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>one of the hottest enemies you fight against, along with Emily, Hellene, and most monster girls
>appears only twice in the whole 20-hour early access campaign
Choco pls
i thought it was three times actually
If you count the Academy of Evil, yes.
blood rushes to my peenee
i thought there were two regular ones, the cowboy one and the superboss in academy of evil
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What's with this frenchman and demon girls?
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Demon girls are hot, simple as
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>next update could come with a map
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>there's now a Koikatsu-esque card sharing system with metadata
Has science gone too far?
no, the goth one only appears once.
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kiss all pedophiles
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Can't wait
People need a map?
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How else are you going to find the magic brothel?
I play vanilla, I'm not interested in the sex mod. As for finding my way, I just follow the roads and shit.
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>I'm not interested in the sex mod
A likely story
The vast majority of negative reviews for the game are from "people" who can't navigate their way out of a wet paper bag so yes, absolutely.
holy shit bros, turn on the olympics. carol just stole the torch and used it to light snoop dog's braids on fire.
Call me back when Emily is lewded.
Kuso has mentioned there'll be a NPC hotspot feature planned that'll let you lewd specific static NPCs, and Emily was mentioned as an example.
About fucking time
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I'm waiting for a more important mod
early access slop. france will collapse before this game ever gets finished.
Stop summing storms towards Paris, Choco.
i wonder how many variants the candy armor will have. lich king will definitely be a variant
busty raggs mod?
busty Emillie?
It's so funny to me that all these cool and useful features are hidden behind a loli sex mod
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>If you use the sex mod, you didn't beat the half-game
Why do you think there's all this anti-loli sentiment happening?
If pidos led the game development, gaming would become fun again. Can't have that.
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Why does Carol and her friends love kissing her older brother anon so much?
ehy choose blueberry when theres tons of slimegirls near the river?
Blueberry tastes better
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>You're of age, my son. You must choose wife.
>a riverside sludge trad wife
>a pristine royal candy husband
I want to do obscene things to navels
hmm i could raise him to be my femboy gf
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>Oi. My eyes are up here.
I hope the artist will someday do one with Meng flirting with anon.
>tfw no anon friend to jerk off to Carol with while we play co-op
Once the online co-op drops, so will my pants. And I'll be there for you in a lobby, my friend.
Imagine Carol jerking you off with her plushie that she put an onahole inside.
That update can't come soon enough, though I'm wondering if the game is playable with steam remote play or whatever that's called, I've never had the chance to try it.
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carol on her way to suck my penis
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More art of Meng and Blubby are needed.
Heard it "just works" with that or Parsec, but proper online would be preferable.
>trannies outta nowhere during the Olympics ceremony
Choco was right, Paris is a shithole.
so small the poor girl got lost and couldn't find it
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more art of raggs bending over her shop counter
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I want art of Carol and Meng tasting Blueberry at the same time. Carol nibbles on him while Meng chomps violently.
It'd be funny to see Meng and Blueberry sneaking into the trunk when the C-team moves to Stardew Valley.
My left nut hurts from jacking off to Ragg's
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Obviously you should keep going until the right one hurts too, just to even things out.
and then go buy a nut replenishing potion from her shop
What do you mean?
>black haired Carol
anon... I...
The accessory mod just got exactly that.
Too bad there's still no easy way to sort through the outfits that have been posted in the thread so you inevitably end up missing a shitload of stuff.
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needs a bath
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that's a big gun
Onirism is so bad that it's even funny at some points.
It's one of the worst games I've ever played, and I'm not exaggerating.
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Carol loves her big black guns.
looks like a futa
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>It's one of the worst games I've ever played
Play more video games. I don't even care if this is a shitpost or not. Comments like these are always made by tards who don't play games and as such haven't experienced actual genuine irredeemable dogshit games.
shut the fuck up
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Just finished the Battle of Glalhalla for the first time. It's an amazing setpiece that's kinda marred by all of the jank.

