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This line is so goddamn pretentious man. Acting like it's been a long arduous journey when really it's been like 2-3 hours just walking to places and hitting switches. The mc hasn't got a character and if they're going for a fourth wall type of deal - again - it's not even been a day story wise.
all stories are pretentious.
I didn't even know it said the top one. I mean the game says 17 years old is old so I guess that's the frame of time you're dealing with
>/v/cels in charge of having media literacy
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>This line is so goddamn pretentious man
Two sentences on top of an already built system sounds pretty frugal and having a little parallelism and callback isn't bad.
It's up to the rest of the game to make the economical detail matter.
The very hungry caterpillar was pretentious I agree.
Why is he very hungry when he eats all the time? Fucking psueds, when they did that butterfly shit I stopped reading
It insists upon itself.
>chara is the player, not frisk, game makes that apparent when it's chara who has your name while frisk is his own individual
>game only tells you "it's you" in the very route where chara doesn't take control
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>It's me, (player).
>Acting like it's been a long arduous journey
don't you ever get tired of being so bitter
maybe he was diabetic, but they pretend leaving out details like that is good writing. if it werent for the art no one would care about it enough to wonder such questions.
Most people on /v/ get winded walking five steps, drop the average /v/irgin in the Underground and they'll be worn out halfway through the Ruins.
Nah Undertale is good I just see this line regurgitated like gospel and I find it weird.
It probably wouldn't have been seen by most players if it was put near the end to make an actual impact lol
>I just see this line regurgitated like gospel
is that Sr. Pelo, friend and confidant of Shadman, the guy who draws little girls in pornographic material?
>Acting like it's been a long arduous journey when really it's been like 2-3 hours just walking to places and hitting switches.

For real, you try walking for hours on end like Frisk did. Kid should have legs like fucking Chun-li by the end of the game.
>Acting like it's been a long arduous journey when really it's been like 2-3 hours just walking to places and hitting switches
I mean if you ignore that the entire time he’s also trying to avoid getting murdered accidentally by a bunch of monsters and purposefully by at the very least Undyne, Muffet, and Metaton then yeah sure it was a pretty chill time
real chads like the Chameleon story
Incorrect, and yet you keep spamming this in every thread. Kill yourself.
What? It's literally the first time I've said that. But it's true. You want someone who could walk through the Underground without giving up, you're on the wrong board, try, /fit/ instead.

I bet OP never even went hunting for ducks before let alone killed a monster.
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>I bet OP never even went hunting for ducks
ChatGPT has more creative replies.
You just have to smile at them and read the most recent post on Tumblr till they leave it's not hard.
>Acting like it's been a long arduous journey when really it's been like 2-3 hours just walking to places and hitting switches.
did you miss the part where they're constantly attacked by otherwordly monsters that they potentially kill
>um akshully
This game um akshully's the entire RPG genre, it's fair criticism.
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>This game um akshully's the entire RPG genre
Another filtered retard?
Some are still Slowpoking The Boys.
This isn't pretentious on its own, but having a route where the game goes
is extremely pretentious, yes
insects > reptiles
unless, of course, you ARE a lizard.....you aren't a lizardperson....are you, anon?
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Literally impossible
It's "um akshully" gameplay wise, story wise it's a really vague and sort of stupid to talk about it, because it just boils down to "do you like 4th wall breaks in games or not" which isn't a useful or thought-provoking discussion.
>what if you TALKED to enemies instead of fighting
and it isn't as engaging gameplay wise as fighting in other rpg's OR as TALKING in other RPG's, cause it isn't even like SMT where there's some negotiation, some randomness, or strategy. It's main gameplay is puzzle solving, and it's main combat is bullet hell. This shit is NOT an rpg; it has zero depth. Honestly would have worked better as a webcomic.
Use Ballet Shoes and Cloud Glasses mon ami. If you didn't pick up the ballet shoes you gotta withstand 3-4 more turns from Undyne and you should probably reset your save if you can't dodge her attacks long enough.
god i wanna fuck chara
is toriel the hottest mommy milf in videogame history?
>wrong on every count
He's right, retard. The game is designed from the ground up to subvert the rpg genre at every turn
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Shut up nerd
For me, it's the scorpion and the frog
I thought it was effective. A story doesn't need to be temporally long or technically arduous in the case of a game to affect a sense of displacement.
The line is deeper than you retards can even fathom. The ubiquity of our shared experience is what compounds the emotion of the moment, it IS still you. It is still all of us. Despite EVERYTHING. The relentless attack on the player and forcing him...OR HER!!! ...To confront the harsh truth of their own reality as the mirror simply reflects the player character back at them through the screen. Truly a keen insight from a modern intellectual.
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>Getting filtered by undertale of all games
Might as well an hero at this point
I'm getting filtered by trying to no miss the fucking Kickstarter backers. Have to sit through the credits every single time
Gayest post on this website at the current moment.
Fuck you, either do a no kill genocide run RIGHT NOW or I will have your 4cuck account deleted
Harder than Sans, I won't deny I suck at dealing with the arrows.
Game sucks. It has fine music and the combat is also fine. Everything else is noticeably bad.
>mostly shit characters (tip to writers: being quirky is not a replacement for a personality)
>shit story
>humor is very hit or miss
>short game length
>some sprites and areas are ugly
>extremely bad "choice" system
>no kill
>genocide run
Those two things contradict each other, dumbass
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>Can't do it
LMAO fucking retard, how does it feel being so bad at video games?
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"I've been dead for 35 years. Today is the day I live." >>>>>>>> any line from an rpg in the last 10 years
the player is not chara or frisk.
The gameplay is also gimped by the fact that Toby cares more about cheap gimmicks than taking advantage of his system, he has a hardon for subverting the rpg genre no matter what and he's scared of challenging the player at all.
>He didn't train on shitty fanmade battles that were unbalanced out the ass
Yes, what of it?
Most people I watch play this game cry at this part, so I think the line's effective.
>most people I watch play-
Fag zoomer.
I think they cry at Home in general, not just this line. I think the story of the fallen human and the Dreemur family tragedy is the best piece of writing Radiation ever put on screen, and I think the monsters recounting that story to you is exceptional (even if it's just no gameplay+walking but you're used to that by now)
This better be bait
I actually agree that some of undertales writing is a bit pretentious. The way a lot of characters react to you during the genocide run made me feel like it was
every year /v/ gets even more loose with the word pretentious.
it's just a callback
Because having a replica of Toriel's house wasn't enough of a callback?
"Despite everything, it's still you" is a pretty pretentious and self-important thing to add to a 2 hour indie game about dating gay furries.
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>hey i killed a bunch of people why are people reacting so over the top at me
sometimes i forget that psychopathic jews browse this website. like not just some schlomo whos kvetching but real actual psychopaths who dont understand human emotions at all and wave bloody chickens over their head in an effort to trick god.
>t. pedophile
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that doesnt make it good though. nothing about it stands out or stands up to criticism. all of the characters are fairly one note, the gameplay is just a worse version of SMT combat and babbies first SHMUP, the art style is shit, the story is basic as fuck, and the music is almost entirely plagiarized and the only reason he got away with it is because the game became so popular.

Omori is everything undertale wishes it could be.
I don't remember praising undertale in my post, but go off anon
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>the music is plagarized
name 5
my mistake anon, i will admit that based on your post i made the assumption you were pointing out that it was subversive because you saw this as something that somehow automatically added quality to the game.
It's related to the genocide route and how "it's still you" rather than someone else controlling you.
Undertale is good and I'm tired of /v/ pretending it's not.
Omori is actual dogshit rpgmaker slop. How you think it even holds a candle to Undertale or Deltarune is completely beyond me when it's mogged on pretty much every level
So what is the reason behind Chara suddenly appearing and taking total control of Frisk, yet not at the same time in most non-Geno routes?

Citation also needed.
What's good about it?
Now that you mention it, kind of.
But from the player´s perspective, it´s unlikely that they complete the game in one sitting, thus giving it effectiveness to it despite it not being effective
So let us explain and delve deeper. The philosophical and very laid out and intricate question of the reflection of the self in the extent by wich Frisk looks upon itself by the itself in the window after what has been implied by the text as an "Ardous and long journey" such as the anon here has described it´s presented to us by way of the very main character. However, by extension as it presents it to us, it´s rather trying to convey it to the player wich has already spent an considerable amount of time emotionally invested into the game. Apart from obviously in all cases having taken an direct role in the salvation. So theres an (1/2) Ego decay here that instantly gets drowned upon to the player once interacted with the sans, thus giving the artificial storytelling that breaks the boundary between character and player in a mutualist manner an effective effect upon the actual main user, and not the main character (as it was not intended for it)

Bottom text
The only genuinely bad parts of the game IMO are Alphys and Chara.

Alphys' deeper lore is fine, but good lord she's the fucking personificaiton of lul so randumb XD tumblr slop humor. And that's pretty much all she is except for true lab. Undyne also suffers from this to an extent. She le epically le throws le spear at table and it le breaks and she's so quirky and le zaaanyyyyyyyy.

