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/v/ - Video Games

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Why is /v/ like this? Is it the video games?
Anime makes you a faggot
What a shit thread.
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Did Kazuya end up hitching up with Ruka or is he still a faggot simp?
>all my early WoW characters were male
>all my latter WoW characters were female
it's the same picture, CoD kids were always huge faggots
Zoomer public school tranny fag grooming
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>COD Black Ops
>anywhere near existing when I was 11
Underage thread
Tranime brainrot makes you hate everything that's cool.
because of the rising number of involuntary celibacy, men turn to anime girls
There is a reason why anime is called tranime
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>be me, 13
>edgy, loved flippy in happy three friends type of stuff
>be me, 26
>no more full of teen hormones, just like cute stuff
And not the one in your pic OP, i'm not a cuck, don't like NTR, i like cute monkeys
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This newfag bait thread is so shit.
Let's start talking about the representations of mobile artillery in gaming instead.

Which game had the most accurate mobile artillery ever? Warthunder might sound like the answer, but I think Company of Heroes 2 did a great job despite being a not so great game overall.
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but i like anime and still know black ops 1 was the best cod
It's the only answer, they have enough autistic faggots that would leak real files for accuracy
Black ops was 14 years ago.
>same profile picture since i was 11
Scorched earth
Had no pubes when it came out but i knew it was cool and instantly made ghost my pfp
the only good girl in Rental Girlfriend is Sumi. The rest is fucking trash.
Once a faggot, always a faggot
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>think people will think you're cool if you're edgy and dark and brooding
>realise you don't have to pretend anymore and can just openly like whatever you want
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>Be grade schooler
>See BLOPs, think its cool, want to be cool

>Be middle schooler
>Don't become cool

>Be high schooler
>Still not cool

>Be in college
>Still not cool, realize will never become cool

>Be out of college
>Reverse image search only gives results from /lgbt/ archives and tumblr
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Not that anon but i saw a lot of this type of memes on /a/, don't project
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Why not both?
>Not that anon
>I saw a lot of this type of memes on /a/
This is just embarrassing but it reaffirms my beliefs. Tranime is evil and must be erased from this world
anime itself is fine. the problem is that the people who typically enjoy it are soulless normgroid trash
that only strengthens his argument anon…
not him but ive only ever seen insufferable weebs use this term
kill yourself brownie
>anime itself is fine
look at yourself and ask, is this fine :DD
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ol reliable
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I guess i'm a faggot, my bad anons
My PFP for msn messenger was crops from 3.5 monster manual.
Why are the Airborne on a beach
>problem with masculinity
>escalated to the point of fruity
You can really see the steps and evolution here.
I never had either because I'm not a fag
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Choose your character.
number 6
I used a picture of my Live avatar instead.
i have used an anime girl because im not a loser but I use animals or historical people instead of cool edgy stuff
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>i have used an anime girl because im not a loser
I think you misspelt that
These avatars told you everything about a person
>anime girl - weeb
>dog - 13 year old
>soccer ball - 13 year old
>skull - MLG noscope call of duty Madden 09 faggot
>troll face bean thing - actual cool guy
>dragon - no one picked this
>bubblegum gangsta - literally every black guy
>monkey - actual cool guy
>still using gamurrtagg (I called it a callsign 20 years ago but everyones a fucking faggot now) from when I was 11
>retards complain to me that it sounds like an 11 year old made it
Yes, that is correct,
yea spotted it when I was sending. oh well
wrong about skull, it was the default and I just rolled with it. genuine cool guy
for me it was the other way around
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no way, it felt like last year I was playing it with my boys back in high school

fuck you faggot the dragon is top tier
What did you spot, my ESL friend? I'm curious
>dragon that looks like it belongs on a coat of arms
definitely very racist
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I have only ever used funny animal pictures as my avatar
crossing the rhine river
I feel that
Once upon a time every character was what I aspired to be.
Now I just want to stare at booty shakes, my gooner brain has destroyed me.
That one cute dog photo > this retarded smug bear
>nothing actually wrong with his sentence
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My profile Pic at 39
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My pfps are silly, ironic, or charscters that I genuinley like but are offbeat. I tend to meet and talk to a lot of neat people that way
It's impossible for me to use 11 year old me's username from the bnet days
>his sentence
This is the game were playing now? Okay, Ill play along. What did "he" admit "he" saw >>683830912 if there was nothing wrong with "his" sentence?
>Zone: Recreation
Wargame and WARNO, obviously.
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Are you stupid?
>yea spotted it when I was sending. oh well
>Yes, Spotted it when i was sending. Oh well.
He spotted his error when he posted. He clearly accidentally put the wrong word in.
what is this from, again?
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>my pfp at 13
>my pfp at 26
If it's not broken-
the dragon is for kids that like knights because it looks like a crest/coat of arms
t. i picked it
hod did late millennials and zoomers grow up with ultra masculine high test alpha male games and then turn into low test beta male cucks?
Survival bias: most of them grew out of videogames, then ones you see online are the ones that didn't and this became faggots
Social media and/or abuse at a young age.
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I've been using anime girl avatars for 15 years because I like how cute they are and I have never once wanted to cut my dick off or take hormones or become a woman.

