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>I'm not gonna build a new PC now, I'll wait for the 5000 series... *ACK*
Not my problem.
My problem not.
>Intel processors oxiding and rusting
>AMD processors have QC issues they've delayed released for 2-3 weeks
>Nvidia is so dominant they don't need to do anything and they'll still win
>He's still buying NoVidya
>When Windows 10 is EOL'ing
>and NoVidya has no good Loonix drivers
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i'm still gonna wait since the 40 series is trash
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>Buying AMD grafix cards
if you didn't fall for 4k and gay tracing you barely even need a 2000 series.
My 4080 super and 7800x3d is going to last me until the PS8
>runs 4k modern games at 45 fps instead of 30
>will likely be over $2000 in price
>Muh drivers
Ngreed-iToddler pls, get new material.

I hope AMD delay their release too, Goymers need to feel some pain finally for consuming ngreedias scam without second thought.
They need to feel the brutal market when they're truly with Ngreedia 1:1
Postpone the release until all 7700xt and 7800xt , best value GPUs currently, are boughted up.
>It's not a big deal that the cards don't even fucking work :)
man the new 4chan extension to see peoples logs are really telling
U have 3 Generation of AMD cards and never had a single problem, not a single crash even. Granted I didn't buy at release.because I'm not a stupid beta tester.
It's so funny to me how much Ngreed-iToddlers lie to uphold their demented "my corporation good" Headcanon.
I was going to get a second 4090 but held off because 5090 launch was close.
fuckers. I want my 5090
4 series are defective. They melt power connectors. No games exist at the moment. Wise to wait. Video cards should be the size of air conditioners.
5090 will still have the same power connector and it's 600W now too instead of just 450W
I'm not a computer pro. just got into this stuff, I'm using a 3080 and I haven't had any issues with any of the games I play. Do I really have to update my GPU so soon?
Wow, I can't wait to pay $3000 for a 5090 that uses 800w to play games
PC gaming doesn't make money, focus more on AI-oriented cloud computing
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Alright, so since apparently I shouldn't bother waiting for the 5000 to release so I can get a 4000 card for cheaper can someone suggest a budget GPU for me to boughted since my 970 finally died
I have nothing to play anyway, seriously
Hiro was trying to make poster count invisible ahead of the American elections, someone made an extension to bring it back.
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Don't care about Njewias overpriced crap that literally burn up.
Last good Nvidia series was the 2000s series.
Their efficiency, what separated them markedly from AMD, has gone into the gutter. They're not far off from AMD now and cost much more, not to mention thr XTX is the most efficient "premier" card right now

All I want is 450€ 8800xt (or just 7800xt equivalent) with max.
220w power draw and better raytracing. This would be literally the GOAT coars of the last 5 years,much like the Rx 580 was
You literally don't need more for 1440p
3060 12gb
4090 only happened because they couldn't convince AI customers to buy faulty cards.
They're probably getting better yields with the new chip.
Like how you can't buy AMD Aldebaran for gaming.

No reason to sell chips to gamers at a discount, if AI customers will pay more.
retards wait for the new overpriced GPUs and their yet unknown flaws to deal with at launch.
smart people wait for a price drop on existing hardware the flaws of which are known.

early adopters are idiots.
Why is it better than a 4060 for the same price?
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>ai ai ai
how is this ai even making money?
is it just the usual investor gambling magic money?
genuine question.
I wouldn't consider buying it Day 1 anyways.

t. former GTX 970 cuck
more vram
I don't care why you think the 4090 exists.
I want my 5090. I held off getting a 4090 for a second PC to buy it. I have to run a fucking shit 3090 in it and I want it gone.
What happened with the 970?
>normalfag posts old news
3.5GB of RAM (formerly 4GB of RAM)
it effectively had 3.5 gigs of vram while advertised as 4 gigs of vram
>is it just the usual investor gambling magic money?
Yes. It's just the current crypto and NFT scam.
Though ai does have actual uses as well unlike those 2, so when the bubble bursts it will still be around to do actual useful things. just have to wait a bit.
Does that counter whatever other improvements the 4060 presumably has?
damn, in retrospect getting a 12th gen intel cpu and a 3080 at the peak of gpu prices was a really good investment
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Blackwell is the limiting factor here, since a new cpu architecture means a new mother board, which means new ram.
I have an old 2080 lying around, but they need to release this fucking socket first.
>he didnt buy a 7800x3d
your loss champ, cpu of the decade right there
>didnt get a 6800xt
double oof
>waits for intel and nvidia to get their shit together
yikes and a cringe intel are done, its over. nvidia don't give a shit about you poorfags, they only like enterprise customers with 7 figure orders
8gb in 2024 is poverty tier, might as well play games on a ps4 pro
4090 couldn't even sell better than a GNU/Linux gaming PC with an AMD chip.
I doubt Nvidia even considers it to have been worthwhile.
The 7800X3D is honestly still an obscene processor release nothing can push it yet
it has been sold out on the nvidia store for 14 out of 18 months.
I'm gonna laugh if 5070 has 8gb vram again.
>he isn't registered as having his own IT business and getting a new $5000 computer every 2 years as a tax free business expense so it is technically free

