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why would I watch some tranny foot chaser do something i did 20 years ago? lmao at let's play droolers
Surely you jestin'
>it's real
Happy he’s back
>Wind Waker muh firt game retard
>calls other people troons
What the fuck. I checked his channel last night thinking to myself "He's never going to upload anymore." What are the fucking odds.
I didn't know it was possible to have such shitty reading comprehension KEK
You can just ignore Twitter and keep on going with your life. There's nothing that says you can't unless they actively harass you to the point where you kill yourself.

>They get the account deleted
Make a new one
>But muh videos
Someone's saved them
>But no one did
Then start fresh, if video money is that big of a deal get a fucking job
NCS basically gave it away on his stream a few times that Chugga was already planning to come back.

I believe he also hinted that Chugga was working on a new LP of "something with a 3 in the title"
>The reception on the video is overwhelmingly positive
>Any crying is drowned out instantly

>skips straight past addressing the controversy to on-brand nintendo autism
What happened? Is that the xenoblade guy?
Post sir emily’s response
In case you missed it, check out his reaction to the latest Direct too: https://youtu.be/WXPsiEhiHSU
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Werster and Sir Dalton on suicide watch
His actual fanbase always supported him. The controversy was started by dramawhore tourists who simply wait around to pounce on any public figure who gets "cancelled" because they find it funny.
QRD on this guy?
>*breathes in*
>*breathes in*
>*breathes in*
Did he always read scripts like this or has he gone insane or something
Didn't notice it, you might have a touch of the 'tism, anon.
Big Dick Autist is back, babeh!
Google it, newfaggot.
It's in-between every line read deafanon
Fossil Youtuber from the 2000s. One of the first.
He's like the archtype for "Nintendo fan with autism" who avoided controversy for almost two decades.
Unfortunately, he went chasing feet from a known drama farmer. Early this year the drama farmer cashed in his awkward flirting to get their attention fix. His former girlfriend being a "woman" stirred the pot because she wanted to never be associated with him again, and then A POOR INNOCENT 29 YEAR OLD LOLI reported that back in 2009 they had awkward cringe RP sessions.
The mob wracked him over the coals but as more came to light people realized that the drama whores were full of shit, the ex girlfriend backpedaled and just begged not to be associated with him anymore because people started asking why the fuck would she date a guy for 10 years but demand everyone keep is secret [HINT : It's because she thought she could use him to make more money/become more famous]
Fuck you nigger, if you are going to spam your eceleb bullshit on the video games board you should at least have the common courtesy to spoonfeed me
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Chugga predates the invention of the term "eceleb" by several years, newfaggot.
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>he went chasing feet from a known drama farmer
>A POOR INNOCENT 29 YEAR OLD LOLI reported that back in 2009 they had awkward cringe RP sessions

this is supposed to be controversial? internet faggots need to go the fuck outside.
>the ex girlfriend backpedaled and just begged not to be associated with him anymore because people started asking why the fuck would she date a guy for 10 years but demand everyone keep is secret [HINT : It's because she thought she could use him to make more money/become more famous]
I rewatched the whole Mario 3D World collab recently and damn is it obvious that Chugga was WAY more into Masae than she ever was into him.
leave the thirdie alone he's learning
I'm afraid to check, are they dogpiling on him?
it was at first cuz the backstabbing snakes ommited alot of facts to make him look worse, including the age and when it happened.
He later came with a bunch of evidence that completely removed him from guilt and made the retards seethe and get shat on instead.

The saddest thing about it is that iirc, the girl he was going to ask for marriage fucked him too.
No, the whole comments section is supportive
>thinks youtube comments on popular videos aren't generated by bots

Meds now.
still an eceleb retardfaggot
it's not because a term hasnt been invented yet that it can't be applied to things that predated it
and he's cringe
It's the smartest move. He already settled things on twitter where all the dramafags live, on youtube there's bound to be plenty of subscribers who don't know about the cancel attempt.

Dalton must be blargenning internally right now.
Mad comfy energy
He's not an Eceleb because he doesn't want to a celebrity. The man is mega autistic and just wants to make lets plays or shit around with his obese best friend.
For structured videos like this he's probably reading from a script yeah.

