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It's public. Will it see the same legacy as gmod?
it's dogshit
fanboy and chumchum ass game
absolutely not with those fucking character models
i have never seen any player avatar in a video game so universally reviled like these ones are
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Damn you anon. I had almost forgotten that show.

How could you do this to me?
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>please login
How does it compare to gmod so far?
Garry Newman donated 15,000 pounds on a BLM charity that disappeared with the money the very next year.
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Like the hecking player modelerinos chud!!!!
Fagboy and Chum Chum
missing charm of classic source game assets- feels like a UE4 sandbox
>dei artstyle
hell no
>Will it see the same legacy as gmod?
Not unless it has the same “Source game asset import” capabilities as gmod.
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>will never ever get another multiplayer experience like playing early source custom maps and gmod gamemodes without all the dev manhandling again
its not gmod its source roblox
Isn't it always online garbage with every single assets/tool/mods created by players needing to pass some kind of validation too?
say chumchum without the H
>Once you have access to the developer preview, please use developer docs and discord to figure stuff out. Yes, I hate that every community is moving to discord and no-one uses forums anymore too, but it's the way the world is.
If you hate it then why do you just throw your hands up and tell everyone to go to discord instead of making a forum? Oh right, making forum takes effort, can't have that.
because he's a lazy narcissistic cunt
>that fucking hideous character model
That's genuinely what I picture most RP server faggots look like in real life
facepunch gave him ptsd
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>"""""""Public""""""" Release
>Still using the Beta Keys system so he can steal copies from people he has a meltdown at
>Source 2
what is his problem
Someone showed him video a baby doll being welded to a wooden disk irl and he just fucking broke.
Also asking people on windows to be making shit for your game outside of russians is just a bad idea because most people switched over to linux.
Which is kind of why modding for source games has become glacial.
so whats the catch
my brain automatically switches on the doomsday device when i see someone make "x but better"
is it like warcraft reforged where he owns every mod you make

i refuse to be optimistic and believe he just re-made "gmod but better" in source 2 because he wanted people to have nice things
it's gmod with nothing from valve's games
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Nobody is gonna play your GoyMod 2: Roblox Edition, Garry. No scratch that, even Roblox has more freedom than this piece of crap. Talk about missing the reason why GMod was so successful.
The Gmod modding scene is (basically) dead
It's still beta keys so Garry can steal your game from you if he gets mad
Windows only, and SDK is Windows only, so good luck getting anyone to add anything that isn't total garbage.
The base assets suck so there's an even bigger uphill gap for people to make mods with it.
>The Gmod modding scene is (basically) dead

Unironically the old toolgun mod that could turn props into water brushes was better.
I remember how he re-made the Facepunch forum (with a different look) years after he shut down the original one suddenly because he felt like it. And then he proceeded to also get rid of the new forum.
Garry is a spergy autist.
>forum made by facepunch refugees instantly turned into tranny central
didn't he throw a giant melty years back because he wanted it to be Epic exclusive but the Source 2 agreement requires the game to be available on Steam
>old toolgun mod that could turn props into water brushes
>Yes, I hate that every community is moving to discord and no-one uses forums anymore too, but it's the way the world is.
garry jewman you nuked your own forums cause people were making fun of you lol
>didn't he throw a giant melty
Which one?
I think that was planned when it was still meant to run on Unreal Engine.
can Garry shut down Gmod for whatever reason, like remove from store etc...?
So much of the humor seemed to come from Source engine characters doing wacky stuff. It feels kind of soulless without that
>They're not anime so they're bad.
Ohhh, right
And then everyone called him a fucking retard because EGS has no form of workshop
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Buddy it isn't more complicated than I made it.
You spawn a prop
Zap it with a tool gun
Boom: Water
Worked great with the PHeoniX Storm props too.
No it had nothing to do with Source 2 at the time, it ran on unreal engine and garry was planning on shipping it WITH the HL2 assets as an Epic Game store exclusive, and Valve told him he had to knock that shit off or they would have to sue him.
This is when he paid a dude like $5 to make the shitty hot dog men and some other guys to make basic shit like a crate and some other random shit
>Will it see the same legacy as gmod?
Nah, millennials are old and have families now and zoomies struggle to navigate folders, let alone make mods or use a server browser.

Anyone who could make something decent for Gmod will just make an entire asset flip game in Unreal and throw it on steam for a few bucks.
No, he can remove it from purchase, and try to deliberately break it like he did with Linux support, but if he does it will immediately be reverted.
This shit probably pisses garry off MASSIVELY which is why he sabotaged his own server scene to kill the game instead. But he physcially CAN NOT money stolen the game from you or prevent you from playing games with your friends.
looks more like that sausage party movie
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>Will it see the same legacy as gmod?
based gaben
To give you an idea what Garry wants or hopes to achieve with s&b
Keep in mind The Mirror is open source so you can do whatever you want with it, and The Mirror is a retard name.
Have you even played Garry's Mod? All the default characters are regular humans.
Shut your mouth, the gmod base models were half life models and stuff like that and everyone loved them. All he had to do was not make them grotesque.
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>gmod fans want a fun sandbox using valve assets to experiment with
>garry doesn't want that
>garry wants s&box to be "adult roblox"
>roblox has already snagged its adult demographic
>s&box is too locked down and overmoderated to achieve the creative freedom roblox allows (for better and worse)
>s&box also has a way higher fidelity for its assets, which is literally the exact opposite of what you want if you're competing with roblox, a game which deliberately goes for a fake-LEGO aesthetic to lower the bar of asset creation
S&box is for absolutely nobody and Garry is a retard.
He could delist it from Steam, which would prevent new purchases. But that's pretty much it since the game relies on community servers.
So unless he releases an update that intentionally fucks up the game, no.
Everybody has already dismissed it. Best case, some ecelebs will be paid to swap to it for a few months prompting a couple thousand sales. Worst case, ghost town. Retrospectives by december.
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>no single player without hoops
>everything/server/gamemode is "always online/multiplayer" where anyone can join even if the random doesnt want to either.
>"we gave you one free-pass to use OUR assets and sell them as a grace to OUR fans"
>Source 2 with none of the features like realtime workshop that used to exist in january builds
>want to see Source 2 and fuck with it? Nah you're the one getting fucked
>"Popular" gamemodes crash/don't load/in-game black screen
>gm_construct with sandbox gamemode and others feels like JBmod
I tried it during the closed access a year ago and it was dogshit + the servers were dead.
I'm not giving it another shot until they at least fix the ugly ass skins.
JBMod is way cooler than this shit.
>charm of gmod characters was having realistic looking people doing silly shit
someone should take the game away from him
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I don't think that is the problem, the problem is the lack of interesting assets and Gary's pettiness.
Even if you wanted stylised "generic" characters, you could just shit out vague non-infringing copies of the Valve models, in that smooth fortnite looking style

Few "Freedom Fighter Kolov"
Few "Police Counter-Agent Smith"
"Physicist Philpott"
Civvy Clive, Bill, Sandy