Now Chara.... Chara would genuinely be a better character if the shitty le spooky creepypasta segment at the end of the genocide route wasn't there at all. It's stupid as fuck

Anyway, I'd say the only characters with actual depth are Sans and Asgore.
Characters in Deltarune already mog most characters in Undertale. Seems like Toby finally is starting to be a good writer.... except for the forced lesbian garbage no one cares about. I hope Gaster pays off
memorable and likable
fun and unique
simple and memorable

it's just a good game jerked off by kids and hated on by contrarian kids (4chan version)
You get this line in Neutral so I don't wanna hear how "It's still me" because I saved a little Vulcan and killed everyone else.
Holy buzzwords, batman!
nah it's a pretty basic and cute line for a child who went through a genuinely weird and scary experience, the length has nothing to do with anything so i know you're retarded for even bringing it up
It isn't a tale the Jedi would tell you
buzzword posts deserve buzzword replies
I thought credits was easier than Sans

Significantly easier
Bitch Frisk didn't go through a weird and scary experience that kid don't give a fuck
God I love undertale.
Gonna go listen to the OST now. Have fun seething, op.
Another Medium, CORE, and Asgore are the best tracks in the game
The funny part of this reply is that the only people green enough to fall for bait this obvious are zoomers
see >>683843971
you dumb retard
hating chara is the same as hating the entire video game.
If Undertale is so good, how come there's no Undertale 2
because literally don't you have anything better to do?

and deltarune sucks, fuck yall
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You're gonna want to sit down for this...
a monster fish lady trying to kill you would be considered a weird and scary experience for literally any child, yes
He actually made real criticism though
>Characters are fairly one note
They objectively are, pretty much every character is a cliché that spams the same one trait again and again (Toriel is the overprotective mother, Papyrus is an idiot, Undyne is ultra agressive, etc.)
>Gameplay is basically a very simplified SHMUP and is extremely barebones when it comes to the rpg elements
>The art is legitimately shit, from bad assets to bad drawings. Toby even gimped the more talented Temmie since her art was way better than his, and he wanted all the art to be at his own shitty level
>The story is basically another Friendship is Magic lesson, it's as basic as it gets
>The music being plagiarized has been noticed by several people to the point where the original tracks often are often riddled with undertale fags that spam the comment section
I'm sorry you have no joy left in your heart.
Waiting for Chapter 3 has rotted my soul and corrupted my being.
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That isn't pretentious at all, honestly. The actual playtime of a game being shorter than the implied time it takes the story to finish is really common. If you want actual pretentious shite, read Toby's old posts about the Halloween Hack.
Just because you associated with someone like that for a single video project years ago doesn't make you "friends"
Go back to your retarded witch hunt, Twittertroon
Jump in front of a steamroller while you're at it
if anyone got through all of undertale and thought the lesson is friendship is magic then theyre retarded
undertale is FUNDAMENTALLY about getting over something, usually loss, but extrapolated to anything else. Thats why the game always hammers home the concept of "dont you have anything better to do?" Theres no undertale 2 because the entire point of this game is that you're supposed to move on from it.
>music is plagiarized
Easy peasy. Here's numbah 1
the halloween hack was a prototype for deltarune
In this world your choices don't matter.
and that's exactly why deltarune is going to be up-its-own-ass shit releasing years after everyone already played and got tired of the "just turn the game off haha" type of game
This game is gonna fucking suck so hard, man.
You didn't enjoy the game from the get go, so why bother playing all the way through. On the first playthrough, someone that's genuinely invested in the characters and story and takes their time partaking in the various minigames and will spend more than 2 to 3 hours before reaching this moment.
time stamp the part this is supposed to be from you absolute retard, this doesnt even sound like any song from undertale, let alone being a copyright violation.
Hit the treadmill OP. High incline, set the speed to be about the pace of a brisk walk, do this for 30 minutes. You'll feel so good.
there's an outdated copypasta guy, thus more songs are plagiarized.
Undertale is Tumblr garbage for bullied kids.
shut up man, I got it from a song I was listening to
>we made a list
your list is fake and gay. Toby fox can effortlessly copy the style of great musicians. he doesn't need to copy notes. if you think he did, prove it with the notes, not a dude trust me bro.
>but what about mario
what the actual fuck are you seething about in an undertale thread retard?
the joke is that musicians take things they like from other songs, and its common practice throughout the industry. and that's why i'm posting mario.
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you really expect me to believe people still malding over underhou after almost 10 years have the capacity to be self deprecating by citing plagiarism only ironically?
Your own fault by playing arbage indie games
i like omori but omocats a complete buffoon for making it anywhere near that long
Reminder that Toby plagiarized the Dimensional Boxes 1 for 1 from Brandish. Why would he stop here with his plagiarism?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51yni6pCXM8 [

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGBJAmTDKYI [
















ONE of the hottest yes.
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>OP whines that a game is pretentious while making up an pretentious reading of deliberately blunt gag
none of it was real criticism
>characters usually have some internal conflicts, toriel has a legitimate reason for her protectiveness, undyne is a retarded blockhead but also truly heroic, etc
>gameplay is unique, a combination of rpg and shump that hasnt been done before, and peaks during the sans fight. It's simple and effective, complexity =/= good, tetris is still a great game.
>the art is memorable and so are the designs
>you are retarded if you think that's the story
>source needed
yes, and you are?
dumb phoneposter
>link songs that literlaly sound nothing alike
lmao actual schizophrenia
Buddy is a bitch, *the* bitch.
>Characters in Deltarune already mog most characters in Undertale.
the new characters in Deltarune are exactly as flat and shitty as the ones in Undertale except they're based on anime high school tropes now instead of JRPG shopkeepers and dead webcomics
>still seething beyond lunacy
yikes and cringepilled

see >>683846251


Cope. Reminder that Toby is a repeat offender when it comes to plagiarism, as the halloween hack blatantly plagiarized Ares' sprite from Brandish
>Theres no undertale 2 because the entire point of this game is that you're supposed to move on from it.
and buy merch
and deltarune is not related to undertale at all (which you should have moved on from) even though 60% of the game is undertale references so far also buy merch
also escapism bad but please wait warmly while game is loading for the next 7 years to buy merch
Arrest, reminder that schizophrenia is a real crime.
i get some of these are supposed to be funny references like the 009 soundscape one and the dating theme one but that gaster one is 90s era sega teir holy shit
My God, you're actually serious
You motherfuckers really don't know the difference between plagiarism and homage, but here's a hint: one is legally actionable and music companies are infamously litigious. Some of these aren't even the same progression, just vaguely similar
Toby knows exactly how much of a song to slightly change to make it an homage instead of plagarism and avoid the law. Like Bobby Prince did for Doom.
you're wrong and a fag. No i will not elaborate
Good lord I really hope the comparisons you just posted are not serious. You're not THAT retarded, are you???
Hi poopy joe. Please stop being completely tone-deaf. Maybe pick up an instrument and learn some music theory. This is just getting sad.
Correct, and it's why this
https://youtu.be/X2nk8KilAZo is plagiarism and led to action.
>This line is so goddamn pretentious man. Acting like it's been a long arduous journey when really it's been like 2-3 hours just walking to places and hitting switches.

im pretty sure it took me longer to reach that place, anyways, its an amazing line, bozo
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dont bother talking to it, this game has been out for 10 years, do you really think hes going to listen? its funny he posted a company that is actually someone who got beaned for plagarism. Based toby, falcom chad.
yes thats why they totally made an entire arc about mocking a cowardly consoomer larper.
my bad, I didn't realize UT had a recognized schizo. Disregarding from now on
You faggots froth at the mouth over the most trivial shit. Touch grass.
Did they? Where?
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Toby would totally never plagiarize. It's not like he did it before, down to stealing the very name of the character. Oh wait
>and deltarune is not related to undertale at all
so explain why some UT characters are in deltarune despite she did not gave permission to use it.
its our fault for poking the beehive to be honest, I dont regret taking my favorite 3d zelda down a peg though. theres no point being peak if you cant be criticized.

anyway I want to take a minute to use this schizo as an object lesson for anyone in this thread who might be anti AI

To those of you who actually believe that people will not treat even paying homage and using a similar style as copyright infringment, here it is in black and white, they will, it doesnt matter if you are a based artist, this is the common denominator. Laws cant be made to serve the exceptions, they have to be made to curtail the hands of retards like this whos ideas of creating things starts and ends with MINE MINE MINE. as much as they can get, they will get. Meanwhile corporate media giants never had a problem outputting oceans of slop. its only lately that AI has allowed smaller groups to compete. don't fall for their tricks. they are salavating at the day that one man can copyright making someones hair cover their eyes or wearing shoulder gaurds that are big.
that's just what toby said, don't ask me
Is this what you call an "homage" ?>>683848140
i wouldn't even care about the whole plagiarism thing if people didnt praise him as this music genius and trying to deny when he clearly did at at least a few times
its like
>hey did you know marble zone is actually music to watch girls by by andy williams
>oh wow, yeah thats insane how they got away with that
>hey did you know toby used this one part in kirby for like a bunch of parts of undertale
im starting to think someone set up a bot to scan for the links in >>683846251 to type out an automated reply saying how it dosent sound any similar
>undertale belongs solely to temmie
even if temmie has creative control why would she say no to the one who paid her to make them?
anyway the point of undertale and deltarune being seperate is that deltarune isn't a sequal, whatever state you finished undertale in is the state of that world in perpetuity, you dont get a jail out of free card or unhappy unfair sad times depending on route and severity of deltarune.
yes, it's falcom paying homage to adol. Kind of a wierd flex but Ys did take the top 3 highest selling nip PC games in the past.
>opens his statements by saying its plagarism
>gets surprised when people BTFO him
meanwhile everyone jokes fondly about turnabout sisters to the point that toby included the joke in an actual remix. Kys schizo.
That confirms it, you are a retqrd who knows nothing
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these ones are fucking shameless
It's... from an earthbound romhack he made when he was like 16... You cannot be serious dude
my man, are you fucking for real right now?
what hes talking about the sprite that looks nothing like varik's sprite?
not the actual design?

Even if toby fox released a game with that sprite today it wouldn't be copyright infringement, the stuff on the right is not comparable in any way to on the left, they are legally distinct.
Yeah, it could be forgiven if he didn't repeat the offense again for Undertale. Hell, Toby constantly rips off Brandish in Undertale in general, and the only reason that it hasn't been called out is that Brandish is old and obscure
It's because you retards keep spamming a list with literal schizo-tier comparisons that anyone who ever composed anything, played an instrument or even fucking listened to any music other than bideogame shit can laugh at.

Just going through spotify recently, trying to find some jap power metal, I literally found like 10 songs that have nearly identical melodies or arpeggios. A melody being similar is absolutely not plagiarism. There's a lot more that goes into it. I seriously doubt the Kirby thing is intentional.

There are obvious cases like Megalovania being based on that one Brandish song, which Toby admitted. The list you guys spam is grasping at straws and 70% of it is hallucinating shit in literal random songs that Toby probably never even listened to.

