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the most Jewish gacha I've ever played
more than FGO and priconne even
yea once i quit i felt like a recovering drug addict
FEH outjews it.
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>play for 2 weeks
>enjoy my time playing and the novelty of it
>uninstall as I have more or less experienced every aspect of the game
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GF2 literally supports Israel.
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is this the thread?
Kalina being cute cancels out GFL's jewery.
hoyoslop is worse, at least NIKKE has good fanservice
Hoyo actually has human beings designing characters while Nikke is obvious AI slop, the costume designs in Nikke gets worse and worse
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Is collecting in-game-goods that much worse than collecting real-life trinkets?
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Nikke's two biggest problems have nothing to do with its monetization, it's the piss poor optimization, whether you're on PC or mobile, and also that the dailies take too long. It's the very definition of a chore to play, even if you're just logging to quickly do your dailies.
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Something I'm curious about is how is the new player experience. I started playing on release but I see a lot of new players dropping after playing for a couple of weeks. I have no idea what the experience is like now for new players so if someone could explain what it's like as a new player that'd be cool.
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I made a new account late 2023, played for 3 days, didn't get good units, uninstalled, it's shit
4 months later I tried again, rolled Crown and Modernia near immediately, now I play every day
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you tried
>more than FGO
I doubt that very much.
i dont play FGO or priconne but its the most """"""generous""""" gacha ive played compared to honky/genshin/zzz/blarkive
ive never spent any money and i have 30k gems 600 gold tickets just from doing dailies and events
all the units i want too, i never roll for dupes
>but its the most """"""generous""""" gacha ive played
Is this bait?
>compared to honky/genshin/zzz
Oh, your only frame of reference is hoyoslop.
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1 month into nikke and you can no longer level units in mid game unless you pay real money to get duplicates of units
gameplay is frequently interrupted with a cash shop prompt
daily routine includes going to the cash shop and clicking a couple times there
and yet you'll keep playing and consuming it
it's fun for two weeks until you hit the point in the game where you need to either whale or wait like six months before you get strong enough to continue through the story
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Most people don't even know what a generous gacha looks like.
why did you edit out that i said i also play blue archive? lol
i could of included wuwa too but thats basically hoyoslop too
i put generous in a bunch of quotes because all gacha are predatory gambling, you seem pretty dense so hopefully that clears it up
you can play the entirety of fgo with shitty1-3* servants
nikke you need to pull multiple 5* equivalents to proceed
>you need to core 7 nikke to do content

weird liar
I'm reaching endgame entirely F2P and have gotten almost all the Pilgrims. It's easily the most generous gacha I've played.
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I've literally never had issues savechadding in FGO
You haven't played many gacha then.
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autobattling through current story chapter with this team
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I've gotten every unit I've wanted so far. I'm going through content at a steady pace like any other game.