Free Radical was able to shit out an entire roster on the PS2 with Timesplitters like this
Actually the though process was
>Oh fuck how quickly can I get new character models so Valve doesn't sue me
There was zero thought that went into the character models
He said he hated how perfect looking Fortnite people looked.
Doesn't look like it right now. The playerbase is dismally small even with public access, the most popular game modes are clickers/afk farms, and it looks ugly.
I'm hopeful something good comes of this.
underaged retard
>hates the "perfect" art style of fortnite
he should have made realistic models then? oh wait, that takes skill and effort, so...
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>click link
>boomers say skibi is bad but used to watch this unfunny shit
Roleplayers are the majority of Gmod's playerbase now, and they're not gonna switch to a game without a DarkRP-like gamemode, which s&box isn't gonna get because Garry Newman is a niggerfaggot retard sperg who hates roleplay for some autistic reason and has tried to sabotage the roleplay scene in Gmod, and s&box is a million times more difficult to develop gamemodes for, in Gmod any retard can try to create his own gamemode or addon due to Lua being a lot easier to use than C# in s&box
Garry hates roleplay yet refuses to accept it's the only reason Gmod still gets decent player numbers, s&box is dead on arrival due to his autistic refusal to cater to the biggest segment of Gmod players
Till garry stole it and made a better overall. I still remember the drama 20 years later. Also S&ndbox is dropping the ball when it's in his court just rolling around waiting to be picked up for the free throw. But nope, fuckheap got complacent and a big head.
Despite everything, Garry's Mod is a good name for a game
Correct, that's because the idiot box is soul and skibidi is one mans fetish that went too far
>Garry Newman is a niggerfaggot retard sperg who hates roleplay for some autistic reason
Being fair to garry, DarkRP fork spam has always been a cancer on the Server browser.
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>Windows only
It works fine so far. (with proton) I am guessing the sdk and hammer 2 editor are completely busted or a bitch to work with because as usual with the source engine modding on linux.
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it's on steam now
then his retarded niggershit ass shouldn't have updated the server browser to the new version that groups servers by gamemode, he's just so fucking stupid that i will definitely punch him in the face if i ever see him irl, which isn't impossible since he has visited my country before
That's besides the point, making a linux build is a one button task.
Garry just isn't because he's a dickhead.
this. I hate RP servers for the sole fact that it's taken over almost 60% of all other gamemodes. I hate that like Jailbreak, Deathrun and Prop Hunt were essentially butchered with the RP servers that kept popping up.
no, he's talking about facepunch as managed by Garry Newman.
>dislike his original forum because it's not as popular as reddit (yes really)
>code a new forum, dislike it because it's not as popular as reddit
>kill forum
>everyone tells him to fuck off and either disperses or makes a different forum
>he makes a new facepunch forum, that he absolutely hates because it's not as popular as reddit
he's got an ego so far up his ass that it's poking out his mouth
based Niko enjoyer
Movement feels worse than gmod
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is that really really or just maybe really?
get this shit off this site it's not instagram
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Didn't he also post his dick pic on twitter to win an argument only to delete it after everyone in the replies made fun of how small it was?
nope, faggot, that was your dad
that's why your mother has to get fucked by BBC while your cuck of a father watches
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>Will it see the same legacy as gmod?
No purely because rather than being a modding platform and a sandbox, it's acting as a development platform like Roblox. It's part of the reason why they had the closed beta, so they could have enough 'content' made up to go on release. Issue is that dried up and now you have a more public release so they can have an influx of play testers and more people to create content for the game before an official launch.
it's dead on arrival.
everyone played garry's mod but now with fortnite and shits like that no one will switch.
i'm half considering applying to facepunch to fix the godawful models
>Buddy it isn't more complicated than I made it.
>You spawn a prop
>Zap it with a tool gun
>Boom: Water
>Worked great with the PHeoniX Storm props too.
Honestly it would be better for the world if you would
Reconsider that position.
You could instead negotiate with, higher powers to create something, far more. Substantial.
Pretty sure back on Gmod.org it was just called the water stool.
Better models aren't going to fix the fundamental problems with what Garry wants S&box to be. Let the models stay and drive people away from that trash.
>launched with less features than gmod
>years later still less features than gmod
this shit is just banking on community devs doing everything to get it started and going to turn it into the next roblox
He's always been a socially awkward sperg. The only reason he kept updating Garry's Mod was to compete with JBMod. He just got lucky.
Not surprised he'd hate something that's actively keeping his game alive. Either way, the game's success came from people wanting a sandbox to play around with Valve's assets. This new thing looks like complete slop with no creativity.
>Bonelab is the GMod of VR
>S&Box is the Bonelab of GMod
it's funny how garry is simultaneously a greedy jew but also willing to sabotage his own game's success with horrible player models
I don't think it's archived anywhere since he nuked the forum but I distinctly recall him getting major butthurt about reddit being way more popular while he was waxing about how he wants user-created subforums just like reddit does.
imagine hosting one of the few remaining proper independent bulletin-style message boards and killing it because boohoo reddit
garry has always been fucking weird and driven by spite but it works because fans of his games are retarded so all he has to do to succeed is give them the opposite of what they ask for
Lucking out and becoming rich tends to give you a big safety net from your own autism.
how do you do sandbox mode
so is it for keeps this time or is he going to revoke it from everyone who doesn't play enough again?
i can only imagine he's still seething at having given free copies of rust to people who played it early enough.
kind of ashamed to admit the ui is filtering me, how do i just play a map in single player?
loading the workshop takes ages, and downloading any map gets stuck at 90%.
is it just the server being overwhelmed?
Garry always chooses the worst option. So, that one.
I bet the guys did a lot of research to come up with this design. They must have seen things like the Amogus, Robloxman, etc., and arrived at the "perfect design scientifically approved to attract the attention of children and teenagers", and as always happens in these cases, it's a piece of shit.
>so is it for keeps this time or is he going to revoke it from everyone who doesn't play enough again?
It's still beta keys instead of an actual steam demo, what do you think?
With GMOD, because it used Valve's assets, Garry only got a 50% cut
With S&BOX, he'll get a 70% cut, eventually moving to 80% if its popular enough

In his mind, he probably thought he could make more money if he avoided having to pay royalties and making his own thing. The error lies in that the game would be a lot more popular and sell more than enough copies to make up for Valve's royalties if he still let you use Half Life assets and whatnot
It reminds me a lot of Star Wars. The sequels are the way they are because George Lucas owns the OT characters and setting, so Disney thought they could make more money by making their own slightly-altered stormtroopers/rebels/empire to avoid paying royalties, not realizing that they'd make a lot more money by just giving the people what they actually want

This game is too bland and generic for it to catch on. It will fail dramatically and Garry will never realize where he went wrong, instead continuing to blame the fanbase.
>18 years after roblox
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Their problem is they had a closed beta with big invite giveaway with the express intention of getting content as you say. Only to immediately decide that actually the way the entire editor was working was wrong and needed a complete overhaul.

I mean they're right, changing things to work just like unity, especially when that was what they had initially promised is a massive improvement. But holy fuck why not fix that BEFORE sending a load of invites out? Why the fuck did they basically say "here's your invite into s&box, oh by the way this shit is immediately changing so don't bother learning anything"?
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It's shit.
Join Scenebox 2. ( It will automatically connect you to a server. Don't worry about it.)
Press 'esc' > 'start new game' > tick 'host multiplayer' to off > 'Start Game.'
Pic unrelated.
>join a game called "Godot"
>literally just the Godot engine
what the fuck
Is there anything actually fun you can do in this?
Nah the error lies in not realising until it's too late how unlikeable the sausage men are.

S&box is trying to be Roblox 2 more than it is trying to be Garry's Mod 2. There's no reason why it couldn't have done the roblox thing and marketed it through a default avatar that most of the games will use. Roblox got popular that way after all.