Want a song that Toby obviously was inspired by? It's from Brandish too.
This is quite literally Dialtone from Deltarune Chapter 2. It's very blatantly Dialtone down to the vibe and similar lead and backing melodies. even the strings in the background.
It's literally the exact same design retard. Varik is Ares' localized name in Brandish 1, so even the name was stolen
Toby taking inspiration from Brandish is a known fact in the utdr community lol what are you on about. It's one of his favorite games of all time. I myself am planning to play through the Brandish series just to see where toby took inspiration from for his games. It's fun seeing little parts of an old JRPG and thinking "Oh this definitely inspired X in Deltarune".
i dont think the kirby thing is unintentional, it feels hommage as fuck to me, but its hilarious to hear the guy call it plagarism because it evokes the same mood. Honestly this is what we will have soon when they ban AI. people will get retarded schizo jews like this seething over someone drawing a character who is pink and simple and go "THATS KIRBY ADJACENT YOU ARENT ALLOWED TO HAVE THAT!"
I agree on if you give a mouse a cookie being pretentious also old McDonald did not just have a farm
Undertale is a magnet for Retards.
One of the worst games of all time. I genuinely never met a smart person who liked it.
> I genuinely never met a smart person
fixed that for you, it's not a shocker that people dont want to hang out with retards if they are smart btw.
actually sweetie i have 140 IQ and I love undertale. Maybe you were simply not smart enough for the people that like it ;)
I genuinely cannot think of an indie game that generates as much seethe and schizoposting as Undertale on here for whatever reason
...which is funny because I still vividly remember the catalog being filled with Spamton & Queen shitposts when chapter 2 dropped. Well, can't wait for another round of that in 4 months when ch3-4 drop
Well, if you play the series, play the PC-98 versions as they're the best ones out there. That is implying you don't get filtered hard
They're mostly action dungeon crawlers with a few rpg elements
omg guys a chapter 3-4 just flew over my house.
Retards with shit humor, kill yourself
name a game you find funny so I can call you a fag regardless of what game it is
Kek, even if they were released tomorrow, there's no way that the wait time would be justified
Hong Kong 97
>4 months
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Undertale gets rightfully shit on here because it's thrash yet gets treated as the best game ever by its rabid fanbase. If you want a circlejerk, go to r*ddit
...rightfully shit on by a few obsessed fags lol. Were you even here for Deltarune chapter 2's release?
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>Let me circlejerk in peace
No, I'll keep calling the game shit. Now go back to r*ddit
Maybe you'll get that money spent on furry porn back one day, poopy joe
I don't know that you're going to convince anyone your opinion's worth listening to, if you're making it obvious you have and had personal grievances with something for nine years.
You just look mentally ill at that point.
i think im actually gonna stay here, as I have since the Undertale demo dropped in 2013, and spam this board with Deltarune threads when chapter 3 drops and it's universally liked here like everything Toby shits out
>You can't say mean things about my favorite game
Wrong website, r*dditfags
I think there's a marked difference between violently seething for a decade, and "saying mean things" about a game.
I think that a game can't just be free of criticism just because it's old, and that only a circlejerk would disagree with such a statement
>someone makes thread about shit game
>some random says "this sucks"
Sure man.
I mean this thread isn't really just "saying some things".
You and I both know that.
I have yet to see proper deep criticism of the game, its mechanics and its story and not just screeching that stems from not actually understanding the story (which is funny because it's not some kind of a groundbreaking super deep story) or literal auditory hallucinations when crying about muh plagiarism

I mean, I personally think Undertale is a solid 7.5/10, with Deltarune already brutally mogging it. Undertale does some things poorly and the humor is hit or miss. Maybe it's good to find a balance. Anyone not being able to comprehend why Undertale is liked by people is simply just low IQ. Sorry.
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When chapter 3?
2 more weeks trust the plan
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Today I will remind them
Hmm, perhaps it's because you dismiss any criticism as "screeching", no matter what it is? Hell, I'll throw you a bone and let you say what makes undertale good.
>The Persona 2 ones
Fuck I never bothered to open these links but fuck that's is pretty shameless, specially the second one.
This isn't even about if Undertale is good or not, look at this entire thread.
more like 5 minutes
>This retarded shit again
Reminder that Undertale got voted as the most hated game and won several negative awards when it was judged by 4chan
>inb4 it's rigged
jesus christ, spamton got stuck in 1992
this happens because a few autistic retards spam threads all day about how something is the best game ever, and then once the normal retards play it and realize it's garbage or mediocre, people pretend like there was some massive shift of opinion instead of the truth which is people actually tried it
you can kind of see it happening now with nine sols but it never really caught on. the autistic retards are still spamming it every day though
it's not pretentious at all, it's flavor text that a bunch of normies made out to be the greatest storytelling in indie gaming history. You're mad about the perception of the line, not the line itself.
undertale is boring
real gs play oneshot
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>that gaster one is 90s era sega teir holy shit
Gaster's theme is literally four notes
they sound nothing alike, toby has even explicitly stated that Battle Against a True Hero is heavily inspired by Touhou
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>a few autistic retards
He probably thinks that Grand Dad 7 is an homage to Mario
>game about dating gay furries
>only dateable characters are an autistic cosplaying skeleton and a shut-in lesbian iguana (and even then you don't actually date the latter)
i think your math is a little off there
yes, retard, inspired, he's even worked with ZUN, so I don't think he sees it as plagiarism
Uhhh no he obviously just stole it, I mean why would anyone think that Toby could even make music that sounds like Touhou?
It's not like he's recorded himself freestyling Touhou-style music and explaining his thought process every step of the way
That's so based, source?
It works as a homage to various old jrpgs. The choice system works well and makes Blind playthroughs and replays fun. The characters are mostly fun and interesting. The hidden lore is perfect for autists to latch onto. (That more applies to deltarune tbf). The bullet hell combat with the soul gimmicks Is pretty fun even if pretty easy outside of the genocide route. The meta commentary on videogame completionism autism was pretty cool and well-done except for cringe stuff like LV being muh level of violence.

It's pretty easy to see why people like it and its characters and story unless you're genuinely retarded. The criticism cannot be taken seriously if you go "URGHGH UNDERTRANNY WORST GAYME EVER AIIIIEEEEE TOBY HACK PLAGIARISM TRANNY GAME LE GAME CALLS ME EVIL FOR DOING THE GENOCIDES AIIIIEEEEE 0/10"
>The mc hasn't got a character
yes that's the literal point of the scene, retard.
Except that your fanfic about people playing it and thinking it's le bad doesnt actually happen lol. Not on the scale you think it does but you live in your echochamber lol.
Well, even here toby's games are liked by the majority here. Be careful to not out yourself as a newfag that wasnt here in 2018 or even 2021. /v/ loved undertale and deltarune. Check the archives
Your thread is pretentious.
Are you sure that's what's happening? Are you sure it isn't that wildly popular game with millions of players gets threads when it gets released, and then a few autistic retards make threads for years afterwards about how much it makes them seethe?
it's pretty funny how he cries plagiarism when undertale has been out for almost 10 years and, like you said, record companies LOVE suing people and toby has yet to be sued
I will never understand you actual schizo retards that think every thread about a game you don't care about is some shill campaign. Genuinely kys
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youre the one seething because this new game took and older good game down a peg.
The funny part is that Toby literally works with a lot of the people he supposedly stole from lol. He made music for Pokémon games, had a collab with ZUN, got megalovania into Smash, is friends with the creator of Mother and so on
to me its delta rune thats hit and miss but the thing that moved undertale from 8 to 9.5 to me was chara's story and theres admittedly no way to know if delta rune will be a flop until we get the payoffs. I don't, though, as a rule, like one way tragedies so the game will probably disappoint me. I like chara's story because you have the option to heal their heart as well as destroy it.
no no no, you don't get it, toby has an army of 200k crisis actors
>Characters are fairly one note
not true
>Toriel is the overprotective mother
toriel's self-destructive overprotectiveness comes from a totally rational place while also being lampshaded by the fact that she's arguably just as guilty as asgore is for what happened to all the humans who fell down after chara and asriel died
>Papyrus is an idiot
this is perhaps the most annoying psyop i've ever been forced to endure
papyrus is much smarter than he lets on, being the only reason undyne doesn't throw you out of her house the instant you go inside and also being at least partially aware of things he realistically shouldn't have any knowledge of
he also sticks to his guns and refuses to accept the idea that the player can't become a good person if they're doing a genocide run or something along those lines and even though he's terrified of you (by his own admission if you choose to spare him and abort a genocide run) he still reaches out and offers you mercy
>Undyne is ultra agressive
undyne's a meathead and starts out as being super anti-human, but meeting one that doesn't match the stereotype she has in her head causes her to question her own beliefs and by the time you finish hanging out with her she's genuinely grown as a person
simple =/= bad
>The story is basically another Friendship is Magic lesson, it's as basic as it gets
that is not even remotely what the story is about
undertale is a game about persevering while also being able to recognize that it's ok to settle for "pretty good" instead of "perfect"
there's nothing the player can do to save asriel even in the best possible ending, no matter how many hundreds of times you run through it, and that's something the player has to be ok with
it also challenges the player to really consider their relationship with the game itself by baking common game mechanics like the save system into the world/plot and having the act of using it present tangible consequences
>[blatant lie]
>Toby knows exactly how much of a song to slightly change to make it an homage instead of plagarism
I know they don't teach music in schools anymore but it's so fucking funny that people unironically think this
"It's the same sentence, he changed the words and wrote it in a different font but it still kind of sounds similar so he must have copied it!"
>except for cringe stuff like LV being muh level of violence
What is even wrong with this? It's funny
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there is a lot of reasons undertale is good and not good but the main reason the criticism in this thread is not so good is because it focuses almost entirely on shit that isn't true, like plagarism, and calling toby a hack.

speaking from a very personal angle, learning how writing works has always been tolld to me that I will hate stories and start not liiking things because of it, but I have to say upon reflection that that seems like a skill issue from redditors and academics. Learning these skills makes me fully appreciate things even if what makes them work is silly or self indulgent or not full of the self important depth people want it to have.