I don't know how much better it can get. Game is fun.
you need to mlb 5 ssrs which isn't nothing
My dumbass brother kept making excuses for it until he finally got filtered by the story power requirements or whatever.
Hey, that's my team. Give it back.
Spent 0 dollars, played for maybe an hour at most every day, usually closer to 20 minutes, got every unit I've wanted, have enough gems for over 200 more pulls and enough pity for 2 pick up units which I'll save for the next pilgrim unit. The only units I'll never be able to get are Power and Makima from the CSM collab, and they literally don't matter because ShiftUp, whatever their other faults may be, understand that making extremely limited units meta is fucking stupid.
Logging in daily, doing the bare minimum for your dailies and logging back out will get you ~4200 gems a month, 30 pull vouchers, and plenty of leveling resources, on top of ~90 free pulls from friend points. They've given away an MLB SSR at the 1 year and 1.5 year anni events, wishlist will help you lock in other units easily, and they give away random extra rewards all the time. The game's not greedy, you're either impatient or patently stupid.
I got into it recently and was enjoying it quite a bit as my first gacha but then I reached chapter 13 and the level scaling tipped in the game's favour. Now I'm on chapter 15 and literally cannot get past any of the fights without relying on the 3 free high level nikkes you get daily. It's a shame since I was really enjoying it until I got to the point where they wanted me to spend money.
I was a day one player until the Rem event after I failed to get her after 200 rolls. Didn't want to spend money so I dipped.
>lol just have better rolls lmao
>More than FGO
Yes it's shit and I hate how much I played it, but be reasonable, at least you can do 200 rolls and get a character, FGO was wayyyy worse than that
>Playing gacha
First mistake right there. Literal EA-tier live service trash with waifus slapped on it.
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Azur lane
I've had plenty of crap rolls, my point is that you get a boatload of rolls. Just off of logins, FP and events you can do about 140 pulls a month. A fucking month. There's no fucking way you aren't getting at least a couple SSRs across 14 10 pulls every month.
With physical you have it till the garbage men come and clean out your forgotten corpse. Gatcha has maybe a year guaranteed before the only way to see it again is a gif or youtube compilation. I still have fallen for about 70 dollars for Nikke and another 70 on E7. If it helps, I haven’t purchased a “real game” in 2 years. Also she is alluring for being fat and black.
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It's incredible how just slapping anime tits on farmville was enough to make retards fall hook, line, and sinker into mobile microtransaction hell.
I have had some pretty solid luck with gachas. Seems I can only be lucky with useless crap because it sure hasn’t followed me to the casino anytime I’ve gone.
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I've literally skipped entire months and I'm still fine and keep up with the meta because this game just throws free shit at you constantly.

I think people who complain about Nikke just burn themselves out in like a week and don't pace themselves.
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Now post your gameplay
Why didn't you just pity her if you wanted her so bad? She's pretty weak anyway, only real benefit is the significant damage buff she offers to RL users, so Emilia and Tia are like the only two worth mentioning. Laplace would be a shoe in, you'd think, but since her weapon changes for her burst you lose the benefit of her RL buff.
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Works on my machine
the issue is needing four copies of five different nikkes in order to progress
i'm at 600 recruit/advanced draws and i still need 11 dupes in order to break the wall
shit like fgo doesn't care what you draw, you can always be progressing
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Either you have the worst luck in the world or you've neglected FP and the wishlist to a concerning degree.
omg, her reload time is atrocious
I just hate how long this shit takes to load.
it's a bunch of fucking jpegs what the FUCK are they loading?
never gave them a cent
two accounts with a top sss girls
The wall's annoying, but it's literally a one time thing that's just a time gate. People who play strategically don't even hit it. If you actually need 11 dupes by the time you hit 160 you're not only doing something insane, but you also somehow avoided getting any welfares.
>one time thing
>core dust becomes the new wall
>best source of core dust is paid gems
FGO has no discounted $$$ packs, at all.
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>It's incredible how just slapping anime tits on farmville was enough to make retards fall hook, line, and sinker into mobile microtransaction hell.
This. ZZZ is the only one i've stuck with and it's stingy as fuck.
Die brown children die
>dailies take too long
15 minutes is too long?
dont mind him anon the shitposter is still in 2022
>Crown RH and Babu not at least MLB
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Out of the way, losers.
kek lucklet should uninstall, but i will give my broken ritual because i like you : roll daily in friend banner until anything that not blue nikke
For me it's the anime titties and modern games being absolute trash. Might as well do something with the money I'm saving not buying as many games the past few years.
why do chicks even care about israel?
they feel sorry for hebrews because they've been a persecuted people for hundreds of years. lately, they're persecuting back a bit too much against non-combatants, though.
>started playing on release
>sync 33+
How long did you take a break?
Priconne wasn't jewish enough. That's why it closed shop
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another JK is coming boys
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i get three fp rolls a day and i've activated the wishlist the exact roll i got it unlocked