Is it just something that happens to mentally weak people?
Yeah I used to only play male characters and make myself now I only play women if the game has the option. Idk I like the female form better I guess.
>are you stupid
>he clearly put the wrong word in

>nothing wrong with his sentence

Btw, can you perhaps tell us what was wrong with his sentence since he clearly cant?
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make way, the only acceptable anime avatar coming through
please leave the board and go be with your family you old fucking retard. how much did you colossally fuck up your life to still be on here in your 40s?
it happens when you don't have any real friends so venture into the siscord to find them
you havent wanted to become a woman YET
you are a sexual degenerate and i would not trust you around kids.
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My steam avatar!
>I ha- *proceeds to try justifying his mental illness to himself*
Sure sure, can you tell us why you feel the need to use a cartoon girl as an avatar for yourself doe?
Ah, so you are stupid. He made a mistake, admitted it, than you tried to call him out on the mistake he already admitted to? For what purpose? But I do find it funny how you call someone an ESL and have made a mistake in both of your posts. If you're going to shitpost about someone else's spelling and grammar, you really need to present your best self.
Storming Skypeia
>blah blah blah
Still noticing a distinct lack of pointing out what errors he made.
if you use anything but your real face, you're a loser guaranteed
egg thread
why do trannies always put exclamation points at the end of their sentences? does it give a certain euphoria to imagine yourself as a ditzy girl yelling your sentences?
because women do it
grifter thread
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Every 21st century man eventually realises that being a cute girl would be infinitely easier
big thundercock chad thread
People don't have waifus as kids (maybe some cartoon crushes like Raven). Once someone hits teenager phase they start watching animes and find girls who are either "literally me" or "could fix me". Or just cute girls in general.
I've had the same profile picture since like 2005
>11 years old
>Isn't into girls yes
>23 years old
>Into girls, but never got to touch one.
Many such cases.
>faggot seethes when encountering something that contradicts his shitpost worldview
it's because you realize that projecting an edgy tough guy image is itself an act of insecurity and the pro move is to show you aren't afraid to rep yourself with whatever you want. kinda like actual special ops guys you wouldn't really be able to tell off the street and you'd likely not even know who they are unless you talked to them about work, they are not running around walmart in gear acting tough all the time. there's a time and place etc.
Men wish they were girls

Very shrimple
>uses his profile pic because he likes cute girls


you subconsciously want to chop your cock off

trust the science
I went through neither phase because I'm not retarded
>contradicts his shitpost worldview
Cool, can you tell me why you feel the pressing urge to use a cartoon girl as your online avatar now?
>Needing a hooker
i was 18 when this game came out you stupid children

