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Why not?
im pretty sure trained professional translators have a better understanding of the proper way to localize something than your google translate
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holy discord raid
Languages form the way you think. English causes people to become feminist HR princesses and cuckolds over a long enough timeline
Just wait a couple years we'll be rid of the trannylators in due time.
>says the guy raiding the board every day with this exact same thread
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You know the drill.
they're called trannylators for a reason
how can I trust that translation?
the japanese communicate such things in very subtle ways.

who did the english translation? who translated this image?
have they both written down their exact process and reasoning on the matters?
I'd trust a company over a troon
>hate trans people
>hate it when something reminds you of trans people
looks like translation is not the problem here
You think you do but you don't. You can't convince me that the more accurate/literal scripts would be better than one that is actually localized unless you are genuinely an ESL so it all reads/sounds the same to you anyway, or you're just a stupid directionbrained culture warrior that doesn't actually care about the games or the script and how it would sound.
Ronaldo el karateka
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True, the problem is that trans people are still alive.
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They might have, but they're failed writers who think they're better than the source material they translate, so they (((improve)) it with their own fanfiction.
I like how nobody ever takes into account the actual real anime example of getting what you anti localizers want, and everyone finding the more direct script to be utter shit in comparison to the more localized version. It's so perfect too because the events and timeframe allowed both versions to release to be judged.
Because inaccurate translations are funny.
Realistically, how long does it take to learn japanese enough to understand vidya if you spend hours a day immersing?
Why do these sabotaged localisations only happen to the english versions of japanese games and not the spanish, german or french versions?
Avoided this completely by not playing some faggot japanese game with faggot crossdressers in it to begin with.
kikes using retard trannies as puppets to butcher japanese media, what else is new
>basically says the same thing
i dont get it; what is the issue?
They do though, in fact it's been a big complaint that the Pokemon localization for latin countries was even worse than anything you guys complain about, as in it was basically unusable and hard to understand altogether because they just used I think spanish which had different context/use of similar or the same words.
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how cute of you that you think said "professionals" aren't just slightly editing whatever google translate vomits at them
Kike sabotage.
With how sabotaged learning material is, you're way too late to the party.
There's unironically no hope for you anymore unless you go full AJATT and learn like a japanese toddler would, which takes about 3 years as an adult through 5 hours of daily immersion.
The French version was fine. Obviouly pokémon names are different since they're pun based but that's fine.
What I don't understand is why .3% of the population is given so much glory in Western media. You can't throw a stone at Western media without hitting somebody with unconventional pronouns.
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How do I beat this smug bitch bros? I've been trying on and off since high school and nothing seems to click with me
due to recent happenings i really wonder how much of this "the french translation is fine goy, baguettes love japan :)" is an outright fucking lie
Superior nippon writing folded a thousand times
>Oi Toyota-san why are you a faggot dressing like a chick and gettng banged by guys?
>~Aah! Suzuki-kun ! I am just a faggotokonoko engaging in the ancient art of sodomikaze, It can't be helped!
>....I see... Why is it getting colder? (TN: epic cultural reference to the harakiri festival)
Butchered American pigdog sweetbaby DEI Localization
>Hey Tony, what are you doing?
>YOOOO! Simon WAZZUP my homie! Being an LGBTQ queer folx I like to crossdress and be with men because I'm gay!
>I see thank you for educating me about your LGBTQ culture!
(YOU): NOOOOOO this is white genocide!!!!! Anti-Japanese colonialism!
Because they know that English speakers lover their censorship.
Probably the most obvious bot post I've ever read.
Oh, France is definitely pozzed, we're just a decade behind the US as usual, like most of the EU. Just saying the French translations were fine, at least for R/B/Y and G/S/C.
Trannies are insanely unpopular to anyone actually paying attention so they need to change characters and tropes who don't align with traditional sex based roles to be some different identity so they can say "you're ok with this right? well it's trans, and I'm trans so you need to be ok with me"
Ooohhhhh was that my problem? I thought I should start with DQ 1 since it would have less text overall, but 11 would have more furigana...
Did you have a stroke?
israel really doesn't send their best these days
are kikes running out of money this badly?
schizo gem
River City Girls Zero offered a literal and new localised version of the script and everyone preferred the literal version and localisers lost their shit online.

