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>spoke to one of the devs
>they have all the unencryped steam username and passwords for people who didn't downgrade it manually
>he just told me this casually
>alluded to it in the discord but removed it very quickly after one guy reacted to it

wow crazy the redditors were absolutely wrong.
>didn’t upgrade Fallout 4 to keep my mods
>don’t need to download the downgrade
Get fucked.
>sourculation needed
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did it manually myself. glad i didnt fall for the "STEAM LOGON"

lol imagine being that retarded
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nvm i saw it. shits kicking off
you'd have to be stupid to actually enter your details
You still fell for Fallout 4, and some shitty ass mod, so don't get too cocky...
>trusting the tool that literally asks you do provide your steam info instead of using the million other ones that can do the exact same thing while glowing less
If you use this shit you're legitimately retarded. you just KNOW one of the devs is eventually going to have a meltie and either leak or exploit this somehow.


sorry bro reddit already said its 100% safe yesterday so sorry bro
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>Please give me your login and password
Please learn basic opsec
ended him
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erm... it's safe actually
>Don't forget your tinfoil hat
>bro you are not gonna get doxxed by the fucking fallout 4 london mod team
these are some real grade A retards
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So you're telling me... this Fallout 4 mod requires your Steam login... despite no other mod ever needing it?

And you just... did it?
you know it's open source right nibba?
you wouldn't just be coming here to tell lies?
open source means nothing if people don't go and check the code, anon.
then did you check to back up your claim?

a bunch of the other downgraders actually do ask for steam logins.

my guess is that they just copied one of the earlier ones
Fallout fans once again proving they're not the brightest. They'll fall for another moldy nylon bag fiasco when Fallout 5 comes out too lmao.
To be perfectly honest you have 2FA on steam, so login/password shouldn't be enough for shenanigans, but that's in theory, and in practice, it's best to never give this to anyone but the platform itself.
That said, you fucked up when you actually updated the game and threw away a stable version that was around for a few years already, for the sake of having a bunch of broken mods pre-installed.
They can't do shit with my login details without reaunticating. are you some retard that uses the same passwords for everything?
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A slave obeys...
I'll force myself to finish this, but the mod is not very well designed. It manages to be a railroad theme park and where the fuck do I go game at the same time.
>See that passage over there? It's impassable.
>See that character? You can't talk to him.
The modders obviously wanted you to play in a very specific way. The maps look non-linear since they don't go in a straight line like they do in Skyrim, but you still have exactly one way to go. The overworld feels like you're supposed to sprint past it and not explore much. You can sometimes see the emptiness if you look in between buildings just like in GTA III. I know I'm very critical of the mod despite thousands of hours and kilograms of HRT being invested in its creation, but it feels wasted. This is the reason real games get cancelled. They're not worth investing time in. The game just doesn't feel like Fallout. Not even like F4. This is one of those Eastern European Unreal Engine 4 post-apocalyptic action corridor shooters made in Morrowind's engine.Yes, even the Frontier was better.At least its loading times were shorter.
I've been waiting for this drama for months
Ok niggers how pozzed is the 5'th column questline?

Can I actually be a Fascist? Or is it cringe and gay?
take a wild guess
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Redditors deserve it
All it takes is a sob story and one retard in steam customer support and it will be enough to steal your account.
this shit is just the frontier but for fallout 4 and without the (((disciple of kojima))) on the writer's seat
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>make a half-assed mod, fall in many pitfalls during production
>somehow get a gog release
>use the project to steal steam login data for some reason
What the fuck are they thinking?

>Um, then don't?
>It's safe though... because it's just is okay?
Looking out when all that shit gets leaked and Frontier 2.0 will commence.
frontier is a underappreciated masterpiece
Why not just upload modded game to piratebay and say fuck it.
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You fags are trying too hard to make this be Frontier 2.0 and its clearly not working.
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Which faction is the most fascist/jingoist and can I join them?
Bros I changed my password and have 2 factor authentication, I-I'm gonna be okay right?
Oh yeah, let me entrust my steam account details to some literal who modders
Leader is fucking a poo
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Nothing will top Hunt Down the Freeman. Complete and utter disaster.
If a mod creator is going to steal steam credentials I wouldnt be downloading that mod.
Get that fraud on the right out of there
I dunno about that but I'm not arguing that giving your credentials is stupid.