which anime is the anime slut from
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Looped right back around actually.
>went through anime girl phase when I was like 16
>nowadays just have silly animals or art of cool characters as my pfp
I dunno, I like anime grills just as much as the next guy but they feel so oversaturated and generic nowadays.
/a/ and the userbase has this weird idea that they're better than /v/ but the board somehow creates less OC than /v/ and does a lot of the same reposting content from social media. Terrible board.
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My profile pic went from a picture of spilled chocolate milk to a picture of kawaii Hitler back to being a picture of spilled chocolate milk
/a/ was good back when all anime was fansubs and you had to torrent to watch anything higher quality than 480p on some shitty streaming site. Now anime is super cool to young people and we get official translations of the weirdest weeb shit day 1 so it's just one anime board in a sea of thousands of anime boards on the internet with no defining differences
"People" with tranime moeblob bitches as their pfp are always insufferable. You just know that they have no hobbies or interests besides consuming tranime and gooning to fanart of their waifus.
Even tauren?
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Hard agree
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Age of Empires 3; every man has the right to roll an organ piano multibarrel canon
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femboy bussy shit is pure played out normie cringe
Rent-A-Girlfriend, unironic cuck anime
I remember being disgusted and repulsed by anime girls in bikinis.
Even when I started fapping, I prefered girls in their clothes.
Now I'm just a massive goomer degenerate.
legally distinct rei a cute
if your femboy gf can't put a whole monster can up her butt she's not the one.
I don’t use PFPs at all. What does that make me?
>/a/ and the userbase has this weird idea that they're better than /v/
Because it is, not for any specific quality /a/ has, it is because it's not /v/, I mean just look at this thread, 90% of post are talking about tranny's, despite the fact that they have nothing to do with the OP's topic
The internet barely existed when I was 11 but my avatar at 23 and 40 is the same
a tryhard
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normalfag spotted
>Sure sure, can you tell us why you feel the need to use a cartoon girl as an avatar for yourself doe?
He just said it, because it's cute.
Why must this be different?
>draws a girl
>calls it a guy
>this makes you """"""gay""""""""
>taking your shoe off while golfing for no reason
Why are footsluts like this?
>drawn like a girl
you are a fucking homo
It is just something a political think tank made up.
no it makes you a tranime spamming faggot
it also helps that it has actual moderation, and the thinly veiled off-topic crap here that makes 60% of the catalogue at any given time doesn't survive more than an hour
tranime turns you into a tranny
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my profile picture is naruto
Anything tranime already makes you gay, doesn't matter if it's supposed to depict a woman or a man.
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was this the good or bad ending?
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>it also helps that it has actual moderation
Biased moderation. Completely on-topic threads get deleted if the jannytrannies don't like it. Recently some yuritroon got hired as a mod and xhe lets xer fellow discordsisters shit up the board to the point that there are always 5 different low quality yuricuck threads up at the same time everyday.
can't relate. i was already over 18 when i started using internet in 2004
chaotic good
/v/ is home to lots of women (male)
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No matter how you look at it that is a girl, in Shimakaze's clothing no less.
insult stocking like that again and be beheaded
yeah, its not perfect and there is a lot of shit that gets deleted despite not breaking any rules like the mod that deletes anything related to strike witches, but i'll take that over "What are some games that X?" with a <current happening> image thread any day.
Eleven year old me was defiledone
/a/ was better at one point but now that they are run by the shonen spics they are genuinely worse than /v/ even with the absolute state that is neo-nu-/v/ since at least this place knows its shit
Accurate? No but Command And Conquer had the Tomahawk Missle and thats cool
Worse is what they don't delete. /co/ and some gook toons are getting generals there now.
>check japanese profile pictures
>they're all just landscapes and inanimate objects
I need to know the author of this png, please.
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Ive used this beast
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Now post your profile Pic at 70
You won't have a profile picture by 32. And by that I mean you won't care enough to put one in for the account.
Panties are cute, why don't you wear them?
Are you wearing the profile pic?
You are delusional, shonen-spics are at best 20% of the board, everyone makes fun of them and you can easily filter their threads by just putting the name of their shows in your filters, you can't even do that on /v/ because most faggots try to avoid your filters by altering the order of the words, just look at people that spam eceleb threads, Twitter screen cap threads, analog horror threads, wojak/pepe threads, /r9k/ threads, and so on and so on
Yes, I wear it as a mask.
im turning 26 in less than a month and i was in 6th grade when bo1 came out
>nooo don't watch the most adult anime, watch shit for 9 year old girls instead
oh i've read some of this, i dropped it because it was shit. i thought it was idolmaster or something
For me, it was the black skull.
Then I spent a few Microsoft points to buy another one.
Cute girls are cute
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You're retarded if you believe that.

/v/ is inundated with shitposting, off-topic garbage, etc. but it still has a value making it worth visiting, even if only occasionally. There's OC like the /v/GAs, /v/ the Musical, once in a while you get shit like the image edits (Forspoken, TLoU2, the dozens of things well before those), and more, threads that can go off the rails entirely but still have interesting discussion (a lot like earlier 4chan and even /a/ did over a decade ago), things of that nature. Yes, /v/ is primarily shit but there are pockets of worthwhile stuff.