>starts out great for the first two objectives
>suddenly you have to walk all the way to the edge of the map to grab a plane
>have to shoot down a not-Droid Command Ship without any indication of it being there, in a plane you've never flown before
>crashing your plane means you have to walk all the way back to grab a new plane
>payload part starts off fun but turns into a fucking meat grinder at the end with enemy reinforcements respawning way too quickly and your reinforcements spawning way too irregularly and having the aggression of a kitten
>factory fight is cool except for your allies just randomly running backwards to the entrance if there's no enemies nearby
>and poor Blueberry's AI compelling him to suicide into kamikazes
>also Meng was apparently supposed to be there but never spawned for me

Still the coolest part of the game. Thanks for reading my blog and apologies for the shit pic. I hate Steam's new screenshot feature.
Corpo Men owe Daisy sex for her services
No dude, you don't understand, I'm considering all the fucking games I've played in my life, including amateur flash games, or ironically bad itch.io games.
Onirism is WORSE than these games, and as I said, I'm not exaggerating. It has less gameplay value than pretty much anything I've ever experienced in my life. It's simply garbage.
The devs needed to get their heads together and focus on something, because their game makes no sense. But I suspect that because they're French, they parasitize the people there with some socialist program to support art and games, and that's why they don't seem the least bit concerned that they're making a game that, even after all this years, hasn't even decided what the fuck genre it's supposed to be.
This shitshow is a disgrace and a shame.
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I got this game because lgs with guns are very cute.
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yeah that part was fucking awesome wish it was replayable without a scene select mod.
the battlefield is massive though and sadly never saw any of the actual characters like blueberry
Why is a little girl allowed to go around wielding firearms?
It's a 3rd person shooter.
How can you not grasp that?
They are toys. Not real guns.
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>finally cave and look into why I've seen shad trending on x on and off for the past few days
>it's a bunch of pearl clutching zoomers and grifters witch hunting people that interacted with shad at one time or another because shad made CHILD PORN
funny but I guess this means there's zero chance of the man himself coming back and doing carol.
normalfags have always panicked about loli
You have to be clinically retarded if you think there was ever a chance of him coming back to do loli again. He was already a shadow of his former self when he toned down the edge and ramped up the homoshit.
What is Carol's expression meant to convey?
Anon, you know it's not. I bought the game because I wanted a third person shooter and for some reason this shitty industry can't offer anything good in this genre. Onirism is no exception. They don't know if they want to make an exploratory item-collecting adventure, or a pure shooter, or a 3D platforming, or an adventure with story-based linear progression, or a metroidvania, etc.
These fuckers should start from scratch, take the basic mechanics of the game, some enemies that work and make a fucking arcade game with linear progression where you kill enemies using all the skills at hand, level by level, until you finish the game. A fucking cute Serious Sam in third person, since they seem to like SS.
But I'm already dreaming. If the devs did what I said, Onirism would be a good game, but it's never going to be good, a decade of development proves it.
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I don't know who's trolling who anymore
Surely the hating anon can't be serious. That would be some next level autism.
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Little zoomie can't handle a well rounded game.
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It's worse than autism. It's /v/.
Jas teaching Carol how to be a proper housewife.
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That's too low even for /v/. And that's saying something. It must be one high effort troll.
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>one of the hottest enemies
haha I get I get it
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>no navel
We've truly come a long way.
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She looks like she fights eternally in a school-themed deathmatch arena
My favourite Tales map by far. Love being sent to various arenas around notHogwarts to complete objectives and fight cute demon students before returning to the cozy common room to prep for the next round.
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>Carol casually being a better witch than Nobeta
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>mentioning another game out of nowhere
I wonder who could be behind this post...
Jas is so pure hearted.
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This teaser has single-handedly justified the delays. Pure raw kino.
That smile....
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The smile of someone who rests at ease knowing she has committed multiple warcrimes.
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needs cum all over...
You know what would be great? If Choco finished the damn game.
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>going to have better combat than Bioshock Infinite
>more variety than Bioshock Infinite
>cuter girls than Bioshock Infinite
>a more morally ambiguous protagonist than Bioshock Infinite