Masae was such a snake in all this. She threw fuel on the fire right when people were poking holes in Dalton's narrative then vagueposted about feeling uncomfortable which made people think Chugga was harassing her when in reality they were flirting like a normal couple.
Still not as big a snake as Werster
The Pokemon speedrunner? What did he do?
I still seethe when I nearly 100% the game but then finding out one random rito just leaves so you can't get his figurine unless you followed a guide
I wonder if Chugga ever posted on /v/
Jon's reactions to the drama is weird
>accept the idea (implicitly put forward by Chugga) to let Chugga take about a year off to "handle his own things"/go dark
>collab with the accusers and Chugga's current handler/NCS simultaneously, beyond those collabs, mainly usual stream content from him with weird focus on recurring guests with bad cases of tism and hyperfocus, who can't hold a convo outside of their special interests if their life was on the line
>make occasional update posts on the controversy with very corpo nonstatements, "time will be the best healer in this situation", "give him time to better himself", stuff like that
>get mad when Chugga makes an "early" response post right before a charity drive, getting mad at the timing of it despite, as NCS points out in comments, Chugga has a right to defend himself whenever he feels is right, and also waiting on the response post until after the charity drive/money is donated under assumed different situations would cause an even bigger problem
>still feels a need to be wishy-washy in statements on the situation like he's unused to friend drama, despite being an old Something Awful regular with a history of having to cut old collaborators off for acting out of line
Avoiding drama is understandable, and being mad your longtime collab partner brought drama into your drama free channel by being thirsty is also understandable, but come on, man. You're not a fresh marshmallow Peep who's never dealt with friends threatening a brand before, you've been on the Internet since at least 2007
Also your black vest and red dress shirt look goofy, you look like a valet in curly hair, not a refined gentleman, also it's not cut right for your build, it's oversized
He said the N-word at GDQ every single year.

I think he left gamefaqs back when Super Paper Mario released and Jon said he didn't know how to use reddit when they set up a TRG page so it's possible. I would think somewhere this negative would put him off but Peanutbutter Gamer admitted to coming here back in the day so who knows.
It feels good to see evil lose. I am glad to see that he is back on his feet. NintendoCaprisun was a gangster for being supportive, ProtonJon needs to quit being a dork and finish his Super Metroid LP.

The End.
Jon's been trooning out over several years now who cares what he thinks
>every single year
kek I used to think the guy was an asshole for changing the title for views but now I can't help but respect the dedication to do it every single time there's an event
Does anyone who gets "cancelled" by Twitter ever truly stay cancelled? It seems like they don't have any actual power after all.
>ProtonJon needs to quit being a dork and finish his Super Metroid LP.
I'm still waiting on the last two levels of Superman 64...
Used too, couple years ago, but once a few big names fought back and fixed their reputations pretty much everyone who isn't drinking the kool-aid by the crate fights back.
>Note:this only applies if you don't have a boss who can fire you on bullshit suspicion.
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>omg /v/ sistas youtube tranny faggot nintendo adult #9001 is back!!!
>holy h*ll what did all the drama gossip channels have to say about this? has any twitter account made a statement?
>has asmongold reacted to this yet???
what the fuck happened to western men
after the huge fiasco with Projared and especially that Cabin in the Woods dev lowtiergodding himself never again has this bullshit worked.
Only if it is somebody that banishes themselves from the internet, but usually those people actually do something wrong.
That too, but Jon working on Superman 64 has always been a miracle after a certain point.
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>if you talk about that thing I don't like, you're a woman to me
>if I feminize you that makes me feel like I'm better than you, because I'm proud of my manliness
>*anime girl reaction image*
>if i gossip about people that isn't feminine
>if i worship celebs/e-celebs that isn't feminine
>if i act like a middle aged housewife that isn't feminine
holy cope
>the ex girlfriend backpedaled and just begged not to be associated with him anymore because people started asking why the fuck would she date a guy for 10 years but demand everyone keep is secret [HINT : It's because she thought she could use him to make more money/become more famous]
This is why you never reveal your money or your profession to a woman. They will always try to take you for a ride with your money or your success.
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>look up the video again
>see this
Ha. It was still up earlier this year when the lawly shit was going on, he must have got mad how many people were posting it to dunk on him. There's still videos of him saying it up so maybe it was just the year changing that triggered him.
if you say so, anon-chan
you keep yelling it so often, it has to be true
He's still a pedo tho
You have to remember, Jon is the sellout of the group [Very many cases of Jon's selling out]
He just to cultivate the HECKING BIG CHUNGUS FAGIRINO audience that wanted to kill Chugga for his "crimes"