What I don't understand is why do they make your downgrade NOW, when new F4SE is all fine seemingly (at least site doesn't tell you it's test build or needs testing and so on), and I think all included mods already have new versions available.
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its over
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>Post yfw when you already downgraded ahead of time because todds updates ruin everything
Karmic retribution for owning Fallout 4 in the first place.
> muh open-source
oh, you sweet summer child, it's not like they can change it before running on their server, right?
i can get behind this.
Paying money for nu-toddslop is basically consent to having your account stripped from you
As long as you retracted your authentification for that request retroactively you're fine. Always remember that Gaben was so sure of his new 2-factor that he willingly posted his password on Reddit to prove it.
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It just keeps getting worse
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i just want a kino mod bros
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I already use SteamCMD, so I know how downloading depots work. You're not getting your info stolen you retarded boomer, you're getting a glorified batch file.
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yes a batch file that could have literally anything in it anon.

why would it require my details?
Frontier was a so bad it's good mod. London feels much smaller, linear and lukewarm.
Because you're downloading from the Steam servers. It literally tells you that.
imagine I'm posting a wojak right now, and the unimpressed one is saying "I'm not using that" to the downgrader
and then right underneath that is the super excited wojak entering his steam information in the manual downgrade
Literally impossible because anyone who is deep enough to modding to be part of a project like this is categorically going to be a psychotic drama magnet
Is this mod even worth jumping through hoops to install?
Don't get why they're using depotdownloader/steamkit when they could have just used steam://console & the download_depot commands, the ones they already listed out in the manual downgrade section
Hell I could make an autohotkey script to do that in like 5 minutes
>Always remember that Gaben was so sure of his new 2-factor that he willingly posted his password on Reddit to prove it.
I mean it's not like his steam account is ever at any risk, even if it is compromised he could easily have it undone within the day
Could someone actually explain why steam login is required for a reverse patcher? Is this supposed to be some sort of DRM for a fucking mod?
So did they fuck off to sleep or not
The mod isn't even any good.
>why steam login is required for a reverse patcher
Because it is for fucking idiots that cannot or refuse to use the steam console functions to download the older builds.
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>trusting the lead devs expecting they give a shit to anyone supporting this mod except kneeling to soulless corporate businesses
>all this seething and fear mongering
>not 1 post with basedrce or backing up the claims
yup, definitely going to trust random 4chuds that have been seething about the mod for ages!
VERY believable anon
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>Yes, the people asking for our Username and Passwords are the ones we should trust
yikes, blocked and ignored
>random 4chuds
it's obviously bethesda pajeets at work
Only if you're happy to deal with random crashes & keep refreshing their reddit for new fixes
Otherwise give it a month for this shit to get ironed out
Reminds me of that Albanian computer virus copypasta
Post your login info if it's not such a big deal.
>We're so based were gonna get everyone banned from every working in the gamedev field as well as get blacklisted from steam including any company we work for getting their game removed when someone tells valve with proof X works for Y company and is gloating how the game has malware in it for being antitroon yet again.

Sure right anon
You would think Bethesda fucking with the mods by making them not work or trying to make them paid, the very life blood of Fallout and Skyrim, would deter people from buying their games.
Remember how when you were younger and on every service that you needed an account for, they had a warning on the creation page to never give your login info to anyone?
Did everyone just forget the basics of Internet security over the past decade or something?
they sell mods now, you dink. they don't care about external modding.

people bought in. it's unironically over.
why the fuck cant the mod just be a download and extract to game directory and be done?

