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How do you get past the haunted house in Vampire Bloodlines as a big pussy like me?
First you gotta find the print screen key
remember that youre a fucking vampire and nothing can hurt you
you gotta be 18 to post, bud
first you must stop taking the hormones, you will never be a woman
I'm 32
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>you will never experience ocean house for the first time again
there's unironically a console command to skip it
Try relaxing with some less scary games like Thief: Deadly Shadows and Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay.
You press W because nothing actually happens
and then wait in the dumbwaiter until the kitchen is safe
I know that feel anon
I was the biggest pussy on the planet as a teen and even I got through this with only minor goosebumps
I believe in you anon, you can do it. I'm easily scared too but Ocean House is great.
Also the rest of the game is absolutely amazing and you would be missing out if you left here.
>the scariest thing in game was a spooky mansion
Still giggling about it years later desu
Unironically just turn off the sound in horror games removes like 95% of the horror

I remember the first time, there was some weird ass bug I could never replicate
During the part where you're in the hallway, there was sort of orange light, I thought it was like electricty sparks so I walked into it and instantly died. Orange light was never there again.
it was on the ground floor IIRC, on the right side (same side as you enter)
Bloodlines modding autist here. I'm not sure where you mean exactly, but to the right of the starting hallway is one of many ghost "NPC" triggers, and the Bloodlines engine can sometimes freak out if two characters occupy the same space. If it didn't trigger immediately for whatever reason, if you walked over it, then the game could have freaked out.
Sometimes causes death, usually it causes a crash, occasionally it can repell both objects/characters away although that tends to be a property of bigger monsters like the Asian squid creature and the werewolf, I'm guessing to compensate for their size and large limbs clipping you.
It could have been something else though, the ghosts should be player transparent. And the fact you say that it was an orange light makes me think it might have also been one of the fire trigger_hurt entities from upstairs firing too early, but you said it was on the ground floor, so I'm not sure.
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picrel, that hallway, entry door is to my right.

I think it was a fire glitching out. Since I did walk into the fire before to test it out and it seemed to kill me over a second or two
This 'glitch' basically killed me instantly. It was sort of an orange version of the purple light/thing whatever that is in some areas of Ocean House
What never made sense to me is how the guy went crazy and murdered his whole family during the same day and the hotel got haunted and closed down instantly after that, but there are newspaper articles all over the hotel about the events.
Yeah it was definitely fire then. How weird. What game version were you using? Were you using the unofficial patch? I'm going to have a look at the map and script for this level tomorrow.
>the sun
>blunt force trauma
>sharpened pieces of wood
>12 foot tall wolf men
>wizards, both alive and not
>the wrath of god
>other vampires
>horrors beyond comprehension
>horrors within comprehension
>ancient blood magic
>mystical poisons
>being a little too hungry
And more!
This was around the UP version 10.0, several years ago and I believe it was the plus version
Thanks for the info, it has probably been patched in the time since, but I'm going to double check...
>big pussy
Step one should be getting opposable thumbs
are you implying these are even scarier???
Anon he clearly said "less scary"
I've always been a big pussy for horror growing up. I've had plenty of non-horror games scare/unnerve me. I'm usually able to always immerse myself and make myself vulnerable for segments such as these in any game. I tend to prefer horror elements most and find then most potent when they are presented in non-horror games. I don't know what it was about this place but I found it so fucking goofy when I went through it. Fucking Max Payne has scared me more than this goofy fun house. Call of the Wild: TheAngler scared me a couple of weeks ago with a ghost town that had Silent Hill tier sound design. It's a fucking fishing game. Fear is such a strange thing.
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