Looks French, these designs can't be murrican.
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C'mon, Choco. Give us a teaser of Blueberry's kino Vergil moment already.
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it's over. just let the thread die.
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>STILL no corpo-gf
What's even the point?
lmao can't they find some shills for this game that aren't so desperate and pathetic, it's really off putting
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>thread slows down
>first shitposter finally walks in
Hmmm... curious.
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I'm noticing
Sooooo, anyone that knows about computers and other nerd stuff knows where can I find a 3D model to 3D print in resin and paint it myself?
You might have more luck asking in the ATF thread, especially if you want a model that's actually wearing clothes.
Young flatties that suddenly develop massive tits is my kink.
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Cunny aside, is the game any good?
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It's, dare I say it, kino.
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>Are we there yet?
>Carol doing the Donkey "Are we there yet?" thing with Nobeta as Shrek
Eh? What? Can i get some genuine fucking context here?
The lewd mod is now getting a minimap before the game ever got its actual planned map.
>the lewd mod
The one on ATF?
Goes without saying.
Gotcha, just bought the game so im not really in the loop
Don't bother with the mod, it's a bestiality sex mod.
Shit. Give me an automap with an objective list and to quest markers. This shall filter the real shitters while those with a bit of orientation skills can enjoy the game.
No* quest markers
Fug :DDD
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Choco said no handholding when asked about the map so it'll most likely be around that ballpark.
If he gives us something like Deus Ex, but with an automap, he's hella based.
I sure did beat something
Took you long enough, Carlos.
As long as its high quality, thats fine with me
surely theres and oppai mod, right
See >>683848285
Figured thats just a image edit, neat
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I need brat milkies so bad
I bought it on a whim a while back and I was surprised at how much I was enjoying the game.
kill yourselves pedophiles
Bro its just a videogame
Needs more spidermommy
Sleep deprivation
From the thumbnail i thought she was in a maid outfit and bowing.
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>Maid Hellene
Fuck yes, please.
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Quick rundown
>obscure early access TPS/Platformer hybrid (FPS view available)
>Play as an angry little girl and fight a huge corporation and their mercenaries in a dream world to get your bunny plushie back
>Combat is somewhat fast paced, think of a hybrid between Ratchet & Clank and Doom 1993
>200 toy guns available, some bottom-tier, others top-tier, many are fun to use
>EA campaign is about 18-22 hours long, is projected to be around 30-35 hours when it's fully done
>high-quality French dub, but it's the only one available and gets cut short mid campaign because coof happened
>environments are pretty varied: plains, caverns, volcano, deserts, ancient Arab city, old west town, and more
>vehicles are available, varied and come with mounted guns, but they feel very heavy to drive for some
>bonus levels scattered around the first levels, similar to Crash Bandicoot levels for some, much harder than the main campaign
>very good soundtrack that touches many genres: metal, electro, ambient, jazz, or a banjo solo
>pretty large bestiary, some enemies are very hot monster girls, first boss is a spider MILF
>extra modes include two horde modes and a local multiplayer mode similar to TimeSplitters. Online is not implemented yet, but is in the full project
>Pretty janky due to being EA, bugs, glitches and crashes are to be expected
>pretty weak beginning, with some (but not all) early guns being bottom tier, ludo is only expected after 30 minutes
>clear lack of direction and QA, some issues are only being worked on now, like the lack of a map making it hard to navigate in some of the huge levels for some people, and tries to be everything in one game, with very varying results depending on the subject matter
>most bosses are shit
>really hard to talk about this game on 4chons or other imageboards because many will just uoh at the girl
>the appearance of a sex mod for the game really doesn't help with the discussion

TL;DR it's ludo in the rough, pirate first.
I'm going to kiss Carol
on the
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I want her to service me
Just bought this shit. Why tf is everyone in this game so attractive? Even the muppet NPCs are super cute despite their simplicity.
It's a french thing
that's the power of "charm"
I just rembered pic related and I want to do lots of naughty things with my personal maid Hellene just like in the hentai.
>Cartoon artstyle, so it's about style over realism
>French and not part of Ubisoft, therefore horny
>focus on fun over woke shit
Many such cases!
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What did the French mean by this?
Overdosing on these will turn your hair black. Just saying, be careful.
Oh no.
Carol is going to wring us dry...

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