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What's your excuse today for not having moved on to VR gaming?
name a AAA title other than Alyx
I don't want it.
asgard's wrath 2 was nice
according to the comic it's not going to look fun until after i've died
but in all seriousness, I'm getting VR this year now that I'm not gaming on a mid laptop any longer
You won't be getting decent headsets till 2040 at least.
Wii game
>you'll be old or dead before VR is finally fun
What did the comic creator mean by this?
also alyx isn't aaa, it was indie budgeted like everything valve does
it's fun now like how fun games were in the 90s
it just wont hit mass market appeal ever
>this anon thinks that VR is a system with exclusive games and not a replacement for your computer screen
Imagine willingly limiting yourself like that when you could be playing San Andreas with full immersion right now
I'm a big faggoty VR enthusiast but there's really not much to get most people interested in VR if they're already completely disinterested in it.
The reputation was shot in the foot when it was new tech thanks to most early games being half-baked stand in place tech demos, and even the newer high budget games are pretty lacking.

The common perception that you either need a $1000 Valve Index or a piece of Mark Zuckerberg spyware in your room at all times is also a big negative to a lot of people.
>playing San Andreas
speaking of which, they were suppose to port that to VR a while ago just like RE4
VR has only 3 worthwhile games: Jet Island, Beat Saber and VRChat. The first is a few hours long game with not much replayability; the latter two are games that only appeal to a small number of people.
A bit too casual for me at least.
Real gamers don't wanna spend 10 hours grinding a game with a fucking thing strapped to their heads
Only exception would be racing sims but even then, triple monitors are still way more comfortable to look at
Plus that way I can grab my nearby drink during gameplay
There isn't a whole lot to "move on" to. Don't get me wrong, I fukkin love me some VR but there isn't a whole lot there to make it my primary platform. It's not PC2. Still, I'm happy with it. Bust it out every couple months, play some VR stuff, go back to PC when I get a little burnt out on VR.
The last one isn't even VR tho
Don't miss out on H3VR. That "Take and Hold" mode is way more fun than it has any right to be. That's probably the one thing I spend the most time in VR playing.
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It also has this problem where people will complain about not having enough VR exclusive games to justify purchasing a headset, but when you make VR exclusive games based off of popular IPs (Batman: Arkham Shadow) they'll throw a hissy fit and demand that they port it to flat screens
Faggot who doesn't play actual video games detected. VR definitely doesn't have nearly as many good titles as it should but there are more than that.
>HL Alyx (duh)
>TWD Saints & Sinners
>Blade & Sorcery
>Into The Radius
>Red Matter 2
All very solid VR games you can put a good amount of time into. And there are plenty more games I haven't played yet.
Right now the only VR game I want to play is Alyx. I'm not about to spend that amount of money on a single game.

