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I want sexy pierced tummies NOW
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Why it look like that...
We are all French on this blessed day.
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listen i don't have anything against you but i do think it's a bit of a shame that these ai threads have gone from people trying to get somewhat interesting pics to the same 4 guys spamming their ocs or whatever
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Dunno about piercings but a tummy for you
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as it should be
is this NovelAI? if so post prompt
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kino gen
what happened
This is my OC MeguRei she goes BOOOOM :D and then she then she feels sad about it cos people died and her internal dichotomy is conflicted kek
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cute tummy
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if it's NovelAI you can just save the image and drop it in
NAI's metadata isn't scrubbed on upload to 4chan
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console's are cool
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who would win?
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Miss her
these types of characters are always the coolest
the Midra fight was so fucking kino
Hon hon hon pilled (mostly)

Olympics started with a truly questionable opening ceremony.
C'est fini
Dangerously kino
Nice ada
Extra baggy hoodie vs flashing a piece? Not even a question.
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between him, slime, the gay anime OC guy and every other insignificant one these threads are just schizo hangouts where they can spam their OCs and talk to each other all day. anons warned that this would happen and now here we are.

the only positive here is the more they waste their lives here, the more regret they'll have thus proving that AI is useless
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You should read some Kierkegaard.
Need bottomless Vi ASAP
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Stupid name, I only read ecchi Manga and the bible.
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Punching a giant caterpillar sounds unpleasant.
May chaos take the world
What did they do this time?
True, but his first name is kinda fire though
isabelle :(
To be fair if Kirky was alive today that's probably what he'd read too
What about giant grasshopper
who is she burnin
>truly questionable opening ceremony
what happened
nice stuff
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the frenzied flame is kino
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unironically what stops you from posting anything. the thread before last shows when they're not here, we get 20 minutes between each post without any interaction. same thing happened when a bunch got banned. all i've seen is that when they're gone, they aren't replaced with any of the supposed kino vidya gens lying in wait.
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That would just hurt.
These threads are only good when they're all offline ngl
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As long as you're okay with no face tattoo as I'd probably need a lora for that to not get screwed by the upscaling. Otherwise it kind of just smudges it.
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great as always
Just a load of boats and crap dancing. And it rained the entire time.
Imagine Eurovision (although if you're American you probably can't image that) imagine a big gaudy gay party with a bunch of women with beards dancing for 4 hours.
They played Darude - Sandstorm though so maybe it was worth it.
This compromise is acceptable
Caring this much about a 4chan thread is insane
Saar pajetsoft ai spam is of very boloved by internet, you're of jealus from India superiority and cunningly
It's gotta be the same fag saying this every single time
>durrr hurry waiting for supposed kino /v/idya gens!!! Just post them!!
Yes, post them so they get lost among the OC garbage being spammed by 4-5 anons. You're the only one that views post rate as a means of quality, there's nothing wrong with slow threads. In fact, most probably prefer them to whatever fuck this is. So no, I'll wait until the grown men posting anime girls and complimenting each other leave and go back to enjoying the threads and posting as usual. Go post your generic anime girl so one of them can give you a "kino" now
where have all the pumpers gone?
>threads are completely quiet when OCfags aren't posting
>barely any images are being posted
>OCfags enter the thread
>all of a sudden there's a plethora of posts about how they ruin the threads and make it to no one else can post anything through their spam
>but when they aren't here there's hardly any images posted
which is it???
>Yes, post them so they get lost among the OC garbage being spammed by 4-5 anons
it's always about attention with you people. you just signaled to everyone that you're seething because you don't get the attention you crave.
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You need to go outside.
Could I trouble you for some more boys?
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Excellent Adas
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>Ignores half the post just to bitch about attention while defending the biggest attention whores spamming the thread right now(OCfags)
Yep, you were never discussing in good faith. Go bag to playing e-dress up with your other grown men friends
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more like ˢᵐᵒˡ ᵍᶦʳˡ
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I'm outta here anons, have a good one. Keep on prompting and stay safe out there.
Wizard kino
Holy moly
detective kino
Sounds cringekino
Any particular boy?
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NTA but I'm fond of Kite from dot hack
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because you didn't say anything in that whole post other than the fact that you're pissed that your posts quote "... get lost among the OC garbage..."
I'm not even the anon you were arguing with, I wanted to jump in because you don't seem to even be aware how hard you're projecting
post pics or just fuck off. get (You)'s or don't. you care way too much.
>Defending OC shit
These threads are a lost cause
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>where have all the pumpers gone?
no more suffering... no more births....
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He won't post pics. None of them ever do. They get easy (You)s and satisfaction from causing drama. It has never been about them doing anything for the threads.
it's always been a bad faith argument which is why you never see any actual images attached. assuming they're serious implies they piss their pants and tremble in their boots because OCfags somehow hold actual power over their posting habits, which is very sad when you think about it. total OCfag victory.
i would rather day
Nice. Which art prompts are you using?
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because nobody shits up these threads worse than the faggots that claim OCfags do
Skelefag if he was cool
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Remove Porcs
that was detective anon, so even better for them their archrival left
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I am neither american nor can I imagine eurovision
either way sounds about on par for the french
night gumshoe, lovely gen
that was detective, but I'm also taking off now
be seeing ya sloppers, have a good thread
>Post pics
>Get called "___"fag
>Don't post pics
>People bitch that you didn't post pics so they can't easily connect you with a set character or gen style
I mean it's really not hard to understand. I don't want schizos latching on to other anons who post Ultima or Warcraft gens. You people know what you're doing
Who is this?
>Oil panting by Goya
>Shit up the threads at the same time
>Leave at the same time
I thought the ship was detective x enforcer. Why is Slime so in love with him suddenly?
Cool, thanks.
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holy shit
lol, lmao even
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>OCfags are so repetitive
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He guides elephants.
Nah, I post variety but that's just how you fags operate. The one anon who always posted long novels bullying you people ruined Geralt because you all kept calling everyone Geraltfag. Play dumb all you want