If you want to know why Undertale resonates with people so much you can just look up supergaypatch wolfs video on it, because ultimately despite being way too long of a video it is a perfect denoument of the game, it tells a story through gameplay in a way that is absolutely making it better for it being a game. it does things story wise that cant be done as easily in a book or other mediums and capitalizes on those things to make it's player base enjoy the journey. it reacts to players actions in ways that will influence games for more than a decade after it. and it works as well as it does because it puts that shit front and center instead of burrying it behind a million different gameplay loops. whether you like the actual theme of the game, or the writing, or the jokes, or the mechanics, it's clear that undertale is a game first and foremost. its amazing to me how many AAAcks miss how important that is.
for whatever reason when undertale became beloved by wider audiences a small but vocal cluster of people either refused to engage with it out of a hipster-esque principle or did engage with it, didn't like it as much as the people they saw online and got weirdly mad about it for some reason
Kek, whatever helps you sleep at night
>Choice system
You either get to play a route that 99% a waste of time (and the only two boss fights worth a damn), a route that you simply let the enemies do their shit until they allow you to win with no challenge at all or a route that's just objectively a waste of time. Great choices there
If you find the undertale characters fun and interesting, you really are no better than a little child mentally speaking. Toriel is just le overprotective mom to a t, Papyrus is le retarded but nice, Sans is the lazy edgelord who's secretly strong, Undyne is the overly agressive self proclaimed hero, Alphys is le quirky female nerd, Mettaton is just a dragged out joke of a celebrity, and Flowey is evil. Asgore is the only one with any amount of personality, but even then he doesn't have much because of how little he gets to shine.
>Hidden lore
It would help if the actual plot was less barebones, as diving into lore only becomes relevant if it enhances what's already there. Plus, it's all 2deep4u shit that amounts to very little overall
>The bullet hell combat with the soul gimmicks Is pretty fun
Sure, but Toby refused to develop it. That was the strongest point of Undertale, and he half assed it hard. Worse yet is the rpg aspect, which is practically unexistant with how little it matters and how little you can take advantage of it.
>meta commentary on videogame completionism autism was pretty cool and well-done
I'd say it was a complete failure, since the only road that has any decent gameplay is supposed to be the bad road (which still sucks for 99% of it by design, mind you). Plus, spamming DETERMINATION and having a million meta checks is bad writing and waste of dev time in general
>If you find the undertale characters fun and interesting, you really are no better than a little child mentally speaking.
I cant wait to find out what characters this nigger things are good.
>Reminder that [/v/ did exactly what toby predicted it would do] when it judged undertale
this is indeed retarded but not for the reason you think it is
i liked undertale
It's a two good simple lines, that perfectly sums up a hero's journey. Easily applicable to many characters in fiction
the only thing my elementary school teacher taught students was composer names, like a bunch of 8-11 year olds where supposed to care who bach was instead of how to play scales or read sheet music. fuck that guy.
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Not that anon but it's EXTREMELY on the nose
Undertale in general does a really good job of being "meta" without actually being "meta" and having characters break the fourth wall, but the few times where game mechanics are brought up in a dead serious context kind of spoil that.
"Level of Violence" isn't so bad since Sans follows it up with explaining what it really means in a less silly way, but I really don't like the times where "Save files" are explicitly mentioned in the endings, it doesn't really make sense for Flowey or Frisk to think like that and it could have easily been written around.
There's specifically the part in the True Pacifist ending where you "try to reach your save file" twice which is followed up with Toby using the word "suddenly" three times in three sentences, if there's any part in the whole script that could have used another pass it's that scene. Not like it ruins the moment since SAVE the World starts blasting right afterward but it takes me out of it a little every time I see it again.
I dont really think thats true. Undertale is simply a world that takes place inside an RPG, and the inhabitants are simply attributing Lv and XP to those meanings because it has cultural and spiritual significance to them.
What, you mean to tell me that all of /v/ suddently did a 180 on undertale at the time of voting for the awards for no reason at all? Surely you must have some evidence of this instead of pretending that anyone who dislikes the game is just being a contrarian
>Kek, whatever helps you sleep at night
No argument. I accept your concession.
Confession denied.
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>speaking from a very personal angle, learning how writing works has always been tolld to me that I will hate stories and start not liiking things because of it, but I have to say upon reflection that that seems like a skill issue from redditors and academics
This is the difference between approaching media with TVTropes brain where everything is just pieces of a puzzle you're supposed to solve and actually loving and understanding a craft
Toby does obviously copy shit, not stealing shit but very transparently looking to his experience with other works for inspiration. He is extremely effective at doing this, because he has a deep understanding of what people like in other shit, how it makes them feel and how to apply that knowledge to evoke those feelings in his own work.
Even if he was just remixing other people's music and slapping it into his game, it takes genuine talent and skill to do that in a way that evokes the same or a greater response from people than it originally did.
People joke that the Undertale soundtrack is just the same six melodies remixed into 100 songs. This is not entirely untrue and does not happen by accident, you can't make a whole soundtrack out of a few simple musical ideas, let alone such a universally acclaimed one, unless you understand exactly how to use them in your work.
no, what i mean to tell you is that /v/ is an insufferable hive of contrarian retards and toby predicted they would do to his game what they've done to nearly every other video game that has ever existed
>Surely you must have some evidence of this
have you tried looking around or is this your first day here
>Look, they're not one note because of [insert small justification for cliché here]
They're still one note. Saying that Papyrus isn't actually an idiot is especially funny fanfiction, as one of the first things you see him do is electrocute himself from his own trap then nullify his own trap by accident
>simple =/= bad
If there's practically no chance of losing and has been done better in other games, it is bad
It's objective fact that Toby made Temmie draw worse art to match his low artistic skill. It is bad art
>The story is actually about [headcanon]
No, the story is about holding hands with everyone including the main villain until all the problems dissapear. It's friendship is magic all the way through. It's also why it really, really hates (you) going against the notion and killing the monsters instead.
>no evidence
Typical, you just want to ad populum your way out of this without even having any evidence that the populum (/v/ in this case) even agrees with you.
that's a lot of words to say "nuh uh", you didn't actually address any of his points, you just dismissed all of them and pretended like you won
It's 8, it has left and right hand parts.
Not my fault that you can't read, retard
>Saying that Papyrus isn't actually an idiot is especially funny fanfiction
>the actual text of the game is fanfiction now
>It's objective fact that Toby made Temmie draw worse art to match his low artistic skill.
yes, and it's also an objective fact that this doesn't impact the quality of the game in any way
>No, the story is about [headcanon]
play the game
nice projection
you just did it again lol
Here's what a nuh uh looks like, for reference >>683858460
you still haven't addressed any points
my bad, meant to tag >>683858193 and >>683858452
playing a story-based game non-stop for 3 hours straight feels like a long time anon
I adressed every point, provided examples and justifications, just for you fags to close your ears and scream LALALA YOU ARE WRONG. And you undertale cocksuckers wonder why you get shit on
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What have you ever made to be brave enough to criticize a game made by basically 1 guy. You useless little niga?
>I adressed every point
>provided examples and justifications
>just for you fags to close your ears and scream LALALA YOU ARE WRONG.
we're 0-3 here
>you undertale cocksuckers wonder why you get shit on
i hope you don't mean to imply that's what happened here because it if is you might need to change your underwear because they're probably a few shades browner than you think they are
He released the game to the public, hence the public has the right to criticize it all it wants.
Thanks for once again showing /v/ that you can't argue in good faith. All (you) deserve is shitposts
>Thanks for once again showing /v/ that you can't argue in good faith.
you're the one complaining because people didn't agree with your incorrect assumptions
>>683858452 >>683858539 and >>683858746 were all your posts in case you forgot
Unrelated I'd fuck Kris
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>No u
You really are digging yourself deeper in that hole of yours, undertale fag
The right? What kind of faggot are you? You insignificant fuck who hasn't made anything worth a shit in his life. Keep using your "rights" on the internet while producing nothing worth of even mentioning.
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if you're not going to put any effort into replying to me i'm not going to put any effort into replying to you
i would say i'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet but you seem to think undertale is a game about the power of friendship so the more likely conclusion is that you are illiterate
>It's also why it really, really hates (you) going against the notion and killing the monsters instead.
It is genuinely unbelievable how badly people can misunderstand this game. The game doesn't do that unless you go full autist "grind areas for XP until you no longer can." Certain characters will hate you for killing certain characters, and Undyne both hates you for killing and comes up with a reason to hate you if you avoid killing anything; you only get special dialogue if you kill Papyrus specifically (in a neutral run). Even killing every boss and a bunch of monsters just has Sans tell you to go to hell.
>Stop bringing up negative things about the game I like
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For real though, this was the most pretentious children’s book.
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>you only get special dialogue if you kill Papyrus specifically
Actually Undyne will react to you killing several unique monsters, like the Dogs or Shyren

>No, the story is about holding hands with everyone including the main villain until all the problems disappear. It's friendship is magic all the way through.
The "lesson" of the game, at least the basic premise, is encouraging the player to apply themselves and put in the effort to solve their problems creatively (engaging with the ACT and SPARE system) instead of taking the easy path of least resistance (FIGHTing and killing enemies like a normal RPG). When you play through the game "normally," characters like Undyne and Sans will consistently criticize your actions on the basis of it being "easy" or "fun" for you to just keep pressing FIGHT and getting stronger, instead of actually engaging with what makes the game unique. You're criticized for treating it like any other game, and characters like Sans, Papyrus and even Flowey will encourage you to do better and try something different, if you give them the chance.
Since Undertale became a cultural phenomenon and is now essentially synonymous with the idea of playing a game as a "Pacifist," it's now almost impossible to approach the game with the authentic unspoiled mindset it was designed for challenge. That is the context that a lot of the critics experiencing it after the fact fail to consider.
Of course, Undertale also has a lot to say beyond that because Toby thoroughly understood the kinds of people who would want to play his game and how they would respond to it. The fundamental point of the game has never been "pacifism is morally correct," it was always about challenging the player's relationship to the game (and a game's relationship to the player).
I mean the thing I think is missed on people is the claim that the Undyne the Undying and Sans fights are secret super hard fights, when pretty explicitly they're not.
They're deliberately unsatisfying, and annoying.
Literally Undertale got hit with the same cancer that retards in 2007 with Kaizo Mario where the gag is that it's deliberately bad, to be funny, but stupid and terrible people thought they could make themselves look cool by pretending it was super serious.
Sans is cheap on purpose and could be argued as a simple kind of kaizo fight, but Undyne the Undying is very straightforward.
It is straight forward, it's Undyne on close to the fastest speed you can get her to by taunting her.
Runs through a set of ONLY 4 pretty basic attacks on a loop.
It's not actually hard.
If I remember right she doesn't even vary her pattern up before using all her green moves up.
You don’t kill any people in the game.
I eat beef every day and yet cows will still not hate me even if i eat a burger in front of them
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>They're deliberately unsatisfying, and annoying.
I don't agree with that. Unsatisfying would have been just killing Undyne in one hit like you have every other boss up to that point. Toby didn't make extremely hype boss music with its own lead-in track and everything if he didn't want you to be impressed.
Being both spectacular and deliberately challenging is an incentive to actually go through the experience yourself instead of just watching it on Youtube (which Flowey calls out in the same route) and a test of your Determination to see it through to completion. A large part of the mindset Genocide puts you into is making the process deliberate. If it was easy you could excuse yourself with "oh, I HAD to do it, just to see what happens." Making you fight a superboss eliminates that excuse. You don't feel bad about killing Undyne or Sans, you feel GREAT for overcoming the challenge that they presented. Sans being deliberately provocative, annoying and "cheating" only makes finally stabbing him that much more satisfying. You wanted the challenge, you got it, and you have nobody to blame but yourself for what happens.
Like you, you're the kind of person.
youre both dumbasses though the undertale hater is an even greater dumbass
the lesson of the game is to learn to let things go, it has nothing to do with standing around hand in hand, that's just the ultimate result of the 6 characters who come to help you learning to let things go along with the 7th, the human and the fallen child. Sans's justified paranoia, Papyrus's quest for status and fame, Toriels fear and self loathing along with asgores anger and self loathing, Undyne's hatred of all humans, And Alphys rampant escapism from her problems. Every single character that comes to hold your hand at the climax of the fucking game only got there because they where willing to let go of the past and accept a change in their lives.