Thing is, Roblox's lego men also don't cause an intense dislike from most people.
s&box is lame and Garry is only able to fund this fail successor to Gmod, because of Rust game.
Wtf this is like raving rabids which predates all that crap
>in not realising until it's too late how unlikeable the sausage men are.
How many times do you need it to explained to you that zero thought went into the sausage guys?
>millennials are old and have families now
y-yeah.. my family... haha...
>So not every game is going to have these guys. What they do offer to a game developer is a shortcut. Don't care about player models - just use the user selected clothes. Making a cooking game and need to dress the player models? Use the chef outfit. Making an army game? Use the soldier outfit.
i can't wait to play shitty versions of better games with ugly characters
You won't even get that, a lot of the games use vector assets and emojis (technically also vector assets but a separate thing in S&box).
Enjoy your pizza clicker.
that was the first game i was able to join, what a shitshow this service is
The game doesn't fucking work and I have a windows PC with a 3060.
>s&box also has a way higher fidelity for its assets
so it'll suffer the same fate as Dreams and Fraymakers?
welcome to source 2
is it laggy for you too?
>S&Box is the Bonelab of GMod
Pretty sure that's rec room
No it just straight up doesn't work, If I join a game it's just on a weird leaderboard screen.
It's so faggy that there isn't even an offline mode or any default gamemode, so much for a "roblox competitor"
Well technically Dreams got fucked because it was WAY too complicated for a console DIY game. Which S&box will probably get fucked by.
Didn't actually matter the potential fidelity you could squeeze out of it.
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>i have never seen any player avatar in a video game so universally reviled like these ones are
i mean in how shitty it is
Yeah that's still rec room
All these fucking terrible attempts at UGC games forget the core rule: you HAVE to give the players some direction and a simple framework to work within (and eventually break).
Little Big Planet had its preset themes and basic story levels to work off as inspiration, so when they opened things up with LBP2, the playerbase had a direction to go in.
GMod was working off the entire Source canon.
Rivals of Aether gave people a solid smash framework to operate within while keeping sprites lowres enough that most people could put together a working character with enough time.
Roblox started as pure lego and slowly opened up new features and possibilities over a 10+ year timespan, giving its users time to build a "canon" and assumed aesthetics to work off of.
Dreams failed because it was too open and had no singleplayer campaign as a starting point of inspiration.
S&Box is going to fail for the exact same reasons.
what i don't get with these types of platforms is why i wouldn't just make my own game
>Rivals of Aether
i wonder how rivals 2 is gonna go with its 3d models. have they even announced if it will have workshop support?
In this day and age, you shouldn't.
Back when Gmod was around, it'd be worth it if you just wanted to make a game ANYONE with the source engine could play.
This is kind of why Gmod Tower died.
>several interesting facepunch prototypes killed for gmod 2
>even though all of those ideas could have been core game modes in gmod 2 to serve as examples, provide day 1 content and could be monetized
garry is such a nigger
Yeah I'm sitting this out because I've just got a measly 1070 and apparently this game is super intensive
That won't help this game's chances either. A lot of GMOD/Half Life stuff is made by third worlders where those are the only decent games that run on their PC
Rivals was decently popular even before the workshop update, and Rivals 2 is apparently going to be free (with paid cosmetics) so it'll probably do at least "okay".
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>valve could have made a public source 2 SDK to usher in a second golden age of the PC modding community
>instead we get garry's dogshit gmod followup that'll be dead in a year
Multiplayer games are a bitch to make. The idea of a gamemaking platform that makes it simple is a godsend.

Problem is our options seem to be roblox, where the game will be janky as fuck due to the netcode, or s&box, which is taking forever to be remotely useable.
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>Rivals was decently popular even before the workshop update
It sat around 300 players, with some spikes for when it was in humble bundles.
Don't do this shit dickhead
For me it's the fact that SteamHome is dead as fuck because the SDK is windows only, same with Dota 2, CS:2 Alyx etc.
And the funny thing?
>options are roblox or s&box
well roblox actually has a playerbase. i can't see s&box getting remotely popular
>It sat around 300 players, with some spikes for when it was in humble bundles.
That's really not bad for an indie fighting game, anon. It obviously isn't a Smash competitor, but MBAACC is considered a fighting game mainstay and that shit's standing at 35 players right now.
>MBAACC is considered a fighting game mainstay
Never heard of it, so no it isn't.
You've never heard of Melty Blood?
>It sat around 300 players
That's decent for a smash clone.
>i have never seen any player avatar in a video game so universally reviled like these ones are
Concord was announced just a couple months ago.
I wonder if all the roblox groomers well expand into this?
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>source 2 still closed off as fuck
>they don't even bother working on their games on it
what the FUCK are they thinking?
didn't they let third parties work on source before half-life 2 even released?
why'd they even bother making it if it's still only used for two games?
Barely heard of it, never heard of it referred to by that acronym.
Then you're probably not that tuned into the Fighting Game Community, because Melty Blood is widely considered a classic in those circles.
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>I wonder if all the roblox groomers well expand into this?
That would require children to play this DOA shitfest, and they won't.
Children are pure, they know who's the strongest.
There's also the hardware barrier to entry
You can play Roblox on your phone
It's sounding like you need a near-super computer to run this
It would require source 2 to be able to run on their tablets.
No I think you're just wrong and upset that I insinuated that a smash clone that had you playing as a bunch of nobodies that nobody cared about didn't have the same level of appeal and was vastly less popular than Smash Mugen.
Wasn't there already a Dota 2 autochess spin-off on mobile running Source 2.
Source 2 runs on tablets, hello, Dota Overlords? I know it died harder than artifact but it ran on phones.
Gmod died when Tower died. And I wasn't gonna buy a standalone copyright free advertiser friendly neutered Tower.
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>No I think you're just wrong and upset that I insinuated that a smash clone that had you playing as a bunch of nobodies that nobody cared about didn't have the same level of appeal and was vastly less popular than Smash Mugen.
At no point did I imply that Rivals wasn't less popular before it got the workshop update, man. What the fuck are you on about? I said it was decently popular for an indie Smash clone, which it was. Get your perspective checked.
More accurate to say "s&box running on their tablets" then.
How does it feel to finally be the old man yelling at cloud
Who are you quoting you fucking idiot
>At no point did I imply that Rivals wasn't less popular
You implied it WAS popular, which it wasn't.
But it was. It averaged 300 players, which is well into the "popular" range for indie fighting games. Just because something isn't as wildly successful as something like Street Fighter or Smash itself doesn't mean it's unpopular.
>didn't they let third parties work on source before half-life 2 even released?
Just Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines which was because Troika wanted the facial animation tech that Source had, so Activision licensed an early version of it from 2003. Probably the reason for no Source 2 SDK is because it's a mess of an engine that is specific for each game rather than being more of a base for each game to be built off of. That and Valve hasn't really been good at SDKs since the Source ones aren't great and the last one they released is lacking a lot of features from around the time.
Wait, this is by the actual gmod guy? Has he finally milked his shitty dayz clone enough?
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was thinking of a making a small game for s&box, for shits n giggles

was thinking of some kind of 2d bullet hell. Problem is I don't know how often shit is going to break because of s&box updates and I already know how much of a pain it is to maintain mods and don't want more people pestering me to update my shit. Given the state of networking I'd also have to do everything via websockets and that will take time. By the time I'd be finished with it dedicated servers will hopefully be released however, making all my efforts on networking wasted so... why bother?

One comment I'll make is C# was a huge mistake. Lua has huge problems when you want to make big projects and is still a pain in the ass otherwise but let's be frank most gmod addons aren't that big code wise. If I was Garry, what I'd probably do is have a well documented and beginner friendly Lua programming interface and a DLL interface for native plugins written in C++ for more advanced use cases.
>I don't know how often shit is going to break because of s&box updates
Garry made some claim they were going to introduce a system that would avoid updates breaking games: https://sbox.game/news/june-update-d91005cc
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I liked UCH
I did not, for a moment, implied that it needed to be smash or streetfighter to qualify as popular.
Rivals itself hit that threshold at around 1k players after the workshop update.
mmhm heard it all before
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>Rivals itself hit that threshold at around 1k players after the workshop update
That threshold was hit several times before the workshop update in September 2019.
And how is it now? Did they fix what was wrong?
I remember they gave me a key years ago, but they took away my access for not opening the game in a while.
if you are worried about people pestering you just release it under an alias or something
the funny thing is, if he does anything that damages Gmod, and make people not want/able to buy it, he loses his main source of income and safety net.
>he loses his main source of income and safety net
actually his main source of income now is Rust.
Then why don't I hear about it as much?
man imagine if instead of this shit they had gone the TF2 style route
would have been nice. better than default gmod's heavy use of hl2 models
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because it's not a sandbox game but a survival game.
Still regularly in the top 10 steam played charts.
>Yes, I hate that every community is moving to discord and no-one uses forums anymore too,
What a conceited and hypocritical line from a guy that deleted Facepunch's forum and cried about Discord being an alternative.
It had a couple day long bump when they added new characters.
The only other time it ever reached that high, was for a day, when it was in the humble bundle, which was, immediately, followed by another character addition
The only time it normalized at a higher playercount was after the addition of the workshop.
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yeah it makes no sense at all. they look fucking horrible.
they should have reverted to the classic mingebag model.
"played" for one hour and there's fucking nothing here lmao
all the somewhat interesting gamemodes are broken and abandoned, leaving only a worse version of roblox with ugly sausage men
Rust is the sort of survival game that makes its money mostly from selling skins to 12 year old russian kids while the devs put in the minimum amount of work to keep it running.
he should be consider lucky that an eceleb hasn't made a video on his sperging and made that all public knowledge.
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i clicked on sandbox
connected stuck
nothing happens
yo wtf?
Upsetting what happened to these guys. Main guy is an asshole, but everyone else is fine and their game is slogging behind development wise.
This looks lone blockchain integration away from being one of those crypto sandboxes
>join developer preview
>don't develop
>fuck i hate this game engine
so basically it milks whatever playerbase it has of their money.
They should have, but garry is a spiteful retard and even after Valve said he could import assets into source 2 to use (provided the gamer owns them) he refused.
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>The only time it normalized at a higher playercount was after the addition of the works
Not really, you can see huge periods of sub-1k even after the workshop update.
nobody's forcing you to use them in your game
that opium game at least is visually decent, shame about the gameplay though
It works just like unity, they actually delivered on this.

