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Patch came out and a couple new classes have been introduced due to player demand, any of you plan to switch?
Why did they put "woke moralist" again at #5 and #8?
What the fuck is holy fool
>Holy fool
Damn, some kids are based
10. is Anonymous Troll Demon. I've been in this field for a decade or so.
I can see some opportunities on the horizon, might respect for crisis actor.
absolutely Weimar
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OP is a faggot
That's the real image
glad to know atleast 11.9% of kids are based
For me, it's Train Robber
Can i be both a holy fool and a highwayman? Seems like it would make for a fun dual class.
52 years an imbecile.
A guy who acts insane because he says God has been speaking to hum. A crazy hermit basically. This used to happen in Russia, before the communists quite a lot and Rasputin has been called a holy fool.
9 and 10 don't sound believable, 9 especially. No fucking body is reading books in 2024 and AI is gonna murder this "profession" harder than artists.
im not giving you brats my job
>No fucking body is reading books in 2024
You are dumb. I read all the time and write as well. Not to mention being a writer doesn't mean just books
I'm still amazed kids these days want to be Doctor/Nurses.
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>No fucking body is reading books in 2024 and AI is gonna murder this "profession" harder than artists.
What do you think you're reading right now dumbass
Literally me
thats basically the same thing as OP image
AI cant render wojak or its counterpart soijak because its the rawest human creation that was ever conceived in this world
that’s just a prophet
Disturbing, it looks like collapse is imminent
Read Lord of the Mysteries.
>That's the real image
No shit, newfag.
Tik tok, woke moralist
Tik tok
wojak artist
wojak artist, woke moralist
>Film maker
wojak artist, woke moralist, Driver
woke moralist, bureaucrat, holy fool
>TV Presenter
Tik tok, woke moralist
woke moralist, holy fool, crisis actor, airbnb squatter
wojak artist
bureaucrat, Highwayman/Train robber
Not a SINGLE USEFULL JOB, noone creates goods, ony muh:
That's why US will die in your lifetime.
I work in digital forensics and my best days are when I get called upon to do cyber safety presentations in schools. Sometimes I wonder if I should have been a teacher instead, but other days I wonder if I only enjoy those days in school because they serve as a respite and if being around children every day would drive me insane. I guess I'll never know.
In what fucking world is a doctor not a useful job?
Shitpost aside, I’m pretty sure good parents would slap that nonsense out of their lil shitter’s head right quick
have you heard of a joke
in the USA where you cant afford to see one
a world where men do not consume starches and the oil of rapeseeds, nor do they brush their teeth and their brains with the fluorides, nor do they abstain from smoking
Doctors cause more harm than they help.
But I can. It’s just not my problem to pay out the ass to make sure everyone else can as well. That would be selfish and immoral in their part
When was the last time a doctor gave you useful advice, or was anything more than a scriptmonkey roadblocking you from something you already knew you needed? Pharmacists would completely invalidate doctors if they were allowed to prescribe you things themselves.
>8 out of 10 are artistic/entertainment endeavors
It's over
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Holy shit they put highwayman back in, just like in the good old days
We are so back, where my Red Iron Gang folk at, let's go just like back in the days!
Soitrannies are not known for their intelligence
Why is 7 above 8, you'd think 11.9% of the youth is more than just twelve people??
It really is baffling, since that job is to be a literal mouthpiece. If you were attention starved at least the YTber thing would let you (sometimes) say what you think, but TV presenter has none of that
99% of TV presenters and zoomers follow the same narrative nowadays so it works out
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Wake me up when this AI can render thing like picrel
The only real jobs in this list are doctor, nurse, teacher and lawyer. Boomers are unironically right when they say that young people are lazy faggots.
What the fuck did he mean by this?
Why the fuck would anyone want to be a lawyer? They're all alcoholic cokeheads for a reason.
I cannot remember the last time I went to a doctor and they didn't just input what I said in some software
What's funny is the only 3 jobs on there that in actual demand are really dipping in pay relative to how much it costs to get. Teachers, Doctors, and Lawyers whom do not come from the 'good schools' have to take on way more learning than other degree/certificate jobs that offer a similar pay level. Most people will not be brain surgeons or star lawyers.
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I've managed to jailbreak it
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I read and write as well but novels are so dead it's not even funny. Like half of all fucking sales are just Stephen King. I sincerely doubt any zoomer is reading books or aspiring to write them, it simply isn't a lucrative profession.
School teachers are hilariously underpaid. Even college professors aren't exactly wealthy people.
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A good meme out of this model has finally been generated, pack it up because it's over
Why combine these?
They started doing that In Canada and more patients are getting misdiagnosed and killed now
A gym teacher, duh.
its the go to "this makes a lot of money" job that most ppl think of
>more patients are getting misdiagnosed and killed now
Maybe that's a good idea then
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Highwayman sounds cool
How do I join a gang?
Because teachers are nerds and cringe. Being a gym teacher is great because all the kids think you're smart, fit and got drip.
A doctor only works if there is sickness and injury.
Why would you want people to be sick an injured? Why do you want to support an evil profession that thrives off the suffering of your fellow human?
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Crisis actor could be unironically kino.
One minute you're smiling and laughing with everyone with bloody makeup all over your face, then you hear Action and you're now crying over the "terrorist bomb" that just killed your son. Bet the glownigger paycheck is generous too
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i actually laughed
i'm surprised it knew what i was talking about
This. My college's engineering professors were paid on average 60-65k. The other ones were paid 45-50k
let's see your software stitch you up after a nasty cut or running a cather down your urethra because your enlarged incel virgin prostate choked your peehole nigger
I don't believe you, you must be trolling
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People are gonna
>its so over
at this pic but please don't try and tell me that kids in the previous generation were pining at the oppurtunity to be a wageslave over something like a football player or a rock star
One of the few objectively good things commies had ever done was getting rid of these retards.
a GP wouldn't do that thoughbeit. they'd just refer to a urological surgeon.
i dont think i ever thought about wanting to be any of these, granted the first two werent really a thing until i was a teen
OP wants me to think this isnt based
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Nah, honestly didn't really want to do much with the image itself, but the "real life vidya" part, which sometimes has some real fun threads on /v/. That didn't really go as planned, got more derailed by the actual list posted (and doctor discussion?) but it is what it is
The Chad AirBNB Squatter
>That number two
My god is this new generation ruined, why do so many kids want to be ridden by fat italian men and do weird eggplay?
Last time I saw a doctor was to get a colonoscopy, and while I was in recovery a couple of qt 3.14 Asian med students doing on-site learning came up and interviewed me about my asshole for 10 minutes.

I still have bowel problems.
>airbnb squatter
Redpill me, that sounds funny.
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>“It’s not infected, it’s just spicy”
what the fuck kind of combination is that?
nah, i'm sticking with my NEET build until the devs fix the NEETbux glitch.
kids grow up playing skyrim, then all of a sudden about 12% of them want to be the guy saying NEVER SHOULDA COME HERE smdh

I blame Todd

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