This is mental illness and schizo central. Not attaching an image to any of my valid complaints here
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drapion, but it's pretty loose
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Night chief
i would trade every single thread there has been if I could spend one more night with him
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Can you make a giant coffee cup drinking a business man?
Does it know Nahobino?
>all arguments completely btfo
>it was literally just geraltfag all along
>he still hasn't got over detective
>it was probaby all him sperging out about him each time
he really is detective's deticated schizo. we can only all hope to have someone who cares and thinks about us that much.
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Love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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Unfortunately it doesn't natively know him. Doubt there's any .hack characters that are. Best I can do is a clunky knock off so please forgive me.
Doesn't seem like it. From a knock off perspective though it's really just a boy with long blue hair and yellow eyes but I don't think I could get the outfit natively.
The AI doesn't understand
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That's still prime kino
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I'll take it. good work my friend.
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>A amyrosefromsonicfranchise at her desk, in the background is room, in a cartoon style, colorful animation
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>long novels bullying
gertaltfag are you seriously telling us you felt legitametly hurt by anons chewing out your spergouts against detective which is why you're currently shitting up the thread with rants against him every time he shows up because it actually worked on (You)?
see >>683836582
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Maybe the Persona 3 protagonist, then?
french knight...
Where are the cuties (Peach)?
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I'll see what I can do
Thanks for giving me the style the other day
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>Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,black goth outfit,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes,gloves are long and start with pink fabric),Dark Fantasy, Overcast, Mystical, Ambient Occlusion, Desaturated, Achromatic
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>Silhouette a modern, abstract illustration of Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,black spandex outfit,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes), use a combination of sharp and curved lines to form the silhouette figure, with colorful segments in primary and secondary colors , HD stunning quality
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Toga cute
Wow so even mentioning that anon causes the schizos here to get PTSD. Heh, and they wonder why I'm not posting an image.

Who's mind broke these anons more? Geraltfag or Listfag?
Burning (You)r house
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no problem(not the anon that posted that pic tho)
Nice bro
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I had better luck on NAI with persona characters...pony doesn't even seem to get the uniform right so had to swap tags around.
Thanks for trying anyways
It's snowing inside that house
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>A majestic Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes,gloves are long and start with pink fabric) in a regal, fashion-forward queen's costume strides confidently down the runway
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Trapperfag outdid those two. A true pos
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She kinda has that Maisie face
>tfw Wolverine looks like an Arcanine in a certain dimension
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>The interplay of advanced technology and human emotions in Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,black spandex outfit,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes,gloves are long and start with pink) illuminated by the contrast between violet and black, creating a dynamic and thought-provoking scene
nice troll
The cuties? Oh... You didn't know?
Appreciate it
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>orange and cyan paint decals, full soldier clothing, by Tadashi Nakayama, holding a scythe, inspired by Rob Liefeld, crimson and ecru color scheme, rare ltd, ditka, bullpup, scuba mask, shield, camouflaged gear, triumph, an interesting color scheme, D&D, matte painting, trending on artstation and unreal engine, 4k, 8k
Did you know
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thank you artists for always drawing patchy with huge honkers. saves me from having to add it to the prompt
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>Splashing dust art, pink dust,Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,black spandex outfit,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes,gloves are long and start with pink fabric)
very cute
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yes, unfortunately
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>Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,black spandex outfit,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes,gloves are long and start with pink fabric) in the style of floral surrealism, recycled, columns and totems, nature-inspired camouflage, flowerpunk, delicate materials, flamboyant, studio photography
If people even think you're listfag the entire thread spirals out of control over one anon. No one is topping him
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Give it up, it's over. He won.
Cute, I should steal all her books
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clem if she arcadia bay
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have you done mamachamp?
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Vaporeon is a friend? Yes.
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Fuck off Flagg we're not falling for your tricks
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I think we crossed streams and your troll entered itself into my prompt
Hot, I should plap her until I get a zinc deficiency
oh sun poster HORNY horny
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ol up
anon they didn't say now
smug cunt
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I hadn't
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>detective leaves
>geraltfag immediately implodes
luigi wins by doing nothing
No pink streak, ddoesn't count
leave her alone, shes sleeping
her and detective should swap outfits
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>both look the exact same but one's hair is just a bit longer
wow good swap
There's way too many named posters
all marisa's are suns but not all suns are marisa. it's how she began after all.
no there isnt, everyone's account name in this thread is just "Anonymous"
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you bumbling idiot. you absolute buffoon.
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wtf why is daisy being cucked
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needs Daisy in the background tied up
so did listfag ever actually show anything for his game?
How do you even get pics like this? Bing is so stingy.