/a/ on the other hand doesn't have anything to that effect anymore. It's almost indistinguishable from other anime and manga forums and even social media because the majority of people browsing do not have a genuine interest in the medium besides talking about it online or with their friends. You can go to MyAnimeList, Reddit, or anywhere else and get almost identical discussion sans racism or other offensive speech, which is already toeing the line on /a/ because you can get banned for simply saying nigger there sometimes. The board rarely makes any meaningful or interesting OC, the discussion is stale, most users have a surface level interest or engagement with the medium so you can rarely discuss directors, studios, animators or even anime with anyone, it's just pure shit. There's people streaming despite /a/ of yesteryear shitting on anyone that didn't use an approved media player, people don't download manga, they just go to the shitty sites hosting them found through Google, so on and so forth. Despite that, the board somehow has people touting elitism and having a holier than thou attitude even though the board is filled with retarded teenagers that can barely torrent or locate a manga series when even given the name after they ask for source and people rush to give it to them.

So yes, /v/ is shit but at least it has some value to it. /a/ doesn't even have that anymore.
It's the water in the US. Turns frogs gay, turns men into tranime faggots
The absolute state of shonentacos lmao
See for yourself >>>/a/269229438
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mine since the start and will be till the end
I'm not like that, I have never had an anime picture for anything
/a/ was cool when people there translated shit and were distinct from other websites. Now you get fansubs for an anime that the board clamors to say "it's by /a/!" when it's by some group that visits /a/ to drop the link to their subs and fucks off because they want more downloads compared to other groups or even the official subtitles. It's not OC by /a/, it's OC by some niggerfaggots that most likely have a Reddit account for their sub or scanlation group and post there too. Though expecting anyone on modern /a/ to know enough Japanese or typesetting or subtitling knowledge to do any of that is wishful thinking.
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ogres 4 life
>think cool shit is cool
>psyop'd into thinking cool shit is cringe, bury self behind many layers of irony to the point you don't know yourself
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>any thing men take a liking to is actually for tran-
I would release subs on more often if someone could make a template style with italics that can be turned on/off in the same sentence and will display correctly without embedding the track into a container so I can distribute just the text files.
{\i1} doesn't show up.
Spotted the underage.
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/a/ are fucking frauds and I'm glad their board is getting raped by tiktok shonen generals filled with character/shipfags.

Over a decade of jerking off about how they were the golden boys of 4chan and feuding with /v/ of all people (versus shit like fucking /r9k/ or something) specifically because they hate looking at themselves in a mirror because if you're into one you're probably into the other and their OWN MEDIA reflects this in what nerd archetype characters are interested in but they pretend there's some hardcore anime/video game division. I remember when they got mad at /v/ for some random shit with the Watamote author but they turned around and went WE ARE LEJUN over some dumb shit relating to Kokoro Connect voice actors because they had high-school flashbacks.

Time has also vindicated "entry level anime" and whatever terrible mediocre seasonal romcom LN adaptations they were shilling at the time as the peak of the industry because they had cute girls in them have been buried and forgotten. They also jerked off pretending how they were the only ones who were aware of anime beyond shit like Cowboy Bebop, FMA, etc

3DPD was always a fucking joke when they have threads simping for whatever "seiyuu" just got married or drama. Also half these fanscans were always filled with retarded HEH WE'RE 4CHANNERS AMRIGHT greentexting in a TF2 lobby tier humor.

tldr; they were always coddled by the mods and they're no better than us in different ways
Soi, micro plastics, fluoride, sedentism, etc
Jannies what am I paying you for
/a/ is still better, but the bar is not very high. /a/'s becoming just as overrun with nostalgia addicted retards posting the same OLD GOOD NEW BAD bullshit over and over, well known schizo spammers nippleschizo and bikinischizo in particular, hourly reposts of garbage, and pseudogenerals about the lowest common denominator of the hobby.
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>Rent an NTR fantasy profile picture
Not even redditors like this shit Manga anymore.
Mmmmm I love being sedentary. I'm feeling more and more girly each day hellz yeah!
Also need to know the artist's name
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Cartoon girls represent my psyche in a way nothing else can
Can you name a fun game released in America after 2020?
if you use anything other than default pfp, you are a faggot
Based and correct
I told you to get me a Monster Zero, you stupid faggot
Because it's my waifu and I want every lesser man to know that my taste is superior than theirs
Are you retarded? Jesus fucking Christ nigger, italics are one of the easiest things in the world to manage in any subbing software.
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Japanese devs releases games in America all the time
The most autistic hill to die for. Caring about what media player method you watch shit on is about as pointless as caring about someone buying a game for $5 less on GOG or EGS compared to what they "should" have paid on steam, or worse: piratevegans piping up. Of all problems with modern /a/ (I had a post nuked there because I said something negative about akiba maid war and frieren, and I don't mean "tranny tranny tranny jew troon shill slop", I mean just saying they weren't good), using a streaming service instead of sucking dick and filling out a fucking corporate job application to be allowed into sekrit klub private trackerland so you can torrent shit and then fuss over which build of mpv you should use to not lose street cred? That's the lowest of the low on the totem pole of shit that matters.
I want to have sex with Astolfo.
My profile pic is a bird
Most likely because you're pedantic and a retard. Not only is it immediately obvious what small mistake he admitted to making (and therefore not worth further discussion), but you are also such an insufferable faggot that nobody wants to engage you in conversation. To that end, don't bother replying, because I won't read it.
>akiba maid war
>they weren't good
You have abysmal taste and you're a normalfag, fuck off back to /a/ so you can be among your kind nigger.
I'm using notepad.
Making a style in italics is easy but trying to inset it in the middle of a regular sentence causes linebreaks.
overexposed to anime and pornography will troon out even the straightest white male. never watch tranime bros
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>profile picture at 10
xigbar from kingdom hearts
>profile picture at 30
dale gribble
just like me frfr but at 15 and 30
seems like OP is a zoomer
I'm 30....
>back then
Goku pfp
GOATjo pfp

