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File: diablo2-cover-front.jpg (391 KB, 1280x1817)
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Blizzard is releasing a official No-CD Patch for Diablo II after 8 fuckin' years
Every single Blizzard game is now ONLINE ONLY and requires constant internet connection
Their games used to be heavily pirated. Now they aren't. Coincidence? I think not.
Diablo 2 ruined gaming.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about the crack from g****c***w**** back then didn't work for Diablo 2 thats why Blizzard released their own No-CD Patch to please customers

Yes you could pirate Diablo 2 but the game didn't work without a CD
oh nooo, people burnt CDs and left them in their drive. that's crazy dude.
well the

you're a moron the "burnt CDs" let you install Diablo 2 but won't let you play, really shows how underage you are
>free online game with ladders that was supported for decades with a few years of free updates and no microtransactions
nah, everything that came after ruined it
Their games used to be good. Now they aren't.
lmao you think burnt copies don't let you play? what do you think Open Battlenet allowed for
*and by free i meant no jewish subscription bullshit, not actually completely free
see how mindbroken i've already become
it took a few years but you could eventually run pirated without CD, they released no-CD because it was already widespread anyway so they lost nothing.
NTA but I played pirated D2 way way before 2008, back in 2000 before LOD even. You do need to insert your CD though and crack it, with the CD always in when playing so you don't know what you're talking about other than panicking and googling shit.
you braindead or something? do you even know what copy protection is? man you kids really need to get off the internet
NTA but kill yourself, your only experience with old pirated games are from archives and "textbooks", rather than first-hand experiences.
>before LOD
kys tranny
lmfao proof read your links next time
>CD crack existed at the time
>don't need a crack to play from burnt discs
you BTFO yourself five ways to Sunday
nigga u stupid back to fortnite
This is the funniest shit, not only was I there at the time, but you're wrong in every which way. Wow
wtf are you yapping about?
You needed a CD key to play on bnet, and people that played on bnet owned several copies of D2. Also you could pick up the battlechest for ages for like 20$ for either diablo warcraft or starcraft. Getting all the games plus a music cd and books it was a sick ass deal hence why every PC gamer had all 3 battlechests because they were dirt fucking cheap fuck I remember seeing the starcraft one for 10-15$ all the time, it was the warcraft one with warcraft 1-3 and all the other shit that cost the most that one was always 30$+ unless on sale.

I mean shit Ive bought D2 at least 5 times due to always losing my fucking CD key and needing a mule account.
I think that was literally his joke, yes.
Kinda like how no name indie games go out of their way to release development kits and modding tools and even have built in user-created conent sharing platforms and documentation on how to use it all. But their games never get a single mod made for them ever. Not even a custom skin or map.
On the flip side, GTA, Monster Hunter and even fucking MMORPG like World of Warcraft and Nintendo console games go far and beyond to fill their games with not just anti-cheat but anti-modding software (even if it's a single player only game). But they all have thousands of mods on places like the Nexus anyway. Private servers with custom content for games that were meant to be pseudo-MMO live services with central servers only. And now we even have shit like super autists creating a 3D remake of classic Runescape using the WoW engine that will be an actual MMO with online servers you can play with other people. WoW was never meant to allow this but autist just reversed-engineered everything to the point they're creaking their own brand new MMOs using WoW as a base.
tl;dr It's about popularity and demand/willpower/sheer autism. If people aren't hacking your game, pirating your game, and reverse-engineering your game to make their own mods and private servers, it's a bad sign that no one cares about your game.
wtf are you yapping about?
love it or hate it, blizzard has been one of the most influential companies in gaming. there's a reason people still care for brood war
>Blizzard is releasing a official No-CD Patch for Diablo II after 8 fuckin' years
Aaaah OP how you wound me so. I remember being impressed by that. Blizzard was still pretty good back then.
>there's a reason people still care for brood war
Not everyone is a soulless bug person.
Okay anons, Am I the only one who prefers the original from 2000/2001, over the remaster? I am just a purist in that regard, so I also fucking hate WC3 reforged. I dislike any kind of graphical remaster.
Anon what the fuck are you talking about? Diablo 2 had 3 versions. Cracked where a burned CD was ok only needed a cd key to play online. No CD still needed a cd key for online because people were sick of hearin WHIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR scared the disc was gotta shatter and break their PC. And finally there was the no install version that came out in 2010 where all you needed to do was download the torrent and click on the exe file no instalation needed you could even have it on a USB. Could not play on battlenet unless it was open it removed all the cinematic and a bunch of other stuff as the file size was around 800mb. You could also slap in mods no problems. Then bliz finally came out with their own no CD patch because everyone was using cracked to play on bnet.
starcraft+brood war is an easy 10/10 game even in a non-competitive light
I prefer OG D2 but I don't mind Resurrected.
WC3 Reforged on the other hand needs to be thrown into a volcano.
the only thing OG has over remaster are rehaul mods
>rehaul mods

What are those? I never even knew you could mod D2.
>project D2
>median XL
>path of diablo
to name a couple big ones
This is only because of use map settings, custom games kept SC alive. Only filthy soulless bugs played on ladder the meta was literally the sameshit over and over again OH BOY I CAN CLICK FASTER I WIN.