Anon... really?
When the IRS auditor comes and notices your IT business has no net positive income for several years in a row, you're gonna have a fun time.
>T. butt hurt AMDumbass lied on the internet
My 2070 super and 3600 ryzen still doing just fine. I can play cyberpunk on high at 60 fps with no dips. I’m sure wulong or whatever that game is called will be the same way. Those specs for medium ti high say they require 3 or 4000 series cards. Yeah fucking right. You’ll be able to play on fucking ultra with a 3080 so long as you don’t play in 4k, which most people have literally zero interest in.
modern games are shit, you're not paying so much for a pc cause of games. You're like a woman buying hundreds of shoes for dopamine.
They've simply not had enough faulty hardware they've needed to dump.

Also, I kind of doubt the number is even as high as Valve's survey says. Doesn't Nvidia sell OEM's a "4090" that is really a 4080?
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I just buyed 800€ worth of GPU and CPU only to realize I don't need it and sell it on eBay for a loss, but still better than -800€ on bank account
What's the point when there is literally nothing new to play? I ain't spending 1k to play unoptinized slop like Hogwarts legacy that can't even crack a stable 100fps min on a fucking 4090 in 1440p
Don't worry, one day you will learn how to insert the plug into the socket. Not today, but some day. Maybe.
Theres just no reason to go beyond the 30 series for video games right now, let alone the 40 series.
If the 50 series has any chance it has to be affordable, I don't see any way they can sell something more powerful than the 3080 and expect people to even want it at this stage.
What games even need more power?
It was already coming out at the very end of 2024…waiting a few months isn’t a big deal. Not like there’s any good games you need a new GPU for anyway
I got 7900 XT last summer and I'm super happy with it
my 4080 will last into the 2040s
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Still on Pascal.
Still on Sandy Bridge.
Still satisfied.
oh nyoou