Actually there's the potential for this to be revolutionary. Because there is talks about a feature being implemented that lets you export your games as standalone and then being able to sell them. Which means we could have a no-strings attached unity clone available to people. But it seems very likely that valve are going to insist any game sold this way has to be sold through steam.

My hang up is at the moment the networking is not working as advertised. A gameobject marked as "networked object" is supposed to be syncing across all connected clients. But I'm finding when using the "join new instance" feature in the editor that networked objects don't sync between two non-host clients. Which means the networking is failing to work at the most basic-level. I've even tried downloading projects facepunch themselves have made and testing this on their code and it still isn't working properly even on their projects.
I loaded into one of the supposed official maps and was met with error textures
I already know how to use Unity so I don't know why I'd bother developing for Garry to line his pockets
>Dreams failed because it was too open and had no singleplayer campaign as a starting point of inspiration.
Dreams failed because its shitty marketing confused the hell out of everyone. In my case it took me up to the release date to figure out that Dreams was supposed to be a pseudo-game engine where you make shit rather than say some open world thing where people randomly place shit everywhere.
This was the era where Sony was throwing everything under the bus for the sake of TLoU2 but even despite that they were doing a horrible job at explaining it.
He could remove it from the store yes, but it wouldn't stop anyone who already owns it from simply selecting it from their library and still playing it. But doing something like shutting down multiplayer support would be literally retarded because I imagine the ensuing shitstorm and backlash from the community would be astronomical since everyone and their mother owns Gmod at this point and would rather have that until S&Box at least actually fucking works
>Not really, you can see huge periods of sub-1k even after the workshop update.
It's normalized around 900-1k.
Before that it was 300-400.
Don't waggle charts at me if you can't read them you youtuber tier retard.
garry won't take any commision, you clearly haven't informed yourself. you're not interested in this at all.
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>It's normalized around 900-1k.
>Before that it was 300-400.
Then explain the sub-650 player count months after the workshop update.
networking definitely needs the most work right now, lobbies are also limiting. game exporting exists but it hasn't been pushed to the master branch yet
C# is used by both Unity and Godot. It may have a steeper learning curve, but having it for S&Box is one of the very few smart decisions Garry made, making it more streamlined for developers.
it's also hotloading instantly which make developing so much faster than unity and godot. i'm going insane closing and opening my game each time i change something
sandbox was always the best gamemode on gmod. you can pretty much build anything you can think of from very simple stupid shit to very complex stuff with programming logic.




if this is supposed to make me want to develop i don't know what to tell you
you have to go to "games" then press sandbox
the developers need to fix their own games, that's not s&box fault
the official games fucking suck
is it just a black screen after you clicked it?
i'd imagine so, they're putting most effort into making the engine itself better
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btw tested it in 2021
still menu sucks
same shit sandbox ui
shit don't work
no water
cant swim
wtf changed since 2021 other than the UI becoming worse?
Hammer is a very powerful tool, and netcode seemingly isn't a nightmare to deal with. The problem is that Valve should have given us these amenities with an SDK, not Garry under his delusions to compete with Roblox.
official sandbox gamemode is not available anymore, they paused work on it last year because of the scene system
please tell me we're getting a proper source 2 sdk
this can't be all
He should've just made a sequel to Gmod with nicer graphics, and higher map size limits, among other things.
He didn't need to do THIS shit.
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well last year but it still questions what the fuck were they doing the 2 years prior to that?
no water system
ui terrible
legit this haven't changed 1 bit since the leaked build in august 2021
they worked on it when it was the entity system, then garry changed his mind for the better. dev experience is much better now.
just check the commits https://commits.facepunch.com/r/sbox
this project is a mess fr though
such a disappointment since 2021
working on useless shits
legit no one wanted this
everyone wanted gmod source 2 so map limit bigger so disappointed damn all other gamemode suck ass
download map
it doesn't even download properly. missing textures
Unity and Godot are designed for big projects with big teams. S&Box is for small <1GB games with maybe 1-3 people. I would've preferred Lua.
i really prefer this to gmod 2, much more freedom with this and especially if you can export games.
seems like you're playing broken gamemodes, unfortunate. mine work great still.
i was interested enough to check it out
the only decent gamemode anyone's put together is the my summer car ripoff
i made terry target for the game jam, i think i did pretty well. also drifter but it's a bit unbalanced now because of physics changes. i do wish we could pin versions.
Shut up garry
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skill issue
>S&box has the worst character models and lags a bunch for being in source 2
>Prop Hunt clones die out faster then live service games
>Tower Unite has been in early access hell for 8 years and still haven't fix the loading problems
>Bonelab is the only decent sandbox game but it's only on vr handwear.
Sandbox games will never be good again.
>legit no one wanted this
Plenty of people would want a roblox with better netcode. s&box's problem is it's falling short of being the game it's promising to be.
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>menu layout is shit
>avatar menu crashes the game
>no get maps button, only play maps
>can't manaully get the assets since there isn't a workshop
>can't start my own games and maps from a start button
>no "host" button
>no join/server list button
>nothing fucking works, everything is a black screen
>games which do work are buggy, laggy messes assuming they connect in the first place
>most are missing assets or don't show character models
>crashes/disconnects after a few minutes of gameplay

>>Bonelab is the only decent sandbox game but it's only on vr handwear.
you're lucky you said this now and not a month ago else i would have laughed
>S&box has the worst character models
this is the most retarded argument, there's nothing stopping you importing your own player models or the game creator doing so
nah garry newmans gotta gtfo man hes a retard
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Garry is debilitatingly autistic and doesn't understand that half of providing a toolkit for gamemode devs is providing them good assets that do not offend the human spirit. S&box will die on the back of his mentally ill attachment to these deformed potato characters.
>try to open SDoom
>can't even run DOOM
fucking pathetic
>>no "host" button
depends on the game
>>no join/server list button
depends on the game
Why can't garry chill out and stop being a massive queer?
>mentally ill attachment to these deformed potato characters.
Hatred of his userbase.
they look like actual dogshit, they're unpleasant to look at. this should not be the DEFAULT option. seeing them in game with the realistic filters is gross
All british "people" are not human and revile beauty
what do you mean default option? there's nothing default about them. *you* choose as a game creator to use them.
if you don't have models you have to use this
unless you're good at modelling you'll have to use these, and i quote, "Stupid Sausage Headed Idiot Player Models". that's really unfriendly to people who aren't experienced devs. this feels like something only a couple people will be able to enjoy, not as open as he thinks it is

Fuck Garry that guy is an absolute retard, and fuck any shit he touches.
i don't see a lot of hate on the default roblox player models yet they're used a ton
why he mad?
character literally looks like monkey >>683839653
Your average player is gonna look at the weird ugly models and nope out
Because they're not fucking dogshit you absolute shill
does garry really think people are going to replace the models
99% of everything in garrys mod uses default HL2 models

the replacements are generally some shitpost model that doesn't function properly and clips
he was so mad he was screaming then proceeded to one tap me with his AK
all other weapons suck ass btw
smg pea shooter
bro why devs are so insecure?
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because they look nice
>there's nothing default about them.
NTA but they are quite literally provided with the intention that they're what the community defaults to using when they don't want to go to the effort to make their own models/animations. They are basically s&box's equivalent to the roblox lego men.

