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Can we discuss this game without schizophrenia?
EDF445 really bombed bros...
fuck off Prakesh
Really wanted to play the game, but it requires an epic game store account. I don't like making accounts, so I refunded.
All you have to do is enter your birthday and you're done
It asks me to sign up, I will not click sign up. Instead, I will refund.
Sure. Playing on PS5. Game is great. How many goddam missions are there? I'm near or over 20 and I still haven't found weapons at even level 8.
150 + dlc
147 to finish the story and unlock more difficulties
209 total with the 2 dlc packs (upcoming)
Goddam! We got some CONTENT! What's the base game weapon level range? I'm assuming 1 to 100, and the DLC goes to 110?
yeah content haha
not the same 20 missions being rehashed again and again because muh time travelling timeloop
Suck my EDF dick! I enjoy what I enjoy! Your opinions mean less than an ant!
Only when the seperate EOS install goes away (and another set of achievement spam)
Are you the guy who was wrong last thread? Are you still coping?
Sorry bro gotta bring my heckin wholesome discord to destroy this chud game!
I literally do not know who you are talking about
I'm on level 20 something and it feels like I've just been playing the exact same (EXACT SAME) missions that I did in EDF 5.

Does "biggest EDF game evar - 200+ missions" really count when so far most of them have been actual, real life, genuine, not even just slightly similar but actual full blown ctrl c and ctrl v?

fuck it, I'm still having fun
Let me guess: you started with 5?
EDF6 is EDF5 but with better pacing
>talking about good games on /v/
Ofcourse not, OP. We've actually finally fully become the meme interpretation of /v/.
Edf 5.1 that took 5 years to make and 2 years to translate
I started with 4

I'm not talking about lmao similar maps/objectives
I'm talking about replaying the exact same missions I did in EDF 5 which I replayed for a bit before 6 came out in 6.
>better pacing
with the exception of that tutorial mission - fucking hell that was brutal
5 recycled missions from 4 just like that retard.
don't complain and pick up your item boxes
New to EDF, only play solo...

Is there any point in playing the default lad?
He seems boring as fuck compared to the jetpack ladies and mech boys
he's the only one with access to normal small firearms which you will miss on the 50th time you loot a cool sounding gun name just to realize it's a dildo
He's for people that want to play an active role that isn't highly specialised like Wing Diver. Jack of all trades, so to speak. He's a bit lame in previous games, but 6 makes him extremely satisfying.
Aoe pickup field
>blow up big ring
>next section is literally EDF 5
Actually threw me for a loop for a split second
yeah but this time they send boiled prawn ants, microplastic ants and rollypolies much earlier because they learned better tactics!
The change from the decent menu theme to the absolute kino theme was hype as fuck.
>time travel happens
>game acts like it didn't happen
>play 5 more missions that are seemingly random and jumps from place to place
>game still acts like time travel didn't happen
>game unironically, identically copy pastes missions from previous game

I have to respect the hustle of these lads, taking asset reuse to an entirely different stratosphere for a game which nobody fucking plays for the plot
Funny how PS players are off having fun, while PC guys are shitting their pants with rage.
EDF5 was the fifth loop, mission 13 starts the sixth. I'm still in EDF6 so I don't know if they address this later but I don't think Storm One knows he travelled through time because the professor has to reassure you and say "don't worry, you've done this before" when you're fighting the ring ship. So the game is just basically flipping through a highlight reel of EDF5 at the point you're at, showing the key points where the timeline has changed.
Keep playing, only a few people actually know time travel happened.
It does make sense and only a few of them are actually 100% the same.
Plus you get the absolutely brutal line of
She's going to die in a drone attack after the broadcast in the Red Frog mission.
Steam Deck player here. Runs great minus 1 crash (so far)
What's the best way to kill the giant androids? Feels like my team barely scraped by on Mission 12 (Hard)
use the stun drones
What was the context of that line again? I was distracted and didn't hear the preamble to it.
Im having so much fun I havent slept since release, I think its time to sleep...
Best EDF of all time. Its actually so fucking KINO. I'm still not even far in cos I've been playing every mission 4 times, for each class. The EDF 5 timeskip at mission 19 or whatever, I almost teared up when I saw sarge and heard the whole crew on the radio.
Shoot it till it dies.
They are only dangerous when at close range and their movement is slow, just move away from them.
The context was she's an insufferable leftie and she's gonna get droned and that makes me chuckle
She gives a nice speech about how we've over come the boundaries of race and language, and that we should now overcome the boundary of species as well. We should open up Dialogue because we "Don't Bomb our Neighbours."
In 5 the next mission talks about how all the negotiation teams were killed, in this Scientist man just cuts in with a stone cold statement.
have to focus fire the eye until the armor strips off
and then it's a regular healthbag scaled to number of players
So far I've only seen 1 total rehash, the others have been variations on the original maps with extra difficulty. I think its awesome because I can see where its going.
Of course you're just a doomposter but I wanted to reply anyway.
I did a double take and thought it was some conspiracy type shit where they're droning the people talking out against the EDF at first.
Seemed like a highly retarded speech considering they are invading our planet and killing everybody, which I thought was the whole joke
They announced they're removing the epic requirement in a few days so that's good.
I started to realize that every new EDF game is almost exactly the same as the last with one or two new enemies, so I didn't feel any hype for six. The EGS cherry on top made me laugh though, you'd think publishers would understand by now how poor of a reputation Epic has among the 'gamer' consumer base.
Is the "THIS IS THE WEAPON TO KILL GOD" lady in it?
Sniper rifle
bitching about having to link your account to known Spyware (EGS) is not "schizophrenia" IT'S A LEGITIMATE ISSUE
Who is the actor lady giving the forecast in the trailer?
I'm lucky I skipped 5 and the voxel one
I love EDF but I'm sick of you faggots giving this disingenuous response whenever it's brought up. Yes EDF has recycled similar styled missions like red ant swarms or drone reveals but that's not the same as literally copy pasting the past game into it while using muh time loop to justify it. Get. Hugged. By. Me.
>i see the thing that's hidden in others games and i'm a massive retard losing my shit over nothing
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Drones are effective!
When did you start to realise this? Its been this way for 20 years. Thats also a huge oversimplification, there was clearly a lot of work put into EDF 5 and 6 to differentiate them from the previous games. 6 is a direct sequel to 5 so it makes sense they are reusing assets, which they didnt between 4.1 and 5. But there is still a ton of new shit in 6. Most of the weapons have been completely remodeled and theres like 20-25 new enemies.

Yes Spritefall-chan (my wife) is in.
>Open game
>get blasted with the most dissonant ear destroying sound i've ever heard
why the fuck did they do this
I was devastated when I heard that line
I didn't cry when I stubbed my toe
I didn't cry when watching Zone of Interest
I didn't cry when the Queen died
I didn't cry when my best friend of 20 years died

But I cried when I heard "she's going to die in a drone attack" which I barely heard when I was shooting 5000 monsters with my slugger

thank god for the subittles, otherwise I might not have given a shit
Because Earth needs fucking Defending, maggot. Go kill those monsters who definitely aren't afraid of water.
The first 13 missions are all new so your bait doesn't stick to anyone who has actually played the game
>EDF6 has tons of unused audio files from 4 and 5 in the sound folder
Japanese devs always find ways to entertain.
5 is the same, has loads of EDF 4 audio
Up to level 20 theres only about 3 reused missions from 5, why are you making shit up?
>13 of the 20 missions you've played are ackshually new
>including the worst fucking tutorial mission ever

I'm glad that 50% of the shit I've played is new, you cum swallowing cuckold
How is air raider in this one? I enioyed him in 5 but i've just been playing solo offline with ranger until I can grind up a bit more before I try air raider
World Brothers is a completely different set up and peak racist kino, so you should play it anon.
>peak racist kino
Damn I'm in
I laughed so fucking hard when Sarge called the ants "Immigrants" and said they weren't welcome in 5
Is it good tho
The tutorial mission in 6 is about as long as the one in 5 and is identical in content

