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We did it!
They have a special ability of uh... talking in funny voices... We NEED to pay them!
Why is /v/ so bitter against people who work in the industry? Is it because you're all NEETs who can't even make shitty games in Unity?
Uh oh, tranny is upsetti!
Too much salt in his spaghetti!
Imagine expecting to get paid for talking.
I think he'd rather wish to get paid for eating.
Hey stop knowing what my bait image is really about, i cropped it for a reason.
Back when games were good a lot of the voice acting was done by the dev team themselves or random interns.
you don't like us, we don't like you. Just the way it is.
Because they are shit, and video games would be better without them.
yeah and it was utter shit, i still have flashbacks remembering far cry 2's voice acting. i'm not saying that you need voice acting, but getting non-pros to do voices is basically never a good idea
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You get what you fucking deserve
Video games went downhill when every line needed to be voiced. You now remember.
I remember dragon quest on NES had "voices". Different characters would have different pitched beeps when their text rendered.
>but getting non-pros to do voices
is epic nonwoke DEIless SOVL
Yeah. A lot of lines of dialogue which sound fine when read sound really akward and stilted when voiced limiting the writing a lot.
this nigga got fucking fat
Is this is real??? SE actually got rid of her? The investors must have gotten involved, no way Kate would allow this otherwise.
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Because voice actors are entitled as fuck and expect to get paid a lot, like journos were shitting on PEGI for paying the guy like 300 GBP for saying PEGI 3, 7, 12, 16, 18 lines.
Most people were fine with it.
Having played Morrowind religiously as a kid, it actually blew my fucking mind that Oblivion was fully voiced, only to find out Todd could only afford 3 VA's lmao
Talentless fucks.
>Why is /v/ so bitter against people who work in the industry?
Dragon Maid dub. No it's not vidya but it's basically the same fucking situation.
Could they not just pay some actual Vietnamese peasants to recite a few lines for like $100? Are they forced to use industry VAs through some union contract or something?
no they weren't, people were fine with the games that had professional voice acting. they were not fine with this;


maybe cheaper voice actors should be hired but they shouldn't get people off the street to do voices.
because they're not professional voice actors and you need to hire a studio and sound engineer for an hour anyway if you're going to have voice acting. amateur voice acting is insanely shit, see;
These were the actors they got that weren't part of the union. In the end they ended up re-using a lot of Japanese voices from previous game for burning to death noises.
>Waaaa muh pedo tranime incel cartoon was DESTROYED by American pigdog capitalist westerners
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video gamers like video games and don't like seeing their quality deteriorate
seems pretty reasonable to me? I don't think the sentiment is hard to understand
I don't remember the VA in this game being particularly bad. Do you have a timestamp of a particularly egregious example? Otherwise they sound perfectly fine to me and you're being nitpicky.
Buzzwords, glorious buzzwords!
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well deserved
they ruined video games forever
they deserve to be ruined themselves
The big actors with recognizable faces and voices are driving out the losers before they jack rates
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voice acting should be like an addition to add a little flavour to well written characters. nowadays, and basically ever since the xbox360, its been the other way around. its shallow characters speaking their every thought and action to shallow humans who enjoy shallow games. and its all because some cartel of games reviewers in the late 00s decided a game needed full voice acting to be taken seriously.

i can remember 1 line of voiced dialogue from the entire mass effect franchise and i can remember every line from baldurs gate 1. that sums it up in a nutshell

to make a long story short i'm not bitter about anyone, i'm just not unhappy to see cancerous elements of the games industry losing out. long may the layoffs continue
>Different characters would have different pitched beeps when their text rendered.
And that's how it should be.
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lol because fuck them
Troonslators are the most cancerous faggots in the industry and online, they're terminally addicted to Twitter and entitled fucktards that think what they do is impressive.
Its always some deranged tranny or feminist too, the very industry they thought were on "their side" just fucked them over. If they lose their jobs, good.
as a software engineer, every time a non-software engineer position can be eliminated in the product pipeline I will cheer
The russian sounded fine, but the spic immediately after his meeting in the video was awful, I will concede that. That said I find it more endearing than not. Voice direction would be more important in this case than the actors themselves.
ugh, I totally destroyed my enjoyment of this show especially her by gooning to her giantess fanfictions, fanart, chatbots, I broke down crying trying to rewatch the show as my goonseshes leave me unable to see the girls as anything but destructive kaijus.......
aw, poor baby!
I'm not, I just wanted to try spreading misnformation because why should grummzcord get all the fun?
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What's wrong with indie voice acting?
Does Fromsoft use professional voice actors? Is the chick that did Rannis voice a professional voice actor?
>But I need le epic VAs, reading iz hard
Rannis VA is an actress who has three VA credits
I don't hate ALL people who work in the industry.
They mostly use theater actors.
Quick rundown? Who this bitch and who is Kate?
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I might resub now
Theatre actors should be the one's doing voice acting then because she was perfect. Same with the dude who does the intro in Elden Ring.
preofessinal theatre actors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> voice actors
why are people who work in the industry so bitter about gamers?
how many times have we seen them say they hate gamers, fuck gamers, kill gamers, gamers arent the audience, etc
FFXII's dub also used a lot of theatre actors
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I hope the strike lasts forever now
shhh let them think she got fired.