Chugga and NCP both still love video games. For Jon his streams and charities are about as playing as LITTLE video games as possible. He's still lucky nobody dug up his fucking Something Awful posts
kill yourself anime retard
this one is still up at least https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcBbE3t6cLA
>anime retard
Your boy loves goonerblade 2
>tranny foot chaser
if he's unabashed about it then there's nothing wrong with that and it's kinda based
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>if i gossip like a woman i'm still h*ckin valid
truly pathetic. while you are browsing reddit, kiwi farms and twitter for the latest eceleb gossip, your future wife is banging tyrone. when she's done she will settle for a herbivore male like you guys, someone she can gossip with, the guy kind of guy that will raise another man's son. KYS losers
>immediately starts bringing up black cocks and cuckoldry
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>He just to cultivate the HECKING BIG CHUNGUS FAGIRINO audience that wanted to kill Chugga for his "crimes"
Which is ironic since he's the only one that isn't actually wholesome. He parades around fetish art, made by his own viewers, on his streams.

>He's still lucky nobody dug up his fucking Something Awful posts
He must have nuked them from the internet. If they were still available surely someone would have found them by now.
>let's take breaks between game so I can swap equipment and get a snack
Fair enough
>let's extend the break by 15-odd mintues apiece to share weird usually-fetish art
>let's add an extra 20-minute break to read from my dream journal so you all can assume I'm a closeted transgender person based on recurring dreams about girl-me, my new friends and audience frickin love it, my games streams are now 60% games
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faggot retard nigger
>There was one night during this time when I called a friend and he said some unintentionally harsh things to me about the situation. I was in tears and felt like there was no use even trying to explain myself any more.
Jon was almost certainly the person Chugga would call. He just completely turned against his longtime friend in favor of what people on twitter said. Such betrayal is utterly disgusting and I hope that Chugga never revives TRG. Jon doesn't deserve to patch things up after being against Chugga since it was the "safe thing to do for his brand"
>Make sure you don't cut off the [character you're taking a photo of's] face or feet.
Already back to his old habits I see.
I'm glad hes back and didn't rope himself. He lost some friends, but it seems like the real ones are staying with him.

Little lad Emily was a nothing burger (is weird you would chat about your foot fetish with randos tho) and things ended mutually with Masae.

The only thing still eyebrow raising is Lawly stuff. This man's audience is kids and anyone who refers to a minor as "pedo crush", wants to continue RPing with said person later in life and is even now blaming the minor for it on Twitter is concerning.

Most people seem to have moved on: Tim and Jon went from cutting ties to him appearing in Tim's reaction videos and Jon talking about him again. I don't mind giving the guy a 2nd chance, but be incredibly careful.
>The only thing still eyebrow raising is Lawly stuff. This man's audience is kids and anyone who refers to a minor as "pedo crush", wants to continue RPing with said person later in life and is even now blaming the minor for it on Twitter is concerning.
IIRC they never RP'd again and were barely ever in contact since the Gaia Online days. Also he evidently didn't do it with other minors in a decade+ since nobody else came forward.
lawly was the cunt that advanced towards him in the first place, he's autistic and probably didn't know what he was doing
Yeah. Some roastie got mad people called him "wholesome" on Reddit so she leaked Discord logs of him asking foot pics to a tranny to try and get him lynched by Twitter.
>to read from my dream journal so you all can assume I'm a closeted transgender person
Now this is a Jon thing to do. Get the benefits of "being" a tranny, without having to commit to it in any meaningful capacity.
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She was straight up a predator.
>Tim and Jon went from cutting ties to him
Tim was by his side the entire time and being the biggest bro imaginable by supporting and taking care of Emile. He is, as the kids would say, a real one for that
Damn brat...
It's pretty iffy:
There's a lotta he said she said: apparently he developed feelings for Lawly years later, but who gives a fuck when they're both of consenting age at that point. Hopefully, no other instances exist, but I also remember thinking "well at least he isn't a pedo" when the Emily shit started. I just don't think we should go back to being oblivious about it.