New Drones are great, nerfs to gunships is sad
He's been nerfed but still very strong. The new drone attacks are sick. Lack of turrets has been filled in with defense drones. All the busted shit you could do in 5 is still in 6 with the exception of turrets.
Yeah, and of those other 7 I think only one is exactly the same, the snow one. The other six all have extra stuff and change enemies and maps, so not the same
I started with 4.1 and enjoyed it, then bought 5 and thought picrel.
Then I realized people have been saying this for some time. Since I'm not interested in paying 60bux for more of the exact same, Sandlot/D3 should probably focus on a bit of PR to convince players that it's not just overpriced DLC.
Then dont pay for it, why are you wasting everyones time with this doomposting shit. Its been 3 days, just fuck off and play something else.
Holy shit man. We get it already.
Fucking doomposting is getting so frustrating.
Guess what, EDF5 peaked at 8k on steam, EDF6 has 16k atm, its a huge success and your winging isnt working. Cope seethe dilate etc.
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Fuck off outta the thread if you don't like discussion on the game.
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You're not discussing the game you're regurgitating the same lines over and over every thread.
Fuck off and play something else then. Nobody is forcing you to buy it.
I want to discuss the game that I am currently enjoying, I dont want to keep having the same dumb arguments with faggots brigading from their discord channel.
Wait so you thought that when you bought 5 but you still bought 6? What were you expecting, everyone has been saying that it's just more of the same and we bought it knowing that
If you want an edf that plays differently get world brothers or iron rain
Not only that, the fans specifically requested more of the same after Iron Rain came out. I wanted more old school EDF and thats exactly what we got. Glorious. I heard from the Japanese players in 5 that 6 was god tier and now I see they were right.
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Stop moving you frog bitch!
I think the one where you move through the hotel district with the Wing Divers and betas/alphas/red ants dig up from the ground was a copy paste too. The one where they say "you aite newbie" at the end.
To mentally healthy people, data brokers and internet safety are a concern. Then there are mindless consoomers who don't care as long as they get entertainment.
This IS schizophrenia. This is the first time I've been in an EDF thread in ages and I made the image macro I posted just now.
>Fuck off and play something else then.
I'll play something else today for sure, but I'll keep posting here for now since I like the series overall. You'll just have to "Cope seethe dilate etc." about it.
>Wait so you thought that when you bought 5 but you still bought 6?
This whole conversation chain was about how I didn't have hype for six, so no, I didn't buy it. I might in the future if I'm convinced that it's worth doing.
>dude who TOTALLY loves the game would rather stay here seething at anyone unimpressed by how shoddy 6 is instwad of playing more
This, people like EDF because it's an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" series, everytime EDF does something drastically different it's always mixed
First time loop has some missions that are EDF 5 but things are going worse, but then the escalation keep going up.
No one likes Iron Rain.
I wouldn't even inflict it upon my enemies.
I think time travel plots are very daring, and never understood the issue people have with it. Bravely Default did it and I thought it was amazing, but man people bitched and moaned about that game.
Anyway it totally works in EDF, its not like most missions are particularly special anyway, its just kill x amount of bugs or aliens. I like the old maps with new twists.
Damn, that's pretty great. My friends and I were holding off because none of us want that on our PCs. Best news I've heard all week.
Respectfully, kill yourself you god damn nigger.
EDF used to be so comfy. I miss these threads before all the newfag /v/ermin scum like yourself decided to shit up every thread.
Get cancer.
>that's not the same as literally copy pasting the past game into it
They did that in 3.
They did it in 4.
They did it in 5.
And now they're doing it in 6.
>Spritefall-chan (my wife) is in.
I will now buy your game.
How would you say air raiders are so far?
My favourite conceptual mission is the Erginus one.
Its the mission that fails in EDF5 that causes it to run towards you.
I'd like more missions where you're doing something that happened off screen previously.
>Redditor outs himself
Go back with your EGS slop
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>Mexican brother is a sombrero wearing lazy no good drunk who complains allt he time and his special skill is a Molotov tequila cocktail
If you play the dub they constantly spout stuff with English voice actors putting on shitty foreign accents too, it's beautiful and hilarious.
If you mald over every Anon that expresses dissatisfaction for the product you love, you're going to have a fucking heart attack. Just sit back and relax a little bit, and maybe we can have a comfy thread after all.
But I am playing more, I'm just posting here between missions and when I die
Too bad it's a shitty game.
They nerfed AR and Fencer, buffed Ranger and WD. AR is still mad fun though and Fencer is still busted as shit lol.
They removed AR turrets and gave them to Ranger, nerfed gunships but gave him drone strikes which are pretty fucking good. They also buffed artillery, but nerfed bombers (they seem to require a lot more points now).
having to download Chinese Spyware to play a game on Steam is not "nothing"
when are they getting rid of the epic thing like they said they will?
>with one or two new enemies
You get something like 5 new enemies in the tutorial alone.

Bleeding heart peace protesters try to make love not war at the aliens. They all die horrifically. This takes place over multiple missions in EDF 5, but EDF 6 fits it into one mission to ensure the plot isn't lost, as those other missions aren't in EDF 6.
They really fuck over their fans hard with the game/dlc pricing for the very little work they put in sequel to sequel. Honestly disgusting
Dang gunships were always good shit, but between sprite fall and arty I think imma have a good time.
They are removing the requirement in an upcoming patch. You got what you wanted, stop saying the same fucking thing over and over and over and over. Nobody fucking cares anymore we are playing the game and want to talk about it, not about your platform war shit.
You're welcome to your wrong opinion.
>He doesn't directly reply
The redditor outs himself. Go back and take your egslop with you
They are removing the requirement but it will still be in the game and you will need if you plan to do crossplay among other platforms. If you are all playing on PC than you can forgo Epic entirely. The devs only sought out Epic because their servers just kinda work for crossplay bullshit.
Dude is seething so hard he only greentext replies lmfao
Hey thats great dude, go play another franchise. I hope you have fun, anywhere but here.
No I won't shill
Name all 5
Just like EDF 2 is 1.5. 4 was 3.5 and now 6 is 5.5.
You realize EDF games come in a set of 2 games. Telling you of the invasion and then of the winning of the war.
Some people just like the default run and gun man instead of being a gundam.
You bought the launch dlc like a little good paypig
Keep at range. Their Touhou laser attack can't do as much when you're farther away, and they'll rely on using their grapple attack instead while converging on you.
sure, we can talk about EDF5.2
I sure did, cos I want to support the game series that I love. I'll gift a copy to a steam friend just to make you seethe.
You didn't even play 5 it seems. Expected from some pay by the day indian shill. Are you from the poo eating caste?
sure, when they remove the EGS Account requirements and EOS completely
For someone who wants to talk about the game, he sure is posting a lot of rage replies instead.
Hey genius, how about helping some of us fence sitters decide on whether or not we buy it? Post some screenshots or webms, or objective comments about the gameplay or story or something. How does the music compare? Is the hilarious dialogue still there? How do you compare 6's multi-line squad singing to the earlier games, such as
>To save our mother Earth from any alien attack
It DOES have a song for players to sing, right?
>he thinks he outed me
>when he doesn't even know how to greentext properly
You actually outed yourself kek
Keep the (You)s coming
Did you play 5?
I really enjoyed it when the Hectors walked out of the ocean.
my fucking sides. i love edf, but only this franchise could get away with people saying shit like this.
I did. 6's 14th stage is a complete recreation of a early EDF5 stage because the story of 6 tells us every single damn EDF is connected in a Time loop.
How many Nuke Town variants are there now?
if that's your first time playing a video game then sure
Different anon that's only around mission 25, but I'll answer what I can.
>How does the music compare?
Seems pretty alright so far. New stuff is okay but they still have some of the classics from EDF5.
>Is the hilarious dialogue still there?
First few missions have awkward dialogue that just sounds like they're reading from a paper. Once you get later in the missions, you'll go back to the kino from 5.
>How do you compare 6's multi-line squad singing
It's not great
>the story of 6 tells us every single damn EDF is connected in a Time loop.
No you retard.
>he cares about (you)s
Once again the reddit tranny outs himself. Go back and quit raiding
Report and hide all these discord fags and focus on discussing the game frens, dont bother replying its all shit bait. So sad this board is like this nowadays.