Because white people reproducing is anti semitic.
>They do though, in fact it's been a big complaint that the Pokemon localization for latin countries was even worse than anything you guys complain about, as in it was basically unusable and hard to understand altogether because they just used I think spanish which had different context/use of similar or the same words.
Pudes explicar mas a detalle que paso?
kijsdfjkdnmdksfnsdklfnsdklnfklsdvnsdknvklsdnvn ñnfñsdnfnisdlfsdlfnlsdngfsdl nknflsdnfldsnlfsdnlfnsdklsd nksdlfknsdklfnsdklfnsdklfnsdklfnsdklfnsdklnfksdllb,,mvcmkfjknjhiidsjfisdkif
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In the files, it also keeps saying presenting as a girl instead of crossdressing

It's from several years ago but apparently was pretty bad.
If you're against localisers ruining english translations then you're a neo nazi
Ah, pic related?

but thats not the same thing as what happens with english localizations full of gender ideology shit, thats just spainfags being cringe
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If thats what makes me a neonazi then yes I am one.
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The Orange startup is going to be translation 500 manga into english a month. How long do you think it'll be before localisers get replaced with AI translation?

It was basically overloaded in local slang making it incomprehensible elsewhere.
>Yes, I am ....
>Yes, I am ....
>(Oh, and for extra fun?)
Why do they type like that? Is it Marvel/main character brainrot?
>literally too young to have seen a genuinely bad translation
How the fuck is that even possible and who the fuck gatekeeps bad translations? Dog emperor more like retard
cope, he called you reactionary zoom zooms out haha
This guy thinks most people who are involved in TranslationGate are legitimately not interested in good localizations and that they're all neo nazis and racists and sexists. How in the fuck do you come to that conclusion? This guy is retarded.
It's just a defense mechanism. If they are some type of -ist or -phobe then you never have to actually engage with any of their arguments or debunk the evidence they present.
All this guy talk about is politics. His brain has rotted.

>How in the fuck do you come to that conclusion
Wokes/leftypol only care about shit that spreads their message people enjoying shit that isnt explicitly for approving their specific political brainrot dont exist and must be lying. Its Qanon tier 'media literacy' to strech everything to completely agree with all of my personal beliefs 100%