why sometimes its fuckey
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>Working fine yesterday
>Now can't play without immediately crashing to desktop after loading into the game for one second
What do I do bros?
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I only use my Steam login for based programs like automatic card farming
I had that shit too, buffout4 seemed to fix it for me
Why the fuck would you want go be in London.
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yall niggas are retarded, it just uses steamcmd, u can see by decompiling their binary
depotdownloader is 3rd party software, the source code is at https://github.com/SteamRE/DepotDownloader
you could edit that to send passwords with like 3 lines of code
assuming peoples accts aren't gonna get banned for logging in with 3rd party steam clients anyway
This only made it last ten seconds longer before crashing lol
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uhhhhh anon?
This shit sent my porn folder to my sisters computer over local network, now she won't fucking look at me and i think mom knows too
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mb i tought it was the same steamcmd ppl talking, anyway here is depotdownloader fork they are using : https://github.com/coffandro/DepotDownloader/
>please login to steam
Yeah nah. I wasn't born yesterday.
I tried doing the console method but now whenever I try to launch fo4 it says disk write error and tries to download 15gb, did I just miss one of the downloads?
>he actually did it
KEK, fucking zoomies
You don't own your video game rented on Steam™.
don't launch through steam after using the console method, just merge the depot_xxx folders and install london on top, then launch with f4se_loader
if you did launch through steam it might have fucked something, delete depot folders and try again
why did they have to delay the release so long just to tell everyone they have to downgrade anyway
I sent a report to Valve and Microsoft.
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>tranny mod made in the Bridish Islands
>it's actually a glownigger op to steal personal info
Imagine my shock.
>Login in steam to downgrade Fallout 4?
Why? This is a modded game that you don't need login info especially for downgrading it. There's already a method to downgrading Fallout 4 without giving your info.
I thought someone "glowing" meant they were a glowie and being really obvious about it, so they're getting called out
it's your steam account not your fucking bank calm down
are these bot posts?
i don't know
Yesterday I saw some random YouTuber who hates Todd shilling this mod lmao.
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>fallout 4
That should be the first red flag.
Valve knows about this, keep sending sending reports.
can you repeat the question?
>Frontier was a so bad it's good
No it's just trash
>u can see by decompiling their binary
I just confirmed this by hacking into the mainframe and bypassing the firewalls to access the central unit motherboards and yes it's true it's all stored in plain text inside the RAM, anyone could get access to it... anyone who knows how anyway.
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>pushes the mod killing update in order to save the innocent from being groomed by evil modders
I'm so glad I downgraded manually
Do these retards really don't know how to use login tokens?
steam has its own API to handle 3rd party logins and the fact that they didn't bother using it makes it fishy as fuck
Bethesda allows free mods who cares if they try to get money from retards to dumb to scroll past them
Why do you need to downgrade Fallout, a game that came out 9 years ago, to install this mod? This isn't exactly an early access game
> Remember: "I am busy" OR "I have a life"
> Isn't really acceptable
Holy shit the fact that they got anything done at all is frankly astonishing, what a shithead. Asking anyone to not prioritize life over unpaid labor over a free mod that could even get shut down if Bethesda wanted it is so many levels of backwards.
that api doesn't allow downloading depots thoughever
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If you play Fallout 4 you deserve it.
see >>683833943

After years Bethesda made an update that added performance mode for consoles, they also added it on PC. Want to know what it does? Absolutely nothing except breaking previous mods.
Steam guard makes this completely harmless. Cmon guys
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Ok I got it on gog and its all set up now. When I boot the game it asks me if I want to update or play. Should I update?
>London feels much smaller, linear and lukewarm.