What classes are your favourites so far? I'm doing all missions as Ranger first, as is tradition.
On top of that, Battlefield does it as well
You will surely get the Karkand
Some of the missions are pretty much carbon copies, yeah. The dialogue changes are curios to keep out for, but, it is the weak point of a time travel plot. You have to re-tread the well-trodden ground. Others are much more drastic in their changes such as a certain railgun mission. It's an odd situation, really. Time travel lets EDF 6 do something very interesting but it's a monkey's paw that requires reusing things.
Going Air Raider for the first run around, Ranger if I get an overlapping mission that I already did but there are no lobbies open for the one I'm currently on. Ranger's got some fun tools, but I still like blowing up shit as Air Raider.
>launch dlc
The game is 2 years old anon. The dlc has been out in japan for ages.
Oh look he noticed his mistake
Say "thank you" for helping you blend in better in the future
The extra mission dlc packs are not even available because that was too much work to do in 2 years
I played EDF 2 and 3 on Vita a few years ago after playing through 4.1 and 5 and came to the realization that there's like 10~ missions that are just copy pasted into every single game, and that 7 will probably have those too.
That being said, I get why people feel like it's getting rehashed because the differences from 4.1 to 5 or 6 are significantly less than the differences from 2 to 3, or 3 to 4.1. 3 added in online multiplayer which also meant you could finally have four players playing at once, 4 created Fencer and AR as well as brought back WD since she wasn't in the original version of 3. Meanwhile 5 and 6 have basically just been mission packs with QoL changes, they haven't added anything that fundamentally changes the nature of the game. I was fine with 5 doing that since EDF could definitely do with QoL, but 6 doing that too is disappointing.
Oh. So you literally didn't play 6. Got it.
In one of the early missions of EDF 6 a person from the future is sending tech and messages from the future through the alien's big ass halo ring "teleportation" device. Said device is actually a time traveling ring and the reason why the aliens keep evolving and making shit worse and worse every two games is because every time they are defeated the aliens go back in time and prepare to fight Humanity again but with better and better tech and strategies. The dude from the future outright says "this is the 6th loop and the first time I've successfully been able to make contact. He even says the reporter saying they should seek diplomatic solutions to the aliens invading will be killed in a drone strike mins after the broadcast ends.

The story was always a time loop.
People were saying that Wing Diver was nerfed from in 5 but I sure as shit am not seeing it. Holy fuck she's so much more broken than any of the other 3 classes it's not even close. Maybe she falls off after early and mid game but for now literally any time I'm struggling with a mission with Ranger, Air Raider and Fencer I just swap to Wing Diver and now the mission's a joke.
No they're timed releases because having access to lvl 100 weapons right from the start would ruin the game for everyone online.
They did the exact same thing in 4.1 and 5.
>It's not great
It's pretty hard to beat 4.1's to be fair. 4.1 just had some crazy good music in general, made you feel heroic as shit. Good use of theremin.
No Wing Diver was buffed, not nerfed. You got it backwards. They changed the way energy works, she can now boost and use weapons at the same time without overheating.
Only 5 and 6 are in the same timeline. The other games are unrelated newfag.
>what are lvl limits
Man you've never even played this series at all
You need to pay more attention, mate. EDF 6 is only involved with 5 canonically. The Ravagers are not involved in this plotline in the slightest.
>without schizophrenia
where do you think we are?
When the fuck are they adding Prowl Rider to mainline?
At no point do we go through the events of the previous games bar 5, if all games were connected we'd at least have recurring characters but no one from 4 shows up
EDF 5 wasn't the first loop, but the previous loops weren't other games of the franchise either
>without schizophrenia
The first 14 missions ARE schizophrenia.
>what are lvl limits
Things that are unlocked when you reach a certain completion percent, or by finishing single player on hard, enabling everyone to use broken shit.
I just stated the exact reason why they time the dlc releases. Why are you so upset? Whats wrong with you?
2k hours btw.
Most inferno missions have uncapped weapon level, dlc weapons trivialize those missions
Is it just me or are the armour limits on multiplayer more lenient in 6? I'm progressing through and armour caps at more than double what I currently have.
In 6's early game Wing diver basically has mid game weapons and cores/energy usage from the start, whereas in previous games you were just a shit Ranger for half the game. In general more of her weapons actually feel useful now though, paired with the grenades she feels stronger and you're more active too.
>6th loop
>6th game
This just sounds like the devs are trying to tie the series together.

>The Ravagers, called Foreigners (フォーリナー Fōrinā) in Japan are a mysterious alien race that act as the antagonists in the Earth Defense Force series.
I'm clearly not the one upset based off wordcount. Also leftist thinking from you btw
It's mainly the damage for me. WD's weapons feel like they just on average do double damage of what other classes do with similar range and AOE. Fucking Phalanx just insta deletes everything in like 2 seconds.
They are all in the same timeline. Just on an infinite rewind until the aliens gain victory. Example being every new enemy type added every game.
But made impossible because the humans always seem to adapt. Example being every new weapons and piece of equipment every game.
The aliens were always given a special name. Not out of the ordinary for them to be called something different on a different loop. Not like the aliens are telling the human's their names.
>lvl limits
A new feature introduced in the game this is a direct sequel to, you total fucking secondary.
Why would we? EDF5 ends on the earth effectively fucked from the battle. 6 is to fix it so they aren't fucked this time around.
I just wanna say the red-sky future music, once the androids roll out, is delightfully creepy. Especially the menu music when highlighting those missions.
Also that freaky scream the androids and their relatives make when they die. Great stuff.
That's the point of the flying classes. Insanely high burst DPS and maneuverability in exchange for being a class cannon/spider bait.
So if I'm understanding the story right, is the basic plot that the aliens developed time travel specifically so they can unfuck the ass whooping we gave them in 5? How does the EDF relate to that. I can't fucking pay attention to subtitles when I'm on missions half the time so I have no idea what's going on. Are we time traveling? How are we doing that?
That's good, she was always meant to be a fast glass cannon with the highest dps, according to the loading screen tips at least
I'm glad she finally fits that spot and doesn't get outdone by every other class on her own niche
You didn't play EDF5 which was released in 2017? Guess I was right about you being some smelly indian shill
Reminder that Storm 1 is canonically an Air Raider.
>Lobby music and UI changes as you progress through the game.
>EDF 5 mission music slowly gets replaced with new themes the more the time lines converge.
>New enemies get different names from the NPCs in the timeline they invade.
Kino details. They really got the most they could out of their tiny budget.
Does being a glass canon even matter in a game where you can just grind armour boxes to have more health? It's not like there's damage multipliers based on class so Wing Diver's lose more health per hit or something.
Becauso those characters from 4 were the top brass of EDF in he universe, they would still be in 5-6 if they were connected
I don't want them to do mouth movements ever again
Are you playing on hard? If so, that is about right.