how am i supposed to play strategically if i have garbage nikkes and no way to level past 160
i get my shit kicked in on interception so i can't even get good gear faster
the 11 dupes is including my mileage tickets, i need 13 if i don't use them
I take breaks here and there when I get bored of it.
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will skip, just like Ein
>but Ein is meta-
don't care, didn't ask, will wait for my Paizuri Princess
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I say I say how much for her?
I hope she ends up being good. Still feel bad for that guy that always posted "Don't care, saving for Nihilister" only for her to end up as a mediocre liberation unit.
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Day 1 MLB, just like Ein
shes so autistic with mirrors i love her
Sex with high school students
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>3 rolls for summer anus
>3 neons in a row
>decide to roll Ein
>get her 2nd 10-pull
>Decide to boost my S.Anis
>Double-get her first 10-pull
Makes up for the 300-pull no-Crown run.
you know nikkers are a cult with this 15 minutes lie. with events mini games, raids and co-op, chores can get up to 40 mins, i literally timed it.
Damn, why did it take this long for Nikkefags to drop the facade and admit it's just another jewish crap?
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>nagas soles are a lighter color

Mini games raids and co-op aren't around every day. Mini games are only for the bigger three week events, raids and co-op usually start on weekends. Well Thursday night for burgers but whatever.
and its a flash game like fgo lmeow
Can we do without the endless tranny seething for a day?
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Name the good AND generous ones then?
>inb4 BrownDust 2
>GF2 releases footage of their oath
>doll has a blank face
>inject code directly into their neural net
>only then do they smile
>instead of a ring, their hand is branded
>more than FGO
FGO has the worst spark system on the market bar none
Stop saving your gems then.
I see tons of newer players with a shitton of gems saved up but it's pointless to do so as a newer player. They complain about not getting dupes and having no pilgrims while not even trying for it.
Roll and save gold tickets for those limited units instead, it's better to prioritize getting over the wall ASAP. Most interception EX stages should be doable at 160 too.
Saw an art of rapi bent over and my immediate thought was that my face belongs there. I think the game's alright.
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My face belongs there...
Much more generous than blue fucking archive.
Both have the same pity pull amount, but BA doesn't carry its pity to future banners which makes it the lamest shit ever.
At least in Nikke every pulls counts and you can just safely pull whenever you want knowing it matter. In BA you HAVE to save 200 pulls if you want a sure chance to get any featured character.
They want to become the new jew
priconne is really f2p friendly
But Liveryn didn't have a chance to shower
Shower Schnower
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2nd anni pilgrim
this but unironically
Built for paizuri
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Satellite reminder
i did, i saved and rolled 240 times on ssakura because i figured with 2% rate chance i should get 4 copies with 200 rolls
i got one copy
Attaching the quote for this guy who doesn't understand how to quote >>683841249
you tried
You gotta include what else you got anon. I bet you got at least a dupe or two
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yeah, i got one mary dupe and one dorothy dupe
and i guess a privaty dupe but that's because they give you one already
if i have to rely upon getting more pilgrim dupes to break the wall i'm even more fucked than i think i already am
>cinderella calls you prince charming

