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Xrd Thread
Ok. But don't you dare talk about gameplay.
Tranny slop
No, anon. Xrd is the cool game. That no one played.
If the thread is still up in an hour or two when I get inside I'll make a lobby
when will they just fucking give in and make an eroge in RPGMaker
Here's hoping, I've only ever played #Reload and +R with /v/ before, and Rev2 is my personal favourite GG, so I would love to see what people are like around here these days.
Clayton said Strive is better
Nah I will. PRC was a bad mechanic. YRC is the one people with less than 300 hours complain about. Once you play the game a lot you realize PRC enables low brain behavior.
I think he said that during the first month of soive, but has amended his position to saying soive is one of the worst fighting games ever created.
PRC costs 50 meter
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Meter is easy to get in this game and PRC enables completely risk free option selects from neutral.
Adulthood is realizing they are both bad.
But XRD is still good in spite of some really stupid mechanics.
This silly thing is gonna be the new move he gets in strive isn't it
I think despite the problems Xrd rcs add more to the game than they take away, the game isn't good in spite of them but at least in part because of them.
Yeah it gets annoying sometimes but they enable so much crazy shit, there's a huge amount of freedom unlocked by being able to burn meter to freeze the screen and act at almost any time, even Strive RCs cool as they are end up a lot more limited in how you actually use them because they do so much on their own rather than enabling you to abuse your character's tools.
Nothing is perfect and it could use some tweaks but I've never really agreed with the common sentiments about YRC, I think a lot of it is from people that maybe played the game for a few hours and got bullied by projectile yrc because they didn't know how to play neutral or manage their meter.
Command grab PRC could go and I wouldn't be sad though.
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I've played XRD today with me frens. Had a lot of fun pressing buttons as Johnny and Slayer, although Potemkin is my main. I kinda wanna learn slayer, but his combos are kinda unintuitive so as his gameplan. What do?
>inb4 check dustloop
I was literally scrolling thru it mid gameplay
I kinda prefer the RC system in Strive over the one in XRD. Especially now that DP's are punishable on block.
>even Strive RCs cool as they are end up a lot more limited in how you actually use them because they do so much on their own rather than enabling you to abuse your character's tools.
I don't really understand what you're getting at here
steam won't let me make a lobby link for some reason
Slayer has three different core combos kinda
one is just grounded links into 2D, like c.S>f.S>c.S>f.S>5K>2D. Relatively low damage but it's all you get on normal hits without meter. How many buttons you can fit in depends on how close you started, whether they're crouching or standing and what character they are, but you get a feel for it pretty quickly and c.S>f.S>c.S>2D works in almost every situation and only needs one easy link so you can just default to that.
The next is K mappa RC, the generic 50 meter option that works in any situation, any confirm into 236K RRC gets great damage. Midscreen you go into K dandy>Crosswise Heel then air combo, which is character specific for optimal stuff but not hard normally
then corner loops
is this still up? haven't played in a few years.
yeah, 3 people now so an even number would be nice
>Xturds so assblasted by Strive's success they try to attentionwhore their game on vee in the desperation that someone will come back and play this trash
>nobody cares
>want to play
>external hard drive died today
fuck man
im in but i gotta afk for 5 minutes


Thanks for hosting the room, you guys are really good opponents. I gotta eat, but if the room is still up, I'll join again.
Why is xrd hated again? Was the game super setplay heavy or something? Or something something YRC?
I forgot to say ggs to dizzy/slayer/bedman and to the baiken dude. He played really well guy after I told him I wanna sleep
ggs, even though I was losing a lot
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Thank you, ggs to you too and well played. I'm going to assume you were the Pot player. I just had to eat, dinner was simmering on the stove the whole time but I didn't want to pass up playing Xrd, but I'm about to check to see if the lobby is still available. I thought you hated me, with the whole message to the Johnny player.
room not up?
Who and more importantly why
some /fgg/ schizo
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Yeah, I was that pot player. I think the lobby is still available. I think it was available when I left
Oh yeah, I didn't hate you, don't worry. It's just the resets that were bugging me out. Especially the midair ones, since I kept forgetting about air unblockables and just ate the damage lol
I mean to be fair, and I love YRC when I say this, the fact is some characters get access to "You are not blocking this the first 100 times or understand the frame data" setups once you get past the 300 hour hurdle. I honestly probably assume Xrd would be a lot better received now that we're in the "information" age (Let's not kid ourselves, you couldn't get Strive's fanbase to go to Dustloop's forums)
God every time I try to play Bedman his 6P reminds me why I don't

no, still open
Can't jump on right now but I wanna ask, how do you scale up Xrd to match your screen resolution without getting massive input delay for it? Is it unreasonable to want to play at 1080p at a medium (can we actually go above that?)
I assume for a lot of people it felt like +R but less? Xrd was my first GG game and I went back to GG but my main character, I-no, feels different in both entries that I'm like whatever on it. You got the Sol players supposedly whining about clean hit being gone but Xrd Sol is one of the most fun characters to ever be created so I would think it was just different strokes for different folks at that point.