>so they can unfuck the ass whooping we gave them in 5?
Actually, that was the 5th time they used this technology to get unfucked.
>Are we time traveling?
Yes, by using their own technology, damaging the ring ship and being in the right place catches you in a blast that puts you back. Mission 14 is the beginning of the 6th time loop.
Her armor limit is lower than that of the other classes, once that get's uncapped it doesn't matter at all but that's the last 25% of the game and on max difficulty, on which it doesn't matter how much armor you have you're getting deleted regardless
Not if they attacked at a different point in time when they time traveled back.
Wing Diver always has less armour and gets in far more precarious situations due to her nature as a class that doesn't stick around anywhere, I don't know what you mean.
Not him but;
>Depressed frogs
>Small androids
>Big androids
>Big androids (rockets)
>Drone type-3
Any lobbies?
Well I guess I'm struggling to notice now when I'm not even near any of the armour caps. It'll probably even out once I get later in the game.

If anything WD is the class I feel safest as cause she can always just dip when things get rough. Air Raider feels like the actual glass canon class cause if anything gets near you as air raider you're basically fucked.
mostly right.
They They developed time travel to undo the asswhooping humans gave them in 1 and 2.
And continued to do it again and again at the end of 4 and 5. Just going back in different points in human history with better weapons and units than before. The aliens are save scumming with limited cheat commands. We are just outplaying them every time. But this time they prove too much so we now have someone from one of the futures supporting humanity again.
lmao, absolute jobber aliens. Literally distorting space time to cheat in their favour and they still can't win.
Just wait until later missions and the sheer number of attacks coming your way will change your mind. Air Raider's downside is supposedly that he can't really dodge, but that doesn't matter at all whatsoever because of how much attacks he shits out and the fact that he can just spawn like 10+ vehicles.
Also to be clear these are broad strokes and the numbers you're seeing are all lies. Don't trust anything you read at all ever, the EDF scientists went clinically insane years ago and refuse to properly document anything.
This is the fifth loop. EDF5's opening mission is the base secretly housing Gigantic Unloader Barga in the basement being preemptively attacked and destroyed the moment (You) are visiting there as a civilian, EDF6 reveals that wasn't a coincidence but it was because in the previous cycle (You) assfucked them with Barga and they tried to end both things before they became a problem
Yeah, no plans for crossplay here. I saw their reasoning for using Epic and while I can see where they're coming from, I'd prefer not to have to run that shit on my PC.
Completely understandable. Just other people obstinately hate Epic for good reason but misguide that hate to EDF because they dare find someone that could make cross play work correctly in a short time.
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Seeing all of these Starship Troopers inspired video games makes me happy. :)
Everyone knows, Air Raider is the Wizard, WD is the Rogue, Fencer is the Knight with built in Haste, and Ranger is the Ranger.
Ranger is the Human Male Fighter. Can do everything just not specialized.
>wojak shit on Hattoushin
if the mods weren’t garbage fucking secondaries and actually did their jobs, you’d have a public ban by now.
I don't play D&D because I shun the devil in all his forms, but since when do fighters have autocannons and rogues have jetpacks?
Wish Ranger had the gimmick of calling in more EDF forces and buffing them
>the time loop is the reason AR knew the military codes as a civilian in 5
I kneel
>Red drones harassing my team
>Sniper drones are almost perfectly accurate and can snipe them for 1.1k damage as long as one hit connects
These things are fucking insane
This is starting to sound like an inversion of R-Type's Bydo.
>EDFags have resorted to wojacks now
KEK they have no defense for this asset flip malware
Are drones bad? Tried one mission with air raider and was having more fun than I expected. Love seeing the 4 turret drones going ham on one target. Also I don't remember seeing the scientist dude in 5.
they didn't say they were removing, they said they were they just vaguely acknowledged it and said it would be "addressed" at some point
Drones are really good, but the early ones you get don't show their power all that well. Think of it like gunships but their reload is based on the distance of the target and the drone speed compared to a global reload timer, meaning that you'll get them back up faster on average.
>Also I don't remember seeing the scientist dude in 5
Pretty sure he's one of the new NPCs for 6 for story reasons
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I have exclusively played Ranger throughout all of 2025, 4.1, 4.1 on PC, 5, and 5 couch co-op with a friend.
I really don't feel like gathering boxes on foot anymore, someone convince me to play Fencer or Wing Diver.
I'm playing steam deck and I've had three so far, one at the very end of a long mission, too
In EDF6 Fencer now has default 2 dashes and jumps. Which can further increase with exoskeletons.
As Wingdivers have got the upgrade of flying taking considerably less power from your energy reserves.
Heres the lobby since there are none:
Wing Diver has all the cool Gundam and Halo laser beam weapons, plus you can do flips and sexy poses on top of buildings while everyone dies horrifically to the ants below like the grounded peons that they are.
fuck i was waiting to play this on xbox, i'll play 2025 eternally
>Also I don't remember seeing the scientist dude in 5.
He explains why maybe 20-25 missions into the game, but if you missed it, he explained that he never managed to successfully contact you this early in a cycle before.
Iron Rain was alright, the ending fucking sucked though, you don't even take down the mother ship it's the exact same thing as Insect Armageddon
didn't EDF 5 imply that the primers created humanity and that's why no one knew what ants and frogs were? was that just dropped in 6?
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I like Iron Rain personally, the ending was pretty good too. Maybe not as much narratively, but in the broad strokes. The main menu that was previously just the equipment bay shifting to the crashed ship version, the proper build up to a specific enemy, the stakes actually being laid out, the fact that it actually was the hardest fight in the game with actual hordes to fight too, Raznid a cute, etc.
Iron Rain's Problem was it was short. Insanely short for a EDF. It had like 15 missions. EDF6 has you get out of the tutorial in 15 missions.
Nigger they've been aggressively reusing the exact same assets, textures, player and enemy models, music, voice lines, and even entire environments since 2025 at the very least. Now quitcherbitchin and blow up some fucking bugs SOLDIER THATS AN ORDER
keeps crashing on the web spider mountain mission
Now that's primocringe
>resorting to wojacks

Wojacks been around longer than you have, newfag
>Defending wojacks
You are a part of the cancer that is killing this site shartytroon
I miss when EDF threads were about mission, weapons and enemies, now its about vtubers
This but unironically.
I believe you. Strea,ers have basically destroyed the minds of most gamers and now they have a simp mentality
Literally no one mentioned vtubers before you in this thread
Now it's about EGS get it right
Uhh retardbro? Nobody has brought them up even once
After the first two pylons, we just get swarmed and the giant grenadiers are fucking everything up. This is the hardest mission in the game so far
t. ranger pad player main
Okay, but can we discuss this for real? It's absurd that these crossover items and other DLC weapons don't scale or get added to later drop pools. You absolutely fucking should be able to get an Inferno tier Dream Host! Club bus and Oneechanbara Saki body pillow hammer.
Tried to find voice lines but couldn't find any. Don't want to watch some let's play videos though.

Just watch the vtubers bro it won't kill you. Make sure you donate
>But this time they prove too much so we now have someone from one of the futures supporting humanity again.
Technically, the player has been supporting humanity every single time via time travel. That's why during EDF 5, everyone kept being shocked that we were a newbie. Our existence and positioning was very deliberate in every game. That's another reason why the scientist points out that we've "done this before" when attacking the ring ship.

My problem with Iron Rain was it's abandonment of every plot point. Every mission was a major plot development that was completely disconnected from the rest of the story. Nothing tied together or went anywhere. The dialogue might as well be a footnote. The rebellion gets the most screentime in terms of plot, but even then, nothing is ever concluded, it just gets waved away. There was never any exploration or discussion about anything important. The aliens were harvesting people and putting them in tanks yet the game completely forgets about it 3 minutes later. For a while there, the aliens looked like they were trying to finish the job by fucking with geothermic energy and the planet's environment, but despite not actually doing anything about it, it just goes away.