ah fuck it it's far enough down nobody's going to see it.
>have job easily replaced by AI
>go on strike
>get replaced by AI
what was their plan exactly
a troon badly voicing the most prominent and also most badly writtern character of the current ffxiv expansion
kate is the head of english localization
lmao get FUCKED
>fuck gamers
women say this yet Im a bald seething incel dying alone in my mothers basement, curious. yet another leftist illogical hypocrisy...
I don't care about pronouns, so I take the path of least resistance.
Get the fuck out of here newfag
$0.00 plus tip.
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Yes, "she", little girl.
TSMT /v/ was always a farleft trans LGBTQ safespace until those newchud berniebros brigaded us in 2023
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Quotes inclusive, because people will always know that he is actually "she"
It's understandable to want to avoid conflict like that in your daily life anon, but you have to understand that they're just going to take that as an invitation to encroach on you further. What will you do when the new battleground becomes whether refusing to date a troon makes you a transphobe that deserves to be doxxed and lose your job? As tempting as it is to just say "Whatever, fuck it, do what you want" right now, in the long term that will only result in unspeakable evil. You need to take a stand now. If you value freedom and decency, you must be rabidly anti-trans. You must be viciously anti-LGBT. You must vote for anti-LGBT politicians and policies. Refusing to do so only guarantees more pain in the future. You have a moral imperative to do whatever you can in your daily life to make life for LGBTs as uncomfortable and unbearable as possible.
when people say "fuck x" they dont mean "literally have sex with x"
it means they hate x and want it dead and gone
because the industry sucks and should die
Le slippery slope argument
didn't he get a vasectomy? this nigga is spiritually a tranny
Xe was being pedantic. Hilariously, his life is probably unironically like that anyways lol
The dev VA in System Shock 2 had a quality that I was really into. It was shitty but the voices were very unique
is this achievable natty
Which we now know wasn't a fallacy
i mean if you heavily filter something it'll always be passable, but that's more sfx work than voice acting. like you're talking about SHODAN right?
I wish
I don't think the blame falls squarely on the VAs here. The audio editing is terrible, parts of it sound sped up for some reason and they could have easily extended the pauses between sentences to improve the pacing.
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>VA joins VA union
>VA goes on strike with rest of union
Some how /v/ wants to claim victory for this?
>le heckin slipperino slope you heckin nazi chud
when you're in progress of doing it
>The glorious path to progress against hateful bigots
when you've done it
I just like spreading misinformation.
Based chaos chad.
How could you not? Tired of the same VA's in everything, and people who work in AAA games all act like entitled faggots anyways. Win win all round
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this dumb ass niggas only skill is talking into a microphone and he can't even do that right, just lazy and half assed all around, fucking embarrassing
>parts of it sound sped up for some reason and they could have easily extended the pauses between sentences to improve the pacing.
no they're literally just reading the lines as fast as possible lmao, it's not an editing thing. that's how it's acted
If you
>actively work to shut down a promising avenue of modding
>aren't even any good
>are a tranny dramaqueen
>support the censorship of Japanese art to meet Californian sensibilities
>participate in the ongoing wokification of vidya
then don't be surprised when people celebrate after you're gone.