Moeshit as profile picture = tranny
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Should I play Baldur's Gay 3 to protect myself from trooning out??
That sounds about right. I thought King of the Hill was gay and boring when I was a kid. Now as an adult, I recognize it's brilliance
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Anime website
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This is my profile pic, my banners are of Osaka resting her head on the windows xp hills
>/v/ OC
Yeah, shit that happens once a year at best and will get reposted in a week on social media because/v/ is newfag central, just look at the iceberg shit or TLOU 2 edits, speaking of which, yeah they were pretty fun, that's undeniable, you know what wasn't fun? Spamming TLOU related stuff for months, it's the TORtanic effect, when a shitty game gets release, /v/ makes fun of them and then newfags flood the board trying to fit in and not knowing when to stop. And what the fuck are you talking about /a/ not making OC's? Just over the top of my head, the yearly tradition of putting anime characters in a random photo still persist, /a/ sings still happens (last one was Lain OP if I remember correctly), secret s/a/NTA and the valentine tradition still persist if you want to count that as OC, last year some anon made a manga about a guy that likes punching stuff, hell, this fucking morning there was a thread about drawing a manga panel and trying to guess from which manga it is, also, I don't know what you mean by "meaningful OC", if you mean popular then that's a good thing, because newfags aren't going to ruined or worst, post them outside of 4chan (see for example Pepe, "slop", gigachad, etc)
>threads that can go off the rails entirely but still have interesting discussion
Nigger, I'm not clicking a dogshit off topic thread just because there is a 0,0001% chance of somebody saying something interesting and people having the enough neurons to create a conversation from that, at that point I should start browsing dogshit boards like /pol/ or /b/ because on very few occasions there is an interesting thread (also, you are basically telling me "just keep gambling, bro"). Not to mention that you are at mercy of schizos derailing the thread, case in point that bizarro /v/ thread where everyone pretended to be a woman
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Anime fans being right wing makes no sense when anime makes you a gay trans pedophile
Based tranime pipeline pointer outer
>mentions cuckoldry and NTR out of nowhere
Y'all salty as hell bra calm down. Panties are in a bunch homie! We can all see that thong rn on god!
Ultra Based
but how would they get it back out if it's all the way in
got any more similairs to pic rel?
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bunkerchan's home board disappearing at the same time is merely coincidental
IDGAF about "what's played out" mongoloid
So true. Never watched that shit in my life. One day my friend shows me an episode of Chainsaw Man and now I'm permanently gay. Pastor says it's irreversible
so true. the moment I looked at a japanese drawing of a female person for the first time, it was like hrt for my brain and I instantly became more feminine and went from a male to a male with a wig.
My profile pic are always cool motherfuckers with sunglasses, the only anime girl as a profile pic I had was kat from my gravity rush on my psn account cause she is my cute dumb little bitch
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You're not some kind of gay dickless tranny who likes big anime titties are you?
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>which is already toeing the line on /a/ because you can get banned for simply saying nigger there sometimes
This is pretty unrelated but it's fucking crazy how sensitive 4chan has become in comparison to other sites. Even on normalfag sites these days you can openly say nigger and can get tens of thousands of likes for it, but it's a word moderation flip flops constantly on here. 4chan used to be considered "the wild west" of the internet but now there honestly isn't much that separates it from other sites other than the Anonymity aspect.
ty anon im a dad who likes looking at half naked anime girls when the misses isnt looking
I actually do wish I was a cute anime girl but I have no delusions of currently or ever being a woman.
My cock's too big to fit in anything other than boxer shorts
Twitter is literally the inbred child of tumblr and /pol/. Hell, I'd argue they are more unhinged than any of those two have ever been.
Estrogen broken down
Estrogen = object of desire
Gen = Genesis or creation
Sorry I meant estro- but my feminine smart phone autocorrected me haha.
I always liked cute stuff
pic rel was my profile pic as a kid
You can make those in Hearts of Iron 4. They are not better than Artillery at first but, if you do full Rocker Research, they do come out on top.
Not that anon, but I just like looking at cute anime girls. Really all the explanation you need.
>/a/ sings
>/a/ animates
>secret s/a/nta
>yearly rewatches