Iron Rain really suffers from feeling like an unfinished plan.
Hard to search for things about 1 because 2 was announced and it was a niche game to boot, it took me like an hour to find the dynamic music clips again. If you skip to where the panda guy is you can kinda hear what I mean.
Not only are you a bootlicking paypig, you're also a cowardly bitch.
EDFags were shitting up Helldivers2 threads before EDF6's release and now you faggots are creating literal safespace threads.
No one had any problems with you until you started shitting up other threads.
I see them as just novelty weapons, only useful for if you want to fuck around with your friends

I did catch that but my dumb ass thought that it meant that he showed up in the later parts of 5
Cool, thanks!
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>the new 30mm Gallic Cannon effects
For the grenadiers I just sprint under their legs and let them blow their buddies up
Hard mission though for ranger
I'm also a rangerchad
Don't like lego aesthetic but otherwise this game seem like it has somewhat better production quality, especially the voice acting has more stuff when compared to EDF6 even.
So far EDF6 has felt quite dire in terms of humor but I'm only few missions in anyway.
Of course the Japanese drill instructor is funny looking guy and the complaining engineer who won't even wear a military uniform.
Does Sarge ever sucessfully arrest God in any of the timelines
Just tell me that at least
Don't know what changed between 5 and 6 but doesn't feel as sluggish to fire now. Also goddamn blade and katana combo is fun.
You're in for some serious kino dont worry. 6 gets crazy.
>So far EDF6 has felt quite dire in terms of humor but I'm only few missions in anyway.
The first few missions are supposed to be really dire because EDF 6 hasn't started yet.
*It doesn't feel as sluggish
It does genuinely put a shitload of effort into most parts, it's honestly weird how much. Even the English VA's who would usually be average at absolute best in any other game are excellent here and fill their roles nicely. Obviously it won't land for everyone whether it's the visuals, jokes or gameplay though.
As for 6, I think it's fine aside from the audio quality and/or mixing. Don't know the technical terms for it, it's just a bit clunky and disjointed because we're not following a clear straight line narrative.
A random thing that I thought about regarding that: so apparently EOS is implemented (on ps4/ps5) to allow crossplay between those 2 as sony are incompetent, and it's on pc to allow crossplay between steam/epic. The problem that stems from that on pc is that this is probably the best selling (relative to the price, the $1 EDF4.1 keys on humble probably got a decent chunk of purchases) EDF game on steam so far, which is where the entire pc playerbase for the game is, and they probably got paid off to some degree by timmy to put the game on the EGS since it 'already had' EOS implemented on the console versions.

So now with EOS in place, the game on sale on the EGS at the same price as the steam version (steam tax = 30%, epic tax = 12%, same sale price regardless), and not giving any notable public point of notice that it'd have EOS requirement on steam, you had, relative to the scale of the game, a shitload of people give negative reviews and refunding. If you put all the negative reviews as having refunded, and then add another 40-50% of that amount for people who refunded without reviews, it's over 100k in sales value reverted from profit into nothing.

So I guess it makes sense that they're going to potentially remove the eos requirement because the 5 people playing on timmys store didn't make up that 100k+ difference, and if they remove it there's at least a chance that people will re-buy it following the point.

tl;dr having 10% of your total sales on a brand new game that not a huge amount of people are going to buy refunded is going to have someone at management take a look at it.
EGS version is only available in asia for whatever reason too
Is there any known way to alter FoV in EDF6? The default fov is tad too liming regardless of the available camera modes.

Also, running borderless window / disabling vsync / limiting fps to 60 eliminated long loading times and random frame pacing stutter for me.
That's what makes this whole thing confusing.
Crossplay is limited by platform and the Epic version is available in so few places making all of the effort on PC seem worthless.
>Also, running borderless window / disabling vsync / limiting fps to 60 eliminated long loading times and random frame pacing stutter for me.
Good to know. If they drop the EOS install I'll rebuy it and do that. Part of the reason I refunded was the stupid long loading times. Just really pissed me off
No u
Loading times are just a bug.

They won't drop anything so either buy it or pirate it. Even the pirated version needs a placeholder EOS setup but it's just 200MB or something.
Steam is the problem here as they don't have existing crossplay framework I believe.
Activision/Call of Duty and every other big company like Electronic Arts have their own specific servers to handle PC -> crossplay.

This Japanese company is just so small that I guess Epic was an easy solution for them.
Your mom is a shitty game.
Why do squid shieldfaggots have so much fucking HP? Enemies with a defensive gimmick that strong have no right to have 4000hp.
>Loading times are just a bug.
That doesn't justify them at all wtf?
Yeah they won't drop EOS but they can untucked the implementation like pretty much every other games do.
Steam doesn't but most platforms outside of big publishers don't have native crossplay and there are very few options available for it, Epic is the only free option that can be integrated in any engine.
Because fuck you.
The squids are a significantly difficulty spike in general, they're probably the most problematic enemy in the game when mixed with other enemy types.
Then I will repurchase when they update it. Somehow I doubt it though.>>683850436
Doubt it. Lol, wrong ass bitch
Get rekt
They will probably just add a crossplay option so you can do it with an Epic account or just Steam.
That's how other games like Satisfactory and Nioh do it.
Yeah and I think Palworld also affected the decision - because Epic offers servers, it's an easy solution to implement multiplayer framework or something. I'm not an expert of course.
By themselves they're not that bad, but the fucking terrain in the after destruction missions, holy fucking shit. And the goddamn boxes fall into the buildings.
I'd love to play it, but I'm not buying anything that has even the vaguest hint of the slightest whiff of Epic Games Store on it, Anon.
Accept it or leave. In fact leave the thread you are ruining the comfy vibes
>Poison the well from the outset
>Raajekesh wonders, "Why can't we just enjoy the video game?"
>They are removing the requirement in an upcoming patch
oh good. guess i'll wait for that until i pirate it since i don't want to install EOS
You're such a pathetic bitch lmfao
It's literally nothing you schizo and there is no rootkit. BUY NOW
what the fuck do I set anisotropic filtering to on steam deck
I can't get the game to not drop to 40fps constantly
Your the one who's pathetic for not buying the goty and greatest coop of all time. You probably like redditdivers. Remind me, how is that going? Oh wait it died HAHAHAHAHA
i thought i'd hate air raiders focus on drones over bombs but they seem pretty good at crowd control
>runs great
what are you talking about this shit is always dropping to 40fps even in the first fucking mission
There's a tiny microstutter when it loads a new 'set' of voice lines. Really bizarre. Definitely didn't happen in 5, and I have this one on an NVME drive.
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Wait for a sale or buy?
I'm glad that of all the missions to reuse I got to see THEY LOOK JUST LIKE US THE RESEMBLANCE IS UNCANNY again.
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>its literally nothing!
Corporate dick suckers dont deserve comfy vibes. Sell out.
Buy and get all the dlc for the full experience. Make sure to make an epic games account
>get all the dlc
is this post parody?
If you liked 4 or 5 its worth
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>sell game on steam
>need Epic LMAO account
I can't think of anything more fucking retarded. Ubisoft pulls the same shit with their AssCreed games yet somehow this gets a free pass?
I bet you own several games that have the exact same net toolkit, but you're sperging out only because you're aware of it. For people who consider themselves superior to consolefags, PC users sure are fucking retards.
how are you getting baited so easily
stop replying to the discord niggers
You have played plenty of games that use EOS.
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Mostly depends on how poor you are. The game itself is great if you liked 5, but The Debacle has soured some people on it (doesn't affect me) and there's a fuckload of ESL garbage mistakes in the translation (affects me A LOT I fucking HATE it).
Again though, I think the game itself is excellent and very kino.
Hell fucking no, are you insane? Everyone in this thread actually playing the game has buyer's remorse and is trying to justify it when they could have the same exact experience playing EDF5 together.
You dont need an epic account. You just need to link steam to epic online matchmaking for crossplay. You literally just click a button that says no username or password required.
>same exact experience
really? the same EXACT experience?
>thread suddenly getting brigaded again
Report and hide, mods should do their jobs
>I see the prompt instead of it being automatically generated by easy anti cheat THIS IS AN OUTRAGE
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Nope. You can keep trying this deflection but as I said last thread the only game I own that requires me to make an epic games account is fall guys and that was added in an update after purchase.
Unironically yes it has you go back in time and experience edf 5 again. It is kino of the highest degree.
Holy fucking autism
Yeah see the button on the right? Click it. You dont need Epic Games Launcher installed on your pc. You dont need an account.
Fucking hell the misinfo out there is insane.
Fuck they really upped the difficulties. Even on normal playing a new Air Raider feels like hard.
I know right???? I can't stand these heckin chuds mods should ban everything negative about this game as well as all discussion of other shit games like helldivers!!!
>armored core 6
>elden ring
yup, you've got it
No. You go back in time and experience some missions that are largely the same to the previous game but they throw new aliens at it
Good on ya
Didn't these games use to have sexy girls in power armor?
yeah for like a handful of missions
>You dont need an epic account
>You need an Epics Games account to continue
>No email or username required.
Learn to read you retarded faggot.
Are you talking about wing divers? They're still in the game.
>~Oh we are the valiant infantry we're the alpha team of passion and camaradarie
>Create Account
>You dont need an account
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Squids are made to suffer more and longer.
haha phalanx m2 goes bzzzzzzzzz
So where does Sandlot go from here? Finally do Earth Attack Force, where the gimmick is that we're coming in to break shit and kill alien babies?
You are linking your steam account to epic servers. You aren't literally making an epic games account, as in a launcher account to go and play fartnite, its an EOS account just to enable crossplay. Yes its worded stupidly, I dont work for epic. I wont dignify you with another response.
>electric spiders
the horrors don't stop coming
>helldivers killer
>can't even break 20k players
yeah whatever you wanna tell yourself cuck
You're a vaxxie. I can tell
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its a fun video game
i am enjoying playing this video game
2x the all time number of EDF 5 and who the fuck is even competing? I dont even know what smelldivers is.
Doesn't matter when Helldivers ropes itself every other week with nerfs
early game fencer is some garbage
I simply didnt get it, in fact I lost my job, proudly I might add. I can see your brown hands typing this.
You get the 30mm assfuckers while every other class suffers during drone fights
>blasthole spear
>blood storm
Nigga wat
Broken S+ tier insane shit
No need to project with your ugly seamutt vocabulary
>low level blasthole with zero range
>i dont have that yet
this shit is miserable with starting weapons
>because Epic offers servers, it's an easy solution to implement multiplayer framework or something
From others I've talked to it's not the easiest but far from the hardest thing to use if you are used to networking, but Epic doesn't supply dedicated servers to actually use in a game.
>I wont dignify you with another response
>I simply didnt get it
Liar who lies probably lies about other things. Get your booster
Blasthole is hard to use but it shits out damage, you can poop out dps
Fencer gets very good early game weapons you should just grind a couple of missions until you get one
Early game ranger is some shit, takes ages to get anything decent
Early game Ranger gets Plasma Grenade Napalm spam and infinite free guided rockets, anon.
low level blasthole range is so shit it can't hit bees or enemies that stand far, i played 4 and 5 so i know how to use it meanwhile on ranger i just use rockets + AR and coast easily
I got cucked cos im on mission 37 and dont have either of those
I've been rocking grant missiles and slaughter shotty though they are doing really good

