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Do you find low-poly 3D women wildly attractive like people in the 90s did?
Barbie's Horse Adventure
Lara in the recent remasters of TT 1-3 does it for me even though it's lower fidelity than the most recent TR games. Something about that smug look she has.
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Yeah, couldn't tell you why though. There's just something very alluring about low-poly ladies.
just apply some tesselation, we have the technology now
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> like people in the 90s did?
I did then and I do now.
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low poly and brown and piss both aged like shit and only used due to technical limitations (NOT artistic visions). at least brown and piss can be disabled through mods. can't do shit with low poly graphics
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I love this, and would like to see more cute low poly girls, especially Peach.

Nothing for blue boards, but I do have a little bit.
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And that is why I need more low poly GIRLS.
The notion female nipples are not worksafe is the biggest load of crap American society clings to.
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That second pic is a classic, it's a really cute concept.
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Anon, that's gay.
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Hey, I didn't say the first pic wasn't also really cute too...
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Shit waifu. Allow me to post the superior retro hottie.
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Man, I don’t care. Joanna with her actually modeled boobs is way hotter than Lara with her Cybertruck boobs.
First one is hot, the second one just tells me you’re a massive homo.
Anyone got the low poly milf?
you're not thinking of the recent AI generated thread's dark-skinned hag, are you?
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Here are two better girls.
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How about I post the Non-Named milf Suzan?
EverQuest put ideas in my head.
>an elven slave
That's redundant
Damn, those rockin tits!
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You bet!
Any others besides this and the shower one?
No, it's a years old animated image of a big titty milf with short brown hair and a blue shirt and black skirt I think walking.
This is the only other one I've found.
>smooth curves
uhhh that's not low poly at all, anon
After reading that the guy that did Reiko's model used his own face now I can't unsee...
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>hours after the first Lara post
>still no posts about horses
I'm surprised.
This is OP
Who are these from?
the artist is hesitatingrobyn
all me btw
what game was this?
I know this is from Sega Saturn console
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Technically, ShitpostEye, but, if you know your history, an RPG called Non-Named:
Fighting Vipers i found it
Who made the models?
Flargy1. I have a high resolution model of Callie because that model, for some reason, was posted in a Discord server. From what I heard, the following model was outsourced to someone notorious for making SFM porn models:
Do they post art anywhere? I wanna follow them
All I know of is an old Tumblr page. He disappeared many years ago and hasn’t returned since. Then again he also returns sometimes under a new pseudonym containing either “flarg” or “filler” so it’s difficult to keep track of where he is.
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I don't know, I wanna see that too now.
lara croft!
Found it. I remember it being a bit more low poly.
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This made me chuckle
This is what annoyed me most about the SJW movement in 2014. SJWs thought gamer men sexualizing women was a problem, and not the fact these men where literally getting off on geometry.
that has to be one of the best endings to a game ever, lol
were you here for the daily tomb raider threads a few months back, anon?
>this was a FPS so you only saw her model in the cut scenes.
oddly i remember nearly zero erp in this game
and what's your problem with that you mentally ill freak?
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I'm sure Lara and other babes were really sexy, but there was only one polygon babe I wanted to undress back then. Here she is next to the cucco girl.
The promo art was always a step ahead of the in-game renders.
You know, I shouldn't have to assume a catbox link contains a big massive cock. Fuck you.
I was going to post this one if you hadn't.
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I'm going to let you in on a secret. A woman's nipples and vagina are the exact same color as her lips.

You're welcome.
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We need to go back.
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for me, it's:
Need half-genie sex
Trigger discipline is pretty sexy.
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Best I can offer is zombie girl.
hey i remember you!
you're the anon that made these, right?
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Seeing some of this stuff reminds me of DS games, and now I'm wanting to see girls that have no chance of getting modeled.
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One of my first loves
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i'm the barrel roll guy
the guy that reposted it
barrel roll? i'm sorry, i don't recall
also what is that crocodile planning..........
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wouldn't fucking a low poly 3d woman be hazardous as fuck? imagine the bumps and cuts from all those edges.
Not good enough, I need quarter genie babies.
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Her collision is softer and simpler. It may take a bit to get used to clipping though.

Fuck yes
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I've had a thing for Malon ever since I was a young lad. Thank god there are other people out there who enjoy her enough to make material of this variety.
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Yea they cute
Sometimes a triangle on her back will suddenly clip through her tits due to the angle you were looking at her.
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This pic on a magazine cover was my first ever fap.
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doesn't count?
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a barrel roll
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>low poly 3D

some of my strongest orgasms came from a few white pixels.
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2D is already confirmed to have produced the sexiest woman ever tho.
I was jacking it to nina from tekken 2/3 watching her do submission moves
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I can't stop fapping to dark alliance girls
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I crushed on Candy/Honey so much.
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They definitely knew what they were going for her in her design. Especially in a game, where the whole gimmick was destroying clothing.
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She's only perfection incarnate. It was inevitable.
>low poly thread
>retards post high poly
Who made these? This shit is fantastic!
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The infinite polygon SGI workstation renders are of the same era and, in their own way, capture the same early 3D look.
how is that related to his post
I just saved them off /v/. Hopefully someone else knows.
Thanks for ruining the thread, faggot
Anon, you don't get it. If you normalize nipples, they stop being sexy. Don't try to undo this taboo. It erodes a man's fantasy.
You're the first person to even acknowledge him.
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You'd think so, but thus far this guy may possibly be the only one to make any of it for upwards of perhaps 30 years. Shame that soon it'll be a full year since he made anything. Hope he's doing okay.
Just pull away from her enough to where she turns round because of camera distance
He's yearning to press the square button.
Thats by the artist legoman, he was considering making a weg but I don't think it went anywhere
Bloody roar
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>Matt Damon ages rapidly.gif
Bloody Roar 2
legoman actually released the model, I have it on a spare drive somewhere
Its fucking wild how much sealed copies of Ultra Gameplayers #111 goes for
ran fan
Sorry, Anon! You appear to be playing a pirated copy of the game.
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>same voice
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>checks model
lmao this is some garten of banban tier shit
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Red Lotus from Deathtrap Dungeon
yeah that's a high poly model
look up her in game model to see what low poly means
Jesus christ. Kill yourself immediately.
>on 4chins
Dumbass zoomer newfag.
I love Lara so much (for her personality)
do you have any of Chaindog?
me too!
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Jesus yes
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do you not?
Check out Dancing Eyes on MAME if you are into cute low poly girls
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No, I jack-off to 2D sprites instead
we didn't have access to porn like today. we were much hornier and full of test, so yes, softcore movies, bikini mags, low poly video game babes, and lingerie section of the weekly newspaper catalog section kept us horny
I’m still holding out to see if the model for Milly leaks out onto the Internet.
pixel art porn is pretty great if done right

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