He called her "pedo crush" come on. I work with autists worse an older than Emile; that's why I excuse the Emily shit. He fucked up there, but as long as it's the only time and he actually learns from it, that's all he can really do and he really needs to cause that's his target audience. Don't even care about the pedo jokes as shit was different back then, but even when he addresses it in those cringe "my response" docs that twitter loves, he doesn't take accountability and instead makes a big deal about how long ago it was or how he was powerless to the will of a child.

For the record; Lawly is a horrible human being and I lost all respect for Werster. He more than anyone should know the importance of second chances for things you regret years ago: https://youtu.be/XcBbE3t6cLA
>tune into jon's stream one day
>there's 3 randos on the mic for some reason
>no gameplay on screen
>discussing education for some reason
>one of the randos, audibly a faggot, yells LET'S LEARN ABOUT GENDER :D after his constant attempts to talk about faggotry get ignored
I think there's a reason audiences aren't allowed to jump on stage whenever they want.
>or how he was powerless to the will of a child.
He was simply ahead of the times.
>but be incredibly careful.
Why? I'm not a minor
Meh, I stopped watching both him and jon back like 10+ years ago. Last time I bothered to check on them was back in 2018 when they decided to support BLM and other similarly retarded organisations. I haven't looked back since and it seems I didn't miss much by the replies. It also annoyed me that Emile became an outspoken consoomer by defending DexCut and JoyCon drift controversy just because it negatively affected Nintendo. Jon never seemed to care much about video games after a certain point in time.
The only person in TRG I would ever bother watching again is Tim (NCS) since he spoke against all of this type of woke shit even in his much older videos before it was popular to do so. Plus, he always seemed to be a genuine person despite all of the attention he got and didn't let his sudden influx of money to blind him.
Before I knew who any of these guys were, one night at MAGfest in the 2010s I got too rowdy playing a game of air hockey with my friend at one year after a few drinks and hit the puck out of the table and it hit NintendoCaprisun. We got the puck back as my friend apologized for me because I was too gone to notice or see where it went, and once the puck got back in place I accidentally did it a second time.
Good. Sucks his laundry was hung out to dry like that, it was really cringe, and he flew WAY too close to the sun with a minor, but glad it didn't stick.
For all these leftists' bitching about mental health I wonder how many of them gave a shit he went to the hospital over his stress.
chasing tranny shoes*
I doubt it, rules for thee but not for me is pretty much their day job
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The controversy against Chuggaconroy was overblown. I'm glad the canceling has fizzled out.

But it doesn't change the fact that he's an e-celeb and worse, a tranny feet chaser. So I will forever hate and make fun of him.
>He flew too close to the son with a minor
15 vs 19 with an autismo where people talked like that all the time back in 2009 is not "flying too close to the sun" unless you're underage and weren't alive back when rape jokes weren't frowned on

For fucks sake, the mascot for this website was Pedobear and everyone found it funny you god damn children
WW had figurines to collect?
weird i played that game back in the day and don't recall anything like that, well it was 20 some years ago, don't have any specific memory of the game other then the boat and fishing up chests
It was fairly well hidden and laborious and the game doesn't really point you in that direction.
What's with Nintendo YouTubers and attempts of getting them cancelled? Seems to happen a lot
shame i prolly would have collected them, but since i never knew of them i prolly beat the game and moved on to next game
had a backlog even back then
what's his comfiest playthrough?
compilations of all his pokemon bios
>It actually is a repeat of what happened with Mangs