Everyone I know who got a VR headset has it collecting dust on their shelves.
>no games, expensive
>no games, still expensive but cheaper
>still no fucking games
>on the cusp of a new gen
>no excuse
All of these except the last one is totally fair. Being an early adopter while there is no reason to adopt is bizarre.
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From what I know the best VR games are VRchat, Alyx, Skyrim/Fallout (modded), Blade and Sorcery, and Beat Saber. Beyond that the selection is very limited. If any anon has some better suggestions please drop them I want to play more games on my headset.
>check out what the popular VR games are these days
>the stuff from 8 years ago is still top of the charts
If thats not a sign of how few fucks people give I don't know what is
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VRchat has Ace Combat in it now, that makes it the best VR game
Aaa sucks, why would i want it ruining my VR like they ruined flat vidya
You're dumb. Uuvr is finally usable so now all unreal AND unity games get VR mods.
1. It still isn't cheap, whoever made this image is retarded
2. There are only a handful of games to play, which you will do only once and then never touch your vr headset again for months
I only "play" vr like every few days now but I use for my pc all day every day avp style. Can't go back to physical monitors or back to only 1 monitor (even though running 3 ultrawides eats up 60% of my gpu)
Serious Sam games are some of the best vr experiences
I'm waiting for panel 3. Having to hook it up to your PC to get any kind of power out of it isn't something I want to bother with. I also haven't been paying attention though, are we at panel 3 yet?
If I want to move around and look at things and hit them with a sword I go outside to the woods.
When I am gaming I want to sit down and look at a screen and push buttons.
The pcvr space is all about mods. We rarely even touch vr native because devs these days are literal retards. That's who makes these threads by the way, vr native devs who purposely gimp their games (difficulty for example) to keep people from making the switch fully. Ditch the luddites and stick to mods. Devs in 2024 don't deserve to eat. Gotta starve out the cancer
I thought VR porn would get better but there's still nothing better than fucking VaM, and I'm sick of it.
Vr is is dumb if you can't go pc. You don't need to go pc right away, you cans still get your feet wet with standalone to know if vr is even that important to you. But without pc you're only getting maybe 10% return from your hmd. But with pc it's more like 150% if you're using it for flat stuff and mods. Should prioritize pc if you don't have one yet.
The literal worse. I think 90% of vr native recs on this board are to make people have a bad experience in vr. Even I fell for the galgun meme. Probably my most retarded vr purchase because of a v shill. Stick to mods, don't give these shitty devs any money
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i fixed it so its not a strawman but i dont understand it now.
I like playing minigolf in VR but thats about it so far
dobson energy
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>2018 or so
>VR faggots tell me this is the next step in gaming
>tell them it will go the way of 3D TVs
>it went the way of 3DTVs
all of the day bro
This comic is channeling Dobson's spirit so hard.
I own a headset. I'm just too lazy to play VR most of the time. It's a whole thing.
the same reason I haven't bought a playstation since 3
but there are still new headsets coming out?
make it so the dumb VR zoomer dies sooner because his arteries got clogged from microplastics
>and there are good games
>since VR is cheaper now
That still hasn't happened.
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IF ONLY there was a mod that lets you play hundreds of games with motion controls(dozens actually worth playing)
this is cool but i want some games that were actually built for vr
No porn, no buy
I've played a lot of VR, and I just dont want to stand and move around. I like to recline in my chair, relax and use a controller. If they do make a brain interface headset where my thoughts control everything, I will probably enjoy that.
How much does a decent headset+controllers cost that isn't by some zuckerberg Facebook child company?
All the top 10 titles on any vr store are over 5 years old
i read in a magazine that valve were looking into doing that, apparently we're closer than we think
using vr strictly as a camera novelty trick is is not going to save it. most vr games are incredibly generic and have very little interactivity.
VR is shit, clunky and requires alot of space

i just want to play fps games(or more) with near human FOV and just use my controller hooked up to it
old 90's movies made VR look cool, see what it is today and looks like baby shit
want that onmidirection treadmill instead of point and click movement, i want that jonny Mnemonic internet VR
ive been born in the worst time in history, cant be a killer like in medieval or western times and dont have tech thats in all these scifi movies and shows. theres nothing to explore left on earth but the ocean and we dont have the tech to do even that
The inconvenience and discomfort is more bad than the increased immersion is good. That's why VR is only worth it for games specifically designed for it (like Beat Saber).
that’s why vr games need to be creative and interactive. right now they’re just a novelty where you can look freely or swing a sword/shoot a gun. it really doesn’t help that most of the games are half-assed
This combined with some kind of intuitive Wand controller would be sick
Sucks for people who never got comfortable with their headset. I can wear mine 8 hours without discomfort.
>pancake lens so the weight isn't leaning
>3 contact points all covered with pleather
>open face gasket so it's not touching my face at all
>small counterweight on the back to offset the front
feels like my headset is floating in front of me and it's tightly bound as well
And what are advantages of being an early adopter besides being able to go to a furry sex party in VR chat? Because that's literally all you can do right now.
>Jet Island
Holy shit how have I not heard of that? It looks like VR Surf. Methinks I'd get severe motion sickness whipping myself around like that though.
>vr early adopter
Yep, that strawman in OP is like a year old and VR still looks like the first panel. Still no killer app, still no interest from mayor publishers. Just coomers pretending to be anime girls. Still pretty early if you ask me.
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beat saber is the killer app.