Meanwhile the based giga chads created their own hacked version for custom maps that added in so much shit. Which all worked online without needing any mods installed every map would work as soon as downloaded. Even if you opened it in the map maker it wouldnt work and give a shitload of errors unless you had the custom hack installed.

The amount of sick ass content people made was amazing. Sure WC3 allowed for custom models and shit but all those faggots played was DOTA so custom maps were dead on WCIII.

But not on starcraft oh hell no. Want to play dragon ball with 8 players every arc from db-gt on a single map no problem. Want to play a billion defenece games pick your poiso bro. Want to play something balls to the wall insane that can easilyt last 10 hours with 8 players and is completely fucking chaotic as the battles never end. Yeah there is a few series for that. Want to fill in the blank. Yeah there is a game series for that on UMS. Or you can be some soulless bug who thiks hes based because he can click faster and do the samethings over and over again.
I want to go back to before these were all that we had left. Eastern Sun, Nezeramontias, Demon Trip, Battle for the Elements, Kingdom of Tenai...there are so many great overhaul mods and these three aren't on that list.
Also, I get the feeling that the game is not only graphically different, but also mechanically as well.

Kek, tell me that you hate asians without telling me that you hate asians.
Anon full mods have been a thing since 2004. I mean fuck MXL has been updated since 2008 and has its latter update every 8 months. The game runs its own custom hacked engine with all new classes items runewords skills etc including acts areas etc. It took them ages to make sigma but it was amazing when it came out. MXL has always been considered the real D3 to fans. People can scream its full of zoomer screen clearing cancer but not every class procs 50 spells at once every kill throwing shit everywhere.

MXL is based its amazing what they have done to the engine. Now if only bliz allowed modding for D2:R like they said they would. The thought of sigma running on D2R and finally allowing them to throw in fully customizable models and being able to add in new acts instead of all the hacks and areas. God damn ladder would be fucking massive.
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>diablo 2
I dont I hate dog eating koreans who are such fucking basedboys that esports became their only athletes they are the plague behind esports becoming popular with the media. All parasite companies seen what was going on in dogeaterland and seen how popular 6th gen consoles became thanks to finally having internet plus the whole cringe MLG shit. They started pushing this crige in the west then all the companies started forcing their games to be only about le mlg progoymers something only 1% of players cared about. Minus the truly cringe games that came in the late 10s thanks to twitch and eceleb worship till we got the most cancer of them all fucking zoomernite.
Kek, saving that one to use when some retarded boomer accuses my generation of being ''braindead''.
wtf are you yapping about tranny
oh lord you should check out youtube for shit like this. Casinos in America no longer care about ballers, they all go to Mauca now to bet big because they dont cheat or throw you out for winning back you money or winning above 30% what you have. They only care about getting old people on slots shit makes up 40% of all gambling now the other money comes from shit to do at the casinos&hotels and they claim vegas is some shity of culture and class when its fucking not its a shithole. They even claim everyone is cheating if they win now and throw them out. Playing blackjack and won 200$ when you only have 1k you're counting cards youre banned get out now. Win at craps or etc CHEATER YOURE BANNED GET THE FUCK OUT NOW.

Its all slots even 1k machines that flash colours and shit all over making sounds. Srsly go watch some videos of these degenerates hooked to these machines they got it down to a scienece. Hence why gamedevs started hiring enmasse people who worked for the casinos in the early 10s. This is another reason why games are shit all managment is from gambling shit forcing their trash into games. Even if the odds of making an extra 20% profit are 1% they will tank an game because that 20% is a bonus to them and shareholders they dont care about the company. After tanking it theyll move to another and do the sameshit firing everyone who does not agree with them taking money from anyone shoving in wtv they want. They only care about mentally ill whales who will blow all their money on a game everyone else is a loser parasite who should be happy they are even making a new game. All while everyone else at the company gets paid less because of all the DEI ESG hires.

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