Yeah it sucks until you get the range on it desu
Blood storm is the way to go tho, get one of those and you're golden
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Grotesque, I cant look, it looks just like me.


>frogs drop
>its a human! oh my god the resemblance is uncanny!
>humanoid aliens drop
>what the hell is that disgusting thing?! its not humanoid at all!

I'm glad they made us relive this retarded shit, it cracks me up every time
The Napalm grenades are great. You just throw them at something and they stay there dealing damage and staggering things until the duration ends, one single lob of the grenade kills teleporter ships and stunlocks stuff like the giant androids. Also you can throw 5 of them by hand while shooting 6 out of your grenade launcher at the same time. The guided rockets delete drones too.
As I said last time, you obviously have not played those because they do not require me to make an epic account.
EDF is now a chud game
it looks like it's week to water
>you need an epic account to continue
>mission 45 doesn't have a surprise assrape enemy swarm at the end of it
actual inferno farming stage. so long that you tunnel the big ant swarm around the middle.
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>start game
>see all white/Asian solders
>one of them starts talking like Tyrone
Go look in your apps and notice the epic online services
>literal fucking retard cannot see things unless they're overtly shown to him
>Dats it, I'm gonna eat one of dem monstahs
You are a retard
EOS can be used without needing an account.
Elden Ring and AC6 specifically use Easy Anti Cheat which is built into EOS.
>I'm not going to play Fencer this time
>everyone online is a ranger with minor in air raider
>by mission 24 have 5 jumps and 4 boosts
>samurai sword is the coolest fucking melee weapon in the game
>You are a retard
Says the guy who thinks you need to create an epic account to play games that arent even sold on the epic store.
Then why does this game require me to make one?
Speak for yourself, because you see to not understand that elden ring and AC do not require me to make an account.
Nope, theyre not there. I also didnt need to make an account.

This is why I have refunded the game.
>Then why does this game require me to make one?
Because they are using the account services option for crossplay specifically for Steam and Epic (Which is only available in a few regions so borderline pointless)
If that's the one I think it is, sweep around and kill all the large enemies before taking down any ships.
I took down my third ship in one of the back corners, which turned out to be a pretty good place for avoiding pylon drops. Then I played it slow again, managed to keep everyone but the Storm Fencer alive
Can you actually just rush the ring in 46 rather than fight your way there?
As has been stated a million times, you dont need an account. Click the button on the right, confusingly it says create account, but it just links your steam account. You dont need to make one.
>This is why I have refunded the game
Good, so you can leave now right? Or do we have to keep reading your shitposts for the 1747291th time
That's interesting, except I didn't have to make an account and those aren't sold on epic store. Maybe you can show me where it is since you're so familiar:?
Also, What crossplay? The game is only available on epic in south asia.
>you dont need an account.
>Game blatantly says you need an epic account when you try to go online>>683856423
>Click on create account!
Sounds like I'm creating an account.
Nope, I like to post. By the way, I have refunded this game.
>Or do we have to keep reading your shitposts for the 1747291th time
>guy complaining about shitposting keeps lying about account requirement
Who's shitposting again?
I literally stood up out of my chair. Shit was electric. Best EDF game yet desu
>That's interesting, except I didn't have to make an account and those aren't sold on epic store. Maybe you can show me where it is since you're so familiar:?
The docs are here
Account services is one of them for EDF, games like Elden Ring and AC6 use EOS for other functions
>Also, What crossplay? The game is only available on epic in south asia.
That's the confusing part of the whole ordeal. Like it works with Playstation but uses PSN accounts to handle that so no additional logic but for PC the Epic version is so limited it makes no sense other then Epic requires mulitplayer games have crossplay capabilities (at least with other PC stores as the minimum) if the game is on their store but without it being available everywhere on the store or at least allowing PC and Playstation players to join games together they are basically just adding an extra step to what is gonna be 99.99% or even 100% Steam players.
I genuinely hope you get gangraped and killed
Is that what happened to your sister in india?
kek the same nigger has been posting "i dont need to install epic or make an account when i play elden ring" in every thread for the past 3 days and people still respond
anyway the game rocks, i only just went back in time but it was a great moment and hearing the voice actors return is great
>Booster & jump 1 both gives 4 charges now
I think it's been significantly improved
My game keeps crashing back to windows :(
Is crimson from 2025 in 6? If so what mission?
I'm unsure I'm ever going to be able to use any weapon other than dragoon lance on wing diver after discovering how much fun it is to recoil boost in to dick sucking range at mach 10 while charging the next shot and then using that to deliver infinite damage and recoil boost to my next target
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Fippy bippy
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edf 7 begins
Did you check the "Can You RUN It" site before buying it?
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>time travel
I should have named my character Sam Stone.
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>because the 5 people playing on timmys store
EDF 6 isn't on Epic Game Store so your thoughts are a bit invalid. The EoS requirement is entirely because of Sony.
Except it is, it's just only available in certain regions, which doesn't include the US for some reason.
Dont be a pussy and give the frogs a prince albert
If you haven't yet then try using force blade with katana
there's a mission like it but it's on a city waterfront
Grenadiers are pretty fun to fight, especially when there's 30 of them rushing you at once and you're just panic rolling everywhere. Probably sucks if you pick exclusively close range weapons to fight them though.
i only use ascetics
>Host game online
>30m and not one join
Nice game

