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Boomers be all like "YOOOO THIS COMBAT IS FIRE"
>No stamina.
drink a potion of fatigue little n'wah
every time, it's become a source of amusement for me
>no stamina
Every time.
It's functionally the exact same melee combat as Oblivion and Skyrim but with a reliance on dice rolls to determine your hit chance. If you don't like that then you don't like RPGS.
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Guess what you gotta do first before you can rest?
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I used all my morrowind shitposting webms last thread so have this instead
Sir, your potions?
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tbf most strangers arent going to help another these days
thats essentially being stranded
hit goblin, watch its health go down by tiny sliver because i didn't min max my stat increases [and that still wouldn't help much]

hit draugr, watch its health go down by small amount because I didn't craft 2000 iron daggers to make good enchanted gear

seriously i don't follow how watching health bar go down is that much better

MW is shit early because skill is low and you miss all the time, oblivion/skyrim is shit late because enemies become spongy. If anything i prefer first case because your character feels like they get stronger

((yes i know each game can be fixed with mods, but then the whole comparison is pointless))
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I dont even understand whats going on here.
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>zoomers be like "BRUH this game has rizz frfr sigma skibidi level 10 gyatt rizz frfr"
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I see the sludge, but that webm severely lacks crud
Famed wilderness survivalist and adventurer Bear Grylls shows you how he survived in the harsh barren wastes just by the skin of his teeth
maybe don't get into combat without stamina in the first place genius
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>no fast travel
a zoomer who didn't play the game made this meme
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it's funny because zoomies fucking love skyrimjob and FO4 yet the combat is basically the same as morrowwind
As far as vanilla goes, i prefer morrowinds combat to oblivions or skyrims.
For oblivion the melee is just shit all around. for skyrim i would need to at least disable enemy kill cams for the melee to not be total shit.

I realized that bethesda is actually just bad at game design when i played skyrim. enemy kill cams lock you into an in game cutscene where your character does mid combat where you could have lived if you had control of your character. its just bad design by devs who dont know what they are doing.
>someone deliberately spent his limited free time to create whatever this is
I swear to god those fucking killcams make my arrows miss more often too
>it aged poorly
It was weird at the time when it came out. Greg Kasavin's review of it when it released brought up the combat. There's never been an era of Morrowind's existence where the general public went "Yo this is cutting edge". "It aged poorly" is a common attempt to try and explain why Morrowind's combat was like that. But in reality it was a consequence of the game's extremely rough development and the fact nobody tried a game with that same scale before in 3D.
It's the same combat essentially but there is an additional layer of depth that they are too retarded to engage with. I don't understand how BG3 was so popular with that generation when they still can't grasp basic RPG fundamentals.
Baby Boomers dont play video games.
BG3 was only popular because it was well marketed and they focused on advertising how you and your discord friends could all play a story heavy RPG together

every normalfag i know that bought it stopped playing within 3 hours
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the only thing that irks me about the combat is how EVERY enemy can startle you with their attacks. i honestly dont mind getting abused by rats or cliff racers if they hadnt keep chasing me and startling my running anims with their attacks, or how if I got jumped by 2-3 enemies at once I
would be literally unable to perform attacks if i stand still because i would get startled endlessly. stupid design that causes nothing but frustration
most of my deaths in FO3 or NV are using VATS and having some melee enemy rush up to me and smack me twice while my character stares down their sights

pretty sure i instantly turned off cinematic kills in skyrim for that exact reason
fuck is this. look like a game to dedicate 500 hours to
>getting hit
couldn't be me
umm you're not supposed to point that out...
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>first person
you're not playing right, self-insert nigger
I just dumped weapons at some point and started going hand to hand which ripped to shreds almost all enemies I faced
Skyrim isn't good either. Bethesda has never produced a game with fun gameplay.
People may talk shit about soulslop and infinite rolling now but it's still 100 times more enjoyable than elder scrolls' "point at enemy and smash mouse button" gameplay
It's such a disastrously shitty mechanic. It's like 30% of the reason for the stealth archer meme. There's 3 big changes I'd like to see in ES6
>revert the stupid fucking "hands" equipment system
In prior games, you can heal or access spells while using a melee weapon and shield, same with bows. It's such a stupid experience to have to use hotkeys or favorites or even the menu system to cast a spell on the fly. Although all of these gamebryo games suffer from the same stupid mechanic of "hard fights = pausing all the time to use pots or buffs", Skyrim's equipment system is kinda the worst for making it an aspect of casting spells or trying to play any kind of hybrid. Not to mention you really can't set defaults for which hand a spell goes to - if you're playing S&B and try to heal it gets rid of your shield 90% of the time, although it seems to learn over time if you consistently manually equip it on one hand. But sometimes you may want to pick a specific hand for a spell or item to go to, which the hotkey system doesn't allow for, therefore more pausing.
>change blocked hits into fatigue damage vice lesser health damage
This makes shields not worth using, as you're severely limiting your damage output just to take some less damage. Sure there's perks to make it this way, but you can't access them at the outset of the game and there's a cooldown. It also makes the gameplay less dynamic and fun, you're just slowly draining health which leads to pausing to use pots or eat 100 apples. It always felt dumb that in any Beth game your character's ability to beat the hardest enemies is always a matter of having enough stimpaks/pots. A perfectly built, strong character with 0 pots would be more likely to die and lose than a crappy build with 999 healing items.
>no more insta-kills as soon as you're in range of a 2hander melee foe

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