Those are the reasons we criticize them, those are the reasons you defend them. But since you know you cannot refute these criticisms without revealing yourself to be an offsite raider you build a strawman and knock it down, over and over and over again, in an attrition strategy where you hope anons will get tired of refuting you.
funny thing is sometimes /v/ will have threads where some anons provide their voices and there's some genuine fucking talent on this board that deserve better than some of the fuckers in the industry
"/v/" would support dismantlement of all unions and anything to the right of hitler including becoming chattel slaves if their funkopops and weebshit they goon to came out faster
the problem with SAGAFTRA is there's a bunch of faggots like tara strong who are ultimately given the power of being the gatekeepers of who gets a job in the industry or not. and look, tara strong and co. are talented people, I am not trying to disparage them, but really what really needs to happen is the development of a board of directors who are not just the best friends or associates of the already established OGs. what if I want to get a job in voice acting? what shit would I have to go through just to even be considered? is it fair that I'd be virtually unemployable if the old guard just tell me to fuck off? that's not cool bro. get rid of the nepotism at the top and maybe you can pay voice actors what they're worth (which, let's face it, isn't that much. most people could be trained on how to be, and develop into, at least a half decent voice actor, it doesn't take a special subset of skills to do it, even if you could argue that there are some tricks to the trade that newcomers wouldn't know.)
did he remove the part where he told people to shut the fuck up about how hard they have it? or did you just erase it because the punctuation is also gone
I removed it because I wanted people to think this was her being fired due to dawntrail backlash.
>the smartest directionbrain take
I hate Zeno Robinson. I hope that faggot's "career" comes to a burning end.
lmfao why would that trigger you you dumb bitch
why do so many of them work at starbucks?
do they pay for hrt or something?
>Why is /v/ so bitter against people who work in the industry?
the milennials and zoomers who destroyed my hobby with annoying and offensive race and sex identity politics, outsourcing to the turd world,streaming, digital only, multiplayer only, dlc, talent-less grave robbing reboots, remakes and endless franchises as well as HR policy that discriminates actively against heterosexuals and Caucasians etc? The people who impose ad hoc censorship and detest freedom of speech as virtue signaling while working for corporations seeking to milk money from kids via some of the most vile psychological tricks from the gambling industry and in the rest of their time hiring lawyers to sue hobbiests fiddling with 20 year odl games that are no longer on sale? Its a shame they are alive. The games industry particularly over the last decade has become a sewer of human shaped refuse
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8i40mS3bN4 you know what let's ask you something

hey tranny defend this most anons in this thread can do a better job
I see. well everyone I personally know stopped playing. We’re moving on to a different game
wait until it finds out the starbucks now only hires jeets working for half minimum because of diversity
gyat dyum that is pretty bad. she sounds like she's in front of the class in middle school and she's reading her designated passage from the group book.
We were told ‘we only want the right to marry other gays’ when I was younger. I was a fool and believed them, now we have fallen so far down the ‘slippery slope’ I can’t see the summit anymore. I’m sure there are other examples but that’s the big one for me.
Same with Japanese translation.

The predominant social feature of the millennial generation is the clique. Cliques move into the industry, blacklist non-clique members, daisy-chain and recommend fellow clique members, demand ideological purity, and eventually set up a monopoly which eliminates merit. Membership is contingent on mouthing party slogans, or belonging to special snowflake identities high on the progressive stack. Pronouns in your bio are the best way of applying to the clique, since adherence to gender ideology is the foundational pillar of the woke left.

Gaming journalism, localization, and voice acting among other fields are all dominated by these cliques. Mostly the soft cushy positions where merit is more subjective.
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Forget that, wait til they find out how starbucks feels about unions.
oh right my bad. HE sounds like HE is in front of the class in middle school etc.
Because VAs tend to be left of center and that's a bridge too far for the bigots here.
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>Wuk Lamat is sidelined in future patches because the VA is not available so she can only show up in unimportant, non-voiced dialogue
>Wuk Lamat gets recast with a British woman who can actually act and the American troon goes back to working in a McDonald's somewhere
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Don't forget that only a couple years ago voice actors celebrated blue collar workers losing their jobs for saying the wrong things or for not getting vaccinated. They were overjoyed at people losing their jobs because they were forced out due to green policies and economic hardships. They wanted people to lose their jobs and homes. They supported rounding up people and putting them into concentration camps or prison for wrongthink.