And it honestly would help the game get more content if people attempting to make games for it didn't have to go to the trouble to make custom models/animations because they hate the ones s&box provides out the box.
>Because they're not fucking dogshit you absolute shill
they are though, they look awful.
people can just use stuff like this https://sbox.game/sboxmp/frank_mp

i really don't see the problem with them, they're cartoon characters
Literally IS a monkey.

Game was originally called "monkey fortress".
>i really don't see the problem with them, they're cartoon characters
they're modelled like cartoon characters but with the realistic lighting and smooth movements they're just really uncanny and soulless
then why the dev cried so hard
he cried hard when i shot him lmao
>people can just use stuff like this https://sbox.game/sboxmp/frank_mp
Until you find out how limiting the animations on that model is.
well it is unfinished to be fair, would be cool to see it release with the full engine
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i owe tower so much- first exposure to mother
So wait you're telling me this retard is playing some Monkey Themed TF2 clone in S&box, and the dev is there sperging out about people calling em monkeys?
>make monkey game
>calls people racist for saying the player characters are monkeys
is that game some sort of advanced bait so he can get people banned using out of context chat logs?
I genuinely don't understand garry's fucking problem, does he hate the fact that gmod was popular or something? Is he just a fucking autist?
Looks more like a fortnite clone but yeah, dude be mad at monkeys being called monkeys.
he was probably always more interested in making a full game engine, but couldn't do it in source 1
idk but it wa fun shooting him
i should have recorded it lol
I miss Tower. There's a rehost of it up right now but it's always at like 10 players at most.
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Cause I sure fucking don't.
I don't know much about coding but I ain't touching this shit with a ten foot pole
in a game with him rn, dudes a retard
I mean the issue with that is
>Gmod is now just a frontend for RP faggotry
>The playerbase of Gmod tower went to tower Unite or just went to other shit in general when it shut down.
The reason I still play the first, that and the new weapons don't fell like they add very much other than frustration.
should tell him people are laughing at him
"how do you make the game run better?"
Peng: "Sounds like you need a better computer"
Peng: "You guys need to donate to the server"
Intellectual property much? There is no way they'd allow him to do so without some royalties, even if he was close to the valve, and even if some randos in the department gave their permission. It is a simple business.
valve still takes a cut from gmod sales and they would from s&box too if they used alyx assets
I moved from Gmod Tower to Tower Unite and I think after like 8 years of it being in early access there's not a lot of overlap between the old community and the new one. I just do Condo autism builds and don't try to interact with the furries and VRChat people.
Are we actually sure he's the dev? Just seems like someone being retarded. According to https://sbox.game/redwig/project_m the two devs of the game are Pol and Joris
well he mentioned he was one and he was clearly agitated.
So what is stopping Garry to just order a one time commission to develop a good model that defines the game image rather than this shit. Is he that of a Joo, or there is no such thing as "single use commission".
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the move to made it public really did some numbers on my game
>There is no way they'd allow him to do so without some royalties
Literally all he'd have to do to be allowed to do it was import it from legitimate copies from Valve games, like how Garrysmod works right now, or how DOOM modding works.
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cool game
i think he might be someone from here trolling
Stubbornness more than anything else.
what is with the monkey girls?
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>PC can handle running Half-Life Alyx perfectly fine and managed a whole playthrough back in 2020 with only loading taking a while due to HDD
>S&Box basically shits itself and is nigh unplayable in a worthwhile state 4 years later for my same 2016 rig stacked with an RTX 2080 Super
The most annoying thing about this is the sheer amount of work you can see that did go into the sausagemen.
Whoever is making that mode is wasting their time.
garry has been optimising stuff in the past weeks and added a benchmark suite, at least he's aware of it

probably because they were added first, they do have multiple modelers but they want that one done first
Did Bonelab fix it's shit or something?
finally got official mod support like last month
campaign still sucks ass but mod support is much better
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if dreams ever made it to PC it would singlehandedly bring about a golden age of indie video game creation.
what was it like? never pulled the trigger
>still haven't fix the loading problems
Next update they're doing optimization on the plaza (finally) to remove bugs that have been there since day fucking one
but maybe off the pretense of gmod it might have some direction
Might actually try it then, last time I played it for like 20 minutes and never touched it again.
or it might just work because the editor doesn't feel like shit to work with and it's super quick to prototype stuff in
I think they just have realistic expectations
can you really not hate your userbase but also make something really good in spite of your hatred? am i just too high IQ for making games?
who knows i'd not be suprised if devs werel ike that
>or it might just work because the editor doesn't feel like shit to work with
Anon, too broad for features and anyone who'd bother would rather just use an actually development suite.
You're looking to hit the sweet spot between so much freedom it becomes a worse sdk and not so little freedom that it's totally inflexible.
i've tried unity and it felt like shit, i'm currently using godot while waiting for s&box to get game exporting and godot is also kinda shit. and i don't wanna learn c++ for unreal and it has other issues
it is quite literally gmod, little big planet, and gamemaker blended together. the only thing holding it back is the fact that it's on a console
Nope, first step to making anything for more than your self, is understanding that other people need to be made happy by it too.
I can't even play on any map, wtf. I just get either a blue screen or stuck on the loading screen. Can't play shit.
really bad timing, really wonder what's going on. a whole bunch of games have the same issue
Dreams failed because no one really wants to have to use a console to make a game.
well that certainly explains the current state of mainline video games that aren't made by nintendo and some abandoned parts of microsoft

still, why make a game LIKE gmod if you hate the people that play it?
>he's autistic
i know but jesus christ
>try out 5 different games
>none of them will load into a server
and uninstalled
garry you're an embarrassment.
this is not garry's fault, it's on the game makers
Garry has evidently grown bitter about GMod has been treated over the years. Copyrighted characters prancing around, clones of DarkRP flooding the server browser, monetization, and so on. S&Box is his way of controlling all that.
So much for being the great Gmod successor. I think I'll let the game bake in the oven for a few more years and come back when it's more put-together.

One of the first maps on the front page is McDonald's so if he is controlling copyright, he's not doing a very good job so far.
my games still work. some people are fucking up somehow
Workshop support isn't planned for the near future according to the devs. Doesn't mean never ever, since RoA didn't get workshop support until half a decade after it launched, but if it does happen it won't be for a long time.
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Yeah funny that, a number of the games doing that are literally made by facepunch.
yup, really no clue what they're doing
>make a game where you can do literally anything you set your mind to
>get mad when people do anything they set their mind to
chumchum without the H
I mean it's a genuine issue that RP servers were shitting up the master server.
But yes, garry was and is a completely retard for getting mad at people doing what they want with the Source SDK with Lua duct taped onto it.
ask me how I know you're a femboy and own at least one dildo or prostate massager
i don't like RP servers that much either but that's no reason to tank your entire userbase
Nintendo didn't help in terms of copyright. Garry was already adamant about not using HLA assets for S&Box, but that shitshow is probably going to make him ban most copyrighted modes/addons on sight.
>Nintendo didn't help in terms of copyright.
was that actually nintendo or one of those faggot copyright trolls? i've never heard a legitimate answer to this question
Well no, he just hates everyone, DarkRP is more of an accidental boon that kinda makes him seem reasonable when he hates literally everyone that plays Gmod.
It was apparently a different company hired by Nintendo to do the legal work for them.
suspected to be a copyright troll since one has been plaguing nintendo submissions for some time, apparently actually is nintendo and the web domain of the DMCA issued matches a legal agency nintendo often employs for such copyright claims