You didnt play the mod, faggot.
How do I add the gog version as a steam game? I added the shortcut to steam but it just opens gog galaxy
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I learn my lesson not to buy another Bethesda game after Fallout 4 and I should have learn it when skyrim first came out. I baka when people bought F76 and Starfield came out and then complain the shit those games had. Fuck even modding community these days aren't what they used to be...
Any UK Anons need to report this matter to the ICO and their local police. If these guys are misusing people's personal data (admitting to such in discord would count) they are going to be fined to the point of bankruptcy or serve jail time.
Is it true the leader of the Fascist faction fucks an Indian?
I told them in the comments how fucking stupid they were for giving out their password to some random mod. I know people were stupid as fuck but I'm honeslty amazed they were dumb enough to fall for it.
Is their a way to force fallout london to 3440 by 1440 resolution?
I think update is just for when they release updates to the mod. Just hit play.
>/v/eddit is so desperate for another tortanic/frontier situation it literally makes shit up
I haven't seen anyone actually talk about the game. Is it actually worth playing, or is it just as bad as fallout 4 or even worse?
Don't bother replying if you liked fallout 4 as a fallout game
Play STALKER then, you're not going to find any mod kino in bethshit games
I haven't played it that much yet, but right out of the start one of the paths has a small exposition dump while walking where a faction leader tells you about all of the factions.
Aside from that it's been good.
Why would you ever give your credentials to not even a game dev, but some fucking modder putz? You should trust them as much as the homeless sack of human waste who says their going to use cash to buy or meal
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alexa, show me london's crime statistics for 2023
>you can collect crime statistics
Oy vey.
Dude the mod crashes every 15 minutes. It’s wildly unstable.
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>Have to tell every person you came from a lab, fallout 4 by comparison lets you keep the fact you're cryogenically frozen to yourself. Never saying it to a single person and being able to dismiss or make up something else if asked where you came from

Nice "roleplay" game
It's fun for like an hour or two because of all the "ha ha british" shite but then it gets boring and ass to play since it's pretty much just more badly optimized fallout 4. It's also got mod-tier writing (naturally) so you have to deal with that shit along the way.
I'm giving it a few more days before the novelty wears off and people actually start shitting on it.
Just click password hidden and then won't be able to see your password dummy
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copy copy
Enderal has been out since 2016
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nelson has some good lines
erm it cant be that good if it doesnt require my username and password??
Disney just had a breech because of this shit.
No mod is worth giving login credentials.
Does it work on the VR version of fallout 4?
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that fourth bullet point is the most condescending and sad thing ive ever read
>failure is not an option
what a bunch of sociopaths... whoever wrote this will probably get a job at Bethesda, while the devs who crunched through will be forgotten.
>joining the vagabonds does not affect the main guest, you can only go with camelot, 5th column and gentry
Why live bros
getting so many CTDs that the game is unplayable but the intro section seemed solid enough
Uninstalled as soon as I crashed reaching London proper. They didn’t impress enough to give them a second chance
Whoever wrote that would be an excellent soulless CEO in the future how they expect you to give up your life for a mod that you can't even get paid for
Install Buffout. Played for 6 hours and never had a crash since.
If Bethesda were smart they’d scoop up more Modders and pay them their market rate of $25/hour. But they went full retard subhuman and u ionized so now it’s going to take them 20 years to put out a game that doesn’t measure up to any product released 25-30 years ago. I
Amazing how their efficiency is focused on regressing and devolving as a business
He thinks glowniggers need you to install anything to steal your shit.
The Mossad has gotten caught trying to hack people by sending them phishing emails.
ASBO's don't make any sense in the Fallout Universe. The post WW2 timeline had already diverted significantly from our own, it's highly unlikely that Tony Blair would've even been born, never mind Prime Minister, as such, the policy could never have been implemented.
lmao the uk is one of the shittiest localities to set fallout in
it has to be anglosphere
btw who is that random foid/troon when the game boots up?
why would anyone play in london?
they shit in the streets there
This is london not india
are you retarded? bitdh lasagana motherbitch
Okay sarr
Never trust someone named cornelius.
It's almost like having Fallout in China pretty much.
No way I am even giving a crumb of attention to YOU NEED THE LEGIT VERSION OF THE GAME NO PIRATED COPY ALLOWED
dev s.oy c.u.cks
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Floch was right
So how is the mod so far?
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Now when I'm trying to launch Fallout 4, I just get London with shitty performance, how in the hell do I play the game normally now? I still want to be able to play Fallout 4 normally without uninstalling London.
I am so fucking bored. I give up. I think I'm at about 4 hours, and I am not interested in fucking anything happening.
The only thing good about vanilla fo4 is the gunplay. I'm level 5, my guns are still shit, I have almost no ammo. There's nobody worth talking to. All the quests are boring. The world is empty as fuck. Holy shit this is a letdown.
>I have almost no ammo.
How? I've already accidentally accrued hundreds of spare rounds without even trying.
this shit had no chance of being good
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