The game is constantly asking you, DONT YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO?
yes they do. infact, cows have best friends and steers often injure or kill cattle herders who fuck up at corralling them.
that doesnt work because ijn the end theres a lot of floweys out there who will blame other people for their moral weaknesses.
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A story can have more than one message

There's not any magic words anyone could write that will make people take responsibility for themselves and their actions. But you can at least give them the opportunity
it's true that a lot of people won't accept it (which is pretty blatantly obvious from how many brainlets think chara is the main antagonist), but the game pretty much directly calls out people like that
if they're gonna sit in their shit-filled diaper and refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions then they can just keep to themselves in the playpen while the adults are talking
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I like it.
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message yes, THEME no
the game of undertale has one theme. it reverberates on every message and lesson learned in the characters, and it's about letting things go, not drawing things out forever. if anyone wanted to shit on undertale fans, like myself, you could easily do so because the fandom was systematically unable to let go, they immediately rejected the ending of undertale, the permanent unsavable death of Chara and the Gote. People simply couldn't let go, so the message is going over many peoples heads, and even faggots like me are just as guilty of not being able to let go.

but the plagarism schizo after being btfo cant even understand that, probablly because the most interacting he's had with the game was watching some eceleb whore have sex with it on jewtube for cash. The core message of this game is a completely simple one and the depth and veriety of situations blinded many to that. Determination isn't always a good thing, seeing an ending is better than seeing all endings. >>683862463
pretty much the entirety of /utg/ made charafags forbidden class citizens and it was only after all those grifters left with their smelly shit filled underwear that the bombed out wreck of waifufags and homosexuals that now rule that place leave the child(s) alone.
hate when games do that, now that is pretentious. I paid for the game, I have the right to enjoy all content in it if I so wish
that said, I believe deltarune's point will be that to see the "ending", you will have to 100% complete it. do all the routes, get all shadow crystals, etc. yes, that means weird route is mandatory, which a lot of people are hoping isn't. this also means the ending might not be something everyone will enjoy
in the end, if you fail to do everything, you will get an "end" where the game will softlock (hinted in the sweepstakes) or timeloop back to chapter 1 (hinted with the cut susie wake up line and effect)
Chara is a Flowey you dip, or honestly probably something worse.
What would the ending of Genocide route be if not for the diablus ex machina asspull of Chara stealing your soul
>become weaker
Makes no sense
The MC has had to fight for their life over 100 times at this point, brah
not sure what you are getting at, what are you even asking?
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>Flowey, he is a CHARA.
>you could easily do so because the fandom was systematically unable to let go
100% true, i spent a great deal of time as a teenager watching on the sidelines as the fandom went apeshit making aus and butchering every single character
i used to browse there before i decided i didn't hate myself enough to continue
>Chara is a Flowey
chara was a kid with a presumably shitty home life that decided the monsters were treated unfairly and wanted to help them get even, not realizing the consequences of doing so since they lacked the wisdom to think that far ahead
that's not to say they were stupid or wrong to side with the monsters but committing suicide for the sake of something most monsters might not have even wanted at the time is more than a little hasty
they gradually begin to stir within the red soul as the player proceeds through the game (and a lot faster during the genocide run), so their outlook on life after that is almost exclusively dependent on how you act as the player
if chara's an irredeemable murder demon it's because you made them that way, and pinning the blame squarely on them is exactly what undertale is judging you for doing because (as they put it themselves) you think you are above consequences
you are wrong, chara is a person who has the power to erase the world and was essentially bullied for this power. The genocide run is largely about chara working up the courage from lv 1 to go with their original plan which was to erase the entire world. Still waiting on an answer for what >>683862715
is talking about. Chara isn't stealing your soul. The only leverage Chara has over you is that you want to keep playing the game after they have destroyed it.
I'm asking what would the ending of geno be if it just continued to the barrier without Chara coming
>chara was a kid with a presumably shitty home life
>decided the monsters were treated unfairly and wanted to help them get even
Also headcanon it's obvious Chara wanted to use Asriel as a weapon after failing to kill Asgore to escape
>not realizing the consequences of doing so since they lacked the wisdom to think that far ahead
The only consequence they didn't realize that Asriel had the fortitude of character to resist them and died cursing them for refusing to kill people
>but committing suicide for the sake of something most monsters
Also headcanon
Look it's not that complicated.
>chara is a person who has the power to erase the world
they have it because you gave it to them
that's your power
>and was essentially bullied for this power.
>The genocide run is largely about chara working up the courage from lv 1 to go with their original plan which was to erase the entire world.
i'm trying to figure out how you could have possibly misinterpreted the plot this badly and i've got nothing
>Chara isn't stealing your soul.
i mean you have the choice to give it to them directly, in which case you'd be correct
the only reason they take it from you is because you've taught them it's fine to take whatever they want
>The only leverage Chara has over you is that you want to keep playing the game after they have destroyed it.
unless you go out of your way to factory reset your copy of the game, you are locked out of the true pacifist run
even if you do reset and actually go true pacifist, chara will appear after the ending cutscene and is implied to go on to slaughter everyone just like you did before
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I'm not really disagreeing with you to be clear, I don't think there's any conflict between what you said and what I said.
Toby wrote Undertale with the intention of challenging the player's relationship to a game, and the natural conclusion to that is acknowledging that every game eventually comes to an end.

I don't get my opinions from Youtubers but the Andrew Cunningham video on Undertale illustrates the point pretty well, how the game gets people attached, how going through Genocide irreversibly changes that relationship and how people "can't let it go" even when there's nothing left to do
Exactly what Toby expected, with Flowey and Chara calling you out for being such a weirdo who won't just go play something else
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>if not for the diablus ex machina asspull of Chara stealing your soul
Since when were you the one in control?
>unless you go out of your way to factory reset your copy of the game, you are locked out of the true pacifist run
Actually you can get out of it if you don't get tricked into the "choice" to give them your soul in exchange for letting you use the Reset.
not sure. When you kill flowey and asgore Chara appears and talks to you, then they destroy the entire universe of undertale mortally. after that point nothing beyond the barrier even fucking exists let alone the stuff before it. The question you are asking fundamentally is about whether Chara has that power because of their determination or if it's something inherent to their soul and if Frisk could have it or not.

That said it is implied flowey could obtain it if he had the 7 souls so maybe in theory frisk could too, but it's hard to say.
>they have it because you gave it to them
no they always had it
>that's your power
your soul yes, but chara always had the power to erase.
>and was essentially bullied for this power.
are you actually going to argue otherwise? 8 kids man. 8
>i'm trying to figure out how you could have possibly misinterpreted the plot this badly and i've got nothing
no u
>the only reason they take it from you is because you've taught them it's fine to take whatever they want
they dont take it from you, they use your corrupt desire to relive undertale after brutally destroying the entire world until theres nothing left to get you to trade it.
>unless you go out of your way to factory reset your copy of the game, you are locked out of the true pacifist run
>even if you do reset and actually go true pacifist, chara will appear after the ending cutscene and is implied to go on to slaughter everyone just like you did before
thats the point yes. they always had that power, Even at lv 1.
>the actual text of the game is headcanon now
asriel tells you chara's reason for going to mount ebott wasn't a happy one if you talk to him in the true pacifist run
>Also headcanon it's obvious Chara wanted to use Asriel as a weapon after [headcanon]
what the fuck are you talking about
chara's plan was always to poison themselves so asriel could take their soul and go to the surface, at which time chara tried to use their combined power to kill the humans that found them
>Also headcanon
the earliest point we know for sure monsters ever had it out for humans was when asgore declared any that fell down should be killed, which happened asriel and chara died
>inb4 but the war
was started by humans because they distrusted monsters, as stated by the intro
>Look it's not that complicated.
and yet you still got it completely wrong
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actually shut the fuck up. All music sounds similar and if he stole from so many different sources it makes it even more kino not less
My main question is why this dead kid comes back at all. With Asriel they explain the whole thing with spreading his dust on the flower but Chara just returns like Palpatine
Unless Chara represents the player and the creepypasta do not moment is just a representation of the player wanting to experience everything, but Chara is in the Deltarune prophecy along with Asriel
>the actual text of the game is headcanon now
No anon, your interpretation of the events are headcanon.
>the war
It's never stated humans started the war in the intro, it just says that "a war broke out". If you mean the texts in Waterfall those just outline the monster's plan for victory and the human's fear during the war
It's a good line and you're just being a contrarian faggot.
>no they always had it
why would they ask you to give it to them if they already had it
>chara always had the power to erase.
chara only ever acts on their own late in the genocide run, at which point they only have that power because of you
>are you actually going to argue otherwise?
yes, obviously
who bullied them
>8 kids man. 8
>[no rebuttal]
>they dont take it from you
yes they do, play the game
>they use your corrupt desire to relive undertale after brutally destroying the entire world until theres nothing left to get you to trade it.
can someone translate this into english please
>thats the point yes. they always had that power, Even at lv 1.
they only have this power at the end of true pacifist because you gave it to them in genocide
Chara and Frisk are the two upward facing triangles and the player the bottom one if you subscribe to that symbology, however the deltarune could obviously also just be asriel alone as the bottom of his body is a downard facing triangle and the hands have two upward pointing hearts.