anyway I'm not paying for these astronomical prices
They don't give a fuck about gaymers anymore and will gladly sell stupidly expensive consumer cards to whales. The only reason to upgrade is of you're into ai crap
Not unless you're gaming in 4K
970 doomposting kinda falls flat, because it was an amazing card and clear price/value king for a long time anyways.
That's only because the only value upgrade from a 970/80 for years was the 10 series and the GPU market went to shit enough that entry level cards cost now what the 970 did at launch
At the time it was perfectly valid
Name ONE good game that can take advantage of a 4090 in a meaningful way.
High end graphics cards are a scam!
I'm still gonna wait, there's no reason to participate in this trash rat race when at the end of the day games are still poorly optimized that not even a 4090 can be sufficient enough, I'll just keep until my gpu either literally dies or they remember reasonable prices
This. The 970 was a top tier price/performance card.
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They could quit making cards for gaymers and not even feel much of a loss
best gpu for 1440p/144hz? without selling your soul for shit like the 4090
Meds, saar
4070ti super
Best price/performance GPU currently rn desu
(I wanna buyed it myself)
That'll be $2000 plus tax
4090 chads just keep winning
Wilds isn't out until 2025 anyway and there will be nothing else worth upgrading for, theres gonna be more cause to buy a switch 2 soon than a PC upgrade
8GB will slow down your games because the GPU needs to compensate the low VRAM by lowering the graphics while you play, you also get lower performance due to this process being done live. It's just not worth it anymore, even modern 1080p games still try to load high res textures and effects or shaders.
4080 Super or 4070ti Super, maybe even 4070 Super. It really depends on what kind of games you play
7900 XT
Depends on what you consider the bare minimum. Is it 60FPS, is it 720p or 1080p? is it good shadows or high resolution textures? is it good framerates? etc.
Almost any game can push a 4090 if you try to play anything above console levels, and it will push them even higher if you mod you game to use better assets.
Is the 7800X3D still better than a 7900? I can get both for the same price right now.
Is a 6800 worth getting? There's an XFX one for like $350 that's tempting
For gaming? Yes, if you need the 7900's extra cores and threads for productivity then consider getting it instead.
there hasn't been a single game my 3080 has had trouble running.
it's the best cpu for gaming. if you care about other things other than gaming such as video encoding or whatever, the 7900 may be better. but if you care at all about gaming, 7800x3d all the way. and this will still be true until the new x3d equivalent is released.
Okay, still waiting for the next round of GPUs though.
7900gre. it's better than the 4070's, and cheaper too.
You're only going to potentially have driver issues if you're using wangblows anyway
I doubt Linux has 0 driver issues.
E-eight years with a gtx 1080....I can hold on....
The 40 series could be the last gen ever made and it still wouldn't be worth buying.
That is exactly why they delayed the 5000 series. There is no point to releasing a new GPU because personal computing has almost no impact on their bottom line anymore.
You are wrong.
8 figure orders, minimum.
Eh, what's another year or 2? rx580 chad reporting in
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>Buying jewvidia
Literally swapped from a 3070 to a 7800 xt
never looking back either. nvidia's just the apple tax of computer gaming
imagine being too poor to buy a 4090 now and a 5090 as soon as it comes out. its literally pocket change.
do you guys not own sick cars, a house and stuff? what are you doing with your lives?
oh right, you are zoomies
jorking my pecker to loli. 32 here btw
Yes, because all you do is play objectively shitty old video games like the Prototype video games.

It's okay, lad. At least you're having fun just like me.
This is what a turdie larping as a wealthy westerner looks like
Why doesn't nvidia release the weaker cards first and save the best for last, like how they did with the 8800 series?
Yeah, they're going to become like AMD where the GPUs they sell to Windows users are basically just a stop-loss program for their Linux Workstation cards.
in case anyone is wondering
Verification not required.
I get this every time I wake my computer up from hibernate. What's even worse is the report form is completely useless as it's currently formatted.
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>ctrl + f
The only real advantage the 4060 has is lower power draw and unless you have a sff build that shouldn't matter.
He mentioned driver issues with AMD since that was a notable thing for a lot of people years ago, but it only affected windows users. I'm sure there are the odd driver issue here and there across everything but I've never experienced it in about half a decade of use
I'd rather by a GPU that isn't garbage. Never had this problem with Nvidia, or any problem for that matter.
Just in time for Life is Strange 2, i'm fine with that.
I'm thinking of getting the 4080 since 16gb of vram is enough for 4k which is what I play at now. Yay or nay?
>16gb of vram is enough for 4k which is what I play at now.
using what? Why don't you use what you have that you're already using to play at 4k?
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I hate the naming schemes of graphics cards with my entire soul.
He's not wrong, though. If you came out of the pandamic with less than a million bucks, you fucked up royally
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Is now a good time to buy pc parts? Been seeing a lot of threads like this lately.
I just want to upgrade my rtx 3070 to something decent but even leaks for the 50 series show that things are looking lackluster at best.
Waiting to replace my rtx 3070 with rtx 5070 for cyberpunk lol
I want to replace my shit 3070ti with a 5080 so this shit needs to come out
It isn't, VRAM copers are retarded. 4060 is faster for the same price. You'll still be playing at 1080 on both cards and you don't need over 8GB at that res
>do something
they ARE doing something
ditching your sorry gamer ass for AI BUCKS
>buy "faster" gpu
>get slower card
>money stolen
Bus width
VRAM (useful for Stable Diffusion and gaming above 1080p, which is 100% an option, you'll just not be playing at max settings)
>posts edge case instead of average
typical 3060 clown
enjoy your smooth 29.4 fps in Alan Wake 2
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You should watch this. It's a good video and gives you some perspective on AI investments.

