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Elden rings fatal flaw is that it has no level scaling. The game encourages you to explore and as a consequence you can become easily over leveled which makes boss fights too easy
>The game encourages you to explore and as a consequence you can become easily over leveled which makes boss fights too easy
That's a good thing. Level scaling is shit design in every game its in.
The DLC does and it's shit.
Level scaling is fucking awful.
I hope thats not your "build".
Level scaling is shit, but new game + cycles should flatten the difficulty curve and massively buff early and mid game to match end game stats and damage.
What are you talking about, levels have no impact in souls games. As long as you have the minimum stats for a specific build, getting more levels does nothing except get slightly more hp or equip load for fashion.
>A difference of 200-300 ar and 1000+ hp is nothing
Every level also boosts your defensive values.
That's already the case, ng1 raises starting enemies to endgame level. Godrick gets like 150% hp. In comparison, Radagon only gets 10 or 20%
>Level 300
>still a Viglet
The fuck are these stats.
>level 300
>that loathsome HP
>that repulsive Damage Negation
Let me guess, you're still dying in 2 hits from bosses and blaming the game design
>all the smithing stones you find while exploring don’t matter
300 ar is indeed pretty inconsequential. You'll gain maybe 15% damage at best. And any character will already have lots of hp, at least 40 vig. Going to 60 only gives about 500 hp, which is about 20%. It's definitely the only big improvement from levels, but doesn't really make you op, it's more of a quality of life
It works fine in BotW
early ng+ cycles always get fucked because DLC. You get around 50 more levels if you do everything in the DLC. Can't balance early game ng+ when you have to cater to people that don't have the dlc as well
Fuck off level-scaling fucking sucks.
I'd rather they just entirely removed leveling than having level-scaling in the game.
I've legit wondered what the hell is wrong with these people to push strength all the way to 99 when there is almost no return on damage but still go around with like 18 vigor
Doesn't ER NG+ just add a flat global enemy boost to HP/DR/Damage dealt?
I don't remember seeing anything about specific zone adjustments for NG+
No it doesn't, especially in Master Mode. In BOTW all camps start using cream-of-the-crop weapons even though they're in the middle of fucking nowhere. It's horrible.
ER does have scaling though. The real thing fromsoft needs to move away from is level requirements for weapons and spells. Scaling should still exist, but the items and abilities themselves should not be gatekept by stats. LoP did this right. Also get rid of per weapon upgrades and have a progression locked character AR upgrades like Sekiro. Weapon customization can be the whetstone system you unlock as you find more of them. You should be able to pick up any weapon and swing it at its fullest potential and only miss out on a little bit of min max scaling damage. Imagine actually being inventivized to use the 100+ weapons in your inventory.
STR is the only stat in the game where going all the way to 99 is beneficial because two handing still applies the 1.5 bonus to STR so you can break the 99 cap into the 120+ range
>47 vigor is too low for /v/
The absolute state of you shitters
ER doesn't have scaling, it has zone specific adjustments to enemy stats that are not dependant on any player state, whether you are at RL1 or 300 the enemies in Leyndell or Belurat will always be the same.
Level scaling has never improved a single game. And has ruined trillions.
Jesus fuck you're stupid in every single way. How about you just go play a different game instead of trying to ruin this series even more, Most probably ds3fag
You’re punished for trying out new weapons in Elden ring because of the smithing stone grind
level scaling is a band aid fix for poor game design. Every single arpg with level scaling could have been done better without it if the stat system worked differently.

Leveling scaling for action games is inherently bad.
Elden ring could have had less stat creep, less power creep, but tacking level scaling onto it would have just been worse.
you are right that weapon upgrade system should just be wetstones but wrong about stat requirements.

