Post the princesses. How do they look now
Very much. Indeed.
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I don't mind the new designs but the new animations do look very 'modern' for no reason
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really glad they are updating this game again, while not having made a new game in 7 years
Nothing changed, but most refused to admit this
I like them
Ok, based
they already caved in to alien slopminid 2 it seems like a low hanger to just do castle crashers 2.
Looks like a scribblenauts characters
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Is Stamper coming back for the Battleblock QoL updates?
hit the nail on the head
He couldn't even come back for Hazbin, what do you think
I don't hate it. My first impression is that I like the original style more but like the new animation. I'd have to see more to really make up my mind.
lol you're completely right
host when
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So thats why it looked overly infantile....
Also for the love of god why keep making the bodies even smaller is beefy just gonna be their old selves?
Everyone from the hazbin pilot was shafted anon-kun...
>still updating pit people
for what purpose?
i asked them nicely (i'm the only person on this planet who likes pit people)
>>Everyone from the hazbin pilot was shafted
>have a team that is clearly capable of making something
>get rid of all of them to an other group that know nothing about it
i suppose the new guys are also all from india?
>i suppose the new guys are also all from india?
Close, broadway theater kids.
Vivzie is a fucking retard, whats new.
Castle Crashers 2 would be so much better than a remake of a flash game it's not even funny.
there is some misguided sense of pride that is stopping them from making CC2. Not wanting to be a one trick pony, even though they have proved that can make plenty of other shit too.
>Workshop characters
Hell yeah, i'll FINALLY be able to play as HIM!
This has been a childhood dream of mine for the longest time, it isn't a Dad n Me sequel but i'll take having Me in castle crushers.
Having an excuse to replay it is always nice.
Kinda cool. Would be way better if this was just a sequel though.
Yeah it's weird. 15 years of people begging for a sequel and they insist that they hate to retread the same ground and want to keep doing new things. But then they end up going back to Castle Crashers with shallow updates anyway. What's the fucking point? Everyone will forget about this in a few months whereas they'd be rolling in money if they spent some time and threw together a new campaign
Some fag is gonna say the word "soul" and--
Oh, wow, that was even faster than I thought.
This was the game that made me the most jealous of Xbox 360 owners. I really liked Alien Hominid and Dad & Me.
I don't like the way they call it DLC instead of just update but that's probably just paranoia
you get it
Shit then I actually read it and they want people to pay for this, better not be more than 0.99
he cute
oh they are gonna cash on it and they are gonna cash on it hard.
Are they gonna censor the clown dressed as a woman?
Don't worry, I'm sure Gearbox will give Returns some love and attention, now that they bought the ip from Hopoo
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Hopefully no
I think they should have made a fucking sequel instead
And giving people what they want???? crazy talk anon, crazy talk....
tedious to play with shitty music. basically the newgrounds experience. it used to be about freedom of expression but the admins turned liberal and now kids run the site. this was the last game they made that had even a little promise.
i think the characters looked better in the old style, but the environments do look a bit more decorated in the new version so that's neat. i like that the characters animate a bit more, but i don't like that they're using it to create a 3D effect.
I think RORR is great. Artstyle is beautiful without losing the SOVL, a number of the alt skills are very good and fun (laser cyclone is my wife), the partial strafing on non-huntress makes the gameplay feel less sticky, mouse aiming also feels very satisfying, not having to kill every enemy on the level is welcome too. I mean, fuck me, the original didn't even have the avility to keybind to mouse buttons. Barbaric.
They look like south park characters lmao.
South Park rules and you drool faggot
i wonder how custom characters' magic attacks will be handled. maybe you'll just pick another character's magic to use.
or maybe all custom characters just use painter jr.'s magic or something lame like that, but hopefully that's just me being pessimistic
not making sequels has been behemoth's MO since like, day one
>i wonder how custom characters' magic attacks will be handled. maybe you'll just pick another character's magic to use.
>or maybe all custom characters just use painter jr.'s magic or something lame like that, but hopefully that's just me being pessimistic
trailer said something about "picking magic" so........you can expect the worst really
why are they missing their sword handles
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>trailer said something about "picking magic"
oh, i must've missed that.
Sometimes better skill isnt better art, right looks better but left is animated in a more fun way
2012 > 2011 > the rest
still bothers me how tiny their head looks compared to the body now, they really do look cooler in classic
Oops mixed that up
it's uncanny
It's a psychological trick to show how new the updated one looks
at least they fixed their posture i guess
Seethe, nigger.
Left is battle ready. Wide stance, shield ready. Pose and silhouette is very squared so the hitbox is readible.