Regardless its not fully explained why chara came back. its implied asriel calls them along with the human player who names them. Regardless you can see that chara doesnt wake up or at least respond immediately, only after encountering flowey can you interact with anything, and without charas knowledge the game screen is very empty in frisk's case.
>why would they ask you to give it to them if they already had it
they literally ask for your soul after having already destroyed the world, are you even listening to yourself?
>chara only ever acts on their own late in the genocide run, at which point they only have that power because of you
chara goes to the mountain in order to disappear, to erase themselves from existance. maybe even the entire world. there is no way they actually truly believed monsters down there would be some kind of friendly people.
>yes, obviously
>who bullied them
the village of the humans
>elaborate further
okay shiroutard
8 fucking distinct and varied children climbed a mountain no one ever comes back from and threw themselves down a fucking cliff.
>yes they do, play the game
no they don't. play the fucking game
>can someone translate this into english please
you are wracked with a perverted sentimentality.
>they only have this power at the end of true pacifist because you gave it to them in genocide.
they do it before without you giving them shit.
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>Undertale is good
"Everyone knows the legend, right? 'Travellers who climb Mt. Ebott are said to disappear.' Frisk... why would you ever climb a mountain like that? ... I know why [Chara] climbed the mountain. It wasn't for a very happy reason. Frisk. I'll be honest with you. [Chara] hated humanity." - asriel, undertale true pacifist ending [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0dlm_p1ZxA]
but sure it's a headcanon
i might have gotten it being in the intro twisted, but it's directly stated in-game that the war started because humans didn't trust monsters
admittedly it's impossible to lock in who started it but the humans are the only ones who are known to have had a reason to do a war
and it's not like the humans being the cruel ones in this scenario is a vast stretch of the imagination, given how the barrier can only be broken by justifying the humans' choice to put it up in the first place
as far as I'm concerned almost the opposite happened. 8 children climbed that mountain to die, asgore committed the crime of killing them after the humans killed his children, but chara and asriels plan aside, the barrier clearly would have put the monsters in the right if 7 humans fell down and lived with them. this is why Chara was billed as the future of Humans and Monsters. The only problem was that Chara hated humanity and did not actually want to be the ambassador to them. Chara giving up their hatred of humanity through protecting and being with frisk is their own part in letting things go in the pacifist ending climax. they came up with their own way to destroy the barrier.
>they literally ask for your soul after having already destroyed the world, are you even listening to yourself?
hey dumbshit the person i'm replying to says chara always had your soul, stop calling me retarded because of someone else's stupid post
>chara goes to the mountain in order to disappear, to erase themselves from existance. maybe even the entire world. there is no way they actually truly believed monsters down there would be some kind of friendly people.
not even slightly related to the text you're quoting
>the village of the humans
possibly? if i'm not mistaken it's never specified if chara's from the same village they found after going back to the surface with asriel
either way it doesn't contradict my post
>8 fucking distinct and varied children climbed a mountain no one ever comes back from and threw themselves down a fucking cliff.
1 of those kids was chara and the other 7 fell after they died
what do they have to do with anything
>no they don't. play the fucking game
if you don't give chara your soul and pick no instead of yes, they jumpscare you and take it
play the game
>you are wracked with a perverted sentimentality.
yes, because you want to start the game again after destroying it
chara is judging you for doing this
>they do it before without you giving them shit.
post an example of chara taking control and ending the world in a file before the genocide run has ever been completed
i'll wait
This, the only people I know who like it have never read a book and think things like Disco Elysium are clever or well written.
It's praised by literal social media addicts and redditors. It's not anything special to anyone that's read a fucking book before.
it totally could have played out that way, but the humans probably didn't think it would
even the monsters thought it was unlikely, assuming i'm not misremembering what the walls in waterfall said and also assuming they were written before chara went to mt. ebott
>hey dumb shit [headcanon]
if youre going to invent stories that aren't true to put in my mouth I'm going to just start calling you a nigger
>not even slightly related to the text you're quoting
>possibly? if i'm not mistaken it's never specified if chara's from the same village they found after going back to the surface with asriel
>either way it doesn't contradict my post
yes it does
>1 of those kids was chara and the other 7 fell after they died
Are you actually joking right now? do you think toriel just collects shoes and asgore has 7 coffins full of corpses she found? you're objectively retarded
>if you don't give chara your soul and pick no instead of yes, they jumpscare you and take it
because of your desire to replay undertale dumbass, they dont try to take your soul for erasing the world.
>chara is judging you for doing this
we'll be together forever, wont we?
>post an example of chara taking control and ending the world in a file before the genocide run has ever been completed
I already told you the entire point of genocide was to grant chara the Lv required to do so. the ability to hurt and not be hurt. the burden of destroying everything was too great for chara.
Chara, the future of humans and monsters, is implied to be the reason new home exists.
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Bro you retarded fuck read your own fucking citation.
It's two puzzle pieces that you have to put together.
Chara is a (clinically) psychopathic misanthrope.
Chara tries to exploit others to harm people.
It is literally the TWO actual character traits Chara has.
This shouldn't be hard.
>leftypol meme
anyway chara has more characterization than any other character, dumbass.
they are basically rean of undertale, the whole game is basically about them.
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When Chara died, Asriel fused with their SOUL and carried Chara's body to the human village where the golden flowers came from.
After being attacked by the humans, Asriel returned to the Underground with Chara's body and then died, turning into dust which scattered onto the seeds of the golden flowers, which clung to his and Chara's body. Asriel had fused with Chara's soul, so this death was the death of both Asriel and Chara's souls, and both of their "real" deaths.
When Toriel left Asgore, she took Chara's body from the tomb in the castle's basement and brought it with her to the Ruins to give it a proper burial. Chara is buried underneath the patch of golden flowers that Frisk falls onto at the start of the game.
"Asriel" is able to "come back" as Flowey when Alphys injects a golden flower from the throne room (where Asriel died) with Determination.
"Chara" -somehow- "wakes up" when Frisk falls into the ruins, in response to Frisk's exceptional Determination. Chara does not possess and control an inanimate object like Flowey, but becomes -somehow- bound to Frisk's SOUL.
I am using "quotes" for their names because again, Chara and Asriel have both been dead for a very long time. The ones that we meet in the game could generously be called their "ghosts," or more cynically they're just facsimiles of long-dead people who inherited their memory but are utterly incapable of love and empathy because they don't have a SOUL.
This distinction is important to make, because there are points where "Chara" does seem to act or think in a very human way throughout the game, and then there is the "Chara" we meet in the Genocide ending who is a completely detached psychopath that refers to itself as "the demon who comes when people call its name" and postures as some kind of physical embodiment of "getting stronger in a video game." This probably has some significant implications for the overarching narrative of Undertale and even Deltarune, but that's not for now.
Why'd you draw anon red?
>"It's shit on purpose" is literally the defense tumblrtale fans are employing
It's implied through genocide route that Chara feels frisks emotions and that is why they are able to be so lively compared to flowey. also, while Chara is often depicted as a ghost hanging out by frisk's side they are actually possessing them. Napstablook is one of the few characters to directly talk to chara's narration.
Has anyone when they played for the very first time, completed the genocide route first and then went back and completed the pacifist route? Usually people do pacifist first and then genocide
Look, it IS because of an alt chan, but not that one
I'm a moron and it's a force of habit.
not reading all that shit, you're gay
The game has a thousand of these little nods and this is the one you harp on?
>if youre going to invent stories that aren't true
all i'm doing is reading the posts that are in the thread
>[no rebuttal]
>yes it does
>[no elaboration]
concession accepted
>Are you actually joking right now?
no, mostly because this is not even slightly relevant to whatever point you're trying to make
8 kids fell into mt. ebott. the first one was chara, 6 more fell after them and died at varying places between the ruins and new home, and frisk was the last one. 1 + 6 + 1 = 8
chara had nothing to do with any of the other kids except frisk
>they dont try to take your soul for erasing the world.
no, they take it to do that themselves
>we'll be together forever, wont we?
chara fully expects you to destroy the world again
i don't know if you know this but you can be judged for something without the person juding you severing all ties immediately afterwards
>I already told you the entire point of genocide was to grant chara the Lv required to do so.
and i already told you it isn't. you have yet to prove that it is and instead actively refused to even though it should be pretty easy if it's so obviously the case. therefore i accept your concession
>Chara, the future of humans and monsters, is implied to be the reason new home exists.
this is an extremely easy thing to verify as false and yet you still fucked it up this badly
"Fearing the humans no longer, we moved out of our old city, HOME. We braved harsh cold, damp swampland, and searing heat... Until we reached what we now call our capital. 'NEW HOME.' Again, our King is really bad at names...?" - monster history part 4, snowdin library
oh my god just make out already
what about this post contradicts my claim that chara's home life was likely poor
>Chara is a (clinically) psychopathic misanthrope.
i didn't know there was a scene where chara goes to a mental health professional and is diagnosed as being a psychopathic misanthrope, can you post a link? not seeing it on youtube anywhere
>This shouldn't be hard.
you would think but you have yet to explain it so apparently it is
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The "recontextualizing" is what happens when you play Genocide and receive the new information that I just layed out. It's all in the script.
The only assumption being made is exactly where Chara is buried, but it explains where the Golden Flowers came from, how Chara's "essence" came in contact with Frisk at the start of the game, and it makes sense for Toriel to bury Chara where Chara first fell down into the Underground. She walks there every day, ever all.