Never feel bad for what is happening to these people now that they are the ones falling on hard times. They've earned every bit of it.
This but unironically
Paid what he was worth.
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All of the voice work for future patches is most likely already completed.
dont know who this is or what game you are all talking about
is that yandaredev?
Oh noes! Join the rest of the 99% of humanity that didn't get to live their dream.
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>Because VAs tend to be left of center
Walkablecity ARYAN
>westoid VAs actively voice their hatred for their audience and literally brag about their sabotage efforts to push kike agendas
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No, it's because people who finds themselves self-important and in such a high ego are here preaching to people to reject the latest technological innovation that I love. As a semi creative person who can't do it all I love this, it means the gap betweem what I can and can't do is bridged and I don't need to pay anyone a dime, nor do I need to bend to the knee for anyone who would hijack or dillute my creative vision because I'm the one in control.
So for people who I never had the budget to hire nor an interest in the role to tell me what will be the secret ingrediant to making my ambitions a reality is le bad and should be illegal doesn't resonate with me.
I also have so little sympathy for them. The same people who heckled coal miners with LEARN TO CODE whiel sitting in their bourgeois California apartments before tweeting about socialist values need to understand hoe capitolism truly functions. The leftist values are the icing on the cake. Sure right wingers when in power are not any better, but to be so disconnected from my life and values but so comfortable in preaching to me how I should live my life is disgusting, whether it be genuine or as a mouthpiece for some greater power wanting to control the masses. So I'm happy to see artsy type cali leftists finally touching grass in realizing that acting isn't a stable nor financially rewarding profession and to get off their high horses acting like they are champions of change as their tweets suggest when they're nothign more than bullys who control mobs of people ever so willing to ratio you into the ground for having your own thoughts and opinions. Nah, they will learn you have to do something of value to society or a company to earn money, and just how volitile that is. It's comeuppance.
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Hell yeah
>as well as HR policy that discriminates actively against heterosexuals and Caucasians etc
Somebody please think of the oppressed whites
No, it isn't. When Yugiri's VA got killed they had to recast her immediately, they didn't have any pre-recorded lines.
When Matoya's VA died, they also immediately retired the character.
If this strike lasts for longer than a few months the troon WILL get replaced, or the character will be sidelined, and either outcome is fine by me.
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>>westoid VAs actively voice their hatred for their audience and literally brag about their sabotage efforts to push kike agendas
>Whitetard westoid goyim are retarded and self destructive unprompted
<Blame da JOOOOOOZ
who did this person voice so i know to be happy or sad
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>posted 18 years ago
Is this Gianni? He's a big guy.
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>Somebody please think of the oppressed whites
Don;t worry about that. Worry about pic related.
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on the one hand souls acting sucks because it doesn't sound like they are talking to your character, but like they are reading a poem in a classroom
on the other hand it fits
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>We sent a shitty VO back to his wagie cagie just in time for pumpkin latte time
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dunno who this is but I looked at their profile so fuck them, I'm glad they're done
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>he wants people to stop injecting their leftist politics into the entertainment he consumes?
>white people are FINISHED, the west has fallen...
Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!
Two more weeks until the race war.
im only bitter against Larry Fink
Oh its
>complaining about voice actors to be unsubtle culture war thread
>Pronouns in bio
>Automatically blocks users because they have a blue check mark
>Voices video game characters but hates playing video games
Hope she/he/it starves.
>he paid for a blue check mark
based VoiceCHADctors and LocaLEGENDers will always win over powerless culturewarchuds
you lost the second you bought into Sweet Baby's lies
Because the types of people that get into voice acting make it a culture war battleground for retards on /v/.

They'll pretend it has something to do with game quality, but good voice acting only improves games. Yeah, Dawn of War would have been much better if it was just the developers barking lines into a microphone after coding all day rather than getting professional VAs. Tony Jay really hurt The Legacy of Kain's quality.

But it's transparent that what it's actually about is that the people who get into voice acting, very much like stage or movie actors, skew largely towards being progressive. So it all comes down to fucking them as much possible in /v/'s eyes. They don't care that they're often going to bat for the exact same corporations they'll move a thread over to shit on day in and day out, it's just "fuck libs" is used as the starting point and everything after is a mental gymnastics routine to justify it.