can't believe that anon is comparing the gay ass /v/gas to those
To add to this:
>/a/ is stale discussion wise
You have no idea how fucking bad anime discussion is now days, outside of /a/ you have to deal from faggots that have only watched a resume on YouTube, to people that unironically hate anime, but still engage with his community, not to mention it's the only place where most people are honest with their opinion without being rude and explaining things in detail, don't get me wrong, there is no shortage of retards that thing that "POPULAR BAD" and other morons that don't discuss in good faith, but it's also the only place I have found where people can tell you why One Punch Man manga sucks as an adaptation
>"But muh directors, muh studios"
I still see people talking about those topics, but the truth is that most people don't care because most people watch anime for the stories, characters and scenes, I don't care how shitty a studio or director is, if they make a good anime, I'm going to watch it and say that is good (if that's the case of course)
None of us are making it to 70
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>childhood me thinks human face robots were coolest
>grown up me realizing grunts have the best designs.
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>Picture 1: A goy in his natural role as a soldier for Israel
>Picture 2: A future actually worth fighting for
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It's a propaganda tool. After 10 years of subverting one half into becoming deranged fags they will now begin subverting the other into deranged prudes. Both can't wait for global IDs to spite the other. Both are hostile towards anime and games with an anime aesthetic.
Don't you know anonymous sources familiar with 4chan in this very thread are saying it turns you gay?
Sort by reply per minute and /dbs/ is the fastest thread there, with the bump-limit /dbs/ thread in second, and occasionally the bump limit /dbs/ thread before that in third. Then you have One Piece, then the isekai general, then whatever inflammatory yuri thread is up, then whatever /r9k/ vs. cr*stal c*fe thread is up, then whatever thread has triggered ACK.

After that, it's a random grab bag of shonen threads and whatever Hackasaka Hacka manga is popular at the time.
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My favorite one is the bottom right of this image where some guy says "Most of it was ironic"
>/v/ sees asian drawing of a female person
/v/ has got to be the most mentally ill board there is
>You can go to MyAnimeList, Reddit,
Good point. Go back.
holy schizo collage
my profile picture has been the same for the past 13 years.
Come to /vr/ where most of us are 40+.. come see your future Anon...
>he doesn't know
You're going to think back on this comment one day.
Well if anime girls are gay then that makes me a raging homo
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this is the guy telling you you are gay if you like anime girls
same bro
He's already 30+, he's just projecting.
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What drives someone's life to this point
PB being consistently last all day only to win in the end was great
My pfp for the longest time was this xbox 360 free profile pic pack for old spice for some reason. It was like a little stick guy with a blue beard. Even logged into xbox.com and saved the image and used it for steam for years. Anyone have any idea what its called? Now i use a pfp of random characters i feel nostalgic about randomly like last month one of the jak 2 guard enemies.
Even as a kid I always knew the nameless rank and file armors were the coolest. When that Gundam Overwatch clone came out I exclusively played GM and Zaku
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that's clearly a boy
now this is good taste
I know.
Actual midlife crisis post
I don't understand your point, yes, /dbs/ is the fastest thread, they are notorious spammers, what your point? And I already explained to you that it's not a big deal because you can easily filter their threads
I'm pretty sure the scores were just totally random. The theory was the more people said a team the more points they got so peanut butter was spamming other teams, especially chocolate, all day as part of their submissive femboy cuck fantasy. But then the peanut butter sluts themselves won
masturbate just once and there's no going back
They like to make misleading opening posts that rival your resident 2hu threads.
Average CGDCT SoL moeshit tranime consumer.
Dumb low iq underage post
it's not out of nowhere, I'm pretty sure the anime in the OP pic has an ntr bit or the MC continuously simping over a girl
Spoonfeed me please. I need to inspect this artist's body of work a bit more. Yandex and Saucenao are both useless
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>>mentions cuckoldry and NTR out of nowhere
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My pfp is art of my OC that I had commissioned.
pic related but it's not the one I use.
>11 yo wants to be a man
>23 yo man wants a gf
makes sense to me
The strongest white male.
please tell me about her horscock
>visibly has brown skin
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Paco.
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Anon someone literally already posted the artist name.