Chara being somehow bound to Frisk's soul does seem like it would enable them to feel emotion and therefore not act like a psychopath.
But they acted like a psychopath in life too, when they had their own soul and were capable of feeling love.
At the same time, when we speak to Chara after Genocide they say they "can't understand these feelings (attachment to the game world) anymore," despite the fact that we have given up our soul to them at this point.
I want to point all of this out because it's interesting to try to square it all together. It's hard to describe Chara's characterization at all but there's definitely more going on then "epic knife murderchild"
It's almost like Toby is dogshit at writing for his average at best game
>he wants the quick Charadown
*Haha, guess it's time to not hold back... >orphaned and adopted into a royal family >final student of a legendary boss monster
>is the secret mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that they not only add every monster to frisks ever-expanding harem but they make grown adults go on dates with a child too
>their brother and best friend (who is the royal prince)'s dick becomes stiff at the sheer mention of their name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha >masters and can fully control his *you made your choice long ago" demonic powers
>wields a knife (a better version of a stick) and can teleport inside you
>beats one of the most powerful spearwoman in history that's the real heroine
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance their underage vessel
>just saying *it's still you makes everybody drop their pants for them
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist, an impenetrable barrier left by human kind at the last second.
>even the characters of prequel game hype them up
>becomes a national hero
>is technically royalty, their father is an immortal boss monster king
>grows budding romances between other characters that were developing in the previous timelines.
>can be any gender the player wants and marry them.
>kills themself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait prince to break a barrier but not really because the even bigger protagonists reload the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>gets raped by a monster in a cave
>has the option to cuck napstablook away from Mettaton, Toriel away from sans, but not papyrus.
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought their franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's checks are about them
>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous romhacks embarrassing.
>what about this post contradicts my claim that chara's home life was likely poor
Because you literally just made that up based on the line "Chara hated humanity".
I clarified clinical psychopath because Chara doesn't has empathy, beyond the colloquial definition of psychopathy which is just being misanthropy.
you are the biggest nigger in this entire world and I am done talking to you.
yes thats right the character who explains everyones emotions to you has no empathy
the absolute state of niggers like you
>Because you literally just made that up based on the line "Chara hated humanity".
as opposed to your much more reasonable approach of assigning a fictional child a mental condition going off of entirely circumstantial evidence
asriel states chara tried to use their power to lay waste to the humans that found them when they went to the surface, yet they made no attempt to harm the dreemurs who took them in like family
if they were really incapable of feeling why wouldn't they off the dreemurs
it's not like they wouldn't have been strong enough to do it since a single human soul is enough to match hundreds if not thousands of monster souls
not my fault you're talking out of your ass
no YOU are talking out of your ass you god damn stupid black gorilla.
you have yet to actually prove anything
you're just saying shit and getting angry that someone else is poking holes in your nonexistent reasoning
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>charafags shit up the thread for the thousandth time
i was only ever an infrequent browser of /utg/ at the worst of times but it's my understanding that this is usually how it goes
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>I still vividly remember the catalog being filled with Spamton & Queen shitposts when chapter 2 dropped.
I long for those days to return.
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Yeah, we should go back to arguing about what musical plagiarism is because some autist copypasted a five year old list of schizo nonsense
Look, we've been doing this retarded song and dance for 10 years.
You can "understand emotions" without being able to feel empathy. It's why there's even such a thing as functional psychopathy and WHY psychopathy is a dangerous thing for a misanthrope to be, do you know what you get when you have someone that LIKES hurting others and DOESN'T feel remorse for exploiting people to do so?
>five year old
Nine, if we're not counting addendums.
>LIKES hurting others
the fact that we've been doing this for 10 FUCKING YEARS and you still cant internalize all of the proof laid out in black and white text that chara DOESNT like to hurt monsters is fucking preposterous. KILL YOURSELF! I LITERALLY LINKED THAT SHIT HOURS AGO
argument is kind of a generous term for the aimless paragraphs you've been subjecting me to for the last hour and a half don't you think
i'm giving you quotes from the game itself, i don't know what you want from me at this point
wait are you getting assblasted because you think i hate chara? because i don't
i just think your grasp on their character is flawed
they're not an evil murder-demon or a helpless little blorbo or whatever the fuck else, they're a kid who was dealt a shit hand in life, fell into a better one more or less by accident, and wound up throwing it away while trying to make things better for them
there's a lot of nuance to enjoy and it's kind of depressing to see people get the wrong idea about them even a decade later
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I knew it was some stale fucking pasta but goddamn
I guess I was mostly remembering it from Deltarune threads
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>implying it wasn't people laughing at the tard's bad attempts to samefag
at least that schizo is funny to laugh at, this is just pathetic
>i'm giving you quotes from the game itself, i don't know what you want from me at this point
>wait are you getting assblasted because you think i hate chara? because i don't
>i just think your grasp on their character is flawed
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>that chara DOESNT like to hurt monsters
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>chara DOESNT like to hurt monsters
Alright come on now
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reminder that the end of pacifist/genocide is Flowey/Chara talking to (you), telling you to stop playing the game.
There is nothing left for us here.
you're not even trying to be reasonable here
the only two posts in the entire thread that have direct quotes from the game are both mine
is this your first day on 4chan by any chance
neatness doesn't really factor in when it's either a misunderstanding or a flat-out falsehood
>genocide exclusive line
you understand that chara's personality in the genocide run is being influenced by the player and is therefore not reflective of their own character outside of the genocide run right
see previous
oh hey another thing we disagree about, cool
i was starting to think we were running out of these
great now i have to stop using cruise control because the 3rd nigger, hence my seething rage at you, decided it would be cool if he got on my band wagon
But If you want any greater proof that you are a nigger who is being easily confused by the most basic facts rather than me, this reply is your wake up call. I am literally SCREAMING at them and you to read the archive, yet you have gone so far as to only read with your brain turned off at the text and have dismissed this as both me and something I obviously wouldn't think given I'm the one TELLING YOU TO READ THE DAMN ARCHIVE
i feel like this is starting to get away from us a bit, so to clarify: >>683866409, >>683867191 and >>683867134 are all me
this isn't a 4chan jokey joke thing those are actually my posts
i personally don't think chara narrates literally every line of dialogue in the entire game, but they're definitely around in some capacity
that's how you get lines like the one in >>683866879 and >>683866936, not to mention the dreams frisk has when you die where you hear asgore's voice even though you haven't met him yet and that sequence where you wake up in the dump
>are all me
which means my post is exactly correct here
and I am talking to you exactly as intended retard.
oh and
>i personally don't think chara narrates literally every line of dialogue in the entire game, but they're definitely around in some capacity
you are wrong about that as well, READ THE ARCHIVE as I SAID nignog
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It doesn't say "Chara doesn't LIKE to hurt monsters"
They make an argument about how LOVE is about the "willingness" to hurt monsters, and since "Chara's" LV is 1, they're an angel
This is plainly incorrect. As the text that they cite says, LOVE is not about how "willing" you are to cause harm, it's about your "capacity" to do so. Those words do not mean the same thing.
Using the player character's LV as Chara's LV and drawing a connection from there to Chara's mental state and alleged influence of (You) on them is also deeply questionable. The change in Chara's narration is not triggered by LV, it purely depends on staying on Genocide. You can get plenty of EXP without going full Genocide, but Chara will be the same as ever. Chara can display plenty of cruelty toward monsters on a neutral run and even exclusively Pacifist encounters, like ridiculing and mocking Snowdrake's mother. Some of the moments interpreted as Chara at their most human and vulnerable come in New Home at the end of a Genocide run, when Chara is LV 19 and should be close to feeling nothing at all. Chara in life, with their own soul, laughed off almost poisoning Asgore to death. This argument does not hold up to scrutiny.
At best you could argue they do not take any kind of sadistic pleasure in the suffering of monsters, and merely have a deeply detached callous disregard for their lives with a "sick sense of humor," but that's the best you can get.
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pic related
the first two in this message are me, but the last one isn't
this isn't really something i can prove since even if i did screenshot you could just go "le inspect element" so you're gonna have to take my word for it here
if it makes it easier i have not used all caps in any word i've typed tonight not counting quotes lifted from outside sources
if it's a choice between an archived tumblr post full of speculation and the game's actual text, i will pick the game's text thank you very much
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the number of people who have been manipulated into thinking toby is some kind of genius is disconcerting.
I said READ ESL kun
you obviously have no cohearant memory and or scrolled past things. READ NIGGER READ
>the first two messages are me but the last one isn't
Great reading comprehension nig nog, I'm glad you where able to put the pieces together after I carefully told you >my post is exactly correct here
>>683867387 (You)
which obviously suggests that the post belongs to me. Are you haviing that wake up call yet nignog? the lack of literacy would make knife child weep.
>i would take the game text over the blog
since the blog has both, and you are so illiterate you need help figuring out what basic sentences mean, I recommend you read the blog you book hating jigaboo.
There's more proof that Flowey is misunderstood than Chara in the game.
It also makes way more sense that Flowey is actively setting up the events of Undertale than to think Chara actually had good intentions all along.
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Okay man I thought we might actually have a discussion about this but if you're just here to scream nigger at people and link to a 10 year old tumblr post that everyone has already read instead of making your own argument I'm just gonna go to bed