Elden ring could have been done better with a D&D stat system where stats hover around the 15-25 area and where stats mostly serve as requirements checks for gear and gameplay related perks.
its good
leveling allows you to make the game easier for yourself if you're having trouble.
>I don't remember seeing anything about specific zone adjustments for NG+
Every zone have its own scaling that is indeed different in NG+, I don't remember the exact values but given +25 weapon with magic infusion and 80/50/50 int/str/dex still need few hits to kill hit Godrick, about 150% of effective hp seems legit.
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>waste money on psn to help gankshitters out with radahn and messmer
>using a proper anti-radahn/messmer build (FPSS and Blood/Cold Thrusting Swords)
>hosts all die becaue of their gankshitter build and mentalities

some cunt of host named GOAT pretty much sat back while i carried his ass to phase 2

this is why i prefer singleplayer
online just makes everyone shit at the game
only real skill check is to be an invader
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Its an inevitable consequence of shoehorning tabletop stat spreadsheets into an action game just to appease 'make number more bigger' retards. All you have to do is normalize stats in a logical way to debloat the numbers and it fixes every single game like this as if it were fucking magic. Games have become such clowny parodies of themselves it really is that easy to solve their problems, but you can't because gaymers have grown to fetishize the problems themselves.

Then you end up with even clownier compromise solutions like level scaling that just make the problem worse because now you have multiple layers of honk.
Why do we have daily threads on how elden ring is actually le bad?
No, you only get to that point through heavy farming and NG+ cycles equalize it. Anyone who wants to can bring characters into NG+++++ using larval tears to change builds and get a new challenge too
>not a rot weapon with a poison AOW for double tick damage
try again
Most open world sandbox games are like that. The developers are still thinking in zone term where "okay The Purple Forest is like level 10-20" and then when you're level 30 there's nothing challenging there because you're expected to have moved to "The Desert of Discontent"
One sloppy fix is enabling Level Scaling so all areas will be equalized. That's wat CDred did to Cyberpunk where the player's level cap was way above any content in the city so you ended up OP even if you went to the part of town that was higher level for no explicable reason the mobs were just tougher NORFSIDE.
i'm not doing DOT damage on a boss when the host is likely to be a shitter with no defenses
B-but if you remove the stats I would be able to use every spell and weapon in the game, that wouldn't be fair!
because gaymers egos got hurt by the difficulty while twitch bimbos can beat it with their thighs
Level scaling ruined Oblivion. It's an awful mechanic used by talentless hacks to compensate for bad design.
What with that terrible stat distribution? Did you just pick a random stat every time you leveled up?
I hope this isn't your "build", retarded faggot.
300 levels spread across 9 stats is dogshit and none of your stats reached softcap.
Levels shouldn't exist anymore, make it more like Sekiro. You can grab augments and items to increase some stats, but you can still win without looking for them. Simply let us choose our builds on the fly through customization instead of grinding.
no its fatal flaw is that its boring, specifically the levels suck. there are some cool 'views' but the levels are huge, flat, empty. generally its an uninspiring experience to get anywhere, your only directive is to make a beeline to the next thing to kill, it sucks and it feels rushed somehow
Eat shit
Why yes, my boss also pays me to play Elden Ring on my free time how did you know?
Are you guys getting paid to play vidya on your day off too?
This. Levels and stats give an excuse for devs (and cock sucking players) to go
>WELL, if you're tired of getting one-two shot by bosses just level vig to 99 and play a defensive build, it's possible :) you're ASKING to get deleted by bosses but from gives you the choice
Instead, you know, bosses shouldn't have been designed to hit so stupidly hard outside of really telegraphed strong attacks.
With no stats or levels they'd have to deliver us an average experienced balanced around normal people who don't wanna die in the first 10 seconds of fighting a boss.
Fuck you I don’t want a game for average people. I want a game for real gamers not casuals
Exploring is the best part of this game, the bosses are kinda shit, so the faster you can nuke them down the better