Im also fucking tired of shit requiring me to make an account or sign up somewhere just to play a game.
So I simply wont be buying games anymore that require me to do so.
>host game online
>get a full lobby within literal seconds
Skill issue
I had the jackhammer (punchy fist weapon) on my fencer and you can literally punch away the grenades after they drop, so it’s all good. (Also I’m not apologizing for the team kills via punched grenade)
30mm shit got hard nerfed from 5 tbqh, but early Fencer mobility is buffed to hell and back, so it evens out. Idk what that other dude is smoking. Denver is easily the second best class in the game
>Big Grenadier comes in
>Team starts shooting at it
>Grenade's about to expldoe from the damage
>Wing Diver flies too close to it
>Dies and goes flying halfway across the map
Sometimes those guys are comedy gold
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Man I was borderline depressed when I heard about the EGS stuff but then I learned you only have to put in a birthday (not even your real one) and thats it. Been having a ton of fun, looking forward to sinking 3000 hours in this.
>short time.
this games been in dev for a while
I can hear the AAAAAAAAA when they charge you
>kill the last 2 dropships simultaneously in mission 47
>the roly polys never get to spawn
nothing personnel, scenario script
I'm not paying $50+ for EDF 5.1. I'll buy it when it goes on sale.
Okay, who fucking cares, shut the fuck up and piss off
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>finally has an AA tank
>doesn't have PT or AOE
I'm really hoping this thing gets better in later drops
>Can we discuss this game
Game is currently overpriced for what little it offers over its predecessor, which is also currently more expensive than the new game for some reason.
friendly reminder that even if you dont need an epic account, the data is still going through EGS provided code. they are definitely grabbing your data lmao

5 is better anyways
>dogshit ui
>shitt all over the screen
This piece of shit looks like other shooters /v/ made fun of relentlessly
Figures you NPCs have no self-awareness at all lmao
>another UI schizo
lmao why the fuck is /v/ full of those pseudo intellectuals lately?
Friendly reminder that there are 2000 games that already do that, including ones you played before.
Anyone else having disconnection issues? I can only get 5-15 seconds into a mission before being disconnected. I'm pretty sure I'm on half the playerbase's shitlist for looking like a quitter.
>uhh ur a UI s-schizo!
What the fuck does that even mean lol
Jeets aren't sending their best lately lmao
I'm playing 5 because I never finished it.
Wish me luck!
I applied dash module on fencer yet i only jump boost now
It means you're a fucking retard who thinks he's smart by bitching about perfectly fine UIs.
Air raider lil' drone is strong, dealing with androids solo is fun
The way the game would freeze for a solid 5 seconds after throwing a DNG1 at them on ps5 was so fun.
Anyone tried CreamAPI online?
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Watching EDF drones get so defensive over every bit of criticism or complaint is so hilariously embarrassing
They just keep defending it, even after the dev tried to do a switcharoo right in front of their eyes, must be severe cases of buyer's remorse if they're so rabid kek
but the first EDF you fucking slanteyed chigger
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>"Annihilate these alien gorillas."
Uh, wtf? They're clearly not gorillas. They look just like us.
Haven't had any issues on my end. Is your connection stable? All I've seen is desync with player positions and rubber banding.
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Fencer's options (zoom, shield, jump dash, forward dash) are based on what he's carrying, so it may just be because you picked only weapons that jump boost iirc you can have one weapon jump boost on your left hand and a dash boost on your right, have access to both and then swap weapons to have both be dash/jump/mixed
Sorry, refunded. Maybe remove the account requirement if you want me to play so badly.
And? You're already compromised so what does it matter if it uses the same system?
Blame steam for not having cross platform
nobody wants you to play

If they want me to play this game make it so I can buy it outside of Steam.
If you're here to just be mad, there's plenty of other things you could be doing with your time
Dunno, really sounds like you want me to play considering how you brought all that up unprompted. Almost as if you've been thinking about it all day.
I equiped 1 gallion ligh gun and 1 30m heavy gallion
For 2nd weapon i picked 2 blade, i picked dual blade before but before i can dash
Also any build recommendations? I want to turn fencer into armored core, good long range weapon with a melee and high mobility
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Nah, I like to post.
I didn't bring up anything, I'm not the anon you're replying to.
Nobody wants you to play, you can fuck right off.
Why are you using windows if you care about spyware so much retard
You think you're anonymous? Lmao
Nobody want to discuss how youre a nigger poorfaggot that doesnt want spyware on your gayman laptop.

Go fucking tickle your axe gash or something
Oh yea, who made this post then?
You're clearly thinking about someone.

I simply do not wish to make an account. Therefore I refunded.
Youre a stupid fuckin double nigger, kys in minecraft
the game has crashed on me three times tonight (in the middle of a mission) - wtf man
You need to understand something, morons.
Playing EDF is a privilege, since it's one of the last pure gameplay games left.
You don't want to? No problem, go back to you moviegame trash instead, nobody is going to convince you.
We heard you the first 20 thousand times, fuck off back to >>>/mlp/ already
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>Friendly reminder that there are 2000 games that already do that, including ones you played before.
nta but I sincerely doubt it's the case because I rarely play on PC these days, I prioritize my Switch for all the recent Japanese games & indies. And I essentially play singleplayer stuff too.
EDF6 was the sole PC game I've been waiting for a long time and I even bought a Steam Deck for that (which ultimately came in handy but to use it as a circumvent method against the Epic spyware wasn't exactly what I had in mind).
At least I hope D3 Publisher will actually look into removing the Epic requirements (if not, a lot less intrusive at least) but this situation confirmed for me that being a console pleb has better perks than letting my personal computer being comprised for mustard race bragging.
Was it mission 52?
actually it was 32 but it happened in other previous missions too (forget which ones) - of course verified game files and shit but still crashes wtf...
kys tranny, this is EGS infested slop now and its not any better than 5
k bye
how do you even fuck up an EDF sequel
what the fuck sandlot
lmao thinskin faggot, go slurp up that EGS tranny dick
k bye
samurai sword is kino
anyone saying the game is 5 hasn't played past mission 20, but then this is /v/ so so they haven't played 5 or 6 at all
mindbroken tranny lol
So did 3 and things were fine in 4.
You newfags are so stupid.
Fencer feels like at least one weapon pair needs to obligatory be a melee and auto weapon type for maximum mobility. The other pair can be whatever, but without the first pair it feels like gimping yourself.
Luckily Gatlings, Shotguns, and Autocannons are generically decent so needing to do it doesn't take away from your actual killing power and versatility, but it does heavily limit the freedom you'd otherwise have to mix and match weapons. You can't bring a shield with a melee or auto weapon without needing to either double dip to keep your mobility, or sacrifice your mobility entirely and feel like a sluggish slow piece of shit.
k bye
6 is fucking great what are you talking about?
I liked it until i found out its movement option is a fucking jump instead of a dash like other melee weapons. Why fuck with that?
Glad I don't have schizophrenia and am able to enjoy games
It's definitely my connection, some games are just more forgiving than others but this seems to be the case of the game having zero tolerance for packet loss and kicking me immediately when my connection drops for a second.
In yo mama ass
What are some good fencer build?
So you can go DOUBLE melee.
Seeing this whole thing go down has made me realize how many people on the internet are just straight up lying. It's kinda freaky. Is there some cabal out to kill EDF? Is this the aliens' final trick?
Even the posts that like the game read like some kinda double-backwards falseflag thing. I miss when the internet was just people insulting each other, not dealing with Revolver Ocelot all the time.
Yeah i'm thinking mission 51 is a real prime farming scenario. The only enemies are grenadiers, and there's a shitload of them. You don't even need to fire a shot, they do the whole work on their own.
If they self destruct you don't get loot
Ah, but i still got shitloads of loot so when you're the one causing them to blow up they do drop. Just a bit more work.
Sure I'm just not gonna buy it now. A 2 year old game sold at full price on top of having to pay separately for its dlc is pure scumfuckery.
Hello saar
Do you still get loot if they die to another's bomb?
>poorly managed live service game
>3 shitty armor types that are functionally the same
>meager handful of weapons
>scant few vehicles
>barely any enemy variety
>atrocious cooldown for 90% of call ins
>dead game
>toxic community
>ebin reddit humor (cringe)
>never fix bugs, always nerf weapons