It's a bit outdated though because OpenAI has shown their true colors. They're aiming for world domination with their AI, a dystopic future.
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Enjoy your stuttery mess of an experience? At least the 3060 is consistent.
You can barely prompt with AMD and it sucks at emulation and is almost always worse for playing new games + lacks features like Ansel.
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>more cherry picking
You're such a fag
If you never needed more than 8gb, how can there be cherries to pick in the first place? What happens when you feel like cherries that day? Are you going to just look at benchmarks and cope that you didn't totally make a bad decision because "o-on average it's fine" while the game you want to play is broken? You're the fag here.
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>That is exactly why they delayed the 5000 series.
The 4xxx series only came out last year.
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>I'll wait for the 7000 series
fixed that for you
As someone who actually uses it, it doesn't really. It's hard to directly compare AMD drivers on linux and windows though, because they're deployed very differently. On windows you get a big installer binary that handles the kernel module (usually power/display management), userspace DX/VK API implementations and firmware. Since you're installing/updating a third party kernel module, you can have issues with versioning that could prevent boot outside of safe mode or end up silently "updated" by windows to known good versions.
On linux, AMD's kernel module and firmware are in the kernel's source tree and deployed in almost every install, usually dynamically loading at boot with an appropriate initramfs. The userspace stuff is deployed through mesa, a kind of generic framework and backend for vendors to implement graphics APIs on, and AMD's drivers are split between radeonsi (OGL, AMD written) and radv (VK, volunteer/Valve written). Drivers for other APIs like DXVK and VKD3D-Proton sit on top of those and aren't related to the mesa project. I've had some issues, but they've pretty much all been related to the kernel module code. Things like freesync issues and memory clocking too high at idle at higher resolutions, and those are cross platform problems so far as I know. The linux userspace side has been stable for me, about as performant as windows in benchmarks and often implements VK extensions faster, like fragment shader interlock for emulators.
>Doesn't Nvidia sell OEM's a "4090" that is really a 4080?
You're probably confusing the situation with the mobile SKUs - a 4090 mobile is roughly equivalent to a 4080.

The 4090s in OEM desktop machines are actual 4090s.
It's not "on average it's fine", it's "on average it is faster", fag
When I get brain damage and feel like playing Anal Wake 2, I'll just turn off ray tracing and have higher fps than 3060 enjoyer at the same settings
The 4 extra gigs of VRAM doesn't future-proof your low-end graphics card, future releases will run like shit on both
Are AMD cards as bad as people meme them to be?
For what purpose other than small pe is syndrome would someone need a 5090 to play video games
>enjoying my 4090 since last march

For once I bought at the right fucking time. Don’t have to worry about any of this shit for years, doubt there will be a game that a 4090 can’t crush until long after GTA VI
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Based and same. Although instead of GTA I've been rendering Blender titties. The card is fantastic for 1080p animations. Though I'm hoping the 5090 makes 4K and 360 degree animations less of a pain to render out.
I don't care about video games. I need those 24 GB of bitchin' fast GDDR7 for my AI slop.
Never had this issue after 5 years, fake screenshot.
Then upgrade other parts of your computer, big dumbo.
I got a KILLER deal on. 4060 ti from a retard probably from here who regretted his purchase and want to get a 4080. For the price I paid it’s well worth it and runs every single game I could ever want to run.
For me it's 1080p gaming.
>yes goy buy our unsold stock
Is it true VRAM peaked with the 3090? I need a lot of it for gamedev...
>not sadpanda
My GPU that I bought in 2020 runs all the games I care about in 60fps. Why should I upgrade?
That's only 6mo away bro, fucking nothing
gtx 4060 coming in tomorrow
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I wish I could have a 4060 coming in tomorrow but I'm incapable of deciding on a GPU
how much did you pay for it, and is it the 8gb or 16gb version?
why do retards think 60fps is acceptable in 2024
meanwhile games are being tested to run on consoles and 10/16 series gpus LMAO
i don't participate in AI-slop so a 50 series card means nothing to me
>meanwhile games are being tested to run on consoles
And once again Consoleniggers hold back technology
It’s an 8GB asus rog big bastard. Standard price in Canada is like $600 for this one insane price I got it for $200 I think that’s pretty fair. Cheaper then a used 3070- 3080 or anything else would have been.
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>just wait bro
It's like only six months away and none of AAAAslop in recent years are worth enough to play anyway.
Bought a 3070 for 100 bucks.
It can run ultra 60fps for everything in 1080p
I'll probably grab a 4080S soon because of the price drop(600 bucks on ebay right now)
>Oxidizing CPU
You'll be fine for 6 months. Maybe.
I find the idea of trusting used graphics cards extremely difficult to accept
Picked this up on sale for $1300 (not including the monitor obv).