im in love
You're welcome.
you can tell this guy is a failed artist seething at nikkes art
Huh? I haven't posted anything negative about the Art.
Dunno why but the head of this chick feels off to me. Her head seems too big for her body.
Soulless piece of shit
No gameplay
Im not a professional gacha player but isnt FGO the most jewish gacha ever? Thats what Ive been told atleast
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Does it sell $60 costumes?
it's bad because the rates suck and the rolls are expensive, but if you just want to play the game you don't actually need to roll at all
if you want to collect pngs then yeah it sucks
compared to games where you need to the gacha to proceed it's not bad
bro its the april fools thing
dont tell anon the other gacha with the 100$ skins he might kill himself
Yeah and I hate that it fucking chugs when I'm trying to get a daily out of the way. I don't have this problem with Project Neural Cloud or GF1, but it's apparent with Nikke's loading and micro-animations serve nothing but to irritate the fuck out of you.
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penne is grave
It's in a weird position to be in both gigakike tier and 'it just works' tier.
SSR is 1%, and 0.8% for the featured one.
Pity is 330th roll, so it will take 900 quartz or 300 tickets to hit pity. Though pity is guarantee to be the featured one so there won't be spook.
On the other hand, each rateup only gives you a single pity. So you cannot say, burn 1,800 quartz to get two SSR but have to wait until the next rateup.
However, FGO isn't gameplay focused and the devs do give out extra life in a form of blue prism (restore all of your servants back to full health and 100% np gauge) for story session. Even if you don't have the bestest strongest meta Servants, you can still muscle through the story to participate in the events.
They have some god-tier year one servants like Hercules (can equip an unremovable 3 guts), BB (can cleanse debuffs and give debuff immunity, also a Mooncancer), Mash (either the best girl or worst girl depends on which fanbase you ask, but if used correctly she is effectively a very tough tank), Rider Kintoki (arguably the strongest 4* Rider in the game even if he's Quick, hits very hard, can charge 50% np gauge by himself and his cards can also recharge np since he will create crit stars).
Some 3* Servants are also just as good as 5* or even surpass them, just losing in terms of hp. Caesar can hit very hard with his np, Euryale is worshipped by every players, Cu's borderline immortal cockroach unlike his VN/anime counterpart, Medea can remove buffs on demand, Robin Hood also hits hard if his poison debuff proc on the enemy, etc. Both George and Leonidas are great taunt that will save you in the worst boss battles. Arash will gladly sacrifice himself to help you farm.
Mr Chen is in the weird position as his np can hit very hard, but to actually use him you need several limited SSR or certain SR.
Of course, year one 5* like Gilgamesh, Blue Umu, GOLDEN, Jeanne, Daishouri, Mo or Bride are still good even in the current meta.
>However, FGO isn't gameplay focused
Every 90++ farming quest, which are the best nodes for getting event mats, would like to have a word with you
Yes. They stole 70k from some retard jap
whats the gameplay like
I just don't get how people play these fucking games. I felt so good after I stopped playing this dogshit game
Yeah nikke has the worst dallies system ever not even a contest
Have all the meta supports and one meta AoE damage servant fully maxed (sometimes you have to bring more) or take forever and a day to farm the lotto
Stopped playing when I realised how much time every day I'd be wasting doing the same fucking chores
Destiny Child was very generous and had some good coom designs. It's defunct now though
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I really hope not but I won't be surprised
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>button pops on her burst screen
>"Focus, don't let your eyes wander~"
Need to breed her tits
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>Have over 1k pity
works on my machine
>and i have 30k gems 600 gold tickets
And never summoning too
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30k is not that much btw
Is only 100 pulls not enough to 200 tickets
Dogshit game.
Tired of having to do some ranked shit just to keep up.
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>either the best girl
I played the game, I know how much it is and it's a lot
Dorothy is gonna freak if it happens and the deathmatch against Snow White will be mythic
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>100 pulls is not enough
I haven't got the current one yet despite rolling 50 times..
You didn't play Genshit if you think this is the most jewish and it shows.
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>inb4 bd2
At least you know what a good and generous gacha game is.
im gonna help cinderella rewrite her story to beautiful one
Same but I'm doing it for Grave, not Cinderella.
Pretty sure the gacha rate is not 4%
It is for getting a SSR but not the focus one
Is more close to genshin rate but I don't remember I think is 2%
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I've never seen a girl who evokes the primal male instinct in me to grope and squeeze and plap like elegg does
why cant nikkes be real god fucking damnit
i'd just wish upon a star that elegg could be real and make my face her chair with 150kg of force while I compliment her DOOM skills via muffled gasps for air
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Only those who actually play FGO know true despair, as the desire sensor actively works to strip their sanity.
>the fuck happening in the .jpg
Anon got like 5 5* and 5 4* before the actual 4* that he wanted.
>Verification not required.
She’s a hyped anni unit so she will be 100%. Remember they bullied shiftup to make an already strong Red Hood into the best unit in the game
Lmao, should've been a luck build. I started around Bay/Crown and broke the wall at 140.
Astroturfing is insane on this board.
But anyway, I'm sure this game is cooked by this time next year with how lazy the devs have become
Reminder that you can buy the passes in this game with free gems - A thing Nikke will never have.
She shits with that chest butt.
everyone cried when red hood wasnt the most broken thing ever so they made her the brokest thing ever. so the meta will eventually become anniversary units only

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