She's a tiefling, not a draenei
>11 yo has a healthy level of testosterone
>23 yo has 0 t
makes no sense to me
This just means you're a straight male. It's normal
Thank you.
This just means you're a tranny. It's not normal
it's incredibly normal for men to plays as female characters without being a tranny.

It's also incredibly normal for men and women both to have thoughts about what it's like to be the opposite gender. Both of these things can happen without you having the urge to chop your cock off or get tit implants.

The fact you're so insecure about other men playing as women shows you're the one with some kind of hang-up or issue.
What's not normal about playing a game?
Coolness is entirely in execution. Scrawny rat-faced 12 year old kid with glasses and a CoD t-shirt is inherently uncool, and trying really hard to present yourself as cool is lame, vain, and insecure. Coolness is achieved effortlessly by those who deserve to be called cool. They don't need to tell everyone they're cool because everyone is already doing it for them.
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My pfp's have always been cute girls desu
A little over a decade ago though I found my waifu and have used her as my pfp ever since. (pic not rel)
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The 23 yo has even higher levels of t
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Must not masturbate to this must not masturbate to this must not masturbate to this must not masturbate to this must not masturbate to this must not masturbate to this must not masturbate to this must not masturbate to this must not masturbate to this must not masturbate to this
>/co/cksucker is a faggot
And no one was surprised.
>says the pedo still playing bibeogaims
Don't you have some underages to groom?
>immediately brings up raping children unprompted
>cartoon-watching faggot is a pedophile
And no one was surprised.
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Me but it's been updated to furry in my 30s
Everyday im grateful that i didnt roll furry in the fetish wheel of fortune
Genuinely how is this possible? I thought it was supposed to be baked into you by children's shows.
I guess local gaysex clubs that require fursuits.
That tracks.
could also be that. I played Sly Cooper as a child and thought Carmelita was cute.
I used to have a Raziel avatar on GameTrailers, then a Che Guevara Mario one on PSN then Steam and now I use a pixelated image of my penis. By now I mean since college and it's been this way for over 10 years now.
monke for me
women are cute to look at
gay april's fool's
when did you start taking hrt sister
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/v/eddit is full of AGP trannies btw
age 11: what if they think I'm a fag
age 23: I don't care if they think I'm a fag
and yet you're still here. Why are you hanging around trannies?
for me its the other way. As a teen/kid I used to play only women. Now I just like to play cool dudes
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that was just a joke
just a couple of bros acting gay for fun
It's just trooncorders attempting to coopt another medium for their agenda.
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I don't remember what my PFP was as a kid because I changed it so often.
Only thing I remember consistently was the type of minecraft skin I had which was either this warlock lookin dude with a hood and no face or a cod character. Then it eventually became a meme image I had lying around on my desktop
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Chief Two-Spirit say cocks should roam free like Buffalo.
Anon it's Osaka. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.
Anyone that actually believes /v/ is better than /a/ is a dumb nigger. Every single hour this board is spammed faggot off topic threads like those cuck and raceplay faggots. You would barely see anything like that and political faggotry on /a/ and most of the time those immediately deleted. Yes, /a/ is full of shonen discussion. But for such a young medium, a lot of of discussion has already occurred factoring in that a lot of manga has yet to be fully translated and are being swept away of neverending manga being released today. I'm almost convinced this entire is mostly discord faggots trying to sow discord to try and create fake discussion that goes nowhere.
/a/ is more infested than normalfags than /v/ which is why the quality is worse
What might be a shitpost on /v/ is unironic on /a/
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for me it's watching females get abused

it took me forever to get past the second Ogre battle in Dark Arisen because I kept getting boners seeing my all-female party get beaten and licked to death.