Think poltards arguing the brainless moeslop/brony shit they goon to is secretly about ethnonationalism or caholic theocracy
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I want to censor lgbtshit from games, how do I start modding games?
just play it in the original japanese
>b-but this westoid gam-
then it's not worth playing, stop giving money to kikes
>just play it in the original japanese
I see... so the solution is to play in a language I don't understand
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>AI will end this
Chatgpt translate this game but add queer friendly language.
>He doesn't already know Japanese.
>He didn't learn before kikes sabotaged all learning material.
Holy shit I feel so bad for you.
It's not hard to come to that conclusion whe a lot of the guys who shit and piss about it usually either
>have pfps of anime girls with nazi uniforms
>cry xenophobia when they practice it themselves
>calls everyone niggers, tranny, westoid or a buzzword of the month
Then again, they might be a loud minority just like trannies. What I find funny is that most are mutts or spics.
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yet bet blackrock funding and kike influence in trannylators is totally just a coincidence
Why can't white people say no to Jew money? Why are they so weak?
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They get marked as a worthless goylems from birth through circumcision, this fucks with their minds into being what they are today.
Troons are more than enough scientific proof genitalia damage fucks with the soul, if they even have a soul to begin with.
No the don't.
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Saw something like this recently. The japanese voice said an entire goddamn sentence (10+ words) and all the subtitles said was "Thanks."
Anglos are more self-deluded than even Jews and think everything has to be adapted to their backward ways.
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>Gender bender
*Transsexual fiction.
AI translations are gonna still need editors to check for errors so they will find a way to inject trannies into those positions.
I mean, the localization in this case absolutely matches the culture of the country of the target language
I’ve absorbed enough basic and common phrases or dialogues through osmosis that o know when something is even meeting the bare minimum standards and when some retard has the gall to completely change the script. Their bosses really need to slap the hard lesson of reality that they are not the equals of the original devs and script writers. And by that I mean shitcan them and blacklist them from the industry
Kikes love butchering japanese media, what else is new.
looks like a gay manga.
Same here. Having even the smallest grasp on Japanese makes you notice so much shit.
That same game had a part where they translated "ご飯" as "food" instead of translating it as "rice" which ended up making it so that the sentance didn't make sense at all
what does the original says
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>That same game had a part where they translated "ご飯" as "food" instead of translating it as "rice" which ended up making it so that the sentance didn't make sense at all
unironically wouldnt surprise me if its a problem with trannies being glorified MTL editors since at least the early 2010s, especially when both google translate and deeptl have gotten worse at translating japanese due to consistent efforts to fuck it up over the years
It's funny how that has nothing to do with non-binary people. It's a programming joke.
I dont care, trannies in videogames are hot and i want to sex them, is the trannies IRL that i dont like.
more or less the same thing as the tl
>she's literally a witch, let's kill her!
Absolute fucking dark ages mentality. These creatures should be ruthlessly culled. It is not human.
Rule 63 as a concept existed before jews started abusing kids in the west for psych money grants.
It is a Bamco game so it's completely possible the translation also has a fair bit of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors too
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Is there a meaningful difference between "some binaries work, some don't," and "it's convenient?" Both imply that the kid isn't actually a transgender girl, one simply alludes to nonbinary people because Western audiences can use that as a reference point
Kikes only know how to subvert and destroy, what else is new.
That's a doujinshi bro.
Don't attribute to the International Jew what can simply be attributed to incompetence
how many coincidences im supposed to let pass before we all just admit kikes are the problem?
>it’s boring
That means nothing. Do your job and do it correctly. If someone doesn’t it like it that much, find different employment
It doesn't even allude intentionally. It's a joke, the boy is a hacker/proficient with computers (hence, binaries that work for him) and dresses in girls' clothes (the binary of boys' clothes and girls' clothes doesn't work for him)
He says over and over in the game elsewhere that he's male.
I'm going to go AJATT and avoid japanese games until I'm at least N2
faggots grooming kids, pedophiles and homosexuals, societal cancer.
Owned by the kikes, Americans are really cucks lol!
Because the West has been irreparably corrupted.
See you in 10 years
nah AJATT is surprisingly useful if you actually commit to it
you dont have to change windows or your phone to japanese, but you would be surprised how fast an adult non-nigger non-brown male can learn japanese once you arent relying on sabotaged kike "guides" or "dictionaries"
Trained sure. Doesn't mean they will be good at their job.
Keyword here being "localize"
Ben and Jerry are Jewish, and anti-BDS legislation was used against them to punish them for opposing the genocide in Gaza
A guy called Jazzy passed the N1 in 8 and a half months from knowing zero japanese
depends on what games and what exactly do you mean when you say "understand" vidya
in the same way pets are trained, sure, kikes sure train their pets well
reminder that there is plenty of tools you could be using to play japanese video games and learn it RIGHT NOW
what the fuck is a binaries ?
1 or 0
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Neither make sense
There's literally nothing wrong with the left, you've just assosiated the word binary with LGBT. It's like ESLs when they lose their shit when you use 'they' to refer to someone.
that trannylation is literally wrong
How many of them?
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The fuck happened to deepTL anyway?

way/method means
subject marker
circumstances, convenience
is/are, again a sentence subject indicator, but is used in a set phrase here so it's fine 都合がいい is used all the time to just mean convenient
copula indicating reason

first person pronoun
subject marker
progressive -teiru form of 生きる/to live
nominalizes the previous verb
indicates previous nominalized verb clause as direct object
indicates purpose/intent
to be able