More like the game encourages you to explore so you do and then end up in area getting slapped for hours because you don't know any better. A lot of players follow the guidance of grace straight to Margit and forcibly fight him at lvl 15
Unironically this, I had so much fun adventuring in DS2 I don't care if ppl say bosses are shit, if anything I prefer them being easy so I don't get stuck and can move on to the next level.
Every area in ds2 felt like a puzzle with a way to solve it, requiring different approaches, Elden Ring could have learned from it.
Lame. A big part of what makes builds fun is the commitment and being forced to find ways to solve problems within your available toolset.
Level scaling is cancer.
Fatal flaw is that in the end its pretty fucking boring.
Following a path isn’t exploring. The game encourages you to explore by starting you off on top of a hill with lots of different land marks far away being visible. It also puts good items in out of way places
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which was the better dragon fight?
Did you know that bestial vitality and blessing of the erdtree don't stack?
I’m level 109 and I just beat starscourge radahan
>i-it makes the game harder so it's shit!!!
lol filtered. someone couldn't finish the DLC.
What about 2 handing a Dex weapon? In Souls games I usually don't put a lot into health and make glass cannon builds with good endurance, but I also don't like putting points into something for a shit return, how high should I level Str or Dex before really buffing my health?
two handing only effects the strength stat
as for levelling, I'd level health along with your damage stat of choice
grab a couple of one, then a couple of the other
if you feel either too squishy or too weak, focus on that a bit more
you're all just so shit at this game.
that's all there is to it.
>while twitch bimbos can beat it with their thighs
Still seething
level scaling ruins every game it touches fuck off
2handing dex weapons often speeds up their movesets instead of increasing damage done per attack.
why the hell would you need a build
most players make use of all the tools in the game and just have 40+ on every stat so they can use all weapons and magics
>two handing only effects the strength stat
I don't keep up with changes game to game but I looked it up and Two-handing has better 'modifers' on their moveset, i'm gonna assume it's like this for all the games, I didn't realize Str gets such a better bonus outside of lowering the stat requirement
I do level like that, I meant before I hit the 'soft cap' or whatever when your returns are at least halved, I usually will get Health around 16-18, 20-24 and leave it for majority of the game, I mean once hitting the soft cap on Str/Dex start pumping that number up just to get more out of the levels
In ER, i'd probably want 40 Vig by mid game, 60 by end game, that sound about right?
You should be aiming for 99 vigor at end game
Stat scaling on weapons is negligible until you get to the higher tier weapon ugprades. Most of your weapons' damage is the base value until the mid-late game.
Basically for the early game you just want to hit your stat requirements and get around 20 Vigor, for midgame (Caleid/Altus) you want 40 Vigor and then start pushing your damage stats to the softcaps, so by the endgame (Farum Azula, Snowfield, etc.) your damage is covered and you can get to 60 Vigor to cope with the spike in damage scaling.
40 Vigor is a comfortable benchmark for most of the game, you can get there quickly with Godrick's rune and the Soreseal, and once you don't need Godrick's rune to pad your other stats you can switch to Morgott's and effectively have close to 60 Vigor right away.
This. Level scaling is exclusively in bad games with no exception whatsoever. It turns every game into a no-fun-allowed optimize-every-point simulator which removes the fun behind making a character.
No, I don't want to hear about how you think Elden Ring already is that just because you personally used a guide, because I'll just tell you how shit you are both from a gameplay perspective and a character planning perspective. If you think games should be designed for the lowest common denominator, quit happily being the lowest common denominator, you shitstain.
I'm glad it has static levels, I like coming across a hard area, or boss, and it trucks me, so I have to explore or level up to overcome the obstacle. It basically makes the open world worth doing and gives you a bunch of long and short term goals to reach.

This is why they don't need to include a quest log, you build a mental quest log on your own through the natural design of the game.
>I'm afraid of making the game "too easy"
This is what From Software's competitive PVE mindset has led to.
do it RL1 then if you aren't a little bitch
+0 is also acceptable

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