I have a friend literally named Qatar that likes getting close looks at the corpses of female characters in games like Ark and Rust.
us zoomers will inherit the earth. The future is now old man
Just trust your gut, lad.
what anima projection does to a mf
Average age of this site is like 30-32

30 minus 14 isn't 11.
it's still "what if they think I'm a fag" but the line of thinking is different
picking the dude is gay, so i pick the girl i am attracted to because I am not a gay
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>Anime girl profile picture?
>Can I see her tits?
>Sounds gay.
>profile picture at 11
>guns cool shooting stuff badass
>profile picture at 23
>my balls dropped and i want to fuck a cute girl
all is right in the world
>discuss unpopular show on /a/
>civil discussion that ends organically
>discuss unpopular game on /v/
>thread gets archived after 20 posts due to the constant reply baits in other threads
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>Hug me baby
>Wanna hold hands?
at age 23 you should not care about the why, you don't need to explain yourself
Porn addiction in the flesh.
>Strongest black man
Anon, which board post daily Twitter screnncaps about literally whos?
Which board talks about irrelevant ecelebs daily?
Which board doesn't shut the fuck up about politics?
>/v/ makes more oc than /a/
The fuck is this false info, /v/ hasn't made anything in years while /a/'s /a/ Draws project got its latest entry a few months ago. Name a single thing /v/ has created since April of this year
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Why is it always whites who get effected by anime this hard? I've been watching kusome forever and I have yet to be "sissified". It's always a certain type of person that gets to this point
/v/'s got routine ERP threads, this shouldn't be a surprise. They're probably the most faggy board here out of the high traffic ones
>/a/ sings
Almost universally shit. They have an incompetent person managing the mixing, lazy entrants who have neither singing ability or humor so it already fails on the two fronts old /a/ sings were appreciated for. It's just mediocre singing.

>/a/ animates
It's called /a/ draws, you retarded motherfucker. The last was the Lain OP and that took half a year to complete with the end product being garbage. The last good /a/ draws was Daicon IV.

Which has since ended. They straight up said they weren't going to be doing album releases anymore because they can't get enough talent (unsurprisingly). The other issue is that with any consistent group that makes content, they left /a/ and now organize on Discord (instead of the Titanpad they used before it shut down) and if you've ever popped into there, it's all normalfag shit when they discuss anything other than music. A shame it died though.

>Secret S/a/nta
This isn't OC, you retarded motherfucker. A bunch of boards do this too.

>yearly rewatches
Again, not OC. The 25 Days of Autism is the big one and it's filled with retards who haven't seen anime that was considered essential to /a/ years and years ago.
the /v/gas alone constitute more oc than /a/ makes in a year, go rewatch any year of them and you'd be stupid to think /a/ oc is more valuable than that
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>tfw I made it into the screencap
My post was the poz my neghole LMAO
>one annual project
That's it? Even /lit/'s shitty magazine has more oc volume than /v/, let alone all of /a/'s own annual stuff
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kinda hot ngl
This is unironically true but anons refuse to admit it for some reason. You could post about any topic that old /a/ used to discuss on /v/ nowadays, including Japanese memes, idols, anime, manga, visual novels especially and more and you'll get a more fulsome discussion here than you would on /a/ or /jp/.
yeah and that one annual project has more volume than anything /a/ makes
it's all relative
>not the Gouf custom
Secret S/a/nta mogs
Not OC.
and u're cool for posting this right?
You're right in a way, it goes beyond internet oc where people make actual handicraft.
damn, I honestly don't even remember that april fools day
>You have no idea how fucking bad anime discussion is now days, outside of /a/ you have to deal from faggots that have only watched a resume on YouTube, to people that unironically hate anime, but still engage with his community
That literally describes a sizable portion of /a/. Do you even browse the board? I don't even mean this ironically, do you seriously even browse the board? There are people that genuinely get their opinions from other people talking about anime on Youtube.
xbox 360 i think
You are right, how could we forget the insightful post on /v/ such as
>"wow, do Japs really do [thing]? They truly are subhumans"
>*World most obvious bait that's gonna get a thousand (you)'s because it's related to politics*
>"This thread has been pruned or deleted" (the other off topic threads are still alive, of course)
>Soft porn
>Thread gets archived at 22 replies because no one cares
Also, why would you want to talk about non-anime/manga related stuff on an anime and manga board? Go to /jp/ if you want to talk about that stuff
>Inb4 "b-but you could do it in the past!"
Yeah, because people knew how to behave since there were way less users, barely any phone posters and there was an healthy balance between off topic an on topic discussion, not anymore however
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>cherrypicking to prove your point
Don't bother replying to me nigger.

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