Please tell me how the fuck the trannylators couldn't have just translated the line as something as simple as "this was more convenient" or whatever?
All you're doing is abetting their mental illness dogwhistling
I speak Japanese and can tell you the right is more accurate. Please understand.
The problem is not localization. The whole point of localization is to take something that doesn't translate well, either culturally or linguistically, and to try and achieve the nearest possible while achieving the desired meaning in the translated work. Adding things that are fundamentally not in the underlying work or necessary for translation to the target culture/language isn't localization, its just agenda pushing.
>The problem is not localization. The whole point of localization is to take something good and turn it into utter goyslop because israel demands it.
Wow, you must be really retarded to miss the entire point.
I can understand why you'd think that, but you'd still be wrong.
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He has a point you know
>Deranged ramblings of an useful moron pushing kike agendas.
>How in the fuck do you come to that conclusion?
Power politics.
hiragana and katakana? simple shit we all learn in a day.
kanji? filtered me for the past 10 years too. fuck...
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bet these same kikerock sponsored morons are the ones crying they are being replaced by japan-made AI solutions
>AI solutions
ai translation is actually just superior to "localizers" at this point and its not close
Reminder they don't care what you think since you faggots don't pay for these games.
Can someone explain "newhalf" to me? it's the only one on this list I'm unfamiliar with.
How many years have you been at this? Move on with your life, start cross dressing, fucking do something
sorry for being retarded but where is the LGBT in this pic? Is it the rainbow emoji? The colors are little sus
>ai translation is actually just superior to "localizers" at this point and its not close
Good morning!
sex change surgery aka dick mutilation.
no westoid troon got paid to write this, this is an objective improvement over current translations
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She's gay and they say it in the beginning.
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i'm white, handsome and have blue eyes thoughever. likely substantially whiter than you.
>My garden is full of weeds
>I just want them to go away
Then remove them useless stickman
It'll get worse with time. Especially with Japanese, it requires obscene amounts of effort to learn, troons aren't going to do it. Meanwhile, tools just keep getting better.
What game? Is that aegis rim?
especially these past few years now that all learning material got sabotaged to shit by kikes
Japanese media isn't all that influenced by Western "leftism". Only very, very mildly. Unless shit changes in the US though, they'll cave.
American's obsession, but watch them push the blame to anyone but themselves
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Doubt it when the ubisoft niggercreed drama sparked japanese nationalism like crazy.
I mean can you imagine being the retard at kikesoft having to answer blackrock calls?
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this is literally how they take any criticism at all.
twitter has destroyed the minds of creatives, in almost every creative industry. from television to movies to comic books to video games and yes, translations.

they are incapable of any introspection or thinking that they could be in the wrong for their beliefs. which makes sense, after all, having a blimp-sized ego is the only way you get anywhere in most creative industries. being humble makes you a doormat who serves the creative director coffee.
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>American's obsession
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What did marvel mean by this?
which manga is this?
#StopTakamagaharaHa- Whoops, time to shove it under the rug after finding out who's having people's heads with mjonirs.
wtf is 右差 bro
If only we had a database of kanji translated to english to figure it out!
Nevermind forgot all learning material got sabotaged by kikes long ago.
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Just google it in japanese nigga!!!
You're trying to lookup nonsense.in a dictionary
garbage in garbage out
>Just AJATT bro.
Sure, but that's very much the point.
Thanks for agreeing with me.
It isn't even relevant. It's poisoning the well. They could very well be an alliance between Lenin, Pol Pot, and Hitler reborn, but so long as they are correct that the localizations are bad and introduce unwanted political shit, their other views are inconsequential.
I don't actually know what your point is.
If the point is that deepL got ruined by kikes and that it used to be good, then you're putting too much faith in a fancy markov chain that (by its very design) can't solve basic referential ambiguity. It was always bad.
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>years later
>still fuming over a basic coding joke
>game has more than a little straight male fanservice, and even this homosex pairing appeals to femboy fetish (fake gay)

I'm half convinced these are treehouse shills falseflagging. "We didn't murder fire emblem's English releases. These people just like to complain!"
Okay so
Chinese characters have radicals. Each radical has its own meaning
If you vividly try and imagine a story with each radical's meaning as a sequential element according to the stroke order, you can use this as a way to recall the kanji

Since you already can read the syllabary, read material with ruby text that shows the phonetic transcription alongside the character.

for years i have been telling people kikes have fucked over learning material so hard that youre better off just going full immersion
its far easier and faster if you arent a braindead goylem too
Why the fuck are kikes so evil anyway? What's their fucking problem?
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I hate femboys, faggots, cross dressers, trannies, twinks, tomboys, tomgirls, and all forms of gender deviance.

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