How bad did I get ripped off and is this more powerful than a PS5?
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lol, that's pretty good
>>Oxidizing CPU
You're thinking of gen 13 and 14 intel cpus, gen 12 is fine.
enjoy your oxidation lottery
I've never seen this message on my Arch Linux machine
>is this more powerful than a PS5?
Easily. It'll still be better than the PS5 Pro whenever that releases.
>How bad did I get ripped off
It'll always cost more if you don't build it yourself. You did fine.
I'd replace the memory though.
nta but speccy is shit and the memory may be better than you think
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>Consolegods force devs to optimize their shit
holy based
>optimize their shit
>720p fsr upscaled in 24 fps
Yeah thanks based game developers
>You literally don't need more for 1440p
And this is why you will never get it.
What is the correct resolution and refresh rate according to you?
Genuinely what fucking game can you not run on your current card that you also can't manage to wait six months or so to play?
Any 4060 kings here?
Best investment of my life
My point was that they know with such a card you would last a decade, so they will never make it.
>AMD will win this year solely because the other competitor didn't even bother to showup
lmao. I guess AMD doesn't need to undercut it's prices.
Haven't upgraded from 3080 and probably won't for a while. There are just not enough games that can possibly justify the purchase. Good games today are mostly on the low to mid graphical demand, and the proportion of people with high end cards is just too low for devs to care aside from slapping a lazy RT option which is mostly a meme.
Even crypto mining is now completely out of reach of single card on your idle time. The only use case for the recent consumer market ultra cards is generating endless soulless stable diffusion porn pictures. After the honeymoon of the first few months people are realizing even the most optimistic expectations for it is that it will remain worse than overworked doujin drawers for quite some years.
Anyway Nvidia has now fully banked on the AI craze >>683843995. Cards will be optimized and priced for Google and Amazon, not for gamers.
5090 with 48 gb vram at 2500 dollars or else no buy. Better local ai models, high def vr, stable diffusion and animatediff faster, more brute force game visual fidelity. I got plenty use cases.
The 16g or RAM gimp the whole thing, push at least to 32.
no news from both intel and amd they're probably delayed too
8800xt is supposed to have 3x the RT cores over RNDA3.
>he's not a non-profit that studies the impact of the randomly flat cans of cola in a Pepsi 12 pack on inner city LBGT youth
>"I'm okay with being ripped off"
Novidya fanboys, everyone.
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I have a 4k monitor so DLSS looks basically as good as native, but I will still never forgive nvidia for trying to use DLSS in benchmarks to hide small gains
buy AMD if you support palestine’s existence. the other two want palestine destroyed
I'll just buy a ps5 pro #4thegaymers
I’m just using my steam deck for now until I can do an 8800 XT build. Time for more DQM on the game boy color!
give me 1 reason to upgrade from 2070S to 4000 series right now

same, the main reason why 4000 is so pathetic.
it's funny seeing benchmarks of my 2070S having better performance than 4060s at actual high native resolutions
My 3060 has enough grunt to play anything worthwhile at 1440p 90+FPS, why would I ever upgrade?
... is there even a game on planet Earth that this would be necessary / appropriate to use?
I seriously don't understand the "4k ultrawide 60 inch monitor" bullshit
Anon said video games, not DEI slideshows
Why has it become acceptable for games to have absolutely fucking pathetic optimization protocol? These fuckers from the big studios must be getting kickbacks from hardware companies or some shit.
if you want to play flightsims in VR at 4k per eye and 60 fps, sure
the thing is also, if you have that specific usecase chances are ylu already own a monster rig with a 4090 and thousands in flightsimming gear
Devs fell for the UE5 nanite meme.
>Dude, just plop your unoptimized high poly assets into the map. The engine will handle the rest. Promise. ;^)
You're going to fry your ringbus in less than a year
it all goes back to dayz fanboys - sorry, kantar to type fanGAYS, that would reply to every concern of lack of optimisation with "hurr works on my machine, stop being poor and update" (their machine has 1080tis in SLI but they never mention that)
No. I've been using them for the past decade and rarely have an issue.

Still using RX6750XT. The perfect card for me.