It's like the classic mega man pose vs the mm11 pose. The new one is natural but doesn't read as well and feels weird in a video game
right is cutesy
left is cool
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these faggots will do literally anything other than make castle crashers 2
It looks fine but it better be an option.
I like that the only updates he posts are just "I completely redrew everything again" and nothing about the game
I hate to use the overanimated meme from /a/ but...
You can switch.
I wonder if they're gonna add some filters for the custom characters to stop people from making something like a knight with fat tits
I hope you're ready to filter through hundreds of anime and furfag OCs with mismatching artstyles.
it may be over and it hasnt even started
Doubt it, it just says "please follow the steam guidelines."
Nice, since Steam Workshop is ok with mods like Terraria's "waifu player texture pack" then there's no problem with lewd custom characters
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You know what makes this feel off? It's the eyes. What they did with them in the new design feels off.
ANOTHER fucking update? this shit will never come out

4chan finds that there is a loss of "soul" with any change in art style no matter how minor. You know the answer already because these retards are 100% predictable.
the chad angry stare vs the virgin bored eyes
>the eyes have a different shape entirely
>the helmet is shaded differently
>the shield is held less aggressively
Fuck off.
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does it fix it?
green knight gay

blue knight cool
How many Day 1 mods do you think there will be to fix this shit?
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I opened this and audibly went "Oh shit."

Haven't heard this one in a long while.
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nigger, speak english
what are you saying?
beyond it being intentionally misleading and not representative at all of what the original looked like

what is the point?
that looks absolutely terrible
I am so sick of DEI hires and eternal grifters trying to justify their wage by constantly fucking with things that don't need to be fucked with
One, what the fuck are you on with DEI you fucking magatard? and two, its fucking optional you fuck.
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forced sovl*
worse face, worse colours. soulless just like the new alien hominid design.
proportions are mostly similar but still worse.

Holy shit. they got rid of Jeffs perfect art?? fuck them.
>clown dressed as a woman
I think its a woman dressed as a clown
you posted this two hours after his post you stupid unfunny nigger
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He looks like he's questioning his life choices instead of being angry and ready to beat up some bandit fuckers.
Actual downgrade.
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i would gladly, and without any second thought, strangle every fucking Geometry Dash nigger in existence if i could.
These are our tunes, you fucking ipad toddlers
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>pussy crashers
hahaha nigga wear a dress already hahaha
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>This will finally be real
Because theres no reason to change things that are fine you fool, make new shit for the love of God
Now we're fucking cooking. Too bad he still holds his shield like onions now
just toggle it off nigga
>some of those achievements
wtf were they thinking
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Never changed it a decade later, and not fucking going to change it now either.
If we're in the lobby and you're picking orange before me i am personally burning down your house in real life.
I can make higheffort wojak character mods and put them on steam workshop
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I have always thought that the Heavy Culter armour from EYE looked like the knights in this game, I might try making one when this releases.
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found a higher quality picture to prove my point
the way it goes bipedal in 2012, then back to quad, then bipedal again is so funny
it's not the end of the world but it looks like the body parts aren't attached to the torso
Bro the original selection art was perfect