Supposedly danger time is also a factor but how can you hate danger time and then like COUNTER HIT whoops I'm dead or snowball season 3 in Strive is beyond me.
oh gosh you guys are 1 bar for me
not sure if i should even try
That's just Gear in general. Learning a Guilty Gear character to the point where you can be considered good is basically a second job and the amount of people you run into that are going to understand your characters knowledge checks and how they can abuse system mechanics is like less than 5% realistically. I realized this after I stopped playing Xrd and moved over to +R two years ago. Even the godlike top ranked players in the online lobbies get opened up by kookily shit that they don't even realize they have to lab. My character is able to set up fuzzies if I frc a projectile a certain way and I'm fairly certain almost nobody I've fought has properly adjusted to this ever.
Not much for me to argue there. You're 100% right.
You guys mind since I can't play in the lobby I post art to keep the thread alive?
danger time and set play and character specific combo routes
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ggs, lobby's still up i think
>set play
>rematch lobby

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liked xrd but was never able to get good at it or gg as a whole. For whatever reason i really can't grasp all it's numerous universal mechanics and how fucking fast those games are, in fact i have a problem with all arcsys games that i tried because of that.
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I'm a gimmicky player, I expect people to not be looking for the 6HS after the tatami. If they start to use Faultless Defense, then I just start going for a grab when they land instead. Don't feel bad about it. Honestly, you were doing a really good job picking up on my habits and downloading me, so you should praise yourself for that. That always makes me nervous, I have to start improvising a different playstyle on the fly, but it's cool that you can even do that in this game.

Thanks for playing with me, but I think my brain is cooked for now. Lobby should still be up with the host inside, if anyone is looking to play. I said it before, but you guys are really good players. It was a pleasure to be able to join you for games.
Your character is fucking gay.
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xrd is fun but as a scrub i think pic related describes my experience fairly well. but i still refuse to buy strive because they gutted everyone's moveset so much it looks lame as hell. would rather deal with losing a round after a single cornered knockdown than play as a crippled version of a character (that for some reason does twice as much damage)

I know what setplay is its just stupid to hate Xrd for what the fucking series is known for.
She's pretty annoying to play for new players but she has a lot of weaknesses and has a lot of really hard matchups.
i keep thinking its r1 to grab
Complain about anime fighter setplay, but oki in Strive is somehow even more cancer
>Get hit once
>lose almost all your life
>get hard knockdown because your opponent wall broke with super
>have to guess strike/throw now and if you guess wrong you lose
This was peak cancer with white wild assault causing hkd, but they at least got a grip with that now.
What is her bad matchup so I can beat you up.
i honestly don't even want to think about strive dude thats why im in this xrd thread
i want to be happy
My hands are failing, gonna close the lobby after a few more
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I know that feel. All the more reason to be thankful there are still some people who want to play the older Guilty Gear games at all.
She, unfortunately, has an especially bad MU against fucking Johnny of all people. Axl's strangely difficult for her too, at least in my experience. Bedman can be too, also Sin. Anybody who can easily deal with blue ball is a bad matchup for Kum.
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Any tips on getting better at Xrd?
I can't really move past dark green square.
I main Sol btw.
GGs all thanks for coming
I only got to use gamma ray once and it failed to combo into itself and OTGd for even less damage that it does on block, 2/10 session

no really great games though
ggs everyone i played
sorry for the bad connection
i lost all my gg images
YRC is funny
Danger time is fucking awesome
Sol should have had his Dragon Install in Strive instead of whatever the fuck we have now
Ky should never have gotten it
Fuck you guys
>Sol should have had his Dragon Install in Strive instead of whatever the fuck we have now
Please understand they had to replace his super that people used once every hundred games with one that people never use.
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Post your most epic setplay
That dude is mentally ill, he'll post his epic wordplay in every fightan thread. You don't even need to mention Xrd to trigger him, it lives in his mind rent free
Here's the idea:
>Dragon Install replaces HMC
>Heavy Mob Cemetery is done by doing another QCBx2 + HS, or just holding HS during the Dragon Install startup
>Now people can fuck around and die in both ways
Sad what happened to Guilty Gear. Apparently Korea is making a new BlazBlue so I shouldn't have to worry about the game getting pozzed to appeal to westerners.
it's going to be a zero budget mobile game made by the lowest tier dev I've ever seen. Their most notable previous project is Heroes vs. Evil: Gacha defense
This is not a win for blazblue fans, sadly
The game is legit has die hard fans and die hard haters. If setplay is huge I could understand the hate. I've always been tempted to try it because Axl is in, but it seems pretty dead at this point. It's really a shame fighting game life cycles have to be a thing. It really drags this genre into the fucking sewer. Fighting game fans are the type of people to move out of a mansion into a trailer just because they got bored of the mansion.
theres been like 3 new blazblue games (failed gatcha included)
also didn't mori leave the company or something?

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