garry DID FUCKING NOT help matters on clarifying whether it was real or not and at any point where he could have shown the DMCA notice he got huffy about not being trusted immediately (there was the possibility he looked stupid and it was fake so he wasn't going to do that)
Is there any TTT there yet?
Haven't checked since their recent content purge for that dumbass "scenes" development system. There wasn't one when the content purge went into effect, might be one up now. Get in while the getting's good if it is up, vanilla TTT may as well not exist even on fucking S&box.
what an insufferable faggot
why can he not just slap a disclaimer that says shit like "we are not responsible for the things our users mod into this game"
>why can he not just slap a disclaimer that says shit like "we are not responsible for the things our users mod into this game"
steam workshop integration since valve would therefore be aiding it
there's the non-zero possibility that the copyright troll that does exist tattled on the actual nintendo to force the issue as well
>steam workshop integration since valve would therefore be aiding it
does it not stand to reason that valve would go to bat with or for him to some degree?
valve would not have a leg to stand on as a host of copyrighted material
>removed skeleton and zombie skins from avatar
Go fuck yourself garry
>does it not stand to reason that valve would go to bat with or for him to some degree?
No. Valve doesn't get involved with the copyright shit since they're just the storefront. They just process it and inform the devs, then the devs take action. Even then they're on Nintendos side since they've taken down emulators from popping up on Steam before.
wait really? i still have them in my code
Either I'm blind or they're just not in the avatar tab nor is there a skin selector
man that's fucking retarded since there's also a bunch of modded nintendo shit on actual valve games.
weird, maybe they only removed it in the avatar editor then
It all circles back to Garry's bitterness. He didn't want HLA mounted onto S&Box, so when he saw that a few GMod addons had some copyright claims, he decided to go scorched earth.
Multiple people and teams have tried to make a TTT clone but they are all unfinished or abandoned. Creating the most annoying lottery system on the planet to get dev access meant the most autistic, mentally ill programmers were the only ones that got through. These fuckers just sabotage and backstab each other every chance they get which garry made worse by offering some people jobs for their work. This is a problem that affects the entire game, not just TTT. The open beta is probably a way to drown out these retards while bringing in lesser autistic blood to work on shit for free.
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Anon are you projecting or something? Just because we both like oneshot and use linux doesn't mean I'm some transformer you have to crack out of an egg.
then i hope it scorches everything he's currently trying to do too, what a colossal fuckup
Skeletons a full outfit now but the zombie ain't there
Remember when Garry got so mad people disliked those player models he deleted the Facepunch forum?
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I'm unable, even for my life, to not read the name of this game as "shitbox"
Which it is
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>facepunch forum is dead forever
>facepunch forum splinter is essentially dead and doesn't resemble facepunch in any way
Forums were toxic fucking cancer with power tripping mods
Oh fuck that Neverhood Terry S Taylor music right off the bat.
4chan mods don't edit your posts and ban for stupid shit
if you really want facepunch back go to knockout forums
>GTX 980
>4chan mods don't ... ban for stupid shit
Oh little Billy you have no fucking idea
Look at I_AM_ABIB's mod history
>Go on knockout
>Literally the first thing I see is a crossdressing and transgender thread
Forums are a fucking dead medium.
i've been here solid for 11 years, only extreme offtopic would be bannable here

>go to place
>thing is present there
>report that thing is present in that place
How the fuck is that "obsessed"
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>obsessed for pointing something out
Because people who complain about it seem to care too much. Who fucking care s that there's a thread. There's an LGBT board here too.
>it's not happening
>okay it is happening and that's a good thing
People care because these people are everywhere and flaunt their weird mental disorders and fetishes fucking everywhere and have seeped into every corner of the internet.
/LGBT/ is it's own containment board, this is something on a site where everyone can see it.
yeahhhhhhhh. Seriously, i made two attempts to actually make games and the lack of good documentation + the fact they'd LITERALLY constantly go and break shit for NO REASON was insane.

It killed both attempts, especially my second one where he decided oh yeah let's totally remove all the entity I/O stuff without warning and replace it with a visual scripting system that basically does the exact same fucking thing but with no documentation (at least at the time for a while, i haven't bothered to check now like 6 months later).

>wtf is the point of having playtesters if there's nothing to actually playtest and the optimization is still shit?
>wtf is the point of even letting developers develop if seemingly every year 1 or 2 times he breaks every single mod or game-mode?

This isn't even to say that e.g. the VS stuff is a bad idea (though the constant lack of good documentation especially after those big changes is), but it's just so incoherent, there's no plan.

He wants us to make gamemodes but breaks them. Wants us to playtest but there's no substance.

Hell, even when it comes to good choices -- oh we'll be able to market and sell shit from s&box onto steam without even giving him a cut? Could be awesome for game dev in a way, especially making a more prototypal game or MP mode then transitioning to a cheap paid version that ppl can know if they like from the legacy version being available... awesome!

Except it then doesn't have any plan-coherence if you can just go to godot or unreal rather than wasting all this time rn with something that's always breaking and changing, and is gonna be dead on arrival due to NO FUCKING INTERESTING GAMES FOR ANYONE TO PLAY. THERE'S NOTHING ON S&BOX RIGHT NOW THAT'S IN ANY WAY UNIQUE OR CAN BE ON ROBLOX FOR FREE.

There is simply no reason to use s&box at all.

(and unlike when gmod launched, the novelty of an empty sandbox is mostly gone to people + gmod exists already lol)

(yes, i am mad)
The link to lgbt is visible on every page here. I don't see the difference
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>*closes and deletes Facepunch forums*
>Yes, I hate that every community is moving to discord and no-one uses forums anymore too
I'd genuinely be more inclined to use an untextured, featureless human model than one of those sausages
Docs have gotten better but it's gonna take a while for sure. The reason I'd go with sbox instead of other engines is the much better editor experience.
Yes, everyone can see the link, that's different than seeing it clog up the forum catalog that everyone can see. You have to intentionally go to /lgbt/ to see that shit, here you can see it on the home page.
RP gamemodes have completely genocide popular gamemodes

>Extreme Football throwdown
>Player vs BOSS
Garry is a fucking faggot.
Is it more than one thread?
>4chan mods don't edit your posts and ban for stupid shit
Bro I got banned for rule 1 a week ago for calling a pedophile a retard.
>In my case it took me up to the release date to figure out that Dreams was supposed to be a pseudo-game engine where you make shit rather than say some open world thing where people randomly place shit everywhere.
Your actually retarded.
Damn that's rough. Racism and hate speech is encouraged here so some mods are probably just petty
Yeah, to clarify, I LOVE source 2's hammer editor, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it compared to literally everything else that's out there except like Trenchbroom which can be fun in its own way so it's kinda not valid for comparison.

And I'd LOVE to make a game for s&box, I have an idea in particular I just know would be a killer and get certain streamers like Vinny really excited/interested, and I love the persisting feel of the source engine. I just lose it with how it's so tough to get started or stay persistent, especially for someone like me who's hyper depressive at times and so can struggle for motivation if i don't keep a vicious forward momentum going. Like oh yeah all this broke or oh yeah beg someone to teach you things but discord randos are not exactly very reliable or good a lot of the time.

Like fuck, I even feel a certain "loyalty" to the source engine and I like some of the broad ideas to be a better roblox with self-hosting so the servers and netcode aren't dogshit. But I need to be able to actually learn this or work with it, and if the game's gonna be dead on arrival it seems hard to imagine how it's ever going to revitalize with so many free alternatives or paid ones that are different but have more legacy content.
It's been months since shit broke for real, otherwise it's just single functions that get deprecated
>Racism and hate speech is encouraged here
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ok and speaking against it gets you banned
it was also months in between a lot of the biggest game-breaking shit.
Before the scene system it broke often yes
Huh, only around one and a half million niggers.
I would have guessed there would have been more.
>My hang up is at the moment the networking is not working as advertised. A gameobject marked as "networked object" is supposed to be syncing across all connected clients. But I'm finding when using the "join new instance" feature in the editor that networked objects don't sync between two non-host clients. Which means the networking is failing to work at the most basic-level. I've even tried downloading projects facepunch themselves have made and testing this on their code and it still isn't working properly even on their projects.
Since we seem to have people with experience with s&box's editor on here can anyone enlighten me as to what is going on here? Is it just a problem with trying to test local projects with the "join new instance" feature? Because it doesn't seem to be a problem when actually playing published games with other players.
For some reason joining new instance networking is broken unless you publish your game (hidden is enough)
Oh man thanks for letting me know.