That's not how you spell coherent by the way lmao
>oh man I sure wouldnt want to have that wake up call actually, despite clearly never once giving your pov any credability nor showing i understood the content of it and addressing it, I will pretend you are the unreasonable one for getting tired of me arguing like a lazy decietful nigger
God riddance, go into an icey grave.
your attempt to make this more clear has had the opposite effect
leaving the space break after tagging your own post obfuscated your point and while it's partially on me for missing it you could have easily fixed that like i did here >>683867537
>the lack of literacy would make knife child weep.
i don't think even one of your assumptions about them as a character is rooted in their actual character
maybe you should work on that
the fanbase has completely butchered every character
name anyone and you'll have someone that people have misunderstood to some extent
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>Wonder why after season 1, the depiction of controlling the media is that badly made
>Check that the writer of season 1 got remplaced by jews
>your attempt to make this more clear has had the opposite effect
no, your illiteracy has the opposite effect of allowing you to read.
>leaving the space break after tagging your own post obfuscated your point
there is nothing confusing about using a post reference which is stated to be explicitly my post and it's contents, which you nigger had just tried to pretend was "off track"
>while it's partially on me for missing it
niggers like you are always dodging responsability for your own weaknesses. the only one responsible for your reading comprehension or lack there of is you.
>i don't think even one of your assumptions about them as a character is rooted in their actual character
your want to believe that isn't an arguement, nor did any of your other arguements show any deeper ability to stay on a topic or not be confused by something obvious.
>maybe you should work on that
the nigger cant read a post like this but somehow, I'm the one that should work on it.
go do a backflip into a pool with a live wire.
Chara is not the narrator. The narrator is Toby Fox.
Chara only shows up in the Genocide run and will fuck off the moment you abandon it (Didn't kill Snowdrake? I'm out of here.), otherwise they're inert.
Their purpose on a meta level is a commentary on completionism/reaching the 'limit' of a videogame.
Their name is on your save file because without it the twist wouldn't function.
They are a giant reference to MOON/the Halloween Hack.
There is no secret genius to be found here, the best solution is the easiest one.
>the fanbase has completely butchered every character
So you agree that the interpretation that Chara is a poor misunderstood wittle sweet heart that just wanted to save the monsters is a load of Bologna?
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The whole game comes off as pretentious, it's why I've never tried the game and probably never will.
>there is nothing confusing about using a post reference
>which is stated to be explicitly my post
the break separating the sentence into two seperate lines obfuscates the fact that is your post, especially since fixing this would have taken exactly 2 seconds at maximum
>niggers like you are always dodging responsability for your own weaknesses
maybe save that line for a thread where you haven't refused to actually engage with any point the person you're talking to has made
>your want to believe that isn't an arguement
you have yet to prove it actually is one
yes, because they wanted to get back at the humans and even asriel says they're a bad person
they're not an innocent child that can do no wrong or a heartless murderer, there's nuance to their and everyone else's character and the fanbase largely failed to pick up on it
>they're not an innocent child that can do no wrong or a heartless murderer
well you're half way there.
which is still a failing grade, but you're making progress
OP speaks like he has never had an awful 2-3 hours that fucked him up
this is what i meant when i said the fanbase couldn't pick up the nuances
kill the sissy in your head that says every character should be a good person without flaws or a bad person beyond redemption and you'll enjoy everything you play/watch/read from now on
objectively wrong
read nigger read
>the break separating the sentence
is there to make it easy to format the post retard
now kill yourself you illiterate lying nigger
you not only are completely deceitful and lazy arguing retard who has no argument and only the most asinine quips and circular baiting, but you wont even make good on your """""promise"""" to go to bed. fuck off. you are not wanted here.
>undertale is only 2 hours long
Are you skipping all the dialogue? Are you running from every optional fight? Did you memorize the whole map before playing? Or are you just a liar?
I played the neutral route like one time and just looked up the other endings
It's not 2-3 hours unless you're mashing and trying to speedrun, faggot. It's much longer than that on an organic, exploratory blind playthrough.
you're both niiggers and you've been proven wrong for 8 years and you still cant handle it. none of you have even pretended to address the arguements in the archive nor have you ever once demonstrated you read them once. the one guy who did make it painfully obvious he skimmed it badly as well. while all of your posts are
>because I say so.
nigger shit.
no quotes to back up anything. the archive has hundreds.
>he didn't only kill enemies with the most XP in every zone and reset to get a double encounter when 1 enemy is left to get to LV 13 before Undyne
i can't see the (You)s on your posts amigo, i have no way to identify them as yours at a glance
>completely deceitful and lazy arguing retard
if you're not going to put any effort into arguing any of your own points then i'm not going to put any effort into talking to you
then again maybe it's better you don't since you seem to have made up the game's events and decided they are fact
>inb4 you call me a nigger for calling you retarded
go find me some video footage to back up your assertions if you want me to believe that's how the game plays out
>you wont even make good on your """""promise"""" to go to bed.
that wasn't me
do you get why it's hard to tell who's who on this website now that you've fucked it up too
i did actually check out that post you've been spamming and while i do agree with the idea that chara and frisk are connected through the whole game they're basically just deciding every line of narration is chara's without explaining how they know it isn't frisk's own internal thoughts
i already enjoy everything i play bud, if i didn't care i wouldn't be here talking about it with you. let's not act like extreme centrism with character interpretation isn't as one dimensional as trying to slot everything as good and evil.
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>examining the characters as people and not one-dimensional cardboard cutouts is one-dimensional
>i did actually check out that post you've been spamming and while i do agree with the idea that chara and frisk are connected through the whole game they're basically just deciding every line of narration is chara's without explaining how they know it isn't frisk's own internal thoughts
it explains all that you decietful nigger which is again why i know you retards never read it.
i read it and it doesn't
unless you'd like to go ahead and prove it
they're still a cardboard cut out if you paint em grey.
not only are you just making it obvious you didn';t read it, but you made it obvious you couldnt read even a quarter of it, now go to bed lying nigger, you said youd leave. LEAVE.
>encouraging people to not think reductively about characters is reductive
not even slightly how that works
if you're treating the character like cardboard it's because you're not thinking critically and if you think the act of thinking critically about a character is just spray-painting them grey it's because you're letting the sissy in your head win and acting smug about it
don't be a little bitch your whole life and use your brain for once
>chara sux
Can't believe there is a reasonable anon around. The whole "it's you, it's me" gimmick is kinda nonsensical, and the issue with genocide ending is that Toby didn't copy OFF enough.
The "since when were you the one in control" bit is total hackjob, the entire point *IS* that (you) were always in control, that you killed everybody just because you can. And forcing the "end of the world" doesn't work for the same reason. The ending would work perfectly well if it all came down to "nothing remains except for our regrets" or "persist in this doomed world that you have created" sort of thing, where you are just stuck in the empty world.
Frankly, everything involving the first fallen child is metaphysical nonsense. He is a character in videogame, he is another player character, he is a spirit of RPG grinding, it just doesn't fit together.
you're being reductive by pretending to be against being reductive about characters. you're insinuating that every character has to be some complex archetype of a morally grey persuasion to the point you've shut out the idea of anyone being a black or white example of something, you're a 1 color average of a whole gradient.
>ask for proof that the tumblr post's writer isn't arbitrarily deciding that every line of narrator dialogue is from chara specifically
>posts image that is explicitly written from chara's perspective, which doesn't prove anything about how the post's writer came to the conclusion that all narrator dialogue is chara and none is frisk themself
>not only are you just making it obvious you didn';t read it
i did
>but you made it obvious you couldnt read even a quarter of it
i read all of it
>you said youd leave.
i did not
you first
the act of encouraging someone to think critically about the characters in the games/movies/stories they like is not reductive and is instead actively the opposite of being reductive
please stop using words that you don't understand
read the archive,
but you get points for creative criticism. that said i do not think you are meant to think of chara as the ultimate force of nature at all even from the perspective of an idiot like this niggers >>683870231
it's pretty obvious that both asriel and chara have edgy OC personas man.
if you're idea of thinking critically is to immediately try to fit characters into an ideal morally grey archetype where any of their flaws are sanded off by explanations then yeah i'd say that's pretty reductive
you did by the way.
>posts image that is explicitly written from chara's perspective, which doesn't prove anything about how the post's writer came to the conclusion that all narrator dialogue is chara and none is frisk themself
this bit could've been worded better, let's go with
>posts image that is explicitly written from chara's perspective, which doesn't prove anything about whether or not the post's writer is arbitrarily deciding all narrator dialogue is chara
>it's pretty obvious that both asriel and chara have edgy OC personas man.
what on earth are you talking about
not what my post says, try again
that's not my post
>posts image that is explicitly written from chara's perspective, which doesn't prove anything about how the post's writer came to the conclusion that all narrator dialogue is chara and none is frisk themself
you're really bad at this
lying nigger
>frisk always talks in the third person thoughbeit
>frisk obviously just forgot from brain damage how they landed.
t. this dumb retarded nigger.
it literally is what your post says, this entire conversation has been about being mad that chara is a simple character that's meant to be very straightforward
man I sure know kids who talk like this when their own bed is too metaphorically small.
what do you mean frisk isnt the narrator? okay so the times its clear theyre talking they NEVER have their text shown but OBVIOUSLYU SOME POSTS ARE STILL THEIRS!!!!
>posts image that is explicitly written from chara's perspective, which doesn't prove anything about how the post's writer came to the conclusion that all narrator dialogue is
chara and none is frisk themself
that's what you did, yes
>you're really bad at this
you just posted another one though
let me make this clear for you since it seems like you're not understanding the assignment
i'm not asking you to send me an in-game screenshot that is obviously being said by chara
i am asking you to send me proof that the post you've been screaming about for 3 hours has an actual provable reason to assert that all narrator dialogue is chara's and none of it is frisk's
this should be easy to do since you've allegedly read it so the fact that you've failed to do so twice now is telling
[lie], this entire conversation has been about being mad that chara is [lie]
if you're not actually going to read any of my posts then do us both a favor and stop replying
>posts image that is explicitly written from chara's perspective, which doesn't prove anything about how the post's writer came to the conclusion that all narrator dialogue is
chara and none is frisk themself
is this your first strike or your third
not sure if you're the person the first half of this post is about
ah shit man you just said i was lying about 400 post long thread everyone can read i guess i'm dead now
That second one has been the quote of some insane bitch I used to know on discord for like a year now, never played the game so I don't really get it
it insists upon itself.
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>i am asking you to send me proof that the post you've been screaming about for 3 hours has an actual provable reason to assert that all narrator dialogue is chara's and none of it is frisk's
man remember when frisk finally revealed his name by narrating it?! what a cool scene
t. this niggers derranged mind.
do you have a learning disability of some kind
not only is this not proof of anything you've been insisting the post says or proof that not a single line of narration dialogue is written by frisk, it's also not even a line of dialogue from the narrator
you can just admit you're making shit up you know
it's not like it would be surprising at this point
is your nigger mind so stupid youre going to prove publically that you've never even played this game let alone read the archive?
So when you actually complete one of the two real proper endings Undertale has, the game introduces you to one of two characters, (technically both in both endings but anyone that talks about this shit didn't actually play the game and only remembers which ever one's convenient for some gay shit).
Frisk, the goody good boy that does all the friending that you play as
<PLAYER> a fucking fruit cup that sets off the events of the game by being a misanthropic faggot, that you name as a joke at the start of the game. (This is a reference to MOON)
Whenever you fully commit to either of these routes the mirror will instead state either
>Despite everything it's still you, Frisk
>It's Me! <Player>!
But in any incomplete playthrough of the game, the mirror simply reads "Despite everything it's still you"
The joke being that by not carrying out either playthough of the game to completion you've failed to fully play out your Role as the Named Fallen Human, or Frisk, so in that moment, you're still you, rather than the protagonist of the game.
you dumbass
Yeah no retard I'm not getting the middle of the retard fight of people that want to canonize their tumblrsharts
I'm just the guy explaining the mirror.
No accusations of who's narrating what.
the point was that your explanation is wrong, because the still just you sign is what you get after true pacifist, never mind the fact that you already did get in the middle of this argument by making a definitive statement on what kind of character you think chara is. but as usual for anti charaniggers you think you are above consiquences.
Go, away, headmate boy.
no ammount of kvetching will make mind buddyism not canon. glad that other faggot fucked off though.
Hey I thought of a joke would you like to hear it?
i am now ready for your joke.
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Sharing a project=/=friends
That being said Shadman is cringe and anyone who harbors him should take a good long look at themselves and ask them what brought themselves to this
yeah Chara is a sadist, its pretty clear
he may like monsters more than humans, but they arent exactly spared his ire either
Thank you, you're a wonderful audience, and thank you for setting yourself up with a screenshot in the bad opinion zone with the name of Chara.
no one can be a real charafag and not like jokes.
opinion discarded
narrachara faggotry was already debunked by the jp localization book
this only leaves the true lab tapes and what asriel says in the ruins as material for chara's "character" building
if you don't understand that all murderboy ever was is a little psycho shit then you should learn how to read
Level of Violence was stupid because there's no E
You don't add the last letter of a word to an acronym composed otherwise of only first letters
It would've worked if it stayed as LV and Flowey was bullshitting out his ass with the LOVE thing but Toby had to have his cake and eat it too I guess
kris is LITERALLY me in every sense of the word. like, literally
Wow, can't believe Toby plagiarized so much of his music. Thankfully my favorite videogames didn't do the same thi- ACK
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>450 posts
>200 of them are small walls of text written in anger for the sole purpose of owning the other guy
>thread will archive and be forgotten in a day
Are you enjoying yourself?
fellas of /v/ when did you drop milquetale? for me it's when Toriel sperged out and said i'm evil for killi-*gets blown up midsentence and dies*
>also won best soundtrack and was a runner-up for best game, best new ip, and best rpg
this is showing that 4chan was heavily split on the game, not that it universally hated it
>already debunked by the localization book

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