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/v/ - Video Games

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>artist gf mostly doesn't pay attention while I'm gaming
>meet this guy
>"Oh who's that"
>quit game

>weeks later, she's acting shady, hiding her notebooks when I enter the room
>pretend not to notice but peek at them when she's at work
>pages and pages of Halsin lewds
no no no NO NO NO NO NO
time to get buff anon
also I noticed women only care about a game if they can coom to them. its fucking weird
>women only care about a game if they can coom to them.
wtf, so is /v/ full of actual women then????
it's not that weird, it's all anybody does around here.
he's not that attractive. your gf must be fuck ugly
you will find majority of men will play stuff because its fun, the story is engaging, the world building etc but every woman I have ever met has only cared about a game if they can coom to the protag or some shit about yaoi. Majority of /v/ are low test faggots so yes practically women
>also I noticed women only care about a game if they can coom to them. its fucking weird
my gf at the time only started playing overwatch because she thought widowmaker was hot
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Be glad you didn't discover your 14 year old daughter's artbook full of misdrawn penises of Blade and Aventurine, pic 1/2 related.
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Damn, women really do like bears more than men.
like disembodied penises?
where are the penises?
If she's playing gacha we already have bigger issues at play.
Really, misdrawn. Like, all shaft and no balls.

I saw it, put it back and pretended to not see it.
Oh no, women fantasize about fictional men.
lets just hope your daughter doesn't become one of those yaoi loving fujos who fools themselves into thinking they are asexual because anime men aren't real. I've met way too many of those irl these past years
Well like the others have said, the worse part of this is her playing a gacha. Put her on some good games instead, idiot.
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>also I noticed women only care about a game if they can coom to them.

Are you really surprised?
Open female coomerism has been a thing way longer than widespread access to pornography.

How long have you been seeing novels like pic related at magazine stands?
Shit, your grandma probably read some of these.

People say that BG3 caters to the gayass modern progressive perverts, but it really just caters to women.
It's really all.
It's just female coomers.
Fujo bait as the japs say.
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Its almost like women are just as degenerate as men, if not more so due to zero refractory period. Seriously, never let a woman shame you for sexuality. They're all freaks deep down. They especially like hot beast/monster men because it activates their "I can fix him" shit, they get off at "taming" the bad boys.
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>literally have a 2 month year old daughter
How do I prevent this from happening and give my daughter better taste?
I kinda look like Halsin, tall, well built, thick neck and boxy skull, nice skin, shoulder length messy hair, blue eyes, nice smile, though I'm not low enough bf% to have visibly defined abs like him.

Whenever I enter a room or come around a corner 80% of women's eyes reflexively turn to me before they hurriedly returning to what they were doing before, alone or with friends or even with their boyfriends/husbands, doesnt matter. I've never had much trouble getting dates or sex or a relationship despite not being very talkative or outgoing. Halsinmode is not a meme. Doubt I could compete with actual male models or anything but women have an instinctual draw to large masculine men, I've had lots of women describe themselves as being physically drawn to me in a way they don't really understand and drunk girls will just physically latch onto me without even introducing themselves first.
show left knee
Encourage them to be a degenerate loser. Don't let them get straight As, join student councils, get a part time job (an excuse to earn money folding paper and making presentations basically), etc.
Yeah, I've noticed women tend to be really superficial gamers. They might play social games a bit for fun, but you almost never find a woman get deeply engrossed in some thick and heavy lore rpg.

Maybe it's just because they're more social and always have company on demand?
It's already over
Before you know it she'll have a hot anime boy that spits in her mouth and calls her a bitch
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Many such cases
Kek I remember seeing some femoid in a twatter screencap say that guys care too much about gameplay and that girls are lore masters. As if guys arent the ones making autistic lore dumps on who won Mario Party
>Discovers something gf is into
>Not using this information to turn her extra horny
See, this is why you anons suck at relationships. It's like when my GF found my Chun-Li lewds and dressed up like her one day when I came home from work. You gotta do what your partner likes.
No matter how the world seems, do not, and I cannot stress this enough, do NOT give her internet access until she's MAYBE 10. 13 at worst. But keep it restricted, something like an ipad or whatever. If you want her to have a phone, get her a flip phone. She'll probably cry and complain, but this will instill value in her for when she eventually gets a smartphone. Her having potentially unrestricted and full time access to social media and the net can and will backfire. There was this really good post on this board a few months back, can't remember anything to find it. If someone has it, please link it.
Just give her time to actually enjoy childhood instead of it being poisoned through the internet.
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Its already over, you just dont realize it yet
Femoids just recently got into gaming, or did you miss the era of women asking why there are no games with female protags only to receive a deluge of games and the response to be "I never heard of those games?"
>boxy skull
What attractive person describes this about themself
>women are cooming to stardew valley
How will this help
No, I will avert this somehow
Yea, me and my wife have both already agreed to this because other people in her extended family basically let the ipad raise their kid and now theyre fucked. The old I get, the more grateful I am that social media didnt really kick off until right after I graduated highschool
fucking this but applied to all kids.
no fucking internet access before 13 years old
>How will this help
If they're not making time for life they can make time for video games.
Nice post but you will always suck dick
I want a dark souls themed blowjob
Oh I know, that was my point. The lack of awareness is staggering. I can only guess she is young and isnt aware of the fact that nerd hobbies in general werent even touched by 98% women until like mid-late 00s (gamerguuuuuurl era).
But wouldnt that just make her more likely to get into more degenerate shit and turn her into a smelly fujo or a KH autist?
That's where you guide her towards good games.
>misdrawn penises
Clearly daddy needs to show her what the real penis looks like.
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kill yourself
new pasta just dropped
>also I noticed women only care about a game if they can coom to them.
My girlfriends favoutire games are the lake and euro truck sim
>euro truck sim
she wants a big truck to drive into her tunnel
>dark souls themed blowjob
Best option
>chick cosplaying your waifu
Worst option
>tedious long and convulted sex act and your dick dies at end
noose around neck immediately, OP
>the lake
Ask her if she wants to go to the lake or be a lake.
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I don't even help Shadowheart escape the nautiloid anymore
I stand and watch her pound on the pod, and I say outloud "You know what you did." Then I turn and leave.
Halsin? Dies in the goblin cages. And then I restart. I have done this around 30 times now.

I will never forget what you took from me Halsin.
Glad i killed him in my playthrough, minty all the way
If you use any companions you're a fag because theyre all written like fags, besides the undead guys companions, they're cool
I took my gf to the stripclub now she wants to have threesomes with girls constantly
youre a liar or a lucky son of a bitch
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>didn't notice his cue to bearmaxx
NGMI. The game was written by women, for women and developed to be played by women (turn-based, with controllers).
A redditor desperate for karma posted his wife playing the game with his battlestation, obviously set up to be as intimate as possible. Bottle of wine, blanket, the works. Cucked by a video game but of course redditors get off on that shit.
she asian? if not LAME>>683839404
Lmao it's funny how far gone some anons here, you got cucked by an imaginary buff elf druid kek
Anon discovers that humanity is sexual species always in heat. Stay tuned for more dramatic reveals.

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