I like Davigo too but it needs more attention from the devs...
I mean I'd consider people using browsers to browse the world wide web in the 1990s to be early adopters despite the technology technically existing for decades. VR has technically existed for a decade in the same sense.
every VR space is ruled by tranis and i dont want none of that
I can play that game on my headphones based on what you've shown me.
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Every single game experience has been exponentially enhanced ever since I got my VR headset. Some of my favorite moments:
>Fighting my first life sized dragon in Skyrim
>Surviving a leviathan attack in Subnautica
>Outer wilds
>Walking through the giant trees to the Braithwaite Manor in RDR2
>Getting so scared in RE7 that I was too paralyzed to move.
>Looking up Tifa's skirt in FF7
>Going back to childhood memories like OoT and getting that magical feeling back
Definitely worth the money.
all of the day bro implies there's more than one, and like another anon said Alyx is indie
71th post best post
71st* thoughbeitever
Disney had a publicaly available VR racing game as far back as 1999, and it was being tested in 1994
It's shit, I would rather play games normally on the monitor.
Unfortunately this is true but most places seem less moderated than their flat competitors
Exactly why uuvr and uevr is better than vr native or flat
Redpill me on why the other guy didn't age. Now.
I like platformers, metroidvanias, twin stick shooters, deckbuilders, JRPGs, and adventure games. What does VR have to offer?
See, these anti vr shills are really just failed vr devs poisoning the well. No one with access to mods is saying "I wish I had a babified version" only other devs say shit like that
He did, he just started as a kid
I enjoy shitposting
I just played Nier Automata in 3d on a screen the size of a large building and that was pretty cool.
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I don't want to wear a stupid thing on my head.
I do actually have a VR headset that I've mostly used a fancy immersive monitor.
It gives me a headache after around an hour. If they fix that and make the headset lighter I might see about picking something up.
I think VR is cool and had a lot of fun when I used it but from the little time I had it I knew it was a novel gimmick. You are incredibly restricted in what you can make in VR and even then developers don’t try much new with what they have. I was kind of hoping for a resurgence of well-made rail shooters with VR but I don’t think that happened.
That talking point fell apart in January with the release of uevr
>rail shooters
I was hoping for VR to innovate that genre too but we're just getting you're typical cowboy shooting gallery stuff.
Maybe realistic controller guns would make it better? idk
Is there real VR support for it now or does it still just act like a monitor strapped to your face? Subnautica always seemed like the perfect candidate for a VR game but I refuse to use kb+m with a headset on.
Yep someone added motion controls and a body. Building also works well.
that's awesome, I'll have to check it out
no money
buy me one
Make a Blood Meridian VR game out of this
Looked it up actually cool. Would definitely be a point towards buying vr
I'm not going to buy a computer screen that hurts to wear and is 2-5x the price.
movement is shit
Call me when LE EPIC HEADSET formfactor is dead and buried and we can do full VR with glasses. Until then, have fun I guess.
there's the bigscreen beyond which is a stupid name for a headset thats main selling point is that it's small and light but it's $1000 for the headset alone
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but its already here
and my favorite effeminate male already made a video on it
you vill get the brain implant
It's mostly novel, thr fact that dolled up wii shovelware are being pushed as it's best games is telling. I saw some nigger spanking around in some shooter using VR, he was having a blast apparently. For me it's cool, but only for about an hour every couple of days. I'll try to play some regular games with a vr headset in the future, for now it's gathering dust with the wii u
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because its been 5 years since alyx and we're still in panel 1
Having played second gen VR when it was slightly more affordable and it was fucking awful experienct of low refresh rates and tripping over cords. A total waste of money.
You also had shit like google cardboard kill VR in the public eye by claiming it was VR.
there's 20 years between each panel, and each VR person is the previous one's son
You aren't going to make an arcade-style VR shooter that tops robo recall without straight up copying it.
Buy an ad, faggot shill
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I'd be kind of embarrassed if I was a shill or advocate for VR, look back and realize the VR scene hasn't budged a fucking inch for an entire decade.
I saw a video where somnium had a mixed reality cockpit set up for DCS
I haven't figured out how they did it yet, only thing I've found is a mod that can let me chromakey my hands into passthrough.
being able to see my throttle/stick/desk would be useful cuz I'm a total noob and trying to memorize the bindings on my hotas is rough based solely on feel
Porn games were literally the only good niche market to justify bulky vr setup and accesories but there literally is no good porn games for vr lol
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I have yet to see a VR game that doesn't look like it's holding your hand and letting you get away with a lot, because it knows the controls would otherwise make it frustrating to play.
I do however acknowledge that VR horror has potential. One streamer I watched was literally crying and in feral position on the floor, because despite being a horror streamer, she can't handle scary stuff well. But then she glitched under the floor and could ignore all enemies.
I literally don't have the room for it.
I keep forgetting to set up the software that will let me use PSVR with VRChat
Not worth the trouble
>VR horror has potential
The haptic feedback vest is pretty great for horror games
>he fell for the motion controls -meme
It's Wii all over again...
But the guy behind it is a commie?
It's a worse control scheme than mouse + keyboard
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I'm already raising my daughter in VR.
It's everything the comic fails to discuss
As in it's shit
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I wish there was something like this but for retro games.
>But muh dolphinVR
Yeah no that shit hasn't been updated in over 10 years.
Vrchat finally got full hand tracking for pcvr yesterday so I've been giving tons of non-stop hand jobs.