>over 200 levels of epic bugslaying action
>4 unique classes that play completely differently from eachother
>literally thousands of weapons
>over a hundred vehicles
>over 60 different enemy types
>varied and fair call in timers, ranging from timed resets, distance to target resets, and “point” (kill a lot of enemies) resets
>new game
>highly skilled, friendly, and chill community
>based 4chan humor
>always fix bugs, never nerf weapons
Make me? Hey. I refunded this game because I do not wish to make an account.
Do we gets to play balamb in later mission?
If you played 4 or 5, you're buying the same game again
It's fun I'm having a blast playing it, for 60 bucks I feel like it is too much if you have EDF5. It's not completely recycled and has some nice quality of life content.

It's a shame they had to spoil it with EGS shoulda just stuck with steam instead of aiming for crossplay. I don't think they had ill intent with that move and didn't expect community backlash over it.
the new point changes on air raider are so fucking annoying, half the time i cant even call in a vehicle before the mission is over and you get like 2 air strikes per mission with how long they take to fill up. i get the drones are supposed to balance this but they just feel underwhelming and unfun to use
air raider feels less fun to use but Ranger is better now with the backpack and some new vehicles, haven't player fencer much in 5 but they seem more mobile in 6.
yea il probably switch to ranger at this rate, half the missions are me just running around waiting for my points to buildup while my friends do all the work. even using drones i still dont feel like im contributing much and if theres a drone mission i just put down a power post and alt tab
The drones are kinda cool, and the fact that they can be used underground is godtier. It was suffering trying to complete EDF 5 solo on inferno to begin with, without the added challenge of only using poopoo tier weapons/equipment
What does spyware have to do with anything, Schizo?
You sound like you're bad at video games
Air Raider is op, as always
The new DRONES it has are so good, constantly dropping down mini-airstrikes, flying a continuous stream of bombs into enemies, using a laser guided AoE Stunlock
If you can't figure out how to deal with drones with any of Air Raiders new kit, you should switch class.
sorry my drone takes 18 fucking years to fly out and drop its mortar before my fencer friend and ranger friend kill 90% of the hoard before it gets a chance to do anything. maybe in solo it would be more fun but i genuinely have no idea what air raider contributes to groups anymore
I like both.
EDF has more variety but lets not kid ourselves a lot of levels and weapons are reused.

Helldivers is slower paced with a cooler vibe and graphical quality and more grounded feel with far less power creep,it is more suffering to play at higher difficulty levels to me than EDF though.
EDF is more fun because of the stupid overpowered shit and goofy vibe.
Autocannon is reloading unlike previous game, combined with drone strikes you can take multiple enemies singlehandedly
Now click create account and take a screenshot of everything it asks you disingenuous nigger
If you are using the mortar you have never played EDF before
yea i dont think air raider is weak but just underwhelming and slow now, which makes it boring to play
I can't confirm but I heard as you collect upgrades it improves the initial point requirement and some vehicles can be upgraded enough to have a full bar at the start of the mission.
What's wrong with the mortar?
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Do I ever get a good bike? Or at least one that can aim anywhere other than straight ahead?
Its a grenade call down so limited range
Its slow
Its inaccurate
Most of the time enemies have all walked past it by the time it actually comes down, and because its thrown you are now covered in ants and probably dead
The DRONE Mortar is exactly the same but comes in slightly faster with a smaller range
And it has NO AOE MARKER so you easily team kill with it
A Limpit gun is more likely to kill something than a mortar strike
>tranny still here
LMAO you fucking faggot get a life
Listen if you still enjoy air raider thats fine i dont even think its unviable. but in multiplayer the nerfs to point reqs and reload times has just made the class significantly less fun, and drones just dont have the same appeal as giant orbital lasers and missile barrages and strikes
>but I'm not buying anything that has even the vaguest hint of the slightest whiff of Epic Games Store on it
Then there is no problem because EOS and EGS are two different things.
EOS is from epic you dimwit, your data is still going to epic
>All Air Raider Missile Strikes have the same reload time/cost
>All have increased laser range
>Also comes in mini drone variants
>Bulge Laser does 1.5 damage but has twice the reload time
>Spritefall reload cost doubled and call in range nerfed, sad
>Muuuum I want EDF!
>no son, we have EDF at home.
edf at home...
>you can hold the support weapon key to reload it quickly
No more slahsing the saber at air
it literally says this in the description
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Is not being able to turn off the weapon/armor limits in co-op until you have 70% overall completion still a thing?
Post your game library
Its true for some ranger deployable too, like mines
But not, I repeat NOT, for C20
it only asks for date of birth, accepting terms of service and permission for account linking. that's it. they could've done it without notifying the user or implementing the epic overlay. this just seems like incompetency
got up to mission 30
game is fun as fuck, decently challenging on a fresh hard run, all the new enemies are great, box pickup is still cancer and so is the weapon upgrade system and the missions had some kino moments
10/10 will play again
i don't know how people don't get constantly annoyed if they don't have a Box Diver on their team (me)
How do I leave a positive review? Game's good. I would like the counterattack the reviewbom.
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Cute asian girls!
NO! EGS EGS EGS EGS, they can stick this game up their rectums and lick's tim sweeneys arsehole.
There are a lot of bots in this thread. Fuck niggers and fuck you.
>hate to EDF because they dare find someone that could make cross play work correctly in a short time.
Epic is universally despised for games in Steam, do they pay any attention to the PC space?
They clearly don't, but the only thing they did wrong was their execution. Maybe they thought the cross platform social interface would be desirable and elected for the full install to support the entire service instead of doing the invisible "just match making please" method most other games use.

They did fuck up, but only in so far as not reading the room. eos as a decision to guarantee everyone can play together regardless of (digital) platform was sound.
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>eos as a decision to guarantee everyone can play together regardless of (digital) platform was sound.
Yes but mandatory is retarded and smells.
D3 fucked up, but it depends what you understand is 'mandatory'.
An epic account for example, is not mandatory. Installing EOS services is mandatory. The latter sucks dick, because you can't just refuse the eos install and play singleplayer
but I suspect the entire EOS package being used is so social features are supported 'crossplatform', Which well meaning as it may be, is the second fuck up in not understanding how hated epic's larger platform is.

But so we're clear, an epic account is NOT required. Not even D3 seems to understand this, which is why I suspect the issue is ultimately a matter of incompetence over (smells) malice.
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>EDF chink nigger literally has to convince himself his slop (2x the price btw) is better than some other random game that came out a year ago
>dead game
>still more players than this shit on release
Military grade copium coming through
Dam even if not ALL characters happen to be voiced, i know this game still has a bunch of characters/loadouts gacha style.
6 needs more customization, like i hate its HUD and would change in a heartbeat this one or 4.1's

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