Jesus why the fuck would they not at least provide a heads up that local projects are broken? Your average person trying to learn how to make something is obviously going to want to work on something before publishing it and is obviously going to want the join via new instance feature to test shit. It being broken without even an explanation that it's because it's unpublished is not helpful.
It has been serving me well! But I got an RX 7800XT sitting on my shelf right now waiting to be plugged into my new build!
i think they're working on it. maybe.
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>only extreme offtopic would be bannable here
I've received bans for posting about Undertale in 2015 and for posting about SCP:SL in 2019, just off the top of my head. Mods would ban entire topics that are relevant to the board just because they don't like them.
>I've received bans for posting about Undertale in 2015
On 8/v/ or 4/v/?
Because I know the 8/v/ board owner specifically banned it because they made fun of him, but I don't really know the case that Undertale was banned on 4/v/ not that there haven't been people that tried to get it banned in 2013 and 2015.
It's funny how they defend the changing art style and never made another game since.
theyre working on some schlocky annapurna bike game
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Is it fun?
the scp shit was egregious. its a free game, it wasn't like this gangbuster that could compete with the 300 gachas nonstop imagebumped on /vg/ but they really expected you to go there. i wouldn't be surprised if the war on /v/ was what killed the game
There is no default mode, so the game is only as fun as the custom mode creators can make it
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The era of modders doing it out of passion is over
dude thank you for saying this because when i looked up more about it i realized it wasn't on the wiki... and inadvertently then realized to look on docs.facepunch.com instead of wiki.facepunch.com lol, it is looking way better on that front at least.
>Someone showed him video a baby doll being welded to a wooden disk irl and he just fucking broke.
source? That sounds funny
Everyone is forgetting the main thing:
It's nothing like GMod, it's a buggy Roblox clone that barely functions.
The only reason it's gotten as popular as it has is because people are tricked into thinking its a GMod 2
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>Lurked on FP since 2005
>Had a small group of friends from FP
>Stay in touch with them during the forum upgrade and then death
>Get ill, barely use the internet for over a year
>come back, find out that a knockout janny groomed two of them into troons, one became a knockout janny, and most of group became the shitlib equivalent of /pol/, unable to talk or do anything else
The ban was attempted. Threads deleted, people getting three-day vacations for posting in them. When it started happening people responded by making five threads for every one deleted and the mods eventually gave up and just let it run its course.

For context on how ridiculous the ban attempt was, there were 15-30 MGSV threads at a time on the board while this was happening, and 1-2 Undertale threads at once. It predates AB*B coining that "cultural phenomenon" bullshit but was a clear early example of it.
Nah, you're wrong. If Garry just wanted to quickly find an asset to not get sued, he'd use his Rust playermodels, which people would have preferred.
He's trying to make them marketable, and failing miserably
not entirely
So the game isn't like gmod? You can't automatically load up Source 1/2 games from your library and just play with them?

I bet Sony hasn't brought it over yet because they want their own launcher/portal/website dedicated to their games first so they don't have to forgo 30% cuts to Steam and such. Which is stupid because if they brought it over to PC years ago it probably would've been really popular.
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>You could instead negotiate with, higher powers to create something, far more. Substantial.
If you're already a C# game dev why on earth would you spend your time creating games inside sampersandbox instead of doing your own stuff on Unity/Godot?
Garry's gonna end up paying serverspace for developers' personal playgrounds and "testest123123" "geometrytest123" private projects lol.
nice bait
Bro is on that zaza
I want the Source 2 SDK not this highly moderated faggot platform made by Garry Faggot himself.
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Is it the one of wonders or reagy?
Yeah the source engine is pretty funny ha ha ha
The difference between bonelab and s&box astounds me
>Team of developers with years of experience and reputation behind them set out with a game engine from one of the most prominent video game companies out there on what is supposed to be the successor to one of those most successful UGC sandbox games out there, which they also made
>ten years later and they've got a buggy roblox clone with less players and even less to do
>Other company, a ragtag team of almost amateurs, who have in their portfolio nothing but a single campaign, a tech demo, and an arcade game, throw some shit together in Unity just for the sake of figuring out how to make a better game later in the future
>despite having maybe half the development time. being VR exclusive, a shit launch, and still being kinda rocky today, it now has several thousand mods, multiple gamemodes, better performance, and actual GAMEPLAY
Garry must be fucking pissed at Based Level Zero
Disgusting sausage men game
Ill just play roblox
i have the weirdest boner right now
nidhogg 2 looks like THAT?
what the FUCK
maybe I subconsciously blocked it out somehow, because I loved the original nidhogg and its artstyle
I think a lot of the time the thing that makes mods selectively act against a game is when anons are actively playing together. /v/ hates nothing more than anons actually playing video games. If lobbies or servers are getting made it's gone, unless it's been around long enough to be fully ingrained like the Friday Night Party /v/an.
>maybe I subconsciously blocked it
Basically everyone forgot about Niddhog 2
Roblox is the modern-day Garry's Mod, Sandbox will simply flop hard as fuck even if the game ended up being well optimized. Garry's Mod was only successful because of a number of synergizing factors that can't be replicated and he shouldn't have taken so long to develop the sequel.

>and ban for stupid shit
I got a three day ban last Tuesday for "off-topic discussion" on the ESA thread for replying to a dumbass that doxed his sister while clout chasing. I'd say it happens.
>website has a black guy saying "give me that"
um, based?
Source 2's level editor is too good to be locked behind these shitty games. Give us a general SDK, Valve you fuckers.
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>most people switched over to linux
I don't think that's true
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It's not true. There's more people who use Linux over OSX, but Linux is still a minority.
No instead he will keep doing what he always does which is release shite updates and remove shit from the workshop for dubious reasons because he wants to kill the game.
It's if we're SPECIFICALLY talking people that develop mods and stuff.
Kids weren't out in the streets having parades dressed up like gmod idiot box characters like they are for skibidi toilet though.
this shit is actually unplayable, like not even close to a useable state
>try to load into TTT, match freezes despite not having any ping issues, disconnect
>try to connect to a sandbox server
>black screen, forced to disconnect
>try to play the walking simulator
>Im shown some queue with other players and the amount of time elapse, no information or anything about the gamemode
>wait for like 7 minutes, nothing changes
>suddenly my laptop shuts off randomly
>try to turn it back on but it just shuts off again
>fans are full blast so I assume its my laptop overheating (this has never happened with modern AAA games mind you)
>wait a minute then turn my laptop on again
>close the application as quickly as possible

didnt even get to play anything and its doing scary things to my PC
fuck this
Yeah this shit is several years away from being in a playable state
what's the current max map size? Did they ever get it over that rough ~1km x 1km x 1km limit source 1 has? I vaguely remember them saying years back that they'd increase it.
I feel like it's trying too hard. It's going to take a lot to make people give up Garry's Mod. Why should they stop playing G-Mod for S&box? There are entire swathes of servers on G-Mod for almost anything you can imagine. Why should people stop going to those servers?
I know that nigger
it's definitely bigger-
noticed it while checking out this
I tried it out, I made a character that uncannily looks like me and I frankly have no idea of what I'm doing
that's the only game I played that made it seem like S&box has any potential at all
everything else available is just a massive piece of shit or doesn't work anymore
Also you know how in gmod when you spawn multiple objects the game starts to heavily lag? It's somehow worse here, how is spawning 6 soda cans reducing my framerate from around 90 fps down to about 10
well you had me at "gmod legacy"
pretty pathetic what happened with them DMCAing the gmod tower revivals just because they wanna promote their game more, and then putting up a half assed 'anniversary' revival.