Wtf is this shit?
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from real fucking pissed off to mildly annoyed

the eyes being higher also makes them look a bit uglier imo
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I am MAKING my main
And so will you.
Post 'em.
now i wonder
will the new character creator use the old template or the new one
hopefully both
the older one doesnt even need extra frames of animation for the idle anim, but maybe the "fresh" one's rig is built for the rest of the animations and angles and whatnot...
backup your copy of castle crashers now before they vandalise it in an update.
I don't think
Culter Dei more like Culter Gay
I'm gonna make Spinal from Killer instinct
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>t. Jian Shang Di
Oh no?
I'm going to wear your moron face as a party mask.
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just make a sequel holy shit
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>Cold, blue stare gone

Anyway I wonder how the fact that you can switch between both artstyles mean for the actual custom characters.
Cause they both clearly have different animations and frames and perspectives.
forced animation
soulless design
0/10. slop demake.

Not enough people have made fun of this yet.
was pit people any good?
i completely forgot it existed
looks cool and it's a toggle and with workshop support

I played the fuck out of this on the 360 and can probably convince some people to pick this up again, thanks OP for the video game thread
They white washed my literal black queen...
>first playthrough with friends on 360 years ago
>my friend gets red knight
>just stun locks us all to death during the end fights
>gets rocked by the clown at the end

I miss you guys noobinator, remix, dj, and other dude who's name I forget cause you kept fucking changing it
2014 = 2012 >>>>>>>> the rest
It's an improvement.
It's dogshit, at least seems that is switchable from what i have read.
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i hate how they removed the aggresive hunch from all of the characters, now they look like gay little chibis
looks good honestly. Fits the Castle Crashers vibe. Would make for a good art style for Castle Crashers 2
>can't grasp basic english
Based ESL retard
This is the correct opinion
Can you guys post the original selection art?
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why are they animated like tiktok people
If it's not a free update then I don't care.
did they change artists? if it's the same dude working on it I can begrudgingly accept it but really I prefer the eye placement on the left.
I think the character select screen is the only revamped thing that looks good desu. The art isn't terrible.
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Paid unfortunately
Everything outside of the top row looks like complete shit
does that mean the shitty new redesigns do not affect the game without the DLC?
I think I want Stamper to have never picked up a crack pipe and I want another Alien Hominid.
They didn't update it
Dud they?
didn't you like the rougeshit one?
for me it's Butthole Archer
The enimies are way tankier than I remember when I played a decade ago
Wish someone would join coop
Sudden movements
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>playing this on my PSP music player in high school before i go to bed
off-topic but i was also reminded of this song during that time
I think the transition that occurred where people who cut their teeth on flash and then carried those design sensibilities into development of normal games did overall harm to the medium.
Sleepycast and the stories told there was the cry for help, but no one listened.
You look like complete shit.
Jeff Bandelin is one of the best vector artists of all time.
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I don't care if you redraw the knight. But he drew it in a way that lost all its character.
He didn't preserve the defining attributes of the original.
>I think the transition
damn you guys are obsessed
Yeah, they fucked up the knight head.
he used to look like a angry skull now its a fat cross with a bored face in the middle that doesn't look badass at all
I read his post even later and it still remained true. Interestingly I read yours and thought "wow a fucking emotional little bitch manchild" despite it happening in the past as well.
they are toggleable anyways so it doesn't matter
trailer doesn't say that.
steam description does
I used Blue Knight but too many people used Blue Knight so I strangely got a gold skull with Necromancer instead while skipping the actual fight against Necromancer
Needs a little more Brow.
But it's a pretty big improvement
I wonder if the creator has a hard time keeping it consistent and decides to start over instead
why are they changing this shit in the first place?
just make a new castle crashers if you really want to do this shit
It's over for Behemoth
Umineko is /v/ culture
It's an opt in update.
I fucking love fencer's design
sawblades are fucking cool and always made satisfying noises
it never had soul in the first place, zoom zoom
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When was the last time Behemoth was relevant?
how do i play this game
ADHD as fuck goddamn
Presumably with a controller.
both look like newgrounds garbage. I cant believe people actually pay money for shit like this
what mental illness is this?
Theres a toggle to go back to the original art thankfully
Neurotic Perfectionism

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