This thread, for instance, is such a lay-up for these types of people because you could easily point at this specific voice actress and say, "I just think she was fucking awful at her job." The ENG dub for the character that this VA worked on is real fucking rough and I think it's not much of an argument that people didn't like it along with the character's writing. But even something that should be so easy and non-controversial to say can't be said because the post-2014 /v/-types just can't help but rant about their culture war battle lines.
NTA but the issue with that line is that they're implying they hate people who support twitter, BUT CONTINUE TO USE TWITTER TO SUPPORT THEMSELVES
fucking hypocritical shit
>Why are you mad outsiders enter your hobby and try to change it
>Hope she/he/it starves.
Don't worry, they will.
because we just want to play good video games and you people have an immense hatred of us for that for some reason
I do actively despise every modern monster hunter nigger that uses anything but the original voiced grunts, holy shit was it a huge fucking flub trying to make monhan cinematic
Blue checkmarks signified that you were a protected class back when dorsey owned twitter, now Musk does and you people are against it lol
honestly yeah
just voice the important pre rendered cutscenes, I can read the rest
EVERYONE hates twitter, Elon.
Then why do they continue to use it faggot
Because they have to.
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they don't HAVE to do shit, it's because they want to yet they still complain
Never used twitter but
>ugh xitter le bad
by nigwits on it 24/7 is retarded and tiresome ditch the shit for dumblr, pisscord or some shitty dinky forum or stop bitching about the only website you use
>Why is /v/ so bitter against people who work in the industry?
Because the lot of western VAs, translators, and writers are interlopers and saboteurs who vehemently hate the audience they're creating things for.
Describe why they need to use Twitter instead of any other social media platform for PR. If it's a matter of reaching people for espouting political rhetoric, then I feel vindicated
I hate twitter too but the reason everything you believe in fell out of style and got overwritten by these kinds of people is precisely because you refused to use the single biggest site in the entire world where you can easily spread your ideals to millions of people.
If you don't pick up the giant world-wide megaphone and make your opinion known, then your opponent will, and his opinion will then be the only one.
good I'm glad you can't find a job troon
go back (to starbucks)
>Hating voicers and localizers
>interlopers and saboteurs
yup its schizo goobergate time, wanna shit on women, minorities and glaze japan while you're at it?
Yes to the first two, no to the third.
I lost when I'm here forever after 2016 tourists didnt leave
Well, depending on your definition of "glaze"...
>boycott something
>"oh, its your fsult you didnt participate in the system"
>use twitter
>"yet you participate in it! Curious..."
Nah, fuck off
That's not even remotely true lol, if it were, why do journos and twitter bitch about "le natzees" 24/7?
Hell, you people bitching about conservatives has done more to spread conservative values than 100 Trumps combined lol.
Because they hate me and my kind
I didn't do shit to them and they hate me
Why should I not return the hatred in kind?
Voice acting in videogames should be no more well produced than the developers themselves having a giggle and voicing the characters themselves.
Ironically viola was the worst character in b3
Literally couldnt get the hang of her, doesnt even play as a bayo character, also no witch time, which may make sense, but still sucks
Because cycles of hatred accomplish nothing except dragging more people into cycles of hatred?
perhaps notice how it's always hatred towards support roles, rather than the important people
(programmers, 3d modelers or sprite artists, qa testers)
No, it’s actually because this world is run by Crowlean Satanists who seek to pervert everything that is good or enjoyable.
Cope. You’re but a mealworm writhing in a bucket, while those who have eyes to see and ears to hear stand above you.
Take some acting lessons Sena. Maybe learn how to emote properly without your man voice showing itself.
Why is it the people who say shit like this are always the ones perpetrating the "hatred?" How about you practice what you preach
The smart thing to do would be to join a blue collar union job and live with comfortable pay and benefits but unfortunately trannies can't stand hard work
>Be the first US based VA since A Realm Reborn
>Immediately act obnoxious as soon as the news breaks, because that's your entire personality
>Deliver one of the worst performances in the history of the series and industry
>Vocally join a major strike and start e-begging shortly after
wait isn't this the troon that did Wuk Wuk Binks?
>blue collar union job
straightcislilywhiteCHUDS?! wheres the vibrant diversity and over 9000 genders?!
You forgot to add how the VA for Koana started acting like they were responsible and were the "heart" of Dawntrail. Fucking tourists trying to claim any success.
The very same. Unlike the entire rest of the cast, which is British, he works from the US (shocker) and therefore must adhere to the strike, as he's a member of SAG.
all voice actors are grifters
they want royalties despite not having any justification for royalties
they compare themselves to tom cruise and how people will go see a tom cruise movie because it has tom cruise in it, no one is buying a video game because a certain voice actors, no one, not a single person
voice actors are basically worthless
Being paid to talk into a mic is one of the most low-effort “jobs” a person can possibly have.
this has nothing to do with a boycott
twitter is not going anywhere because of some retarded boycott, it can only die due to feature incompetence
twitter is not a video game, you actually lose something by not using it (the aforementioned ability to spread your ideals)
>if it were, why do journos and twitter bitch about "le natzees" 24/7?
because that's their entire fucking brand, are you stupid? Do you think that because they complain about le natzees it means there are actual natzees? There will ALWAYS be natzees according to them because if there weren't they wouldn't be needed
Dude, it's important that you work at starbucks for the next six months so we can get you a bad deal that puts you in an even worse position with AI than you are in right now.
>english dub VA
And nothing of value was lost
That post was my first post on this thread anon.
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holy FUCK you have no idea how glad i am to hear that he is not getting any more voice work
he was actively trying to get work on the new ranma anime remake and i would have been absolutely horrified if he had succeeded
Dude, 90% of actors in general get paid basically nothing unless they're also teachers. VA's are such pussies
No it wasn't. You weren't there.
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it's time
Grifters like the troon in OP have a brand? And that brand is based on bitching about regular people who don't believe kids should be groomed into trans ideology? Curious.
>Wuk Lamat is sidelined in future patches because the VA is not available so she can only show up in unimportant, non-voiced dialogue
the devs are hardly gonna let the dub VA influence what they do with any character
>likes tranma 1/2
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could Wuk Lamat have been good if they hired an actual Hispanic VA to do a convincing voice for her
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>watching dubbed anime at all
...uh, yeah? It feels like you're trying to do a gotcha, are you misunderstanding my intentions here?
Where did I imply it wasn't?
>hating one particularly toxic and nasty troon means i am transphobic
i dont hate trannies but i dont particularly like them either
i like redheaded girls a lot tho
kys I want to hear cute britbong instea of Trangloagson or latinxs pic
>t chudzilian
on a scale of shit to not shit, how not shit is this? p.s. I'm not a voice actor. p.p.s. this dialogue is the first few lines spoken when you meet knight lautrec of carim in dark souls 1. I posit this to say, voice acting ain't hard.
I wonder if Yoshida has the fire in him to just tell Americans to fuck off again like with ARR or if he'll let Kate influence even more.
With maybe a handful of exceptions American voice actors are pretty terrible across the board
A lot of the most memorable ones I can think of were all just literal who Europeans
>implying ranma is a tranny anime
Nice tits
Yeah, the gotcha is that it's a stupid fucking theory with no basis in reality, that's my gotcha
k, you lost me, I have no idea what you're even bitching about now
>Because VAs tend to be left of center
You wish...
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Sounds like a skill issue, I'm not gonna read the thread back to you phonics style
Good riddance. Boring shit just coasting on success despite being infuriatingly boring.
honestly this is a blessing
if it lasts long enough then Wuk will be mysteriously excluded for future content
I like Liam O’Brien
cool, have fun then
I suppose you didn't, but you strongly implied that I was spreading hatred when I really wasn't.
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Thank you Hydaelyn, I knew my prayers would be answered!
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Ian Sinclair is talented
Actors in general are insanely entitled, they don't create anything but expect to be paid more like the ones who actually create. The janitors at the company adds more to a product then them.