god, transitioning to unreal was such a terrible decision, half the games that rely on custom weapons are absolute dog shit compared to the source weapons. At the very least the condo's are fun to make stuff in, but goddamn man, let people have their fun and host the damn servers.
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>testing random keys to test out the keybinds
>press V
>start no-clipping around
>see tiny ass mic icon in the top right corner of screen

did this nigga garry seriously bind no-clip and voice chat in the same keybind
different games have their own keybinds, but voice is default V
the official sandbox gamemode is no longer available so it's not technically garry's fault
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Are the car physics at least good? I'd consider at least trying it if I can make decent makeshift vehicles like in Gmod but they actually work well
Still wouldnt be as fun as sloppily welding hl2 assets together, but it might keep me bussy for an hour or two
He doesn't want to change the models. They're iconic euro trash.
>but we have other art and pipeline related problems that need to be tackled now
Wtf could be more pressing right now in the "art" department than the one thing that everyone sees first that everyone also happens to fucking hate? Garry is retarded and needs to lead his team better. Kinda hoping S&Slop flops on principle now.
It isn't a sandbox game, it's an SDK where you'd have to code everything from scratch if you want to make anything decent.
>it isn't a sandbox game
>game is literally titled s&box
Are you trolling my ass right now?
nope, garry named it that because he started it out as an unreal variant of garry's mod, then moved to source 2 because it turns out unreal fucking sucks for sandbox-y games of gmod's ilk, and then he kept the name even after he decided he wanted it to be source 2 roblox and not source 2 gmod
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Well there goes literally any interest I had in this pile of shit. Can't wait to see it dead in a month
Can't unsee
What made it even more baffling is the fact that they had been working on this for 4+ years.
>4chan mods don't ban for stupid shit
lol, lmao
ive gotten bans that dont even link the post because they know it was bullshit
Don't be rude bro.
Has garry woken the fuck up yet or is he still deluding himself into believing that he can release "gmod except with none of the things that made gmod great" in 2024 and be successful?
Anon, S&Box has spent the past FOUR fucking years being that.
And that's JUST with how long it's been on Source 2.
He's been working on that since before 2018, when he wanted to take the deal to make Gmod 2 and Epic Store Exclusive with stolen Half Life 2 assets on Unreal Engine.
I'm pretty sure he's been doing this shit since Obama was in office.
Okay, but why? So far this just looks like a worse GMod.
I really don't think we knew how good we had it back then. Imagine going back to when Obama was president and telling somebody what 2024 will be like, just using gaming as one example, they'd probably not believe you at all.
I don't know that you remember the end of Obama's presidency with completely destroying race relations after guilting the country into electing him twice completely fucking the economy and setting up the internet to turn into what it is now with only like 5 core sites and everything else a complete and total ghost town.
I'm not even talking like, a small but reasonable community of around 500-1k people.
I'm talking a graveyard with maybe 20 people sitting around policing each other in purity death spirals.
Its Roblox for jaded 30 year olds
No. Gmod is a fun sandbox with valve models.

S&box is just a bad game sdk with sausage men. Might as well just learn Godot or something if you want to make small game experiments. It's not going to be much harder and you won't be stuck in g*Rry's retarded ecosystem.
If Garry eventually allows modes to be exported and sold as separate games, it'd be the Source 2 SDK that Valve never gave us. But that's a big "if" because Garry has fucked over his fans several times.
>If Garry eventually allows modes to be exported and sold as separate games
He won't, s&box is designed to give him full control over what and how you play, it doesn't even have dedicated servers.
We just need to wait until someone makes a gmod-like experience in s&box
It'd be hilarious if someone just makes gmod 2 out of s&box, replicating as many features as possible, and garry just eternally seethes
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>millennials are old and have families now
Only one of these is correct
it should've died, it was always shit with the powertripping mods getting worshipped
but nowadays its worse, its got a terminal tranny infestation, with mandatory tranny worshipping
this looks like one of the metaverse crypto games
Garry doesn't really give a shit. Rather, he doesn't need to. Rust has unironically made him $50 million dollars and counting and that's after taxes + Steam's store cut.
>Garry doesn't really give a shit
I mean he does give a shit, and that's kind of a problem
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>game called s&box
>look inside
>no default sandbox mode
Trump made your life worse
the reason why gmod is good was valve, not facepunch

so no
>Nah, millennials are old and have families now
>tfw almost 40
>no children
>no home
>career is a fuck
>gmod forever dead
Fuck you.
Uh I think that'd be the multitude of unelected federal agencies and state governments forcibly shuttering everything for 2 years, and then deliberately making things worse for another 2 as punishment for disobedience, as well as to import a voterbase
Various tech corporations actively making their own services anemic and actively killing alternatives to and this is in their own words "Make sure this never happens again".
Oh but please go ahead tell me for the hundredth time it's my fault for being disobedient, and not their fault for throwing a hissy fit and burning the country down. Maybe THIS time it'll be true.
gmod was good beacuse of valve ip lol
Yeah, at this point it's more of an ego thing for the guy.
i thought timmy was trying too hard to make roblox 2 with fortnite, but garry has exceeded my expectations with this slop
>try to join sandbox game
>runs at 10 fps
>particles and sound effects are bugged on guns
>menus have around 8 props total
>toolgun does like 2 things

>join car driving game
>car is a completely white and textureless
>get in car
>character gets in sideways in the seat
>no sounds or anything
>controls like im on ice
incredible experience
Why is source 2 so shit bros?
Both deadlock and sneedbox have very poor performance.
Not sure what you're talking about but CS:2, Steamhome and Desk Job run great.
Garry's Mod is the GMod of VR, going on GMod in a VR headset just messing around with friends, doung deathruns and rally races, shits cash
holy shit.....

There's more in jails and prisons right now than /v/ has said in the entire archive.
Also bonelabs sucks and the fact that they have you sit through the near precision engineered to be over 2 hours campaign to unlock the sandbox is proof.
Gmod worked because it's literally stealing all the source engine assets and script platform.
just ignore the politics contained wherein, it's got good creative stuff.
I come here because my brain enjoys diarrhea
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wait, you're telling me someone hasn't modded in a button or something that skips that at start? i haven't seen any Bonelab stuff since release and i thought that would be the first thing people would get rid off
>Dog shit player models.
>Only two types of gamemodes: throw-away minigame shit that you will get bored of in 10 minutes OR gmod roleplay clone.
>garry became an ultra-left, retarded fairy with an even bigger ego than the facepunch days. Discord is packed with trannies.
>garry expects mod makers to carry his scuffed roblox clone to financial success but spends his days making sweeping changes to the way code is written, forcing mod makers to spend dozens of hours rewriting shit, only for him to do it again a few weeks later. Gamemodes won't load at all if the mod maker doesn't update. Think of all the times garry fucked up your favorite old gmod addon with some random change to lua code it's that but worse.
Even if this gets any players it will just be darkrp and ttt with a bunch of autistic nerd admins ruining what little fun those horrible gamemodes have in them. Gmod hasn't been fun for almost a decade now and this shit definitely won't be.
I could be wrong, but I remember someone saying it had DRM to try and prevent you from skipping the campaign to fuck around in the sandbox, which is what most people were buying it for.
Has there ever been a case of a creator/co-creator of a thing trying so hard to escape the shadow of his magnum opus that he fucks up his career to a disastrous extent before? Garry might be a one-and-only when this finally comes out.
Oh no, there's definitely WAY more examples of that, and I'm pretty sure being "The Gmod Guy" is only part of why Garry acts like a fucking retard.
you must be wrong, because that sounds like absolute dogshit and if true any anon praises that i will just assume they are shills
Yes that's what you would say not even knowing what Dreams was until it was already out. Literally every single fucking advertisement for it was "Dreams. You make dreams. Everyone dreams. You go into the dream world, and dream. Look at these dreams. We made food. Dreams. We're dreaming about it. Dreams: Dream tomorrow (release date TBD)"

Kill yourself
Sakurai between Melee and Brawl
I'd be more inclined to say Post Brawl.
Melee kind of sucks and the games while increasing in roster size, and getting an admittedly neat stage creator, never really got as good as Brawl was again and actually lost features as the series went on.
Like the fucking fan, they took out the fucking fan from Smash bros.
I don't get how game development isn't plug and play at this point. There is zero reason mainstream engines shouldn't run on everything from phones to desktops now.
>developer preview
Consoles hold things back. Godot for example is FOSS and can export to both PC and mobile, but it’s helpless against the propriety SDKs that console manufacturers won’t hand out easily.
>8 years
yes? it makes even more sense since the current iteration is only 3-4 years and the current scene system got added 7 months ago
>nothing works
>defending this
never trust a modder to do a developer's job.
what do you mean nothing works? the editor works great
Okay but why is he bitter and what is he even bitter about?
He warned everyone he was forced to take down nintendo shit long beforehand so they could host elsewhere.
what's better, A rank with S rank weapon, or S rank with A rank weapon?
He's just a dickhead

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