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Play the first descendant
>western female designs are just men
>eastern female designs are so hypersexual it just looks bad
middleground please
I did. It was a much worse Destiny 2 with boring combat.
Does it have a cowboy themed character with holsters and hand cannons?
is there any outfit that shows skin aside from ultimate bunny
stop bumping this phonenigger
post heels
better quality? for research purposes
Sadly >>683831943 is right. All we ever get nowadays are either manly looking 'women' or borderline porn. I want my fanservice to be somewhat tasteful.
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not downloading a fucking spyware
kill yourself jeet shill
I watched IGNs review and it just looks like Anthem?
You're a faggot
>It was a much worse Destiny 2 with boring combat.
No, really wasn't, mogs base destiny by several magnitudes, and while the combat isn't anything special it moms destiny's 3 samey ability combat. It also was never at any point $60
>posted from my Windows™ 10 PC
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Cool it with the shilling, samefagging nigger
Sad thing is that it looks kinda interesting but now that I realise that it's f2p grindy microtransaction cbt hell I don't really want to play it.
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I'm convinced TFD female characters are the hottest in gaming because they have the VS supermodel look but with hips, ass, boobs and meaty legs without looking over the top or cartoony
There is no middleground for fags like you. Either a character is attractive or it isn't. Enjoy Concord, I guess.

Kick back and lurk some fucking more so you learn what those funny words you use actually mean.
Anyone using Fallen Hope? It's surprisingly good every time I've taken it out, but I'm debating whether to slap an energy activator on it or not.
I don't play gachi games
They're not. You're just so used to looking at Western hamplanets you forgot what actual women are supposed to look like.
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>Feels uncomfortable by tits
Confirmed literal faggot
Still using thundercage and tamer... Are the other ultimates really worth building
Looks like garbage. Original skin is leagues better.
I wanted to, but then I realized I don't trust asians so I'd rather just watch people stream it, which I do. Everyday.
hows the gameplay ?

i tried snowbreak but not even the cutest waifus can save such bland combat and the waifus in snowbreak are mid
genuinely gross, whoever designed this needs to touch grass asap
snowbreak plays like some kid's first unity project whereas this has actual gameplay
It's a more shooter focused Warframe so basically Destiny but a tps instead of a fps/tps hubrid. Right now there is no end game but just farming for whatever character or weapons you havent unlocked yet.
korean games are pure shit. i cant understand how you can play garbage like this. if you play it for the sexy girls just play some porn games. theyre way better at that aspect...
name one porn game that has models and girls as good as the ones in this game and is finished

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The closest is probably that patreon scam that had xcom gameplay but it has ntr. It was a mass effect like setting I think.
holy gays
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Still undecided if ult valby looks lewder than ult bunny
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I'm still trying to finish up Stellar Blade.
Just open a webm of one of the girls. You've seen all the content this game has to offer without grinding for a thousand hours.
>mogs destiny's samey ability combat
>every hunter, titan, warlock has access to a multitude of different abilities and supers, different fragments and aspects, different exotic armor to change their builds and playstyles
>literally all bunny players just hit their C and V and then run around
OK bud
sorry destiny bro but i've met too many brainwashed destiny fanboy retards to believe anything positive about that game is actually true
>change their builds and playstyles
You can do in TFD since it also copies from warframe where modules can alter the effects of their skills. The issue is that default bunny is so overtuned that you practically don't need anything else if you're fighting mobs.
ultimates take like 20 hours to grind
Does everyone just play the bunny girl?
Also depends of you're joining a farming group. Of youre lucky and find a group of sharens farming outpost you can get amorphous mats every 3 runs on average and that goes by really fast now that they reduced the cooldown timers.
>warframe but worse, but it has k-pop idol girl!
Nah, I'm good. Playing xPiratez currently, I highly suggest it to everyone here.
nah fuck off troon
If you're referring to regulat bunny, that's because she's the first character you unlock and in the end game, if you're referring to ult bunny, that's because she's the first ultimate that most people farm for. That and she's broken as hell.
Nice falseflag, redditor. The mod was exiled because its maker was against troons and other freaks since he's a polish man. Not only did they report bomb the discord server to get him banned and then have the mod taken off the forums, they also gloated about it on r*eddit. Kill yourself.
I think characters like tracer and juno from OW fit the middle ground
no single player, no buy
Simple as
no u kyss
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The default characters in tfd absolutely do. Pic related is the regular version of OP. OP however is the deluxe version of said char so she looks extra slutty to get people to pay for her. Think of it as like an SSR in a gacha.
I wanna rape all the bunnies in albion
any way they'll add a slap emote?
ACK yourself, subcreature.
You can play solo/private like in warframe.
>middleground please
I require examples.
>warframe but worse
>Warframe but lower research times
>Warframe but better, actually
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sexo with bunnies
troons are the only ones pornsick enough to play this game
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God I love bnuy so much.
>"They're not. Womb tattoos are standard."