In the creative field actors and photographers are seen as untalented grifters and rightly so but somehow the public sees them as something special.
>being afraid of AIDS in 2024
I feel bad for stunt doubles. They're the ones doing the hard shit and no one knows who they are.
i was palying videogames when it came out, i wasn't a character in the game
One day there’s going to be an English dub for some Japanese game series where a significant number of the VAs are genuine, unironic trannies who couldn’t provide a decent performance to save their lives. Now most normalniggers likely won’t care, hell if anything they may champion it for some inane and ludicrous reason, but considering how dubfaggotry has only gained ground on here it will be interesting to see how /v/ copes about it, or at least amusing at any rate
All I know is that there was never any social media drama from the UK or European actors. The first time Amerisharts are brought back we have them posting bullshit and arguing with fans.
That's nice, but it's clear you've never heard a tranny speak before lmfaooooooooooooooooo
>reading comprehension
Nah, I have 0 tweets. Auto-blocking people because of who they follow or the fact that they bought a check mark is just another sign of someone who's got the mind virus and deserves to starve.
Nah I got what you said, but why would /v/ have to cope about an anime that sounds like it's voiced by a bunch of men? Shit would flop the moment it released, not even normalfags would stomach it in spite of what you think.
>not even normalfags would stomach it in spite of what you think
You have more faith in them then I
Most of them are pretty tired of the pandering too despite what the web would have you believe. Just look at the reactions any time a disney character is race swapped, especially from the media who start screaming about racism whenever they're poorly received.
i auto block blue twitter marks because it's all jeet bots or dumb niggers

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