SJW seething beyond belief
The people who just jumped on the drama train who just wanted to cancel some random guy are one thing, but I'm very disappointed in the longtime viewers who saw Lady Emily's heavily-editted screenshots and instantly turned on the guy. Like is that all it takes without even hearing his side of the story? Masae saying some vague crap? A chat log from FIFTEEN YEARS AGO
Loyalty is a lost concept in this day and age.
>For all these leftists' bitching about mental health I wonder how many of them gave a shit he went to the hospital over his stress.
When the posts initially came out, the common opinion was "well I know he's autistic but that's no excuse!!!"
It absolute-fuckiny-lutely is. The most damning piece of evidence was that chat log and he was too autistic to figure out the girl liked him until his mom noticed what was going on and told him that she probably had a thing for him
mangs actually kinda did something though, chiggaa was even less then a nothing burger
Getting them all was pure cancer in the Gamecube version anyway, IIRC I did part of it, eventually gave up and only completed it in WWHD. You could only keep three pictures at a time, you didn't know if they counted as good enough until you talked to the sculptor and he'd only make one figure at a time forcing you to play the Song of Passing twice every time. Windfall Island has like 30 unique NPCs, just that is ten trips between it and the gallery, and then several characters are permanently missable. HD lets you keep 12 photos and tells you right away if a pic is good for a figure, so you can take another right away if it's a missable enemy.
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>literally just ignore it and nothing happens
why don't more people do this?
Nah, I would say it's the other way around. Mangs didn't do anything controversial while chugga was feet chasing a tranny. Even if it was overblown, it steal leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
What you have to understand is that the modern SJW tactic is the Blitzkrieg. You get a bunch of culture vultures to jump in on a controversy with no context other than MAN BAD and drown out every other conversation and make the fans feel disconnected and make the other content creators feel the screws..
You silence the ability to hold a conversation, deny any culpability on one side of the party and try and make the zeitgeist take your stance.

It's a race against the clock for these types because their initial push is always the strongest when any defenders are off guard and any wild accusations can be made and ran with. If people have enough time to think it all falls apart. It's why the most efficient thing in these situations is to make your statement, disappear for several months and return. The culture vultures will not reengage because there's no fun anymore for them, the fans will have had enough time to talk amongst themselves and decide they don't give a fuck or believe the perpetrators are liars, and the perpetrators are on the back foot because outrage mongers have spent months digging through all THEIR dirty laundry to add fuel to the fire
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dalton literally could have told him to stop but didn't because he wanted ammo, the fag
>captcha: KYSM
>while chugga was feet chasing a tranny.
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Ive been watching NCS play builders 2 to make up for the void in my soul from lack of TRG and Chuggaa and he sounds and acts just like his old self again

Chuggaa literally saved NCS's life and NCS returned the favor in kindness, not that Jon would know what that feels like
He's been cultivating this type of audience for a while now so him getting cancelled would have been karma honestly. I remember hearing about him donate to tranny organisations during those charity streams so that hate is doubly justified.
This is pretty much why while I'm alright with him returning, I can't really go back to supporting him when I haven't been for years, dude was in full support of stuff like KickVic which only made this feel like karma.
I’m glad he’s still kicking after that bullshit but do people really still watch this guy? I dropped him around his Okami playthrough, he shilled it so hard. His Majora’s Mask playthrough was horrible, he played that game so inefficiently. Borderline unwatchable. My favorite vid was his shiny koffing vid, that was crazy as a kid
He's just naive. He legitimately thought trannys were some oppressed group that needed help.
No one's born with hate, it happens through experience. I wouldn't be surprised if his opinion has changed now.
Only if they actually do something wrong
Just happened to Mr Beast's friend Chris
I hope one day mentions of youtubers and ecelebs get the g15 treatment
Luigi's Mansion 3 cause hes not doing another long ass RPG like xenoblade 3 yet
To be fair to Emile, he didn't directly call her that. She asked if he knew what the word "loli" meant (aka, the basis of her name), and he defined it as "pedo crush" as a weird tongue-in-cheek way of saying he knows what it meant.
not caddi not care
>he played that game so inefficiently
I don't remember it too well but he was probably spacing things out to fit in different videos so someone could come to a specific video to see a sidequest they were stuck on.
His wife got cancer.

You only need like two playthroughs to do it and the GBA exclusive one isn't even needed.
Tales of Symphonia needed like 3 or 4 IIRC for 100% with a shitload of missable stuff.
Pretty sure Symphonia would also only require two playthroughs if not for more than two characters giving you a different trinket in Flanoir that later protects Lloyd from the arrow and that counts for item completion.
There's no gba connection on the wii u version, so it's required now, did you even watch the video?
He's a retarded leftist
It's only that noticeable because there's so much compression on his mic
He's itching to do it hard
honestly I'd rather see him do X first, especially since he knows about Pretendo

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