Coom-brained beyond repair, I'm afraid.
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yeah she's a cutie
>So pornsick that he can't play a game with actual women without getting a euphoria boner
Stop projecting tranny, most of the characters are male anyway
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Thoughts on Luna?
Undecided but she looks so much cuter like this. Her default look looks too boyish.
so eat the bugs then.
Did they add a sexier skin for Sharon? I thought she was really fun in the beta.
This please this
Women shaped like women but wearing clothes
I mean seriously that OP pic is just fucking ridiculous
I can see her fucking cameltoe
And I'm not saying we need bans we just need to complain and vote with our wallets.
So no I'm not going to play that because camletoe isn't fucking gameplay and watching gay animal porn is also not game play fuck you BG4!
naw, you cant convince people who are gigantic faggots who dont want other people to have their fun, the only thing they know is a sledgehammer to the face
nice bait
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Have you noticed Kyle is literally David Gandy?
did you niggas get ultimate bunny with farming? that 3% drop is driving me insane
Stop farming on normal mode. In hard mode it becomes 10-20%
A lot of the characters oddly look like irl actors. Also lepic is literally dmc5 nero.
yes bwo but you gotta farm on hard
I will now buy your game
Is there a good guide on what to do and where to grind?
nice, i'm having a lot of fun with valby so far
In terms of unlocking characters it basically goes
>then either Blair or Sharen
>then either Gley or Enzo
After that you can decide to either go for ultimate character farming, assuming you beat the story and are in hard mode.
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Is it just me or Valby got fat?
forgive me..but i leave intercept battles if ur bad...
Her ult with that animation is going to break my pants.
See, shit like this makes me want to play the game, but then I remember it will take me like 2 days of grinding and hoping I get some 2% drop or shelling out 100 bucks for this char and it's like...no.

What sort of circle of hell bullshit is this where if you want to play a game with an attractive female you have to pay out the nose, or play some DEI slop with troons. I basically play nothing.
Worst drop rate is 3% on normal and 6% on hard which can be boosted via a dropped item. Outposts also reset at 1 minute now.
>muh research times
Completely irrelevant. It's worse because of how weapons upgrade work and how much you have to pay out of your ass to get the equivalent of a six forma weapon.
I would but it doesn't have a standalone launcher.
Eeehh. Does the game seem like it's gonna have legs? It's got an audience now, but apparently the devs are super jews who've gotten into legal trouble for lying about their drop rates for lootbox shit in a previous game. It was decent fun but games like this love FOMO crap and I'm not trying to turn it into a second job.
Just use steam like every other sane person.
Unless this thing can get pregnant like that one Warframe character I'll pass.
>Does the game seem like it's gonna have legs? It's got an audience now, but apparently the devs are super jews who've gotten into legal trouble for lying about their drop rates for lootbox shit in a previous game.
Nexon are uber jews but the studio itself, Magnum, seems to be super responsive to feedback so far. i.e. people complained about the outpost timers so they changed it from 5 mins to 45 seconds. They also added matchmaking to hard mode when people complained about having to find people to play with. Among other minor tweaks. The only thing they have no power over of is the pricing because that's on nexon, being the publisher.
>supporting drm slop
regular valby looks better :(
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Save for ult bunny, all the regular descendants look far better and more distinct than their ultimate versions for sure. Like ult gley and viessa lose their character in their ult forms. They just look like scifi whores.
>They just look like scifi whores.
You say this like it's a bad thing
Then just use those 2ply ass faggots.
The bunny ass skin looks ugly as hell, there's a reason people stop using it and go with the alternative one
Dilate and die, troon
Looks like sona from lol
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Not saying its a bad thing on its own but it makes the characters look samey. Like gley's schtick is being a blood hungry chick in a lab coat with glasses. That alone hits multiple fetishes. Meanwhile Viessa is your typical sexy slav assassin with ice powers.
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>middleground please
male characters are in the game.
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>he falls for the valby scam
Even with valby run nerfed valby is still top tier tho
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Literally just downloaded it tonight. Gunplay and abilities are tight but it feels like a slight downgrade from Destiny in pure gun quality. No verdict yet but it's actually decent thus far.
You can choose to not wear the sexy bunny outfit.
I mean well destiny was made by ex bungie. Gunplay is the domain of western devs. Most devs for this game likely have not touched a single gun irl.
You're probably right. It's weird but the sheer fucking variety of guns in Destiny having a very solid feel to each of them is astounding. I remember playing Halo infinite and being disappointed in comparison.
It's just water weight
I don't think they should go full coom on all the ult versions. I thought Valby's thing was basically being in a plugsuit with fancy helmets and water theme accessories not really what I wanted as a kyle/valby main god
Respawn might be the last "AAA" studio that can still do consistently polished gun handling. Seems like all the experienced FPS devs are scattered across random ass projects these days and the quality is either randomly fantastic or lacking. Asian devs need to take more notes from the former quality of western FPS studios.
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Her deluxe skin will probably that just like how ult bunny's deluxe skin exists for people who want the sexy but still like some coolness factor
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> let us color default skins
>Replace the retarded one time use paints with straight up stealing Warframe's pallette mechanic
>give the player one generic palette to start.
Do this and I will actually buy Ultimate valby
Two questions.
If you get the deluxe skins, can you mix and match the evolution levels or once it evolves are you stuck with it like that?
And can Ultimate characters use the default skins of their original version?
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Havent got it but you can probably pick the previous forms as an option. I swear I've seen people before running around with mixed parts at least.
this, couldn't believe you can't even recolor the basic outfits
>Cameltoe AND wombtatoo
They really want her to outslut ult bunny huh
When I started I was hoping we'd at least get base a base skin we could colour for maxing the character. Rookie mistake on my part.
I'm farming AMP 72 right now for Ult Gley parts
It's a grind to be sure but right now there isn't the content there to justify doing it OR paypigging
I'm about 150 hours in with 1 bought ulti and one grinded, 1 character being maxed out with weapon
just don't bother until we see if this is another skinnerbox or not
It's weird they picked valby for thr slut-competition. Gley or viessa are more of the slut type. Valby is likes the cute naiev girl next door.
Viessa is a pure older sister
Well the issue is that they already released both ult viessa and gley.
Too many paid cosmetics and you can't trade for the premium currency. Warframe remains king, or Destiny, however you want to see it.
Any good dupe glitch? I don't wanna give koreans any money for an item that has a 2% drop rate
Warframe at least has ember. Destiny remain the fps tranny central
Good thing the worst drop rate is 3% then

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