>You're not a real gamer if you play vrchat
What an absolutely moronic post, I'm over 30 and have been on this board likely longer than you've been alive.
Post avatar fag
The tech is very limited and expensive. I dont want to pay hundreds of dollars just to play couple of hours of tech demos and never do anything with it ever again.
Vrchat is setting itself up for acquisition, the days of freedom on vrchat are just about over. Think MySpace after they stopped allowing you to put anything you wanted on your page.
Keyboard anything is already the worse
what retard would buy a terribly optimized game running on an old engine
Why would I bother? I only like Moss and there's no Moss 3
It's because vr devs are not building games for vr gamers or even gamers. That's why I say I'm fairly certain vr native devs are primarily there to sabatoge vr adoption. They level of improvement that modders can implement vr on compared to fully funded studios is far to large of a margin to not be on purpose.
Thank God I hold zero loyalty to the platform. I already have been telling secondlife life fags for years that they're exactly like worlds.com users at this point. Gotta keep learning and adapting, was good while the chaotic era lasted. Gotta love those frontier internet experiences.
One that watched every other company pour millions into their own just to get a fraction of the active user base.
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>Resonite does everything Vrchat does but better
>Runs at 10fps and is played exclusively by about 10 furries
Time for ChilloutVR to get another one week revival
>What's your excuse today for not having moved on to VR gaming?
I'm not a cuck LOL
Who is Tranis and what has he done to inspire such animosity?
Considering how much money the average person spends on temporary, fleeting experiences, VR is not a bad purchase.
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Chilloutvr is apparently working on a quest standalone version, where I would say the majority of the current market resides. If they can manage to pull it off, I can see a substantial content creator base shifting to the new platform. Just have to wait and see.

Neos had potential but they were married to their shitty 90's ui. Resonite is way to behind the times and obvious same problem. Think I tried chillout. Was basically broken. Altspace was woke enforced trashed (literally people would stand around eavesdropping wrong think to report) felt like you were at work. Horizons is for literal retards. Vrchat is now probably a literal fbi honeypot (part of the corporatization process). It was down hill for them since the defaulted no cloning of avatars.
Resonite finally fixed the settings UI at least. Everything in that game is still cumbersome and confusing but it's slowly getting better
Anyone using 1080 anything for their media consumption, a quest 3 as their primary display/tv is an upgrade. You couldn't convince me I needed a 4k TV because I don't watch non bootleg content. But after using vr I ditched my movie projector (which you couldn't get me to go back to physical tv prior). That alone is worth it. Will likely hold out for my next hmd for the quest 2 pro for 4k per eye unless they decide to lock it down by then. I can't count on another brand besides valve to release a headset that would continue to be supported in its relevant life
Yeah I played elden ring and ghost of tsushima on my Quest 3. A giant screen that I can bring to watch anywhere in my house is comfy.
... What is this?
There are no good computers to connect the headset to. Modern gpus are a complete disaster, and graphics are going backwards.
You can run almost all vr games and vr mods except for like cyberpunk with a 1080
>tfw want pimax crystal light but have to wait for 5090 to release (and then realistically wait for 5090ti since base model won't be 32gig) :^(((
if i had known I was going to enjoy VR stuff I wouldn't have bought 4070ti and I would've just got 4090 a year and a half ago
Anon... Apple just released their own vr headset, it's far from over.
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The future of parenting
Gorn is pretty good for what it is. I love picking the baldies up and wolverine clawing their hearts out.
>the guy who's aging and grew up is objectively correct
>the shit eating zoomer consumer consumes shit
What was the point of this comic?
Waiting for a DBZ VR game
Wasn't there a kinect game? Maybe that DBZ theme parks in Saudia Arabia could have some VR attractions
I think a few of the fighting dbz games are unreal, so they can be injected.
dunno how well they work in UEVR, and there'd be no motion controls unless someone made a profile. so probably not what you're looking for
Name a good VR game
I dnot see the point
Masturbation Simulator 1776
>Don't have enough room for a VR setup.
Risk of rain 2
Muh lack of room is more reason to want it. You could live in a cardboard box and yet be surrounded by a fancy loft with huge media walls. I don't have 1 movie screen now, I have 3, simultaneously.
I actually just bought a quest 2 off ebay for 150, excited for it to get here so I can give it a spin. One of my friends stole one himself from the esports arena he used to work at so we gonna play some cool shit together.
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Any VR game that lets me respect women.

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