Best thing I can get is swimwear .
he ain't using bing to do it
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They're fine
>doing anything for the past year except try to troll the same 4 people
Perfect time to steal all her food

Sound logic
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I'm using Stable Diffusion.
Tongue tied maybe
i just wish the anti ocfag camp weren't all slobbering retards and spergs. we could've had the /v/ for vidya thread we deserved if they didn't keep ruining the message...
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Nope. Also I'm like completely fucking knackered from trying to grind out as much as I can muster within the last few days I got.
I'm fucking exhausted.
Maria's got animations now, but she needs a few more. (Side attack animations. ain't even gonna put the hammer in this build) Haven't attached animations to enemies but at least attacking the animations are easier. No idea what I'm gonna do about Rose Wife's dress but I'll probably just parent the fucking thing to her hip bone.
Momentum code and what not is easy to refactor.
So I just need to set up new code to parent hitboxes to bones and I'm literally done with a very scuffed build.
I think I over did it lmao.
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bitches love my balls
we believe in you mariafag, you're what an oc poster should aspire to be. you should sneak pngs of the regular ocs on a wall or something so they're all finally on topic
I love this anons balls
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something is better than nothing. you're doing good, Mariafag
Do a wholesome fingering orgasm, with Peach squirting into Daisy’s palm
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Thanks anon. I'm having a blast inspite of how tough it's been.
I'll do you one better and add a few of them as NPCs.
I'll wait till I get a bit more polish in and then I'll let some of the early birds throw some offers in.
If I like them enough and they fit the world I'd probably have a good deal of fun. Helps fill out the Casino a bit more too. So I don't need to recycle as much assets.
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based. who you thinking of adding?
>Reverse tetris minigame where you have to stop skelefag from filling up his cum chalice
>Dad 'n Me clone of Enforcer Duo beating up randomly generated OCs across 5 levels
>Shitty dating sim featuring Detective, Slime, Ram, etc
>Playable Konshu rhythm game
>Goat Simulator of Goat

A Sonic Dreams Collection type thing of shitty parody games would be perfect for OCs
That time already?
That's true. Had to compromise alot but I'm almost done. Did a massive upgrade of a few models last night, like giving frankenstein a skeleton and flesh. Or Birdknight here (First "female skeleton" enemy I guess)
Thread hit limit. Fuck.
Would of been a better protagonist for Bayonetta's legacy than the bitch we got in Bayo 3.
Detective, Yae and other Yae (Green and Pink hair chicks)
John would be fucking hilarious.
There's definitely a few other picks but not sure if they'd fit entirely. And idk if the creators of them are still about.
Why are you so fucking gay.
I still haven't gotten around to Bayo 3 desu
What are the other picks?
i’m not gay
Oh a few other ones.
Duel wield gun elf chick with platinum blonde hair and nice red dress
Edgy black bobcut hair elf with the scars.
Bayo 3's pretty fucking rough. Screams KH3 syndrome. If you get what I mean. Interesting ideas but definitely feels like a victim of it's own over ambition and bloat which creeps into every aspect of the game.
>yae and yae
>2 hour thread
shh time to cuddle.
I literally don't fucking believe you John. Stop genning "John the character" in dresses and then I'd believe you.

Anyway, there's definitely some others that I'd like to add but because of creator permissions I have no idea if that'd happen.
List's Baguette bitch (List is very uh... skitzo?)
Slime "might fit" but the main issue is that extreme states like goop people have pretty serious lore justifications.
(Like she'd basically be an ectoplasmic entity or some absolute bullshit)
Bat (Not sure if Bat's alive at all, doesn't feel right to add without permission)
Those are a few examples I can think of where complications would arise
I know one of the two's called Yae. Fucking I'll show who I'm referring to next thread.
HEY i’ve only started doing it today so shut it

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