If I want to game on my 1440p/144Hz monitor, I can play any game maxed out.

If I want to play on my 4k TV (have PC hooked to both), might have to lower just a few settings. The card is slightly more powerful than my PS5 (Rx 6700 non-xt) / Series X (RX 6600 XT).

It checks all the boxes.
I meant 16gb of vram isn't enough.
It's fucking insane how they keep using the same god damn assets / engine from 6,000 fucking B.C. and only make it run worse, and worse, and worse

It's actually fucking insane
how did my phone's autocorrect replace "meant" with that? lol
1080p and 1440p are the based resolutions depending on your need for esports titles or not, 4k dogs are still begging for 60fps in some cases
AMD disparagement has been NVidia's #1 marketing strategy since the mid 2000s when their piece of shit geforce cards were getting outperformed by radeons at half the cost and that trend has more or less stayed the same for the past 20 years
the R9 series and ryzen processors actually made nvidia get off their asses and make some "acceptable" products but for the most part they are still overpriced garbage
>for the most part they are still overpriced garbage
If Nvidia and AMD were the same price , nobody would buy AMD.
... that is quite literally the entire point of free market economics
what you said means literally nothing
>AMD disparagement has been NVidia's #1 marketing strategy since the mid 2000s
lol you don't even realize what you just did
>with the 30xx 8gigs weren't enough for 4k
>now 16gbs aren't enough
what's next? 32gb?
what are you even gonna play on it? there's no games that need a 5000 series
8GB 980 came out 10 years ago, anon
My whole point was that AMD have nothing other than price. When any price variance no longer exists then the realisation that AMD is the poor hardware choice will come to the surface.

You clearly make your purchase decisions like:
>I want close to X performance at the lowest price
I make my purchase decisions like:
>I have X amount of money, what is the best for that price.
They are different. I value performance over price. You value price over performance.
>When any price variance no longer exists
So never?
Nah dude you're just retarded
no. you're just a dumb cunt AMD retard who won't accept they're dogshit.
You showed him, Timmy. Now you can take that retort to the schoolyard when class is back in session.
shut up faggot
Their 10% and declining market share and speaks volume.
You don't have to trust anyone. Numbers speak for themselves.
>the amount of underage in this entire thread
Only faggot kids care about brand loyalty, hardware and specs.
Who cares about any of this shit? Just play videogames.
Till it fries from the piss poor build quality.
10 years?
At least until the next Unreal Engine release.
Most devs use UE or heavily customized UE.
If your pc can run UE5 games right now with no hiccups, you're set until the next iteration.
>For emulation
You could have just said that you're a retard
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1080 here, next gpu will be a 380X so I can switch to crt lol
I got a 3090 for ai shit lol, then got bored
I don't have to make you into a nigger, you already are one
desu the last time I tried Citra on my HD7950 it was borderline unusable due to weird artifacts (like MGS3D tried to run at 60 fps, despite being internally locked to 20 fps, so it was running at slow motion) but once I switched to 2070S, it suddenly started to work as intended
AMD has their R&D in Israel and they are part of the Trusted Computing Group together with Intel and working with the Israeli ministry of technology
current meta is to get a amd cpu and a nvidia graphics card

anyone who says otherwise is a fanboy
I had the same issue with my 970 and trying to run RPCS3. SCIV would struggle to maintain 60FPS even at 720p. Swapped in a 7900xt and I need to run it at 8k to get it to struggle like the 970 was.
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>anyone who says otherwise is a fanboy
good, my 3080 will get another year of use
if your gpu is too old you don't support various opengl/vulkan/emulator features.

for example without a new gpu you don't have access to this:
so all emulators will shader stutter by design on your system because it defaults to calling to a single core on your cpu instead of your gpu driver that has thousands of shader units.
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Oh boy! Cinebench! My favorite game!
It was OpenGL back then
>no that one doesn't count
cinebench is prob part of the reason intel cpus are sharting out rn
Gotta be #1 on cb torture test
>no, hundreds of games don't count either
yes back then AMD had inferior OpenGL module compared to Nvidia. The drivers fixed the OpenGL module 2 years ago so now AMD has same if not better performance than Nvidia in Minecraft/Emulators.

But every new GPU should be using Vulkan by default since it's just plain better than OpenGL unless a specific game just hates Vulkan like Xenoblade.

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